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Goven Man

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Everything posted by Goven Man

  1. Goven Man

    Cybonia: 2099

    Well Harlequin if you read the rpg you would know that the main group's name is the "Freedom Wariors", so that attachment was not unrelated. Not to be of any offence to you or the ob system. ....anyway... __________________ Goven looks at Shrai'i then to Lina. Goven: Shrai'i is to be sold. Lina: What! Shrai'i: It's true. Goven woundn't lie to me. Lina: No you can't. You can't go. Shrai'i: I have no intention to. Lina: Wha do you mean? Shrai: Well, Goven has a [SIZE=3][B][I]Freedom Wariors[/I][/B][/SIZE] meeting coming up soon. So I will get out of here and go join them. Goven: And how do you plan to get out? Shrai'i: Come into the dorm and I will explain it.
  2. Goven Man

    Cybonia: 2099

    The attachment is a pic I had and edited a little. It doesn't look very good but I like it. ______________________________ Goven takes Shrai'i into the hall. Shrai'i: Yes? Goven: I heard the Val' Shabiona talking to the slave director. He doesn't like you. He is getting rid of you. Shrai'i: ... Goven: Just a heads up. [ont=goic][color=iigo]If you want to pst an unrelated attament like tha, do it else wher. - e Harlquin.[
  3. Here is some from my school. "Holy Cow, Who did they write this for the Class Men?" "It was worth the tool shed!" "O sh!t my wallet is still in my pocket." that one was funny when he saidit because he had just jumped into the pool.
  4. which one? the bnner or the av
  5. Goven Man

    Cybonia: 2099

    sure. I will post as soon as I come home tomarrow.
  6. well i meant to say i am not great but i can learn al the parts. and yes i did mean the classmen
  7. well thanksbut like I said I m not that good.Holy Cow..Who was this written for the Glassmen?
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charlie Levoy [/i] [B]You letter in band if have been in the for a year. After wards for every year your in band you get a bar that goes on your letter to show how many years you've completed. The fact that your a freshman and plays the quads is very intresting. I don't say this because I don't think you can do it. I say this because freshman aren't usually put on quads because of the fact that they are hard to play and the freshman are new to this type of thing. You must be very good. :cool: [/B][/QUOTE] Since I am a freshman, can I letter? I don't think i'm that good, but I have been working with the other quad player and we are learning all of the songs together. We play ABC, RESPECT, and I FEEL GOOD. Respect is so freekin hard. Here is a quote that the other quad player said whn he saw it.[QUOTE]Holy Cow who did they write this for, the glassmen.[I]Rigard[/I][/QUOTE]
  9. Goven Man

    Cybonia: 2099

    Shambotada stared at Shrai'i lying on the bed. He ordered the guards to leave and then walked slowly around to the bed until he was looking straight up her body. He walked over to her and tore her clothes off. He got on top of her and started to fu(k her. He went harder and harder until he was satisified. He gt off her and threw her ot of his room.
  10. Dude I just watched them all for the first time. I couldn't stop laughing
  11. I would classify a cave as any undergrund passageway. But thats just me.
  12. Is that even real? I thought that was just a story.
  13. Yeh me to. Did you ever find a litle cubby in a cave and turn all your lights off and sit or lay in it with nothing but slence? I love doing that.
  14. I had a dream last night that a chipmonk was on my microwave and I killed it with a house pest killer. It was to wierd to explain because of the noises it made. Creepy.
  15. Were the crystals valuable? Cool.
  16. Goven Man

    Cybonia: 2099

    After Goven dropped Shrai'i off at the castle he went home and went to sleep. When he woke up he noticed something that was different, though he could not place it. Then he knew what it was. He did not have the dream about his mother last night. When he went down to get breakfest his father was there. He spoke with him while they ate and then left to go to the castle. When he arrived he went to the Val' Shabiona's room like he did every day since he made level 1 guard. Today was no different. He watched a few slaves go into the room but hewas not interested in them today. All he could think about was Shrai'i. He didn't know why, but he couldn't keep his mind off her. At 12:00 he went down to the mess hall to have lunch. He wanted to go see her , but he was so busy today he did not get a chance.
  17. multi-task?? what is that? The only thing that men can multi-task at is read the paper and go to the bathroom.
  18. I know it it pretty easy to misjudge the size of places that you think your body ca get through. Then you find out it is just too small.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Just give it up man. We're never going to win. "Dominant sex" my ***, they've got us by the balls. [/B][/QUOTE] I know what you mean. My girlfriend starts little disagrements just bcause she knows she can win. Ithink the male socioety needs a little pp talk.
  20. I would want a room with lightning boards and static spheres an black lights and strobe lights and a computer, a fast computer in it. Hey almost like my room now, except without the computer.
  21. we only have 2 quad players also. I don't know what rank we are.
  22. Well getting killed/murdered isn't fun. I had a dreamonce where Ijumped off a cliff and before I hit the spikey rocks at the bottom I woke up.
  23. Does anyone here think that Subaru is hot?
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by juna [/i] [B] I actually lettered in Marching Band in High School...(*cough*dork*cough*) ^_~ I loved it though, by my senior year I too played the pic, it was so cute and tiny...laf, I drove everyone crazy with how high it got. We used to go all over, Washington, Florida, NYC (the school was an uber music and arts school) and I loved every minute of it. Relax and have fun with it, it's a chance to play some music and be amoung your peers, *envy*, ahhh, to be back there again..... ^_^ [/B][/QUOTE] How do you letter in band? I thougt you could only letter in sports. Oh well. I am a freshman in marching band. I play the quads in the drumline. Our drumline has a mascot. It's a fish named well i can't remember. but he is a fish.
  25. I remember when I was like 7 or something I kept having this dream that my dad and I were walking down this train track and we saw a vaolcanoe erupt and trains go through us and all this odd stuff. It ended with us getting off the track and going up to a house and going to sleep. Then I woke up. My gram says that if you tell someone your dream before you eat breakfest it will come true. Wierd but neat.
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