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Everything posted by Onix

  1. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Donovan sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he looked down at his meager wardrobe. He was just invited to a party by a beautiful woman, and had nothing to wear. [I]Irony is a sadistic bitch.[/I] Finally, he decided on a pair of crisp new blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and his old leather jacket that had served him well for many years. It even still had that warm leather smell. With an unsure glance, he looked over at the small boquet of flowers he had bought, feeling a little stupid. [I]I'm a clerk at a Game Store. She's...gorgeous. Something's wrong with this picture.[/I] And just at that moment, as he was standing there in his comparitively best duds, holding a boquet...his roommate walked in. "Hey, Donny, where's the...hello?" he said, eyes beginning to sparkle. "Now's not the time, Patrick," Donovan groaned. "'As little Donny-boy got 'imself a girl, 'en? Eh?" Patrick said, doing a poor British accent for some inexplicable reason. "...You're an ass. You know that, right?" "Yes. Yes I do." "I'll be back...later. Don't wait up. In fact, don't keep breathing for my sakes." Patrick feigned choking as Donovan walked out of the apartment, grabbing his helmet as he did so. [I]Remind me to kill him when I get back.[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] *** [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Donovan's motorcycle skidded to a stop in the thin snow. He hopped off and walked it a few feet to a suitable rack, and chained it down. He took off his helmet and swapped it for the boquet he managed to tie onto the back seat. It was mainly uncrumpled. [I]All right, Donovan. You can do this. She plays video games, she works with food, she's gorgeous...and incredibly out of my league. NO! Must not be pessimistic...damn, can't do that. Must not be cynical...okay, I really can't do that. DAMN! Okay, I'm just going to walk in there, give her the flowers, and...[/I] He heard a sudden rapping on the window. With a quick, startled turn, he saw her looking at him. She gestured for him to come inside. [I]Aw hell.[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] *** OOC: Take it away, Jay. God that was horrible.
  2. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][I]"Mein Gott in Himmel!"[/I] The wall exploded in a cloud of stone and crumbling mortar. Ten figures walked in, nine swathed in heavy cloaks, the tenth standing calmly in front, silver hair shining. "Tonight, we take the next step towards victory. Tonight, my Krilat Zmaj, we take the Emerald! [I]Ike[/I]!" "[I]Yosh[/I]!" The nine Krilat Zmaj rushed in, cutting a swathe through the Ijuuj soldiers. The German Vampires fought harshly, but the skilled Japanese swordsmen decimated the enemy force. Blood rained down upon the cobblestones of the old road, and not a drop came from the foreigners. "[I]Halt ihn[/I]!" roared the Ijuuj commander. Vampires charged Kuroichi, skirting around the nine soldiers to take down their leader. They almost reached the Silver Haired Demon, when the fierce purple glow of the Amethyst surrounded him. The energy exploded out, flinging the Vampires back. The blood of their fallen comrades rsoe up and impaled them on spikes. [I]"Die Silbern Behaart Dämon!" "Verkehren!" "Beeilen!" "Er Wille erschlagen Sie!"[/I] Golden bolts of energy shot out, tearing through the retreating soldiers. Rocks and walls exploded in shards of stone. Some soldiers fell from shattered bones, others exploded, and yet more fell from pieces of earth. Kuroichi laughed as the soldiers fled in fear. He commanded his own warriors with a single word. "[I]Korosu[/I]!" Screams echoed through the night.[/SIZE][/COLOR] *** [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]With a metallic scream, the massive iron doors flew off their hinges. They fell to the ground with a massive crash. Standing in the doorway were ten figures. One, hulking and swathed in a black cloak, he his hand out. "Very good, Doppo," said Kuroichi. "[I]Arigatou[/I], Kuroichi-dono," replied Doppo. The ten walked into the large, empty room. Torches flared to life, revealing a man even more massive than Doppo, sitting on a dark stone throne. Heavy black plate-mail covered his muscular body. He stared out with icy blue eyes, his short hair steel-gray. Hanging around his neck was a large emerald. "[I]Konban wa, Die Fuhrer von Leichen[/I]," Kuroichi said, with false good humor. "And how are you tonight?" "[I]Guten Abend[/I], Kuroichi," replied [I]Die Fuhrer[/I]. "So, you need nine subordinates and two gems to defeat me?" "The subordinates were to defeat your ample forces, Die Fuhrer," Kuroichi said calmly. "The gems are just insurance. I won't use mine if you don't use yours." "Agreed." The hulking Kerlek rose from his cobalt throne, lifting a huge halberd from beside the chair. The blade glinted in the torch-light. It was easily twice the Kerlek's height. Kuroichi, in return, stepped foreward, drawing [I]Shinku no Umi[/I]. Gray met blue as they locked eyes. With no warning, they moved. [I]Die Fuhrer's[/I] halberd slashed out at Kuroichi, but the smaller man rolled under the blade, slashing at his opponent's midsection. [I]Die Fuhrer[/I] stepped back, the tip of Kuroichi's katana glancing off his armor. Kuroichi pressed on, forcing [I]Die Fuhrer[/I] back to his throne. [I]Shinku no Umi[/I] rang out against [I]Die Fuhrer's[/I] armor in a never ending storm of cuts. "You're losing your edge, Die Fuhrer," Kuroichi laughed. "Perhaps I should show you what it feels like to still have one!" With incredible strength, Kuroichi's blade dug through Die Fuhrer's armor, biting into the large man's side. He fell back, holding his halberd in front of him in a defensive stance. "How could that butter knife slice my armor?" "Because it is the strongest blade ever forged, and it is wielded by the strongest man ever born." Kuroichi's katana flashed in the torch-light, moving almost too quickly to be seen. [I]Die Fuhrer[/I] was barely able to defend himself against it's tempered edge. Chips of iron flew from his halberd as [I]Shinku no Umi[/I] hacked through it. "Your pride is your end, [I]Die Fuhrer[/I]!" With a final thrust, [I]Shinku no Umi[/I] stabbed through [I]Die Fuhrer's[/I] chest plate, piercing his sternum. The hulk fell to the ground, gasping for breath. "I've punctured your lung," Kuroichi explained. "You don't have long to live. Summon up your corpses and maybe you can win." "We made a deal, and I will not fail to uphold it! That is the way of honor!" "I used to believe in honor," Kuroichi said sadly. "But now, I realize that it is the fools way to go. Arrogant old fools like you deserve to die!" [I]Shinku no Um[/I]i lived up to its name as [I]Die Fuhrer's[/I] blood rushed out like a crimson sea. The thick red ochre poured out of the gash in his throat, and he fell to the ground, dead once more. Kuroichi lifted the heavy gem from around his head. "My soldiers, we leave. Just two more Gems to go."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"So," Donovan said, returning to the first woman. "What did you need, again?" "I was hoping to get an Xbox," she said, smiling sweetly. "Xbox, eh? Playstation 2's the way to go, if you ask me. But the 'Box has its charms. Halo, Knights of the Old Republic, DOA..." Donovan grabbed a good-sized Xbox package from beneath the counter. He set it on the table, and began to ring up the purchase. "So, do you want some games with that, or do you just want to look at the nice shiny console?" Donovan asked, flashing a shark-tooth grin. "Har har, clerk-boy," the woman shot back. "Well, since you know so much, what would you suggest?" "Personally, I prefer a good fighter, like DOA or Soul Calibur, or a personal favroite, Guilty Gear X2. Or maybe you'd prefer a nice action game, like Fable, Knights or Ninja Gaiden. If you like Shooters, you got Halo and Men of Valor. Or, you could save me the trouble and go look in the Xbox aisle." "Thank you, oh wise one," the girl grumbled. [I]I swear to God[/I], Donovan thought. [I]If this is another dream, I'm going to have to put the hurt on something. It'll be the fifth time this week, too. Aw hell. I need a girlfriend.[/I] After a few minutes of browsing, the girl returned. She had two games in her hand. "So, what did the sharp-tongued gamer-girl decide to buy?" Donovan took the games from her hand. He saw that they were Voodoo Vince and Halo. "Halo, I get. But Vince? He's an odd choice, a bit obscure, eh?" "It looked like fun," she said, shrugging. "It is. I'm just surprised there was someone else on the planet who plays it." [I]It's playing out just like one of my dreams...again.[/I] "So," Donovan began, passing her the recipt. "Need someone to help you break that puppy in?" "Are you trying to hit on me, Mr. Donovan?" replied the girl, leaning on the counter. Donovan propped himself up with one elbow, meeting her eye to eye. "Maybe, maybe not. Would you be flattered if I was?" The girl laughed. "I admire your forwardness, Mr. Donovan. Go to the Bread Roll on the sixth. Ask for Jaime." "I'll be there, Jay." "Then I'll see you, Don." With a small wave, she left the store. [I]Well seems like it's time to wake up.[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1] Obviously, eating McDonalds or other fast-food very often isn't good for you, and I would consider 1-2 meals of it a week as acceptable. I wasn't only targeting you, I was targeting the whole anti-fast-food mentality that has sprung up recently. Especially such 'documentaries' as Super-Size Me. It is just common-sense that shows that fast-food is not particularly good for you. Why the big fuss? If people learned two concepts, that of 'moderation' and 'common-sense', then we wouldn't be having this problem.[/size][/QUOTE] [size=1][COLOR=slategray]That was pretty much what I was going to say. Kitsune, I wasn't necessarily saying that you were a psychopath who's afraid of fat, I was just referring to people in general. Sorry if it came of like a personal attack. And yeah, I'm a little cynical, but then again, I was raised on Dennis Miller and Bill Mahr. As Cartman put it, "it warped my fragile little mind." I guess I did take it a little far in my rant, with the bombing thing, but it seems like that's the mentality we're heading towards. We, the people, have made our bed, and now we want someone else to fix the poorly folded sheets. It's aggrivating. And when I get aggrivated about a subject, I tend to rant a little, often a little too much. Onto your question...so you're asking if you can change your metabolism by eating too much fast food, right? I think that it is possible that you can mess up your body with enough, yeah, but destroying your metabolism? I think I need a couple years of Med school before I can tackle that without seeming like a know-it-all. -ULX[/size][/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]Eating a fast-food meal once or twice a week is not going to kill you. Anyone could have told you that eating only fast-food is bad for you. Most people would have 21 meals a week, and 1 or 2 less-than-healthy meals are not going to kill you. If you eat mainly healthy, drink water, and exercise its not like you're going to die of heart complications at the tender age of 23. Someone who eats fast-food every day of the week is obviously both stupid and... stupid. This is like McLibel; overreaction. I'm not supporting the actions of various fast-food companies, but this "OMG thiz stuf iz s0 bad 4 u im gunna di coz i eat it 2 timez a week" is stupid. Common sense, people. Heard of it?[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]*Points up* That's what I've been telling people. McDonalds is not evil. It is a food brand that happens to provide food that may not be as healthy for you as, say, Subway. But does that make it evil? Should we bomb McDonalds because it's made a few people (read: idiots) fat? You know what? If you're so terrified about what's in food, stop eating. Save oxygen for the rest of us. I saw Supersize Me. I watched it through. And I ate McDonalds that weekend, because I'm not some psychopath who's terrified of a little fat. Eating McDonalds constantly, without excersizing, is really bad. Eating it once or twice a week, and getting a little excercise is okay. From that same movie, there were two guys, one who said that he ate it once or twice A DAY, and he was fine. His friend commented, "get on a treadmill people. (Paraphrased)" Do not fear Fast Food. Don't hate it. And certainly don't sue it if you get fat (or, for that matter, if you get burnt by coffee... :rolleyes: ). Well, that's my three cents. Take it or leave it. -ULX PS, I'm aware that the phrase is two cents. So don't try to make me out as some kind of idiot, k?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]It's a Demonologists dream, my friend. [B]Name[/B]: Dumah, Angel of the Silence of Death [B]Race[/B]: Fallen Angel [B]Sex[/B]: Male [B]Age[/B]: Unknown [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://www.playonline.com/finalmix/images/unknown.jpg]Here[/URL] - His cloak is pitch black, and no one has ever seen his true face. He also has a pair of massive black wings that he can retract. [B]Preferred weapon[/B]: [URL=http://fablelegend.free.fr/images/artworks/scythe.jpg][I]Silence[/I][/URL] - Except the blade glows red and the entire shaft is black. [B]Powers[/B]: [I]Silence[/I] - Dumah can make himself completely silent. Whether he uses it for assassinations, or intimidation, it is always quite effective. [I]Shadow[/I] - To an extent, Dumah can manipulat shadows. His power is greatest at night, diminished mostly in the daytime. At night, he can use the shadows to make himself invisible, form blades and projectiles, become ropes, surround his opponent in darkness, and other abilities. However, in day light, he can only form weak attacks, and utilize them for purposes like writing, and ropes. [I]Death's Embrace[/I] - A dangerous move, requiring Dumah to embrace his foe. While trapped in his arms, his opponent has their life energy slowly drained away. [B]Personality[/B]: Dumah is silent, solitary, and cold. He only talks to those he must speak to, such as Lucifer. Unlike many of the Fallen Angels, he does not try to prolong pain in battle, preferring to end it quickly for his foes. He has a bitter outlook on life, cynical and harsh. When he speaks, it is usually pessimistic, dark, and brutal. He never minces words, making things short and direct. [B]Background[/B]: All the Angels were born to serve. Some were made to tend to earth, caring for Gods creatures. Some were made to tend to God himself. Some were made for healing, helping, saving. Dumah was made to kill. Since his birth, Dumah served under God as a destroyer of evil. Those that rose up against Gods will, from the first failed Creations to the first Rebel angels, Dumah slayed them all. He was excellent at it, never having any trouble killing those that opposed His law and His Good. But, with the birth of the Humans, everything changed. Dumah, the silent, the killer, was pushed aside in favor of the imperfect, foolish humans. The perfect Divine Assassin was forgotten for those that should be his targets. Dumah grew to despise the humans, hating everything about them. From their ingrateful scorn of the Lord to their insufferable free will. He dreamed of tearing them apart, ridding the world of the Scourge that is mankind. When Lucifer rose to power, Dumah was quick to join the cause. He was an excellent addition to the Rebels, slaying the Loyal before they had a chance to react. He was mighty on the battle field. But, alas, God was able to cast the rebels into Hell. Luckily for Dumah, however, was that Lucifer always had a job for the Angel of the Silence of Death. He became Hell's personal Grim Reaper, killing sinful and pure humans alike, and taking there souls to the pits of Hell. He enjoyed the business, loving an excuse to kill the human menace. But his anger against the Angels and God stewed within him, like his hate for humans had. Now he seeks the Key with fanatical devotion, seeking the ability to finally kill the Angels... *** Since I like flaunting my knowledge any time I have some, here's some Angels (Fallen or otherwise) that might be interesting... Zophiel - A demonic double agent who seemed to be a spy for Heaven, but was actually on the side of Lucifer. He has become the Herald of Hell. Mephistolese - The demon from the great Dr. Faust. Xaphan - One of the first Rebel Angels, who proposed burning Heaven down. He controls the bellows of Hell now. Semyaza - The Leader of the Watcher Angels who was instructed to teach humans Sex. He tought a daughter of Eve so well that he had two Giant sons. Michael - Perhaps the most famous Archangel, Michael is referred to as the Soldier of God. Uriel - An archangel charged to guard the gates of Eden with a flaming sword.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray][I]Fools...fools, the lot of them...[/I] Kuroichi sat in the hull of the boat headed to the northern coast of Italy. He had to move fast, move smart. France and Italy were dangerous places to be. Yet he had to get to Germany. The Emerald of Corpses would give him the power necessary to take down the final two...and Zoku. [I]I will crush that pathetic human...I will destroy the Ijuuj...I will take the gems...I will win.[/I] Night Rider was dangerous...The King of Death was the greatest Kerlek of them all. But the Leader of Corpses was an easy target. The Master of Darkness was none of Kuroichi's concern now that the Moonstone rested with Zoku. [I]He has taken the Sapphire and the Moonstone, eh? Well, the Emerald, the Pearl, and the Diamond will be mine! The insolent human will die. Abaddon will die. Night Rider will die. All who oppose me[/I] must [I]die.[/I] Switzerland was his target. A quick run through the narrow patch of land that was Italy and he would be safe...no Ijuuj, no police. And once he passes through Switzerland...the Emerald was his for the taking. The was a slight flutter of cloth, almost inaudible. The glowing eyes shone like embers in the pitch black. "Master, the Emerald is in Brussels. A team will be waiting in Switzerland to escort you." "Thank you, Agrad." The shadowy warrior disappeared as silently as he arrived. Kuroichi was again alone in the shadows. Alone...how he lived his life. The death of his siblings. His mother. His father. Himself. He was as utterly alone as anyone in the world. No one to lean on, no one to trust, to believe would help him in his time of need. Only allies, subordinates. The Krilat Zmaj, the Gyshram, those were his only comforts. His power. His allies. He was alone, so he had to be strong. He was alone, so he had to be tough. He was alone, so he had to be bitter and cruel and self-sufficient. He was a leader, a ruler, a solitary God in a sea of mortals tied by blood and love. Nothing could hold him back but himself. And he had no intention of holding himself back. [I]They will pay. The human will die for leaving, for stealing from me, for injuring me. The angel will die for leaving, for scoffing, for threatening a God. The Ijuuj will die, the Clans will die, and I will rule them all.[/I] A silent resolution in an empty room. A promise to one, and one alone. A God's solemn vow in the blackest abyss.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Just a little insight into Kuroichi's character. Maybe this will help people understand where he's going. And, kairiIce, I would appreciate it if you let Kuroichi take the Emerald. Tell you what...you can deal with Night Rider. DragonBlood seems a little bored, anyway. Heh.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"Abaddon, have you ever been to Madrid?" Abaddon looked over at his companion. They sat on the seats of an old subway car, traveling through the Italian lands. It was night, and thus safe for them to ride. "No. I do not believe that I have visited Spain yet in my crusade." "It is a beautiful country. Perhaps my favorite in all of Europe. That's where we're headed." "And for what?" "The Moonstone of Darkness, of course. It is the closest stone, except maybe the Emerald of Corpses." "What about Greece...the Sapphire of Skulls..." "It has been taken by a human. An old friend by the name of Goryuu Zokusai. My sources informed me of his recent victory over the Emperor of Skulls. It will make things easier if I can take two at once instead of one." "Why do you desire the gems so...?" "If I am to tackle all of the opposing clans, even just the combined force of the Ijuuj, I will need as much power as I can gather. Maybe I could hold off against them for a little while, but I am still not strong enough. The gems might provide enough power to defeat a few of the clans, four at the most..." Abaddon looked over at Kuroichi. The man's face was hard, dark and brooding. But there was a feral glee, sparkling in his eyes. "That is why I need powerful allies like you. With your power, your leadership in the Krilat Zmaj, we could take on four clans easily. With the Myrkur Aniol itself...and the gems of the Ijuuj...we would be unstoppable." "Why do you want the power of my clan? Why not the Zugai, or the Labareda, or even the Knubrap?" Kuroichi was silent for a moment. "I was made by a dead soldier...a fresh Vampire, slain on the battle field. Many died to the hands of a single Vampire in that battle. The Vampire was a Myrkur Aniol by the name of Gabriel. His power runs in my veins. I am Myrkur Aniol." "You have the blood of Gabriel!" Abaddon roared. He rose quickly to his feet. "You have the power of one of the Archangels?" "Gabriel is more my Grandfather than anything else. His power was transferred, then given to me. Diluted, but still great." Abaddon stared at Kuroichi incredulously. He seemed to want to say something, but sat down. For a while they rode in silence. Eventually, Abaddon piped up. "Why Spain? Why not Germany?" Kuroichi paused. Then, flashing a devilish grin, he sneered, "Because Zoku is going there too."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Zoku stepped into the dark crypt. It was a secret passage to [I]El Capitan del Obscuro's[/I] secret stores. There, he could find the Dark Moonstone. As he stepped into a long hallway, he became slightly unnerved by the utter stillness of the burial ground. There was no sound at all. Not a word, not a whisper. The silence was smothering. "Come out...Kuroichi." Out from behind a wall of caskets, stepped the silver-hair demon. Even in the pitch black, he radiated an ehteral glow. "Good job, Zoku-kun. I am impressed with your perception. But have you gotten any stronger since your aquisition of the Sapphire of Skulls?" "You know!?" "There is nothing I do not know anymore. My spies are everywhere. Krilat Zmaj, Gyshram, Human...all do my bidding." "So you have taken the Moonstone..." "Iie, Zoku-kun. I have yet to pilfer that particular gem. I wanted to see if you were worthy of it. By fighting you, here and now." "What?" "Let's test the power of the Silver Haired Demon against the Man of 2000 years. Hell, let's pit the power of Blood and power of Skulls against eachother. You even have the advantage...seing as we're in a crypt." "What do you mean?" "Don't you know?" Kuroichi asked, feigning shock. "The Sapphire of Skulls give the wielder not only an immunity to holy artifacts...but the power to command skeletons. Just as the Ruby of Blood allows me to make and control the purest essence of life." A massive Blood-Metal claw sprouted from Kuroichi's hand. A similar one formed quickly after. The blood traced up his arms, but going no further. "Call upon the Skulls, or meet your end."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Sorry if I hijacked Zoku, Ice. Remember, Kuroichi has mastery over blood, able to creat it, mold, and even use it to heal injuries. You have the ability to control skeletons. Make it a good fight. If you decide to end it, make it a good one. And try not to kill Kuro just yet.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"Mornin', Lawless," X yawned, stepping out of his room. He scratched his touseled brown hair. He was wearing a pair of black pants and that was it. "Oh God, it's you," Lawless groaned. "That's a fine good morning, miss," X said, glaring at her with sleepy eyes. "Why're you in such a bad mood?" "Cause I accidentally flashed Breakdown." X paused for a moment and stared at Lawless, as if trying to become a human-polygraph. Then he shrugged and walked away. "Where's breakfast!?" he yelled. "In the kitchen!" Breakdown replied. As X heaped his plate with eggs, he called out, "so, saw Lawless naked did ya?" The sound of Breakdown choking rang out. "A simple yes would've sufficed."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]My name? On the banner, if'n you please. The reason I didn't post any pictures is because I don't really care which ones people use...I didn't know they'd be hard to find (well, except Kabuto. He was a hard as hell to get when I was making that quiz...) Border? Don't go out of your way, but one would be nice. Oh, and if you could make the font for the text on the banner silver, that would be great. Thanks. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Another good Futurama line... "I am the wiener. Now I shall leave for no raisin!"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Donovan leaned back in his chair, setting his feet up on the counter, a copy of GamePro magazine in his lap. He brushed back a lock of hair as he turned the page. "And thus the pros agree," he muttered. "The PS2 is the reigning console..." "What was that, Donny?" "Nothing Howard," Donovan called. "Slow tonight, ain't it?" Howard said, leaning on the counter. He was a skinny, sandy-haired teen, just out of highschool. Donovan was supposed to be training him. In Donovan-ish, that meant it was time for a payed vacation, as he could say that Howard wanted to handle customers. "Oh, don't you worry," Donovan said with a harsh laugh. "Come next week, you'll be up to yer ass in customers. You finished stocking the new Mario games yet?" "Yup." "Chains of Promathia?" "Done." "Budokai 3? Knights of the Old Republic 2?" "Done and done." "Then pull up a chair. Looks like we're fully stocked so far." "Sweet." The sound of feet clicking across the cheap formica tiles rang out as a dark-haired young woman walked into the area. "Excuse me?" she asked. "Yeh?" Donovan replied, not looking up from his magazine. "This is the video games department, right?" "That's what the sign says, anyway." "You carry Jak 3?" "The ladie's got taste, then," Donovan said, looking up from the magazine to look her over. "Over in the Playstation isle. Should be near the top." "Thanks." [I]Not too bad for a gamer chick[/I], Donovan thought to himself. [I]Not to often you meet someone who looks like a DOA girl...and might actually play it, too.[/I] The woman walked back, copy of Jak 3 in hand. "So, you like gaming, eh?" Donovan said as he rang up the purchase. "I wouldn't say I'm hardcore, but yeah, I like it." "Ever been thrashed at Soul Calibur?" "There isn't a man alive who can beat me," the girl shot back. "Wanna bet?" Donovan said, grinning like a fox. The gril signed the reciept, then fished a piece of paper out of her bag. "The name's Jasmine. Call me." "Yo, Donovan!" "Just a minute Howard!" Donovan barked. He turned back to see Jasmine walking away. "Hey, wait! Jasmine!" "Donovan!" "Shut it Howard!" *SLAM* Stars winked in front of Donovan's eyes. He was lying on the floor, legs hanging over the chair he had been sitting in. "Don, you okay?" "I fell asleep, didn't I?" "I guess..." "Well, shit."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Poor Donovan. Heh, I almost tricked you into thinking he was going to hook up with some babe, eh? Well, hopefully I did. I thought it was funny.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]This is a wierd little idea I had. We're reading Lord of the Flies in English class and a journal we had to do was what would happen if we (the class) were stuck in the same situation. Then my mind wandered inexplicably to Otaku Hollow (awesome story! If you haven't read it now, go) and I began to wonder what would happen if some of the OB members got stuck in that situation. I'm currently wondering that, even if I decided to make it, if it would be better as an RPG or a story (like Otaku Hollow...heh heh, shameless plugs are yer freeeeeeend). Then there are more questions: the level of reality, mood (parody or just as dark?), who'd be in it...ugh, my brain hurts. Well, guess I should even ask if anyone would want to read/be in/play in it. Let me know your opinions. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"Oh, and before you go all 'superiority' on me," Kuroichi quipped. "I noticed your little 'blood-creation' trick. Nice touch, but far too dramatic for battle." "My, aren't you perceptive," said the Kerlek. "And I was so hoping to catch you by surprise!" In an instant, a blood spiraled around [I]Il Signore's[/I] arm, turning into a massive blade. Blood quickly surrounded the rest of his body, forming ornate, spiky armor. His other hand was covered by a spiked glove. "Impressive," Kuroichi said, smirk crossing his face. "Or would be, if I couldn't do it better." Blood rushed from the corpses of the fallen, spiralling around Kuroichi's sword arm. The blade was coated by Blood-Metal (as I've taken to calling it), the weapon longer, more jagged, and far more menacing. His arm also became covered with the material, a lighter, plate-mail structure going up to his shoulder, providing movement and defense. "Shall we begin, then?" "I'll let the [I]child[/I] begin the [I]game[/I]," [I]Il Signore[/I] said, smugly. In a flash, Kuroichi was upon the armor-clad Kerlek. His massive sword swung down, shattering the Kerlkek's arm blade. As he spun with the follow through, Kuroichi stabbed several Blood-Darts into the Ijuuj's chest. [I]Il Signore[/I] staggered back, and Kuroichi shot his a haughty glare. "Still so smug, [I]Il Signore[/I]?" The older Vampire wrenched the darts free of his chest. Blood swirled around the wounds, and they quickly closed. "I am the Lord of Blood, my boy. So as long as I have ready acess to that most holy of substances, you won't be able to stop me, unless you kill me in one blow!" "That can be arranged!" Kuroichi's eyes flashed bright red. The sound of whistlling wind started up, and Il Signore whirled around just in time to see his deck fly at him. The massive chunk of wood exploded into splinters, sending the Kerlek through the air. He landed with a heavy thud, his armor shattering. "Should I kill you now...or prolong your suffering a bit more?" "How about you die!" From nowhere, huge spikes of Blood-Metal thrust up around Kuroichi, nearly skewering the silver-haired Vampire. He jumped back just in time, the spikes screaming against eachother. "Very impressive!" Kuroichi cheered. "Nearly dead, and you still have that brilliant idea. I commend you, [I]Il Signore[/I]. If you weren't so adamant about keeping that Ruby, I might spare you. But as you demand to never part with it, I guess I must kill you first." "You don't have the power," [I]Il Signore[/I] growled. He staggered to his feet, fresh armor coating his body. "You may not keep the wounds, [I]Il Signore[/I], but you still feel the pain," Kuroichi said, grinning cruelly. "And I not only have power, I have the Power!" Kuroichi's eyes flashed red again, and [I]Il Signore[/I] was sent flying back against the wall. He head snapped back and blood flew from his mouth. "You doubted me far too much until the very end, [I]Il Signore[/I]," Kuroichi said, leveling the Kerlek a fierce gaze. "And you [I]never[/I] doubt Kuroichi of the Krilat Zmaj!" His eyes blazed again, and the wall dented behind [I]Il Signore[/I]. He hacked and wheezed, more blood trickling from his cracked lips. His armor fell to pieces, melting back into blood. "And now, because you were a stupid, fucking arrogant piece of shit, I'm going to kill you and take the Ruby. And I;m going to enjoy crushing your precious Ijuuj, bit by fucking bit." Five blood darts whistled through the air, pounding into [I]Il Signore's[/I] shoulders, arms, and chest. Kuroichi's eyes flashed yet again, and the Kerlkek convulsed violently. Cracks exploded in the wall behind him. The stained glass window high above nearly shattered. "So, [I]Il Signore[/I], where's the Ruby?" "I'll *cough* never tell *hack wheeze* you *cough*, you sadistic little prick," [I]Il Signore[/I] choked out. "Then I'll just tare your palace apart until I find it. I'll kill anything that moves, shatter anything I deem necessary. I will utterly destroy this entire city if I have to. But I [I]will[/I] have that Ruby!" "You will never destroy the Clans," the Kerlek wheezed. "You are far too ambitious. If you aren't killed by one of the Clans, then you will destroy yourself." "Then call me suicidal, because with the power of the seven Gems and the entire Krilat Zmaj, no one could touch me." "You cannot beat the Clans. They will overwhelm you. You will lose, [I]Il Diavolo d'argento dai capelli[/I]. You are feared, you are worshipped, but most of all...you are hated." "Enough!" Red energy exploded around [I]Il Signore[/I]. Plaster and marbled shot through the air around Kuroichi. Shards of glass from the shattered window high above rained down upon him. The glass fell like a shower of light, flashing in the sunlight, glittering and shining bright colors through the room. Kuroichi stepped out of the beam of unfiltered light. Glass now littered the ground, glowing with a seemingly ethereal light. Kuroichi used a bit of his power, the shards floating above the ground. With a small hand gesture, they shot at [I]Il Signore[/I], shredding his shirt. Clearly visible on his pale, flabby chest was the Ruby, hanging from a large gold chain. "Looks like I don't have to obliterate your little mansion afterall, [I]Il Signore[/I]. But you know what? I'm going to do it anyway, just to spite you." The Ruby floated into his hand. Gently slipping it into his pocket, he walked out of the large room, leaving [I]Il Signore di Sangue[/I] to rot forever.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Xairiel stepped into the massive, opulant ballroom of the Temozareila home. The pale blonde Miranda was squashed against him, clinging to his arm like a lost child...or a dog in heat. "See, Xai, everyone is here," cooed Miranda. "Aren't you glad we came?" "Ecstatic," growled the silver-haired man. "Go entertain yourself. I have business to attend to." "You [I]always[/I] have business to attend to," whined Miranda. "There's never any time for fun with you." Xairiel ignored her petulant ranting as he scanned the crowd for Goran Kier. The man had borrowed a substantial sum from the Malebranche family, and had never payed back the debt. While the family itself did not intend to actively seek out Kier, Xairiel had taken it upon himself to slay the thieving bastard. The fact that Goran had slept with Xairiel's last woman only compounded the issue. At last, he spotted the man. Goran was a large, muscular man with short, thick black hair. He was known for wearing rich, bright colors. This made him easy to pick out in a crowd. Currently, he was surrounded by women similar to Miranda; money-gurbbing, vaguely attractive, and very horny. He also happened to be getting very, very drunk. Xairiel quietly slipped through the crowd while Miranda continued raving on, hopefully escaping her for the rest of the night. In the eyes of the Malebranche heir, her only practical use was, well, a good screw now and then. Xairiel smoothly slid up to Goran's crowd. The large man was bellowing drunkly about past acomplishments, most of which Xairiel knew to be false. Some he even recognized as his own. "Excuse me," Xairiel called. "Mr. Kier! I need to talk to you!" "Can't yeh see I'm busy!" was the drunken reply. [I]If the cultured approach won't work, then...[/I] With a quick draw, Ier was at the ready. Xairiel's blue eyes flashed as he stepped through the crowd, now parting before him and his steel. Goran stared blearily at the smaller man. "Put away yer blade, me boy!" said Goran. "Tis a party, eh?" "Goran Kier, you have shamed the house of Malebranche," Xairiel said. His voice was loud and clear. "You have borrowed a substantial sum and have yet to pay the debt back. You have slept with our women. You have proved to be nothing but a worthless, drunken lech." The room was silent. Some looked amused, others aghast, still others enraged. "For your crimes, I challange you to a duel. If you have but a shred of honor left in you, draw your steel." A look of fear flashed across Goran's face, quickly replaced by drunken arrogance. He fumbled with the hilt of his large blade, but drew it just the same, the tip wavering as he pointed it at Xairiel. "En garde, ye wee pansy," slurred Goran. The massive man charged, swinging the sword with almost inhuman force. Xairiel easily ducked the high cut, tracing the tip of Ier across Goran's side as the man stumbled past. With a flourish of his cloak, Xairiel spun and returned to his full height. Goran let out a loud bellow as he charged again, sword held high over his head. He brought it down on Xairiel, who danced to the side. He cut a gash on Goran's other side. Blood began to stain the bright fabric. The sword crashed into the gorgeous marble floor, breaking the tiles and jamming amidst the broken shards. "Thus ends the life of Goran Kier," snarled Xairiel. With a quick slice, thick crimson splashed across the glimmering blade of Ier. Goran collapsed to his knees, holding his slashed neck in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding. Gore poured out over his thick fingers, and in a moment, he collapsed, dead. With a grim smile, Xairiel wiped his sword on Goran's back, returning Ier to its sheeth. As he walked away from the large corpse, the chatter and music began once again.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE=Nugatory City Newspaper][CENTER][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][CENTER]Villains Threaten Peaceful Metropolis![/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT] Trouble is brewing in our peaceful Metropolis as superpowered villains make their presence known! Buildings are being decimated, the environment turns black with smoke, banks are robbed, people are brutally beaten...who can stand up against their tyranny? Aren't there any heroes out there who can stop these horrors?[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"Everybody down!" The glass doors of Nugatory Municipal Bank exploded open as several armed men in ski masks filed in. The patrons instantly dropped, for fear of the masked gunmen. "Everybody, hand over everything you got! Money, jewley, watches!" cried a large man in front of the gang. "And yer pants!" "Yeah, fork over your pants! Clothes shoppin ain't cheap, you know!" The "leader" marched over to the teller counters, holding a large burlap sack in one hand, semi-automatic in the other. He was greeted by a gorgeous red head in a white outfit. "Okay, toots, fork over the dough." "And yer pants!" "Yeah, those to!" "And yer bra!" The leader looked over at the man clammoring for clothes. He gestured to another gunman, who promptly pistol whipped the underwear-seeker. "Now where was we?" "That's 'where were we, crook!" cried the young woman. With a single punch, the gunman was sent hurtling across the marble bank floor. A second punch caused the bullet-proof plexiglass to explode, allowing the young woman to swing out of the teller-room and into the lobby. One of the thugs was about to fire, but a flower-pot struck him in the skull, exploding on contact. A man in black and yellow dropped from the balcony, energy crackling around his hand. A thug standing near a fishtank took aim on the yellow-clad hero. Suddenly, an angelfish shot out of the tank, transforming into a wolf as it arced through the air. It collapsed onto the thug, turning into a young man with long brown hair in a strange brown trenchcoat. Two other men began to fire, but were struck with beams of energy just as the bullets began to leave their guns. The room was full of noise as the two hit the ground, a young man in black and red dropping from another balcony. The rest prepared to run. But before most even got halfway to the door, they were brought down by fierce gusts of wind. One suddenly burst into flames. A young girl with orange and pink hair slowly floated down from a chandelier, fire surrounding her in a blazing spiral. The leader quickly scrambled to his feet amongst the chaos, running to the door. Just as he stepped outside, he was met by a man in a black trenchcoat, a large X emblazened on his shirt. The black-clad man slammed his fist into the gunman's gun, the sound of an explosion ringing out as the thug flew through the air. "Fear not good people," cried the man in black. "For with us around, you need not fear the scum that inhabits the darkest pits of our good city. For we are, the X-League!" "Damnit X," screamed the red-haired girl. "How many times do I have to tell you, League is taken!" X chuckled weakly, muttering to the girl, "Shut up Lawless. You're ruining my speech!" "Oh, I think your doing a fine job of that by yourself," sneered the girl. Several of the other heroes snickered. "You gotta admit, she's got you there," laughed a thug. X shot the criminal a piercing glare, firing a beam of energy at him. The thug collapsed again. He turned to face Lawless again. "I don't need your lip," X growled. "Yeah, you just want 'em!" yelled the man in red. "Shut it, Mouth!" chorused the two heroes. "Just expressing the truth," said Mouth, shrugging. "Ain't that right, Breakdown? Wolf? Luci?" "Don't call me Luci!" shrieked the strange-haired girl. "It's Lucifer!" "Would you all quit yelling!" yelled the brown-haired man. "It's driving me nuts!" "Already there, Wolf, already there," Mouth sniggered. A growl rose in Wolf's throat, but the last hero stepped in between the two. "Let's just calm down, guys," said the yellow-clad man. "Breakdown's right," X said, sternly. "We don't want either of you dead...I think." "Let's just go before the press gets here, okay?" Lawless grumbled. "Right! To the X-Mobile!" "You mean the minivan, right?" Mouth asked. X sighed deeply. "Yes Mouth, the minivan."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Just a typical day in the lives of the Dysfunctionals. For no explicable reason, they all live together in a fairly large mansion. Feel free to send them on more missions, but please let me introduce Madame Mundane. Dysfunctionals, away![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Let's see... [list]I bite my fingernails I chew my lips I sleep in class (and usually drool... :eek: ) I correct my friends grammer I'm extremely sarcastic I have a temper so short its measured in nanometers I talk to myself I talk really fast I talk low I procrastinate I sleep too much I avoid labor like the plague I can't keep money [/list] I think that's it. Heh. I've got a lot of bad habits. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"Not on your life, Night Rider," Kuroichi growled. The sound of guns cocking filled the air as [I]Il Signore's[/I] remaining guards aimed at the younger Vampire. "Baka na," Kuroichi growled. With a quick flick of his wrist, blood-darts shot at the guards, killing them all. He smirked as the darts melted back into blood, mixing with that of the other guards. "Now, Night Rider, [I]Il Signore[/I], can't we be civil about this?" Kuroichi asked, stepping foreward. "I don't really want to have to kill any more people, especially venerable warriors such as yourselves. So just hand over [I]Il Rubino[/I], and I'll be on my way." "Never, you curr," snarled Night Rider, drawing his blade. "I would rather die than let some impudent whelp like you take the Ruby." "Aaron, my boy," said Il Signore, "while I apreciate your staunch loyalty, I would prefer you leave [I]Il Diavolo[/I] to me. Inform your master of the trouble. I'll send word as soon as I kill the fool." "[I]Il Signore[/I]..." Aaron began. "That is an order. Go!" "Yes, you heard him," Kuroichi sneered. "Fly away, Aaron, my boy. Put that little teleporting trick to good use, eh?" Il Signore rose from his plush chair, the piece of furniture groaning. He picked up an empty wine glass in his large, meaty hand. He put the other hand on Aaron's shoulder, in a fatherly way. "If you die, I shall never forgive myself," Aaron said, staring harshly at [I]Il Signore[/I]. "It is my fault if I fall, Aaron. Now go, tell the Fang Boss what is going on." With a curt nod, Night Rider vanished from the room. "Aw, I've done gone and got the warm and fuzzies," said Kuroichi, smiling cruelly. "So am I going to kill you now, or what?" "You obviously don't know the power of [I]Il Rubino[/I]," said [I]Il Signore[/I], drinking deep from the wine glass. He smacked his lips as he drained the glass of the red liquid. "Maybe I don't know it's full abilities, but I do know that it will give me great power, greater power than you!" "You can try, Kuroichi, but you will fail." *** Sorry to get rid of you like that, DragonBlood, but Kuroichi and Il Signore need to have a little alone time to kill eachother.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Donovan Black Age: 25 Gender: Male Occupation: Sales Clerk at Circuit City to pay the bills; aspiring novelist Appearance: Donovan is about 6'0, with a skinny-ish build. He has fairly long black hair, and he dyed his bangs silver. His eyes are a strange, piercing blue. He usually wears a t-shirt and jeans, never leaving home in cold weather without his leather jacket. He usually wears black and other dark colors. Personality: Donovan is, well, dark. His humor is dark, his mood is dark, his world view is dark. Bitterly cynical, he doesn't just believe that the world is going to hell, he [I]knows[/I] it. He never passes up an oportunity to show off his dry wit and brutally sarcastic tongue either. However, if you can push past the bitter, snide exterior, inside Donovan is sad, lonely, and just wants someone to love him, and to love back. If he wasn't so bitter as to not believe in wishes, he'd probably just wish for love. Single/Taken: Single Bio: Donovan is great at his job, even though he doesn't necessarily like people. He is, was, and always will be a gamer, not to mention a movie/music buff, so he's great at finding what people want and or need. He found himself annoyed at his employer handing out Advent Calendars. He's always wanted to become a great writer, but lacks confidence, so has yet to send out anything he's written to publishers.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [quote name='DeathBug']HHPAM Show seems to be more like "The Comic Misadventures of Starfire and Raven", in my opinion. It's decent, but not the best.[/quote] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. They do seem an awful lot like Starfire and Raven, but without superpowers, and with a multi-million dollar record contract. Personally, I like the inclusion of Japanese dialogue. I thought that was rather clever.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE=Nugatory City Newspaper][CENTER][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][CENTER]Villains Threaten Peaceful Metropolis![/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT] Trouble is brewing in our peaceful Metropolis as superpowered villains make their presence known! Buildings are being decimated, the environment turns black with smoke, banks are robbed, people are brutally beaten...who can stand up against their tyranny? Aren't there any heroes out there who can stop these horrors?[/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]It is utter chaos in the formerly happy town of Nugatory City. Several villains, some with high-tech weapons, others with superpowers, threaten the city and even the world with their devious schemes. All seemed lost until the arrival of a mighty superhero squad... [I][B]The Dysfunctionals![/B][/I] With immense power at their disposal, the Dysfunctionals would easily take down the mighty villains...if not for the fact that they spent more time fighting each other than the bad guys. With a roaster of social dysfunctions, nervous disorders, bad tempers, and sheer incompetence rivaling their superpowers, the Dysfunctionals need to overcome their personal issues before they can hope to defeat the villains. Can they succeed? Will their power overcome their insanity? Will they remember to take their meds?[/SIZE][/COLOR] ~~~~ [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]It is up to you, the heroes, to form the mighty team and bring down the Villains. But first, who are these fearsome foes that daunt you with their diabolical deeds? G-Blood - He stalks the night with his band of undead homies, ravaging the white bread town of Nugatory City. The former-rapper, G-Blood, is now lord of the Vampires, leading his gang of rap-battling zombies in a crusade against the living, and the wannabes. Techno-King - One of two major weapon's designers in Nugatory City, Techno-King has an army of robots with advanced AI systems that follow his every command. His massive corporation, T-Tech, clashes with Coast Industries, lead by Cyber-Lord. Cyber-Lord - Rival of Techno-King, Cyber-Lord is known for his deadly Plasma Cannons, vaporizing the robot army of Techno-King, and taking down a bank or two with his thugs. Poised for a hostile Global Takeover, Cyber-Lord's only opposition is T-Tech. The Otaku - Defying the laws of physics with massive weapons, distended facial expressions, and legions of scantily-clad women in cybernetic ninja suits, The Otaku is a force to be reckoned with. His encyclopedic knowledge of RPGs, Strategy Games, and even the most complex and convoluted Anime plots makes him a brilliant strategist. King Rutra - A former Renaissance Fair performer, Rutra is convinced he [I]is[/I] a medieval king, destined to take over England (read: Nugatory City) as King. He will stop at nothing to become lord of the land, using his equally insane "Knights" and "legendary" sword. Z - A complete mystery. Well, how can this legion of evil be ceased? That's your job, my friends. Please fill out this registration form for the Dysfunctionals. Name: Your secret identity, as it were. Codename: So your secret identity remains, well, secret. Gender: Age: Occupation: Other than superhero, that is. Appearance: Include your costume and preferred street clothes. Powers: What do you bring to the team? Don't go too crazy. Dysfunction: Part of being a Dysfunctional means having something that makes you, well, a bit off. Biography: A little about your past. Name: Taylor Jackson Codename: X Gender: Male Age: 29 Occupation: Author Appearance: *see attachment* Street Clothes - As far as street clothes wears, X pretty much only wears jeans and a t-shirt, occasionaly a long sleeve shirt. When getting formal, he wears a nice button-down shirt. He usually wears blacks, blues, and reds. Costume - His costume is fairly simple. He wears a pair of black pants, a black shirt with a large silver 'X' on it, a black leather trenchcoat, black leather hat, and a piece of clothe that covers his mouth and nose. Powers: X can absorb the powers of others for a 24 hour period. Dysfunction: X has several "quirks." In a feat unrivaled by any other human being, he has managed to gain both a superiority and inferiority complex at the same time. A quick temper and brutally sarcastic tongue don't aid his problem. When in his average-person guise, X attempts to be charming and calm, not even trying when in Superhero mode. He often attempts to seduce the damsels he rescues, earning a nickname of "the Caped Casanova." He's also always trying to suggest team names, almost all of them already taken. Biography: Taylor had an unremarkable childhood, raised as a cyncic and a sarcastic. He was always fairly hot-tempered, strong-willed, and hated school, which explained his poor grades despite his high intelligence. While he always did well on the work, he didn't do half of it. He always had prodigious writing talent, his first full-length novel published at 16. He quickly climbed the best-seller charts with his gothic action-adventure novels. He has built up a healthy career over the years. Taylor discovered his powers when he was twenty, after meeting a superhero visiting Nugatory City to do some promotional speeches. When Taylor shook hands with the superhero, he found himself gaining superpowers, as well as doubling his ego. With this newfound ability, he took up the name X, and began fighting crime. Unfortunately, he found that he could only do so with other heroes around, giving him an inferiority complex. This spurned him to form a superhero team...the Dysfunctionals. With the aid of his agent/caretaker/mother-figure, Margaret Miller (now Madame Mundane), X sought out other heroes in the city. He didn't realize exactly what he was getting into. I'll post the rest later. Sign up soon, for the fate of the city, nay, the world is in your hands. Lazy buggers.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Awesome idea. I'm in as soon as it's up. And DeathBug's right on the whole Cinderblock-and-Plasmus thing. *shudders violently* -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]I'd like a banner-avatar set please. For the banner, the quote "I kill the spider to save the butterfly" with Xion, Knives and (if you can squeeze him in) Kabuto from Naruto. Reds, blues, and blacks as the color scheme, if it's not too much trouble. For the avatar, just a picture of Xion, maybe with the others on it if you can fit them all on an 80x150 avatar (that's the dimensions for them, right?). Thanks in advance to whoever does it. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Two blades glittered through the air, descending towards the Silver-Haired Demon. He batted away the swords with his own sword, slicing off one of the guard's arms in the process. With a quick spin, he whipped around and decapitated the second. As Kuroichi walked further towards the room of [I]Il Signore[/I], the resonating screams of the wounded guard echoed after him. A sudden stop to the noise signaled his end. The next massive aspen door opened to reveal at least ten guards, armed with guns and swords. They glared menacingly at the blood-stained intruder. "[I]Il Diavolo d'argento dai capelli! Soste![/I]" cried a guard. "No," said Kuroichi, smiling. The guards raised their guns, aiming dead on. Kuroichi didn't flinch as the triggers were pulled, sending several rounds of ammunition hurtling towards his body. There was a sudden roar of noise as the bullets richocheted off some unknown force around Kuroichi. It was a mixture of a metallic-scream, the splintering of bones, and the explosion of gunpowder. As the smoke faded around the room, it revealed Kuroichi clad in a blood-red armor, smiling smugly. Blades ejected from the hand guard, and with a quick flick of the wrist, he hurled them at the guards, taking down five with the toss. He sword found its way through the rest, the guards too stunned to even move. As he stepped in front of the massive iron and Blackthorn door of [I]Il Signore's[/I] chamber, Kuroichi had to stop and chuckle. [I]The man really likes showing off, doesn't he?[/I] The doors exploded open with a resounding crash, startling the guards inside. Kuroichi dispatched those closest to him with a few quick sword strokes. "Ah, [I]Il Diavolo d'argento dai capelli[/I]! We meet at last," rang the heart voice of [I]Il Signore[/I]. The man sat in a plush red chair, wearing a rich Armani suit cut to his robust physique. Though pale, his face had a ruddy sheen. Whether it was from blood or wine, Kuroichi could not tell. The man was obviously old, due to his gray hair and the wrinkles in his fat cheeks. "I was wondering how long it would take you to find me, since the death of my comrade, [I]Le Capitaine[/I]," said Il Signore with a false ease. Kuroichi could sense the tension in the room. "You were the hardest to find, [I]Il Signore[/I]," Kuroichi said, turning the charm on full. "I commend you. Perhaps it is the blackthorn and iron the door is made of that made you hard to track? Or perhaps you are just that clever. Now, since I don't want to kill such a briliant man, surrender the ruby." He paused a moment, as if sensing something else. Something other than the tension. Something more powerful. At last, he smiled. "And Night Rider, save yourself some pain and just go home. Tell the Fang Boss I'll be there soon."[/SIZE][/COLOR] *** [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Okay, anyone who can tell me the importance of the woods I mentioned gets a prize. Come on, work those brains.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Kuroichi stepped into the bright foyer of [I]Il Signore's[/I] opulant palace, discarding his cloak as he stepped into the safe room. Though sunlight poured in through high windows, stained with religious images, the light was carefully filtered, making it safe for their kind. "[I]Ehi[/I]!" cried the receptionist behind the large mahogany desk. "[I]Che fare tu pensare sei fare[/I]?" "I was merely discarding my cloak, madame," said Kuroichi, flashing the young woman a smile deigned to make her ankles melt. He strode by her, knowing she wouldn't do anything to stop him. And he was equally ready to dispatch her, had she tried anything stupid. Though masked by an illusion he had learned from his Nyroma teacher, his katana was still ready at his side. As he passed through the hallways, a guard, clad in a security uniform, barred his way. "[I]Sosta[/I]!" the guard barked. "No," Kuroichi replied, grinning. Dark ochre splashed across the wall as Kuroichi cleaved the man's shoulders from his waist. With almost dainty elegance, the silver-haired Vampire stepped over the bloody corpse, moving up with plush-carpeted staircase. Il Signore [I]needs better security, me thinks[/I], thought the grinning Vampire. *** Pardon me if my Italian is poor. I don't actually speak the language, so...yeah. Heh.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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