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[SIZE=1]Here's the latest Digimon themed RPG from Unborn Lord Xion! Hopefully, I can start this one. ~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Many centuries ago, millenia even, there was a powerful dark Digimon named Phobiamon. He (obviously) preyed on fear, spreading it with his Nightmare Illusion and Fearsome Copycat attacks. With his power of nightmares and darkness, he ruled the Digital World until the Digi-Form Warriors stood against him. The Digi-Form Warriors were humans, transported to the Digital World, who became powerful Digital beings, like in Season 4. However, these Digi-Forms did not have different Beast and Human forms. They had several types, each with their own purpose in battle. There was the Digi-Form Alpha, which held great power and balance; the Digi-Form Beta, which focused on speed and agility; the Digi-Form Gamma, which utilized strength and power; the Digi-Form Phi, which was the Negative form, a Phobia Warrior; and the Digi-Form Omega, the most powerful of all, but dangerous to use. Utilizing these four interchangable states, the Digi-Form Warriors seal away Phobiamon...until now, of course. He has arisen again and has started his campaign once more, dominating the Digital World. It's up to the new Digi-Form Warriors to stop him, using not only to strength of their hearts...but of their fears. Several kids have been transported to the Digital World, trapped their until they can defeat Phobiamon. Can they do it?[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~ Okay, now that the story's out of the way, on to the fairly complex sign-up sheet. It starts of pretty simple, so don't worry. Name: Human, any nationality, but real Age: As in the real Digimon series, kids please 10-16 is good. Gender: No morphodites (sorry, I'm reading To Kill A Mockingbird) Appearance: Bio: What? No personality, you ask? And what about making our Digimon? Well, you both are and aren't. See, I've decided that, to keep things fresh and new, I made a new way of creating your Digimon. I'll explain bit by bit, and there will be an example at the end. First, Greatest Fear: This will be utilized in the creation of your DF Omega, the Fear Warrior. You can have a few, and it's actually encouraged. Favorite Color (s): This will decide the basic color scheme for your Digimon Favorite Animal: A basis for the Digmon construction Favorite Mythical Beast: Go wild. Again, a simple basis. Favorite S4 Element: This will make up your Digimon's power scheme. If you want a more physcial Digimon, simply say so. Chinese Zodiac: Same with the Animal/Mythical Beast. Favorite Songs: This will be your/your Digimon's personality. The different songs will describe your personality. Favorite Digidestined M/F: Your favorite male and female from each season (you can just have your favorite two from S4, and only the new Digidestined from S2, no Tai or Matt or Sora. But TK and Kari are okay). Now how does this work, you ask? I'll explain. Here's my sheet. Greatest Fear: Heights and Vampires (they can be pretty creepy, but I still think they're majorly cool. It's just...their the only movie monsters I've ever had an honest to God nightmare about). Favorite Color (s): Black, Blue, and Red Favorite Animal: Tiger Favorite Mythical Beast: European Dragon Favorite S4 Element: Darkness Chinese Zodiac: Snake Favorite Songs: "Faint", Linkin Park (Determined, egocentric, power-hungry even) "Get It Faster", Jimmy Eat World (Willing to go to any risks to get what's wanted; doesn't always listen) "Just For", Nickelback (Violent, willing to do anything to protect loved ones) "Headstrong", Trapt ("Take(s) on anyone", determined...headstrong) "Cold Hard B*tch", Jet (Kind of flirtatious and horny, even) "Bottom of a Bottle", Smile Empty Soul (Not exactly moral; seeks love) "The Red", Chevelle (Anger Problem) "Last Resort", Papa Roach (Another 'goes to any extent' thing) "Duck and Run", 3 Doors Down (Never backs down) "In the End", Linkin Park (Fatalistic?) Favorite Digidestined M/F: 1-Tai and Sora 2-Davis and Yolei 3-Ryo and Rika 4-Takuya and Zoe What does this make my Digimon like? Let's see. Personality (all): As said, determined and willing to go to any risks for his goals; violent with an anger problem; egocentric; has weak morals; slightly fatalistic, with a dark past; will take on all comers; seeks love and attention Digi-Form Alpha- Tigromon: Humanoid in build; feline fangs, claws, tail, and mane; looks like Leomon; dragon wings; red fur with black stripes; can fly, but doesn't like to Attacks: Blazing Claws and Dark Claws Digi-Form Beta- Lashmon: Hunched posture, but humanoid; lean and lanky; long snake tail; long viper fangs; red fur with black spots, outlined in blue; claws attached to wrists; small dragon wings that fold flat onto back for speed. Attacks: Shadow Venom and Blazing Speed Digi-Form Gamma- Dracondamon: Very muscular and large; draconic horns; blue scales with patches of red fur; massive snake-like tail; draconic face; uses to an axe; no wings. Attacks: Shadow Axe and Dragon Fury Digi-Form Phi- Blood Devimon: A Devimon-like being, with red markings on the black costume; a snake-like tail; lion-like mane (blue); no legs, just a tail; long fangs; shorter arms Attacks: Plasmic Drainer and Towering Darkness Digi-Form Omega- God Tigromon: Take Tigromon, and add golden armor enscribed with snake designs on the chest-plates; add Lashmon's claws; uses a large sword; Vampire fangs, not cat ones; larger wings Attacks: Dark Dragon Sword and Sky-Fire Divebomb Oh, and the Digidestined. Name: Zeos Uchiyama Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Lean, average height on the taller side; silver hair with long bangs and short sides and back; gray eyes, but lively; wears a black t-shirt and jeans, with a leather jacket, a black baseball cap, and a pair of sunglasses (the equivalent of goggles, okay?) Bio: Zeos is a normal kid, has had a normal life, and isn't that special. He has lived pretty uneventfully...except for something in his past that he never, [I]ever[/I] talks about. Bringing up the subject usually results in death. He is known for his big mouth, and bigger ego, as well as a temper just more than hair-trigger. He's very smart for his age, being at least borderline genius. In the Digital World, he's convinced he should be the leader (of course). And now, for one last bit of info. I shall be creating your Digimon based on the data you fill out. However, I shall post it once it's done, and you can ask for changes. Plus, thanks to seeing mine, you can pretty much make me make you what you want. Have fun. Oh, and for the song bits, since I don't intend to listen to each and every one, could you please tell me what they could mean personality wise? Thanks.[/SIZE]
This is actually a reply to a request I got via PM. Here you Marcus_Beuford, in all it's DBGT glory. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19102&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Zeos stealthily, in full disguise, entered the independent arena. He scanned the crowd and saw a few small-time players and fans of VCA. They would make excellent warm-ups. He moved over to the door where a battle was taking place. It was a smaller battle arena, not the large one he would be fighting in. A large mech-looking cyborg was thrashing a young bare-knuckle brawler. The mech was easily overpowering the brawler. The mech slammed its massive hand into the brawler's gut, then finished the smaller fighting with a wrist-mounted beam cannon that ripped through the human's body. The doors leading to the VR loading bays. opened, and two kids stepped out. A smaller kid, kind of looking like a younger, weaker version of the brawler, was shaking. A larger, slightly older kid was smirking. "Who else wants to fight the Death-Mech?" he asked, his voice low and grating. Zeos had to take him out. "I will, Death-Mech," he said, making his move. Zeos walked into the loading bay. The LED screen flashed "Zeos Uchiyama--loading Night Fire". His VCA shield surrounded him, and he entered the arena, opposite Death-Mech. "It's been a while. Too long. I fear I might be rusty," he said, his voice with a metallic echo. The Death-Mech appeared, and it let out the closet thing to a gasp. "You...you're Zeos the Night Fire!" he gasped. "I am. And the way your over-matched that brawler was unacceptable. If this was a true tournament match, I would chock that up to him being a weaker player, but you obviously had greater experience and a much more dangerous VCA fighter. Thus, I shall have to knock you out." With that, Zeos rushed the Death-Mech. He pistoned his arm forward, the energy blade materializing, and it cut through the Mech's chassis. Zeos drew back his arm, spun, and kicked the Mech's "head." Finishing the spin, Zeos ejected his other blade and cut through the metal fighter, defeating it. "Winner, Zeos the Night Fire," said the digitized announcer. Zeos grinned as he returned to the real world. He left the pod room and confronted the Death-Mech pilot. He grabbed the younger kid by the front of his shirt and pulled him up close. "You wasted my time and my cover, you pitiful excuse for a fighter. I could probably drop you in the real world...but I won't, since I'm not some stupid bully who crushes n00bs. You're kind makes me sick," Zeos hissed, shoving the fighter to the ground. "Come back when you have skill, not just size." With that, Zeos left the crowd, knowing he wouldn't get another challange. He would just have to wait 'til tomorrow.[/SIZE][/COLOR] OOC: There, I changed my post so that you're ideas are there. I think. Just let me know if I screwed up. But how's that for the first fight, eh? My guy proves why he's one of the top 20, and the youngest at that (I think.)
Here's my attempt. It looked better when I was making it, though. Let me know if you want any changes. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19100&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX
Here you go. I made them strange colors so it would seem like I did something other than crop them down. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19098&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19099&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX
Name: Zeos Uchiyama Arena Name: Zeos the Night Fire Gender: Male Age: 15 Appearance: Zeosn is on the taller side, and of a lean build. He never wears anything besides t-shirts (dark colors like black, blue, and dark red) and jeans. He is usually seen wearing either a leather jacket or a silky black over-shirt with blue flames lining the bottom. His hair is silver and shaggy, his bangs hanging in his gray eyes. He also tends to wear sunglasses. Arena appearance: Similar to his regular appearance, but a few key differences. First of all, his arms have become partly coated with an organic-metalloid substance, covering his hands and wrists completely, just covering the backs of his upper arms. Also, his wardrobe changes to a black leather duster, no shirt (showing some more organic metal) and baggy black pants. The organic steel has spread to one eye, covering part of his face and replacing the eye with a red cybernetic one. His back is mostly organic metalloid, with two wing bones of steel jutting out of his shoulders. Abilities and/or weapons: His key weapon are the blood-red energy blades that extend from his wrists and wing-bones. He can also utilize energy blasts of a similar type. He's very fast and agile, as well, playing for quick hit-and-run strikes with a brutal finish. Personality: Zeos is cocky and sharp-tounged, an egomaniac if there ever was one. He's always ready with a snide comment or smart remark, a smartass to the core. He is the master of trash-talk, the king of insults, and a God among sarcasm. He lives for the fight, if only for the opportunity to reduce his enemy to a quivvering mass through his bitter words. However, he is very honorable and sticks up for his allies and friends. Though all alliances do break down on the battle field. Bio: Zeos has lived for VCA ever since he first entered the arena. His skills are unmatched by most, and he has dominated the arenas up until the tournament. He came from a fairly well-off family that has supported him, monetarily at least, in his conquest. However, his family is rarely seen, provoking rumors that they don't care. It's a sore-spot in his organic armor, and any who touch on the subject invoke his greatest onslaught. How could I possible stay out of this? Zeos the Night Fire...shall own you all. -ULX
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Xairiel snapped. He was disgusted by the display. Joelle's foul trickery had pushed the Tainted Wing over the edge. True, he was bitter; true, he claimed to follow strength alone; true, he was Fallen. All true...but he was still an angel...still had honor. Xairiel could not forgive what Joelle's spiders had done to Sariyel, the pure, and what she herself was doing to Green Eyes. It was all wrong...dishonorable...disgusting. "JOELLE!" he roared. And with his fierce cry, his energy blade erupted from his arm. "You have used tactics far too dishonorable to ignore! By the blood of the Angels that run in my veins, I sware to vanquish you!" He took off like a bullet, rocketing towards the cloud of Demons. The energy blade pistoned forward, jetting through the gut of one of the Joelles. The illusion vanished as his blade jutted through her stomach. "One down," he hissed. "Hundreds to go." Green Eyes whirled and faced the Tainted Wing. "Xairiel, what are you doing!?" "Finding the real demon," Xairiel snarled. Joelle took this as her chance. All at once, the crowd of demons imploded upon the Green Eyes, fluttering around him so he could not see which hit him. He felt her nails gouge his flesh, blows raining down upon him. "STOP!!!" bellowed Xairiel. The Fallen Angel flew straight into the crowd, slashing left and right with his energy blade. "Green Eyes, fight them off! With your strenght, the clones shall fall in seconds!" "Shall they, now?" asked the chorus of sickeningly sweet voices. "We shall see, little angel, we shall see. And for the record...you picked the worst possible side!" In a flash, Joelle had raked her talons across Xairiel's face, barely missing his eyes. Blood squirted from the wounds, streaking his countenance with red. Equally quick, however, was Xairiel, as he managed to grip Joelle's hand just beofre she escaped back into the cloud. "Now I've got you," he groaned, yanking the demon into the open. The Demon Queen gripped the arm that held her, gouging the flesh with her razor-sharp nails. Xairiel ignored the pain. "Green Eyes, I have her!" The Green Eyes burst forth from the masses, looked upon Joelle, and grinned.[/SIZE][/COLOR] Aren't you glad he's on your side?
Anyone else a big fan of the new band, Jet? You know, "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" and "Cold Hard *****." Yeah, you know. And you also know you like it. Do not deny it. I bought the CD, and it's...different than most of my CDs. My collection includes Linkin Park, The Offspring, and Nickelback...the closest thing I had to it is Jimmy Eat World. But still, it's filled with much greatness (and yes, I realize that that's grammatically incorrect. Bite me.) Anyway, just here to praise the Australian Great-ness that is Jet. And I'd just like to say I'm ROYALLY PISSED OFF THAT I MISSED END-SESSION 93!...for those of you not in Seattle, End-Sessions are live concerts by various bands...and what was #93? Jet, of course. And I ******* missed it! GAHH! -ULX, frothing at the mouth
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]The too-thin man came to the town of Burlingame, just like he had before. Quiet, unnoticed, a shadow. When he left, certainly no one noticed. Because everyone was dead. Well, everyone but a little girl, and her sad, hungry mutt of a dog. The little girl, Punkin, and her little dog, Prince, wandered into Jessie's Prarie one day, looking scared and sad and just plain miserable. The town's-folk took her in like on of their own, treating her like a communal daughter. They didn't ask questions, or care. Until the Old Man found out. The Old Man had lived in Jessie's Prarie longer than anyone knew. In fact, it was speculated he knew the Jessie the place was named for. He was related to nobody and a friend to just as many. He was a bitter, sour-faced old man, always ready to dish out advice. He found out about Punkin, and assaulted her with questions. When she finally broke down, she told them a story they'd always want to forget. The too-thin man, the Outsider, had come to town one afternoon and when he left everyone was dead, except Punkin and Prince. And she remembered how someone had come to town 6 days earlier, a haggard man by the name of Tom, who had lived in Dark Score until the too-thin man came there. And he spoke of an equally haggard woman, Sally, who came from Eclipse Lake. Three towns the too-thin man had gone to, and three towns that were dead. Now he would come to Jessie's Prarie. In 5 days (she'd already been there one) he would come and everyone would die. The townsfolk laughed, just as they had in Burlingame. And in Dark Score. And in Eclipse Lake. All the people laughed, and now they laughed no more. She warned them that there would be signs, though. Fist the glass would get smoky, then the weather would turn so hot you couldn't stand it. The well water would smell funny, dogs would turn against their masters, and the sky would turn dark at 6: 06 on the day just before. All of it happened, just as she said. The townsfolk decided they wouldn't end up like the others. They would fight. But who could? The sherrif was one, his deputy another, and perhaps the bar-owner and the shop-keep at the corner of Main and 6th, but who else? So they sent out a call, on the 4th day, just in case, and the next day the messanger came back with three men from the big city to the south, biggest in the county. The three men from the big city, the Sherrif, the Deputy, the Bak Keep, and the Shop Owner just maybe. Seven men against...how did they put it...oh yeah, Death himself.[/COLOR] ~~~~~~ (Note: You get my seal of approval if you know the novel that inspired this story). It's the night of the 6th day, and you are one of the townsfolk. I need the three men, the Sherrif, the Deputy, and Punkin. All others are optional, and it shall start once those rolls are filled. This takes place in the cowboy days, and in the Great Midwest. No Samurai, no magicians, no kung-fu. Street brawls, revolvers, and good old-fashioned common sense shall fight the too-thin man. But can it win? That's up to you. Name: Something old-fashioned and american. Age: Punkin is a little girl, the Thrre Men are younger, and the other men are older. Other character can be whatever you want, within reason. Gender: Male or Female Weapon: The 5 key men all have weapons, Punkin doesn't. Women won't have standard weapons, but can wield things like a cooking knife or frying pan (this is the Cowboy days, and few women were liberated) Appearance: As I said, old-fashioned style. Personality: Standard Bio: Punkin's is kind of given, but you can get creative. Here I am. Name: The Too-Thin Man Age: Unknown Gender: Male Weapon: Unknown Appearance: As his name implies, he's far too thin, on the verge of emaciated. His face is usually hidden by a broad-brimmed black cowboy hat. Beneath the shadows it is thin, tired, with sunken eyes and a thin nose like a butter knife. It's lips are thin and cracked, usually split in a feral grin, revealing yellowed teeth and golden fillings in the back. His hair is a pale, pale shade of white-blonde, almost to the point of invisibility. He wears straight black slacks, a fine white shirt and a black jacket, with a bolo tie (a skull brooch, of course.) He carries with his a briefcase, with a cow's jawbone for the handle and tanned leather outside. Personality: The Too-Thin Man is mysterious, a perfect enigma. He's usually calm and maliciously joyful, taking pleasure in the horrific fear his prescence inspires. Bio: Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is known of his past, other than the horrific record of his appearances. Wherever he goes, the people die. All but one, to spread the terrible message. The Roles-- Billy Watson-Marcus_Beuford James Tills-Guess? Big City 3- Sherrif David Graves-ReFlux Deputy Shane "Left Hook" Wenton-Shinmaru Punkin-Mai Minase Too-Thin Man-ULX Sandra Willow-callmegoddess04 Have fun. -ULX[/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Xairiel stopped his walk, and snapped his eyes open, color draining from an already palid face. He turned his head towards the sensation, and a shiver ran down his spine. "Demon..." he hissed, voice so low none could hear but the most well-trained ear. "And not just any Demon...a Prime Evil." He looked around, and decided there were too many people to change here. He maneuvered through the crowd, slipping through like a ghost. He went into an empty, darkened alleyway, and let the power of the Angel take over. He spread his black-stained wings wide and took flight. He flew for a short time before entering the miasma. "Ahh..." breathed a falsely sweet voice. "Another Angel joins the frey." Xairiel stepped forward, and let his eyes rest upon the form of Joelle. He looked to Green Eyes and Sariyel, as well, but remained focused on the Demon Queen. "I had not expected to meet you in battle, Xairiel of the Tainted Wing," the Demon cooed. "I thought you would be on our side." "The side I take is the side of intelligence. I'm here to fight...but I haven't chosen an ally." "You desert justice and all that is good?" came Sariyel's shocked reply. "If that is the weaker side, then yes. The Lord has done me no good," said Xairiel, in his morose tones. "A fine ideal, Tainted Wing," said Joelle. "Perhaps you shall see who is stronger. And I assure you, it will be me." "We shall see, Demon," Xairiel hissed. Joelle's face turned sour, and she turned back to the other Angels. "Let's show him the proper side," said Green Eyes. "I shall," snarled Joelle, moving in for the kill.[/SIZE][/COLOR] And thus, Xairiel shows his true colors...neutral. He follows strength, he follows the logical side. If the demons are winning, he shall follow them. If the angels are winning, he shall follow them to battle. His soul has been tainted by bitterness, leaving him without a sense of justice or morality, only cold logic. He's totally changed from my original idea of a fun-loving, sinful angel, hasn't he?
Name: Harpie's Brother Nickname/Callsign: Bro Attribute & Subtype: Wind, Winged Beast Appearance: See attachment Affiliation & Rank: As brother of the Harpie's Sisters, he is a High Ranking commander in the Wind army, being second only to the Sisters. Reports to: Council of Six, specifically HLS Weapon/s: The big arm-claw thing. Weapon Ability: It cannot be removed from his arm, and repairs itself when broken. Special Ability/Abilities: He is exceptionally fast, his preferred attack method being a sub-sonic diving attack that allows him to cut through and opponent like butter. History: Bro was the faithful brother of the HLS, serving them and protecting them as needed, until the attack by Kione. He worked as a body-guard/butler for the Sisters, having promised to make sure they were happy and healthy. He is, therefore, concerned with their safety above all else, and follows them blindly, without question. How's that? Hey, I'm the first Wind monster! And besides, Harpie's Brother just looks so damn cool. I just got rid of Kay'est. Sorry, but I thought Octoberser was the Bad Water Monster leader. And that effect is too strong. I'll just be Harpie's Brother, then. -ULX
Here's my attempt. Hope you like. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19061&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX
Rainbow Chick, sorry, but sign-ups are closed. And J_M, it has started. Next time, PM me with these questions, okay? -ULX
Here's an attempts. When I first saw the title, I thought, "well, I know nothing about Fruits Basket, but I can always talk to my friend, who's obsessed." But then you said, "don't care who," and that made my job easier. Hope you like! [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19055&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX
Here's my attempt, if you like. I felt the 'Lord Illpallazzo' next to the pic was appropriate, considering it really fit the quote, the whole situation. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19054&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX
[SIZE=1]Before I begin, I shall dodge the cries of 'plagerism' by saying this IS based on the Dragon Cards featured in the Yu-Gi-Oh manga. There, now you can't b*tch at me. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]~~~~~ Long ago, Dragons walked the Earth. They embodied the Five Elements, and were governed by the Five Dragon Lords...Shui of Water, Huo of Fire, Jin of Metal, Mu of Wood, and Tu of Eath. The world was a peaceful place, until HE appeared. Yin. He came into the Land of Dragons alongside his own army of Dragons, the Evil. The foul beasts ravaged the land, spreading chaos and death. After many years of battle, the Lords finally struck down Gan and the Dark Dragons, and sealed the Dragons away. But, in doing so, they had to seal away their own Draconic power. This was the beginning of the Dragon Cards, the 75 cards that housed the power of the Five Elemental Dragons. The urn containing the 75 'pure' Dragon Cards was found, but the 15 Dark Dragon Cards remained hidden the Long Temple. Until now. Gan has re-awakened, and taken the Dark Dragon Cards. This new Lord of Yin Long, the Dark Dragons, plans to take back his power. But, opposing him, are five new Dragon Lords. Shui, Huo, Jin, Mu, and Tu have been reborn in Japan...as teenagers. ~~~~~[/COLOR] This RPG shall feature you, the people, as the Five Dragon Lords and the Dark Dragon Lord, Yin. Unlike the Cards in the Manga, though, only one Card is needed to summon a Dragon, and the game is not played. Instead, their are 15 different Dragons. And as your character progresses, he/she will be able to summon the more powerful Dragons. You gain this power by slaying the Minions of Yin, which are not always Dark Dragons. They can be humans tainted by Darkness, Demons summoned from Hell, or anything else, really. SIGN-UP Name: Age: 13-17 Gender: Male or Female Dragon Element: Appearance: Personality: Bio: DRAGONS- Huo Long, Fire-ULX Shui Long, Water-Arika Jin Long, Metal-JJRiddler Tu Long, Earth- Mu Long, Wood- Yin Long-Dark Okay? Got it? Good. Oh, and the power-up system mentioned in the Manga won't really come into play, since it's the five 'pure' versus the Dark. So their won't be any weaker/stronger system in play. Name: Tetsuo Ganbara Age: 15 Gender: Male Dragon Element: Fire Appearance: Tetsuo is 5'9", lean and tough, with jet black hair, the bangs dyed crimson. His eyes are a smoky gray, but sometimes seem to be blue or green. He wears dark t-shirts and jeans when not in school uniform. He also is rarely seen without his leather-jacket or a black silk over-shirt with blue flame lining. He has a silver ring that he always wears, but is constantly messing with. It has a dragon encircling it. Personality: Tetsuo is tough, a sarcastic smartass, badass with no golden heart. He's pure self-interest and ego, fighting the new Gan because he wants to prove he's the best, not because it's good. He's a flirt, being extremely cocky and self-assured. Bio: Tetsuo grew up in a good home, but spending most of his time on the street fighting for fun and profit. His idea of a good time involves bloody-noses (not his) and hot chicks (his). He's never had to work for much, except for his street-cred. He had the luck of running into the creepy old shop where the Dragon Cards were held, escaping from a rival gang. Now that he's become a Dragon Lord, he immediately took charge, acting as the 'leader'. This has done nothing for his swollen ego. He's determined to defeat Gan to prove he can, and show that he's the strongest. There you go. Oh, it would be appreciated if there was a 'rival' type for Tetsuo, and a potential love interest for the two. It just seems the right thing to have. :sweat: [COLOR=DarkRed]-ULX[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Xairiel had departed from his perch, and now walked the snowy ground. Proving his angelic heritage, his feet did not sink in the snow. He left no tracks, no trace of his existence. There would never be a trace of his existence. That was how he wanted it. He wanted to leave this world bare, blank of his prescence. No sign of him, no lives touched, no memories of his face, voice, being. He made it is job to not exist, to be a nothing, a nobody, an invisible man. His coat flapped around him, billowing in the bitter winter wind. The cold would've cut through a human, chilling them to the bone, but not Xairiel. As an angel, heat and cold didn't bother him...unless they were preternatural in basis. It was a normal night for Xairiel the fallen angel...until the calling. The skies parted, and a brilliant light shot down around Xairiel. It blocked him from sight, made him disappear to normal beings. Gabriel had arrived. "Xairiel, warrior of Our Lord Allmighty, God. You have been called upon by Him to serve Him once more. Should you agree to serve in His army, you shall be rewarded, and return to His kingdom and His side. Should you refuse, and you shall remain on Earth, devoid of His divine love," Gabriel stated, channeling the word of God. "Why should I serve Him?" asked Xairiel. "What has he done for me in the past 2000 years?" "He has allowed you to stay upon His Earth amongst His people. He has allowed you freedom from the pain of Hell. He has allowed you life." "He can keep it," spat Xairiel. Gabriel paused for a moment, then spoke. "In His divine wisdom, Our Lord understands your plight, your anger, and He gives you his mercy. He knows of your plan to scorn Him, to have yourself turned to Hell to serve amongst the damned. And he denies you that right." "He cannot!" barked Xairiel. "I defy Him and His 'compassion', His 'love!' I defy Him and His 'mercy!' I defy Him! I wish to be cast to Hell for my own reasons, not condemned to this minor Hell for unjust reasons!" "None of Our Lord's reasons are unjust, for He is infallible in His divine wisdom." "I disagree!" "You do not, in your heart. You know the truth, but your anger does not let you see it. Your anger blinds you, your hate blocks your love. Perhaps, when the battle is over, you shall be able to see things as they are. Perhaps you shall accept His love." "Never." "It is your decision, not His, as you are no longer his divine servent. You have become mortal, and are tainted by humanity. He can no longer command you entirely, as He commands me, for you have disowned Him as the Father. Until you reawaken as one of the angels once more, you shall remain lost and in pain." "So suffer or accept that which I hate? I pick suffer." "You choose to suffer now. Think, wait, and then we shall see." "We shall." "Good." And with that last word, Gabriel ascended, and the light faded. Xairiel stood, glaring at the sky, breathing heavily in his rage. He could no longer command the fallen angel. They were beyond His control. This was bad.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Thanks for your comments. I still can't do borders very well, but here's a new version of the banner with a border! [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19030&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX
In honor of Mimi Awareness Week (which started today, I believe), I have made this matching banner/avatar set, which I shall soon be putting into my sig. Why? Because I am a fan of Digimon and love make banners/avatars. I'll make them for anyone who wants one. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19025&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19024&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX
I don't think it's much better, or even better, than yours, but I tried. Give me that at least. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19022&stc=1[/IMG] -ULX
Sad, lonely Chii from Chobits. At least, she kind of looks sad and lonely. I think. :wigout: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19021[/IMG] -ULX
I'm in. Name: Zeos Age: 20's Sex: Male Race: Human (we think...?) Weapon of choice: A katana (he's a purist) Job: Unknown Clothing: See attachment Favorite color: Red Method of Transportation: Mazda Miata (my dream car) Likes: Food, sleep, women, and slaying those who irritate him Dislikes: Just about everything Bio: Zeos is a mysterious man who appeared in Mabase one day. He bought a house, occasionally steps outside to buy food and clothes and stuff, but pretty much keeps to himself. Until the aliens arrived. Then he entered his element. He seeks out and destroys those who oppose him...and in the chaos of the alien assault, who's gonna stop him now? All in all: A sadistic, arrogant mystery man who seeks out danger and a good fight Alignment: Civillian
Dude, what's the story in this thing? New ancient evil? Kaiba's revenge? Bios? Personality? Jack-*****? Or is this just going to be a YGO tournament. Because those aren't legal. I'm really tempted to report this to the mods. In fact, I probably should. -ULX
What you need to do for the banner, at least, is put the URL for the attachment in [IMG] [/IMG] tags. That'll make it appear big and beautiful. And for the avatar...did you just save it and upload on the 'Edit Avatar' screen? Otherwise, I don't know what's up. -ULX
Here you go. Hope you like. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19018[/IMG] [COLOR=Red]-[FONT=Fixedsys]ULX, Mad Request Artist[/FONT][/COLOR]