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Goven Man

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Everything posted by Goven Man

  1. I'm no dumb enough to shoot some one in the head at close range. I know what can happen.
  2. On the show they have team battles and single battles. Can I bemy own team?
  3. h yeah i forot about that sry
  4. Thanks! for te advice. I started this thread along time ago. I've played paintball almost every weehend since I wrote the first post. Now I have a spyder TL a stingray and a talon.My friends and I startd a team in which I can not reveal the nameof but if you follow the sport you might hear of us in the near future. Team tactics are mostly older minitary training tactics. The coatch is a former navy seal, he taught us to "DRNF". We have two speed ball coarses , a five acre woods coarse, and a one acre field coarse. And were always willing to take a chalange.
  5. [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkblue]To get more customers. People would return to buy more[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
  6. Question can I have sales on items? My shop sells 1. Wrap Cable- -500 credits 2.Shrapnel Cannon- -1500 credits 3.Titanium armor- -1000 credits
  7. Will it be in the RPG section or will we start it here?
  8. Here is my full info Name: Orion Age: 29 Height: 6'9" Weight: 193 lbs Eyes: hazel with hint of blue Hair: Blonde Personality: Orion is a gambler he is cocky and never sells anything if the buyer is also cocky. If you want to buy something pm me with your order and I will post your ney parts on the board for every one to see. My shop also buys items if they are in good shape. Shop name: I FX it U By it ps. can I develop new parts?
  9. If I am a nonbattler and own a junk shop do my prices have to be the same as yours? If so my info is below. name: Orion Age: 29 Shop name: I FX it U By it Shop info: Prices same sales will usual so expect them.
  10. [COLOR=firebrick]Well that's just stupid sorry to say.[/COLOR] [B][I][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=red]I think it's[SIZE=4]DUMB!!![/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/I] [I][SIZE=3][FONT=times new roman][COLOR=crimson]I wasn't here to post more than 1 post so there should get a little more time to give people to think of what to write.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/I][/B]
  11. [I][COLOR=darkblue]Meanwhile back at the market place[/COLOR][/I] A man walks throug the little town. He sees all the people leaving the scene of what happened. Goven: What happened? Merchant: Some young fool (no offense) and a bunch of other kids were causein trouble in the square. Goven: Oh. Thanks. Merchant: Yah Yah. Goven walks around a bit and grabs some lunch. He walks to the outskirts and sitsdown by a tree. voice: Can I come out now? Goven: Yah I guess. A white tiger appears by the tree and lays down. Goven: Doesn't it feel good to get out of that stuffy city Hotaru? Hotaru: Oh yah.........Did you hear that? Goven: What? Hotaru: Yelling........There......From that cave. Goven: Lets check it out. Wow! A dragon. Hotaru: I saw. Lets go. They both run up to the cave and see the others.....
  12. Goven Man


    [BEEP BEEP] Goven: What. Voice from speaker: Some Ferrals have broken through the first gate. Goven: What!!! Voice: Sorry sir. We haven't herd from the gaurds there since 1600 hours. Goven: D@MNIT! Send two units to deal with the problem! Voice: YES SIR!!!
  13. I have a pet dog. Her name is Snickers Choklate (spelled right) Something. She is a coward.:bawl:
  14. Goven Man

    sector 11

    [Beep beep] What! Some ferral forces have broken through the front gate. WHAT! I'm sorry we haven't herd from them since 1600 hours. D@mnit!!!! Send two units! Roger that sir!
  15. Name: Goven Tatimi Age: 21 Appearance: 5'6" Blue spiked hair with a sword down the middle of his back. The sword is 2' 6" long. It was dipped in the ancient stream of zendar. It glows when it is excited or whenthere is danger. He has a scar on his left shoulder from a battle when he lost his mother. Personality: He is never afraid to speak his mind! Type: Warior Companion: A 3 year old White Tiger. Her name is Hotaru. Past history: He lst his mother in a battle against one of [I]The Dark Lord's[/I] wariors.His father died after giving him the sword he carries now.
  16. [COLOR=blue]I'm sort of a[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=blue]newbie[/COLOR] [/I] [COLOR=blue]at paintball and was wondering if anyone knows anything about it? I'm lookin for info on speed ball and the other games you play with it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Any help here would be nice.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Thanks Alot[/COLOR] :excited:
  17. Goven Man

    sector 11

    :demon: [FONT=times new roman][I][COLOR=royalblue]Whenever this gets started, it looks prommising.[/COLOR] [/I] [/FONT] :demon:
  18. Goven Man

    sector 11

    name: Goven age: 26 coperated health: 21/25 offence: 10/10 defence: 4/5 Bio I am rich and have may soldiers. The govrnment has entusted me wth [I]The Delta Force[/I]. [COLOR=blue]look about right[/COLOR] :laugh:
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