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Everything posted by Onix

  1. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]My outfit is almost always the same. I wear jeans, we're talking always jeans, here; a t-shirt or long-sleeved shirt (never buttons, though); and an over shirt of some kind, with buttons but never buttoned. And I either wear my leather jacket or my duster. Some people would probably call me a Goth because of said Duster and my penchent for black (plus I'm pretty pale), but I'm not really. I'm just surly, sarcastic, and dark...oh, maybe I am a Goth. Or maybe I'm just a teenager. Heh. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Eyes. A window to your soul. A thousand shades and a thousand emotions that can be conveyed by such simple things as eyes. Two simple orbs, such great power. The power to see, to feel, to shine and darken, to glitter and gleam, to burn with fury, or drip with sadness. What power is truly locked within our eyes? And what power to they give up? To people, to ancient sceintists, sought the answer to that question. One wished for the true power of your eyes...your soul. His name was Karaiel, and he was a wise, ambitious old man who had taught for many years, yet wanted more knowledge. The other wanted to know what we gave up with the power of sight. His name was Ereziel, a clever, curious young man with a fiery spirit. He was a student of Karaiel, and quickly became his peer on their study. No one knows how it happened, when it happened, why it happened. But one night, Karaiel and Ereziel disappeared. All that was seen was a great flash of light, quickly consumed by a pillar of darkness. For years, Karaiel and Ereziel were nowhere to be seen. Nothing was left but their books and research. According to Karaiel's journal, they had reached a breakthrough the previous night, and were preparing the final experiements. But Karaiel and Ereziel reappeared one cloudless night, with a sick harvest moon high in the air. They suddenly arrived in their hometown, and as quick as they came, they left. And everyone else was dead. Karaiel had become the Soul Watcher, a man with the power to see into a persons very soul and mind, reading their memories like a book, delving into their dreams and fears. And he tore them apart by driving them to the brink of madness and beyond. In his search for the secrets of the Soul, everyone died in the agony of their very thoughts. Ereziel was different. Blind, wreathed in shadow, he was the opposite of Karaiel. He was the Dark Shadow, a mysterious being with the power to command darkness to his liking. In his quest for control, the shadows decimated the town, leaving thousands dead. The power of the Shadows were awakened that night, alongside Ereziel. The shadows were deigned to cease the Soul Watcher, stop his terrible search for knowledge. Though he was not evil, Karaiel was tearing people's souls apart, rending their hearts and minds asunder. The Shadows were called, and they sealed the Soul Watcher away. Now, more than 2000 years later, it seems the seal is breaking. Karaiel is waking up, and the shadows must arise again. Will they seal him away, or will his demon eyes peer into your very soul?[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [SIZE=1]The year is 2006. The place? London, England. The problem? A wise madman is destroying peoples souls. The solution? The Seven Shadows. [COLOR=SlateGray][COLOR=Black]Dark Shadow[/COLOR], the master Shadow, controlled by its discoverer, Ereziel. [COLOR=Red]Blaze Shadow[/COLOR], a strange red shadow that is empowered by fire. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Wave Shadow[/COLOR], a blue shadow that is strongest by the sea. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Squall Shadow[/COLOR], a green shadow that seems to use wind as a weapon. [COLOR=Sienna]Quake Shadow[/COLOR], a brown shadow that rises up from the deepest earth. [COLOR=Silver]Freeze Shadow[/COLOR], a white shadow that manipulates cold, as opposed to the Blaze Shadow's heat. And [COLOR=LemonChiffon]Storm Shadow[/COLOR], a yellow shadow that calls upon the powers of the storm. These are the powers that oppose Karaiel. But Karaiel has not only the power to see into your soul. He can command your greatest fears, making intense illusions to shatter your sanity, or trap you in a false paradise forever. He also wields the Dark Star of Sin and the Bright Sun of Purity, to powerful energies that burn away sin, and corrupt all purity. The Six Shadows have been called upon. The Dark Shadow still lives, locked away in the darkness, a blind old man who is revitalized by the crisis. The others find themselves lost, confused, and thrust into this horrible destiny. They fight a man driven by the lust for knowledge, consumed by his own misbegotten power. He is not evil, not a murderer by nature. They must kill and innocent man to save the world, and side with a master of Darkness to do so. Perhaps you need not the Soul Watcher's Eyes to see inside their souls.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][U][B][CENTER]SIGN-UP[/CENTER][/B][/U] Name: You're in London, so be realistic. Age: This can really run the gammut. The more diversity, the better, actually. Gender: Shadow: Blaze, Wave, Squall, Quake, Freeze, or Storm Appearance: Weapons?: Personality: Bio: Here's mine; Name: Ereziel Age: 2000+ Gender: Male Shadow: Dark Shadow Appearance: see attachment Weapons?: He has mastered the Darkness Personality: Ereziel is cold and distant, from years of being lost in the darkness, consumed by the Dark Shadow. Bitter, cynical, and very, very dark, he does not take lightly to foolishness or weakness. He will kill anyone who stands between him and Karaiel, including the Shadows, who will be incarnated after death into new people. Formerly ambitious, he now just wants to seal Karaiel away...or better, kill him once and for all, and be able to die alongside his comrade. Bio: Ereziel was once a young man in Rome, curious and very smart. He was a quick learner, a good study, and a hard worker, doing anything to further his studies. From an early age, his parents saw he was destined to become a scholar, especially because he was weak and sickly from birth. Without any strong physical prowess, he had to use his mind to his advantage. And he did. He dedicated his time and energy to learning the works of the great teachers and philosiphers. He quickly began to visit the local scholar, Karaiel. Karaiel and Ereziel proved a good match, two quick minds that were also weak physically. They even looked alike, some said. Ereziel spent most of the day with Karaiel, learning eveything the man had to teach. When he reached manhood, Ereziel decided to aid Karaiel in the elder's studies, the two becoming comrades. Karaiel was more than happy to have an eager compatriot in the pursuit of knowledge. Their greatest quest was unlocking the mysterious power of sight, both the power it held and the power it may block. Karaiel and Ereziel poured through the verses, seeking for anything that could help them. For years they searcher for anything to help them, but the secrest eluded them. However, while walking through the woods one day, Ereziel stumbled across a partially buried tablet. On it, it discussed a mysterious power called the "Soul Watching Eyes". As he dug more, he found a pit that had several other tablets inside. They discussed other great powers, such as the "Blazing Sun of Purity" and the "Great Shadows". Karaiel was extatic to have them brought to him, and the two quickly set to work unlocking the secrets of these strange powers. Karaiel marked himself with the Soul Watching Eyes, the Blazing Sun of Purity, and the Dark Star of Sin. Ereziel looked into the Great Shadows. For years they laboured over finding the secret of the tablets, and at last, Karaiel managed to use the Blazing Star. With a flash of flame, it burned the grime from an ancient stone, making it sparkling and new. The next night, they finally cracked the secrets of the tablets...and vanished. Ereziel did not know what happened to Karaiel, or himself. He was lost in darkness, and when he finally found his way back to earth...he was blind. Though he had the power of the Great Shadows, he had lost his sight, the one thing that held back the great Darkness. Karaiel, similarly, had been trapped in a land of blinding white light, that left him with strange scars over his eyes, a strange sun on one hand, and a pentagram on the other. His eyes were changed, a mysterious opaque gray that let him look into souls. Karaiel began to destroy those he looked at. Erezeil could not control the shadows, and they slaughtered many. At last, their home was gone, left in rubble at their strange new power. Ereziel learned quickly to manage the shadows, which formed a protective coating around him at nearly all times. However, Karaiel could not stop the Soul Watching Eyes from unleashing the powers he commanded. At last, he had to be stopped. Ereziel, with help from six mysterious others, sealed away the Soul Watcher, and hid away himself, sealing himself in a cave in a large island far from Rome. Now, his seal has faded, and he awoken in a modern era. He knows that the reason the seal is gone is because Karaiel is awake. He must call upon the other Six Shadows and stop his old friend, mentor, and associate. He must kill Karaiel, and stop the Soul Watcher forever. Well, there you go. Go wild. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]This is a logo I made for my website, DiabloBoards. I just wanted to know what people think (plus, I don't really have anywhere else to get an URL for it...heh heh, attachments are good). Now if I only knew how to put it on my site...hey, anyone know anything about CSS? *nervous laugh* -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE=Adahn][font=Courier New][size=2][color=blue]If you want to show me how bestiality is wrong, tell me how it hurts someone, or how it's anyone's business but the person's and the animal's. That's the argument for homosexuality, isn't it? It doesn't hurt anyone, it's nobody's business, and people are going to do it anyway. You can sit there all day and call it 'rape' because of a lack of 'consent', but I'm asking you [i]why[/i] it's [i]wrong.[/i] Remember, by today's definition, if it doesn't hurt anyone, it's not wrong.[/color][/size][/font] [/QUOTE] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Fine, you want to know why bestiality is wrong? Then I'll borrow an argument against homosexuality. This level of cross-breeding [I]does not occur in the natural world.[/I] You know why we have mules? Because people stick a horse and a donkey together and then, with a lack of any other sexual partner, they go at it. Then you have a mule. Have you ever heard of a wild mule? No. Because there are none, or very, very few at least. Crossbreeding, especially the same level of cross-breeding as a Homo Sapien having sex with an [I]Ovis aries[/I], [I]Sus scrofa[/I], or [I]Tursiops truncatus[/I] (that's your common Sheep, Pig, and a Bottle-Nosed Dolphin to you and me), rarely, if ever, occurs in nature. Happy now, Adahn? A logical, non-morality based argument against Bestiality. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Kuroichi spat on the ground as Keitha made her...retreat. He felt a muscle near his eye twitch. The assassin had rubbed him the wrong way since the first time he met her...so long ago... With a quick shake of his head, he dismissed the thoughts. What's past is past, and he would not let it cloud his judgement. He needed to focus on his mission in London...the girl would have to wait. His eyes flickered to Elizabeth. [I]Correction, the GIRLS will have to wait.[/I] He turned an smiled winningly at his companion. A faint blush crossed her cheeks. "My dearest Elizabeth," he said, bowing eloquently. "I wish I could spend the rest of time with you, but alas, as leader of the Krilat Zmaj, there are things I must do, duties to attend to...My servants will tend to your every whim back in town. I should be back by the next moon." With a quick nod, Elizabeth strolled down the path, back towards the hotel. Kuroichi looked away from one last longing glance, and snapped his fingers curtly. "Ao-Chin, we move." The glowing red Vampire stepped out from behind a tree, looking as bored as usual. He smirked at Kuroichi. "Finally done flirtin', eh? 'Bout bloody time. I was gettin' a right good crick in me neck just standin' 'ere, waitin'." "My most sincere apologies," Kuroichi growled. "Shall we go then? I believe you know the way to the Fang Boss' palace." "Right you are, Sir," Ao-Chin said. "You want the quick way er the fun way?" "Oh, fun is always best," Kuroichi grinned.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Acrid, painful, burning...the horrid smell of burning flesh filled the air as Kuroichi and Ao-Chin strode through the corridors of the Fang Boss's castle. Warriors, dressed as medieval knights, stood barring their path, but Ao-Chin batted them aside with his blazing sword. The iron plating around their bodies began to glow a fierce red, and their screams echoed in the stone tunnels. "Yes, this definately is fun," Kuroichi sneered, blood drenching his shirt. It shot out like a spear, impaling three guards and jamming them against a wall. The corpses rose up behind him, forming a deadly entorage. "Quite a trick yeh got there, making those dumb sods into yer private army," Ao-Chin said, flames spiraling around more guards. "Well, my army won't be very big if you keep torching them," Kuroichi snarled, his hand burrying through steel and flesh to tear out a guards heart. "I need them intact if they're going to be useful." "Aw, piss on that," Ao-Chin sneered. "We can take on the Fang Boss ourselves. Bloody git won't know what fucking hit 'im." "I know I can take him, Chin. Call it...insurance."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=SlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=1]Jonothan "Little John" Black [B]Age[/B]: 21 [B]Side[/B]: Robin Hood [B]Weapons/Items[/B] Little John is proficient with a Beam-Staff (a la his Quarterstaff in the original story), a six foot long double-ended energy weapon similer in design to Darth Maul's lightsaber. However, it doesn't cut, it burns on contact with skin. In fact, it acts just like red-hot steel, scorching while knocking things aside. He also carries a pair of night-vision goggles for nocturnal activities, and always has a lock-pick kit on hand for when necessary. [B]Talents[/B] As said above, Little John is proficient with his Beam-Staff, and just about any other melee weapon you stick in his hand, from a switch-blade to a ten-foot piece of steel. In addition to being a master of weapon-combat, he's also skilled in hand-to-hand, using his superior size to his advantage. [B]Description[/B] I'll post a pic later. [B]Personality[/B] Little John is pretty light hearted, considering the times he lives in. He's always there with a witty remark, or a cutting, yet friendly, insult, often to cut Robin Hood down to size. He's probably even less serious than Robin, not even serious during dangerous missions or the heat of battle. Little John is also very kind, taking care of the young, smaller, and weaker Merry Men. He tends to try and show people the ropes, even going as far to act as a surrogate older brother/father figure to many. But beneath his kindly facade is another side of Little John, one he almost never shows anyone. Inside, he is hurt deep, like a knife jammed straight through his very soul. Some nights, he cries until dawn. Others, he'll go out and get into a fight with twenty men just to see if he'll make it through another night. He risks everything on missions, and never backs down from a fight. No one but his closest friends even know why. [B]Biography[/B] Little John grew up on the mean streets of London, poor and underprivaleged. He fought for money, food, and glory since his 10th birthday, rapidly earning a reputation among the poor and rich alike as a deadly fighter. With a simple wooden stick or even no weapon at all, he was dangerous. With a knife, gun, or simple sharp piece of metal, he was deadly. His father was gone from the first time he could remember. His mother was a prostitute who had no time for her many children, so it fell on Little John, the oldest, to care for his brothers and sisters. He did anything for his siblings, from giivng up his food to them, to killing to earn a little money. He was strong, harsh, and merciless to anyone who stood in the way of his familie's happiness. From the time he was just six, stealing food to feed his baby sister, he had to care for them. He had to protect them, and keep them from dieing on the streets. For fifteen long years he cared for them. Until the cops showed up. His mother had gotten away with her business for years, but eventually, the law caught up with her. She ran from their meager home. Little John stayed with the kids. The police forced them outside with gunfire and teargas. It was long after six. The kids were killed in front of Little John's eyes. One or two were just taken away for slavery. But everyone that Little John loved was taken away in one night. It changed him, made him snap. When he heard about Robin Hood's movement, he signed up right away. He covered the pain with the face of a happy, laughing fool. He's a joker all the time, a protector of the weak, and a warrior for justice to the bitter end. Hope that's good, eh, Vicky? Let me know if there's anything I need to change. -ULX-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE=Raid3r]If a man-man and woman-woman relationship is acceptable, why not child-adult, animal-human, or corpse-human relationships? [/QUOTE] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Child-Adult relationships often mentally, if not physically, harm the child in the relationship. You take two people, one who was sexually abused as a child and one who wasn't, and odds are the person who was sexually abused as a child will have more social/mental problems. Animals and humans cannot have relationships. A person who has intercourse with, lets say, a dog does not have a relationship with said dog. They merely used it to relieve sexual tension and obtain pleasure. Ergo, the poing is invalidated. As with animals and humans, corpses and humans do not actually have relationships. That aside, in almost every religion, social group, and basically to every person but a few with Necrophilia, it is a terrible thing to desecrate the dead, especially in a sexual manor. You ask any one beyond someone who actively practices Necrophilia if it is wrong, and they will agree. You ask anyone who doesn't actively practive homosexual activity if it's wrong, and you'll get very diverse answers (depending on where you live and the demographic that's being asked, of course). Homosexuality does not harm anyone (excusing rape, which is harmful no matter what the gender of the two+ people), pedophilia does. Homosexuality is a relationship, bestiality and necrophilia aren't. Homosexuality does not desecrate the dead, necrophilia does. See my point? Homosexuality does nothing to harm a community other than cause these kinds of debates. In fact, I believe that homosexuals make on average about 15% more than straight people (please correct me if the number is incorrect). Oh, and to harken back to a previous sub-debate, a human having sex with a (insert animal name here) is not like a horse having sex with a donkey/vice versa. The equivalent of a horse having sex with a donkey is a chimpanzee having sex with a Bonobo (which, conicidentally, is one of the few animals that practices sex for recreation), or a dolphin having sex with an orca. Horses and donkeys are close enough genetically to have offspring. Excluding some simians, humans are not. And if you couldn't guess, I have no problem with homosexuality or gay marriage. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Yagami Taichi (Tai) Age: 16 or 17, right? Gender: Male Appearance: See attachment Digimon: In-Training- [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Koromon.html]Koromon[/URL] Rookie- [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Agumon.html]Agumon[/URL] Champion- [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Greymon.html]Greymon[/URL] Ultimate- [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/MetalGreymon.html]Metal Greymon[/URL] Mega- [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/WarGreymon.html]War Greymon[/URL] Digivice colour: N/A Crest(s): Courage Personality: Taichi is bold, hotheaded, and...none too bright, when you get right down to it. In addition to being hotheaded and dense, he's very tough, honorable, loyal, and brave, hence his crest. He can be thoughtless and overly harsh, but does care about his sister, friends, and "mini-me", Davis. *** Excellent *a la Mr. Burns* This should be very awesome. [sadism]Time to bring down the baddies, Old School, eh? None of that lame-*** Dark Rings crap, it's time for some old fashioned deletion. Piss on those newbie pansies. [/sadism] -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE=Heaven's Cloud][color=indigo]I don't favor the death penalty ever. It costs us (Americans) way too much money. I think that it would be a much more fitting punishment if Peterson was locked in a maximum security prison and allowed to mingle mith the general population. A pretty boy like him wouldn't last too long mingling with the rest of the prison. Maybe thirty or fourty years of that kind of treatment would be a fair punishment.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I assure you, he wouldn't make it 30 years. Child killers (even, in this case, unborn) are the lowest of the low, even in prison. He'd be lying dead on the floor with a shiv in his gut in a week. Tops. And, as many others have said, can't we get this over with yet? Give Cops some more air time on Court TV already. I'd rather watch some drunken white-trash get slammed to the ground by a couple of Detroit's finest then this media circus. And I hate Cops. About the Death Penalty being too good for him? I dunno. Either way, he's dead. It's just a matter of time and pain. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. Decadent Oratorio Assassin's Overture Prologue: Break Out The blaring of horns filled the air. Spotlights flashed through the gloom, illuminating the boxlike prison. With a deafening roar of screaming metal, the front door burst off its hinges, slamming to the ground with a resounding crash. Standing amidst the dust and gloom was a hulking figure, at the least seven feet tall. He glared out at the world with one dark eye, the other blanked by a long, wicked scar. His face was masked behind wild dark hair that hung down, weighted by sweat. His huge, rough hands clenched and unclenched in agitation. He wore no shirt, baring his massive muscles and ugly scars. Following meekly behind the giant was a small woman, swathed in a thick, dark cloak that obscured her body from view. A few locks of blonde hair peeked from behind the hood of the thick cloak, black streaking the fair color. Her eyes, gray blue in color, were wide and frightened. "Hurry, Leanne," cried the giant. He grabbed her arm roughly, pulling her behind him as he began to run. Leanne said nothing, simply running along beside him. The giant took loping strides, but the girl was faster, and so was able to keep up. They ran quickly from the prison, leaving the noise and brightness. Endlessly they ran, fleeing the lights behind them, and running into the enveloping blackness of the night, with only the stars above to guide them. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]So begins the Assassin's Overture. Cool, ne? You hooked yet? I hope so. Unlike many of the great stories on OB of recent times, this in neither a parody nor a comedy of any kind. It's a very dark, dramatic, fantasy action-adventure. Those squemish should probably run far, far away, as I have a tendency to use gore quite vividly. The characters you met are Leanne (alias Dark-Girl) and Giant, whose real name is Charlie Orion. Their real names will almost never be used, so you needn't really remember them. Few actual names will even be used, with major characters taking such monikers as Black Tiger and Cyber King. Oh, and anyone familiar with musical terms will know that there's something big to come. Heh heh heh. Oh, and later chapters will be longer, and more entertaining. I hope. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Kaida held the MC in her hand. Another birthday present, apparently the newest video game. The kind of thing Kana used to buy for her. It was a sleek, black piece of technology. [B]MC Username: [/B] [U][B]Connect[/B][/U] It was an easy decision. [B]MC Username: Unborn Lord Xion [U]Connect[/U][/B] The screen flickered and another window popped up. [B]What is your monster's name: What gender it will be: What element do you want it to control: [U]Make Your Monster[/U][/B] This one was harder, but Kaida quickly filled in the fields, selecting the third from a drop-down menu. [B]What is your monster's name: Kuroichi What gender it will be: Male What element do you want it to control: Darkness [U]Make Your Monster[/U][/B] The screen changed again, the MC Logo popping up in place of the windows. A human-like sillhouette was visible behind the logo. [B]Connect the MC to your computer[/B] Kaida plugged the hand-held device in, and there was a small "data-transfer screen". The MC hummed to life, and a figure slowly sprouted out of it. It was just a head, with little arms and legs, and what looked like a long knife clasped in one fingerless hand. "The hell?" [I]Watch your tongue. You may be my master, but I am still revered as lord to some, Madame Xion.[/I] "It talks...?" [I]I believe the word is 'duh.'[/I] "That's a quick wit you've got. I think I like you, Kuro." [I]The name is Kuroichi, mistress.[/I] "Smartass."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I was hoping to get a new banner/avatar with the pictures enclosed below. Banner - Any number of the images below, with a dark background and "Silver Sadist" on the top left corner, my name opposite on the bottom. The short-haired guy with the beamsword (Osman Nurifasha) and the younger guy with longer hair and the katana (Calintz) are higher priority than the others. Avatar - A picture of Osman Nurifasha with my name on it, and a dark background again. Thanks in advance to whoever does it. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]You want an atrocious dub? I'll give you an atrocious dub. The English dub of One Piece has got to be the most miserable piece of English dubbing I have ever heard. I love One Piece, it's one of my favorite manga published by Viz, but I cannot watch the English dub. Luffy sound too...weak. Not at all like I thought he would sound. And the VAs laugh is just painful. Zoro (not Zolo dammit!) is the only voice I find tolerable in the dub. The VA almost makes the show tolerable. Buggy was aweful. They couldn't even get a good clown VA. Even the guy who did Piedmon from Digimon would've been better (actually, he wasn't half bad...or maybe that's nostalgia talking). Usopp is more annoying than humanly possible, and Klahadore doesn't sound stuffy enough. I think I'll just buy the DVDs and ignore the english track. Some really GOOD dubs are Cowboy Bebop (I have the DVD, and the Japanese track is on equal par in my opinion), Trigun, and the Gensomaden Saiyuki dub is pretty good too. Samurai X (the Movie, not OAV) isn't all that great, and neither is X/1999. And to close, I've just got to complement the seiyuus for Naruto. Top notch work there. Especially Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Hinata, Gaara, and really everybody else. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Rain. Cold, heavy, opressing. Darkening the skies, blackening streets, wearing away the very rock over the centuries and millennia. Harsh and unforgiving, eternal and bleak. Skies like slate, raining down icy bullets. Dumah was pleased. Wrapped in shadows, he stood masked in the center of town. Invisible to all, he swept his eyes over the crowd, seeking out all who might be a lead. The angels were hard to find, but he would discover their base. He would not fail Lady Lucifer. She had given him purpose and life again, and he would not lose it. Amidst the darkness, the cold, the rain, all was at peace for Dumah. He was at home in the storm of misery and shadow. Night was his life, death his craft. Then he felt it. The twinge of power that came from an angel alone. The burning light of false righteousness and self-indulgent superiority. How Dumah hated them. With Silence and Shadow at his command, he followed the power, tracing it through the rain-swept streets. Lucifer would get her knowledge, for what she wants Dumah supplies. Dumah would get what he wanted too. Angel blood would stain his hands.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Kuroichi sat at the bar, holding a glass in his hand. The drunks around him eyed him menacingly. He was an outsider in the small establishment; silver-hair, asian, stunningly handsome, clad in extravegant garments. Everything about him was foreign, from the rings on his fingers, to the expesive red wine in his glass. But the ugly stares vanished as the door creaked open. A gorgeuous, fair-haired woman walked in, clad in revealing, tight clothes. The patrons whistled, chuckled, and cat-called. Kuroichi felt a twitch develop in his eye at the low-brow attention. The woman, masking all but the slightest discomfort, did not deserve such rough treatment. As she reached the small table wear Kuroichi sat, he rose and pulled out her chair. Though he was called a Demon, he could be quite the gentleman when it was called for. A slight blush crossed her delicate features as he pushed in her chair. "So, Miss Archer, what can I do for you?" Kuroichi said, smiling pleasently. "I was hoping to..." she paused, searching for the right words. "...Join your organization." "Oh? And why is that, my dear?" "Well, the Krilat Zmaj are obviously far superior to the others. And you are...vastly superior to others of your kind," she said, emphasizing the word superior. Kuroichi stared contemplatively, gauging her honesty. She seemed truthful, but he could never be too careful. "Well, as flattering as that may be, I do not know how trustworthy you really are..." "Well, what could I do to prove my honesty, Mister Kuroichi?" A coy smile played across her lips, and Kuroichi knew what she was implying. "A lady such as yourself need not lower herself to such a position, Miss Archer..." "Please, call me Elizabeth." "...Elizabeth. There are easier ways to earn my trust." "Oh?" Kuroichi's ears suddenly twitched as he heard several chair being pushed out. His eyes flickered to one side and he say several large men rising from their table. "We can discuss this further in a moment," Kuroichi whispered. "For the time being, I believe there are a few gentlemen who wish to have a word." "'Ello, pretty lady," said one of the men, leaning onto Kuroichi's table. "What's a cute bird like you doin' with some pretty boy like this, eh?" The man reeked of alcohol, his words slurred and drenched with a thick accent. "Me an' me mates could show you what real men are like. 'Ow 'bout that, eh?" Elizabeth leveled the man with a glare, and said calmly, "I am quite happy with my current companion, thank you." "Why you little tart..." The large man reached out to grab Elizabeth, by Kuroichi siezed his wrist, slamming it to the table. "The lady does not wish to go with you. Go back to your table, and continue drinking yourself into oblivion." The large drunk glared at Kuroichi, pulling his arm back. His friends glared at Kuroichi as well, some of them cracking their knuckles. "An' what you gonna do 'bout it if'n I don't, eh? Gonna pretty me to death?" The drunk let out a loud, barking laugh. His friends chorused the drunken laughter. "Go fix yer make-up, ya little poof, 'for I tear off that pretty little face o' yers." Kuroichi's eyes flashed, and he stood up. He was easily as tall as the drunk. "I do not take kindly to being threatened." "That right? Wanna fight, en? Think you can take me?" Kuroichi's arm pistoned up, stabbing into the drunk's chest. Blood spurted out around the silver-haired man's arm. Kuroichi wrenched his arm out, more blood spraying from the wound. "I do, actually." Kuroichi slammed the heel of his other hand up, driving it into the drunk man's face. The sound of bone shattered rang out in the pub, and he crashed to the ground, jaw at an extreme angle. The other drunks moved around Kuroichi, ganging up on him. They easily outmanned him ten-to-one. "We're gonna kill yeh, ya fucking psychopath!" "Try it." Kuroichi swung his arm out at some of the men, the blood on his hand turning into tiny daggers. They riddled the men, the tiny blades tearing them to shreds. Blood spiraled around his other arm, turning into a massive sword. He turned quickly on his heel, slashed the men on his other side with the sword. Blood and entrails spilled across the floor. Other people in the bar were beginning to rise. Some charged Kuroichi, others went for the door. With a quick handgesture, the doors slammed shut. The men that drew close were blown back by red and purple bolts of energy. Green energy began to surround the corpses littering the ground, and they rose, lurching towards the other patrons. Screams pierced the night as the walking corpses attacked the living, the two groups tearing eachother apart. Blood darts hailed down upon any who drew too near to Kuroichi or Elizabeth. The latter sat at the small table, drinking wine and watching the slaughter. "This begins to bore me," Kuroichi said amidst the chaos. "Shall we go? We can talk more in my hotel room." "Certainly, Mister Kuroichi." A window shattered inward, shining razors falling on people too close. Kuroichi stepped out, taking Elizabeth's hand and helping her out. With a last gesture, he formed a red orb in his hands and threw it inside. The Blood Mist would finish the rest, locked inside the building with the zombies. Kuroichi and Elizabeth strolled along the dark London streets as the screams echoed behind them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The large London hotel room was dark, and silent as a tomb. Curtains blocked the windows, the door was shut tightly, and all the lights were off. Not even the tiniest beam entered the sanctuary of shadow. At last, the rattle of keys shattered the thick silence, and the door creaked open, slashing light across the room. Bright red shone through the gloom, and as the lights were flicked on by the room-owner, four figures were revealed. One was a bored-looking young man, leaning languidly across the small bar-table. A pair of strange red glasses were pushed up on his forehead, beneath a tall shock of orange hair, covered partly by a red-gold cap. He was clad in a bright red shirt and black pants, a shot glass in one hand, hilt of his sword in the other. Standing stiffly against a wall was an older looking blonde man wearing a sleek brown coat, a tie just barely visible. He radiated superiority and confidence, though it seemed slightly diminished with the entrance of the new man. He held a whip in one hand, beneath bright yellow cuffs. Behind the couch was another man, tall and statuesque, with long blue-gray hair sweeping down his back. He held his elaborately crafted sword behind his back. The dark steel of the blade and his strage gauntlet contrasted with the electric blue of his clothes, that almost seemed to glow. Finally, sitting calmly on the couch was another young man, placid and emotionless. His white-blonde hair was fair and reached chin-length. His dark gray shirt and black pants were streaked with neon-green. his two black swords sat at his side, in consideration for the new entrant. He seemed to be the weakest of the four, but he commanded authority by his presence alone. The Silver-Haired man walked in, closing the door behind him. He smiled to the four others in his room. "And why have the Dragon Kings graced my presence," asked the silver haired man. He sat down in an arm chair across from the boy in green, reclining back. "The brat ain't a King yet," growled the red-haired young man. His thick cockney accent was clear and strong. "'E's just 'ere cause 'is mum was tied up back in Shanghai." "Use a more respectful tone in the presence of our lord Kuroichi, Ao-Chin," snapped the older blonde. "Aw shut yer gob, Jun," grumbled Ao-Chin. The youngest of the four spoke, ignoring Ao-Chin and Ao-Jun. "We are here because we fear...trouble," said the boy, speaking with a careful, slow tone. "The lords back home wish to know of your progress, my lord." "My four generals need not worry," said Kuroichi. "I have obtained three of the gems already. A fourth has been lost, I believe taken by Night Rider. And the other three are in the fragile hands of Zoku-kun." The blue man smiled a little. Ao-Jun and the boy remained stoic, and Ao-Chin just rolled his eyes. "An' 'ow, exactly, do you know that Zoku 'as all of 'em?" "My sources have told me of two of his captures, and the third was a near miss for me, had my temporary ally not turned on me at the last minute." The blue man's mouth twitched, and he spoke. "Shall we hunt down this traitor, sir?" he said, grinning coldly. "That shall not be necessary, Ao-Shun. While he may act fierce, the loudest tiger is always the weakest." "Aye, my liege," said Ao-Shun, looking a bit disappointed. He fingers twined around the hilt of his blade. "So we are to report good news to the Great Four Beasts?" asked the boy. "Please do so, Ao-Ping," Kuroichi said, smiling. "But tell Dokeshi and Yurei that I have a job requiring their...talents. They are to go to Brazil and speak with Don Cesar of the Labareda. They must make an offer pf peace to the Labareda. While they are one of the weakest clans, they have great resources, and an entire continent at their disposal. While China and Japan are proving more than sufficient for our current activities, we must expand. South America is a good place to start." "Aye, my lord," said Ao-Ping. The five sat in silence for a moment, while Kuroichi looked contemplative. Then he spoke again. "Actually, give that mission to Dokeshi alone. I have a more important job for Yurei. He must speak to his old clan-mates, the Gyshram. I wish for affirmation of their loyalty. I want him to talk with their leader. No threats, no assault, just a civilized conversation. We want the Gyshram with us. They already know more than I would like, should they defect." "It shall be done, m'lord." "And how is your conquest of the Ijuuj faring?" asked Ao-Jun. "As I said, quite well, Ao-Jun. I am actually preparing for a meeting with the Fang Boss tomorrow. He may have lost the Fang, but I just need to prove that I am not...rusty." "Oy, master!" said Ao-Chin, rising. "Can I come with yeh? I've always wanted to show that old bastard that no one talks down ta me, eh? Treated me like shit while I was with them, and I want payback." "Certainly, Ao-Chin." "Oh, Master," Ao-Ping began. "Yes, Ao-Ping?" "There is a woman who wishes to meet with you. Elizabeth Archer is her name. What should I tell her?" Kuroichi smiled wickedly. "Tell her to meet me here tomorrow."[/SIZE][/COLOR] *** [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]OOC: Just wanted to introduce some of Kuroichi's subordinates. The reason for their strange names? Kuroichi is turning into quite the mythology buff. He has named many of his subordinates after dieties from Chinese and Japanese mythology. The Dragon Kings are the rulers of the four oceans. Ao-Ping is the son of Ao-Kuang, who is currently busy in Shanghai. The Four Dragon Kings each have a great treasure: Ao-Kuang with a magic cudgel that can grow and shrink; Ao-Shun with magic shoes that can let him fly; Ao-Chin who has a magic red-gold cap; and Ao-Jun who has a yellow-gold chainmail shirt. The Great Four Beasts are Seiryuu, Suzaku, Genbu, and Byakko. However, in the Krilat Zmaj, they are the four generals Dokeshi (Byakko), Doppo (Genbu), Yurei (Seiryuu), and Yaiba (Suzaku). He also has a team named after the Eight Immortals of Chinese Mythology, and five of his higher-ups are Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi, Amatsu Mikaboshi, Susanoo, and Yamata-no-Orochi. Here are waht they look like (well, some of them anyway): [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=8&pos=10]Kuroichi[/URL] [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=8&pos=1]Yurei[/URL] [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=8&pos=9]Doppo[/URL] [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=15&pos=17]Dokeshi[/URL] [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=15&pos=4]Yaiba[/URL] [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=12&pos=4]Ao-Kuang[/URL] [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=11&pos=5]Ao-Shun[/URL] [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=12&pos=9]Ao-Chin[/URL] [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=12&pos=2]Ao-Jun[/URL] [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=11&pos=12]Ao-Ping[/URL][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Mercutio Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Mercutio is very hot-blooded, wild, and unpredictable. He has the tendency to rant uncontrollably as well. Stands staunchly by Romeo, but often thinks his cousins should loosen up. Two of his favorite things in the world are women and drink. Appearance: [URL=http://www.lynnpdesign.com/classicmovies/olivier/mercutio.jpg]Mercutio[/URL][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Donkey Kong: Come here, you little Minx! Peach: Eek! Oh Mario...I mean Donkey! Mario/Donkey Kong: What-a part-a Role Play don't-a you understand? Peach: Well, if you want Role Play so much, why don't you go back to Paper Mario? Mario: Maybe I-a will-a! Broadcaster: We have it on tape folks, the tragic end of the Mario-Peach relationship. *** That went places I never knew it would.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]There are things in this world we cannot begin to understand. Forces that move beyond our knowledge of life and death, and how the universe works. Demons, angels, ghosts, rebirth...All of it exists just beyond reason, on a plane just outside our own. But what happens when the two plains merge, and we are confronted by that which we cannot grasp? Two people are about to find out, as they find themselves possessed by two lost souls. Marius, a lecherous young man, killed after finally finding his one true love (who...happened to be married at the time) and Kimi, a young woman who was first cursed into the form of a catgirl, then slain. The two ghosts seek revenge and their bodies, haunting two innocent people in hopes of getting the job done. It's one otherworldly misadventure after the other as the unfortunate duo meet ghost busters, excorcists, witches and angry husbands (with best friends snickering all the way) on their journey to free themselves from possession.[/SIZE][/COLOR] *** [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]This is a light-hearted, comedy RP that will hopefully end up very funny. With two people possessed by ghosts of the opposite sex, there's bound to be lots of innuendo and sexual humor. If you don't like any of that...then leave. The setting is modern Maine in the middle of winter, if that helps. That means it is very cold. For a better description of Maine, you can find one in just about any Stephen King book. Also, the Guy and the Girl are not the ghosts. They are the people "haunted" by the ghosts. The Guy - ULX The Girl - Methuselah The Guy's Best Friend - Sword Breaker The Girl's Best Friend - The Ghost Buster - The Exorcist - SIGN UP Name: Age: The best friends are 20-30, Exorcist and Ghost Buster that age or older Gender: The Exorcist and Ghost Buster are male. Role: Appearance: Picture or written description Personality: Bio: Doesn't need to be too awfully long That should do it. Name: James Black Age: 25 Gender: Male Role: The Guy Appearance: James is about 6'0, with a skinny-ish build. He has fairly long black hair, and he dyed his bangs silver. His eyes are a strange, piercing blue. He usually wears a t-shirt and jeans, never leaving home in cold weather without his leather jacket. He almost always wears black and other dark colors. Personality: James is, well, dark. His humor is dark, his mood is dark, his world view is dark. Bitterly cynical, he doesn't just believe that the world is going to hell, he knows it. He never passes up an oportunity to show off his dry wit and brutally sarcastic tongue either. However, if you can push past the bitter, snide exterior, inside James is sad, lonely, and just wants someone to love him, and to love back. If he wasn't so bitter as to not believe in wishes, he'd probably just wish for love. He also has the tendency to be a bit...uncomfortable around sex, making it hard to live with an overly affectionate Nekojin. Bio: James is great at his job, even though he doesn't necessarily like people. He is, was, and always will be a gamer, not to mention a movie/music buff, so he's great at finding what people want and or need. He's always wanted to become a great writer, but lacks confidence, so has yet to send out anything he's written to publishers. Maybe he can chronicle his travels with Kimi and the Girl.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"What do you do for a living?" "Have you ever done drugs?" "What are your intentions with Jamie?" "Are ya riding the White Pony, son?" "Motorcycles aren't very safe, you know." "A biker eh?" "How long have you known Jamie?" "Have you ever killed a man with your bare hands?" "Do you hit 'the bong?'" [I]Oh God, kill me now[/I] "Video Game Clerk. No. Not sure. No. They're safe if you can ride them well. Yep. About three days. I've wanted to. No, goddamnit!" The mob of people stared as Donovan rattled off the answers to their questions. One of them turned and called out, "He's all clear, Drew!" Donovan looked over to see Jamie blushing and hiding her face with one hand, and a man near her smiling a little. He waved, grinning, causing Jamie to blush harder. "If you'll excuse me, folks," Donovan said, moving past the mass of people. He flicked a lock of black hair out of his eyes as he walked up near Jamie. One of her hands snaked around his waist, and he put one around her shoulders. "Well," she said, looking up at him. "You've passed the first test." "There's more?" Donovan groaned.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]That's pretty good, not to mention a good parody (I recently saw the Incredibles.) I don't know which version I started in. 'Course, I'm probably not going to be in it anyway...eh heh...oh well. Keep up the good work, Kane. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Soylent Green. It's what's for dinner.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE=First Scroll of the Ninja][SIZE=1]When a darkness like no other rises in the mists A war will be waged, and the tale shall go like this; One brother shall be filled with hate, the other with ambition To stop the latter shall become the former's greatest mission He will not be enough, however, and three shall take up the call Three others will join the dark, still four will rise and fall The next four fight for justice, not dark of either side The final four detest the light, fighting for evil pride Each warrior of the four great teams shall lead a mighty beast Each warrior shall have a title cried at every feast Their titles and their beastly minions will be known through every home Their mere names and faces shall grace every great tome Who knows which group shall stand at last, above the test of time But four will stand alone at last, and sing this hollowed rhyme[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]This legend was told at the beginning of time, when the Ninja were first born. No one could unlock the mystery, yet they told it just the same. No one knew the horrors that would unleash the truth. The Darkness is rising. Near the borders of Mizu no Kuni is a small village of Ninja, called Yamigakure, the Village Hidden in Darkness. Founded by the great swordsman of the Gokana Clan, Yamigakure was peaceful until a madman took the helm. Two brothers, Tomo and Toshi, were born to the leader of Yamigakure, Gokana Ryo. The twins were deigned for greatness, and Tomo was to take the throne at Ryo's end. However, the entire Gokana family was slaughtered one dark night. Tomo disappeared, and Toshi lead the village. The ambitious Toshi sought power in the form of a country. He wished for Yamigakure to gain great status, and for it to become Yami no Kuni. The Yaminin spread out across the land, attacking all the other countries and villages. It is a dark day, and the prophecy must come to pass. Toshi and his three advisors are the Darkness, while Tomo and his four allies are those who oppose him. A band of Ninja have risen up to stop the injustices caused by all Countries, become the Four For Justice. The last four are an evil band of S-Class criminals, the Evil Four. Which shall be the last group standing? Will the Darkness continue it's evil, or will Good save Yamigakure? Or will Yamigakure be destroyed by the Four For Justice? Can the Evil Four be stopped? All is a mystery in the War of Darkness.[/SIZE][/COLOR] *** [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]If you couldn't guess, you will be playing as one of the 16 Warriors in the War of Darkness. Each warrior (as said in the Rhyme) has a Summon and a title. Why? Because I though it would be cool. I will allow a few characters from the show, but you still have to sign up (or just PM me). Sign-Up, I say? Well, here it is... Name: Pretty standard. Age: Pretty much everyone should be at least a Chuunin, so I'd say 13+, and some titles speak of great age, so...make it work in context. Gender: Title: See below Summon: Again, see below Team: Toshi, Tomo, Justice, or Evil Weapon of Choice?: If you have a special weapon Village: I'll provide a list at the end Rank: Chuunin, Jounin, Sennin, Missing Nin, Hunter Nin... Jutsus: You don't have to put down the basics. And don't go too wild, here. Oh, a good sight for the Jutsus and just general information is narutoex.com Appearance: Personality: Bio: My character... [B]Name[/B]: Gokana Tomo [B]Age[/B]: 25 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Title[/B]: Assassin [B]Summon[/B]: Tiger [B]Team[/B]: Tomo (obviously) [B]Weapon of Choice?[/B]: Katana [B]Village[/B]: Yamigakure [B]Rank[/B]: Missing Nin (Chuunin, but with a Jounin's strength) [B]Jutsus[/B]: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, Ryuuha no Jutsu, Kuroi Yoru no Jutsu, Kuroi Hie no Jutsu, Sen Oni no Yoru, Tomo no Katana, Moon-Lit Blade, Chakra no Ha, and Gekitsu no Katana [B]Appearance[/B]: [B]Personality[/B]: [B]Bio[/B]: [B][U][CENTER]Summons[/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Rodents - Ox - Tiger - ULX Hare - Dragon - *Reserved for whoever plays as Toshi* Snake - Horse - Sheep/Ram - Monkey - Bird - Danethol Dog/Wolf - StrikeGundam Pig - Frog - Ryoko T. D. C. Slug - Turtle - Fox - DDG[/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Titles[/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Hermit - Assassin - ULX Samurai - Ryoko T. D. C. King - Queen - Architect - Teacher - Tracker - Danethol Breaker - Healer - StrikeGundam Priest - Master - Boss - Hermit - Assassin - DDG Master - [/CENTER] Teams: Tomo - ULX, Ryoko T. D. C. Toshi - Justice - StrikeGundam, Danethol Evil - DDG Villages: Konohagakure, Village Hidden in the Leaves. Fire. Kirigakure, Village Hidden in the Mist. Water. Kumagakure, Village Hidden in the Clouds. Thunder. Iwagakure, Village Hidden in the Stones. Earth. Sunagakure, Village Hidden in the Sand. Wind. Takigakure, Village Hidden in the Waterfall. Presumed Water. Amegakure, Village Hidden in the Rain. Water...?. Kusagakure, Village Hidden in the Grass. Earth? Otogakure, Village Hidden in the Sound. Sound. Namigakure, Village Hidden in the Waves. Water. Yukigakure, Village Hidden in the Snow. Ice/Machines. Yamigakure, Village Hidden in the Dark. Dark. I'll finish Tomo later. PM me if you want to be Toshi. And let me know if anything is unclear. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]::Player Sign-up::[/B] [B]Real Name[/B]: Takeda Kaida [B]Monster Network Username[/B]: Oni Meijin X [B]Age[/B]: 15 [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/aoi_hisoka/Pics/2003/Silver.html]Kaida[/URL] However, Kaida is more at home in a black t-shirt and pants than the clothing in the image. Also, she keeps her hair short, not long and flowing, and she definately doesn't have ribbons in her hair. She's kind of a tomboy. Oh, and I can't forget the silver cross she wears around her neck. It's...important. [B]Personality[/B]: Kaida is very tough, proud, and is not afraid to flaunt her beauty a little to win a fight. She is very determined to prove herself powerful, going to any lengths to win. She acts self-assured and tough, but inside she's very sad and angry. Also, in a bit of insanity, she loves to flirt but hates being hit on. Go figure. [B]History[/B]: Kaida was raised in a predominantely male family, with four brothers, younger or older. This caused her to become kind of a tomboy. She also formed a deep connection with her older brother Kana, the only one of her brothers who didn't treat her like a little girl (even though she was older than two of them). Kana was her best friend in the world, acting as a father figure since their real father was absent most of the time, on business and such. Kana doted on her as a real father would. He left home when she was 7, but visited daily, buying her gifts and teaching her things that her parents didn't have time for and teachers didn't care about. On her tenth birthday, however, Kana didn't show up. Kaida was heartbroken, and started hating Kana, thinking he had forgotten about her. She became dark, cynical, and angry. It was nearly a month before she found out the truth. Kana had been killed by a mugger on the way to Kaida's home. He refused to give up his money and, more importantly, the gift he planned to give to her. The mugger shot him and took his money, but not the gift. It was a silver cross necklace with three rubies in the center. On the back was inscribed "To Kaida, my sister, my angel, my everything." Kaida took up martial arts to keep her mind off the pain. When Monster Network came out, she was one of the first to get it. She has become a master player, attempting to honor her brother in the form of Kuroichi, who was modeled after him. [B]Ultimate Goal in MN[/B]: To honor the memory of her brother, crush everyone in her path...and maybe find a boyfriend. [B]::Your Monster Sign-up::[/B] [B]Name[/B]: Kuroichi [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Appearance[/B]: [I]Child[/I] - In his child stage, Kuroichi is little more than a head with limbs. He has long silver hair, and large red eyes. He holds a katana bigger than he is in one of his stubby arms. [I]Teen[/I] - In the next stage, Kuroichi gains human preportions. He wears a pair of flared black pants in the samurai style, and a black trench coat with no shirt. A black dragon tattoo winds up his chest. His hair is still long, reaching down to his shoulders, but his red eyes are much smaller. It is commonly noted that he is very attractive for a monster. [I]Adult [/I] - When he becomes an Adult, Kuroichi is coated by strange, red, spiky armor. The armor covers his sword, making it larger, longer, and gives it a jagged edge that hurts even more. [B]Element[/B]: Darkness [B]Attacks[/B]: [I]Simple[/I] - Ike! (Charge!) Kuroichi moves at inhuman speeds, too fast to be seen, in a straight line, cutting through his foe with katana drawn. [I]Intermediate[/I] - Kuroyaru (Dark Night) Kuroichi creates a cloud of darkness that surrounds him, making it difficult to hit him. [I]Advanced[/I] - Chi no Kiri (Mist of Blood) A red cloud of mist surrounds the opposition, small cuts forming on their bodies. As long as the mist holds, they are constantly damaged by small cuts. Weak damage, but it builds up. [I]Ultimate [/I] - Boryoku-teki na Owari (Violent End) Kuroichi summons up a massive ball of red energy and hurls it at his opponent, doing massive damage. If it hits, it is almost always fatal. If it misses, it drains him almost completely, leaving him easy prey. [B]Offensive/Defensive[/B]: Offensive *** ...You know, it's wierd that this would be my first female character. *shrug* Tell me if anything needs to be changed.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Okay, I finally got around to posting an Underground for War of the Blood. Not quite sure what to post though... Oh, I had an interesting idea: what if War of the Blood was kind of a series. I was thinking the part going on right now would be something like "War of the Blood, Pt 1: The Seven Gems" or something. The current part would end as soon as all of the Gems changed hands (which is actually looming closely...) The next part (if this is still interesting) might be called "Skulls and Crosses". It would feature the Zugai, and their connection with the whole war. Perhaps Kuroichi would be trying to form an alliance while others tried to stop him. Having multiple parts would aid in giving an eventual goal, and would also allow new characters to enter in new parts, with old characters being able to continue or die. If you stopped liking your character, they could die, and you could enter the next Part as a new character. I thought that might be an interesting idea, but I'd like some input on the whole RPG. Just talk about...whatever you talk about in Underground threads. -ULX[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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