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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Burning. Kuroichi was burning. He could feel something writhing in his veins, warm and pleasent but fierce at the same time. As sleep slowly faded from his mind, he recognized the feeling. Passion. Passion like none he had felt in many years. Lust, pride, and pleasure coursed through him. A potent fuel for the passion that inflamed his heart. He slowly brought and arm from the blankets to his mostly uncovered chest. Another arm was resting there, not his own. A woman's. Sumiyaka's. Kuroichi slowly rose from his reclining position, and looked down at the slumbering Vampiress at his side. Her face was peaceful, calm and serene. And he noticed, with a mixture of anger and pride, the smug satisfaction that carressed her features. Kuroichi felt that same smugness rising in him. Through his many years of life, he had been with many women. Stolen many hearts. And tasted flesh from Japan to Denmark. And no conquest was as trying, or as fulfilling, as she had proved. Images flooded into his mind, affirming the worth of the trials he had endured in capturing her as well. [I]"And what will you do about that, my Lord?"[/I] Those were her words as she pulled away. That smirk called to Kuroichi, the taste of her lips, the devious promises locked in her eyes. And he had only one thing he could say. [I]"I will make you mine."[/I] And he had. The deal had been struck, the alliance forged in the fires of lust and frenzied passion. The climatic spark of pleasure the final pen stroke on the contract. She was his. She was Krilat Zmaj. Kuroichi slowly pulled her arm from his midsection as he stood, bare and shining in the morning glow. Already the gems were empowering the newest Krilat Zmaj, he noted. Sumiyaka looked glorious in the golden light. A radiant goddess that was his alone. A loud clatter disturbed Kuroichi from his ruminations. The lock on the window rattled, and Kuroichi flung the shades wide, prepared to smite the assailant with a single bolt of blood. However, the very moment that the blade began to form, he took in the familiar scent. TWO familiar scents. Zoku and Keitha were at his window. And yet, only one entered. The hulking Vampire stepped in, shrugging off his heavy cloak. An imposing figure to say the least, towering, dark, eyes blazing. But even naked and unarmed, Kuroichi didn't flinch for a moment under Zoku's withering gaze. The titan stared down at the demon, and the demon smiled. "Ohayo, Zoku-kun," Kuroichi said cheerfully. "I apologize for...disturbing you, my lord," Zoku said, eyes flickering away modestly. "No need. It is my fault for putting off our meeting for so long," Kuroichi said, waving on hand absent mindedly. He turned and pulled on a blood-red satin robe lat lay across a plush red chair. He gazed to Sumiyaka briefly, making sure that she was adiquately covered. Though Kuroichi was not especially modest, he did not appreciate men seeing what was rightfully his without his consent. As he stared, Sumiyaka's eyes fluttered open. She stretched languidly like in a very feline manner. As she turned to face Kuroichi, her eyes flickered to Zoku. "Why is he here?" she asked calmly, drawing the blankets around her. She walked over to Kuroichi, placing a hand upon his shoulder. "Be...Sumiyaka?" Zoku gasped. "Why...?" "Sumiyaka has joined the Krilat Zmaj, Zoku," Kuroichi said plainly, flashing a brilliant smile. "Do you have any...qualms with this matter?" "Of course not, master Kuroichi," Zoku replied, eyes moving away from the two. It made something rise in his stomach to see how easily Sumiyaka was wooed by the Silver-Haired Demon. "Sumiyaka, I believe that it would set Zoku-san more...at ease if you were clothed," Kuroichi said, leaning close to Sumiyaka. It took a generous amount of will to keep himself from tasting her once more. The smell of her, the warmth of her breath, her radiant beauty...almost too much for one Vampire to bare. "Meanwhile, Zoku and I will discuss the business at hand. I'm sure you'll have pleanty to add as well," he assured, making sure Sumiyaka realized that she was still viewed as an equal. The last slur that Kuroichi needed to have hurled his way was sexist. His eyes flickered quickly back to Zoku. "Now, shall we begin discussing matters? I'm afraid I have little time, for tonight is my meeting with the Zugai."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I hope everyone is happy so far? Sorry again to you kairi for putting off the meeting with Zoku. And thanks to you, Methuselah, for using the S I had planted. Perhaps there will be even more room for spice in the future, ne? -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Wow, a lot of good ideas here. And don't worry Methy, I haven't forgotten about it. I've just been preoccupied. A parody could be good. I'm always up for a good parody/comedy. The children thing seems a little...trite, really, but could be pulled off well. Actually, I really like the sound of Hevn's idea. I didn't really pay that much attention to Kill Adam when it first got started (shame on me), but that could work. Keep an eye out if I finally pick an idea. And I welcome more suggestions, as I am not feeling too terribly creative at the moment (shame!). Ja. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Chilling and exciting...you most certainly have the Stephen King spark for suspense. You'll make an excellent murder mystery author, I can tell you that. And trust me, I know my murder mysteries. A few guesses on the mystery man, but I don't know if I'd spoil anything by saying out front. So I'll just post my guesses in spoiler tags...[spoiler]Legacy or me, mayhap?[/spoiler] Those silver flakes found are making me a tad nervous, though. *looks at font and Organization*. Yeah, definately nervous at the incriminating silver. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Very cool, Jay, very cool. You pull of the tone well, probably due to all the CSI you've told me you watch and the murder novel you're currently reading. It looks extremely promising, and I wish you much luck. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I'm extremely aggrivated right now, because I have been accused of a crime I did not commit, and have no way to prove I didn't. I just want to know if anyone else out there has been falsely accused of something. If so, what? What happened? I don't want to pry to far into people's lives, but I want to feel like there's someone out there who's gone through this. I'm sure there is but...I just feel so...insulted, it seems. Today in school, I was on my way to my new class, a little late because I lost my schedule. When I turn to see the door, the security guard is standing there and asks me if I'm me. Then he asks me to come with him. I didn't know what to think. Then we get to his office and he drops the bomb. Someone said I smell like marijuana. I don't smoke it, but I'll admit that I probably come off as someone who does: pretty mellow, tired, really long hair, dark clothes. But I was confused that someone said I [I]smelled[/I] like it. I mean, I know a few people who do smoke it, so I figured that's where it came from. I was asked a few questions, they searched my stuff. No big. I had nothing to hide, but I was of course a little nervous any way. Next step of procedure? Going to the nurse for a check up. That's when it goes to hell. I'm given the tests, think I did all right, and then it's revealed to me in the assistant Principle's office that I show signs of marijuana usage. And no, I wasn't lucky enough to even have the ones that you can cover. All I had were the ones you couldn't hide. Red throught, blood-shot eyes, and an enlogated uvula. I tell them plainly that I don't smoke it. I swear it. They send me out, the security officer talks with the AP for a little while, and I'm called back in. They believe me, and I get bonus points for being polite. But they're gonna call my mom. I'm not afraid of what my mom will think. She knows that I would never smoke it. All my friends do. But I am insulted that this happened, disgusted that I had to be put through it, and enraged that someone would say that about me. Especially since, according to three people, it wasn't true. No smell, just blood-shot eyes (I tear up a lot for no reason), a mild smell of smoke (my mom smokes) and an elongated uvula. That I can't explain, save that maybe it's caused by a sickness or something. One of my friends did just have a major case of something, maybe even Mono. Anyone else put through this? I'd like to hear it, if only for peace of mind. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Valentine's remains just anoter holiday to me. No real meaning beneath the candy hearts and fluffy gifts. However, I do have a little information about Valentine's day you mightn't know yet... St. Valentine's Day celebrates the day that St. Valentine was drug through the streets and beheaded. No joke. On the quintessencial Day o' Love in our society, a man was publicly humiliated and executed hundreds of years ago. Kooky, ne? Also, in Japan, they have two holidays like Valentine's Day...one for guys and one for girls. Confused? Well, on White Day guys are expected to get girls gifts and chocoloates and such. And on the other, it's reversed. So, it's a little more balanced, and a little more prosperous for the candy merchants. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Kuroichi stepped into the dark room, scanning it quickly for anything. His guards were gone, set on leave. And it appears his "friend" did the same. [I]So Sumiyaka, where are you hiding...[/I] He didn't need his guards anyway. There was nothing Sumiyaka could do to stop him short of bringing in an entire clan. Or certain Vampires...Kuroichi took mental inventory of all the Vampires that could stand a chance against him. [I]Sole, Zoku, Keitha, the aged Gwyar, and the Seven Archangels. And two of them are mine for now.[/I] A small group, but any one of them could match him in combat. He would have to be careful. Form alliances, find power. Finish...it. He would have to avoid the Gwyar and Myrkur Aniol, if only for a little longer. Gain the Zugai's strength, the Labareda's money. They would make him all but invincible. [I]Sumiyaka...come out and face me.[/I] "Welcome, Kuro-kun," came Sumiyaka's wispy voice. "I'm glad you arrived." "What is the meaning of this, Sumiyaka?" "I have a proposition for you, Kuro-kun. I want to join the Krilat Zmaj."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][I]Where the hell are these things coming from!?[/I] Kage darted aside as one Cy-Drone dug his fist into the pavement. Kage quickly spun on his heel and drove his katana into the drone's back. It sparked and proceded to explode. Robots always seemed to do that. The drones were still coming. Tao, Angel, Omerta, and Red X were doing a good job fighting them off, but there were still plenty more. If only Soul and Gazelle would show up... "Angel! Holy Strike Gamma!" Angel nodded and flew over, grabbing Kage by the back of his shirt. With inhuman strength, Angel hurled Kage high into the air, tossing a boomerang after him. Kage gripped it in his Black Tech arm, and it was suddenly wreathed in Dark Fire. Kage took careful aim as he floated in the air, and he quickly sent the boomerang flying. It arced through the air, cutting a huge swathe through the Cy-Drones. Kage slowly began to descend, catching the boomerang just as he began to fall. But as he fall, he saw them. Lust and Wrath just beyond the battle-ground. Panic flooded him as he hit the ground. He tossed the boomerang to Angel and looked to where Wrath and Lust still stood. Maybe he could get away, maybe, but his team could die...unless they were ready. "Not to make a scene but...Wrath and Lust are on their way here!"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"Hey, Donovan! Done your English homework?" Donovan felt a muscle twitch near his eye. He turned slowly, silver bangs shimmering in the sunlight. His eyes flashed cold fire as he saw Imogen run up to him. Her face was a little red. Either she had been running a lot longer than he thought, or... [I]She was crying...[/I] Donvoan felt something tighten around his heart. He hated seeing women cry. "What do you want, Nesbitt?" Donovan snarled. "I...I just asked if you'd done your English homework..." she said, looking down. [I]Aw fuck, more crying.[/I] "Sorry...I've been stressed lately. Hard project, you know? I suck at essays." "Oh, right," she said, smiling weakly. [I]Glad that crisis was averted.[/I] "So, you did it then?" "Yeah..." "Thats...good..." "Anything else you wanted?" Donovan asked, raising an eyebrow. This was probably the longest conversation with someone he'd had in weeks...one that didn't involve a fellony, at least. "Um...not really." "Then I'll just be going, then," he said, beginning to turn. "Uh, can I..." "Can you...?" Donovan said, turning back. She was beginning to try his patience. "Could I walk with you to class? We're both going the same way anyway..." Donovan sighed, secretly crossed himself, and turned away. "Fine. Just don't crowd me."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][I]Shit.[/I] Kage darted around a bend, ducking through an alley-way. The katana in his hand was covered in oil, and his sleeve had been ripped clean off, revealing his Black Tech arm. Sweat made his hair hang limp and heavy, and the stinging salty fluid covered his body, making his back itch where his shirt clung tight. With almost precognative skill, he dodged a sonic blast. It annihilated a trash can. Without looking back, he lobbed a ball of dark fire over his shoulder. The smell of ozone and crackling of eletrical parts made it known that something got blasted. The alley ended in a high metal wall. Kage looked back, and saw at least ten Cy-Drones marching down the alley, Yellow Tech shining in the fading light. With a muttered curse, he jumped up onto the wall, driving his Black Tech arm in hard. Steel splintered under his fist, and he pulled up. A dense metal claw appeared on his other hand, taking the place of his katana. Slowly, he began to climb. The sonic blasts whirring around him made it even harder than it should've been, but he managed to avoid most of the blasts. One, however, scorched up his back, leaving a sizzling burn that would ache for hours to come. If he lived that long. Finally, he climbed on top of the building. Looking down, the crowd of Cy-Drones was more massive than he guessed. At least fifty were crowding around, taking aim at him. "Fuck this," he growled. He raised his Black Tech arm high, and a massive orb of dark fire appeared. With a quick flick of the wrist, it went spiraling into the crowd. He quickly dropped from the wall's edge, flames licking up behind him. The other side was an inferno. He could feel the heat seeping through the wall. And ozone was a smell one doesn't forget. The street ahead was empty, a fact he was thankful for. He fished around in his pocket for a moment and pulled out his communicator. "Team," he snarled. "Where the hell are you guys? I just nuked about fifty Cy-Drones, not before they got in a few pegs either!" The other side of the line hissed with static, and a voice jumped on. "Cy-Drones...making trouble...can't talk...gotta keep running..." [I]Shit.[/I] The screeching sound of metal shrapnel disjointed him from his 'thoughts'. Quickly spinning on his heel, Kage was met with the unwelcome sight of scorched Cy-Drones marching through a man-sized hole in the wall. And leading them was a trio of HIVE students. "Well Warcraft, think we can take him," chuckled a the shortest of the three. His hair was long and wild, reaching down to his ankles. Fangs shone in his mouth, yellow and bloodstained. His eyes were a feral yellow, and he was covered in dusty brown fur. He flexed his claws. "I dunno Hyena," said Warcraft. He was a seven-foot-tall monstrosity, armor plated and wielding an elecrically charged mace that glittered in the sun. His red scanner-eyes gleamed inside the midnight blue battle-suit. "What do you think, Blaze-Heart?" The third was a floating being of pure fire. His flashing red eyes shone amidst his plasmoid body, held together by the black suit he was wearing. His voice crackled like a bon-fire as he spoke. "I think we can take him." "Then let's go!" whooped Hyena. "Yeah, let's!" snarled Kage. "[I]Hexium Noctus![/I]" As soon as the words escaped his lips, Kage was engulfed by shadow. All was black. All was night. "The hell!?" growled Hyena. "What is this?" crackled Blaze-Heart "I don't see anything! My scanners aren't working!" cried Warcraft. "[I]Captus erum kavu noctus![/I]" The trio screamed. Their cries echoed in the gloom, muffled to the world. Chains, bladed and tight, wraped around their bodies. Shining like moonlight, the barbs dug in. Hyena howled in agony as his skin was torn to shreds. Warcraft's armor groaned and buckled, and he wept as the sound of shrieking metal engulfed all. Blaze-Heart simply began to vanish, his containment suit shredded. "[I]Noctus eradus![/I]" The darkness vanished. The chains vanished. Everything was whole again. But Kage was gone, as were their minds.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]As you can see, Kage has great mystical powers thanks to his Black Tech. However, he is vulnerable, and even he wasn't able to take on an army of Cy-Drones and the three HIVE students, at least not weakened. Feel free to have your characters jump in, and create some students to battle. But keep things interesting, and don't be duking it out with the Seven just yet. You'd probably die anyway. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Well, with the Seven Titans gathered, I will begin this shortly. I'm holding sign-ups open for anyone who wants to play the Seven, but they'll close soon. So, [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=632724#post632724]Teen Titans, GO![/URL] (Couldn't resist) -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]OOC: Gloat all you will, Methy-chan. It shall be your undoing.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Kuroichi walked slowly towards his hotel, wiping a speck of blood from the side of his mouth. He didn't want to scare the clerks. They were oftly accepting of his...oddities. He nodded breifly to the old man behind the counter and marched up the stairs. It was then that he was struck by an odd aura. A power loomed at the top of the stairs, growing stronger by the minute. It pulsed ahead of him, an ominous forwarning of whatever lay in wait. And a single touch of the door-knob informed him that it came from inside his room. The cloak faded from around his katana, and he gripped the handle tightly, releasing it slowly from its sheath. At the same time, he gripped the doorknob tightly, quickly flinging it open. He stepped into the dark room, drawing his blade and pointing it towards the source of the power. Three gorgeous woman atop his bed. It took him a few moments to fully process this. Then he realized who they were. One was the damnable Shadow Assassin, Keitha. The other was a Gyshram assassin he vaguely recognized as the Black Widow. And the third... "Sumiyaka," he hissed between clenched teeth. "Konban wa, Kuro-kun," Sumiyaka said, smiling wickedly. Kuroichi's eyes narrowed and power began to crackle around him. He carefully shut the door and flicked on the light switch. "Why the fuck are you here, Sumiyaka," Kuroichi snarled. "I have come to meet with you, of course," Sumiyaka said with false kindness. "Didn't the winds inform you?" "Obviously not." "Well, that's too bad," Sumiyaka purred. "However, you do get the surprise of having three lovely ladies in your bed when you get home?" "And it would be a welcome one, where one of them not a decietful harpy." "That was uncalled for," Sumiyaka said, acting hurt. "One of you is going to start talking. I don't care who. And if I don't like any of your reasons for being here, heads will fly. And if I do, well, I might share some of my secret talents," Kuroichi said with a wicked grin. "My heart is a flutter," sneered Sumiyaka.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Well, if you couldn't tell from my new banner and avatar, Phantom of the Opera is on my mind. And when I get an itch that needs scrathing, one of two things generally happens: I start a novel/series/fanfic, or I start and RPG. This time, it's Phantom of the Opera. However, I have come across a problem. How to do a Phantom of the Opera RPG. A strict retelling would be boring. Present day has been done, and the future is getting kind of trite. I was thinking of maybe setting it in a different area/time period. Maybe the Phantom of the Noh Theater, or something. Anyone who's got suggestions, post them here. If I stumble across a good idea, this should start soon. If not, well, it'll just be another failed plot thread from the tangled mind of ULX. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Decadent Oratorio Assassin's Overture Prologue: Break Out The blaring of horns filled the air. Spotlights flashed through the gloom, illuminating the boxlike prison. With a deafening roar of screaming metal, the front door burst off its hinges, slamming to the ground with a resounding crash. Standing amidst the dust and gloom was a hulking figure, at the least seven feet tall. He glared out at the world with one dark eye, the other blanked by a long, wicked scar. His face was masked behind wild dark hair that hung down, weighted by sweat. His huge, rough hands clenched and unclenched in agitation. He wore no shirt, baring his massive muscles and ugly scars. Following meekly behind the giant was a small woman, swathed in a thick, dark cloak that obscured her body from view. A few locks of blonde hair peeked from behind the hood of the thick cloak, black streaking the fair color. Her eyes, gray blue in color, were wide and frightened. "Hurry, Leanne," cried the giant. He grabbed her arm roughly, pulling her behind him as he began to run. Leanne said nothing, simply running along beside him. The giant took loping strides, but the girl was faster, and so was able to keep up. They ran quickly from the prison, leaving the noise and brightness. Endlessly they ran, fleeing the lights behind them, and running into the enveloping blackness of the night, with only the stars above to guide them. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] Chapter 1: The Man in Black It was an unbareably hot day in Brooks city. Well, you couldn't really call it a city, it was just a small town. Old and poor, it sat on the outskirts of West Country, out in the barren desert that edged the great continent. The sun glared down upon the land, making it feel like your hair would just begin to smoke. The only people out on the dry summer day were a few old folks, sitting under the shade of rickety old porch roofs. The world around was going to hell, and nowhere was this more visible than Brooks city. Brooks was once a prosperous mining town, but now it was just a wasteland. The only people still there were those too old, poor, or weak to move on. No one ever came to Brooks, and no one left anymore. At least, that's how things seemed. But as the old folks on their porches looked about again, they saw figures on the horizon. One tired woman stopped fanning herself momentarily, just to stare. As they slowly drew close to town, more and more people just stopped and stared. Both the figures were swathed in heavy, dark cloaks, blocking themselves from view. How anyone could bare to wear those heavy garments on such a boiling day was beyond the citizens of Brooks. The duo walked slowly down the dry, dusty streets until they reached the only pub in town. Wasn't much business for a pub anymore. People were too poor to pay, or too old to drink. But the man owning it, ol' Mr. Cash, ran it just the same, opening it every day at noon and closing at 10 o'clock sharp. The old salloon doors creaked open, and Cash had to dig a finger into his ear to make sure he wasn't hearing things. He looked around, licking his dry, cracked lips. Sure enough, two people walking into the small building. One seemed to big to be real, the other short and dainty. Wiping his weather-beaten hands on his old stained apron, Cash hobbled over to the table where the hulk and the small one sat. "Welcome to Brooks City Pub," Cash began. His voice was cracked and dry, with a reedy sound, like his throat was a bamboo pipe in need of cleaning. "We don't gots much here in Brooks, but I'll see what I kin dig up fer yeh. Name's Cash." The massive man pulled his hood down. He peered down at Mr. Cash with one dark eye, and one blank one. He had a careful stare, harsh and inquisitive. It was like he was trying to peer through Cash's skin and into his mind. "I'll have the strongest thing you've got," the giant said. His voice was a rumbling bass, so low that Cash could hardly hear it. It was like he was speaking through thunder. "And the lady will take the finest." Cash took that to mean that the smaller person was a woman. "I dun think we've got what ye'd call 'fine' round here, but I'll get yeh the best I got," he said, before hobbling over to the bar. "Ain't gonna get nothin like what yeh kin get up in the central city. I used to live out there, out in Orchestral. But that was a long time ago. I moved here to Brooks some 10 odd years ago, and ain't left since. Hard times prevented it." "Thinks get bad here?" the giant asked. "Thing's got bad all over, son," Cash wheezed. "Ain't yeh been paying 'tention to the world 'round yeh? Whole world's gone to hell since Lord Spike appeared. Our great Leader's too worried about an attack from Spike to focus on his own people, he is. 'Great Unborn Lord,' feh. Somethin' tells me he oughtta get born real quick or the whole West Country's gonna end up one big wasteland. Just like Brooks." Cash walked back over, holding a massive mug of dark liquid and a slightly cracked wine glass. "Best wine yeh kin get in this part o' the Country. Ain't much, but it ain't nothin to scoff at neither." "So, you don't agree with Lord Xion's politics?" the giant asked, taking a sip of his drink. It was thick and strong, just how he liked it. "I used to like 'im," Cash said, pulling over a stool. "He used to be real good, back before Spike showed up. Now, he's focusing on makin' sure Spike doesn't do nothin to do anythin 'bout his own people. He might be tryin to protect us, but he's killin us instead." The giant was about to speak up again, when a sound rang out. It was a scream. The scream of one of the people out in the town. Something sparkled in Cash's eyes, and he got off the stool to look out the battered window. "It's the army," he said sourly. He turned back to the two with a dark look on his face. "They must be here for us," said the giant. He stood up, filling the room. The woman stood up as well, putting a black gloved hand on the giant's arm. "We best go. I don't want trouble for you, old man." "I kin handle trouble, son," Cash said, a strange smile creasing his face. "You could say I was involved in...unscrupulous activities in my younger days. They could be here fer me. Lord knows they've had 'nough time to track me down." As if on cue, a loud voice rang out. "We're here seeking the Man in Black. If he does not show himself, we will have to use force." Cash slowly walked to the door and opened it, stepping into the sandy street. He looked back to the duo with a determined look on his face. Fear flickered across the Giant's face. The old man was going to turn them in... "Oy, soldier boy, c'mere!" Cash called. The giant stepped back, enraged and frightened. How could the kindly old man do this to them? "What do you want old man," growled a soldier. He stepped towards Cash, gun raised. "To stop chasin' me!" Cash yelled. With a fierce cry, he plowed his fist into the soldier's face, dropping him. "What...?" the giant began. "Back in the old days, they called me the Man in Black. I was a legendary theif. Stole as much as I could from the government. Guess they did finally find me. Yeh'd better go. If'n the government is after you too, I don't want yeh gettin' caught on my account. There's a secret exit through the back." "Thanks, old man," the Giant said, nodding to him. "No problem, son," Cash said, nodding back. The sound of footsteps surrounded the building. The giant moved to the back exit, but it seemed blocked off. "Guess we're stuck together, Ol' Cash." "Well then, I guess the next question is, kin yeh fight?" "What do you think?" The giant slammed through the front doors, shoulder-tackling the doors off. The wooden chunks flew out, one smashing into a soldier. "Freeze!" "No!" The giant grabbed the soldier by the shirt and hurled him back. The flying man smashed into another soldier, and both flew into the wall behind. They collapsed in a heap, unconscious or dead. Other soldiers raised their guns and readied them. "Do not give us cause to fire!" The giant swung his arm out, gripping a support beam of an overhand. He tore it easily from its spot, and grabbed it with both hands. He pulled back and swung hard, knocking three men aside with a single swing. They went flying, the audible sound of shattering bone ringing out in the quiet street. "How the hell can he do that!?" screamed a soldier. "I'm a big, healthy boy, that's how!" The giant tackled the stunned soldier, sending him flying back. He grabbed another nearby man by the soldier and threw him to the side. From the crunching sound the man made as he fell, he wasn't getting up. Suddenly, several soldiers ran around the sides of the pub. They aimed their weapons at the giant. He was outmanned and surrounded. It seemed all over. And it probably would've been, were it not for Ol' Cash jumping out of the doorway with a strange weapon attached to his arm. With the sound of energy discharging, several bolts of blue energy flew, striking the soldiers. The hit soldiers froze on the spot, unmoving. "Anyone else want some!?" Cash yelled. The soldiers switched aim to Cash. Their mistake. The giant barreled in, taking them down ruthless efficiency. Several soldiers aimed for him, but they were taken out by Cash's freeze gun. Soon, all the soldiers were dead, unconscious, or frozen to the spot. "C'mon, son. We've gotta get out of this town!" "I don't know who you are or where you got that weapon, but fine. I need allies." "Then let's go!" [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]So begins the Assassin's Overture. Cool, ne? You hooked yet? I hope so. Unlike my other story currently on the OB, it is neither parody nor comedy. It's a very dark, dramatic, fantasy action-adventure. Those squemish should probably run far, far away, as I have a tendency to use gore quite vividly. The characters you met are Leanne (alias Dark-Girl) and Charles Orion (Giganto). Giganto's real names will almost never be used, but Leanne will probably be heard more than Dark-Girl. Few actual names will even be used, with major characters taking such monikers as Black Tiger and Cyber King. Oh, and anyone familiar with musical terms will know that there's something big to come. Heh heh heh. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Very cool little addition there, Arunue. I guess my specifications were a little tight. No fault of yours. Thanks for the host offer. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Many thanks to the both of you. I'm going to go with Arunue's, mainly because it suits my style more. Your's is great too, Doc, just not quite what I was looking for. You're both awesome. Thanks again. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Wow, I was surprised when I saw THIS title. Kind of nostalgic, eh? Really takes me back... Name: Zeos Uchiyama Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: Zeos is on the taller side, about 5'10". He's lean, not skinny and not buff either. He has shoulder-length silver hair and an angular, slightly bishi-style face. He has a red trench-coat, a black t-shirt, and jeans. Personality: Zeos is a quiet genius, a thinker not a fighter. He is calm and generally has to keep the peace in his gang. He's brilliant, a clinical genius with an IQ upwards of 160. He's got a tongue as sharp as his mind, and can duel verbally with the best of them. He's also determined and brutal to his enemies. Bio: Zeos is, on the outside, an average student with a group of friends and no real worries. Inside, he's a brilliant strategist, constantly finding ways to take down rival gangs using his brain rather than his brawn. He pals around with Isaac, his long-time best friend. He's respected and admired by his allies, feared and hated by his enemies. No one crosses Zeos and goes unpunished. He only joined Twisted Zen to hang out with Isaac, and didn't know what he was getting into until he was too deep. He wants out of the gang wars and constant struggle, but won't leave until his friend get's out too. Gang position: One of the "planners". Gang name: Twisted Zen[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Mark Twain']Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't.[/quote] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1](Note - May contain spoilers to the recent episode of Teen Titans. So, if you haven't seen it, don't read this. Or at least don't blame me.) It is a dark world. A world of hatred, obidience, and pain. Any child shown to have superpowers is taken by the HIVE - by Brother Blood, the madman who has taken over the world. No one is quite sure how it happened, but it goes something like this... Brother Blood was your typical evil ruler, governing his school of brain-washed super-teens with an iron fist. Some were just evil, others were trapped in his thrall. However, he was stopped by the great hero, Cyborg. The Teen Titan had infiltrated Blood's academy, and took him down with the help of the other Teen Titans. Blood fled, to start his school anew. And so he did - taking Cyborg's tech with him. He forged a lair deep underground with his remaining "Students," and built a replica of Cyborg's greatest weapon, planning on destroying the city with a great tidal wave. But again, he was brought down by the Titans - by Cyborg. And again he fled to rebuild. And build he did. With his knowledge of Cyborg's inner-workings forged into his mind, he created an army of weak replicas with which to fight Cyborg on new turf - Steel City. A new band formed there after tracking Blood, the Titans East, and Cyborg went to help them build their home. But during an assault on the Tower, Blood captured the minds of all but Cyborg. At last, Blood struck. It seemed he had won, until the Titans arrived. They fought the "Students," while Cyborg and Blood had it out on the roof. Blood nearly destroyed Cyborg, and revealed his plans to make his new students replicas of Cyborg, by building them with new tech. But still Cyborg resisted, even though he had lost his weapons and his limbs. Blood demanded to know what in Cyborg's hardware made him special, but it wasn't tech. It was Cybory himself. He managed to rebuild his body, and lashed out against Blood. But then, Blood released the Titans from their suspended animation, and they attacked Cyborg. Cyborg, unable to bring himself to fight his friends, was crushed. Blood won, and so began the reign of HIVE. The Justice League was next to attack Blood, but they couldn't fight the young heroes. Batman and the Lantern were the last to fall, and not before bringing in more heroes - Static and Gear. The Latern fell next, to the hands of the teens he called in. Finally, Batman was slain by Robin himself. The heroes were gone. HIVE ruled. Blood made the people of the world his slaves, and anyone with special powers was drafted into HIVE - or killed if they were too old. All who were brought in were trained, modeled, and formed into killing machines to serve Blood. And those that served him best were outfitted by the Tech taken from Cyborg - modified by Blood for better use after "trial and error." The error proved fatal for those that were given the experimental modifications, namely those with "discipline problems." But some escaped. Some didn't bow to Blood's hold. Some broke free. They are the last hope of humanity. If Blood can be stopped, it is only by those who can resist his power...but are they even enough. Can they fight through his drones? His students? The lost heroes? It has been 10 years since Blood gained power. And ten years is a long time to hold a grudge. Long enough to fight, to die, and to give everything away. For justice, for humanity...for the dead hero Cyborg.[/SIZE][/COLOR] ***** [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Basically, this is an alternate dimension where Blood won. There are seven warriors who stand left to oppose him: The Teen Titans X. They are led by a former pupil of Blood, a young man named Kage. He was a mighty warrior, a deadly fighter, and a devoted student. Until Blood used him as a prototype for his newest weapon, the Black Tech. Blood has created several kinds of Tech with which he augments his best students. They are... [B]Yellow Tech [/B] - The lowest level, rarely seen in students. The only things to really contain much Yellow Tech are the robots Blood modeled after Cyborg. Yellow Tech is a pale imitation of Cyborg's Tech, with the same powers as Cyborg, only weaker. [B]Blue Tech [/B] - Cyborg's kind of Tech. It gives the person outfitted with it incredible physical prowess, making people stronger, tougher, and in some cases faster. It can also be outfitted with various weapons, something the other Techs are lacking. [B]Green Tech[/B] - Green Tech provides a boost for most forms of energy, making energy blasts have a stronger punch, and making shields stronger. It also provides a power boost to the acadamy's generators, allowing Blood to power the whole complex. [B]Purple Tech[/B] - Purple Tech is a strange variation on Green Tech. Instead of boosting the regular forms of energy, Purple Tech boosts magical energy. It makes any spell-caster an unstoppable force. In addition to this, it gives regular people the ability to use magical energy. [B]White Tech[/B] - Perhaps even more specialized than Purple Tech, White Tech is currently only in use by one of Blood's Students, Gluttony, the Changeling. It is a malleable form of Tech, morphing alongside any other transformations occuring it's owner. [B]Red Tech[/B] - The tech that Blood was outfitted with when he defeated Cyborg. Red Tech is an incredible powerful version of Blue Tech, not only providing incredible physical prowess, but also providing a boost for the powers of its owner and allowing them to fire energy projectiles, even if they lacked the ability. It is deadly, powerful, and second only to the experimental Black Tech. [B]Black Tech[/B] - A mysterious kind of Tech newly invented by Blood. It combines the attributes of all the other kinds of Tech, forming a super-Tech. Only one person is currently outfitted with it due to an unfortunate side-effect - the power to resist Blood's control. Now that that's out of the way, there is more. In addition to Blood's students, there are seven special students, the original Seven to join his school after the destruction of his underwater-lair. They are: [COLOR=Red][B]Pride[/B][/COLOR] - Once known as Robin, Pride is the strongest of the Seven. He is outfitted primarily with Red Tech, the most fitting for his former skills. In addition to his excellent martial arts skills, he now has the power to fly thanks to the wings granted to him by Brother Blood. He also has deadly claws on his arms, and can eject explosive disks from his arms. He is virtually unrecognizable due to the number of Tech inhancements he has. [COLOR=Red][B]Lust[/B][/COLOR] - Once known as Starfire. Lust is outfitted with green tech, which she generally keeps covered so she can use her not-so-super superpower - her incredible beauty. Blood was clever enough to foresee this, making Lust not only physically powerful, but able to ensnare any man with beauty alone. Her green tech makes her energy blasts extremely powerful, and she still has her incredible alien strength (enhanced) and her ability to fly. *Played by JJRiddler* [B][COLOR=Red]Wrath[/COLOR][/B] - Once known as Raven. While Wrath is cloaked most of the time in her blue robes, beneath them she is covered with Purple Tech, making her the deadliest sorceress to ever walk the planet. Her magical abilities rival a God's, and she no longer has to meditate constantly to restrain them. This has given rise to a more playful, devious, and sadistic personality making her a deadly and unsettling foe. [COLOR=Red][B]Envy[/B][/COLOR] - Once known as Speedy. Envy has several special enhancements fitting to his talents. His eyes have been replaced with the best optical technology known to man, making him the ultimate targeter. His right arm is a deadly bow, firing arrows like a gattling gun. He also has red tech powering his body, making him fast, strong, and agile. While he may not be on the level of Pride or Lust, he is still a virtually invincible warrior. [COLOR=Red][B]Greed[/B][/COLOR] - Once known as Aqualad. Greed has gone from Prince of the Seas to Lord of all Water. His Tech enhancements make his superhuman swimming godlike, his control over water supplimented by a water tank located on his back. He is the perfect underwater fighting machine, powered by Red Tech, and could easily match wits with any other Student - save, perhaps, Pride, Lust, and Wrath. [COLOR=Red][B]Gluttony[/B][/COLOR] - Once known as Beastboy. Once a scrawny, lighthearted teen, Gluttony is now a hulking brute. The size of a house, he would look more animalistic were it not for all the White Tech implanted in his body. It makes him more powerful, and his other forms more deadly than anything on the planet. The typically daunting Gorilla is turned into a tank; the fierce tiger death-on-four-legs. [COLOR=Red][B]Sloth[/B][/COLOR] - Once known as Mas y Menos. The lightning fast twins have been morphed over the last ten years. Sloth's name decieves the incredible physical prowess of the two. Outfitted with the finest blue tech, they are power machines. And with the DNA of the other mixed into their Tech, they are just as strong alone as they are together, though they are quite better as a team. Now, for the sign-up: [U][B]SIGN-UP[/B][/U] Name: Codename: Age: They are the TEEN Titans, remember. And, if you wish to play as one of the Seven, they are 10 years older. Gender: Appearance: Weapons?: Powers: Personality: Biography: Name: Uchiyama Zeshin Codename: Kage Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://guiltygeargirl129.tripod.com/pictures/chipp06.jpg]Here[/URL] Weapons?: His right arm, made of Black Tech. Powers: In addition to the power granted to him by the Black Tech, Zeshin can create weapons out of thin air. Also, he has the power to make an energy called Black Fire, a purple-black flame. Personality: Kage is extremely intoverted, almost never talking. The only times he does talk is generally when yelling orders or sharing his cynical philosophy or his sarcastic sense of humor. His dark dress and arm is matched by his dark manner. He rivals Raven for his depressing gloom, and can suck the joy out of the most exuberant toddler. Beneath his dark exterior is a troubled soul. Misused, betrayed, made into a weapon, he burns with hatred and vengeance. His one and only goal is to destroy Brother Blood once and for all. He will let nothing get in the way of his victory. Nothing. Biography: There are seven spots in the Teen Titans, and one has been filled. You can also play as a HIVE student, and even one of the Seven if you PM me. But only be one of the Seven if you are dedicated...and have a solid grasp of the English language. The Titans - Uchiyama Kana, alias Kage - ULX Alan Cumming, alias Gazelle - Vicky Teyla Fox, alias Tao - Blanko Ryan Abitt, alias Soul - Phayt Xander Hawke, alias Red X - dMage Aaron Maress, alias Angel - Quad Jamie Nesbitt, alias Omerta - Methuselah -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I just saw Phantom of the Opera, and I was blown away. Ergo, I am going to be surrounding myself with Phantom-y stuff for the next month or so. I figure where better to start then with a new banner-avatar set, featuring the awesome play/book/movie(s). Banner - I have two ideas here. 1. A picture of a rose (in snow, if you can find it) with my name in plain black and the words "You will curse the day you did not do all that the Phantom asked of you . . .!" 2. A picture of the phantom with a dark background. My name in one corner in white fancy writing, and in another corner: "The Power of the Music of the Night". And an avatar of either image with ULX on it. Thanks in advance to any who partake on this perilous quest for banner-ness. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Kuroichi calmly walked the streets of Sydney, content that even if an attack was made, he would be able to easily dispatch any offender. If the Gyshram and Krilat Zmaj agents guarding him didn't get them first. Sydney was bright and warm, different than London had been. He was glad to return to a nice, warm climate. He was able to walk the sunlight due to the three Ijuuj gems he possesed. If one could guard an entire country against holy artifacts...well, imagine what three could do. Any Vampire he wanted was given instant protection by the artifacts. No cross would burn them, no priest could slay them, and no sun could harm Kuroichi himself. He was out to find a hotel, somewhere to stay while meeting with the Zugai leader. It had recently rained, and he did not want to spend another night out in the elements. He had found a small hotel, with a few open rooms. It wasn't the busy season, which helped. His eyes flickered around. Everywhere he looked, cloaked figures moved just beyond the sight of humans. The nearest was a hulking man, swathed in black. Doppo, Kuroichi's personal bodyguard. He didn't really need one, but Doppo was a proficient fighter and one of the Four Generals, so Kuroichi humored him with the title. The man standing to greet him had a warm aura, but Kuroichi could tell he was a bit peturbed by the Vampire's strange appearance. Silver-haired asian men dressed in black where probably a rarity in down-town Sydney. "Room for one, sir?" the man asked warmly. "Yes, that should do," Kuroichi said, smiling placidly. He pressed back the hunger that was slowly growing stronger. The Blood Ruby demanded blood...the Corpse Emerald demanded death...by Kuroichi was stronger than their whispering words. The clerk retrieved a key from behind the counter, but continued to stare at Kuroichi all the while. Eventually, Kuroichi spoke up on the matter. "Is there something wrong?" he asked, not a hint of malice in the question. "Ah...I am sorry to stare, sir, but you are a bit...different than our usual clientele. Though I must admit, a rather strange woman came in last night. I don't mean to be rude." "Yes, I am a bit odd, aren't I," Kuroichi said with a light chuckle. "But...this strange woman...what made her strange?" "Well," the man said, looking thoughtful. "Her hair was what got me first. Very pale, almost white but...a little green almost. I've seen bleached hair before but...never like that. Must've been dye, I guess," the clerk said chuckling. "Also, she seemed...anxious. Frightened even. I've seen many a person in my days, and I know trouble when I see it. She was looking for something, or hiding from something. Either way, there was something she needed to get, away from or otherwise, and it was wearing on her. Plus, she was dressed oddly. Real beauty, though. I'd love to talk to her sometime..." "Well, maybe I'll put in a good word for you if I see her," Kuroichi chuckled. [I]Sumiyaka.[/I] Kuroichi took the key and walked to his room. He sensed his guards just beyond the realm of sight and hearing. The Gems had spawned this six sense. It was something Kuroichi could get used to, along with sun and having the elements as his servants. [COLOR=Sienna][I]Kuroichi...[/I][/COLOR] Speak of the devil. [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]Zoku has spoken to me. He does not wish you harm. He wishes to join you again.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]Perhaps I should meet with him before meeting with the Zugai...Yes, tell him to meet me tomorrow, in Sydney. Tell him to be in Sydney tomorrow night. We must talk.[/I] [COLOR=Sienna][I]As you wish.[/I][/COLOR] [I]Surprised I can hear it through the foundation...[/I] Kuroichi stepped into the hotel room. Waiting for him was Doppo, and a few others, all wreathed in cloaks and shadow. "My lord," Doppo began. His voice was low and strong. "We bring bad news. It is...the Lord of the Gyshram. He is dead, as is his wife." "What!?" Kuroichi snapped, shutting the door swiftly behind him. "What do you mean dead?" "Murdered, my lord." One of the figures in black chimed in. "Decapitated. No one knows how, or who did it. The Prince has taken the helm." "There is more," said a third. "It is...Keitha, the Shadow Assassin. She is here." "Her?" Kuroichi hissed through clenched teeth. "What does [I]she[/I] want?" "I am not sure," said the third speaker. "But it seems of grave importance." "Fine, I will meet with her tonight. Now go, lest I lose my temper." "Aye, my lord," they chorused.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Kuroichi has learned of three people's involvement in the war once again, and now has three meetings to make. And, to add insult to injury, he and Sumiyaka are sharing the same hotel. demonchild781, feel free to start up their meeting. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Well, since Methy'll probably kill me if I don't do this soon, I'm posting the next chapter. Woo.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][SIZE=3][CENTER]Chapter Four: I Refuse To Make The Lame And Obvious "Mee-Ow" Pun...Aw, Damnit![/CENTER][/SIZE] "Aw, but you have so much in common, Kain," Xai said. "You're both pussies." The warrior grinned wickedly, stepping back from the massive beast's talons. It slashed through the air at Xai, bearing down on him with feral elegance. Xai jumped back and drew his sword, pointing the shining steel at his foe. The feline's eyes narrowed, and it slipped it's rough tongue over its protruding fangs, licking its lips. "En guard, you foul monstrosity," Xai said, locking eyes with the cat. A raspy hiss escaped the cat's throat, and it slowly stalked forward, paws barely whispering against the leaves. It's tail twitched lightly, ears moving like weather-veins. Xai watched calmly as it tensed it's muscles, lowering down to the ground. It was hunched and ready, poised for the kill. A hunter, ready to slay its prey. The forest was silent, save a few crinkling leaves, whipped about by the Dramatic Wind. Xai's cape flapped elegantly as he stood, sword not wavering for a moment. It shimmered and glittered in the slowly setting sun, rays of fire arcing across the sky. The world was near at peace as the battle paused. Then it happened. Xai saw the cat's muscles twitch ever so slightly, flexing beneath the gossamer skin of its fur. He shifted his weight, ever so slightly, to the balls of his feet. The cat bunched up it's shoulders, and moved. It was over in a flash. The cat moved like lightning, damn near flying as its feet left the ground. Xai prepared to step to the side, dodging the leaping beast and finishing it with a single sword-stroke. But it never happened. The cat went flying to the side as Ell jumped in, knocking it out of the air with a massive ebony hammer. The feline smashed into several trees, breaking a few, and crumpled to the ground, unconscious. Ell stood, hair whiping about, resting the shaft of the hammer on the ground. She turned to Xai and smiled wickedly. "You..." Xai said, staring in stunned awe. "You....you bloody bitch!" "What!?" Ell snarled. "I just saved you life you ungrateful bastard!" "I was going to defeat the beast, you cow! I had it all ready, and then you jump in with that big-ass hammer and ruin everything!" "Oh, I'm sorry, how silly of me to think that a woman could ever have the skill to defeat the big scary monster. Guess I should go back to cooking, eh? Only the men can be the hero, eh? You cheauvenistic, perverted, egotistical..." "I was trying to save your life and Kain's life. I was trying to do something nice, and chivalrous, and gentlemanly. I was trying to be a Good Guy! But you have to be miss 'Burn-My-Bra-Uber-Feminist' and start undercutting me!" "You're just a pigheaded, self-important jerk who was trying to make himself look good for the ladies!" "Feh! What ladies? You barely qualify as one! Were it not for your plentiful bosomy delights, I would take you for a man!" "Listen, jerk-ass, just cause I wear leggings and don't giggle like a school girl doesn't mean I'm not a lady. You couldn't handle a lady like me." "Like I'd want to, you self-important witch!" "I think you need to feel like a hero because you're overcompensating for something." "Wouldn't you like to know?" Xai sneered haughtily. "Though I do fear you couldn't handle things." "I can handle whatever you've got," Ell hissed. "I'd make you scream," Xai growled. "And I'd break you in half," Ell shot back. "I've made better women then you praise me as God." "And I've made better men than you join monestaries." "Out of disgust with women, no doubt. You could turn Cassanova gay, love." "Looks like someone already got to you." "I've turned lesbians." "I've been with them." "That would explain a lot," Xai sneered. "You're just jealous because I get more women than you do." "Women from Greedon to Hallast have compared my man-bits to those of Gods." "Elven women, no doubt." "Why must you mock my genitals?" Xai sulked. "Why not?" "Sorry to interrupt the love-birds, but it's getting dark," Kain interjected. "We better be going." "Love-Birds!?" the two bellowed. "I despise (him/her)!"[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Wow, that was a fun argument to write. The beast is slain (or is it?), Xai and Ell have more unresolved sexual tension between them than two Elephants in heat, and Kain is once again the target of abuse. But will they be able to escape Ye Olde Foreste before it gets dark? You'll just have to wait. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Name- Donovan Black Age- 18 Gender- Male Appearance-Donovan is about 6'0, with a skinny-ish build. He has fairly long black hair, and he dyed his bangs silver. His eyes are a strange, piercing blue. He usually wears a t-shirt and jeans, never leaving home in cold weather without his leather jacket. He usually wears black and other dark colors. Subjects- [list] [*]Advanced English/Creative Writing [*]Advanced Math [*]Biology [*]Fencing [*]Astronomy [*]Computers [/list] Personality- Donovan is a bastard, plain and simple. He's the epitome of badass, the incarnation of surliness, and a walking cloud of negative emotions that can suck the joy out of a person on Ecstacy. Terribly antisocial, he spends all his time alone, or beating the crap out of someone who pissed him off (a very easy thing to do, by the way.) Despite his utter hatred of the entire human race, he is viewed by many of the female population as the "Unapproachable Badboy-type", which, coupled with his good looks, makes him high on the market. Too bad for the girls he doesn't care. Bio- Donovan was born in America, but moved to England at the age of five. Ever since the move, his parents fought harshly, leaving little Donny to fend for himself in a cold, dark world. He quickly developed a cynical attidude and a steel shell around his heart. He also quickly developed a penchant for getting into fights. As he entered school, he was quickly labeled a troubled student. Brilliant yet belligerent, he failed to get along with any teacher, and often refrained from doing homework simply because he didn't want to. His grades plummetted, and eventually his parents brought him into a school for special needs children, also furthering their arguments. Now, as they struggle through divorce, they have placed Donovan in St. Johns. He never leaves for home during holidays, if he can avoid it, and spends most of his time avoiding everyone and everything. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Yes, you read right. The [B][I]Dread Pirate Roberts[/I][/B], legendary scourge of the Seas. For all of you not immediately familiar with the name "Dread Pirate Roberts," you may procede to sterlize yourselves now, as you do not deserve to procreate. Moving on...this will be a farsical comedy revolving around the good-hearted, slightly hapless, and a bit odd Dread Pirate Roberts...well, the new one, anyway. If he can get that far. Bernard Habbershaw was captured by the current Dread Pirate Roberts...who isn't the real Dread Pirate Roberts. He is actually Inigo Montoya. He didn't inherit the name from the real Roberts either. He got it from a man named Westley, who got it from a man named Roy, who got it from a man named Cumberbund. The real Roberts has been retired for 20 years and living like a king with his plunder and wenches. Moving on...Bernard was captured by the DPR (as Dread Pirate Roberts is too time-consuming to type), who promised to kill him. However, Bernard managed to convince the (not-so-evil-and-heartless-afterall) old pirate not to kill him, claiming true love...an utter crock. He just heard that it worked before, and decided to try his luck. Now, he has to become an accomplished man of the see, outwit the various armadas out for Roberts' hide, and find a "True Love" before he ends up dead in the water. Fun, eh?[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Tales of the Dread Pirate Roberts will be running far more structured-ly (not a word, I know) than my previous RPGs as I finally implement...the Chapter System! Woo. Before the Sign-Up form, there are some roles I'd like filled: Bernard - ULX (obviously) Inigo Montoya - The "True Love" - Some Salty Sea-Dogs - Bernards wily and sarcastic best-friend (which all good adventurers need, eh?) - The Armada Leader(s) - Anything else is fair game. [CENTER]SIGN-UP[/CENTER] Name: Obvious. There is a strong European-ness to the Princess Bride world, which will be carried over here. Names like Westley, Inigo, Fezzik, Vizzini, Max, Valerie, and Tyrone are not out of place. Age: Runs the gammut, really. Inigo is not going to be 17, the True Love isn't 50, and the Armada Leader(s) aren't 10. Go wild, but use yer 'eads, mates. Gender: Bernard is not gay. He isn't. Don't listen to his best friend, cause he isn't gay. At all. Role: If you are playing one of the afore-mentioned roles. Weaponry?: Not everbody needs weapons, but the Sea-Dogs are obviously armed. Special Skills: No magic powers, no eastern martial arts. Boxing, fencing, wrestling, science, tracking, etc. Appearance: Personality: Bio: Now, the HERO: Name: Bernard Habbershaw (this is perhaps my favorite name to date) Age: 21 Gender: Male Role: The Hero/Bernard Weaponry?: Bernard is armed with your standard rapier. Nothing special. No finely crafted blade, forged by his wise master who was killed by a band of brigands. Just a sword he picked up in a pawn shop, okay? Special Skills: Fencing, a fair bit of hand-to-hand, sailing, and above-average survival skills. Appearance: I'll find a pic later... Personality: Brain-dying. Later. Bio: Refer above. This will be in the same vein as The Azure Prince: convention demolishing satire, so go wild. Be funny, be wacky, be clever and crass and witty and quixiotic (bonus points to anyone who knows what that means). -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]For future reference, I will begin posting felshed-out information about the clans. I'll start with the Krilat Zmaj, since theirs is the shortest histroy, but features the most interesting people (moi, of course). [B][CENTER]CLAN DATA SHEET #1[/CENTER][/B] Clan Name: Krilat Zmaj Base of Opperations: Japan and China predominantly, with rule in multiple other Asian countries. The main headquarters is located somewhere in southern Hokkaido, but the specifics are unknown. The Chinese base of operations is located out in the Xinjiang mountain range, east of Kashi. Leader: Takeda Kana, alias Kuroichi, alias the Silver Haired Demon, alias Kurogata Ichiro. Known Members: Amaterasu, Amatsu Mikaboshi, Ao-Chin, Ao-Jun, Ao-Kuang, Ao-Ping, Ao-Shun, Dokeshi, Doppo, Kuroichi, Susanoo, Tsukiyomi, Yaiba, Yamata-no-Orochi, Yurei Characteristics of Members: The Krilat Zmaj are many and varied, having the qualities of Myrkur Aniol, Gyshram, and Zugai, in addition to the other clans. One noted quality of several members, however, is their odd silver hair. Beyond that, the Krilat Zmaj lack any distinctive characteristics. History: The Krilat Zmaj is the first Vampire Clan to be founded in roughly 1000 years. It was founded in 1979 by the Silver Haired Demon, Kuroichi. After seeing countless human atrocities being committed across the globe (from Japan's Sengoku era to the slaughters of Vietnam), he decided to end the Clan system and bring about one united Vampire front. His strong bond with Croatia was the cause of the unique name, meaning "Dragon" in Croatian. One of Kuroichi's first acts as Clan leader was to take over Japan's Vampire population. Given that a majority of the strong Vampires in Japan were from a similar era as Kuroichi, they flocked to the new-age Daimyo, becoming the first of the great Krilat Zmaj. The more modern era Japanese also flocked, seeking protection from the anarchy that inhabited Japan's demonic subculture. As no Clan had "dominion" in any part of Asia (the exception being the Gyshram's holding in some of the more barren areas of the continent), Kuroichi became a powerful leader. Soon after amassing power with the Japanese Vampires, he learned of a government program, known only as the Project. His former Gyshram spies proved exceptionally useful in the obtaining of knowledge. The Project was revealed to be a group of humans born with The Power, a telekinetic force that manifested in the form of golden eyes. The Japanese government was taking in these gifted humans and training them, first to be supersoldiers - then to be Vampire hunters. Obviously, Kuroichi was not pleased with this developement. He layed waste to the Project's base in the early 90s, bringing a majority of the Project into his thrall. This was his second step towards Vampiric superiority - first dominion of a continent, then an army of trained Vampire killers. He slowly tracked down all but five of the remaining Project members. While they are no longer high on his priorities, Kuroichi is still watching the Hunters carefully. Shortly after his assault on the Project, he led an army against any Vampires who refused his leadership. The other clans were obviously not pleased, and lashed out against Kuroichi, pushing him into the remote areas of Japan and China to recouperate. And so he did. He quickly grew in strength, gaining the respect of his Gyshram brothers (the Gyshram were a predominant Vampire Clan in the founding of the Krilat Zmaj, with nearly half of the Krilat Zmaj members being Gyshram) along the way. And now, in the 2010s, he is making his second attack against the Clan system. The Krilat Zmaj is growing in power in Asia, while Kuroichi takes things into his own hands around the globe. He has taken three of the legendary Gems of the Ijuuj, making him a deadly force. Now, he moves to Austrlia in hopes of gaining an alliance with the brutal Zugai, fierce enemies of the Ijuuj. And while he does this, there are dark, frightening rumors of another power that Kuroichi is brewing deep inside the confines of his twin strongholds. No one is sure what this new power is, or if it is even [I]real[/I], but one thing is sure; if it [I]is[/I] real, the war is moving on to a new, more dangerous level.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]And that, ladies and gentleman, is all the knowledge I currently posses on the subject of the Krilat Zmaj (that won's spoil future events, any way). And since I'm such a nice guy, I'll let you decide which clan I post about first. I think I'll do it in, say, a week? That sounds good. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]*Grumbles about Methuselah's comment* Before the third chapter begins, a quick note: I forgot to mention that every character has a secret. And I mean EVERY character. Even Nok the Meaty. His secret? He has a thing for Goblin women. The most secretive secret belongs to Kain, oddly enough. I've dropped a few hints, but I'd be very surprised if any guessed it already. Considering they are very bad hints. Bad hints, bad *scolds hints*.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=3][CENTER]Chapter Three: Cat Scratch Fe-vah![/CENTER][/SIZE] The beautiful woman stepped down out of the pond, the waters quieting down behind her. She glared at the two adventurers, blue eyes flashing. "So? Who said it?" she snarled. The two slowly looked at eachother, as if grasping for an answer. Instantly, they decided on the proper course of action. "He did it," they chorused, pointing to the other. The woman's eye twitched sexily as she stared. "Fine. I'll just crush you both." "Madame, please, I believe such a pretty lady as yourself does not desire for such a low and debased form of action," Xai said, wincing a little from her harsh stare. "Oh yeah. I do." Xai threw his arms into the air, sighing. "Well, I tried, buddy. Guess we both die, master and servant. Unless, of course, you are willing to sacrifice yourself for me." Kain stared at him, gaping. He quickly burst into laughter. "Jackass," Xai muttered. "Okay, jerk-crushing time," the girl snarled. With a clap of her hands and a dramatic flourish of her arms, light exploded around her. Her gossamer white gown faded away as light winked and flashed around her. Quickly, it was replaced by a revealing leather number. As the light faded, she stood and pointed at Xai and Kain. "Now, you pay." Xai and Kain stood still for a moment. Kain looked on in terror, while Xai slowly began to grin. "I can totally see you naked when you do that." The woman's eyes flashed menacingly, and she clenched her fists. With quick, arcane muttering a long, bright red sword with a strange wave blade appeared in her hand, wreathed in flames. "Horny jackass!" she screamed. "Aw shit." In an instant, the woman charged Xai, swinging her sword towards his head. Smoke trailed behind the blade, and sparks flew as Xai's arm guard took the blow. Thinking quickly, he gripped the large blade with his other hand, pulling the woman down with it. The sword clattered to the ground, and he swung behind her, arms moving up under her own arms, pinning her down. "Wow," Kain breathed. "Even I didn't see that coming, and I've been travelling with him." "Now," Xai snarled, a menacing edge in his voice. "You're gonna settle down, and we're gonna talk this out, right? No more stunts like that, all right love?" The woman was silent, stunned by Xai's sudden skill. Xai's eye quickly sparkled, and Kain groaned as Xai copped a feel. With inhuman strength, the woman broke his hold and spun around, punching Xai in the face. "Pervert!" she shrieked. "Ah, couldn't resist, love," Xai groaned. He sat up, having been knocked flat on his ass. "It was just getting too tense there. Had to lighten the mood, eh?" "Show of hands, who saw that coming," Kain groaned. Xai stood up and brushed himself off as the woman glared at him. Kain was staying well away from the conflict zone. "So, now that that's out of the way...what's yer name?" "Ell," the woman said, curtly. "Ell?" Xai snorted. "Tha's it?" "This coming from a man named 'Xai?'" Kain quipped, raising one eyebrow. Xai paused to glare at Kain. "Shut up." He quickly turned back to Ell. "So, as the obligatory female character you're, what, a mage?" The woman snorted. "Hardly." "...Gothic yet incredibly sexy warrior?" "No." "Theif?" "No." "Ninja?" "Do you see any shuriken?" "Superspy?" "Fantasy setting," Ell said in a singsong voice. "Princess?" "Do I look like a princess to you?" "No." Xai and Ell glared at Kain. "I just wanted to be part of the moment," he whined. "Wimp," the other two chorused. They turned to stare at eachother. "That was wierd," they again chorused. There was an awkward pause. They stared eachother up and down. "Zigzotwooeywooeyhooblah!" Kain felt a muscle twitch near his eye. He needed ale. Or a very large sword. "Well, if you don't fall into any of the other female-character cliches...what [I]are[/I] you?" "If you [I]must[/I] know," Ell sighed. "I am an Element-Smyth, the proud and respected forgers of mythical, elemental weapons." "That does explain the fire sword..." "Ah, you mean the Blayze-Swyft." "Blaze-Swift?" "No, Blayze-Swyft. With 'y's." "Why?" "Yes." "No, why?" "No, there are ys." Yes, Kain needed LOTS of ale. Or a lot of sharp objects. Or a goblin horde. Hordes are always fun...except for the people being mercilessly slaughtered. "He means why as in the bloody interrogative, not the blood letter, you two bloody fools!" Kain's last word hung in the air. In a figurative sense, of course. It would be strange if a word was actually hanging there in space. "What...did...you...call...me?" Ell snarled. "Aw hell," Kain growled. "Just get it over with and kill me now." Just as Ell began to advance, a hideous, bone chilling shriek echoed through the forest. Birds fluttered from the trees, cawing and squawking. The three warriors stood, wary, as silence hung think in the air. Suddenly, a huge shadow flew from the thick trees, lunging straight at Kain. His body wrenched to the side and he fell to the ground. The shadows slid around, facing Xai and Ell. Fierce green eyes glittered in the midsty of black and silver fur. It licked it's long, ebony fangs with a rough pink tongue. Lean and elegant beneath shining fur, it twitched it's muscles, slowly moving forward on massive feet, tipped with glittering claws. Its tale twitched and bobbed through the air, and another fierce growl escaped its lips. "I hate cats," Kain moaned.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Another epic cliffhanger, another convention-breaking character, and finally a ferocious beast, with hints of an epic fight. I'll leave you wanting for now. Ja ne. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]