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Everything posted by INFDominion

  1. Hey everybody, been a while since I've been on here. I can't say that I'm a new member, but since I haven't been on the boards since 2001/2002, I guess I am new, heh. Anywho, I recently was discharged from the Army, so that was the long absence came about. But, I'm in school going for my Computer Programming degree and the best part is...I DON'T GET SHOT AT NO MORE. Muahahaha. Sorry...Was stop-lossed a couple of times, so I have some angst, lol. I use to go by the screenname Durotan as well as one other I can't remember, but I always made my RPG characters name Durotan. I'm an old-time RPGer...meaning D&D for you youngin's out there...YES TABLETOP! And now I kinda want to get my writing skills back up and miss a genuinely good RPG, even post-based :P I enjoy music, art (teaching myself graphic design, however my pitbull puppy decided to eat my laptop so I lost photoshop and illustrator), reading. I'm a bit of a quirk, I was in the Infantry in the US Army. 101st Screaming Eagles and the 10th Mountain Division. Though for some reason when I first got sent to the 10th we were stationed in Louisiana instead of Fort Drum. Which is almost as big an oxymoron as jumbo shrimp. Anyways...I have lots of hobbies really because I hate sitting around with nothing to do. (just means I don't have a computer at home..HA) So...CHEEEEEEEEEEEEESE (*poses for picture*) And there you have it....Beware the 12 cups of Java Young Padawan.
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