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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"Oe, Toji-kun! [I]Hayate[/I]!" rang the sharp voice of Toji's mother. The young brunette awoke with a start. He fumbled for his clock, and yelped as he saw the time. Scrambling out of bed, he gathered up his school uniform, dressing as quickly as possible. He was crestfallen, however, when he couldn't find his sunglasses. He couldn't remember where he'd left them...unless... "Toji!" "Coming, [I]oka-san[/I]!" Toji yelped, racing down the stairs. He stepped into the dining room to find everything as it usually was. His grandfather sat at the small table, smoking his ornate pipe and reading what served as the local paper. His mother was washing dishes, and a plate of toast sat on the table. "Toasty toasty toasty, toasty toast toast," Toji sang grabbing a piece of the bread. It was a habit of his, singing the odd little song whenever he ate toast. "Don't forget this, boy," Toji's grandfather murmured from behind the paper. A shining object sailed over the periodical, and Toji deftly snatched it out of the air. It was his silver cross. "Domo, grampa," Toji said, clasping it around his neck. "Well, gotta go, before Hitomi and the guys decide to track me down!" He made it five steps from the door before he was sent flying. Hitomi had, again, sent him hurtling to the ground with her patented Flying Kick of Immortal Doom. "Yoshitaka, you're late!" she snarled. "Come on, pal," Jubei said, picking up the brunette. The large teen brushed off his smaller friend while Hitomi tapped her foot agitatedly. "Can we go already? We're gonna be late on the first day!" "Is that really such a bad thing?" Naota asked, raising an eyebrow. "I dunno about you, stretch, but I want to get into college. So let's GO!"[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Toji stepped into the new classroom, flanked by Hitomi, Naota, and the twins. Jubei was a year older, and Yuki was a few years younger. Toji swept his eyes over the small classroom, seeing familiar faces everywhere. Especially Emi... "...taka...Yoshitaka...snap out of it, Romeo!" Naota chuckled, waving his hand in front of Toji's face. "Let's grab some seats, ne?" "Uh..." Toji began to stammer. Naota just slung an arm around Toji's shoulders, steering him towards some empty desks. The five sat in a cluster, Toji dead center, the rest surrounding him. The bell rang, and a few more students streamed in, along with the teacher. "Well, class, we have some new students joining our school, and our class. Let's welcome them, shall we? Stand up, all of you, and introduce yourselves."[/SIZE][/COLOR] ***** [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]OOC: Well, new students, introduce yourselves, and begin the fun-filled first day. The action starts soon, and I hope you won't be disappointed.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[I][CENTER]With the Mask you watch With the Chain you bind With the Cross you crucify With the Rings you drive home The blade that kills[/CENTER][/I] [CENTER]-The Inscription on the Dark Silver[/CENTER] [CENTER]Ages ago, there was a great darkness. A source of power so great, so terrible, that it made men weep at its name. The power of the Dark Silver. The wielders of the Dark Silver went down in history, until finally, the last was destroyed by his own power. The weapon was broken up into six pieces. They were given to a group of young men and women. They were the Brotherhood of Silver. The power of the Dark Silver was contained into six pieces, so that its true might could never harm humanity again. The six pieces were the Silver Dragon, Silver Band, and Silver Wolf (collectively the Silver Rings), the Silver Cross, Silver Chain, Silver Blade, and Silver Mask. In the beginning of the Brotherhood, the Rings were used as one, as were the Cross and Chain. However, the bearer of the Rings had twin sons. As the Brotherhood deigned that the relics be passed on to the first born son, the Rings were split for the first time. The same happened to the carrier of the Cross. The Rings have stayed close, passed down with tight familial ties. The Chain, however, was separated from the Cross by a twist of fate. The holder of the Cross was nearly killed a dark night, and passed it on to a passing young woman, with all the knowledge he could share with his dying breath. The bloodline of Cross and Chain was split, and the Cross, most powerful of the Silver, would slowly fade into obscurity. Until now, of course. Someone is attempting to track down the Silver Pieces, and bring back the Dark Silver. If they do, it could mean the end of the world as we know it. Luckily, the six members of the Brotherhood of Silver have found their lost Brother, the Silver Cross. And he's going to have to lead the next generation of the Silver Brotherhood against the rising menace. Five new students are arriving at Ginsato High School. The siblings of the Rings, the Blade, and the Mask. The Cross is already there...and so is the Chain. She's one of the most popular girls in school, while the Cross remains a constant outcast...and her most devout admirer. It's said that the seven pieces each play a pivotal roal. The Rings drive the entire group to victory. The Mask watches, solitary and wise. The Blade slays all opposition. The Cross is the heart, just as it is worn above the breast. And the Chain...will bind them all together.[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"Toji-kun!" It was a hot summer day, the end of summer holidays, and the sun hung in the sky like a great glaring eye, beating down on the streets of the small city. A waifish brunette boy wiped the sweat from his brow with the sleeve of his baggy gray shirt, hitching up his bag. His black sunglasses glittered, hiding his large gray eyes. "Oi, Yoshitaka!" The trees were lush and green, the spring growth unhindered by the hot summer air. Today was a fluke heatwave, as the fair climate of the last week faded into an inferno. The small high school student was flushed from heat and exertion, wearing baggy green shorts and the shirt that was at least two sizes too big. A lock of his long brown hair, limp with sweat, drooped in front of his face. He brushed it aside, still examining the shimmering blue sky. "YOSHITAKA!" Sparks flashed in Yoshitaka Toji's eyes as he was sent flying to the ground by the force of a flying kick to the head. He rolled on the ground a few times, holding his bag protectively to his chest. His assailant, a skinny girl with long blonde hair tied up in thick braids, stood over his body, glaring at him with vivid emerald eyes. He looked up, scowling and pouting at the same time. "Hitomi, what was that for?" he whined. "You idiot!" Hitomi snarled. Her voice was harsh, high, and grating. "I've been callin' you for at least a minute, you space case! Now get your ass in gear and move it, or Makimachi's gonna think we chickened out!" Toji grumbled as he rose to his feet, and Hitomi grabbed his ear, dragging him along. His woman-ish screams of pain were ignored by the violent tomboy. Namori Hitomi was not a girl to get angry. Despite her skinny build, she was powerful, and known for being able to kick a soccer-ball 20 feet in the air. She wore the same baggy gray shirt and green shorts as Toji. "Man, Toji-kun, you've gotten on Hito-chan's badside [I]again[/I]?" marveled a mousy, blonde boy. Though he had a nicer face, he bore a striking resemblence to the snarling tomboy. He, too, wore the "uniform". "Yoshitaka's [I]always[/I] on Hitomi's badside, Yuki," laughed a bespectacled boy. The wire-framed glasses hid his sparkling brown eyes, but not the insane brightness of his green hair. "Didn't you know that?" "Yeah, Naota's right, Yuki. Toji and Hitomi are always fightin'," agreed a chubby boy with thick black hair. He had a pleasent face, much like the small Yuki, and it was obvious he was a gentle guy, even if he did tower over the others. "Yup, yup, always fighting!" chorused two nearly identicle boys. They both had the same brown hair, big blue eyes, and wide mouths. The Kanzaki twins, as they were always refered to, could only be distinguished by the small x-shaped scar that one had on his cheek. Kuma had given his slightly younger brother, Fuma, the scar so they could be told apart. "Can it, you lot!" Hitomi yelled. "We need to go, now!" "Settle down, Hitomi," said the large boy. "Shut it, Jubei!" Hitomi snapped. "Just focus on stopping scores, okay?" "Sorry, Hitomi..." Jubei muttered. His great size marked him as goalie for the "team." At least, Hitomi felt it did. And as the "leader," she always got her way. The group started to march through the sun-baked street once again. Hitomi stood at the front, Yuki slightly behind her. The twins marched in unison behind Naota and Jubei. Toji hung back, fearing Hitomi's wrath once again. He kept on walking placidly, staring up at the clouds, until... THUD Toji stumbled back as he came into contact with something sturdy. He fell on his rear, head continuing the downward progression to slam against the asphalt. He groaned as rubbed his head as he sat up, coming face to face with a beautiful young woman with shocking red hair. Fujiwara Emi. Toji's mouth opened and closed a few times before he could even form a sentence. He had crashed into the girl he had been secretly in love with for five weeks. He had fallen on his ass in front of her, and probably looked sweaty and half dead from Hitomi's death march. At last, he stuttered out a few words. "S...Sorry I b-bumped into you, Emi," he stammered, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks. "No, it was my fault...Toji, right?" "Uh yes...I mean, no!" "You're not Toji?" "N-no...I mean, I am Toji, but it wasn't your fault." Toji chuckled weakly, feeling the blush grow. "I...I have to go. Soccer game. See you at school!" Then, using speed it didn't seem possible the scrawny teen could posses, Toji was racing down the street. He doubled over as he reached his friends, panting hard. "You're such an idiot, Yoshitaka," Naota laughed again. "[I]Baka, baka, baka no Toji[/I]!" the Twins chorused in a sing-song tone. "Hello!? GAME!?"[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Well, I've FINALLY begun Brotherhood of Silver. I hope nobodie's lost interest, but I was hoping Neuvoxetere and Corey would finish their sign-ups first. Oh well. So, as you can see, Toji's a bit of a departure from the surly, violent, master-warrior badasses I usually use in RPs. It'll be interesting to play as him, I'm sure. And his friends will be all the more entertaining. Except for Emi, all of your characters are pretty much just arriving in the city to attend Ginsato High School and track down the other Brotherhood members. Of course, as I said, nobody knows who any of the other Brotherhood members are (save the three rings, because they're related). So, have fun. My next post should begin the school year, and with it the funny, the violence, the horomones, and all that other stuff you expect from the Shounen anime this is drawn from. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Me? An evil overlord or ultimate doom? Perish the thought...I mean, just because I'm the Unborn Lord, have an organization known as the Silver Sadists, take pleasure in the pain and misery of others, own various weapons, wear a lot of black, play violent video games almost constantly, and am a self proclamed evil, heartless bastard... ... Did I have a point? Hmm...guess I am comic book villain material. Well, as long as I have a harem and powers of Doom, sign me up! -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Well, I'm officially closing sign-ups as of NOW. I will, however, refrain from starting the RP until everyone finishes their sign-ups. That's right, everyone. Because I'm everyone's sign-ups were awesome (or maybe I'm just getting soft in my old age) I'm letting Neuvoxetere, Mouse, Jian, and Sakura in. How? Let me explain. I added stuff. Explanation done...Okay, you're probably not satisfied with that. Let me explain more... When the Dark Silver was first split into the Silver items, there were two blades, forged from steel laced with the Dark Silver. The first has carried on, but the second was long ago lost...but its wielder has arrived with a deep chip on his shoulder. Also, I've added a third ring, the Silver Wolf. Neuvoxetere, Mouse, you two can decide who gets what... So, finish those sign-ups so I can start the RP quickly.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The building was a bedlam of noise, confusion, and chaos. Just how the Scarecrow liked it. Sirens blared loudly in the background. Footsteps thudded, frantic and heavy, echoing in hallways. Rapid shouts of angry Russian mingled in the crisp, achingly cold air. Guns clinked and clattered. Doors burst open, slamming loudly. One in particular hit the outside with enough force to jar its hinges. That was the door Scarecrow kicked open on his way out. He [I]was[/I] a bit pressed for time, after all. Assassinating a former Soviet leader doesn't leave one much time for sight-seeing. The air was dark and clear. Not a cloud in the sky. The stars shone brightly, beaming down on the notorious criminal. His steps resounded on the wide roof as he raced towards the edge. Soldiers streamed out behind him, pointed their various pistols and assault rifles at him. "Halt!" The Scarecrow turned, smiling wickedly at the assorted soldiers. The black cape he wore, a bit of a dramatic trademark, flapped around his bare chest and arms. He ran a black-gloved hand through his short blonde hair. His cold blue eyes glittered like sapphires in the star light. "'Fraid I can't, chum," he called in fluent Russian, voice soft and breezy. "Got business to attend to elsewhere." "You have nowhere to go!" a soldier bellowed. "Ah, but that's where you're wrong. See, for the Scarecrow...sky's the limit." He turned sharply on his heel, stylish black boots clicking across the last few feet of roof. Gunshots rang out behind him as he lept high and far from the building, 20 stories between him and terra firma. Bullets whizzed past him, and the ground began to zoom up to meet him, wind whipping past. With a single, practiced movement, he put his fingers to his mouth and whistled sharply, moving his hand up high above his head. There was a sudden fluttering of feathers and the cold grip of a birds talons. The wind changed as a massive Crow carried Scarecrow up away from the earth. He turned to blow a kiss to the soldiers as the great bird flew him away. "[I]Dasvedanya[/I], comrades!"[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The Scarecrow chuckled and took a slow drag from his expensive cigarette. He swung his boot-clad feet up to rest upon a finely carved mahogany table, and leaned back in the plush silk couch. The great crow sat perched upon it, nipping his ear lightly. "Good job, Kriz," he chuckled, stroking the birds feathers. It cawed in response. Suddenly, his cellphone rang out, playing the guitar strains to Purple Haze. Scarecrow chuckled again, murmuring the lyrics as he picked up the small black cellphone. "'Scuse me, while I kiss the sky..." "...Eh, Kakashi-san?" came the vaguely shocked reply. "One and only," the Scarecrow murmured, grinning and stroking Kriz. He knew quite a bit of Japanese. "What's the job?" "We need you in Tokyo, now." "I asked what the job was, not where you needed me," the Scarecrow grumbled. "I cannot relate this over a phone call...come to Tokyo." The line clicked dead. "Well, shit..."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The Scarecrow stepped calmly off the private jet, looking around the Tokyo airstrip from behind rose-colored sunglasses. He wore a black ski-cap to his his hair, a fake scar winded by his eye, and a small patch of hair served as a false beard. He shifted his bag on a leather-clad shoulder, and ground out a cigarette butt with the heel of his black tennis shoes. "[I]Doko desu ka[/I], Client-san..." he muttered under his breath. The lamp cut out above his head, and a high laugh rang out. "There's no job for you hear, Kakashi-san...only death!" A wild looking man with white make-up on dropped from the wing of the plane. A twisted smile split his face, outlined in electric blue lipstick. His yellow eyes seemed to glow, as did his long, neon-green hair. "[I]Dare ga[/I]?" the Scarecrow snarled, dropping his bag and peeling off his leather jacket. "Just your friendly, neighbourhood tattoo collector!" the man cackled. "[I]N-Nani[/I]?" A long, wickedly curved knife slid out from the man's long sleeve, and he suddenly lunged forward, moving with insane speed and agility. The blade nearly missed the Scarecrow's face as he leaned back. The criminal swung up his fist, driving it into the man's stomach. The demented clown staggered back, and the Scarecrow kicked high, snapping his attacker's neck around. The man collapsed to the ground. "What the hell was that all about..." the Scarecrow growled. Once again, the high, evil cackle filled the empty airstrip. With a loud crack, the clown rose up, bringing his neck around properly. With eyes still gleaming, he sneered at the criminal. "Not gonna be that easy, Kakashi-san...not by a longshot!" The Scarecrow grinned grimly, and pulled back his shirt-sleeves, revealing his other tattoos. The barbed wire wrapped around his wrist. "Oh, I think it will be." With a loud cry, the Scarecrow brought his hand back, and swung it foreward with wild ferocity. A long line of barbed wire shot out, wrapping around the clown's neck. Blood slowly trickled from wear the barbs pricked his flesh. Still grinning viciously, the Scarecrow gripped the wire tight (avoiding the barbs, of course) and pulled hard. Blood burst out from the clown's neck, and his nearly severed head lolled back. His body slowly fell to the ground, spasming slightly and bleeding heavily. The barbed wire broke off from the Scarecrow's wrist and fell to the ground. With casual elegance, the criminal turned and grabbed his bag, walking slowly away. "This should be an interesting trip..."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Oh, looks awesome Ozy. Yeah, I like banner 2 better as well. It's easier to read, I think. But it all looks great. Thanks a million. I've seen your work in the past, and you continue to impress. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Yoshitaka Toji Gender: Male Age: 16 Role: The Silver Cross Appearance: See attachment. Personality: Toji is...not your average hero. At all. He is, in all honesty, a bit of a loser. A bit being nice. A complete social outcast, he's a goofy loser with no credibility. His few friends are all outcasts as well, and usually spend most of their time ribbing poor Toji. He does manage to take it all in stride, however. Dispite his general lack of social skills, Toji is still a very nice guy. He always makes a point to help anyone in need, even if they just insulted him 20 minutes ago. His streak of benevolence has made him a prime target for being used, a fact that happens quite often. However, he doesn't mind, as long as he gets to help people. But deep beneath Toji's kind, warm-hearted exterior beats a different heart, the heart of the Silver Cross. Behind his sparkling eyes and goofy smile lies the cold, calculating mind of a great warrior, a leader of epic proportions. He just needs the right push, which is coming along in the form of four new students... Bio: Toji is, well, average. As far as teenage heroes go, anyway. He lives with his young mother and eccentric grandfather, with no knowledge of his father's whereabouts. The only thing he has to remember his father is the silver cross given to him on his 6th birthday. He cherishes it more than anything in the world. The unique bit of jewlery has only made his rough life harder. Toji has never been exceptionally popular, or even very well-liked. His few friends are other losers from around the school, and he's known most of them for ages. He's routinely bullied, and has his unusually kind nature exploited constantly. Some gossip and talk behind his back, muttering dark tales about his absent father. Others insult him right out, a wierdo, an outcast, a loser. His wimpy, geeky friends are little help against the routine fights. However, Toji manages to perservere against these near-insurmountable obstacles. He knows that there's something inside him worth being around for, that he has some reason to exist, no matter how much other people tell him otherwise. This inattainable power is seconded by his other reason for life...the girl he's fallen in love with...Fujiwara Emi.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Since I just started up a new RP featuring Silver as the key theme, and since I've always had Silver surrounding me (at least for a while)...and since the Phantom of the Opera, while still cool, is less a "thing" for me right now...I decided that it's time for a new banner/avi. Basically, what I want for the banner is a dark, silvery backdrop with the following phrase: "Bound by Blood... Bound by Spirit Bound by Silver," and my name somewhere. And as more of a side-note, if you could track down a Gothic-esque cross, that would be excellent. But that's just if you can. Definately okay if you don't. Oh, and a matching avi with ULX on it, please. Thanks in advance. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[I][CENTER]With the Mask you watch With the Chain you bind With the Cross you crucify With the Rings you drive home The blade that kills[/CENTER][/I] [CENTER]-The Inscription on the Dark Silver[/CENTER] [CENTER]Ages ago, there was a great darkness. A source of power so great, so terrible, that it made men weep at its name. The power of the Dark Silver. The wielders of the Dark Silver went down in history, until finally, the last was destroyed by his own power. The weapon was broken up into six pieces. They were given to a group of young men and women. They were the Brotherhood of Silver. The power of the Dark Silver was contained into six pieces, so that its true might could never harm humanity again. The six pieces were the Silver Dragon, Silver Band, and Silver Wolf (collectively the Silver Rings), the Silver Cross, Silver Chain, Silver Blade, and Silver Mask. In the beginning of the Brotherhood, the Rings were used as one, as were the Cross and Chain. However, the bearer of the Rings had twin sons. As the Brotherhood deigned that the relics be passed on to the first born son, the Rings were split for the first time. The same happened to the carrier of the Cross. The Rings have stayed close, passed down with tight familial ties. The Chain, however, was separated from the Cross by a twist of fate. The holder of the Cross was nearly killed a dark night, and passed it on to a passing young woman, with all the knowledge he could share with his dying breath. The bloodline of Cross and Chain was split, and the Cross, most powerful of the Silver, would slowly fade into obscurity. Until now, of course. Someone is attempting to track down the Silver Pieces, and bring back the Dark Silver. If they do, it could mean the end of the world as we know it. Luckily, the six members of the Brotherhood of Silver have found their lost Brother, the Silver Cross. And he's going to have to lead the next generation of the Silver Brotherhood against the rising menace. Five new students are arriving at Ginsato High School. The siblings of the Rings, the Blade, and the Mask. The Cross is already there...and so is the Chain. She's one of the most popular girls in school, while the Cross remains a constant outcast...and her most devout admirer. It's said that the seven pieces each play a pivotal roal. The Rings drive the entire group to victory. The Mask watches, solitary and wise. The Blade slays all opposition. The Cross is the heart, just as it is worn above the breast. And the Chain...will bind them all together.[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Brotherhood of Silver is a coming-of-age tale, mixed with frentic action, romantic comedy, and dark, dark subplots. At least, that's the intention. The Six members of the Brotherhood will, of course, fight like dogs, just like in any good anime. However, as said, they must join together to fight the rising darkness and prevent armageddon once again. Each member of the Brotherhood has a strong role to play. The Cross is the nucleus, the heart, the Leader, basically. The Chain holds them together, as a mother/sister figure. The Mask is a watcher, probably very smart and most likely very stolid. The Dragon, the Wolf, and the Band are both strong, dynamos of energy; their the ones who get things done. And the Blade is the warrior, who'll fight, kill, and die to protect the Brotherhood. I don't want to box anyone into any corners (which I may have already done) so I'm giving you the utmost room as far as characters. Just keep in mind the above "roles" and the three rings are siblings, or some other close relative. Also, pretty much no one knows who anyone else is. It'll be revealed in classic Shonen/Shojo fashion. Now, for the sign-up... Name: Though it takes place in Japan, your character doesn't need to be Japanese. It'd make more sense, but... Gender: Male or female Age: 13-18 Role: Appearance: Go wild...picture or good description Personality: Bio: Silver Cross - ULX Silver Chain - Saishi Silver Dragon - Corey Silver Band - Neuvoxetere Silver Wolf - Mouse Silver Blade - Sakura The Lost Blade - Jian Silver Mask - Sevotharte Silver Pendant - Rin If anyone wants to play as a normal person, that's cool too. Well, I think that's it. Prepare, for the Brotherhood of Silver to defend themselves against the darkness. The Dark Silver calls. Can they defeat it? And can our hero [I]really[/I] pass Pre-Calc? -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[RIGHT][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] Name: Unknown AKA: Ronin Age: 34 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=8&pos=6][COLOR=White]Ronin[/COLOR][/URL] Personality: Ronin is not your typical assassin. He's not cold, distant, or shadowy. He's flashy, self-important, and not just a little flamboyant. His bloodlust is often fueled by alcohol and money, not cold-hearted murderous desire. He doesn't care who he kills, just as long as he gets a fat paycheck. He has no moral code, no secret honor, nothing. Just greed, arrogance, and a hunger for fine wine. While he comes off as a horrible person, Ronin does have some redeeming qualities, the most important being that he almost never kills anyone he wasn't payed to. Most assassins kill anyone who stands in their way. Ronin always tries the peaceful route first, often involving bribes and lots of liquor. The only time he kills other than getting paid to is when he faces a "worthy" opponent. Biography: Ronin's past is shrouded in mystery. He's severed all ties to his family, any friends he may have had, and all others in his life. He lives his life completely alone in the world, and he likes it that way. No one knows what pushed him to such distance, but it must've been horrible. And what little is known about Ronin, is horrible. Ronin's forearms bare prominent scares, a sign of his troubled past. At some point during his life, Ronin has seriously attempted suicide. No on is sure what made him do it, why he nearly tried to take his life by slicing open his forearms 13 times. It may be having all ties severed from his family. Or it may be why all his ties are severed. Obviously, he has studied swordsmanship at some point in his life, probably for many years. He's extremely skilled in kendo, and seems to use elements of Ninjitsu and Tae Kwon Do, not to mention Drunken Monkey Kung-Fu. His martial arts background is extensive, making him a powerful warrior in combat. No one's sure how he met The Man, or came to work for him. His motives are mysterious at best, money his only clear compass in life. Weapon: [URL=http://www.karatedepot.com/wp-sw-04.html][COLOR=White]This katana[/COLOR][/URL]. Specifically, the Crimson Daito. Alliance: Nanashi X[/COLOR][/SIZE][/RIGHT]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Dante Age: Unknown; Appears to be in his early-mid 20s Race: Half-Demon Gender: Male Desciption: [URL=http://hh141.hiphip.com/Merchant/0701/0303/dmc2_dante_shop.jpg]Dante[/URL] Weapons: Ebony and Ivory, his twin handguns, which he cherishes like children. They may not be exceptionally quick or powerful, but are perfectly balanced and suited to Dante's needs. Power: The powers of whatever weapon he wields (which, at the moment, isn't much), when in [URL=http://media.ps2.ign.com/media/640/640426/img_2624229.html]Devil Trigger[/URL]. Fighting Style: Gunslinger/Swordmaster[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"Neat trick, love," Guilt said, with an audible yawn. "Real nice. Now, care to show me what you can [I]really[/I] do? Or is that all the great Dragon Spirits can do?" With a flash of hellfire, Guilt's wings flew open. He rushed Tsuchi like a bullet, bringind up his broadsword to clash against her. She managed to block with her knives, but was staggered back. The jet of fire that rushed by her face didn't help, and neither did Guilt's mocking chuckle. "Shut up, Demon!" she snapped, lashing out suddenly. Her knife traced a thin gash across Guilt's cheek. He stared in shock as the blood sprayed from the wound. With a fierce roar, the hilt of his broadsword dug into Tsuchi's chin, snapping her head back. The demon brought the blade up, and twisted it in his hands in preparation for a vertical strike that would leave Tsuchi cut in two. If not for the jet of fire that sent him flying to the side. Rezel stood majestically in the air, glaring harshly at Guilt. "I will not let you harm my comrade," he growled, drawing his blade. "Try'n stop me, Spirit," Guilt spat back, sending a massive fireball Rezel's way. The Dragon Spirit easily deflected it, but not so easy to avoid was Guilt's broadsword. Rezel stepped aside, dodging the blow and bringing down his fist to send Guilt streaking towards the ground. The demon spun in the air, stopping just above the street. "All right, mate," Guilt snarled. "Now it's on! Krell, permission to release Limiter 1!" Krell stared up at the Dragons, then eyed Guilt carefully. Finally, he spoke a single, commanding word. "Granted." "Brilliant," Guilt laughed. His hand strayed to his lip, and he slowly pulled loose the stud lodged in his flesh. A spark of light flashed through the air, and he crumpled the piece of metal in his hand. With a wicked grin, he moved. And drove his foot into Rezel's stomach. "In case you survive, mate," Guilt muttered. "Remember that demons never show their hand in the beginning." Rezel titled up his head, staring Guilt in the eye. Fire exploded around him, propelling the demon back a few feet. "Neither to I!"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"Well," Guilt said, staring after Pride. "That was melodramatic and overblown." He lazily rolled his head over to stare at the assembled Spirits. A grin slowly split his face. "Anyone else care fer a fight, eh?" The towering Dragon Spirit that had recently arrived snorted and looked away from the street punk. "You are not worthy of my time, Demon," he growled. "Let us fly, Tsuchi." The two dragons were about to fly off, when a bolt of fire hit Rezel square in the back. He turned, glaring harshly at Guilt, who was staring at his hand with mock interest. Smoke curled from his fingers. "Wonder 'ow that 'appened...spot o' bad luck, eh?" Guilt sneered. "Don't try my patience," Rezel snarled, hand trailing to his blade. "How about I try that blade ya got there?" Guilt said, holding out his hand. Fire began to crackle around it, and it spiraled forth, a few centemeters away from Rezel's chest. The flames dimmed, and a hooked broadsword hovered momentarily in the air, until Guilt's hand wrapped around the hilt. He lifted it up high, bringing it down onto his shoulders. "What d'ya say, Dragon? Care fer a fight?" With a fierce swing, Guilt brought the blade back up, arcing it around to dig into the bridge. Rubble rained down onto the highway below, and the screeching of metal and breaks heralded more crashes. "Or do I need to tear this planet apart to get yer 'ttention?"[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]OOC: For the record, Guilt's picking a fight with just about everyone. Anyone who wants to step in, feel free.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]OOC: Wow...this is really awesome, Reiku. I really hope I'm not too late... [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Name [/B] The Scarecrow (Real name: Andre Swarsgard) [B]Age[/B] 26 [B]Gender[/B] Male [B]Origin[/B] His current residence is somewhere in Norway. [B]Appearance[/B] [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=18&pos=4]With normal ears, less crazy hair, and in normal clothes[/URL] [B]History[/B] The Scarecrow is a legend amidst the dark and devious. A notorious thief, murderer, and downright lawless thug, the Scarecrow has made a name for himself in the world of crime. With a record in 28 countries, 73 major kills to his name, and more than $1.3 million amassed in stolen wealth, he is a god among criminals. No one is sure where he came from, other than his supposedly Swedish heritage and cool South California accent. The most recent crime accredited to him is an assassination, the death of a crime lord in France. And from hearsay and imaginings, he's on his way to Russia. [B]Personality[/B] Like any infamous outlaw, the Scarecrow is ruthless, cunning, and not just a little paranoid. One eye over his shoulder and the other on the prize, that's the way the Scarecrow works. When sharing words with another human, he's generally quiet, cool, and agreeable. In truth, however, he's a cynic (or, as he likes to say, a realist) who never takes too many risks and always knows the score. [B]Tattoo/s[/B] On his left shoulder is the large bird in the picture/link. Wrapped around either wrist is barbed wire, with "puncture marks" in the skin.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"Since the dawn of time, a great war has been fought for the fate of the world. With the infernal forces of Hell on one side, and the glorious celestial armies of Heaven on the other, they would clash until Judgement day, when one would rule and the rest would die. It is your sovereign duty as a warrior of Hell to fight to ensure our victory blah blah blah!" Guilt spat off the edge of the bridge, glaring lazily at the oncomming traffic. Since he first came into being, he had the ancient philosophy of war crammed down his throat. Frankly, after 18 centuries, he was sick of it. "Bloody ol' fools tryin' ta tell me what I should be doin'...ain't doin' 'at good a job 'emselves, if you ask me, which they won't. I'm just a low class soldier, to fight and die, fight and die," he snarled, taking on the thick accent of a British street punk. It was how he modeled his life, afterall. Too much Billy Idol. Still scowling heavily, he placed the battered old pair of binoculars to his eyes, staring out across the fields of exhaust fumes and road-rage. Made him feel at home, it did. "Can't b'lieve I'm out 'ere, tryin' to find some stupid bloody prototype for their stupid bloody war. The bloody sods should find the stupid protoype themselves, they should. 'Sides, no skin off my nose if we lose. 'Course, no skin [I]on[/I] my nose if we lose either. Maybe I should defect while I've got a chance..." "I'd advise against that, Guilt," grumbled a low voice behind him. With a low groan and a roll of the eyes, Guilt turned to face his commander/mentor/father-figure/thorn in his side, Krell. "I was only jokin', Krell," Guilt sighed. "You know me. Always the kidder, eh?" "Drop the accent you stooge," Krell snarled, glaring down with fierce golden eyes. "'S my right to pick whatever accent I want while in human form, Krelly. So if I wanna be a Billy Idol clone, I'll bloody well be a fucking Billy Idol clone, hear?" "Unfortunately, yes." "Good. Now, what's the big emergency, eh?" "We have to find the Prototype before it destroys us all, that's what." "An' why do I have to do 'at?" "Because you're a punk and I'm your superior." Guilt turned away and muttered various insults and curses under his breath. There was still nothing to be seen in the chrome river that served as a highway. "Listen, Guilt," Krell sighed. "Just do as I say, and maybe I can get in a good word to the Crimson Duke. That'll get us both better jobs. Hopefully far, far away from eachother." "Ol' Crim can save 'is promotion's fer summat who cares..." Guilt muttered absently. Something was tugging at the back of his brain. Some kind of warning. "You should care, and you should refer to him as the Crimson Duke," Krell lectured. What was that warning in the back of his skull? It seemed so obvious, but it was stuck on the tip of his forked tongue. "He's leading the warriors on Earth at the moment, so show a little-" "Flying Mercedes at 12 o'clock!" "Wha-oh shit!" The two demons jumped to the side as a large vehicle hurtled through the bridge, tearing up the concrete ground and landing fifteen feet behind them, causing a rather large number of accidents. Guilt slowly rose to his feet, rubbing his head. "Since when to Beemers take to the air?" he asked no one. "Since enemies throw them at us, I'd wager," Krell snarled, staring down at the highway.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]OOC: And so, the great War of Heaven vs. Hell vs. Earth begins. Anyone who wants to be the car-thrower, take up the call. To make things a little easier for you, Krell is a lot like Guilt in power and fighting style, though a little more experienced and powerful. Have fun. Be sane. Fight dirty if you have to. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray][CENTER]-Name- Chernobog Wolfgang Scott, goes by Wolf -Age- 17 -Gender- Male -Appearance- [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=24&pos=20]The guy in the center[/URL] Give him modern, punk/goth clothes and a lip stud, but keep the hair-band. Yeah, he wears a hair-band. -Personality- Chernobog Wolfgang Scott hates everything. Especially his parents. Because they named him Chernobog Wolfgang Scott. So, he hates [I]everything[/I]. He's dark, he's solitary, and he's constantly pissed off. It's like someone beat him with a goth stick until he stopped moving (note: credited to my friend Josh. So be pissed off at him). He's surly and belligerant to all authority figures, never does jack in class, and is usually getting the crap kicked out of him for various reasons. He is not, under any pretense, a happy kid. ***** This is going to be a very interesting character to play. Watch out for the Wolf. Or not.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Well, a lot of people have signed-up. More than I could've ever hoped for. However, letting all of you in would probably result in chaos and a fairly over-loaded RP. So, there are going to have to be some cuts. [U][B]Accepted[/B][/U] Neuvoxetere - Beelzebub Sakura - Kisa Treno - Midnight Honor Kitty - Tsuchi Mouse - Kyshandra Rin - Rezel Raid3r - Pride Saishi - Mercy [U][B]Rejected[/B][/U] Katsie - Kuriea Lash Anarchy - Azel OliverWhip - Odell Jarrah SakuraMinamino - Kitsune Arayel Xanadu - Pan [U][B]Pending[/B][/U] Freude - Sagittarius Pumpkin - Clevielle No offense to anyone who has been cut. It's just, there are a lot of fabulous sign-ups here. And though a lot of yours had good sign-ups, they just weren't AS good. Freude, Pumpkin, I'm putting you on "pending" because I don't want to cut potentially good RPers because of things that may not be their fault. This should be up in a day or so, so be ready for the End of Days. ... I really need to stop doing lame tag lines. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]Name:[/B] Guilt [B]Gender:[/B] Masculine [B]Faction:[/B] Hell [B]Appearance:[/B] - Human - In his human guise, Guilt looks like your average punk. He's fairly tall, with a lean, muscular build. His hair is short and spiked, a vibrant crimson color. His brilliant yellow eyes flash behind red-tinted sunglasses. Everything about him screams fire and anarchy, from his wild hair to his heavy black boots. He generally manifests a pair of black cargos with flame lining, a red t-shirt, and a leather jacket. One oddly pointed ear is pierced with a dangling silver fang. The other is riddled with chrome studs, as is his chin and nose. Heavy chains dangle from his pants, and silver rings adorn all of his fingers. - True - Guilt's true form is even less pleasent. Red scales sprout all over his body, his teeth change to long fangs, and his golden eyes flash fire from every gaze. He's still humanoid, but his draconic history is obvious. A tail tears loose from his clothes, long and muscular. Spikes erupt from his spine, and leathery wings tear free of his back. He grows long claws, and wickedly curving horns. He is every inch a monster. [B]Weapons: [/B] While human, Guilt uses whatever weapon he can get his hands on, from a torn-loose steel girder to a handgun. However, he is most often seen with a hooked broad-sword given to him by his mentor. In his true form, Guilt always uses either the hooked sword or his great claws. [B]Powers: [/B] As his form and lineage would lead you to believe, Guilt is a demon of fire. His pyrokinetic abilities, the ability to create and manipulate flames, makes him a powerful warrior. In addition, his dragon scales give him a powerful armor, especially against the flames, and he also takes on an incredible strength in either form. [B]Personality:[/B] Just like he looks in human form, Guilt is a punk. He's crude, crass, surly, rude, and downright nasty. He's very familiar with human concepts like sarcasm and cynicism, taking them on quite nicely for an outsider. He has none of the typical doom and gloom atmosphere most of the older warriors have, being a much more modern warrior. He's all for a good fight, or a good kill, and won't let anything stop him, espcially a stuff old Demon Lord. [B]Motivation:[/B] Guilt is driven by self, and nothing more. He doesn't fight for the glory of Hell, he doesn't want to destroy the Celestial armies. He doesn't hate anyone in particular, he hates everyone. He'll fight anyone. Be they Angel, Demon, or biker. In particular the bikers, actually, but that's besides the point. He wants a fight, and he'll pick one with anyone. And he intends to win.[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Warning: A lot of text. Don't say I didn't warn you.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B][SIZE=2]The Beginning: [/B][/SIZE] In the beginning, there was nothing. No starts, no life. An endless void of blackness encompassed all. For an untold amount of time, there was no light, no fire, nothing in existence. The darkness was all, for a second, or for an infinity. It's impossible to know how long the void existed. For nothing was there to tell the time, until the light began. The light was a single entity at first, an all encompassing glow. It was the first life, the first thing to grace the universe. Call it God or whatever you wish. But it was there. The First Being. It made a light, a life, and goodness. But as all can tell you, there is no light without shadow. No good without evil. The being was not good, because there was no evil to compare it with. It just was. It made the first good, and the first evil. The good was the light and heavens. The evil was shadow and hell. And in that dark hell was another being. The Devil. Where the First Being wanted Creation, the Devil wanted destruction. It was a being of shadow, pain, and fury. It was the direct opposite of the First. In Heaven, the First created beings of light. In Hell, it made the dark ones. The angels and demons were the first to walk this plane of existence. Then, together with the Devil, the First created the Earth. A place between Heaven and Hell were life of a different kind was created. A sphere of hot earth floated in the sky, until it cooled and became Earth. The First created the Earth to be a land of neutrality. To do this, to make sure it wasn't purely good, it needed the aid of the Devil. Both added their influence. This spawned freedom to the beings of Earth. They were not guided by as strong a flow as the Demons and Angels. And as they changed and grew and multiplied, the First and the Devil stepped back and watched. They've been watching for millions of years, as their creations continue to change. And they know the End draws near.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray][B][SIZE=2]Heaven vs. Hell: [/SIZE][/B] There was not peace in Heaven and Hell. The Angels and Demons despised each other with a passion, for they were opposites. The Angels are creatures of light, and the Demons are creatures of dark. They are natural enemies. And they have carried that out in a great war, since the beginning of time. Do not let the books fool you. The war of Heaven and Hell did not begin with rebellious angels, and it has yet to end. Armageddon is coming, but it hits when one side wins. Heaven wins, we die by the hands of Angels. Hell wins, we burn in Hellfire. Either way, we die and move on to our eventual fate. During the war, however, there was a rebellion in heaven. Several, in fact. The same for Hell. Throughout the war, there have been numerous splinterings of factions, disagreements, rebellions, assassinations, traitors, spies, and everything else we see in human wars. They did it all first, after all. The first great rebellion, however, was led by the Morning Star himself, Lucifer. The greatest traitor of all, the Prideful One, he was the first to break rank and turn against Heaven. Many have followed suit. The war rages on despite these events. Heroes and villains emerge on both sides, from the most wicked demon, to the most honorable. Fallen Angels clash with True Angels. And the various beasts of either side take suit, burning with hellfire or descending from the heavens. The Demons and Angels aren't the only Celestial warriors. There are many on either side.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B][SIZE=2]Dragons: [/SIZE][/B] The Dragons are one of the greatest and most well known beasts of the two factions. They were spawned from the fires of Hell, Infernal Monsters that wreaked havoc on Heaven until one turned coat and joined the Celestial forces. He is known as the Great Dragon, the first Dragon of Light. Lord of all the Dragons of Heaven. He is a God, and all the Dragons know him as one. The first Dragons were fairly weak, comparatively. The great Old One, the Devil Dragon itself, gave birth to beings more powerful than itself, and they keep growing in strength. The Great Dragon was the most powerful son of the Devil Dragon, and when he saw the darkness that surrounded him, he fled to Heaven. There, he began his own legacy. There are more Dragons than even those of Heaven and Hell. The Dragons of Earth were born from the dead beasts that ended up in the Land of Spirits. They became the Dragon Spirits, and have since grown and changed over the ages, becoming their own line. The Dragon Spirits are some of the most powerful of the Spirits, defending Earth their greatest calling.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][SIZE=2][B]Spirits: [/B] [/SIZE] There are truly three factions in this Great War. Not just the legions of Hell and the armies of Heaven, but a third that keeps them both at bay on Earth. The Spirits of men and beasts that live just outside the Earth's dimension, in-between Earth and the two warring worlds. Amidst the Spirits of the dead reside these great warriors, and they will fight to the bitter end for Earth. Most of the Spirits take the form of animals. The Wolf Spirits, the Dragon Spirits, the Bird Spirits, the Tiger Spirits, et all. They take the legendary power of their forms and use it to fend off the outsiders and save humanity from Armageddon. They view all from either side as enemies, and take no prisoners in the war. In accordance with the Earthly elements, the Spirits have moved to the four poles to raise their powers. To the North are the Spirits of Water and Ice. To the South are the Spirits of Fire and the Sky. To the West are spirits of the Earth and Steel. And to the west are the Spirits of Thunder and Wood. The Spirits have formed clans based on their animal heritages, with lords for each clan. The Spirit Lords are great and powerful warriors who have risen to their posts through hard work and battle. Each clan has four leaders, one at each pole. These Spirit Lords have the power to call upon the warriors of their Clan at any time, and use them to fend off the outsiders.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=2][B]The Others: [/B][/SIZE] The most dangerous and mysterious of all the beings involved in the Great War, the Others exist in small numbers, but with great power. They are created beings, made from technology invented by Heaven, by warriors of Hell, and based on the imaginations of humans. It is unknown what part they may play in the War, besides the fact that they are Hell's greatest weapon. For now, it seems like Hell has but one. A Prototype, AGT - 0001. Nothing more about it is known, save for its very creators. No one knows how powerful it is, or even what it looks like. They only know that it is a monster, forged from the minds of man. And that is the spring for the greatest horrors of all.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Now that the (seemingly) endless backstory is through... The war of Heaven and Hell is nearing its end. But no matter which side wins, we lose in a big way. Our only hope rests in the hands of the Spirits of Earth, but they are losing ground against the superior forces of Heaven [I]and[/I] Hell. And Hell is poised with a shiny new weapon. The Prototype of the Others is ready. And it's loose on Earth, poised to wreak havoc. A team of warriors from Hell is moving in the recapture it. A group from Heaven in moving in to take them out. And the Spirits are trying to stop them both. A battle is about to begin, and it may just bring about our untimely end.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]SIGN-UP Name: In the naming aspect, go wild. Gender: Angels and Demons have gender traits, either masculine or femenine. They don't actually have genders, but they seem like they do. Faction: Heaven, Hell, or Spirits Appearance: Most of them have two forms. A human form, and their true form. The true form can be the same, or very, very different. Most Spirits are animals in their true forms, the Dragons look like Dragons, and Demons and Angels run the gamut. Weapons: From katanas to handguns. Powers: No specific attacks, just a general kind of ability, such as fire control. Personality: You know the drill. Motivation: Instead of a Bio (which would be pretty hard to write) I'm letting you show your characters motives. Why they fight, what they fight for, etc. A little bit of past mingled with a lot of internalization. Should be interesting. I'll post my character later. However, there is one thing I have to say now before you create your character. You cannot be, I repeat CANNOT be, Michael, Gabriel, or any of the other Seven Archangels. Same goes for Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, Behemoth, Leviathan, Mammon, and Belphagor. Those 14 are far too powerful. I may integrate them later, or pick people to play as them. But I'm not having some shmoe walk in off the street and take the great warrior Michael. Save my (few) restrictions, go wild. There should be more than enough here to get your creative juices flowing. And I hope you all have a great time fighting for the future of the world. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Zhou Tao [B]Sobriquet[/B]: He is sometimes referred to as the Silent Viper. [B]Age[/B]: 31 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Appearance/Description[/B]: [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=18&pos=13]Tao[/URL] Except, you know, Chinese. Minus the neck-thing, the wristbands, and the crossbow. Put him in more period-design clothes of a similar type. Change the sunglasses to glasses. Give him a [I]jian[/I]. That's Tao. [B]Affiliation[/B]: An assassin hired by the Government to take out the Pearls of Winter in exchange for an erased police record. [B]Weapon(s)[/B]: Tao is a master with the [I]jian[/I] (Chinese straight sword). His paricular blade, his only cherished possession, is a piece of art. A long black ash handle, laced with steel and iron. Carvings of a wicked snake, and a viper making the handguard. The blade is slightly waved at the edge for extra bite. He is also fairly skilled with a staff, a spear, and a bow, not to mention his ability to turn many normal items into weapons. In addition, his body is a weapon with his skill in Snake Style Shaolin Quan. [B]Circumstances[/B]: In the dark underworld, one name is whispered from place to place, tinged with shivers and fear. Zhou Tao. The Silent Viper. The assassin. A killer by nature and by profession, who'll take any head for a suitable price. He's never lost a target, never failed a job. He's never lost a fight. Never failed to kill an opponent. Almost nothing is known of the assassin's past. He's said to be from a poor family, killed by soldiers or bandits or the like. He left his home and dedicated himself to a life of death. A life of shadows. It's known that he's a master swordsman, and is highly skilled in the Snake style of Shaolin Quan. He's probably from Wudanshan, say most, as it is where the Snake style is prominant. Sadly, his infamy has brought him trouble from the government. Soldiers track Tao across China. And they have apparently captured him, bringing him to the government head. And a proposition has been made. Kill the Pearls of Winter, and his police record vanishes. Kill them all, or die himself. Zhou Tao does not fail. ***** [B]Introduction[/B]: Smoky and dark. Such is the way of the lairs of criminals. The only places that take in scum and villains, murderers and theives. The violent, the greedy, the deranged, the brutal. All the filth from the streets of China, gathered into small shacks and burrows. Filthy. The liquor in his hand was heady and bitter. The smoke trailing from his pipe foul smelling and acrid. But it was the best he could buy in the rundown old town, filled with drunks, vagrants, and killers. Zhou Tao could always pay for the best. Assassins were well-payed no matter where you went. Tao knew the truth quite well. The door creaked open. Eyes flickered to it, and a small boy moved in. Dirty, disheveled, and nervous, his eyes grew wide as the thugs watched him. His bare feet slapped against the grungy floor, and he bowed his head low as he approached the Silent Viper. He spoke, voice shaking like the earth during a quake. "M-Master w-w-will s-see you n-now, g-great one," he stammered. "Good," was the assassins curt reply. He spoke with a cold voice, sharp like his blade but with a smoothness that did not fit his reputation. Neither did the lazy elegance with which he rose from the old chair, nor the slow gait that he walked. For the deadliest assassin alive, he gave of a startlingly calm disposition. None of the bloodlust or agitation that filled most. He was simply a man going about his work. It was blood-chilling. The sword clinked lightly as Tao walked, his sandals sqeaking with each step. The patrons marveled. How could this be the great Silent Viper, when every step he took made noise? At last, several rose, drawing up their arms. Tao stopped immediately, speaking in the same calm tone. "Is there a problem?" "We don't think you are really the great assassin," one growled. He stepped forward, towering over Tao. The unwashed thug brandished a massive sword, and bore many scars. "I assure you, I am," Tao said, a placid smile on his lips. "Prove it!" another man screamed, swinging a long polearm at the assassin. It cleaved through the floor, but Tao was untouched. He stepped to the side of the swing, dancing forward and drawing his [I]jian[/I] silently, driving the sword into the thug's stomach. "Proven." With inhuman skill, he turned slightly to bring his foot up into another attacker's face. The large sandle shattered his jaw, and the man staggered back. Tao pulled his blade loose, bringing it forward to pin the broken man to the wall. Blood splashed onto Tao's hands and face. He still had the same smile. Five minutes and the rest were dead. Cleaved, stabbed, broken, and bruised. They lay upon the floor, slumped over tables, bleeding from countless wounds. Tao stood in the middle of the carnage, untouched save for the blood of others. Smiling calmly, he took a puff on his pipe and snuffed it by pressing it to a carcasses back 'til it stopped sizzling. He turned to the young boy, who flinched at a single glance. "Shall we go, my boy?" ***** OOC: I was going to have Tao be a government official, but then I decided that an assassin would be much more fun to play. And then, he changed again, from your typical cold, heartless killer to...this. A calm, fairly cheerful man without a care in the world, save the government perhaps. Tell me if anything at all needs to be changed. -ULX-[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]OOC: After a flattering intro like that, Ozy, how could I be angry? Heh.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Xander stepped into the art supplies shop, thoroughly distracted. He had collided with a woman yesterday, young but a mother. He remained captivated by her. Something about her held his interest. He played the memory in his head again as he fingered the comic paper, looking for some quality stuff. "Give 'em!" "Leggo!" "I want 'em!" Xander's attention was pulled away, and his eyes flicked over to two kids fighting over a box of crayons. With a midly amused grin, he stepped over and plucked the box from their stuggling hands. They let go in shock, and he held it up, examining it closely. It was a slightly dented box of crayons. "Just what I needed..." he murmured. "Hey, mister, tha's mine!" "No, it's mine!" "Isn't!" "Is!" "Isn't," Xander cut in. "It's mine." He picked up a packet of comic paper and walked towards the cash register. The blonde woman at the counter was looking dreamily at him, but quickly looked away as he caught her stare. Another grin flickered across his face. Wasn't the first time he'd caught her staring. He was a lot more observant than most people thought. He set the items on the table, and she kept staring down. Even then, Xander could see the blush that splashed on her cheeks. She ran the infra-red scanner over the comic paper, then paused as she lifted up the box of crayons. "Working on a new medium," he said, smiling bashfully. She raised an eyebrow, but said nothing, typing out the amount. He asked how much, she told him, he payed, and he left with a casual wave and a soft, "good bye." Business as usual. Until he ran into a woman for the second time in two days.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Any ladies want to meet Xander? Now's your chance.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]White. Blinding. Pure. Mocking. Xander lay on his back, staring up at the blank ceiling. Blank paper. Words seemed to seep onto the surface. He blinked and they were gone. A vision of his tortured mind. The message appeared wherever he looked, until he blinked them away. He could only look at the mural, but it hurt to see her. He couldn't find rest...not in sleep, where his dreams would be filled with maddening desires. [I]I can't do it.[/I] [I]You must...[/I] the blank-ness laughed. [I]Or you'll die...[/I] [I]I can't do it. You have to. I can't! You must, or you die![/I] "I [I]can't[/I]!" he yelled aloud, rising to his feet. [I]You'll die if you refuse, Xander. Die. Dead. No more.[/I] "I don't care! I care do that to her!" [I]It's not that bad, is it Xander? It's not worth dieing for, is it?[/I] He looked away, gritting his teeth. Do or die. Do or die. So many say it, but now it's true. Do or die. Game Start - Game Over. Do or die. At last, he settled his mind...and walked out the door. Just a few steps ahead was a door labeled "Imogen." He swallowed hard, and set his hand to the lock. [I]Please be locked...[/I] It opened easily. [I]Shit.[/I] She was asleep on the bed, or looked it. It was a gorgeous room, and she was gorgeous in it. Almost painful. Slow and steady, steps light on the hardwood. Trembling hand out, reaching for her shoulder. Time slows, heart stops, just like before. But worse. He touched her bare shoulder, and she groaned in her sleep, looking blearily at him. "Xan...Xander?" "We've gotta talk."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Xander watched with a dry mouth as the two women left the room. He couldn't imagine the perils his own envelope would contain...well, he could, but that was starting to make him even more afraid, so he stopped. Hands trembling, he reached out for the water glass and took a sip, flipping open the envelope. The paper that fell out was heavy and yellow. He flipped it over as he drank, and nearly choked as he read the instruction. He hacked and choked, setting the water glass down hard on the table. Imogen looked over, concern in her eyes. "Are you okay, Xander?" Xander choked and blushed lightly, hiding the instruction with his hand. "Fine," he gasped. "Just a bit shocked is all." She eyed him carefully, but turned away, holding her envelope in her hand. He stared at it hard, trying to peer through...and quickly realized he mightn't want to, lest it be as bad as his own. His eyes moved back to the paper, and he read it about ten more times, trying to discern whether he was mistaken. He wasn't. [I]Well...bugger...I mean...poo.[/I] He stabbed a piece of food with his fork, swallowing hard. He twirled it around on his plate. His appetite vanished, rather non-mysteriously. It was replaced by a rather hollow feeling in the pit of his stomach and an unbelievable level of embarassment. "Um..." he said, rising from his seat. "Imogen...I'm not feeling very hungry. Gonna head back to my room...in case you wanted to, um, know. Or, perchance follow. If you so desired of course. Yeah." And with that, Xander strode off, horribly ashamed and beginning to dread that he wouldn't live to see the morning.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The night was quiet outside the Heart's Covenant, silence broken only by the quick clicking of a lighter and the wisp of flame that followed. Peter took a quick drag, glaring out into the darkness. His pale brown eyes moved from Aly to Aneko and back again. "I'm a fucking computer programmer, not a fucking guard..." he growled, taking another puff off the cigarette. "What do they expect me to do? Through a mother-fucking motherboard at them?" "Can it, nerd boy," Aly snarled. She ran a black-gloved hand through her short, snowy white hair. "You think I want to be here? I could be at home, taking a warm bath - " "And doing your wrist exercises, ne?" Peter cut in, grinning wickedly. Aly's eyes flashed and she pointed a hand at Peter, glaring harshly. "Shut your mouth you filthy pervert!" "Or what?" the young man scoffed. "I'll use that castration spell I found yesterday." "Point taken." Peter turned to stare off into the darkness again. It stared back.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"I refuse," Tetsuya said calmly. "What!?" Akio barked. He glowered down at Tetsuya with gleaming golden eyes. "We can kill Kuroichi, end it once and for all! We can bring peace back to Japan!" "I don't care." "What are you talking about!?" "I said I don't care!" Tetsuya barked, rising to his feet. Akio was a large man, tall and muscular. But Tetsuya had an inner power to him, allowing him to meet his rival in a stare-down. Golden eyes met, and the air crackled with power. "How can you say that to us...after all the Project has done for you..." Akio snarled. "What has it done for me? Made me an outcast? Trained me in skills I'll never use? Nearly get me and everyone I love killed?" "No, you did that yourself!" Akio bellowed. The silence fell swiftly, and fear swept across the room as Tetsuya stepped towards Akio. Though larger, Akio was dwarfed by the sheer power that radiated from the other man. He wilted under the unnatural stare. "You know not of what you speak. Mochiko...it is complicated." "Then why not explain," Naoto chipped in, in a futile attempt to lessen the tension. "Tell us what happened..." "She died. It was my fault." "But did you kill her?" Tetsuya was silent for a moment, looking away from Akio to stare out the window. "I did not. But she fell by my hand - or might as well have. She hired a man to kill me...a serial killer by the name of Keith Midnight. He killed her. But it was my fault." "No..." "Yes it damn well was!" A glass shattered on the table. The air hummed once more, and Tetsuya made all eyes fall to him. "If I hadn't let her go...if I hadn't driven her to it...she would be alive. It's my fault. And I won't let it happen again." With that, he turned on his heel and left. The rest of the room was stunned for a moment, until Akio flew to his feet. "I'm not letting him get away," he growled. And then he was gone. It was a loud scream that brought the rest.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Peter lay in the street, unconscious. Aneko was writhing in the grip of a giant warrior. And smoke curled from Aly's gloved hand, the fire fading from view. "Let her go!" she screamed. Another bolt flashed through the gloom, but it was knocked out of the air by a blade. A strange weapon, a kind of gauntlet with long spokes glittering brightly. The Suzaku, wielded by Yaiba. Doppo held Aneko against his broad chest, muffling her mouth with one great hand. Dokeshi and Yurei stood to the sides, flanking their lord Kuroichi. "So, this [I]is[/I] where Tetsuya-kun and the rest are..." Kuroichi said, grinning. "You son of a bitch!" Aly shrieked. Lightning arced through the sky and struck the spot where Kuroichi stood. He took a step back just in time, evading the blast. He smirked at the sorceress, arms crossed over his chest. Then the doors flew open, drawing Kuroichi's gaze...and bringing a wicked smile to his face. "Tetsuya..." "Kuroichi!" "Oy, Tetsuya! [I]Matte[/I]!" Akio ran out into the street, and his hand strayed to his sword as soon as he saw the Vampires. "He's here! Kuroichi is here!" "Tch...[I]urusai[/I]..." Kuroichi growled. In a flash, Kuroichi was behind Tetsuya. The hunter's eyes grew wide. The Demon was far stronger now...far, far stronger. Kuroichi brought his hand out and wrapped it around Akio's neck, lifting the Hunter off his feet. The winged Vampire licked his pale lips, and brought his fangs to Akio's throat, tearing a hole in the artery. Blood spilled over his lips. "It's been far too long since I've tasted the blood of a Hunter," Kuroichi said, letting Akio's corpse fall. "And I don't know if I can drink from just one...are the other two in there still?" "Don't take another step!" Tetsuya barked, whirling. He swiftly drew his katana, pointing the blade at Kuroichi. "I'll kill you, or you will fall to the lords of the Gwyar and the King of the Myrkur Aniol." Kuroichi stared at Tetsuya for a moment, then began to laugh. "Akio, take care of Tetsuya-kun," Kuroichi chuckled. "I will deal with the others." The corpse slowly staggered to its feet, glaring at Tetsuya with fierce golden eyes. "[I]Yosh, Kuroichi-sama...[/I]"[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Sorry, but Kuroichi-sama had to get in on the action. Plus, it was getting too long between good fights. The death of Akio is something I've had planned for a while, if only to give Tetsuya a real reason to join the fight against Kuroichi. And now we know the truth of Mochiko's death...to an extent, anyway. Tetsuya is the main character of my novel, and that's the climax of it. I'm actually plotting a sequal featuring our favorite Silver-Haired Demon...so make sure to look for the Tetsuya the Hunter series in bookstores at some point in the distant future. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Xander was confused. He didn't know why he felt comfortable around this woman. He didn't know why he found the piece she played so moving. He didn't know why he hugged her. He didn't know what the spark was. He didn't know why he was about to kiss her. All he knew was that it felt right, down in the pit of his heart. Silence hung heavy in the air, muffling the fading strains of Fur Elise. Time slowed, as did his heart. He could almost feel the blood stop in his veins as he leaned closer to her. Time snapped back with the rap of knuckles on hard wood. Xander dropped his arms from Imogen, turning to face the [I]Intruder[/I] person who knocked. It was a mousy looking young man, and from his dress and demeanour, Xander assessed him as a servant. "Begging your pardon," he said, looking away. The servant had a faint blush in his face, obviously embarassed to nearly walk in on the two. "But the Master has instructed me to inform you that dinner shall be held shortly." The messanger turned and left the doorway. Xander stood for a moment, still stunned, when a thought occured to him. "Wait! We're a bit..." The hallway before him was empty. Just dust and doors. "...lost. Well...crap." He turned back to Imogen, who was standing in the middle of the room, staring shyly at the floor. Xander mentally cursed Fortuna and time itself. "The...servant guy vanished. Like a ghost, ne? Guess we've gotta find some way back to our rooms." As if on some divine cue, a slip of paper fluttered through the window on a previously non-existant wind. It fell at Xander's feet, and he leaned down to pick it up. On cursory inspection, it was obviously a map. "Well I'll be buggered..." he murmured. "Pardon?" Imogen asked, looking confused. "It's a map...a map just floated in." "No, I meant you used 'buggered'. Thought that was just Brit-speak." Xander shrugged. He made no such distinctions, using whatever words floated into his head. He eyed the map, and saw a room labeled "piano" adjacent to a staircase. There they were, he assumed, and he checked the rest of the map. "Guess we just go up those stairs...two floors, then a right will lead us to our rooms..." he looked up. "Well, since I have a map, shall I help lead you to the dining room?" Imogen raised an eyebrow. "Are you asking me to dinner, sir?" "Why yes, madame, I think I am. Do you approve?"[/SIZE][/COLOR]