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Goven Man

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Everything posted by Goven Man

  1. Have you ever went for a walk and come across a small cave? Did you go into it? How about a big cave? One that you walk into. I went to a cave today that is about 10 miles of twists and drops and places so small that you have to get down on your stomach to get through. Was the cave that you saw a sand stone cave or lime stone cave? How many caves have you been to?
  2. Goven Man

    Cybonia: 2099

    As Goven sat and listened to the man speak of how the Val' Shabiona is evil, he noticed Shrai'i was not paying attention. He sad nothing. He watched her, out of the corner of his eye so she did not notice, chase off several other people. After a while the man brought out a few other people, and they spoke and left, and other people spoke. This was not what he expected. His friend that told him about the Freedom Wariors said they met in small areas and discussed how to overthrow the Val' Shabiona and things like that, not in open school buildings and speak of nothing but evil and wickedness. When the men fnished speaking and dismissed the people Goven and Shrai'i got up and were about to leave when a man that was speaking on stage came up to him. Man: You must be Goven. Goven: I am. Man: Good. Joshua told me you were coming. Goven: He did? Man: Yes. He said you were interested in joining our group. Goven: I am, but this is not what I expected. Man: This is not the actual meeting, this is just a group outburst to how do you say, ruffle the Val' Shabiona's feathers. I would likeyou to come to this place at this time. He hands Goven a piece of paper. Goven: And what about my friend? He looks at Shrai'i, sizing her up. Shrai'i opens her eyes softly for abrief moment allowing her to look kind. Man: She can come to. Goven takes Shrai'i back outside and to the car. he hands her a piece of paper and drives back to the castle. Shrai'i: What is this? Goven: It is your first prize certificate. For the beauty contest. Shrai'i: Oh. He takes her back to the castle.
  3. Goven Man

    Cybonia: 2099

    Goven walks the silent Shrai'i into the building and through the hallways and into the auditorium. They took seats on the end in the back and waited for the meeting to start. Again he tried to make conversation, but to no avail. After about twenty miniutes a man came out onto the stage, walked over to a podium and stared over the crowd.
  4. I recieved this one that said "Good fortune will come your way soon." And I got $20 from my gram the next day. When you add the "in bed" part,...I like that.
  5. I think that would be fun. Writing ou on fortunes. I recived this one fortune that said "There is no wisdom greater than kindness." I like that. If you could write your own fortune what would it say?
  6. Goven Man

    Cybonia: 2099

    Goven arrives at his house at sun down. His father was still at his job in the car factory. He takes a shower and watches VS-TV. He makes some dinner but does not eat it. At 10:00 he leaves the house and returns to the castle with a letter saying that Shrai'i is to compete in a Slave Beauty Contest that night. When he arrives to the castle, he shows the on-duty guard and he goes down to the servants rooms. When he opens the door to the dorms he finds Shrai'i on her bed lying down. She glances at the clock on the wall. Shrai'i: What are you doing here this early? You weren't supposed to be here for another halfhour. Goven: I figured I would come and get you early because I knew you didn't want to say here any longer than you had to. Are you hungry? Shari'i: Yes a little. Goven: Good because I made some dinner for you. Shrai'i and Goven walk back to his house and eat the prepared meal. Shrai'i: This is good. Goven: Thank you. Shrai'i: Why did you do this? Goven: Because I knew they didn't feed you that well in the castle. Shrai'i: No they don't. Thank you. After they were done eating they left to go to the old school outside of town, to the Freedom Wariors meeting.
  7. Goven Man

    Cybonia: 2099

    As Goven walks up and down the hall waiting for something to do, the buzzer that was still in his pocket went off. Goven: Well that was quick. He opens the door to find the Val' Shabiona on top of Shrai'i. At first Shrai'i is the only one who notices that Goven has entered. Goven: You called, sir! Val' Shabiona: What are you doing in here??!!! Goven: You called me.*Goven shows him the activated device.* Val': Oh, I didn't want you, But since your here take her away. She is no fun. Goven: Yes, Sir. Goven walks the naked Shrai'i out of the room. Val': Leave your caller. Goven: Yes sir. Goven and Shrai'i walk slowly around the halls, taking the long way to the basement. Sending each other small smiles and glances every once-in-a-while. Goven: I don't mean to intrude, but what happened. Shrai'i: I don't like him. He tried to be romantic, but threats aren't romantic. Goven: Yes, I know. Shrai'i: What? Goven: No! not in that way. Shrai'i: Oh. Goven: Listen, I am going to a...a..a gathering tonight. Do you want to come. Shrai'i: Do you mean..You are a freedom warior? Goven: Yes. So do you want to go? Shrai'i: Umm. Ok. Goven: Good. I will come to the castle with a letter to take you to "Sevvant Beauty Contest" at 11:00. Goven takes Shrai'i back to the basement, then finishes his patroll and goes home.
  8. Goven Man

    Cybonia: 2099

    Goven, being dismissed for the moment could think of only one place to go right now. The slaves dorms (communal living quarters for short). As he was walking back into the castle his stomach had reminded him that he did not eat breakfest. So instead of turnig right to go down stairs he went left to the mess hall. While walking quickly so he could eat as fast as possible he was glancing out the windows down on to the grounds. He saw the Val' Shabiona walking flanked by two pure dobermans. Goven knew how much he loved aimals, as he to loved them. After eatng, he wandered down to the basement, but only to be dissapointd by the emptyness of it. Now remembering that it was recess for the slaves, one thing they cherished. For it was the only time spent outside by themselves. As he was about to leave he notced one of the slaves sitting on her bed. Goven: Hugh Hugh. Excuse me. Slave: Who's there? *She turns to look at the man who's voice she herd* Oh it's you. Does he want me? Goven: No. I came down here...uhh..Patrolling the halls since I am on break. Slave: Oh. Goven: You would be happy to go and amuse him? Slave: It's better than being in here with all of the girls staring at me. Goven: Why would they stare? You're perfect. Slave: Exactly! I mean look at me. Goven: I am. Well what is your name? Slave: Shrai'i Kell Megelani. Goven just stares with a little half-smile Shrai'i: What? Goven: Nothing. Do you want to go do something. I know this little spot by the river Shrai'i: What if he needs you? Goven shows her the device in his pocket and then they leave the dorms to go out side.
  9. Goven Man

    Cybonia: 2099

    Goven waits outside of the Val' Shabiona's room. Eyeing up all of the "women" that entered his room. Goven 'to passing guard: Dude you're missin out. You should never have moved posts. Guard: Shut up. You know I didn't want to switch. Goven: HeHeHe Guard walks away. Goven is distracted by the beautiful women approching, but to his suprise she dosen't stop to enter the Val' Shabiona's room. She walks past the door walks about ten steps, and stops. She turns back and gives Goven a little smile. At about 11:30 the door opens and the Val' Shabiona exits followed by a lovely women with just a see through blouse. Goven escorts both of them down to the dining room to have lunch. Val' Shabiona: Take her down to the dorms. Goven: Yes sir. Let's go. Goven takes the women down to the basement where she removes the blouse and walks to the showers. Goven taking the opportunity follows instantly seeing all of the female servants washing. Not wanting to leave he walked back up to the dining room to wait until the Val' Shabiona was done eating.
  10. Did you ever go to a restraunt that gives out fortune cookies when you leave? How many have you opened up and laughed at, stared at, thought about, or didn't even open it because past experiences have told you that it is not wortthe effort. I have had my share of stupid "fortunes" and ones that made me laugh because something like that might have happened the day before. I want to know how many of you have gotten "fortune" cookies, and wat yo thought of them. Were they stupid, funny, or do you take them seriously.
  11. Is it just in our marching band or does everyone get nicknames on the line? Like we have Oscar Weener we are lookin for someone to call meyer as we get Oscar Meyer Weener. hehe. henwe have Camo chuck Stroodle and Kazz.
  12. I hate playing base. I like quads, thei the best. That is what I play. They are fun, but they are hard.
  13. Goven Man

    Cybonia: 2099

    Goven is lying awake in bed listening to the "pitter patter" of the rain outside his window and watching the moon. He hears the voices of his father arguing with someone and his mother crying. Father: No you can't! You can't take her away. Voice: She has no choice. If the Val' Shabiona wants her she must come! Mother:'crying' But he needs a mother. Voice: He is old enough to deal without you. 'mother sobs' Voice: You will come now, or the boy will die! Mother and Father: NO! Voice: You will come NOW! Goven's eyes open. He looks at the clock, 6:56. He gets up, gets a shower, and gets dressed. Father: Good Morning! Goven: Morning dad. I had that dream again. Father: They will go away. Goven: WHEN! Father: Time heals all wounds. Goven: Don't tell me you don't dream about her either..I hear you at night..Talking to her in your sleep. 'Goven disgusted' I'm going to work! Goven leaves the house and walks to the castle one mile away. Guard: ID. Goven: 311826 Guard: Go ahead Goven. He enters the castle and walks up the spiral staircase into a small room with a few swords and some body armor. He walks over and takes a chest protector and a sword off of the rack and removes himself from the room. He walks back down the staircase and up two new flights of steps and relives a guard in front of a door made of gold that says [FONT=times new roman]Val' Shibiona[/FONT] on the plate by the door.
  14. cool I wil checkout those sites. thanks. I found some drum cadences that are pretty cool on win MX. Some are from the movie "Drum Line". That is a cool movie because of the drums.
  15. Yippee. Cool. Yay. WooHoo. Sorry I'm a little too excited right now.
  16. Ok, So two days is up. Are we gonna start this?
  17. If I use Win MX it isn't illegal because it is a sharing site. What would I search if I used Win MX? Yah I will look intothat bluedevil site. thanx
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]I would've gotten to be on them this year, except my mom told the drum instructor that she didn't want me playing them anymore because she thought it'd be too hard on my back >.>' . curses! [/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes they are heavy. I hadto do some back strengthing excercises so it wouldn't hurt me. I play the snare in the concert band and the tennors/quads in the marching band. I am trying to look for a cheap set for myself. Your right it is hard. If anyone wants a bigger picture of the attachment and some other songs just go to [URL]http://www.drumnotes.com[/URL] and clickon drum charts.
  19. Do you know how to play the drums. I love the drums. In fact I like anything you can make noise with when you beat it with a stick. D you like the drums? The atachment is a cool song played on marching tennors. (You will be asked if you want to download it. Say yes and it will open up as a paint file.) I am in the highschool marching band and I tought it sounded neat.
  20. I like to play around on the internet looking for cool little flash movies or free minigames. I have alot of gameing systems, but don't use them that much. I love to ride my dirt bike, but it has been raining alot so I can't do much of that right now. I like to watch movies though.I have about 300 of them so that is always the alternitave.
  21. Ys the trees exploding was wierd, but it was because they froze too quickly. Mabey i'll read the "Foundation Series."
  22. yah, I have read all the books, and they are good. That's why I wanted to buy them.I already have the first one. What was your faveorite book out of the series.
  23. Did any one see Johnny English? I liked some of it, but there were parts that were just stupid.
  24. Did anyone read the hatchet serire by Gary Paulsen. Does anyone know where I might be able to buy the last three books. They are Brian's Winter, The River, and Brian's return. Let's talk about the book or discuss purchsing them.
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