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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Great sign-ups everyone. And I WAS saving the EFN for Imi. Here's the human commanding officer. Name: General Burnhoff Age: 46 Gender: Male Faction: Earth Appearance: [IMG]http://www.macross.co.jp/contents/images/36-3.jpg[/IMG] Mech: None Other Weapons: Carries a high-calibur pistol, and a "decorative" sabre. Position: General of the Earth Army Personality: General Burnhoff is very stoic and harsh. He treats his subordinates like slaves, not soldiers. He is determined to crush the "Zeon scum" by any means necessary. His will is law in the Earth Army, and all bow to his whim. The General is sadistic and cruel, taking pleasure in the annihilation of the Zeon populace. He is also very ambitious. Bio: Burnhoff was born in what was once Germany. He was raised with almost Nazi-like ideals of perfection and power. He grew up dreaming of becoming a powerful man, preferrably in the military. When he was 22 he joined the Earth Army. He rapidly climbed the ranks, becoming second-in-command to the leader of the Earth Invasion's commander. He was there, in the main ship, as the first bombs were dropped on Zeon. He is here to finish the job.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]While the rest chatted and went their separate ways, Zeos and Imi snuck off into the large home. "So, we're spending time here for a while, eh?" asked Imi. Zeos nodded, scanning the room like a bomb sweeper. "Then...I don't really need my apartment for a while. Don't even know why I still spend money on it. I really should just move in with you," Imi said, nodding to each of her points. "Any femenine hygenine products invade my domicile, and you're my next target," growled Zeos. Imi stopped and stared at him...forgetting she was holding his arm. The sudden stop cause the male assassin's arm to snap back and caused him to stumble and nearly fall. He managed to wrench his arm free of his grip as he fell, allowing himself to twist around and brace himself for the fall with his arms. "Please let go the next time you come to an abrupt halt," said Zeos, rising. He flexed his red wrist. "Oh, Z-chan, I hurt you," Imi cooed. She grabbed his wrist and examined it. Zeos sighed and shook his head. "Imi, I'm an assassin. One slightly brused wrist is nothing." "I still want to make it up to you," she announced. Then she smiled deviously and looked at him through half-lidded eyes. "Wanna go check out the bed rooms?" *** OOC: Just more from the "strangest assassin couple you could ever meet."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]It is the year 3985. It has been 20 years since the attack on the planet. 20 years since 3/4 of the population were obliterated by an interstellar assault. Now, the attackers are back for more. The humans are invading again. 20 years ago, on planet Zeon, the human attackers surrounded the planet and, within 24 hours, destroyed the 20 most populated cities. Within the next 24 hours, 1/10th of the population was gone. 2 years later, the human scourge left for unknown reasons. Now they are returning. But this time, the Zeon army is prepared. The humans won because they struck out so suddenly and so ferociously that Zeon had no time and no power to strike back. Neuclear pulses, atomic weapons, energy attacks, and more rained down from the heavens, obliterated the cities of Zeon and wiping out its people. The greatest minds left on the planet have been preparing. Spaceships, weapons, and, most importantly, mechs have been designed to counter the human attack. But the humans also have mechs and starships. Its all a matter of who's better. The Zeon race is very much like the humans, and the planet is much like Earth. The only difference between the people of Zeon are their wider variety of hair color, eye color, and advanced physical structure. Metabolism is increased, allowing twice the calorie intake with half the weight gain. The Zeon have increased muscular structure and reaction time, making them stronger and faster. The Zeon are smart, strong, and physically superior. But the humans have technology and the advantage of numbers. Will the Zeon defeat the human race and reclaim their homeworld? Or will the human assault take out the Zeon race and make Zeon another human colony? It's all in the hands of the Zeon millitary. And, more precisely, the Zeon Mech Pilots. The Mecha are Zeon's greatest weapons. And there are two special Mecha that have been in the working for 18 years, with the pilots in working just as long. Two Zeon, one male and one female, are designated to pilot the two greatest Zeon Mecha: The Experimental Fighter X and the Experimental Fighter N. It's a war of skill, a war of technology, but most of all, a war of will. Zeon is at its last stand, the final battle. Whoever wins, wins forever. Whoever loses doesn't make it home. The War has begun. *** You are either playing as a Zeon or Human Mech pilot. Which side you choose, decides your Mech choices. The Humans have five major Mech types. The Zeon have 14. [B]ZEON[/B]-Zeon fighters are humanoid in design, generally lean and as efficient as possible, as materials and equipment is scarce: [B]Experimental Fighter X/N[/B]-There are only two. I have taken one, and the other I'm temporarily holding for someone. The X is more offensively equipped, with a variety of energy blades, two "wrist" mounted lasers, and a Plasmic Pulse Bomb, designed as a last resort weapon. The N is equipped with one energy blade mounted on the right arm, a heat-energy cannon located on the left arm, and heightened speed and agility. The X looks like the Unborn of Bloody Roar fame, while the N looks like the Spurious of BR4 [B]Red Wolf[/B]-The most basic of the Zeon fighters, which all are based on. It is balanced in offense, defense, and speed. It has energy claws on both "wrists". It also comes with a beam cannon (designed like a rifle) and heat-energy bombs. It is red with black markings, and has no distinguishing features. [B]Shade Crow[/B]-One of the fastest and most deadly of the Zeon Mechs, but also the least defensively powered. It is black with large wings and a beak. It is close combat, with energy claws, an energy sabre, but also comes with an energy blaster the fires blades from the Wings. It can also generate an electrical energy field that disrupts computer systems on contact. [B]Alpha Dragon G[/B]-A larger Mech, with two large wings and a lot of body armor. It is blue, and vaguely resembles the EFX, only larger and more Draconic. It is outfitted with a Plasma Cannon, firing high temperature energy blasts. It is also outiftted with high-powered energy cannons and two back-up, more current guns. [B]Bomber Lion[/B]-Another large Mech, land based unlike most of the others. It has a high-power cannon mounted on the right arm and grenade launcher on the left, making it one of the most offensively powerful Mechs. It also has superb body armor, giving high defensive power. But, it lacks speed and maneuverability. [B]Azure Wing[/B]-Another fast and light mech, with energy wings on its arms and a sonic disruptor beam. It is designed with a more female body-shape, and is dark blue and black in color. [B]Master Tiger[/B]-Another more balanced Mech. It utilizes energy claws, an energy blaster and is generally easy to pilot to an extent. However, it requires a lot of experience to handle well against a seasoned opponent, and its low weapon ability and slightly lower speed make it exploitable. However, a skilled pilot can turn it into a deadly weapon, using its high powered weapons, few as they may be, very efficiently. [B]Blood Tiger[/B]-Less defense oriented than its brother craft, the Master Tiger, the Blood Tiger uses more weapons of higher calibur, including an energy sabre and a rapid-fire laser. It is also slightly faster than its predicessor. [B]Herculese Crusher[/B]-A massive, tank-like Mech, it uses brute force to get the job done. It has a large horn mounted on the head that fires a high-intensity electric pulse that effectively disables most electric devices. It also has a mine-layer and a high-calibur, arm-mounted, more low-tech gun (our style). [B]Khameleon[/B]-Extremely deadly when used well, but hard to use well. It is equipped with the very dangerous cloaking device it is notorious for, but is less known for a new innovation: it can implant a virus into an enemies system, giving the Khameleon's pilot control over the other Mech. It is also equipped with an energy whip and a low-calibur machine-gun. [B]Razor Mole[/B]-Known for its speed, the Razor Mole is lightening fast, keeping up with the Shadow Crow and Azure Wing. It has two sets of energy claws on its arms, each capable of cutting through three feet of steel in one swipe. It also has a grappling hook mounted on the left arm. [B]Chimera 003[/B]-A hulking Mecha that resembles the Herculese Crusher, minus the horm but with two small ones. It utilizes a magnetic pulse that it is immune to, shutting down enemy systems and whiping them out with its beam cannons. [B]Wild Cat[/B]-Another fast and light Mech, it attacks with weak strikes that eventually bring the opponent down. It has energy claws, but also a small energy bomb. It is not powerful, but is swift and dangerous. [B]Fire Bomber X[/B]-A less advanced yet still powerful Mech. It uses napalm and plasma pulses to overheat enemy systems, then comes in with a powerful energy sabre. It isn't as fast as the other two "Winged" Mechs (Shade Crow and Azure Wing) but is still as dangerous. [B]EARTH[/B]-Earth Mechs are more advanced looking, less humanoid and more bizarre. They are highly dangerous, but their lack of deviation from the standard 5 makes them predictable. [B]Janyu Alpha[/B]-The latest and least understood Mech. PM for info. Only used by high-ranking officers. [B]Lana Rho[/B]-The fastest Earth Mech. Has an electron whip, used to disrupt enemy systems, as well as a low power energy rifle. [B]Balkov Gamma[/B]-The strongest and most armored Earth Mech. It uses on-contact energy pulses that are located on the "hand". It also has a large cannon where the other hand should be. It matches the Zeon Mechs of similar size, such as the Herculese Crusher and the Bomber Lion. [B]Fenri Delta[/B]-A fast and lethal Mech. It has energy claws, an energy sabre, rapid-fire energy cannon, and an electron pulse bomb that is uses as a last-defense measure. They are known as the Steel Wolves. [B]Falstaff Omega[/B]-The first Earth Mech used. They are snipers, kept behind others, utilizing long range beam cannons and sometimes come close, using energy sabres. Known for being sneaky and also having low defense. SIGN-UP- Still here? Then this is the sign-up. Name: Age: Gender: Faction: Zeon or Earth Appearance: Humans look like humans, Zeon look like humans but can have different eye and hair color. Both wear military-style uniforms, but have more casual garbs as well. Go wild. Humans should look better than Zeon. Mech: Also, list any alterations you may want to make. Nothing too major, though. Other Weapons: You can have up to 3 other weapons, in case your Mech goes down. Position: Infrantry, sniper, espionage, whatever suits your Mech. Personality: Bio: Name: Zeos Uchiyama Age: 18 Gender: Male Faction: Zeon Appearance: Zeos is lean and tough. He has long silver hair and cold gray eyes. His face is sharp, but slightly effeminate. He is scarred from training. He is either in his military uniform (gray slacks, black shirt, red jacket, black boots) or a casual outfit, usually jeans, a black t-shirt, and sometimes a long red coat. Mech: Experimental Fighter X Other Weapons: Zeos carries a katana-like sword and a high-calibur pistol. Position: His is a "Special Forces" fighter. Personality: Zeos is cynical, cold, and a loner. His outlook has been brought on by his past, and is very dark and bitter. He sees the world as a cruel joke that Zeon is the butt of. He is generally silent and prefers to keep alone. When he has to speak, its clipped, cold, and often sarcastic. He is extremely anti-human, but isn't a fan of Zeon much either. He doesn't care who wins or loses, as long as he survives. Bio: Zeos's name is no coincidence. He was named after Zeon, and raised to become its savior. He has been trained in battle since he could walk. His history is dark and cold, and he'd prefer to never have lived it. His parents were killed 10 days after his birth. Zeon soldiers found him and took him into custody on the day of the EFX project's launch. He was, obviously, chosen to be one of the pilots. Zeos has always known death, war, and hate. Taught in martial arts, war tactics, advanced math, and other studies that would help him on his path to victory, he has become the perfect soldier. He is filled to the brim with hate of Earth and the human race, and the bleak truth of life has made him bitter and angry. When he was 13, he was placed into training with the rest of the Zeon recruits. Because of his postion as the EFX pilot, he was treated better by his superiors at times, which made him the target of scorn and ridicule by the other recruits. He was called names, resented for his privledge, and knew from day one that he was an outcast except to the EFN pilot. One day, he was challanged by another recruit to prove his worth. Everyone thought he would lose, since he only got so far since everyone went easy one him. Oh, how wrong they were. Zeos easily brougt down the challanger, and everyone else in the academy. No one could even make him bleed, and yet he sent 14 soldiers to the emergency room that day. Since then, no one has opposed him. Zeos secretly hopes that both sides will fall. He wants out of the environment he has been put into. He wants to be free of training and work, of war and hate. He loathes Zeon almost as much as he loathes Earth. The only things he doesn't hate in the entire Universe are the EFX and the other EF Pilot. *** Zeon- Zeos Uchiyama-Experimental Fighter X-ULX Imi Kagami-Experimental Fighter N-Imi Zero-Red Wolf-Sephiroth X Shaun Glacier-Chimera 003-Shaman-Skylord Vrantz Tagano-Blood Tiger-yotska Earth- General Burnhoff-none-ULX Fauve Burnhoff-Faltsaff Omega-Kittychanan Mallory "Red" Gorman-Lana Rho-Silent Angel I hope this does well. Tell me if anything is bad. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]I haven't played many games, so bare with me here... SNES: Of all the games I've played on this system, the one I had the worst time with was the "Ahhh...Real Monsters" game. I remember loving the show, absolutely loving it. Now, I'm not saying the game was atrocious, I just didn't like it, and it came nowhere close to the expectations I had for it. Genesis: I've played 4, count 'em, 4 games for the SEGA Genesis. The one I hated the most was not really even hated. It was just the least liked: Lost Vikings. Now, I liked this obscure game, I really did. But compared to Sonic 2, Primal Rage (I haven't played it for a really long time, but I remember loving it) and a Ninja game that I can't remember the name of, it just comes in last. It's too...complex at times, and you can't continue if you lose one of your three guys. N64: I can't remember playing a game I disliked except one: Pokemon Snap. I just never saw the point, even at the height of the Pokemon craze. Playstation: Of the PSX games I've played, I'd have to say...Digimon World 2. I liked this less than YGO: FM, and Digimon World 3 (which ranks slightly higher). It just left me cold. In fact, all three of the Digimon Games I've played (DW2, DW3, and Rumble) have been just bad. Hopefully, there will be a light at the end of the Digital tunnel. PS2: This is hard, as I've been lucky in getting good games. But, the worst ever would have to be...Shifters. Shifters is an obscure game that has you as a mysterious...guy...who transforms and uses magic spells to fight evil. The plot is obscure and confusing, and doesn't really matter. All I cared about was smashing te baddies, and even that got boring. GBC: The Megaman game I played. Don't care to look it up. Just didn't like it. Those are my bad games. Thanks for listening.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Anime why dont people put anime movies in theatre!!!
Onix replied to mr dude guy's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=r2vq] The Anime, Manga, Card and Video games were mostly made in Japan. The movie coming out this summer was first announced by 4Kids and is a joint project with the American company and TV Tokyo. Trust me Xion-san. I know my Yugiou. :P -ArV[/QUOTE] From the sound of what you said, it made it seem like you thought Yu-Gi-Oh was an American product. It was a simple misinterpretation. And I didn't know that the Movie was a join product with America and Japan. Huh. You learn something new every day. -ULX -
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Zeos was slumped against a wall, in an incredible amount of pain. First he delt with a fire-breathing that tore a deep gash in his arm, and then he had to fight Imi who worked a number on him. He was tired, he was hurting, and he had to go on. Imi was unconscious, Elena was beat up horribly, and Kenmei was on her last legs, the only one of them who wouldn't be in the Emergency Ward right now. Yet Zeos knew, he had to go on, and make sure they made it out alive. He was the Fearless Leader. He was the Warrior of Courage. He was Elena's hope. "Imi..." came a weak cry. Zeos turned and saw Lance fall to the ground. He looked half-dead, just like the rest of them. "Lance!" Zeos yelled. The silver-haired warrior struggled to rise. Pain shot up and down his body as he pushed off from the wall. He went five steps, and collapsed, more agony tearing through him. An anguished cry tore loose from his throat. "Zeos!" Kenmei and Elena chorused. "I'm...okay," he grunted, through gritted teeth. With his good arm, he pushed up from the ground, and made his way back onto his feet. Swaying, he walked to Lance's unconscious body. "He's alive," Zeos announced. "Pretty good, by our standards." *** OOC: Short, yes, but it gets the job done. I'm just re-emphasising how much of a toll this has taken on the Digidestined.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Two new cards, coming up. Weapon Cards: -Name: Dual Katana -Ability: Allows equipped character to attack twice -Picture: see attachment one Ability Card: -Name: Pride of Shadow -Ability: Attack twice and add 50 to attack -Picture: [IMG]http://www.game-reserve.com/images/wildlife/lion/lion_pride_night_drive_da.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Evil is such fun. :devil: Name: Ryutaro Kanbara Alias/Callname: Kuroi Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19494[/IMG] Personality/temperament: Ryutaro is cold and distant, professional and merciless. He wastes no time and no effort when on the job, and goes by the motto "kill or be killed." To Ryutaro, emotions are a hinderance and a waste of time. He is sly, crafty, cynical, and has a will of steel. Weapon(s): Ryutaro wields a ninja-to, and carries a dart gun with poison (stone fish) and sleeping darts. He is also rumoured to have a second blade as well. Extra: Ryutaro was born and raised in Japan, and is quite fluent in Japanese. He is also fluent in English, with a greater grasp of the language than most natives. He detests the butchering of Japanese and English.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Zeos stood outside the club, Angel's Warehouse, and sighed. [I]I hate these kinds of clubs.[/I] Shrugging, he walked forward and made his way in. He hadn't taken ten steps when the bartender called out to him. "Hey! Z, long time no see!" Zeos grimaced slightly. He hate being called Z. "Yeah, well, I've been busy. Has Imi been in here recently?" he asked. "Yeah, just came in looking for a job," the bartender said, nodding. "Told her to head up to VIP room and look for a girl named J." "J, right, got it," said Zeos, desperate to get on with it. "You seem stressed, Z," the barkeep commented. "You should have a drink." "Later," Zeos growled. Zeos quickly made his way to the VIP room. He wanted out of the loud, crowded club as soon as possible. [I]Curse you and your jobs, Imi.[/I] He was just about to enter the VIP room, when a paricularly attractive woman walked by. He stood still and stared. She looked at him, too, and winked. "Oh Zeos..." sang a venom-filled voice. Zeos swallowed hard and turned to face a very angry Imi. "Ulp." Imi slapped Zeos across the cheek (lightly) and grabbed his hand, yaking him in the VIP room. "I'm gonna have to get a leash," she growled. "I didn't know you were into that stuff." *SLAP* *** OOC: Not my best work, but it's 3 AM[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Something is loose in the world. Something dark. Something deadly. Something evil. It seeks out those with the Zoanthrope strain and attacks, trying to kill. So far, it has always succeded. The thing is moving through Japan, sweeping through Tokyo, leaving dead Zoanthropes in its wake. It's terrors have reached the news. Headlines across the world tell of the Z-Murderer, the thing that seeks to cleanse the world of Beast-Men. No one is trying to stop it. At the same time, Zoanthropes are beginning to find themselves imbued with a great power, greater than they have ever known. They are now able to attack with more than just physical strength, but energy as well. Will this be enough to stop the Z-Murderer? *** Xion was daped languidly on a plush red couch in the main room of his home, clad in a fine red robe. It was late on a winter night. The outside was dark and stormy, but all was peaceful in the residence. After the Gaia situation, he had taken up residence in a large home in Tokyo. Some would even call it a small mansion. Xion called it home. He was currently sipping a fine, aged brandy (his favored drink) while enjoying the warmth of a fireplace on a particularly cool winter night. The wind and rain picked up outside, but Xion didn't notice, too enwrapped in the book he was reading. It was a Japanese print release of Stephen King's Different Seasons. He had the Swedish version lying around somewhere, but didn't want to look for it, and was fluent in Japanese anyway. As he took another sip, a voice rang out in the hall. "Xion?" called the smooth, attractive voice. Xion looked up from his book long enough to reply with a simple, "I'm in the main room." He brushed a strand of silver hair out of his eyes and continued reading. Jenny seemed to glide into the room. She, too, was wearing only a robe. Her's was silk and deep purple. She smiled a tad devillishly, and draped herself on Xion. Xion blushes only slightly, as he cooly stated, "I'm trying to read, Jenny." "Oh, you read too much, love," Jenny cooed. She nipped his ear. "Besides, that robe and that fire can't possibly be warming you enough." Xion smirked at her. "Perhaps you're right," he growled. Just then, there came a loud knock at the door. It was heavy and urgent. "Shit," cursed Xion. "I have to get that." Jenny got off of him, but pouted extremely cutely. "Later, love, later," Xion promised. The Unborn Lord strode to the door, making sure his robe was tied and he looked decent. He pulled open the door, and a bloodied Gado fell to the floor. "Christ," sword Xion. "Must...talk to...Jenny..." he gasped. The once proud soldier was battered and bleeding heavily. His clothes were shredded and soaked with blood. His hair was tousled and matted. He right arm seemed broken, and was at an angle it probably shouldn't have been. "Right," said Xion. He was at a bit of a loss for words. "Jenny! Come quick!" Tying her robe's sash, the woman ran into the front hall. "No, Gado!" she yelled. "Jenny..." Gado choked. "Jenny...attacked...Z-Murderer...took Jeanne (Shina, for those who don't know)...beat me..." "The Z-Murderer?" gasped Jenny. "Isn't this fucking great," growled Xion. "I figured they'd cross my path eventually." The silver-haired man gripped Gado about the middle. "Jenny, get on the phone, and call a doctor. I'm going to try and clean him up." Jenny nodded and went for the phone. Xion drug Gado into the bathroom, and dampened a towel. "We...have to...save Jeanne..." Gado said. "We'll get her back, Gado, but first you need to get to a doctor." Jenny walked into the doorway after a short while. "The ambulance is on it's way," she said. She looked at Gado sadly. "We'll get Jeanne back, Alan. I swear." *** Okay, just have the Z-Murderer somehow get involved with your character as well. Our characters will eventually meet. Sign-ups are still open for those who are interested.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I'm a High School Sophmore (or will be this Fall) from Shoreline, WA. I read, write, but hate math. I love video games, movies, the internet, and just about everything that doesn't involve physical exertion (I'm a lazy bum, yes). My favorite food is pizza and my favorite quote is, "shut the hell up before I gut you like a herring." -ULX[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Zeos slowly staggered to his feet. He was tired, drained, and bloodied. Elena lied on the ground next to him, unconscious. Imi stood in front of him, smirking and wiedling her spear. "CREST WEAPON ACTIVATE!" The Digivice changed into the Sword of Courage, and Zeos braced himself for the onslaught. "Bring it on, bitch," the teen spat. "Gladly," sneered Imi. She hadn't done any fighting, and easily outclassed Zeos. Her speed was double, her strength and endurance higher. She didn't wince with every move, cry out at the slightest touch from the blade. She was playing it cheap, and didn't care at all. "Why don't you fight back, Fearless Leader?" Imi sang. Her spear cut a gash across Zeos's chest. She swung it around and smashed the blunt end into his cheek, sending him crasing to the hard stone floor. "Well, that was dissappointing," she scoffed. "But, I guess I shouldn't've expected any better from this pile of arrogance and stupidity." "Don't..." Zeos croaked. "Call...me...stupid!" With inhuman speed, the katana flashed and bit into Imi's arm. Blood flowed freely from the wound, and Imi howled in pain. She pulled loose and swung with her spear, but Zeos dodged with ease and came around with a hilt-to-the-head. Imi reeled and collapsed against the pedistal. "METEOR BLADE!" Zeos bellowed. The fireballs shot off and struck Imi hard. Fire scorched at her body and caused her to scream in agony. Some also struck Lucemon, blackening his feathers. "It's time I returned to the Puppet Master," said the fallen angel. "I bid thee good luck, human fool," Lucemon scoffed. "No!" Imi croaked. "You were going to help me!" "You were but a Puppet to my masters great power. You may have stood a chance if you understood your power." "What?" "It lies in your Crest, stupid girl." "He's saying Friendship is your strength," said Zeos, glaring at her. "And I had the Courage to stand and fight. You can't win now. I have outclassed you." As Imi fell to the ground, the world turned to black. All around faded into night. *** OOC: Imi and amgoddess, if you post before me, please have Elena and Zeos tending to Imi. We want Imi back, and need to show her Kindness.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]"What makes you say that?" asked Imi. "Something about that Hideo guy seems...off," Zeos said, shrugging. "Wierd," said Imi, shrugging cutely. The girl winced as pain shot through her shoulder. She must've done something to the wound Koji had given her. "You okay?" said Zeos, rushing over. "Guess I shouldn't shrug," Imi said, smiling weakly. "Guess not," the silver-haired boy agreed. He chuckled, and Imi melted. Then, she felt...[I]the urge.[/I] "Um, Zeos, I need you to do something for me," she said, blushing. "What?" he asked. "Could you help me up? I need to..." she trailed off. "Gotothebathroom." "Huh?" "I need to use the Ladie's room (ULX: Sickos, what did you think I was talking about?)" "Oh, uh, okay," said the usually articulate Zeos. He picked her up as carefully as possible from the bed, and set her gently on the floor. "Can you walk?" he asked, concern in his gray eyes. Imi melted a little more before answering. "Yeah, I think so. He hit my should, but not my leg." Zeos's eyes hardened, turning cold like steel. "Z...Zeos?" The look faded. "What?" "Nevermind." Imi took a few steps towards the bathroom. As she reached for the door, she heard Zeos say, "um, Imi," very softly. She turned slowly and saw him blushing heavily, blood trickling from his nose, eyes like saucers. She could feel the blush creep across her face as she looked down. And saw the smock on the floor. Shrieking, she grabbed it and dashed into the bathroom.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Kuroichi laughed as the hunter tried to harm him with the flames. "Foolish human," he said, laughing still. "A human cannot harm me. Not with mere flames, at least." The silver-haired man stepped forth from the clouds of smoke and walked towards the staggering Hiroshi. She turned and tried to run away, but tripped and nearly fell. Before she hit the ground, though, something caught her. Kuroichi. His strong arm wrapped around her waist, preventing her from falling, and pulling her close to him. He could feel the warmth radiating from her, and her hot skin was cooled by his body. "Perhaps you could help me," he cooed softly, blowing into her ear. A shiver ran through her spine at his words. They were frightening and enticing at the same time. "You could become one like me. A companion, an ally, a...lover?" She wanted to push away, but found him too charming, too powerful. And the emotion that had tormented her, and confused her, surface again. "But..." she began. "No, no buts," he said. He put a long finger to her lips. She was amazed by the grace and tenderness with which he could move. "I give you this choice only once. Join me, become a Wampyre, and be with me forever. Or die along the other hunter and the other Wampyre." "I...I..." she stammered. [I]Daki said he loved me...and I feel something from him...but Kuroichi seems to care about me too...and I think I might love him[/I] Hiroshi was overwhelmed. She couldn't choose one over the other... "Well?" he asked. The longing, the tenderness, the unbelievable warmth in that one word changed her mind. "Change me," she said softly. "It shall sting for but a moment, my dear flower," Kuroichi said, grinning. In a flash, his ivory fangs bit into Hiroshi's neck. Pain shot through her nerves filling her brain with regret. [I]No! What have I done![/I] her mind cried. But then, the pain stopped instantly, and the feeling changed to a dull chill, but a pleasent sensation that sent another shiver down her spine. She felt her body cool and change, as she became a Wampyre. "It is done, my beauty," Kuroichi said. The Vampire stepped back and wiped some blood from his mouth. "One last thing must be done to complete the transformation," he said, grinning in a way that made Hiroshi melt. "What?" she asked. She was surprised by the slightly distant and cool tone her voice had taken. "A kiss, to seal the deal," She smiled, and her lips met his. *** OOC: For the record, Imi agreed and ColourDeaf gave the okay. Hiroshi is now a Vampire, and she shall follow Kuroichi to the bitter end, right, Imi?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]OOC: Great for a first RPG, amgoddess! *** Name: Zeos Uchiyama Codename: The Unborn Gender: Male Age: 20 Weapons: Zeos uses his katana, the X-Blade, mainly. However, he carries a compact [URL=http://www.gunsandammomag.com/ga_handguns/pro_1027/]Millennium Pro PT 145[/URL]. Adding to his arsenal, he occasionally takes a small dagger or other small weapons. Description: [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19494[/IMG] Personality: Zeos is cold and distant, preferring not to speak with anyone. He has a very cynical world outlook due to his profession. When he does talk, he rarely says more than has to be said, in bitter, sarcastic tones. He's definately not one to cross, as he's very deadly and is known for carrying vendettas. He's also very clever and crafty, and extremely charming when he wants to be. History: Zeos was raised to kill. Since he was born, he has been training in the ways of the assassin. He has learned to sneak, spy, charm, and kill. He appeared normal on the surface, but beneath was a deadly assassin-in training. When he turned 13, Zeos was recruited into the government. He was pulled from school, unlike Jelana, and given a private tutor. He has become brilliant, adding to his abilities in the field. Zeos earned his codename, the Unborn, because of his phenomenal skill. He is called the Unborn because it's like his targets were never born. They are killed in secret and silence, and all nearby are killed as well. He leaves no trace of himself except corpses. He has started a Kendo dojo to continue his great swordsmanship. One of his pupils is a fellow assassin, Imi Kagami, who he has an outside relationship with. Profession: When not assassinating, Zeos is master at a Kendo dojo. Skills: Zeos is a master martial artist, and excells the highest in swordsmanship. He hasn't been beaten in 5 years. His called card his his black-bladed katana called the X-Blade. He's also a 6th black-belt in Judo, 3rd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and is beginning to train (white belt) in karate. Specialty: Zeos's specialty is to sneak in, or con his way in, to his opponents residence and take them out with his blade. He's silent, efficient, and clever.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]OOC: DaisukeAngel, you're probably right. I was kind of hoping everyone would post but... *** Zeos made his way slowly down the hall. At the end, he saw a torch-lit room. In the center of the room was a pedistal, and on it was a small crimson orb. "What the?" He picked it up and looked at it. It was warm, and the symbol for Courage was enscribed on it. "Wierd. It's all...warm." Zeos shrugged and slipped the orb into his pocket. Just as he turned, a cackling rang out through the room. "Pitiful human, prepare to face my strongest warrior yet!" A small, bipedal orange dinosaur walked into the room. He looked up at Zeos with sad eyes before the Puppet Master's eye flashed on his forehead. "DIE!" the beast bellowed. "Saw goodbye, for you die at the hands of Agumon!" Agumon began to transform. His claws grew larger and barbed, his teeth changed into stake-knives (not literally), his tail grew from a stub to something respectable, and his skin darkened. "This is not good," sighed Zeos. "CREST WEAPON ACTIVATE!" His digivice transformed as well, becoming the katana. Zeos readied himself for battle. "Let's go, scales," he said, grinning. "BLACK PEPPER!" the dino roared. Agumon fired a black fireball that Zeos barely dodged, and it caused the rock wall behind him to shatter. The reptile raced forward and lashed out with his hooked claws, catching Zeos's arm. The talons cut a deep gash in his flesh. The warrior of Courage let out a grunt of pain, and swung around with his sword, the blade biting into Agumon's shoulder. It just barely cut the skin. "FOOL! DIE!" Agumon lashed out with his tail, knocking Zeos to the ground. A black fireball struck him, and the world dimmed as he cried out in pain. Blast after blast struck him, causing indescribable anguish. "NO!" The fire died away and the katana changed back into a Digivice. Zeos was nearly unconscious. "Now, finish him," said the cold voice of the Puppet Master. Zeos looked up at the out-of-focus Agumon. The world was hazy and dark. "But make sure to take the orb before you kill him!" [I]The orb![/I] Zeos pulled the orb out of his pocket, using all of his energy. "Ahh, giving in, eh? Good idea. Perhaps I'll let you live." [I]How do I use it? What do I do?[/I] The orb slipped from Zeos's fingers and rolled across the ground. As it rolled towards his Digivice, the electronic device began beeping and flashing. "The...Digivice?" "No! Stop him!" Inspiration struck Zeos. Running on auto-pilot, he picked up the Digivice and yelled, "DOWNLOAD!" "NO!" The orb flashed and broke down into data. It moved into the Digivice, and the device beeped. "Now, Puppet Master," said Zeos, strength beginning to return. "Time to show you what I can really do! CREST WEAPON ACTIVATE!" The Digivice transformed again, but this time, instead of being a regular katana, it had the symbol for Courage enscribed on the blade. He pointed the sword at the feral reptile, and pulled it back into a battle stance. "Now, you die! METEOR BLADE!" The teen swung down with his sword, moving straight at the ground. As it swung, fireballs shot off towards the Dinosaur, pelting it with flame. It roared as hundreds of fireballs struck it, burning it. "Now die, Puppet!" The dino let out one last roar as Zeos dug his katana straight into it's gut. It burst into data, charging into the katana. The temporary strength Zeos had recieved faded, and he fell to the ground. "I'll...I'll just take a short nap..." *** OOC: Okay, there you have it. Time for special attacks. You see how to defeat the evil now. And I really hope I haven't waited too long, because I really want this to continue.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Zeos looked up at Z and whipped the tears from his eyes. "So, what do you say?" asked Z, holding out his hand. "I do mind, you twisted fuck!" Zeos pulled back and smashed Z in the face with a left cross. The guy fell to the ground and rubbed his face. "What the hell's the matter with you?" Z yelled. "You're the one who almost killed him! I'm just finishing the job!" Zeos stood and glared down at Z. "I don't like you, you bastard. I don't like you because you're a cheap-ass race, I don't like you because you just broke Koji's jaw, and I fucking hate you because you did it to keep him away from a girl who loves him!" "What?" snapped Z. "She couldn't love him! He's a Moon and she's a Zen!" "Read Romeo and Juliet, dick," spat Zeos. Then he turned to the crowd. "Moons! Take Hidari to a doctor!" A murmur ran through the crowd. "I beat Hidari near to death, so I can certainly take you all down!" the silver-haired teen roared. His gray eyes flashed with rage, and the Moons quickly tended to Koji. "Zen! We're out of here!" Zeos turned and walked towards the door, spitting red saliva at Z's feet. The Twisted Zen followed obidiently, even Leo, the real Leader. No one would ever again mess with Zeos Uchiyama. That was a fact. *** OOC: Sorry, Spydaweb, but Zeos had to do this. Z picked a really bad time to ask, and did a really bad thing.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Something in Zeos had snapped. Nothing physical, no, something mental. His brain had shut down, overwhelmed with rage, sadness, adrenaline. Adrenaline. They say it's a healthy alternative to drugs. This shut down that argument. Zeos couldn't feel the pain that should've been wracking his body. Zeos didn't hear his brain screaming, "stop! Stop before you die!" He didn't hear anything but the blood pounding in his ears, and one voice. One cold, slimy, sickening voice. A sly, angry, taunting voice. The voice of Zeos's fury, of his sadness, of his hate. The voice of negative emotions. "Kill him," the voice chanted. "He deserves it. Kill him. Make him pay for what he did to Suzuki. For what he did to Isaac. For what he did to Imi. Kill him." Zeos couldn't help but listen to the voice as he pounded on Koji. Black Hidari had fallen to his knees. He was coughing up blood. Any normal person would stop and leave it be. But the voice persisted. "Kill him Zeos. Do it. Kill him." Overwhelmed, uncontrolled, furious, all but insane. Zeos listened. With an animalistic cry, he swung up with his leg, and his foot crashed into Hidari's face. Blood spattered across Zeos's shoe. Koji's head snapped back, and Zeos gripped his hair. He leaned his battered face close. "How does it feel, Black Hidari? Still think that's all I got? Huh?" Blood trickled down from Hidari's mouth, nose, and face. It seemed nothing wasn't bruised or bleeding. He looked like he was about to die. "Then finish it," hissed the voice. Zeos pulled back his arm, and was about to strike Koji again, when he locked eyes with the fallen giant. In Koji's eye, he saw something that made him quake in fear. His reflection. Zeos was no longer the teen that made girls swoon. He was no longer the same person he always was, and now he saw it. Anger, hideous fury, streams of blood coursing down his face. The hatred that overwhelmed his mind carried over to the physical world, and it made Zeos quake in fear. And everything snapped back on. Zeos dropped Hidari's head, and let his fist drop to his side. He staggered back, pain and emotion rushing in. But not hate, not anger, sadness. Grief, pity, self-hatred. Tears streamed from his cold blue eyes and mixed with blood and sweat. He fell to his knees and put his face in his hands. "What have I done?" he croaked. "What...what has happened to me?"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Name: Unborn Lord Xion Magic Type: Dark Type: Warrior Picture: [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19494[/IMG] 2 Moves: Pride and Power: ULX increases his attack +100 Unborn Might: ULX drains 100 HP each turn and adds 50 to his own Color: Red[/SIZE][/COLOR] I hope this is good. PS, Cloud Strife, I think your pictures a wee bit too big.
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Name: Jack Graves Gender: Man Age: 18 Biography: Jack was born in a good family at a good time. He's fairly well off, and has always been well-provided for. His father was a high executive at the local car factory, making a hefty pay-check, while his mother was a homemaker, like most women of the time (it is the 60s). From birth, Jack showed an exceptional grasp of language, and a high intelligence. He tested in the 99th percentile when entering school. His father's money and his own intelligence got him into one of the top schools in the country. Despite his own intelligence, however, Jack pulled down grades mainly of the B range, mainly because he just doesn't care about school enough. To him, school was a trial and a pain, and he never applied his full potential to the job. He always fought with his parents about it, slowly driving a wedge between them. He started hanging out with a bad crowd, and his outlook on life became what it is now. In his 7th grade year, Jack became infatuated with writing and the written word. He started writing almost constantly, and decided to become a famous author, again driving a wedge between him and his parents, who wanted him to follow his father's footsteps. Jack took a job at the Newspaper 3 years later, and has become a low-level reporter. Personality: Jack is the kind of guy who looks out for number one. He generally says and does what he wants, and is not bound by the standards of social ettiquite. However, he is also very intelligent and very crafty, and is well versed enough in the politics of Key City to know exactly how to act to get in anyone of imporance's favor. He has a strong grasp of politics, religion, and everything to get far in the world. And because he knows so much, he has very strong opinions. Despite his sometimes conniving and sneaky nature, he is generally quite loyal and is very strong willed. His freinds and allies are very important to him. He is an agnostic, not believing in any particular religion, but believing there may be something out there. Whenever his parents are brought up, Jack becomes sullen and bitter, moreso than normal, and he starts to lash out at anyone near by. He is cold and standoffish, sarcastic and cynical, but there still glimmers hope inside his walled-off heart. Profession: Jack just got out of his last year of school, and has part-time job at the local newspaper as a reporter. He's doing it to fund his novel-writing. Physical Description: [URL=http://img72.photobucket.com/albums/v219/AzureImi/zeos0001.jpg]click[/URL] *** I hope this cuts it, because this sounds phenomenal (sp?).[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Red]"Angel, bah," sneered Kuroichi. "You have interrupted my meal, girl, probably looking for one of your own?" "I have come to deal with you Kuroichi." "Deal with me? How so?" "I intend to stop you," the Wampyre said, sliding into a battle stance. "Girl, I am over 600 years old," he scoffed. "One young Vampire with dellusions of being an angel is not going to stop me." "Humor me," she said. "Forgetting about someone!" yelled Hiroshi. The fallen hunter lashed out with her dagger, cutting into Kuroichi's leg. The Wampyre let out a cry of anguish. Blood creeped up the side of his body and formed a dagger in his hand. He threw it down hard, and it dug into Hiroshi's bicep. He threw another dagger the struck the other Wampyre in the ribs. "Both of you shall die!" he roared. *** OOC: Yeah, I know, short. Best I could do.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Zeos raced out of the gym, carrying Imi in his arms. He carefully dropped her by a tree, propping her up. "I've gotta go back," he said. "No!" she cried. "You might get killed in there!" "I have to," he said curtly. Ignoring her cries of protest, ignoring the tears streaming down his face, he barreled back into the gym, instantly taking down a Moon with a heavy right-cross. Another came at him and swung hard, but Zeos ducked under the blow and elbowed the moon in the gut. A third fell to a high kick to the chin. Slowly and deliberately, Zeos moved forward. Then he saw the thing that made his anger boil over. Hidari smashing his daito across the real Isaac's face. Isaac went down. Hard. (sorry Shaman, it had to be done) "Hidari!" the enraged teen bellowed. "Face me!" A gasp rippled through the crowd. Hidari turned and faced Zeos. The two locked eyes. The crowd parted in between them. "You've taken down three of my friends. One loved you, one loved me, and one was my best friend. I'm gonna rip you apart!" "You are going to rip me apart?" the giant asked. "How?" "Throw down your weapon and fight like a man. Even ground." "Do I look stupid, Uchiyama?" "Fine," Zeos spat. "This'll make all the more embarassing for you when I take you down!" *** OOC: ColourDeaf, take it away. But know this: Zeos is running on pure rage and adrenaline. He is not going down until he cannot move. So don't make this too quick.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Great sign-ups so far, everyone. I'll start in a week or if I get three more people. Which ever comes first. Oh, and Sephiroth, interesting Special Move. Arika, you can be original if you want, but for good character info, go to [url]www.bloody-roar.com[/url] (it's the main page). -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Unauthorized use of anime image in Bush campaign ad?
Onix replied to MillieFan's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Okay, you made a valid point Lalaith. And you're definitely right about us being sue happy. The McDonalds coffee case is a perfect example. Unless you weren't actually aiming towards that, in which case it is an amazing coincidence. But I doubt that. However, on a mere technicality, I can say I'm partially right. You see, if this add helps Bush get into office, it is being used to get money. I just want more traffic, and I'm not getting paid a thing. I do concur that I was being midly hypocritical, but I'd like to point out the possiblity that I am correct. -ULX[/COLOR][/SIZE]