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Here's your TATU banner. That picture is about the closest thing I could find to them kissing while keeping it PG-13. Oh, and if I may ask, what does the Russian mean, anyway? [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19478&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Name: Zeos Uchiyama Age: 11 Sex: Male Eye: Smoky Blue Hair: Brown with silver-dyed bangs Wand: Cherry Wood, Dragon Heartstring, 12in. House: Year: 1st Personality: Zeos is kind of cocky and egotistical, with a witty mind and a ready stock of witty insults. He has a hair-trigger temper; incredibly easy to set off, he is also very nasty when he's angry, often getting kind of violent. With the ability to use magic, things could get hairy in the corridors. However, he is honorable, with a strict code of morals, and is reliable to his friends. Have him as a friend, and you have a constant ally. Cross him, and you have a dangerous foe. Biography: Zeos was raised in a comfortable, semi-traditional Japanese, half-muggle home. He was named after famous wizard Zeos Rolands, who was the first wizard to tame a Phoenix (hope thats okay to put in). He was always well off, and always knew about magic and such. He spent most of his days reading some of his Magical Mother's books, and trying to turn the roses blue. His mother was overjoyed when they recieved the Hogwarts notice. His father was happy for his son, glad he carried on the talent, but didn't really feel strongly about the whole Magic business. Jack is strongly opposed to all anti-Mudbloods, feeling they're stuck up gits that need a good curse. PS, aren't all 1st years 11? Or have I misread all five books? Oh, and there are some other cores, like Fleur's Veela hair. Although I assume that's a cultural thing, and a rarity. The main three are probably the standard.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Japan-I like it. The pictures are well placed, the banner seems appropriate, and the text is easy to read (a difficulty with multi-color background for me). Yours-Like Chabichou said, the text is hard to read. However, it looks pretty dang good. Kakashi-The picture seems a little...washed out, or something. However, it is quite good. You get ULX's seal of approval (which doesn't really mean much, since my opinion isn't that important to most people here...or most people I know, for that matter...I've depressed myself now... :wigout: ) -ULX
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]For the record, CNC and Hero aren't about me. Hero is a song I wrote turned into a love poem (sort of) about a certain love-traingle. CNC is about said Triangle. It's not hard to guess which one. [U][SIZE=2]H[/SIZE][/U] H is a letter with one sound A huh and then it?s gone Cannot be stopped once it starts Can?t stop the H What starts as Hi Can only become Hello Hell Hippo Huh? The indomitable H Unstoppable in simplicity Unfathomable, yet shallow Superficial, subtle Spanish Hs are silent Hola is Ola So is Hi just I? Spanish Hi?s turn to Is Turn to I Know I want I seek I love I need H the eternal Eternal in a never-ending second The Hi that?s Hello that?s Hippo that?s I love you The H that?s I The Sound that sounds off a thousand others Like a linguistic Drill Sergeant H, huh? [U][SIZE=2]Courage not Craft[/SIZE][/U] I was never good at this Talking about my heart, my soul, my inner-child All that psychoanalytic bull-***** It never ceases to confuse, condone I never cease to muddle and mumble Misspeak and Misstep Miss, like mistake Miss, like missed opportunities Miss, like Cupid?s arrow when he struck another Miss, like Miss Him, not Miss Me I was never good at tact Never good at speaking Especially what?s really on my mind I hide with blind blunders Tactless tactics designed to throw you off the trail I hide behind a mask of bold brashness I hide behind my façade of never speaking lies But I do I hide my feelings, my emotions I hide my soul, hide my mind I hide from truth I hide from you Like I never hid from anything else I hide behind courage I hide behind tenacity, truculence, temerity I hide behind a shield that distorts Distends, defies, lies, hiding my true emotion I hide from nothing but the truth I hide from nothing but my heart and soul Fire burns bright in my heart Fire burns in Phoenix Wings and Dragon Breath Fire burns within Anger, passion, lust, love, hate Fire always burning on, yet hidden by the black-painted lantern Fire of my soul and mind I am kindling for the fire Greenwood that slowly burns Yet still burns anyway Kindling that wants to escape the flames Yet cannot, for it cannot move That is me Wooden face, wooden smile Wooden thoughts, splintering with time Cannot keep it up much longer The lies, the hiding, the pain The sorrow that slowly chips away Like a chainsaw, grinding away my heart I bound my feelings back Yet like horror-show monstrosities They threaten to break free Rampaging, uncontrollable Until the city of my life lays in ruin Friendship lies in ruin Love lies in ruin Courage standing above it all A wooden façade that cannot truly be broken Until I break it [U][SIZE=2]Hero[/SIZE][/U] You look at him through hopeful eyes Seeing a hero The one who protects you Saves you From all that would hurt you You look at him through shining eyes Seeing your hero The one who?ll always be there Always saves you, helps you, keeps you Makes sure you don?t hurt But he?s not He?s not your hero He?s not Superman, Batman, Spiderman He won?t always save you, protect you, help you He won?t always be there You look at me through bloodshot eyes And tell me, sobbing That he is your hero That he didn?t mean it, didn?t mean to, didn?t want to You look at him through blind eyes You look at him and see what he?s not You see Spiderman, Batman, Superman But you don?t see behind Behind the mask, the mask that hides his two-face You see the Ace of Hearts But I see he?s really the Joker You see a Hero, a savior, a God I see the truth I see behind the mask, I see behind the guise I see the villain that you put the mask on Please review. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Looks pretty good to me, anyway. It gets ULX's Seal of Approval! -ULX
Here's my thoughts. Eyes--It seems really cluttered. All it is is a bunch of anime character's eyes pasted together. There is no real theme or flow to the image. For Her--Text is almost impossible to see. I think I managed to decifer it, and it says "It's always for her". However, the font, color, and picture make it very difficult to make out. Plus, the image also suffers from cluttering Inu1--This is pretty good. Less cluttered than the previous two, but I'd cut out some of the images. Always There--This is probably your best. It's pretty well layed out, although it would help if there was more of a background. And I think it might be too large. 500x100 is the maximum size (in pixels) Flowery One--Kind of...odd. Looks nice, but a little too bright. The color scheme is okay, but I don't like the bright blue. That's just my opinion, I could be wrong. -ULX
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]A wounded Zeos staggered to his feet, climbing off the ground where he fell. His breathing was short, the immense pain of being struck by the attack and the ground overwhelming. "Reis..." he said, wincing. He turned to Shadowhumon. "You...ba...stard...I'll...kill...you...yet!" All of a sudden, both Zeos and Reis's crytals flashed bright. A beam shot out of Reis's crystal and into Zeos's (too many Ss!!!!!). "Digi-Form Transform Double...ALPHA!" Zeos bellowed. Crimson light exploded around him, cracking the earth while it spread. "TIGROMON!" he snarled. Tigromon stood there, but he was changed. A red glow eminated from him, and his eyes flashed fire. Energy crackled in the air between Shadowhumon and Tigromon. "Prepare to fall, Shadow," growled Tigromon. His voice was shadowed by Viper Centarumon's. "I shall not fall to you, boy," smirked Shadowhumon. "Shan't you?" asked Tigromon. "Blazing Claws!" Tigromon lashed out at amazing speeds, closing the gap between him and the Dark General in seconds. He slammed one hand into Shadowhumon's abdomen, but the general blocked it. Then the Digi-Form Warrior slashed up, raking the Knight's face. The wounded Knight put his hands to his scarred face. The wounds delivered were instantly cauterized by the flames, but the pain was immense. Tigromon deftly grabbed Shadowhumon's arm and flung him into a near-by wall. The blazing tiger lunged into the Dark General, digging his claws into the evil warrior's arms. Blood dripped down onto the ground beneath them. "How does it feel, Knight?" snarled Tigromon. "Do you like the feeling of pain, the feeling of death's presence nearby? Because he's close. In fact, he's right in front of you!" Tigromon slammed his head into Shadowhumon's, shattering the dark warrior's nose. The enraged beast-man ripped one claw loose and darkness surrounded it. "Dark Claws!" In a quick slash, the claws penetrated the Knight's chest. The armor shattered, pixelating in the air. Blood exploded out of Shadowhumon's chest. "Still sure darkness won't hurt you?" hissed Tigromon. "Or don't you feel that?" Shadowhumon bellowed in pain and swung his arm towards Tigromon. "Feel this, human! Shadow of Death!" The dark blast engulfed Tigromon, sending him flying back again. His hand was torn loose, leaving a bloody hole in the General's chest. Tigromon crashed to the ground, dark energy steaming up from his body. Numerous wounds had formed again on his body. He coughed harshly, spit and blood flying. "Looks like...it's time for...plan...B..." Shadowhumon gasped. Pain wracked his body, and he was on the verge of dying where he stood. It was a marvel he survived at all. Darkness surrounded his now clenched fist, and he slammed the fist into the wall behind him with all his strength. Dark cracks appeared, and the wall crumbled, leaving a dark vortex in its place. "I...I call forth...the new slave...of darkness...come forth!" A chained bundle flew out of the vortex. The bundle hit the ground, and Shadowhumon gripped some dangling chains. The bundle was Tentomon. "You fiend!" "Twisted psycho!" "Tentomon!" "Bastard!" The guardians cried out in outrage at their friends capture. "I see...you have already...met. It will make...it all the more fun...for my master...when the bug...kills you!" "He wouldn't do that!" yelled Gabumon. "I should say not!" said Hawkmon. "Oh...but he will...Fear Digivolution!" roared Shadowhumon. Tentomon let out a scream of pain as dark lightning coursed up the chains, shooting into him. "NO!" chorused the guardians. The DFW could only watch on in horror, as they had been, and fight off the evil Digimon as this all went on. At last, Tentomon collapsed and the energy stopped. But then the bug reared up. His formerly green eyes glowed dark violet, filled with the power of evil. He let out a feral snarl, and dark light exploded around him. The dark light engulfed Shadowhumon, Reis, and Tigromon as well, hiding them all from view. When the light faded, a monster had been born. The beast looked like Snimon, but changed. Its armor was red, a dark crimson unlike Tentomon's. Black markings covered it, some of them Satanic symbols. Its arms had long-fingered hands, with purple energy blades eminating from the wrists. The wings were like Snimon's, clear and ragged. A horn protruded from its forehead, like Kabuterimon. Unlike Snimon, it had eyes, narrow ones that shone purple. Razor-like fangs lined its maw. "I give you, Mantis Kabuterimon!" snarled Shadowhumon. It was visibly straining him to speak now. The beast let out a shriek that split the eardrums of all conscious to hear it. Several of the nearby Fear Guardromon began to shut down. "Now kill them," hissed the dying warrior. Mantis Kabuterimon grinning maliciously, brought up its scythe, and split Shadowhumon in two with one nearly invisible slash. A look of shock crossed his face before he was deleted. "No!" gasped Palmon. "Black Lightning Reaver!" snarled the giant bug. It sent out a long blade of black energy that mowed down many evil Digimon. "DUCK!" bellowed a voice. The DFW all took cover, jumping, flying, or ducking the blow. They collectively looked to the source of the voice...Tigromon! "Thought you were done with me?" he grinned. The red light had faded, and it was apparent he had reverted to his normal state. "Now let's deal with the big bug here before he causes more trouble than his evil-killing was worth!"[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the record, Mantis Kabuterimon is evil, he just happens to like killing anything and everything (except Phobiamon, of course). So he will be trying to kill the DFW. I also introduced a new form of Digivolution (two, counting Fear Digivolution). Double Digi-Form Transform. It can only be used when the second/third/however many others give up their energy willingly or are uncoscious. It grants increased power, but is short term, even shorter term than regular Transforming. Mantis Kabuterimon is incredibly fast, strong, and deadly. He uses the Black Lightning Reaver and Scythe Maelstrom. We cannot, I repeat, CANNOT beat him right now. Too slow, too weak. He will beat us at some point, but of course we will re-group and come back stronger than ever (duh, this is anime based after all). Most of the Evil Digimon were just killed. There are probably 30 left, and most of them are running I'd say. So your people can focus on MK. -ULX[/SIZE]
Here's a Haku banner for you. I didn't know whether or not you wanted the quote to have a question mark or not. What does it mean anyway (I like anime but I don't speak much Japanese. Sigh) [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19395&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX
Here's an avatar. BTW, the way to put in a banner is to take the URL (the attachment URL, in this case), and put it in image tags [IMG] [/IMG] in your sig. Just so you know. The avatar, just save it and use a custom avatar in Edit Avatar. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19391&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]In the great city of the Vatican, home of the Catholic Church, Bishop Johnathan Quill is called forth by the Pope on a mission. A mission to find the legendary Sword of God, Soul Edge. Tales came from the Crusaders in the East, telling of a great sword that utilized the powers of the gods to strike down those that opposed its wielder. The Bishop, a seasoned warrior, is sent to find it. He takes with him Balkov, the Russian Giant, a man with the strength of twenty; Fenrir, the Beast Man of Norway, a fierce berserker; Falstaff, the German Madman, a brilliant scientist, but a complete loon; and Mirabelle, the French Seductress, who uses her charms to win. While in search of the Soul Edge, the five come across several shards of the Weapon. They use these shards to increase their own strengths, being tainted by Soul Edge's evil in the process. They begin a deadly rampage across the world, slaying innocents in persuit of God's power. The lost Heroes that fought Soul Edge and Nightmare have disappeared during this time. No one knows what has happened to them. The Bishop, now known as the Bishop of the Morning Star or the Black Bishop among the public, has swept across most of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. New warriors seek the power as well...but can they survive the Black Bishop?[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you couldn't guess, you'll be playing as the new warriors seeking Soul Edge. You can't be evil per se, that role is taken by Jonathan and his followers. However, you don't have to be a hero. Though you will end up fighting them in the end. SIGN-UP Name: No fantasy names, no sci-fi, and remember this is in the 16th Century Nicknames: Any things your character nay be called Age: Gender: Male [B]or[/B] Female Appearance: Weapon: Weapon Name: Fighting Style: Personality: Reason for Seeking Soul Edge/Bio: Don't go overboard, but keep it kind of detailed. My Guy- Name: Zeshin Uchiyama Nickname: The Black Dragon; Hero of Shadow; Ninja-Samurai; Gaijin Samurai Age: 27 Gender: Male Appearance: Bears a resemblance to Kilik. Lean and muscular, on the taller side; silver hair, short but spiky; crystal blue eyes; wears black pants and a black shirt Weapon: Katana Weapon Name: Yami no Yushi (Hero of Shadow) Fighting Style: A combination of most sword-fighting styles. This includes Kenpo, Iaijutsu, Ninjitsu, Fencing, and other European Sword-Fighting Styles. It is called Yami-Yushi Ryu, his own style. Personality: Zeshin is cold and a loner. He follows the ways of the Ninja more than the Samurai. He is also fairly egotistical, as are all my characters it seems. He's got a sharp tongue and a sharp mind, being a brilliant strategist, and really just plain brilliant. Reason for Seeking Soul Edge/Bio: Zeshin was trained to be a warrior since birth. He first learned the Samurai style from his father, a well known Samurai named Nobuo who was called the Demon from Edo. He then learned the style Iaijutsu. Later, he trained in Ninjitsu sword-fighting, even using other Ninja weapons when it suited him. He traveled to the West Coast of Japan where he met several Westerners and trained with some of them. He left with one warrior to train more in Europe. However, he learned that his Father had been killed in battle outside Edo. He went back as soon as possible and learned from those that had seen the battle that Nobuo had been killed by the Bishop Johnathan Quills. Zeshin decided to seek out Johnathan and the Soul Edge to gain power. Name: Bishop Johnathan Quills Nickname: The Black Bishop; Bishop of the Morning Star; Warrior Bishop Age: 37 Gender: Male Appearance: Johnathan is stocky and tall, on the muscular side. He has thick black hair which he spikes up. His eyes, once a dark gray, are now red with the Evil of Soul Edge. He wears traditional European-style armor, with a black cape bearing the insignia of a red cross. Weapon: Bastard Sword Weapon Name: Dawn Breaker Fighting Style: The Fighting style of European Knights Personality: Johnathan is power-hungry, brutal, and merciless. He ruthlessly slaughters thousands in a week, leaving villages broken and destroyed. He has become a demon in human form, like Cervantes or Nightmare. Reason for Seeking Soul Edge/Bio: Johnathan was raised to become a Bishop, taught the ways of the church. He has most of the Bible memorized, and seeks ever more to learn about God and the ways of Religion. He became Bishop at a young age, due to his great Religious knowledge. He also trained ferverently with various Crusaders and Knights, becoming the Warrior Bishop Quills. Two years ago, he was called upon by the Pope to search for the Sword of God, Soul Edge. He became tainted by its power as he fused it with his own sword, the Dawn Breaker. He now serves the evil Sword, seeking out souls and leaving death in his wake. Name: Balkov Nicknames: The Russian Giant; Titan Slayer Age: 42 Gender: Male Appearance: Balkov is a massive man, standing 6'5 and being mostly muscle. He is bald, with dark eyes. He is heavily scarred from years of battle. He wears black armored pants and no shirt. Weapon: Battle Ax Weapon Name: Glacier Fighting Style: Ax-Fighting (???) Personality: Balkov is slow-witted and brutal, the stereotipical muscle man. He cuts down any with no knowledge of Soul Edge instantly, only letting those with knowledge live as long as they can talk. He is known for massacering an entire village in one night...before he became tainted. Reason for Seeking Soul Edge/Bio: Balkov has always been big, always been strong, and always been violent. He seeks a fight, a challange, an opponent. He trained in the only weapon he saw fit, the Ax. He used his massive blade, Glacier, to massacre an entire village in one night. The blade is called Glacier because it is cold like its owner's heart. Balkov was recruited by the Black Bishop because he was strong, and also a devout Catholic. He has become even more gigantic in his transformation, and has become strong enough to cleave a man in two with one blow. Name: Fenrir Nicknames: The Beast Man of Norway; The Wolf; Harbringer Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: Fenrir is scrawny and lanky. He has long dirty blonde hair that hangs like a mane around his head. His eyes are feral and green. His teeth have become unnaturally long due to the taint, as have his nails which are now more like claws. He wears ragged clothes, shredded from battle and stained with blood. Weapon: A Hooked Pole-Arm Weapon Name: Wolf's Fang Fighting Style: Berserker Style Personality: Fenrir is feral, psychotic in every sense of the world. He's violent, impulsive, solitary, and merciless, almost more so than Johnathan. Reason for Seeking Soul Edge/Bio: Fenrir was given his name because a village prophet fortold that the child would bring about the end of the world if he wasn't slain. His parents gave him the name of the legendary Wolf that would swallow the gods, but did not kill him, thinking the prophecy foolish. Even as a child, Fenrir exhibited his animalistic qualities, acting like a beast, picking fights and brutally beating his opponents. He was trained to be a warrior, hopefully releasing his pent up violent energy, but it ultimately just made him more dangerous, allowing him to kill efficiently as opposed to simply brutalizing his opponents. When fighting, he feels no pain, totally engrossed in killing his enemy. He was chosen by Johnathan because he would stop at nothing to gain the Soul Edge. Besides, thinks Johnathan, what's the life of another heretic? Name: Falstoff Nicknames: The German Madman; The Mad Doctor; The Bloody Genius Age: 29 Gender: Male Appearance: Falstoff is tall and lanky, with stringy brown hair and cold gray eyes. He wears simple pants and a simple shirt, going for simplicity and comfort as opposed to any discernable style. He keeps his left arm wrapped at all times, hiding the metal veins that run through it, proof of the Taint of soul Edge. Weapon: Rapier Weapon Name: Faust II Fighting Style: Modified Fencing Personality: Falstoff is cold and calculating, a brilliant mind that uses every advantage discernable to win. He is cruel, seeing all life as further reasearch. Reason for Seeking Soul Edge/Bio: Falstoff was raised in science, destined to turn the tide of human thought and knowledge. When he learned of Soul Edge, he immediately wanted it, to study it, learn of its secrets. He joined Johnathan instantly to further his research. He was chosen because of his brilliance, despite the fact that he was not very religious. His sword, the Faust II, is a companion to the Faust wielded by Siegfired. Name: Mirabelle (goes by Mira unless in formal locations) Literally meaning 'Of Incredible Beauty' *DaisukeAngel is playing as her* Nicknames: The French Seductress; The Lady Demon; Lucifer's Concubine Age: 26 Gender: Female Appearance: Mirabelle is lithe and attractive. She has long black hair that she keeps in a delicate braid with saphires laced inside of it. Her eyes are a brilliant shade of errie violet that seem to glow behind strands of her hair, proof of her taint. She wears revealing gowns, mostly violets and blue to contrast with her mystifying eyes, cut to allow movement and seduction. She wears intricate bracelets of precious and semi-precious stones, two on each hand, that glitter distractedly during fights, along with the sapphires in her braid. Her face is perfect, high cheekbones, pearl-white teeth, full lips, and thin, rounded eyebrows. Weapon: Living Sword Weapon Name: Black Rose Fighting Style: Living Sword Personality: Mirabelle is seductive, calculating like Falstoff, merciless like Johnathan, willing to go her all like Fenrir, and brutal like Balkov. Reason for Seeking Soul Edge/Bio: Mirabelle is a mystery to all. She was a rich woman of power, but joined Johnathan to gain the power of Soul Edge, since she found her life boring. After being tainted by Soul Edge, she dabbled in Alchemy, creating her living sword, the Black Rose. Her skill with the weapon provokes rumors of her relation to Ivy. Have fun. If someone wants to play as one of the Five, PM me with your request. However, you can't be Johnathan. Sorry. Anyway, enjoy! Shiguru, in answer to your comments about the inability for one to use fencing with a katana, this is true. My fighter, however, has simply used elements form various styles, not the entire styles themselves. For example, he uses the deception and fluid motion of Ninjitsu, and feinting and speed of fencing, the powerful blows of the broadsword, with most of his style coming from stand Samurai fighting styles. He has simply encorporated these elements into traditional Samurai style, by doing so creating a hybrid form. And I'm afraid the Heihachi thing was done in SCII, and as I said, the Soul *Blank* characters have gone missing. Sorry. Also sorry for any confusion about my fighting style. -ULX[/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]This is a Theory of a Deadman banner I made. The band is very cool, and I really enjoy their music, especially "The Last Song". But this is the Art Studio, not Music, Movies & TV, so on with the art.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19387&stc=1[/IMG] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]I think I shouldn't've put the angel-guy in there, really. OH well. What do you think?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Here's a FLCL banner for you, courtesy of ULX. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19386&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX
Here's my try. I think it turned out well, but that's my opinion only. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19385&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Like most Taiora fans, the Christmas episode from Season 2 of Digimon will always haunt me. Friggin Toei. On a less belligerent note, however, an episode from Season 1 also stays with me. I believe the title was 'My Sisters Keeper'. And even though, looking back, it wasn't the best writing ever, it was powerful at the time and really made you feel for Tai...and feel sorry for Izzy. That one line Kari says, "I'm sorry I can't kick the ball right. You'll probably never want to play with me again," is just great. Really a heart stabber. If you care, that is. For other people its probably just a, "oh, that's nice of her," or, "damn that's cheesy writing." In fact, most of Digimon stays with me because its my first real experience with Anime (I shall deny to my dying day ever watching Pokemon). If I have more, I'll let you know. Not that you care, anyway. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1]A few years ago, when Beast Wars started, I was instantly engrossed in the show. I found it great. It is actually the only Transformers show I've been interested in. The previous and latter shows didn't appeal to me like Beast Wars. So, I'm starting an RPG based on it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]It is many years after the battle between the Maximals and Predicons took place. The universe has since seen countless battles and wars between similar groups and factions. And a new one is brewing. Cybertron is again torn, between the peaceful Animons and the brutal Reptallites (I know those names suck, but go with me on this). The two brought their battle far into space, constantly clashing. After a long while of conflict, the two groups met over a small, fertile planet. The ships were both damaged in a great dogfight, and they crashed onto the planet's surface. Damaged, the inhabitants rebooted and became...Beasts. The Animons and Reptallites still seek eachother out, with only one leaving the conflict. However, they must also leave the planet and return home, the true goal of the Animons. Which group will leave still standing?[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay. You are playing either an Animon or a Reptallite. Reptallites, going with their name, will be mostly reptilian, though I'll allow some exceptions. Animons, on the other hand, run the gamut. SIGN-UP Name: You know what kind of names I'm looking for. Cheetor, Dinobot, Rattrap, Waspinox. That general vein. Gender: Well, gender basis anyway. Technically, they're genderless. Beast Form: Appearance: Only a rough description is required. I, myself, am going with a particularly weak one. Weapons (max. 3): Don't go too crazy Personality: Team: Position: Second-in-Command, Computer Technition, Weapons Expert, etc. Bio: A short one. What your character has been doing in the battle, where they came from, relationships or hidden secrets, etc. Name: Tigron Gender: Male Beast Form: Tiger, Bengal to be precise (though this isn't actually Earth we're on, just a very similar planet with the same fauna) Appearance: A humanoid robot with some tiger-like bits. Tiger-striped skin, feline face, etc. Weapons (max. 3): An energy sword (his tail) and a wrist-mounted chain-gun Personality: Tigron is very calm and subdued most of the time, but he has a fierce temper. He's kind of full of himself at times, but not really. Team: Animons Position: Captain Bio: Tigron was a fairly high-up officer in the Cybertron military before he founded a sub-group known as the Animons. They were dedicated, strong-willed warriors that admired the Maximals in particular. Tigron admired (the Tiger Guy whose name escapes me) most of all. He had a long-running rivalry with (Reptilite Commander) in the force until they broke into their factions. Tigron seeks to return home, but he also wants to put his rival out of commission. Animons- Tigron-ULX Reptilites- If you want to be the Reptilite Commander, PM to make sure it's okay.[/SIZE]
Here's Giroro...looking very angry, as he appears to be often from what I've seen. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19376&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]I have made some (of course) Bloody Roar Avatars. However, I am unsure of how to make borders...so I humbly ask that someone help me there. I don't know how to make borders with any of my photo-editing software (Microsoft Office Picture Editor, Picture It! 9, Picture It! 7.0, and Paint [which I suck at]). Any help would be appreciated. And I would post the yet-borderless ones, but I can only post images by first making them attachments and I have too many to make attachments. *Sigh* I'm so hapless. If I could get some help there, too, it would be appreciated as well. -ULX the Hapless Comp-Artist[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Anime girlfriend, huh? Tough one. Perhaps I'll say who I would never date first. In particular, I'd avoid relationships with Exell (is there a C in the her/the show's name?) and Hayate from Exell Saga. Why, you ask? Because they are ditzy and spazes, and I refuse to date a ditz. It goes against my principles. Anyway, on the subject of who I would date...perhaps Najica from Najica: Blitz Tactics (yes, I've watched it. Call me a perv if you want, but I won't deny it). She's cool, calm, sarcastic...not to mention extremely hot. That's all I can think of right now. Maybe more later. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
This was written for an English assingment. The assignment was to write a novella of 20-25 pages in a historical setting with no fantasy/sci-fi. I think I accomplised that. This is Part 1 of 5 (the whole thing is 23 pages, which is a little much for one post). Oh, and this is a rough draft. And if you could give it a letter grade, that would be appreciated. [SIZE=1]Part One: Dawn The hammer rapped out a sharp staccato beat as it knocked the nail into the wooden side of the pub. The soldier who hammered on the notice walked away, a stack of papers held under one arm, hammer held loosely in hand. The notice was plain, and went something like, ?All weapons must be destroyed or turned in to Government Officials under severe penalty-Emperor Meiji.? The patrons inside the pub didn?t seem to notice or care about the Government Decree by the new, young Emperor. The new Emperor, Emperor Meiji, born Mutsuhito, took his name because of his ?Enlightened Rule,? which the name meant. It had been 8 years since the young man took the throne at the tender age of 14, and now he was a powerful man, respected by most. But not all. Nobuo Yamamoto, former officer in the Tokugawa army, had lost his world to the boy Emperor. He resented the man, no, the boy, and drunk away his sorrows. Two men, drunken and foolish, didn?t realize the mistake they made when they approached the ex-Samurai. ?Pardon me,? slurred one. ?But I would like to ask you a favor, Samurai-san,? said the drunk, noticing Nobuo?s armor. ?You see,? said his companion. ?We have run out of money, as times are tough, and we were wondering if you could spare some cash. Can you?? ?I?m afraid not,? Nobuo grunted. ?Oh, that?s not nice,? growled the first man, placing his clammy hand on Nobuo?s shoulder. His hand was large and calloused, and the man himself was much larger than Nobuo. Both were. ?You must be well-off, being a Samurai and all,? said the man, grinning wickedly. ?So, hand over some coins.? ?If you like your hand, you will remove it,? snarled Nobuo. ?Did you hear that?? yelled the second. ?The little Samurai thinks he can take me and Jiro, here! Isn?t that a riot?? The assembled pub let out a weak laugh, drowned out by Jiro and his companion?s brays of laughter. Nobuo continued to drink, ignoring them both, feeling his temper rise. ?What?s your name, Samurai-san?? asked Jiro. ?Nobuo,? said the ex-Samurai. "Nobuo, eh? Wasn?t there another Nobuo, a somewhat legendary one?? asked the second man. ?Yeah!? said Jiro. ?Nobuo, the Demon from Edo! I remember hearing of his ?great exploits!?.? The two men laughed drunkenly again. ?But this little Samurai can?t be our Demon from Edo, can he?? said Jiro, gripping Nobuo?s shoulder tighter. ?Yes he can,? hissed Nobuo, too softly to be heard. ?What was that?? asked Jiro, leaning in closer. ?I said, yes he can!? snarled Nobuo. He splashed the remnants of his drink in Jiro?s eyes. While the large drunk stumbled around, temporarily blinded, Nobuo rose. The ex-Samurai wound up his right fist, and slammed it into the drunk?s face. Jiro went down, hard, nose busted open and bleeding. ?Why you?!? started the other man, but Nobuo was ready. The smaller man elbowed the other in the gut, and slammed him in the chin with his fist. The larger man stumbled back, and fell onto the bar. ?Hey!? barked the manager, running out. ?You stop that now! What do you think this is, a battlefield? You want a fight, go join Saigo in Satsuma!? ?These louts were being a nuisance to the whole pub, honorable Manager,? said Nobuo, bowing his head jerkily. ?I was merely removing an unpleasant element, as it were.? ?Well take it outside!? said the Manager, pointing to the door. ?No need,? said Nobuo, waving it off. ?We are done here.? Nobuo glared at the drunks, and then turned to walk out of the pub. He grabbed his simple wide-brimmed straw hat and left. Oh, and he grabbed his sword. ?That little Samurai had a sword,? said the conscious drunk, staring in a kind of awe. ?Don?t you know who that was?? asked the Manager, trying to conceal a scowl. The drunk nodded. ?Said his name was Nobuo.? ?Yeah, Nobuo Yamamoto, the Demon from Edo!? ?What!?? yelled the drunk. ?You cannot be serious!? ?Well I am. Often talks of his exploits when he gets drunk enough.? Just then, a pair of soldiers walked into the bar. ?Does anyone know anything about the man who just left?? asked one of the soldiers, wrinkling his nose in disgust. He was obviously used to higher-class establishments. ?Yeah, I know a thing or two about him, why?? asked the manager. ?We simply want to have a talk with him,? said the disgusted soldier. ?About what?? asked the manager, staring down the soldiers. He, obviously, had little respect for the government, like Nobuo. ?I can tell you stuff about him,? said Jiro?s friend. He was eager to disclose the details of Nobuo?s life he knew, willing to do anything to get the ex-Samurai back. ?Oh?? asked the soldier. ?Yes. I know his name is Nobuo Yamamoto, and you probably know where such a prestigious soldier lives.? ?Yamamoto, you say?? the soldier asked, rhetorically. He turned to his companion. ?Hirutani, tell the squad to meet at the Yamamoto residence at night-fall. We?re going to have a little chat with our ex-Samurai friend.? The other, silent soldier nodded sagely. ?Thank you for informing us, citizen,? said the first soldier. He bowed his head jerkily at the drunk. ?My pleasure, Soldier-san,? said the drunk, grinning his crooked grin. ?Just tell your boss that if he needs help, call on your old friend Keiji.? ?I?ll do that,? the soldier said dryly. The two soldiers turned and left. They had a mission to accomplish. Perhaps they would receive special honors from the Emperor. At least they would meet Nobuo Yamamoto, the Demon from Edo, which was honor enough in itself. Especially if they were the ones to kill him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EDIT: Here's Part Two as well Part Two: Noon ?My husband, you must refrain from getting in bar fights,? said Akiko Yamamoto. She was a still-youthful woman, being very beautiful in her prime. She was the daughter of a well-off merchant, and had been arranged to marry Nobuo since birth. The great Samurai had been lucky that she turned out so beautiful. ?I did not intend to start a fight, Akiko-sama,? said Nobuo, taking a long drink from his glass of water. It would help clear his head. ?Two drunkards wouldn?t leave me in peace, so I had to teach them to respect their betters.? ?What kind of example does this set for our precious Hideki?? she asked, staring at him, very concerned. She had been wearing that expression, worry and concern, almost constantly since the Emperor had taken the throne and abolished the Samurai class. When the Tokugawa Shogunate fell, so did Nobuo?s hopes and dreams. All he lived for now was his family and a good drink. Unfortunately, he sometimes spent more time with the latter than the former. ?I know, I know,? said Nobuo, sighing. ?I am trying to avoid getting in these brawls, but I lose my temper far more easily now that I do not have the battlefield to unleash my anger upon. These are hard stressful times.? ?I know, my love, I know,? said Akiko. There was silence in the Yamamoto household for a time, save the sound of Nobuo sipping his water, until the ex-Samurai spoke up again. He cleared his throat first. ?Akiko-sama, I have been thinking. Perhaps?perhaps I should go to the Satsuma province in the south, and join Saigo in the revolution.? ?Go all the way to Satsuma?? Akiko asked, her dark eyes pained. ?I could take you and Hideki with me,? said Nobuo, softly. For all his gruff exterior and violent temper, he was a loving husband and father. ?But?it is so far to the south?we would have to leave everything behind?? ?I know, but it could be for the best,? Nobuo said, seeing the problems in his idea. ?Perhaps,? she sighed. They sat in silence again. It was the uncomfortable, dense silence only brought on by disagreement. The silence was all-consuming, until a harsh voice rang out in the street. Nobuo looked up, and saw that the only illumination came from a lantern. ?Nobuo Yamamoto, you are charged with possession of an illegal sword! Hand it over at once, or face force!? Nobuo rose and moved to the door. He slid open the screen and stepped onto the stone walkway that led from the front entrance, through Akiko?s well-kept garden, and to the street. Standing in the street were several soldiers, each holding rifles, aimed at the house. ?Good. Now hand over your sword, and no one shall be injured,? said one soldier. He was thin, wiry, a poor build for a warrior, yet he was a high-ranking officer because he could use a rifle. It sickened Nobuo. ?Emperor Meiji is undeserving of my respect, so why should I follow his law?? asked Nobuo. Akiko rushed out, and was shocked by the row of gunmen. Suddenly, a gun let fly. Akiko crumpled to the ground, blood staining her kimono a dark red. She had been shot fatally, the bullet piercing her stomach. ?Akiko!? bellowed Nobuo. The ex-Samurai turned away from his dying wife, and faced the line of gunmen, eyes blazing in fury. ?Father, what was that??? said a small voice. Nobuo turned to see his young son, Hideki, walking towards the doorway. ?Hideki, stay back!? ?What is it Fa?? Hideki?s words trailed off when he caught sight of his mother, lying dead on the ground. ?Mother!? The young boy ran to her side. ?An accomplice!? yelled a soldier. ?Stop!? said another voice. But it was all too late. The soldier fired, and Hideki?s small frame was thrown back by the force. ?Bastards!? roared Nobuo. The Former ?Demon from Edo? drew his ancient, family katana, stained with the blood of so many warriors, and charged. He vaguely felt a bullet graze his shoulder, to overwhelmed with blood-lust to notice any pain. Nobuo rapidly closed in on the line of soldiers. He cut down the first soldier as soon as he was in range, carving a deep gash in the man?s chest. He reached over during the swing, gripping the barrel of a rifle, and yanked it free of its owner?s hands. He used the butt of the gun as a club, bashing it into the head of the former owner. He dropped the rifle and gripped the hilt of his katana again. One soldier had turned and was about to fire when Nobuo removed the man?s head from his body. He reversed the sword so the tip pointed behind him, and drove the blade into another soldier?s gut. The other three soldiers knew what was coming for them, and ran. ?Get back here you cowards!? bellowed the enraged soldier. Strands of hair had fallen in front of his eyes, and he brushed them aside. He stood there for a moment, panting. He could?ve run after the soldiers, but not for long. He was old, and drinking had weakened his body. He ran a hand through his tousled hair, and let out a long breath through his clenched teeth. If they will not come to me, I will come to them. I must make the government pay for what it has done to me. I must kill the fool Emperor. [/SIZE] Let me know if it would be worth it to post the next parts. I warn you, the violence does increase quite rapidly, and people with weak stomachs are adivsed to not read parts 3 and 4 especially. -ULX
Here's a salute via Drix the Cold Pill. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19360&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Pff, show off," said Tigromon. He swiped some blood off his chin. "Looks like its time to hit it off with the others!" Just as the feline warrior was about to leap into action, the earth rumbled again. "More giant guys?" he asked. "Not quite!" yelled Chimemon. She pointed towards the cliff behind them. Emerging from the rock came several large reptiles. They slithered out, sliding low on their stomachs. The lizards were a dull gray-green, like swamp water, with brilliant emerald eyes. Their face were wide and split with a large maw filled with irregular, jagged fangs. One of the reptiles turned towards Tigromon and Chimemon. "Carpet Blaze!" The dragon shot fire out of its wide mouth, covering the ground in a rapidly widening row of fire. "Jump!" roared Tigromon. The two leapt high, and the flames shot beneath them. "Hit it!" Tigromon snarled. "Heat Viper Shadow!" Chimemon said. The dark energy blast struck the attacking dragon, destroying it. "Figures," said Tigromon, dropping to the ground. "Now we have the Rooks." "Rooks?" asked Chimemon. "Think of it like a Chess Board. The Fear Guardromon are pawns, the creepy things are Knights, the Ghosts are Bishops, these reptiles are Rooks, the big guy was the Queen, and Sladrimon was the King." "Not quite!" yelled a grating, low voice. Tigromon turned his head to face the speaker. Standing high atop a towering building stood a humanoid Digimon. It was jet-black, with red eyes that gleamed out of the skin like embers. Lanky silver hair dangled from its head, standing in stark contrast. It grinned, flashing ivory fangs. It was clad in vaguely European armor, dark with red and gold. A violet cape billowed behind it. "Sladrimon wasn't the King, and the Katamarimon certainly wasn't a Queen. You're even wrong about the Haumon and Marlmon. They are all pawns. Phobiamon is the King, and I, Shadowhumon, am his Knight! However, your Chess analogy is correct. You too are a side. And to win, I only need to take out the King...or Kings, anyway!" Shadowhumon raised one arm behind his body, curling his finger menacingly. "Shadow of Death!" He shot his hand forward, and a bolt of dark energy resembling a skull shot out, striking the ground near Tigromon's feet. "I missed on purpose, you know. Just to give you a taste of my power!" "Yeah? Well how about a taste of mine!" Tigromon propelled himself like a rocket towards the building. He dug his claws into the stone, and started climbing. "Chimemon! Take care of the dragons!" "Okay!" Tigromon pushed off hard, and landed in front of the Dark General. "You want a fight, Knight? Well, everyone knows that the best way to start a Chess Game is to take down the Knights first! Dark Claws!" Tigromon struck out with his ebony paw, but Shadowhumon's armor deflected the attack. "Fool! I am the Master of Shadows! Darkness will not harm me!" "Then how about fire!? Blazing Claws!" Tigromon lashed out with his other hand, raking Shadowhumon's armor and leaving smoking gashes in the metal. "It'll take more than that to beat me, child," hissed the Dark General. "Knightmare Blade!" In one swift motion, Shadowhumon drew his sword and slashed at Tigromon. The Warrior barely had time to move. The sword cut a gash in Tigromon's skin, and it bled lightly. The feline warrior staggered back a few paces. His strength was beginning to leave him. [I]What's happening? I'm getting...weaker. Could his attack be draining my strength?[/I] Tigromon stepped back, and felt the edge of the roof. [I]No more room. I have to push forward, or retreat...and I don't retreat![/I] "Blazing Claws!" Tigromon jumped high and arced back down, his flaming hands at the ready. Shadowhumon just had enough time to raise his sword for a block...leaving his belly wide open. "I wasn't trying to hit you with that attack!" With a feral roar, Tigromon burried his foot in Shadowhumon's gut, knocking the wind out of the Dark Knight. Tigromon took a step back from the now-huddled warrior, and plowed in with a right hook to the face. "How do ya like me now!?" cried Tigromon, a cocky smirk splitting his face. "I'll like you better when you're dead! Shadow of Death!" Shadowhumon pointed his palm towards Tigromon and let fly with the dark attack. The blast hit its mark. Surprise was the only expression Tigromon could feel. He was propelled back, flying off the building. Down in the chaos of the battle, the other DFW looked up and saw their fellow flying off the roof, plummeting towards his doom. "Checkmate!" hissed Shadowhumon.[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No one have Tigromon/Zeos do anything right now. Just have your character's reactions to this event. The dragons are Lurkerdramon, Cysword6's creation, as is Shadowhumon. The Dragons are being decimated by Chimemon right now, and they use Carpet Blaze and Demi-Dragon Fire. Shadowhumon uses Shadow of Death and Knightmare Blade. He's extremely strong, more powerful than anything faced before now...and I have something even bigger in the works.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Name: Zeos Age: 14 Apperance: 5'9 and lean in build; has long-ish silver hair; dark blue eyes; wears a baggy black shirt and baggy black pants Element: Shadow Brief Background: Zeos's past is foggy to him, but he remembers one important thing. A great fire burned down his home village when people attacked it. One of the people nearly got him, leaving him with a scar down the back of his left arm. He was found with his sword, unconscious, in the ashes by a merchant passing through. He took in the young boy, raising him and making him a fine bodyguard for the merchant when they traveled. Zeos's power has come in handy at times, but he tries to keep it under wraps. Weapons: The Unborn-Zeos's katana-style sword. He's had it since forever it seems, and it is perfectly balanced for him. Personality: Zeos is kind of cocky and self-absorbed, but inside he's dark and alone, ostracized because of his powers and differences. He covers up with a sharp tongue and a near-tangible ego.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
He's a banner requested by Hiei_wife. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19357&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Zeos was enwrapped in darkness. He remembered, vaguely, a great darkness surrounding him after attacking someone...but not who, or why, or what happened after the dark. It was all dark. He heard sounds, muffled, swirling aroung him in a cloud of confusion. "...dark crest..." "...who...is..." "...powerful..." "...useful...?" He opened his eyes slightly. Light pierced his skull. "No talking...sleep..." he murmured. "Ahh...so you awake," said a voice. Zeos moved his head and looked at the speaker. He was about Zeos's age, with dark hair. He wore a black shirt with a white dragon. A Digimon sat at his side. "Who are you?" Zeos said, voice foggy with sleep. "Reis, holder of the Crest of Fear. You?" "Zeos, holder of the Crest of Lies." "This is Lunarmon." "Mine's Dragamon." Zeos stared at the Dark Digidestined and his Digimon, the Digimon strong enough to take down Zeos and Dragamon in one mighty attacks. He had to learn their power.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Here you go. The text got kind of fuzzy, but it looks alright, I think. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19301&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX