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[size=1][color=slategray] Eh heh...sorry about the lateness... [center] [b]Name- [/b] Kuroichi, the Silver Haired Demon [b]Age- [/b] Unknown; believed to be well over 1000 [b]Alliance- [/b] Vampire [b]Appearance- [/b] [url=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=15&pos=10]Like This[/url] [url=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=8&pos=10]This Outfit[/url] [b]Weapons- [/b] Kuroichi uses, almost exclusively, his ancient katana, Shinku no Umi. It is insanely sharp, and is said to be able to cut through nearly anything. In addition, it is rumored that the blade holds mystical properties, being oft-referred to as ?The Strongest Blade in Existence?. The only time he uses any other weapon is when he utilizes his Blood-Forging ability. See Fighting Style for more info. [b]Extra- [/b] Through doubtlessly unscrupulous means, Kuroichi has acquired a vast fortune, allowing him to procure various forms of transportation as he sees fit. His key vehicle, however, is a custom-made, jet-black motorcycle capable of reckless speeds. [b]Personality- [/b] Though he claims title of ?Demon,? Kuroichi seems to be all but. Charismatic, charming, and suave, he uses his natural aura to play games with the minds of his opponents. And from this charm emerges the second legend of Kuroichi ? not the Demon, but the Seducer. From his various skills, Kuroichi has gained a great weakness ? his ego. Driven by his own sense of overwhelming self-importance, Kuroichi is maddeningly arrogant and self-assured. The dangerous fact, though, is that his ego is well founded. And from his ego is also born his avarice and ambition, the fuel that lets the fires of his power burn. [b]Fighting Style- [/b] Kuroichi is incredibly powerful in all aspects. A mighty warrior of physical and mystical means, he is deadly no matter what his weapon may be. He prefers, however, to do battle in the honorable way ? sword fighting is his greatest forte. But the simple fact is, he chooses to do things the simple, and arguably old-fashioned, way. His non-physical power may be greater than his physical strengths. Kuroichi uses but two ?techniques,? and only when he is forced to ? or wants to end things quickly. His first trick is his incredible telekinesis, a mental energy force that manifests as red energy. He primarily uses it to create incredible blasts of pure mental force, but also uses it to fling objects around. And his other is far more deadly, and far more impressive ? his ability to manipulate blood. He can change any persons blood, once it has been spilled, into a solid that is stronger than most metals. The Blood-Metal is his trump-card, and once it has been unleashed, it spells the end. [b]Character Snippet- [/b] Guh?I?ll do it tomorrow. [/center][/color][/size]
What deep thought or quote do you think of regularly?
Onix replied to Kyoko Makashiro's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Okay, I shall do the reasonable thing and ignore Raid3r, and simply post a few quotes...no matter how much I'd like to rant and rave and tear him apart (figuratively and literally). [B]"Live like you'll die tomorrow. Dream like you'll live forever." - Annonymous[/b] Live for the now, and let nothing hold you back. Dream big, and make it happen. That's how I do things, and until I see reason to stop, that's how I will. [B]"At the end of the game, the King and Pawn go back into the same box." - Italian Proverb[/B] Do not count yourself above others, for in the end, you are still human. Ego is fleeting, riches vanish in time, and beauty is slowly brought to decay. There is only humanity. [B]"I never hated any man enough to give him his diamonds back." - Zsa Zsa Gabor[/B] Well...I just find that one amusing. Eh heh... [B]"I kill the spider to save the butterfly." - Million Knives, [I]Trigun[/I][/B] Life is full of sacrifices, so do what you have to. [B]"If you can't laugh at bondage jokes, what can you laugh at?" - Me[/B] People are too damn serious sometimes, and need to put things in perspective. Also, sex is a natural thing, so get over it. Yeah, those are my quotes. I've got many more, since I kind of collect good quotes and lines. These are just a few of my favorites. I hope you all approve, and if you don't, well...that's your problem, innit?[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Trevor recklessly threw his jeans, t-shirts, and socks into the old red duffle bag. The beaten old sack seemed to glare through its zippers at the man as he stuffed it full of clothes, books, and CDs. With a growl, he managed to zip the ragged zipper shut, and it didn't look like the duffle would explode...yet. "You really should get a new duffle bag, dude," Andrew said, as he and Patrick watched Trevor pack. Trevor glared, pulling a lock of hair back. "You know, you two could help, or something." Patrick held up Dante. "I'm making sure the cat doesn't eat your socks. That's help enough." "Um...I'm allergic to...cotton," Andrew mumbled. Trevor continued to glare. He often did the wash, and almost all of Andrew's shirts were, of course, cotton blends. Lying putz. "Lying putz." Bag packed, if a little too full, Trevor slung on his leather jacket and walked past his (worthless) roomies, fishing around in his pocket for his carkeys. As he stepped outside (into the rain) he looked at his car, and grinned. [I]Let's see if I can beat my record to the airport...[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]15 Minutes later (1 better than his previous record), Trevor's cherry-red hatchback screeched to a halt in the airport long-term parking lot. He stepped out, duffle-bag shrugged over one shoulder, and jogged inside. He did not want to have to wait in line for an hour.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]But he did, anyway. Two hours later (an hour AFTER the plane was supposed to depart), he was stepping into the cool cabin of the jet. Slowly but surely, the various passengers found their seats and he managed to grab his. A window seat, he was happy to see, near the back of the plane. Unfortunately, he got to share the voyage. With a kid. Who wouldn't shut up. It would be a long, long flight.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Great sign-ups so far, everyone. Except, there are one or two problems with yours, kakashi. First of all, the Zanpakutoh (translated: Soul Slayer or Soul Cutter Sword) takes the form of a katana, then transforms into something else. You can have it change into the gauntlets, but it starts off as a sword. Also, there are no TVs. Soul Society = Feudal Japan, pretty much. Except more mystical...and maze-like. Everything else seems good, though. Also, I need someone to play the Captain who proposed slaying 30 Menos Grandes, so PM me if you want to be him/her...I have plans for that character...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The hall was silent and morose. The 13 Captains, the [I]taicho[/I], sat back in shadow, their Lieutenants, their [I]fukutaicho[/I], at their sides. Sitting at the head of the table was the 1st Squad Captain. Radiating out from him were the other twelve. And in the center, illuminated by a far off light, was a low-ranked messanger from the 4th Squad. "My great [I]taicho[/I], I fear I bring terrible news," the small man said. He paused, swallowed hard, and continued slowly. "The rate of Hollow attacks has increased exponentially in the past few days. It seems like they will not cease. Though our operatives work tirelessly, there is a limit to our numbers, and our strength. I fear that we shall soon reach it." "Are you saying...are you saying that the Hollows will defeat us!?" cried one of the Lieutenants. He rose from his seat, eyes blazing. His Captain rose behind him, placing a steady hand on the angry man's shoulder. "No, [I]fukutaicho-san[/I]," the Captain said, calmly. "It means...that we must end this now. The Hollows will give us no respite...and their numbers are near infinite. However, if we can defeat the greatest threat, the Menos Grande, we may be able to end their assault." "H-How many of the Menos Grande, [I]taicho-sama[/I]?" another asked. "Enough to make our mark. I believe that if we can slay 30 Menos Grande, those towering beasts, we can prove our might to the Hollows," the Captain said in a calm, even tone. "Th-this is madness!" one of the other captains roared. "I agree! Defeating 30 Menos Grande...such a thing in such a short amount of time..." "Do you doubt the power of the Soul Society?" the calm Captain asked. "No...but I doubt the strength of your plan." "We have no time for bickering and dissension!" a Lieutenant cried. "We must save our people, and the living world! We [I]must[/I] stop the Hollows!" "The living world is nothing!" Yet another member of the council stood. "Our own forces would be decimated by such a venture! How could we survive!?" "We could survive, because we are greater warriors," the first Captain growled. Impatiance and anger began to tint his voice. "And even if we lose many warriors, we will make up for it by crushing the Hollows. This would be a devastating blow." "And why couldn't the Hollows unleash even more powerful warriors? How do you know that we could even [I]find[/I] thirty Menos Grande?" "Because we are the 13 Captains of the Shinigami!" roared the formerly calm man. "We are gods among our kind, and we will not let this menace continue to torment us! We must take action before it is too late." "You're mad!" "Maybe, [I]fukutaicho[/I]. But my madness could be the one thing to save us from complete annihilation at the hands of those monsters!" "[I]Ichiban-taicho-sama[/I], what do you think?" said one of the Lieutenants. The 1st Squad captain leaned back in the gloom, obviously contemplating the matter. Slowly, he began to speak. "True, we must destroy the menace of the Hollows. They are monsters who would destroy the entire living world, and Soul Society as well, if left free. They are our truest enemy, a fact we must never lose sight of." Despite the darkness of the room, a few were sure the calm-voiced Captain had a smug grin on his face at the 1st Squad Captain's words. "However," the Captain said softly. "However...we must not let ourselves lose lives to reckless abandon. Too many good men and women would die in such a strike against the Hollows. It is madness to think that our forces could track down and destroy thirty of the fearsome Menos Grande without intense casualties. "No...to destroy the Hollows, and to end their menace, we need a different plan. A way of drawing them out, and playing on their weaknesses. Of letting us gain our strengths together. For while the Shinigami are powerful warriors in groups, and can easily slaughter great Hollow armies, we are at our greatest alone. The [I]fukutaicho[/I]...the [I]taicho[/I]...even lower officers draw their strength from individual combat. "To win against the Hollows, we must make them a proposition. A contest, as it were. To see who has the mightiest warriors, the greatest fighters, and the most strength in adversity. Let them throw at us their Menos Grande, their deadly warriors, even onslaughts of ten Hollows against one Shinigami. I shall place the challange to the Hollows myself, if need be. "They will listen, the Hollows. They are beings of hunger, and their greatest hunger is for mighty souls, like yours or mine. The Hollows are prideful, arrogant, and cold-blooded...they seek death and destruction. They need fighting to halt their inner torment. And we will give it to them in more ways than they can imagine." The room was silent as the 1st Squad Captain's voice faded away. His speach held dark promises...of potential victory, yes, but of death, violence, and harm to the Captains and Lieutenants. They would have to gamble their lives on this game. "[I]Ichiban-taicho-sama[/I]...I will follow your instructions. Your plan may be the one thing that could save us." "[I]H-hai[/I], taicho-sama," siad another unsteady voice. Slowly, 22 others voiced their consent to the 1st-Squad Captain's idea. And finally, the calm voiced Captain spoke up with reluctant agreeal. But in his heart, doubt was sown in dark seeds. And it was not just him, but in many that doubt slowly grew. Fear of death, fear of shame...victory so simple it seemed impossible...doubts spread and grew like a sick cancer. But they would have to push past. They had to win.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]If you couldn't guess, this is a Bleach-themed RPG. Well, sort of. It takes place in an Alternate Universe...sort of...with different Captains and such. But the situation and world is the same. The 13 Captains ([I]taicho[/I]) and the 13 Lieutenants ([I]fukutaicho[/I]) have given up their lives in a gamble to crush the Hollows once and for all. So how will this work? Well, it's going to be a little interesting...a bit experimental, rather. There are 26 spots to fill...well, 25 since I've taken one...and everyone who steps in will have to fight several times, against several Hollows. One fight may be one-on-one with a mighty warrior. Another might pit you against several feral beasts. And yet another may be several Shinigami against several Hollows, or even a Menos Grande. You have complete control over your life or death, but your opponents, teammates (or lack there of) will be controlled by fate. Interested? Intrigued? Well, I'd hope so. And now, for the sign-up form. [CENTER][U][B]SIGN-UP[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Japanese origin, please. [B]Gender:[/B] Male, female...pretty simple. [B]Rank:[/B] 1st-13th Squad Captain/Lieutenant [B]Appearance:[/B] Picture or a good description. [B]Zanpakutoh:[/B] What is the name of your Soul Slayer? [B][I]Call-Out:[/B] Abarai Renji cries out "Howl, Zabimaru!", and Yumichika tells his Fuzikuzaku to "Bloom". What does your Zanpakutoh do? [B]Form:[/B] A called-out Zanpakutoh looks...well, not like a regular sword. It can look like a long, segmented, serrated chain...it can be a tri-part spear...anything that still roughly resembles a weapon, really. [B]Powers:[/B] What's so special about YOUR Zanpakutoh? Renji can extend his indefinately...Gin can fire out his blade like a gun. And you?[/I] [B]Personality:[/B] How does your character act, basically... [B]Character Snippit:[/B] Just a scene from his/her life. [/CENTER] Here's mine to give you an idea. [CENTER][B]Name:[/B] Yakuta Utamuro [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Rank:[/B] 10th Squad Captain [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.naimoka.com/image.php3?image=arts2/nomura/tb/Arts/10.jpg]Like This[/URL] only in Shinigami robes. [B]Zanpakutoh:[/B] Juujikamaru [B][I]Call-Out:[/B] [I]Haritsuke![/I] (Crucify!) [B]Form:[/B] First, the blade shoots out so that the entire thing grows to about seven feet long. Second, the blade widens, becoming double-edged. Also, the hilt shoots out two long bars on either side of Utamuro's hand. The hilt also grows longer. [B]Powers: [/B] Each bar that extends from Juujikamaru's hilt has a trigger on it. When pressed, these triggers cause Juujikamaru to fire concentrated bolts of Spirit Energy like bullets. They drain energy from Utamuro himself, so he rarely uses it.[/I] [B]Personality:[/B] As Captain of the 10th Squad, Utamuro has a reason for being cocky. Powerful, handsome, and famous (or infamous, if you prefer) for his skill with women, he strutted around the Court of Pure Souls, basking in the radiant glory of his accomplishments. He is driven by pure ego, and occasionally lust. But he is not only a pompous womanizer; Utamuro is clever and brilliant when it comes to tactics. The 10th Squad, under his leadership, has become the planners and strategizers for the Shinigami. [B]Character Snippit:[/B] ...brain dying...do later... [/CENTER] Characters: 3rd Squad Captain - Hikari Nozomi - Delacroix 5th Squad Captain - Tuechi Kino - x kakashi x 7th Squad Lieutenant - Okura Maeko - Pumpkin 10th Squad Captain - Yakuta Utamuro - Unborn Lord Xion 10th Squad Lieutenant - Hiwatari Sakura - Sakura 13th Squad Captain - Takahashi Hoshi - JT Darkfire If there are any questions, PM me for now. I'll be putting up an Underground thread tomorrow. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
Onix replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]While I agree that alot of this is psychological mumbo-jumbo...I'm intriguied. Plus, I want someone to do mine, so, I'll take a stab at it. And for todays psychological analyzation, I've decided to try and dig into the mind of [B]Sui Generis[/B]. Sorry. [B]SN:[/B] Well, not sure exactly what Sui Generis is supposed to mean. However, I choose to speculate that Sui references water and Generis could be a simple derivation of generic. Generic Water...hmm...I got nothing. [B]Custom Title: [/B] This one's easy. A pariah is an outcast, and part of lowest caste in India. So, as a self-proclaimed pariah, you've pretty much chosen to alienate yourself from the mainstream. Or, it could mean that you have low self-worth. [B]Avatar:[/B] You avi seems...melancholy. It sets you up as someone who thinks a lot, and often about slightly depressing things. You've got a strong mind, and use it to mill over a lot of things. [B]Banner:[/B] Your banner continues to melancholy attitude, yet the words "From Beyond the falling tears" suggests that you've overcome some hardship in your past. You've probably dealt with a lot of pain, but you stand strong anyway. [B]Sig:[/B] You believe that honesty is the best policy, and you probably try to avoid lies and deciet. Also, you are no doubt a writer, and take great pride in the craft. Go you. Over all, you seem artistic and thoughtful, with a deep mind. You go against the tide, and take pride in this. Your melancholy aura belies a strong heart and strong mind. ...Well, I tried.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]"I won't let you win."[/B] Gabriel growled. [B]"You will not defeat me!"[/B] Xion smirked wickedly, licking the blood off his claws with his long tongue. [B]"Let me win?"[/B] Xion laughed. [B]"I'd like to see you try and stop me!"[/B] Xion lunged forward, slashing out with his claws. Gabriel ducked the blow, but Xion knew he would. The lean assassin swung up with a kick, his leg hitting Gabriel in the face. The pretty man's head snapped back, blood trailing from his nose. Xion felt the blood-lust rush through him more, and charged in. Gabriel reacted quickly, but not quickly enough. Xion's almost fatal strike to the face became a simple scratch, with three shallow cuts making their way across Gabriel's delicate features. Gabriel jumped back, avoiding a second strike to his gut. The red-head saw Xion's balance was broken, and made his move. But Xion was not one to make such a simple mistake. He rapidly spun on his heel, letting the follow-through from his cut carry him around. His other leg swung up high, his heel crashing into Gabriel's face. The effeminate man twisted through the air and landed outside the door. Rain quickly pounded down on him, making his white shirt cling to his chest. Xion followed him outside, leather garments made slick and shiny by the falling water. [B]"Still think you have a chance, Gabriel?"[/B] Xion sneered. Gabriel lifted his head slowly, glaring harshly at the assassin. His face, bruised and bloodied, was still painfully beautiful. But the fierce snarl that twisted it warped the beauty into a gargoyle's leer. [B]"I told you, Xion..."[/B] Gabriel began. His hand stretched out, and closed around a large, discarded axe. With a feral cry, he rose to his feet, swinging the weapon at Xion's skull. The assassin rolled to the side, crouching to the ground. [B]"I won't let you win!"[/B] Xion growled and dug his nails into the wet, loose dirt. The slick grass beneath him made traction difficult, but he pushed off all the same. His claws shone briefly with a flash of lightning the etched into his features, twisting and distorting them to that of a demon. The sudden illusion caught Gabriel off-guard for a second - one second too long. Xion's claws nearly pierced Gabriel's heart. Luckily for the redhead, he managed to raise the axe and deflect Xion's blow. Still, the claws dug deep into Gabriel's now thrice-wounded shoulder. He let out a high cry of pain and dropped the rusted weapon to the ground. [B]"Your blood is hot and filled with adrenaline..."[/B] Xion cackled. [B]"And I shall drink deep!"[/B] [B]"Monster!"[/B] Gabriel grabbed Xion's arm hard, pulling the assassin to the ground. The redhead swung over, jamming his knee into Xion's chest, wrapping his slender fingers around Xion's throat. [B]"I'll kill you, you fiend!"[/B] [B]OOC: Tag...you're it, babe.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Trevor [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] I don't really feel like using a picture, so... Trevor stands a fairly tall 5'10"...well, he thinks it's tall. After all, the next tallest person in his family is 5'8". Anyway, he says it's tall. Due to the past couple years involving martial arts, he's gotten himself a lean musculature which, coupled with his naturally broad shoulders and well-proportioned features, makes for a good build. His face is oval-shaped, but you can't really tell what the upper-half of his head looks like beneath the long, thick hair. His bangs hand low on his face and are tipped with bright silver, with more silver streaked through the rest. Behind the long bangs are narrow, blue-gray eyes, often hidden behind fake glasses or his red sunglasses. He also has full lips, care of his mother's side of the family, and long, thick eyelashes, care of his father. He is rarely seen in anything other than worn-in, baggy blue jeans (he has seven identical pairs) and plain shirts, often in red, blue, or black. He also has a tendency to wear over-shirts, always unbuttoned, and his leather jacket or trenchcoat. He always wears the same pair of black tennis shoes. [B]Character Snippit:[/B] [B]sabbath midnight:[/B] I think I should go, it's past two... [B]Oni Meijin X:[/B] Go then, you need your sleep. [B]sabbath midnight:[/B] Okay, night then [B]Oni Meijin X: [/B] Sweet, naughty dreams [B]sabbath midnight:[/B] You too *wub* [B]Oni Meijin X:[/B] *wub* Trevor sighed happily and closed the window, leaning back in the swivel chair. He stretched out like a cat, closing his eyes tightly...before nearly falling out of the chair. He cursed loudly before catching himself, gripping the table hard. [B]"Stupid chair..."[/B] he snarled. Farther off, he heard a dog start barking. It was no doubt Faust, Trevor's Rottweiler/Boxer, and unofficial guard-dog for the house he and his roommates rented. It was soon accompanied by a loud, mournful howl, that was undeniably Milton, his Basset Hound. This was followed by a loud shout of, [B]"Shut up!"[/B] [B]"Don't yell at my dogs!"[/B] he shouted back. [B]"Then get 'em to shut up!"[/B] [B]"Ever think it's payback for how ******* loud you get, Casanova?"[/B] Trevor growled icily. [B]"You're just mad because I get some!"[/B] [B]"Patrick, I swear to God..."[/B] [B]"All right, all right, I'm sorry..."[/B] Trevor sighed, angrily this time, and heard a door open. His other roommate, Andrew, leaned out, looking bewildered. [B]"You guys okay?"[/B] [B]"Yeah..."[/B] Trevor sighed. [B]"Just...blarg."[/B] [B]"...Okay..."[/B] [B]"He's angry because he STILL hasn't gotten to England!"[/B] Patrick shouted, climbing up the stairs. He was shirtless, hair touseled, and lipstick on his face in several places. A black kitten peered out of his pocket. It "mew"ed softly, and climbed out, lunging into Trevor's lap. [B]"Hey, Dante..."[/B] he said, scratching the purring animal. [B]"Little bastard clawed me...I think...it could've been Clara, though..."[/B] Patrick said, checking the various scratch marks on his body. [B]"Christ, man..."[/B] Trevor said, turning back to his laptop. He clicked on his mailbox. [B]"What? Don't tell me you've decided you don't like the ruff stuff, Mr. I'm-Gonna-Get-Jamie-Handcuffs-For-Her-Birthday..."[/B] Patrick said, smirking. [B]"Oy...I'm getting out of here..."[/B] Andrew groaned, slipping back into his room. Trevor, ignoring his roommates, clicked on a new message. [I]Hey guys, School is finally out, so I want you all to come spend a week here in Texas with me. I hope you all can come; I can?t wait to see everyone! Hopefully we won?t have any problems with planes and such. As soon as you all get here, we?ll get you settled into a suite in the hotel, and then we can all go out to party at my place! I?ll meet you all at the airport in two weeks time, at seven, your time. Hope to see you then! Kelly a.k.a. SimpleChaos [/I] [B]"...Patrick, I'm gonna need you and Andrew to take care of Dante, Milton, and Faust."[/B] [B]"What? Why?"[/B] Trevor spun around in his chair, grinning wickedly. [B]"I'm afraid I must head out to Texas, for the only thing that could [I]ever[/I] get me out there."[/B] [B]"What the hell could get you to Texas?"[/B] Patrick said, looking bewildered. Trevor smirked wider, plucking a photograph off his desk. It was a shot of Jamie. [B]"Who do you think, mate?"[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Sorry if that was a little long, but I just had to keep writing. This looks like it'll be great, I must say. And sorry if I offended any Texans...I think. EDIT: I'm in Pacific Time, Steff. So...GMT -8:00, I think.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]First off all, stop bitching about characters just because they can kick your butt. I got thrashed by [spoiler]Final Riku[/spoiler] in Kingdom Hearts about 15 times, but I [I]still[/I] think he's awesome. Same with Sephiroth, and many others. Okay, moving on... I'm surprised nobody has mentioned [B]Choi Bungee[/B] of KoF fame. That Freddy Kreuger wannabe is the epitome of irritation. He has a horrible voice, is insanely cheap in the right hands, and just...scares me. Him and [B]Chang Koehan[/B] are both a pair of bumbling idiots...things that video games do not need more of. Also, [B]Echidna[/B] from the Bouncer. I don't know if anyone else has played this game, but Echidna is evil. Literally, and figuratively. First, there's the fact that she uses Capoeira. Any fighting game-player knows what I mean by that. Then there's her insanely bright colors - she wears bright orange. With bright orange hair. And let's not forget the fact that she's just a...very unpleasant woman. Oh, and then there's our old pal, [B]Hajime Busuzima[/B] from Bloody Roar. He's insane, sadistic, and looks like a frog. With a green mohawk. He's so cheap, he's been called the [B]Eddy Gordo[/B] of BR. I mean, he turns INVISIBLE. That's just damned cheap. Plus he's annoying and crazy. To close, I agree with whoever said [B]Mignon Beat[/B] is annoying. Because she really, really is. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Time for this God to throw in his vote... [B]Skye vs. Starr[/B] - Hmm...tough to call, I fear. Both of you proved worthy combatants, but I've gotta throw my ballot to...Starr. It was such a close victory, but Starr's interesting little quirks in the middle of combat really made it entertaining, though Skye had no shortage of that. Starr wins by a hair...probably one she cut from Skye's head. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][I]The warriors clashed with the nightmares... [CENTER]The swordsman cut through them with astonishing speed...The one with the mask somehow froze them in place...[/CENTER] One had silver armor wrapped around his arm...he punched a hole in on and it crumbled...another had a dragon emerging from his hands, with wings spread wide like a crossbow...and a third had a wolf on his arm, mouth opened wide... [RIGHT]...A lovely woman with a chain...[/RIGHT] [INDENT]...And the Cross...[/INDENT] [RIGHT]He held it horizontally, the long end jutting out from his wrist...it was gothic and twisted, but glittered silver in the moonlight...the ruby imbedded in the center flashed as he yelled something, and a bolt of energy shot past the nightmare.[/RIGHT] [COLOR=White]"...Cross...!"[/COLOR] Another bolt, striking the beast in the shoulder. It stood still, screeching with pain. The dark haired man with the great silver cross held his weapon high and fired again, words muffled somehow... [COLOR=Silver]"Nihil...Cross...fy!"[/COLOR] Another bolt created a gaping hole in the monster's chest. Toji strained his hears to hear the man's words, to know what he was yelling. He had to know how to fight, to save his friends. The man held the shining weapon aloft, and yelled once more. But before Toji could hear his words, something pulled him loose...[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Silver light flashed around Toji's vision, and he was again in the world of the waking. Pain wracked his body, slowly fading with the shining light. He felt the hand wrapped tightly around his own...Emi's. "In the name of Silver, let your soul be banished forever into the depths of Hell. Go back from whence you came." Toji jerked up, looking over. A masked man was kicking the nightmare savagely...blood spilled from its body...two sword-wielders stood nearby...and the cross glittered around his neck. They had won, it seemed...the thing was going to die. God, if only it was that easy. The monster reared up from the ground, batting the mask-wearer away like a rag doll. It's good eye rolled savagely, moving from each teen to the next. Thick ropes of reddish drool dangled from its wide mouth. It let out a bone-chilling howl before lunging at the guy with the sword, gripping his head in one massive hand and throwing him to the ground. "No!" Toji roared. Dropping Emi's hand, he nearly flew to his feet. With a quick jerk, he pulled the cross from his neck, weak chain snapping easily. The silver dangled from his hand as he held the heavy jewlery aloft. It was hot and shone like a star, but he didn't notice. He was already running towards the nightmare. And it turned to meet him. "You son of a bitch!" Toji snarled, swinging his hand out. The thing's head snapped around far sooner than it should've. It spun as it fell to the grass, and that's when Toji noticed just how heavy his hand felt. "Holy shit..." Naota gasped. The cross wasn't in his hand...it was on it. It was the weapon the dark-haired man had been using in his dream. The Silver Cross in its true form... "[COLOR=DarkRed]So...[/COLOR]" came the slick, hissing voice. "[COLOR=DarkRed]You've got the weapons...but can you even use them!?[/COLOR] It lunged again, stabbing its claws foreward. Toji raised his arm to block, the cross blocking the monster's attack. Sparks flash at metal hit metal, and Toji shoved forward with a strength he didn't know he had. The thing staggered back, and he shoved the long end towards the creature. He felt a "trigger" on the handle he was gripping and pulled. A flash, and the thing flew back, a gaping hole in its chest. "How the fuck did you do that?" the swordsman yelled. "I...I don't..." "[COLOR=DarkRed]He got lucky...[/COLOR]" [I]You've gotta be kidding me...[/I] The thing rose, hole vanishing in clouds of greasy black smoke. It grabbed the nearest person, Toji thought his name was Seiryuu, and threw him at the Cross-wielder. Toji jumped to the side, and Seiryuu hit the ground with a sickening crack. Then the nightmare moved to its next target. Yuki. The young boy screamed as the monster advanced. It lifted him off the ground by the front of his uniform, and threw him to the ground. He cried out again as Toji heard another crack. Toji felt tears well up in his eyes, and when the thing lifted Yuki up again, he charged. The beast snarled and swung his arm out, batting Toji to the side and sending Yuki flying. Toji's eyes flickered over, and he saw the boy lying motionless in the grass. Next to an unconscious Emi. [I]NO![/I] As Toji stood, he felt rage flooding him in a torrent. All the emotional stops broke loose. Despair, pain, guilt, anger, and cold fear swirled around in his head like a storm. He staggered on his feet, glaring harshly at the thing while the others stood around them. They could do nothing...Toji could do nothing. They were all going to die. [I]No! I have to help! I have to save them...I have to help them![/I] The voice of the man rang out again. It was distant and muffled still, but he heard more. [I][COLOR=Silver]"Nihilis...Cross...ify..."[/COLOR][/I] [I]What is he saying! I need to know...I need to save everyone![/I] The monster slowly began moving towards Toji. It could sense that it was all over...they had no fight left. It had one, and now all it needed to do was tear them apart. [I]I have to win! I have to save them![/I] [I]"Nihilist Cross...Crucify!"[/I] The voice sounded in his head, clear and deep like the ocean. He felt power serge into him, like electricity running through his veins. His eyes flashed cold fire, and he stared coldly at the approaching fiend. "Salvation Cross!" The thing's eye widened. Toji drew grim satisfaction from the horror that flickered in the merciless pit that gave it sight. "[B]Crucify![/B]" To all around Ginsato High School, it looked like a star exploded far off near the forest. Harsh silver light flashed brightly, shooting from Toji's cross like a comet. It passed through the nightmare's chest and vanished into the warm summer air, leaving only the crisp scent of ozone behind. The thing dropped to its knees, smoke curling from the hole. As it fell to the grass, it slowly melted away, forming nothing more than a black pool of sludge. Toji fell, too, feeling exhaustion wash over him like a tsunami. Blackness swirled around him, but he did not dream of nightmares and warriors. He dreamed of peace.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The white-clad man stood atop Ginsato High School once more, smirking. The Brotherhood had surprised him. Untrained, unskilled, and still they defeated the Shitai Soldier. Without casualities, even...though from the sounds of things they did not know it yet. His trenchoat billowed as he turned to face Miya. She was looking down at the concrete, and the man could feel the shame radiating from her. "You fought my soldier, Miya..." he said, voice cool and emotionless. "I...yes, Master," she sighed, resigning herself to her fate. "All I can ask is...why, Miya?" "That...thing wasn't worthy to kill them," she snarled. "That honor belongs to you." "Hmm...very good, then...please resume your duties, but do not cross me again." "Yes, master." She vanished. The Dark Silver gave her great speed...and god only know's what else. The white-clad man smirked. The Dark Silver could do much now...so imagine what it could do once the Silver items belong to him. It would be an interesting year...[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Gah...that was a long post. Well, so begins the true fight of the Brotherhood. The white-clad man has the power to summon various warriors to throw at us, the weakest being the Shitai soldiers. Yeah, that thing was the weakest he's got. Well, it's actually not that powerful. It's simply immune to anything but the Silver items. Feel free to make up your own technique names. They simple need to include the item's name, and end with something like "Crucify." Feel free to go wild... Pretty much everybody is in a hosptial-ready state it seems. Oh, and as the White Man said, Hitomi is NOT actually dead. Just really badly hurt. But I couldn't actually kill anybody off...yet. Have fun being in agony.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Toji watched as the monster writhed in agony, feeling grim satisfaction at it's pain. It hurt Fuma, it hurt Kuma...it killed Hitomi. And he wanted it to suffe for it. And so, the satisfaction rose in him as it shrieked and grimaced. But something didn't feel right... It was faking. He knew it as soon as the thought appeared. The thing wasn't really in pain, no much anyway. He could tell from the exaggerated movements, the high shrieking, and it's eyes. It's whole, uninjured eyes. [I]No![/I] "Everybody, get back!" Toji screamed. The others looked briefly back, and suddenly the creature moved, batting the girl with the knife to the ground. Shadowy smoke rose from its former wounds as they vanished. The only remaining marks - a scar over its eye, and a missing limb. "[COLOR=DarkRed]Miya...[/COLOR]" it hissed. The girl who had just arrived looked stunned. "[COLOR=DarkRed]Why do you hurt me, Miya? The Master won't be pleased...[/COLOR]" She gaped, stammering for a response. The creature didn't stop to listen, dodging a kick from the English-speaking boy with far greater speed than it had shown before. It had been [I]toying[/I] with them. "[I]Nigero*! Nigero![/I]" he called. "It was just toying with us! [I]NIGERO![/I]" "[COLOR=DarkRed]Too late, little Cross...[/COLOR]" The thing leapt high, crashing down in front of Toji like a great, feral cat. But when its claws ripped through Toji's skin, it was nothing like his kitten. The pain was incalculable. Blackness flooded his vision as he was knocked off his feet. The wind whipped around him, but he barely noticed. There was just the pain. Stars bloomed in front of his eyes as his head cracked against the ground. Pain flooded him in a fresh wave, and the darkness exploded around him. Everything faded into the gloom...[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][I]Stars. Stars winked high above in the velvet blue of the dark sky. Toji felt himself being pulled up...not by hands, simply [I]pulled[/I]...like he had no weight. [RIGHT]The city was dark and grim, forboding in front of him. The stars glimmered and shone, adding to the crisp streetlights. It was quiet and extremely cold. But no misty breath formed in front of him...just the cold.[/RIGHT] But, like always, the calm was shattered by screams. A woman's shriek rang out, and Toji was pulled to the scene like a puppet, or [I][INDENT]a ghost[/INDENT][/I] something carried on the wind. Nightmares, freakish things like the one that he was fighting, were lunging all over the barren courtyard. A woman sat, crawling back as one advaned towards here. It raised a hand high to cut her in two... [CENTER]In a spray of blood, its arm flew off. The cut was clean, made by a blade honed so fine it could split hairs. The black clad [INDENT]man holding [/INDENT] said blade stood in front of the thing, glittering silver blade still held aloft. The waved, mysterious blade had a long hilt wrapped around his hand in silver tendrils.[/CENTER] The creature howled in pain, and this time it was real. Thick black blood squirted from the severed wound. The swordsman rose and turned to face the beast. He was dressed all in dark colors in a vaguely ninja-esque style, complete with face covers. [RIGHT]He said something, Toji was sure he was speaking, but he couldn't hear what. And just as he finished, he was gone.[/RIGHT] [INDENT]In a flash, the beast was cleaved in twain. The cut appeared right down the middle, and blood exploded from its wound as it fell apart. Smoke curled from its corpse and it began to quickly melt away. The swordsman stood on the other side of the monster, black blood dripping from his sword.[/INDENT] But quickly, the other beasts appeared...as did several more humans...[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Man, I hate to cut Toji's little "dream-sequence" short, but if I do the whole thing now...well, this post we be about ten times as long as it is now. And that would be bad...probably. So, yeah. And is anyone REALLY surprised that I made the monster toying with the lot of you? Heh...I have much planned for this little altercation, and I can't have the baddie going down so quickly. But don't worry...a little more good-guy-thrashing and then...well, don't want to spoil it just yet... Oh, and "nigero" is Japanese for "run" (in the command form). In case you were wondering. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Xion brought a hand up, pushing hard on the back of the katana to shove Gabriel back. The effeminate man staggered a little, and Xion used the opportunity to move in with another cut to the neck. Gabriel brought up his spear, deflecting the blow but crashing to the ground from the force. He rolled swifty to the side just as Xion stabbed down with his sword. "Good reflexes," Xion said coolly. Gabriel smirked wickedly before saying, "You should see me in bed..." Xion grimaced and glared at his slowly rising opponent. "Not on your life...not that you'll have one for very long." Gabriel, obviously not impressed with threats, had risen to his feet and was now lunging at Xion, spear raised for the kill. The blow glanced by as Xion raised his katana, knocking the weapon aside and spinning around to kick Gabriel to the ground again. "Hmm...clever," Xion said, smirking at his fallen foe. Gabriel flipped onto his feet, raising the spear in a defensive stance. The two warriors locked eyes, Xion smirking, Gabriel glaring viciously. "Did I wipe the smile off your pretty little face?" Xion sneered. "I've simply grown tired of games!"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]A scream, high and clear, ringing out the toll of a bell. Toji's head snapped towards the source of the sound. It came from behind him, and he thought he could see figures near a tall tree far from the forest. Another scream rang out almost immediately, and fire burned in his heart again. [I]Emi![/I] He didn't know why, didn't know [I]how[/I], but he was sure it was Emi who had screamed. But a flame in his heart, and a sudden, violent vision made him sure that this was true. A vision of blood...death...screams. Of a woman laying on the ground, bleeding her life away. His breath quickened as he ran, as did his heart. Screams and shouting were in front of him, figures milling about. As he drew closer, he began to distinguish them...Naota, the Twins, Jubei...but where was Hitomi? And who were the others...? Then one moved, one standing near the tree, and screams filled the air once more. One of the twins flew back, and the other was lifted into the air by the dark shadow. Toji pushed himself harder, feeling the cross burn around his neck. He had to save them... At any cost.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The group could only stare in horror as the twisted nightmare of a man stood, Fuma's head held in his wicked claws. The boy dangled above the ground, weeping as he stared at the monstrous creature. He was going to die...he knew it. He was going to die, just like Hitomi. And when he was dead, it was going to kill Kuma, and Jubei, and Yuki, and Naota, and Emi. "Let go!" The creature turned, mouth twisting in a scowl. Its pitch black eyes widened in shock as Kuma colided with him, sending him crashing to the ground. Fuma dropped to the grass, barely feeling the dull pain that shot through him. He could only watch as the monster batted Kuma away once more, blood spraying from the twin's shoulder as he flew through the sky. "Kuma!" Fuma shrieked, voice flooded with grief and pain like nothing anyone had ever heard. "Kuma, no!" he cried again. His brother was going to die. His brother, his best friend, the one person in the world he truly loved and trusted...he was going to die, and Fuma couldn't do a thing about it. The shadowy thing rose to its feet, body twisting in unnatural ways. The black voids it called eyes slid from Fuma to Kuma and back again. Purple and streaked with blood, its tongue slithered out and dangled in the air. Reddish drool streaked from its warped mouth. "So much...so much blood..." At last, its eyes settled on the prone Kuma. And it slowly advanced on the boy, raising its claws high for a fatal blow. Kuma stared at it, blue eyes spread wide in silent horror, gasping for breath. Tears streaked from his eyes as he realized his fate. "Kuma!" The monster's head jerked back as Fuma's arms wrapped around its neck. Fuma, the friendy, smiling, laughing Fuma, was gone. And in his place was a feral shell, fueled by rage, despair, and grief. The nightmare dropped to its knees at the pressure of Fuma's grip, choking the breath from its elongated throat. "I won't let you! I won't let you! I won't let you!" Fuma shrieked, letting out the furious cry over and over again. But the beast wasn't done...and the terrible crack that resounded as it twisted Fuma's arm from its neck was proof. Fuma let out a high scream of agony as his arm was wrenched around. It dropped from the nightmare's neck, and the thing threw him back with a single undulation of its twisted body. The thing rose again, giving no impression of injury or even noticing the fact that Fuma had tried to kill it. Only the bland, hungry look that no being should wear. It staggered forward towards Kuma, raising its claws again. "K...Kuma!" Fuma sobbed. "Don't...don't kill him! Please!" The demon paused, slowly turning around. For a moment, a flicker of hope flashed in Fuma's eyes. Then he followed the thing's gaze...towards the charging figure that could only be one person. "Toji, stay back!" Emi screamed. "Yoshitaka!" And then, Toji did something that no one had ever expected. He didn't stop, didn't listen, didn't even miss a step. He pushed up through the air, and brought down his foot square against the monster's chest. It fell back, as did he. The congregation stared at him. Just like Fuma had been replaced by the thing of grief, the Toji they knew had vanished. No longer was there a look of fear. Gone was the loser, the wimp, and the coward. His sunglasses glittering in the summer heat, and his eyes burned with something else. A cold fire, a dark fire. A silver flame. "So..." the nightmare hissed. "The Cross emerges..."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Well, isn't this fun? Looks like Toji has found his inner strength, ne? Three Brothers of the Silver are here, with at least two more on the way. Shall the rest get there in time to see the return of the true power of the artifacts? I should hope so...*hint, hint* The action will really begin next time I post, so let's not let this die yet...please?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Ah, fighting games, second only to RPGs in my opinion. This means, of course, that I've got a few that I've learned to prefer and kick *** with. [B]Xion (Bloody Roar)[/B] - Anyone who didn't see this coming must've had a lobotomy sometime in their past. Come on, the dude's my namesake. I like him for several reasons, including his awesome Beast Mode (giant, silver, energy-blade wielding monster), his Player-2 costume in BR3, silver hair, reckless, coldblooded arrogance, and his awesome fighting style. Xion is the character that has sent me down my path of Silver, Bishies, and combat. He shall always hold a special place in my heart. [B]Chipp Zanuff (Guilty Gear)[/B] - Chipp is not only a supremely awesome character, being a silver-haired ninja an' all, but he is also the first GG character I was really GOOD at. I first tried my hand at Sol and Johnny, but found Chipp's volatile speed and insane combos to be exactly what I needed. And he has always served me well. [B]Johnny (Guilty Gear)[/B] - Though Chipp is the first character I was good at, Johnny was the first that I tried the game with. His suave demeanor, awesome outfit, and deadly iaijutsu made him a formidable character. Until, of course, I got my butt handed to me by Dizzy. [B]Shenlong (Bloody Roar)[/B] - How could I forget BR's resident sociopath, Shenlong. The psychotic, sadistic clone of Long is topped only slightly by Xion in my opinion. Gotta love a deranged murderer, especially one that can transform into a very cool looking anthromorphic blue-white tiger...wow, that sounded wierd. I'm good as him, and I never get tired of that insane laughter (well...I do a little in BR4). [B]Lee Chaolon (Tekken)[/B] - I know Lee probably isn't a popular character, what with his role in the Tekken series as the rather pathetic adopted son of Heihachi, who's sole perpose in life was to enrage Heihachi's real son. But, Lee Chaolon is the character that got me my Arcade-Gaming groove back after a long reprieve. It's thanks to this silver-haired Bishie that I could hold my own once more. Plus, he has a fighting style similar to mine. I can even do one of his moves (the tri-level kick combo, which isn't all that hard to do as long as you're careful and don't strain something). Gah, I run low on time with more fighters to go. Alas, 'tis my fate. Oh well...I can always edit later.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]OOC[/B]: Here we go indeed... The sick stench of dried blood and rotting flesh hung in the air, heavy and foul. It mingled with the crisp air, the scent of wet grass, and the tingle of the approaching storm. It was a cocofony of sensual data, writhing around in the deep recesses of the brain like snakes, vipers waiting to inject their poison into the neural passegeways. Xion knew that pain was coming. And he embraced it. The effeminate, dainty man mocked and teased him. He discarded his coat, muttering about cleaning. He was prissy and refined and elegant and all the things that you expect from aristocrats and debutantes, but never warriors. Almost enough to make Xion want to retch. But of course, he didn't. When you spent your life surrounded by the sweet caress of Death's thin hands, you grow accostomed to disgust, until eventually...you don't even notice it at all. And Xion was close enough to Death to be invited to His wedding, if the occasion ever arose. "[COLOR=#FF33B1]Oh my...[/COLOR]" Xion smirked, mouth twisting in savage, deviant glee. It was time. It was always time, for Xion. He legs tenses briefly, and then he was off. A quick push from the souls of his feet sent him flying towards Gabriel, and he slapped his feet back down, rushing at inhuman speeds. His hand strayed to the hilt of his katana, thumb pressing against the saya to draw it forth. Glittering steel arced through the air as a flash of lightning lit up the sky. And the deafening roar of wind and thunder was second to the clash of metal as Gabriel blocked Xion's near deadly [I]iai[/I] cut. "[COLOR=#FF33B1]I didn't peg you as a quick one[/COLOR]," Gabriel said, eyes narrowed in concentration. "[COLOR=Black]Death flies on swift wings[/COLOR]," Xion shot back. He brought up his other hand, placing it on the back of the blade and shoving his sword forward. Gabriel staggered back slightly, and Xion kept up the offensive with a high cut, nearly splitting Gabriel's pretty head in twain. The femenine man was lucky, however. His footing returned fast enough to dodge the cut, and spin around to drive the butt of his staff against Xion's back. The leather-man fell forth, steadying his fall with one long-fingered hand. It looked like a great black spider in the gloom, he noted, before flipping himself over and back onto his feet, spine moving fluidly. He twisted in his crouching position, rising as he did so to face his opponent. "[COLOR=Black]Not many have struck me so early in the fight[/COLOR]," Xion said, eyes narrowed and steely. "[COLOR=#FF33B1]I am not most warriors[/COLOR]," Gabriel said, staring back at him. "[COLOR=Black]This...I have noticed...[/COLOR]" Xion said, with a snort of disgust. "[COLOR=Black]You have done well so far, Gabriel...but can you keep the momentum?[/COLOR]" A quick spring, wind whistling through gostly silver tendrils of hair, arm straightening, sword glittering, world slowing. Xion's eyes met Gabriel's a moment before the leather-man drove down his blade. They locked, a spark of furious primal hunger shared between them. The lust for battle, for adrenaline. Probably the only time an emotion would be shared between them, in this momentary eye in the storm. Gabriel brough up his spear just as Xion's thrust began. The blade glanced off the pole, moving from it's initial target of Gabriel's heart. It cut through his shoulder, blood seeping immediately from the wound. Gabriel winced, turned, and brought up his weapon once more to bat Xion from the sky. The dark man rolled, swung up, and sat in a crouch in front of Gabriel. His sword was held aloft, one droplet of blood quivering at the tip. Xion and Gabriel instinctively turned to it, and as soon as it splashed against the cold floor, Xion was up once more. [B]OOC[/B]: Take it away, love.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]*glares at Gabriel* You want a fight? Then you have earned yourself one. But just remember, I taught you how to spar. And this is one cliched master-student battle that will not end with the master dead and his second pupil on a quest for vengeance! Set the stage, dear Gabriel. I am always ready to kick some ***.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Xion, the Unborn Lord (his title is earned from a legend that circulates, telling that he credits his first kill to one in the womb. He was born with a dead twin that choked on the umbilicle cord. He neither confirms nor denies this rumor.) Age: Unknown; believed to be in his late 20s or early-to-mid 30s. Place of Origin: Unknown Appearance: [URL=http://www.naimoka.com/image.php3?image=arts2/nomura/tb/Arts/11.jpg]Xion in full garb.[/URL] [URL=http://www.naimoka.com/image.php3?image=arts2/nomura/tb/Arts/10.jpg]Xion, when he's not clad in tight leather (except the head)[/URL] [URL=http://www.naimoka.com/image.php3?image=../../arts2/nomura/khcom/08.jpg]Xion's face[/URL] Occupation: Cold-Blooded Killer, dabbling in terrorism, assassination, and theft. Body: As you can see, thanks to his penchent for tight leather, Xion is a lean, muscular man with almost unnaturally long limbs. Though few have seen virtually any of his skin, those who have are graced with the sight of multiple tattoos and scars (as seen in the second pic...sort of). Fighting Style: Years of near-constant fighting, coupled with training in his youth, have left Xion an exceptional swordsman. And not only is he deadly with the sword, but he has picked up bits and pieces of various martial arts along his travels, adding elements of them to his own, personal style. This leads him to fight in a fluid, unpredictable, and unrestrained manner, a much more bloodchilling precursor to Bruce Lee's Jeet Kun Do. In battle, Xion is like a demon, cutting down foes with no remorse or mercy. He lives for the adrenaline and the blood, leaving hundreds of corpses in his wake. He never stops fighting until his opponent is dead in the street. There is even a story of him fighting three men while nursing a broken arm, just because they spilled his drink. While this is no doubt an exaggeration or a falsehood, it shows his reckless determination and cold-blooded nature quite well. However, Xion is not just a psychotic killer. He uses the wild-demon facade to belie a sinister cunning. His brilliant mind is never clouded by rage or blood-lust, though he gives every indication that it is. Instead, he uses this devious trick to lead his opponents into a false sense of security, playing up the illusion while constantly thinking five moves ahead. Weapons: Xion's favored weapon is a katana that he wields with deadly efficiency. The blade is usually bared at his side, covered by the crimson, laquered saya. It's a beautiful weapon, and he claims that it is at its most beautiful when drenched in human blood. And though the katana is by far his preferred weapon, he is not opposed to using others. He tends to carry around a few kunai (throwing knives) and has even been known to use clawed gloves. Skill: Aside from his unpredictable, deadly, self-made fighting style, Xion is a complete and utter sadist; he is cruel, merciless, and finds no greater pleasure than watching blood flow - even his own. His reckless bloodlust leaves him ruthless, fearless, and borderline insane. Blade God: Sure, sign me up. It has been far too long since I have had the honor of a great fight. You have provided the perfect opportunity, Kairi-sama...and now I'm itching for bloodshed.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"E...Emi?" [I]Hot fire. Burning. So much pressure. Can't...can't breath![/I] "Y...shi...ka?" "T...i...?" "Yoshi...!?" "W...t's...e...ma...er...ith...ou...?" [I]Burning...tight in my chest...can't...can't...[/I] "Yoshitaka, what the hell's wrong?" Snapped back to reality like a slingshot, Toji couldn't help but do what he did next. Forgetting his fear of Hitomi, his ingrained manners, his love for Emi, he shoved past the two girls and bolted from the cafetaria, hand gripping tight around the cross that still burned to the touch. He could hear the yells of his friends behind him, but pushed them from his mind. All he knew is that he had to get away. Five minutes later, he slumped against an old tree on the edge of the campus. His breath came in ragged gasps from running so long. The school still loomed in the distance, glaring at him, demanding that he return. He ignored it, finding comfort in the trees cool shade. The burning, the pressure, had ceased. His mind was clear. For the moment.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][I]tasty... Hungry...gotta [B]find[/B]...food, [I]prey[/I], something... [INDENT]need blood[/INDENT] [U]Need[/U] flesh...death [CENTER]...Decay[/CENTER] [RIGHT]no...[B]masters[/B] orders...[/RIGHT] find thesilver... find and tear and [B]kill[/B] and tear and tear and kill and steal the silver... [INDENT]tasty...[/INDENT] [RIGHT]Where Are the [B]Silvers[/B]...? Hiding away[/RIGHT] rats...scurry scurry filth... little [B]gir[/B]l Smells tasty... fiery spirit...fiery blood [RIGHT]sweet and tasty[/RIGHT] [I]kill[/I]...[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"Shit!" Hitomi spat. Toji had bolted off, Kami-sama knows why, and she had tried chasing after him. But he was gone, darted into the crowds. He was good at that. Years of bullying had left him quite spry and sneaky. "I swear, when I find him..." "Cool it, Hitomi," Naota said, sighing. "I'm sure he's got a good reason for running off." "Not good enough for shoving me, though," she grumbled, rubbing her shoulder. She didn't know Toji could hit so hard. "Speaking of reasons..." Naota turned to look at Emi. "Got one for following us, Princess?" Emi looked at Naota and narrowed her eyes. "Don't call me Princess, stretch. And I need to talk to Toji." "Why?" the twins chorused. "I...I just do." "Not good enough!" the twins sang. "Do they always do that?" Emi asked, turning back to Naota. "Yeah, pretty much..." The group was walking across the campus, trying to track down Toji, and having little luck. They passed by a high tree, when a sudden noise made them all stop. "Toji?" Yuki asked softly. "Yoshitaka, is that you!?" Hitomi snarled. "[COLOR=DarkRed]Yoshitaka?[/COLOR]" came the blood chilling reply. The voice was slick and cold and slimy, like oil, or cold water, or [I]death[/I] something they didn't want to think about. "Who's there!?" Hitomi shouted, looking around cautiously. "[COLOR=DarkRed]Little girl with hot blood...hot and sweet and ta~sty![/COLOR]" "All right, who's got the death wish?" Everyone was caught off guard at the shadow that dropped from the trees. Everyone was caught off guard by the pale, twisted face that loomed in front of Hitomi. Everyone was caught off guard when it raises a long fingered hand...no...a long [I]clawed[/I] hand. And no one could've imagined that red, red blood would fly from Hitomi's body. A high scream rang out, and the shadowy man licked the crimson liquid from a long, dark claw. "[COLOR=DarkRed]Tasty, tasty, hot and sweet...[/COLOR]"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[size=1][color=slategray]There is an ancient Chinese folktale that tells of a great warrior known as Monkey, Son Wukong, the Monkey King, and the Great Sage Equal of Heaven. He was a wild trickster, born from a rock impregnated by the light and chi of the world, born on the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. There, he tamed the monkeys and beasts and spirits, and became a great King with magic weapons, enlightenment, and immortality. Soon, he was brought to heaven where he was made Keeper of the Heavenly Stables?a position only slightly above the manure. He forced the august Jade Emperor, Lord of all Heaven, to give him a greater position, and that is what the Emperor did. But Monkey was not satisfied, and wreaked havoc in heaven until he was cast out. Soon, an army from Heaven waged war against him, and at last he tried to dethrone the Jade Emperor, until the Buddha trapped him under a great mountain. Long after, Monkey was freed by a great Priest from China, Tripitaka. Tripitaka enlisted Monkey in a journey, where they clashed against demons, rogues, and evil spirits before bringing enlightenment to the savage people of the West. That is how the epic tale goes. And in a far flung era of corruption, twisted science, and brutal aristocracy, it?s about to come true. Sort of. In this time or darkness and destruction, the ruling class lives in a city high above the clouds called Heaven; wicked gangs have taken over entire countries; twisted scientists perform diabolical experiments?and a savior is about to be born. In a lab far above the Earth, in the great city of Heaven, scientists have created the perfect genetic warrior. A master of martial arts who has incredible longevity, will never age, and has the genetic code of a monkey mingled in his DNA. He is Son Wukong, the Monkey King. But what Son Wukong doesn?t know, is that the aristocrats have a little plan for the Monkey King. He is to once again reign in the lower class, who have been getting far too rebellious against their divine persons. His mission is to destroy all those that would challenge Heaven?s rule. He is to be their Champion. Too bad there?s an error in the programming. Son Wukong doesn?t want to destroy the warriors of Earth, you see. He doesn?t want to be the Champion of Heaven. He refuses to follow Heaven?s orders, and will defeat any who try to force it upon him. So Heaven is left with one option: bind his powers and send him to die on Earth. And it almost worked. But the Seal upon his strength is imperfect, and he is still a formidable warrior. And he did not end up alone on Earth. He was found by a man, and embittered Priest in the midst of a crisis of faith, named Sanzang. And seeing this poor outcast, this miserable soul, Sanzang opens his heart and takes in the great Monkey King. But Heaven?s eyes are everywhere. They know that Son Wukong still lives. And now, they want him dead. Operatives from Heaven, skilled warriors with incredible weapons and genetic enhancements, are on his tail. Not to mention the Demons, Beasts, and warriors of man who also want the Monkey King gone. Son Wukong and Sanzang have the odds stacked against them, but with aid from the vicious Water Sprite Sha Wujing, and the cold-blooded Demon Zha Bajien, they might just stand a chance against their opponents. One thing is for certain. Son Wukong will never be forgotten. He will etch his name in the ledgers of Heaven, and piss on the Jade Emperor if he has to. He?ll be remembered ?til the end of the world. Because he is the Monkey King, and his reign is about to begin. [center]*****[/center] If you couldn?t guess, The Monkey King is a retelling of the Xi You Ji legend, or Saiyuki/Monkey/Journey to the West if you prefer. Anyone who?s seen the anime Saiyuki (or the manga) or the original Dragonball has at least a vague idea of the Xi You Ji legend. I?m telling a somewhat twisted version here. In this tale, mankind has created wild technology, floating cities (namely, Heaven), and has the ability to genetically modify people or animals, creating the Beasts and Demons. The Beasts are animals with heightened mental and physical abilities, while the Demons are people who have become genetically modified warriors, or have animal DNA mixed with their own. The people of the Earth are ruled over by the denizens of the city of Heaven, a flying city of peace, prosperity, and governmental corruption. The great Jade Emperor, an aged man but a powerful and wise warrior, has the most power, aided by his many servants and other Gods. Their hubris and blind arrogance has led to violent rebellion on the Earth, but with Heaven?s vast wealth and resources, no damage has really been done. On Earth, corruption also runs rampant. Most cities are lorded over by gangs, mostly demons and beasts that hold the normal humans in their grip. Some of the most powerful gangs are the four Dragon Kings, lords of water who live in the Four Great Coasts: Japan, Mexico, Greenland, and Australia. The Dragon Kings are gods of their realms, quashing any opposition they face. The four central characters in the legend are Son Wukong (Monkey, Son Goku, etc.), Sanzang (Tripitaka/Sanzo), Sha Wujing (Sandy/Sha Gojyo), and Zha Bajien (Pigsy/Cho Hakkai). In the Monkey King, they take the traditional Chinese names. They are inspired mostly by the original legend, but also have influences from the Saiyuki anime. Son Wukong ? The great Monkey King, designed by Heaven to be the perfect warrior and their Champion against rebellion. He rebelled instead, fighting off the great celestial armies until he had his powers sealed away?mostly. He was sent to Earth, where he met Sanzang and was taken in. Despite his lineage as Monkey King and Perfect Warrior, Wukong (affectionately dubbed ?Monkey?) is just your typical teenager?even though he isn?t one. He?s a surly, rebellious, egotistical little punk who thinks more with his stomach than his head. *Taken by ULX* Sanzang ? A respected Chinese Priest, Sanzang is going through a crisis of Faith and has become bitter due to humanity, and Heaven. He seeks some sort of proof that mankind is worth fighting for, and it may just lie in Son Wukong. He takes in the young Monkey, but finds that his rather short temper is not suited to the wild ?teen?. *Reserved* Sha Wujing ? A Demon, specifically a Water Demon, Sha Wujing was once in the service of the Eastern Dragon King before fleeing to his home of China. He has since been marked for death by the Dragon King, and has formed his own gang in response. However, the Dragon King?s warriors are moving in, and it may spell the end for Wujing. *Reserved* Zha Bajien ? Another Demon, Zha Bajien is a former soldier of Heaven who was cast out and has since become a ruthless, cold-hearted killer due to being taken from the battle-front. He seeks conflict and bloodshed, and has taken to picking fights with gangs and attacking people in broad daylight to slake his lust for violence. Perhaps joining Sanzang will give him a way out? As you can see, the four have taken a slightly darker turn than you may be familiar with. But an RP needs more than four characters, yes? Well, for a few more options, there are some other major (well, sort of) players that you might want to take a look at? Kuan-Yin ? The Merciful Goddess, also known as Kanzeon Bosatsu. Despite her title as Merciful Goddess, Kuan-Yin is one of the most dangerous foes Son Wukong has to face. She is the lead operative trying to track him down, following nearly every move he and his allies make. But if she?s watching him so carefully, why hasn?t she killed him yet? Could there be more to this femme fatale than a deadly assassin? The Dragon Kings ? Ao Kuang, Ao Jun, Ao Shun, and Ao Chin, the four Dragon Kings that rule the four corners of the globe. Closely tied, they wield magic weapons and have extensive genetic modifications making them powerful warriors. They have an eye on Monkey, seeing him as a viable threat. And Ao Kuang has a special eye on our friend Wujing as well, for he wants the deserter dead. And let?s not forget the innumerable Celestial Assassins, Demonic warriors, and human gangsters that also pose opposition for our, um, ?heroes?. So, if you?re still paying attention, let?s get on with the sign-up? SIGN-UP Name: This starts off in Asia, but may divert to other places. Besides, there are travelers. Gander: Age: Considering the genetic enhancements, some can live as long as 200 years, so you have a bit of a range. Race: Human, Demon, or Beast. Weapon: Past, present, or future-ish. Don?t go too crazy, though. Powers/Abilities: Superstrength? Superspeed? Enhanced senses? Some level of mental powers? Keep it within the realms of scientific modification, but feel free to test the boundaries. Appearance: Personality: Bio or Writing Sample: If you want to choose. I?ll be trying this in a chapter format, since it?s kind of a structured story. But that may change if it?s too restricting. Just let me know. Feedback is a good thing. I?ll post our dear Monkey King soon, at least once I see some characters to work with. So, have fun, dear readers. And may the Monkey King?s legend ring through the ages.[/color][/size]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"Oe, bar-keep, I ever tell ya how much I love booze?" The bartender in question looked up slowly, staring at the drunk with a bemused scowl. He was more than used to overly-friendly drunks - that didn't make it any less annoying, though. He shrugged off the disheveled man and continued cleaning the old mug. His hopes that the long-haired man would shut-up went unanswered. "You gotta know how great it is, yer a beer-jockey," the drunk continued, taking a deep swig before continuing. "'S the only thing that dulls the pain sometimes, y'know? 'Course you do...you look like yet the kinda guy who's seen loads o shit he didn't want to. Booze makes the hurt go away." "Not forever, though," the bartender murmured. "No, but long enough," the drunk shot back. "Long enough to get through the night. I seen some rough shit in my days, 'specially in my business. Beer's the only thin' makin' the days worth goin' through." "Must be a shitty life, pal." "Don't you know it..." The man lasped into silence, sipping from the thick brew. His throat whetted, he continued his tale of woe. "See, few days ago, I deal with this chick. Right bitch, she is, makin' all kinds a' trouble fer me and my boss. Real fuckin' piece of work, y'know the kind. All pretty faces and googly eyes, then comes the blade, cuttin' ya deep. Real deep." "Heh, don't I know it," the bartender said with a dry, sharp laugh. Plenty of dames like that in this shitty ol' world. "Man, was that ever a bitch of a day...my friends'll be here soon, though. Then we'll see how it all ends." "Not done with her yet?" "Not by a long shot, pal, not by a fuckin' long shot." "So, who're these friends of yours?" "Damned if I know," the man laughed harshly. "Who knows who the boss is sendin' out...might be one, might be twenty. I never get told jack **** about what's goin' on in that place. Fuckin' beurocracy with its fuckin' secrets and all that red tape bullshit." "Higher ups put you on a 'need to know', eh?" "Fuckin' a, my friend." "So, when these chum's of yours showing up?" The sound of the bar door swinging open caused the drunk to smile dryly. He craned over his shoulder and looked at the man who entered. "Yo, Silence." "Hello, Ronin."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Sports. It's human nature, particularly male, to get involved in challanges, fights, and contests to see who's better. To show off, to prance about and show our stuff. Football, Basketball, Baseball, Wrestling...all of them promote strength, power, and skill. The winner is strong and the loser is week. Winner gets the girl, loser gets the shaft. That's the unspoken rule between men. People associate victory with strength, and violence, and power. The stronger crushes the weaker. But who's to say things have to be faught on a battle-field filled with rippling muscle and brain damage. Sometimes, the greatest war can be fought on a smaller, quieter scale. Take pool, for example. Trevor Carter is a pool-shark, him and his two buddies. They play for food, drinks, game tickets, and the ilk. And sometimes, when they see a pretty lady walk into the bar they inhabit...they wager her. Because men are men, and all straight guys want to go home with a nice woman. Or naughty, if that's what you prefer. One sunday night, down at the bar, Trevor and his pals saw a girl walk in that would send their lives spiraling out of control. A pretty little thing that'll have the three sharks wrapped around her pinky finger. And what are the two overtly competative young men going to do? They're gonna play pool. Winner takes her hand. And the losers get the early eight ball.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Two litte known facts about ULX - One, I love playing pool and two, I love a good romantic comedy. So why not combine the two with something else I love - OB RPs. And so is spawned Ride the Eight Ball, the story of three love-sick friends and their quest for a fair maiden...with pool as the field of battle. This will not only be my first major foray into the world of romantic comedies, it'll also be my first major foray into the Chapter System. This celluloid-style story is best told in a script-esque format, so that's what I'm gonna do. Now, the Sign-Up Sheet... Name: Age: 20-30, unless your character is best otherwise. Gender: Favorite Pool Pun: Not a requirement, but I'd love to hear some. Appearance: Pictures or a solid description Personality: Writing Sample: Because these are much more entertaining than bios, just give me a bit of story from your character's eyes. And now, the hero...well, hero #1, anyway. Name: Trevor Carter Age: 26 Gender: Male Favorite Pool Pun: "You, my friend, just scratched on the eight ball." (As in failure just as success is imminent). Appearance: I'll track one down soon... Personality: Trevor is, for lack of a better term, a cocky SOB. His experience in pool, coupled with his natural charm and good looks, have made him self-assured to the point of arrogant, and confident beyond all good measure. He lives in a private world where he is God, and all others are merely pawns on the chessboard...or balls on the pool-table, as he would rather say. Cocky as he is from time to time, Trevor is a good guy on the whole. He's nice, considerate, and never welches on a bet. Some men like him would sell their own mother to impress a lady, but not our man. Trevor is egotistical, yes, but cares about those around him, even if he doesn't act it. Determined is another great way to describe this pool shark. When he starts something, he's gonna finish it, even if it kills him. That includes getting a woman in bed, a feat that he will stop at no lengths to achieve. This is especially true for the current woman in question. He intends to get her, even if he has to kill off his two buddies...well, maybe not that extreme. A simple maiming will suffice. When it comes to vices, Trevor is rather standard. The occasional cigarette, a penchent for strong beer, and a love of gambling mark him as your typical male. And while he wouldn't sell his soul for a smoke, he'd lend it out for a beer, and wager it on a game of pool. Writing Sample: When my brain comes back, I'll post it. So, a few roles that (obviously) need filling are - The Girl (reserved...surprised?) The Friends And a few other patrons, friends, and maybe even family would be welcome to the fold. Have fun, steady your cue, and don't dare scratch on the eight. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Mike Teevee Parent/Guardian: Mrs. Teevee. Age: 13 Vice: Television. Biography: When Mike was a baby, his parents, busy with work and private life, set him in front of the TV in hopes that he would learn proper behaviour from Barny and the denizens of Sesame Street. His early life was a series of television shows, punctuated by changings and feedings, which had to be done in front of the television. As he grew, so did his appetite for the small screen. Movies, sitcoms, and music videos were his friends, confidants, and every waking moment. School was torture, as he was bullied and pulled away from his precious screen. So, his loving, doting parents did what any would do...if they had severe mental handicaps. They homeschool him, meaning that he spends even more time watching television. It was during a five-hour marathon of music videos that Mike discovered Willy Wonka. The music and cinematography were excellent, so when he found out the tycoon also made candies and chocolates, he had to have them. Now, every day, he eats Willy Wonka chocolate bars while watching the Willy Wonka music video hour. Willy Wonka has become an idolic figure for the young boy. Now that Wonka is going to open his factory for visitors, Mike must win. He will depart his precious television, his life-long friend, to visit the tycoon. Because he has to meet Wonka. Appearance: Mike Teevee is what every parent fears their child will look like after too much television. Emaciated, pale, and gaunt, Mike is a shadow of the child he could've been. He's the kind of kid who never wants to leave the television set, even to eat, prompting him to subsist mostly on popcorn, highly caffinated soda and, of course, Willy Wonka chocolate bars. This meager diet has left him as skinny as a rail, with teeth shining due to copious dental care. Once you get past the frightening skinniness, Mike isn't that wierd of a kid. His hair is a dusty brown, made greasy from taking one (maybe two) showers a month. His eyes, wide and bloodshot, might be a beautiful baby blue. His attire is jeans and t-shirts baring television characters and slogans, most of them baggy and lumpy with the jagged points of bone that make up his skeleton.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I hope that's suitably [B]twisted[/B], James. Sounds like its going to be an excellent RP, so I hope I get to be a part of it. Let me know if anything needs changing. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][I]She knows my name...[/I] Toji sat calmly staring into space, eyes safely covered by his sunglasses. The glasses-shaped mark on his forehead was harder to cover, even with his thick mop of hair. He rubbed the sore spot, doodling on a sheaf of notebook paper while the teacher droned on endlessly. "Psst," came a sharp hiss. Toji looked over lazily to see Fuma and Kuma holding their hands together like a goal, with Naota poised to flick a note at Toji. The folded piece of paper sailed through the air, arced over the "goal" and landed on Toji's desk. Toji was unnerved by Naota's wicked grin, but picked up the piece of paper anyway. [I][CENTER]Well Yoshitaka, got yerself a lady friend, eh?[/CENTER][/I] Toji flushed lightly, and scribbled down his reply, carefully tossing it back to Naota. [CENTER][I]I-Iie, Naota-kun. Nothing like that...[/I][/CENTER] Naota chuckled silently and added the next reply, sending the paper flying back. Luckily, the teacher was distracted by two of the new kids. [CENTER][I]Come on, Yoshitaka. You know you want her to ride you like a wild horse.[/I][/CENTER] Blood rushed to Toji's face and he hunched down in his chair while Naota laughed silently. He wrote feverishly, trying to repair damage. [I][CENTER]It's not like that at all. And it's embarassing when you say such rude things, Naota-kun.[/CENTER][/I] The note was sent back, and Naota rolled his eyes as he read it. He wrote for a long while, and sometimes it didn't even look like he was writing. When it landed on his desk, Toji opened it with trembling fingers. He knew how wild Naota could get, especially when he was taunting Toji. [CENTER][I]Aw, am I damaging your virgin mind? Well, maybe a diagram'll help![/I][/CENTER] And once again, Toji cursed his friend's artistic talent. His eyes only had to stray down so far to know what Naota had been working so hard to draw. The sound-effects he'd scribed only added to Toji's embarassment. His face was the color of a ripe beet, and he had shrunk down a full foot in his chair. Naota was struggling to contain his laughter. Toji was crumpling the note when a loud, sharp cough drew his attention. He looked up to see the teacher glaring down at him. "Yoshitaka-san, care to inform me of what this," he picked up the note to punctuate the sentence. "Is?" "J-Just a b-b-bit of scratch p-paper, s-sensei," Toji stammered. His heart stopped as the teacher slowly uncrumbled the image. Time slowed, and Toji felt the entire class turn to look at him. His eyes strayed to Emi, who was staring intently. His heart skipped again. "Yoink!" Naota yelped, snatching the note from the teacher's hand. The teacher's eyes opened wide, and he turned to face Naota, heat rising in his cheeks. "Uchiyama-san!" the teacher said sharply. "Return the note to me immediately." Naota grinned and winked to Toji quickly. "What are you talking about, sensei?" Naota asked slyly. He popped the note into his mouth, grinning wider. "Oh," he muttered around the wad of paper. He stuck out his tongue, the damp ball of pulp resting on his tongue. "This note?" "Uchiyama! In the hall, now!" Naota shrugged, spit the ball into the wastebasket, and gave Toji a look that said, "You owe me." The class watched him in awe as he walked out, shutting the door with a loud click. The teacher let out a sharp breath and returned to the front of the room, muttering darkly under his breath.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]The sweet summer air wafted on the cool wind, whipping around the white-clad figure who stood atop the roof of Ginsato Daifuken. His dark hair hung down in his face, contrasting sharply with his white attire. The long trenchcoat he wore flapped around him like the wings of a great pale bird. A silver pentagram dangled from his neck, and the black saya of a sword was attached to his hip, the bright blue of it's hilt glittering in the sun. He drew in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. His narrow-liped mouth twisted in a sick grin, and he spoke a few soft words. "The silver...it's here." He pushed back one side of his coat, revealing a black shoulder-holster. It appeared empty, but as he dipped his hand into it, he pulled out a slip of paper inscribed with a black, arcane symbol. With a flick of his slender wrist, it slipped from his white-gloved hand and floated on the wind. "Awaken," he whispered. Light flared from the paper, and a dark being dropped from the sky next to the white clad man. It snarled and walked close, waiting for orders. "Bring me the Silver. And kill the Brothers."[/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The lunch-bell rang loudly. The students arose from their seats in the classroom, Toji and his friends hanging back. They walked out after the bulk had moved out, and found Naota leaning against the wall. He looked over with dry amusement, a long leaf between his teeth. "Took you long enough," he said, spitting out the leaf. "Why weren't you first out the door, Yoshitaka? 'Fraid I would enact my revenge?" "No..." Toji said softly. "But I am sorry you got in trouble Naota-kun." "It's not skin off my nose," Naota laughed. "Like a get out of jail free card, ne? So, back to the old spot?" "Yeah," Hitomi said, already heading towards the doors. "Don't want Yuki and Jubei getting all nervous, right?" "Yosh, Hitomi-sama!" the twins chorused, saluting. "Let's just go...I'm hungry," Naota whined.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]OOC: Lunch time. Hang out, make friends, spark up rivalries. Whatever. The action starts soon, though, so be prepared for the darkness...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Heezay]Perhaps the [B]POPE[/B] died from smoking too much [B]DOPE[/B]? Or maybe he hung himself from a [B]ROPE[/B], wait, [B]NOPE[/B]! Maybe he ate a bar of [B]SOAP[/B']![/quote] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Not cool, man. Not ******* cool. I am not a catholic. I am not a Christian. I am not in any way tied to the Pope through religion. But I consider myself, on the whole, I decent human being. And the Pope was one of the most decent human beings ever to walk this desolate little rock. So show some ******* respect or just shut the hell up. The Pope was a great man. I did not agree with everything he said, I did not follow all of his teachings, but I respect him for his tenacity, his strength, and his compassion for humanity - three things the world is sorely lacking. For this, I mourn his passing into whatever world lies beyond. May he find solace amongst those few that can be called virtuous souls. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]