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Basically, sexy means you wish to have sex with the person. Slutty, as said by Kazuko, is sexually permiscuous (sp?). In my opinion, she's both. You forgot, my friend, that one CAN be both. Generally, slutty people are fairly physically attractive, and sexy people tend to be more promiscuous (sp?). Therefore, I vote neither way. And she sure as hell ain't just a talented singer who tends to expose herself. She's not kidding anybody with the virgin routine anymore, okay? -ULX
Many times, songs have inspired stories inside me. This is me finally getting around to writing some of them. I don't promise good writing, understandable plot, or engaging characters. This is my muse taking a shat on my head, as Stephen King (my God) would say (and he has, several times). Story 1- (I don't know the title or even band that does this song, but I think it's Pearl Jam) [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Jack was driving along on the High-Way, radio blaring, Mary, his girlfriend, in the passenger seat. It was a cool night, dark, illuminated softly by the occasional street-light. Jack's fingers tapped on the steering wheel in time with the music. Jack was happy, and had a suprise planned at home. He and Mary had been going out for about 3 years at this point, and he was damn well certain she was the one. He was going to propose as soon as he got home. He knew he loved her, and wanted her to know too. This would be it. He peered out at her from the corner of his eye. She was a goddess to him, the perfect beauty. She was slumped over in the seat, reading a paper-back romance novel, as she did so often. [I]She looks so damn cute in those reading glasses[/I], he thought. [I]And I love it when she has her hair up in a pony-tail.[/I] Jack knew what he liked, and she was it. He had known it when he first saw her. ~Flashback~ She was sitting on a park-bench, wearing a soft white sweater, black hair tied back into a loose ponytail, reading glasses on, reading a paper-back romance novel. His eyes had involuntarily lingered on her. For some unknown reason, he sat down and started up conversation. "Cool today, isn't it?" he asked. "Yeah," she said, obviously wanting to just read her novel. "What're you reading?" He was trying to keep up the conversation. "Passion on the High Seas. Romance. You probably wouldn't like it. Unless you like imagining yourself as a dainty blonde being swept off her feet by the hunky Captain Gerard." "Nope. Doesn't sound like my style. I prefer the reverse. Though I don't go for blondes." "Let me guess. You prefer women with dark hair?" she asked, staring at him with a raised eyebrow. "Well, actually, I do," he said, flashing her his best grin. "I've heard it before, bub." "Have you heard 'pony-tails drive me wild'?" "Uh huh." "How about 'I like clingy sweaters'?" "It's not that clingy." "'I like reading glasses'?" "Not too often, but yes." "Damn. How about, 'I like literacy in a woman'?" It was Jack's last shot. "That's a new one," she said, nodding in approval. "Score!" Jack cheered. "Buy me dinner and then maybe," she said, wearing a coy smile. ~End Flashback~ It had just taken off from there. Jack smiled. Tonight would be perfect. *CRASH* The sound of screaming metal shattered Jack's thoughts. The car jerked and jostled, sending him whipping about, restrained only by his seat-belt. Sparks flashed from rear of the car. Jack turned back to see the back-seat reduced to a crumpled mass. The car spun wildly, flying across the road and down into a ditch. Jack felt the intense pain of his head slamming into the plexi glass of the window...and then it was dark... ... ... Jack awoke, head throbbing, and found himself outside the car. The door had fallen open and he rested on the ground, seat-belt cut apart by shards of glass. He pulled himself to his feet, head feeling like it was going to explode. He reached up and found his hair damp and matted around the temple on the left side. "Christ," he muttered. Then he remembered Mary. "Oh, God, Mary!" He raced around the battered hunk of steel that once was a car, and found Mary lying on the ground. He glasses were a few inches to the side, shattered. Her head was smeared with blood, and she was limp. "No!" Jack gasped. He kneeled down next to her. "No, Mary!" He picked her up, holding her next to him. She was cold...too cold...so damn cold... "Mary..." Jack moaned. He cradled her in his arms, softly crying. Sirens pierced the quiet, deathly calm, and the police and paramedics came. The took Mary away, and Jack rode in the ambulance. A few days later, she was buried. He didn't sense time. It all blurred. The driver, a truck driver, was drunk and was driving with a repealed lisence already. He was serving 25-to-life for vehicular homicide, driving under the influence, and driving without a liscence. It didn't matter though. Through all the time, the funeral, the trial, the hospital stays, Jack had one thing racing through his mind, one tortured idea. [I]How can something so good go so bad?[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] ... Looking back...that kind of sucks. Oh well. I felt like writing it. I'll edit in the band and song name when I learn them. Hopefully my next one'll be better. -ULX
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Zeos raced along the broken city street. Tall skyscrapers, remnants of a forgotten age of prosperity, crumbled from misuse and the common destructive assaults of the Z-Tech corporation. The young man was being chased by soldiers, the soldiers of Z-Tech, the soldiers that had killed his father. Armed with heavy-duty high-powered energy rifles, they were a force to be reckoned with. "Halt!" cried the lead soldier. "I said halt! Halt or we shall have to use force!" Force, to the soldiers of Z-Tech, was always lethal. Zeos stopped and turned, glaring at the soldiers. "Force?" he asked, cockily. "Force, you say? I'll show you force!" he roared. Within an insant, Zeos had slammed his fist into one soldiers helmet, shattering the glass of the visor and knocking the man to the ground. Blood splashed from the man's face where the shards of plexiglass cut his face. Zeos swiftly delivered a kick to another's hands, knocking the rifle into the air. The Zoanthrope leapt high, spun, and smashed his heel into the soldier's throat. He then transformed, downed two other soldiers with the energy blades the erupted from his arms, and stared down the commander with glowing red eyes. "What did you say about force?" the Master One growled. "Uh...retreat!!!" the commander cried, racing away from the scene. The other soldiers raced after him, leaving those too wounded to run to die. "Fools," snarled the Master One, transforming back into Zeos. "All of them, fools. They deserve to die." The young man turned and began walking again. He had a meeting to get to.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
I think I'm going to start this now. Thank you to those of you that payed attention to my second message. I hope this thing goes well. -ULX
Taro and Dragamon raced across the desert sands towards Digitamamon's restaurant, chased by a large, mind-controlled Tyrannomon. Kayla's plan was working perfectly. "Big monster...big monster...big monster...big monster!!!!" he screamed, between puffs of breath. Dragamon was slightly behind him, flapping his wings for all his worth. Suddenly, Taro stopped, spinning around to face the large Dinosaur Digimon. "Wait! Why run...when we can fight!" he said, whipping out his Digivice. "Dragamon, digivolve!" Dragamon grinned and jumped into the air, with a cry of, "Dragamon Digivolve to...Ryumon!" The massive blue dragon hovered in the air, staring down the Tyrannomon. The tow were roughly the same size, but Ryumon seemed much more intimidating. "Ryumon, blast him!" "Right, T! Dark Nova!" Ryumon reared back its head, and shot a large blue orb of flames right at the Tyrannomon. The Dinosaur countered the blast with a jet of flames, the pushed back the Nova. "Uh, uh," said Taro, shaking his finger patronizingly. "Bad, bad Dino!" Ryumon chuckled low, and whipped Tyrannomon in the throat with its tail, making the Dinosaur lose focus and be struck by the Dark Nova. The Tyrannomon, sensing defeat, ran past Taro and Ryumon, headed straight towards the restaurant. "Not so fast!" yelled Taro, jumping on Ryumon as the dragon swooped by. The duo soared after Tyrannomon, not knowing the trap they were heading into.
So, people are too smart to buy it, huh? How about a 40-year woman (my mother), two of my friends (one of whom had a 3.7 GPA last year) and Japan_86? And it IS true, you know, that water mixes with itself. It just makes more water. And sorry if my terminology is wrong, oh brilliant one. Did the sarcasm come across there? And I'm sorry I wasn't aware of Gibbs' theory, me being only a friggin High School Freshman! I don't spend my free-time reading scientific theory, here. High-and-mighty mome. Oh, and mome is a word. Look it up, genius boy. -ULX
There is a dangerous chemical in the world that everyone must be notified about. It is being manufactured by most businesses, perhaps, even, without their knowing. It is a chemical named Bi-Hydro Oxide, and has many dangerous effects. -If ingested in large amounts, it can be fatal -In a gas form, it can cause burns on contact -If handled in its solid form, it can cause cellular damage -It can dissolve most compounds -It is odorless, tasteless, and colorless -It mixes easily in water -It is sometimes used as a fuel source, but is inefficient -It is a compound in acid rain -It is present in most lakes, rivers, and oceans -Most people have been exposed to it multiple times in their life The people must be informed of Bi-Hydro Oxide. Forward this message to everyone in your address book! Ban Bi-Hydro Oxide!
Okay, people? Enough with the jeeps, the ninjas, and the leprechauns. This is supposed to be serious. Not ignorant. Let me clarify, since you didn't get it, what I intended with this thread. I intended sensible discussion, enlightening thoughts, opinions, and various match-ups between animals that were being discussed. Not "I'd like to see a monkey fight a crack addict," okay? I guess I wasn't clear enough the first time. Maybe I'll put up an example. Personally, I'd like to see a wolf pack go up against a pride of lions. That would be an interesting match-up. In the long run, I see the lions winning. Though the wolves have their team-work, the lions are just more powerful, and would over-power the wolves, walking away with victory. There. That's the kind of thing I was hoping for. Not... [quote name='Farto the Magic']I'd want to see a leprichaun vs. a squirrel[/quote]
Has anyone seen the Discovery Channel TV show Animal Face-Off? It's a really cool show where they take all this data about animals, download it into a computer, and have CGI models of these two animals duke it out. It's really well done. Anyway, this thread isn't so much about the TV show as it is the idea. If you could do one of these shows, what animals would YOU have fight? Which do you think would win? Why? Post your ideas, debate other people's, whatever. Just don't post anything like "I would have a Dung Beetle fight an Elephant, and the Elephant would win cuz it would smash the bug flat!" or "You're wrong! A Tiger would sooooooo beat a Lion cuz Tigers rock the wrld!", okay?
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]This is not a horror RPG. The title is just a hook. Sorry. What this really is, is a Dude Where's My Car-esque story about the two Day brothers. Valen and Chris Day (middle names Tine and Mas...wait a minute, you'll get it) are two brothers, living in the peaceful suburb of Shoreline. They work at the local Trampoline factory, and live with their Aunt Holly (middle name Ween...you'll get it, don't worry). One day, after a long, adventure-filled day at the factory (or, I should say driving to and from the factory. They'er delivery boys) they discover a bone-chilling note. [I]"We have your Aunt captive, eh. If you ever want to see her again, eh, you'll give us 40 million dollars, eh. Unless you want her turned into hockey pucks, eh? [INDENT]Signed, the Canadian Mafia."[/I][/INDENT] Now, they're on a world wind trip, driving through the harsh underworld of...Canada...uh... in their dilapidated old Citroen. They must face down Hockey Players, Hockey fans, Eskimoes (or Inuit to you PC people), French People, and finally, the Canadian Mafia. Can they survive? Do you wan't them to?[/SIZE][/COLOR] This will be done in a movie-style format, as have some other RPGs recently. You know... Scene 1 Characters-Valen and Chris Plot Points-Yadda Yadda ...like that. If you're wondering where I got this inane idea, it's thanks to my friend Andrew, the guy who came up with the Giant Squid-Underwater Mines conspiracy theory (which is actually pretty good) and the Flaming Tubular Sex Weasle Luggage (A band name...less good)...oh, and their first album title, Paintings in Walrus Blood. He's insane. Here's the sign-up. Oh, and there are rolls that need to be filled... Valen Tine Day- Chris Mas Day- Love Interest 1- Love Interest 2- Mafia Leader- Helpful Mounty- I will also need several extras to play various rolls, but they just need to PM me. SIGN-UP SHEET- Name: Age: (Valen, Chris, L-I1, and L-I2 are 18-21, Mafia leader in the 30-50 range) Gender: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Role: That's it. Have fun. I shall be the director, not an actor.
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Xairiel stood atop the crucifix on a church, gazing out at the people milling through the snow-covered streets. Most would mistake him for a statue, too busy wondering about their jobs, families, or the weather, which had turned quite odd. His red coat flapped around him, the chains rattling. His wings, silver tipped with black, were stretched wide. His cold blue eyes glimmered in the cold sun. He had been here. He had killed them. Well, commanded the crows to kill them. Xairiel looked at the crows. They still sat here, some of them still dripping from the beak. Xairiel scowled at the sheer stupidity required to leave such evidence. Soon, the humans would send their police, find the blood or clothes or what have you, and an investigation would begin. Not that it would matter. They'd all still die. They couldn't fight him, or the others. The humans who faught would all die. He might even have to kill a few. Besides, what had they done for him? Nothing. They lived their meaningless lives, milling about, not doing much beyond living. At least Xairiel had done something. He had done great things for God. He had been a powerful warrior, struck down fallen angels in Lucifers coup. But what had it gotten him? It had gotten him cast out. Well, not directly. But this battle, this fight had shown him the thrill of nearly dying. He wanted to live more, live more life. So he followed the humans ways of decadence. And thus, he was cast out. Aeons of good service meant nothing to the Lord. But one moment of lust for these human machinations, one simple human measure of time, and hour, a day, a week, a month. What did it matter? That short, meaningless expanse of time, speant doing things angels weren't allowed to do. And then he was cast down. Down to live with the decadent, worthless humans. All for one drink, one smoke, a one night stand or two. Xairiel spat onto the church top. He had no more love for God. God had done him no service. God had cast him out with the first excuse. God had scorned him where he let the humans live for ages without punishment. His love for them, those free-willed, disbelieving, unworthy bags of flesh, was greater than that for his greatest, most loyal and loving servants. Xairiel felt such spite, such hate, such bitter resentment, that it had turned the color of his wings. Blackened the tips, as it had blackened his soul. But now, maybe, he could win back God's graces. Stop the man, save the pitiful humans. And then, when God said, "return to Me My child," he would say no, and scorn the Lord as he had been scorned. True, he would be damned to Hell. But at least then he would know the true reason, and have a good reason, for his pain and torment. Then the pain would be pure, the hatred reduced to simple agony. The battle would end, Xairiel would leave this Earth, and all would be good.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Thanks, guys. Anyway, I've added a new plot point. You see, Z-Tech has made clones of some of the Bloody Roar fighters. Dark Copies. They have different, mystical, EVIL beasts now. But fundamentaly, physically, and genetically, they are the same. The people on Zeos' team will be fighting them. They are... Yugo the Anubis (A Fearsome black Jackal-like beast)-Jagan Alice the Hydra (No longer a rabbit, but a multi-headed snake woman. My rational? They both mulitply endlessly.)- Bakuryu the Minotaur (A bull-headed, big clawed musuclar beast)- Gado the Griffon (Basically, a winged Lion with talons)- Shina the Manticore (A Leopard with a scorpion tail)- Long the Sphinx (A winged tiger with a golden mane)- Shenlong the Blood Tiger (A blood red tiger striped with dark purple. Not much different)-JoyKaiba Stun the Ogre (Same body type, just a blue-skinned monster-man instead of a giant beetle)-Lord Rannos Uriko the Chimera (She has degressed into the Chimera state)-G.D. Ryoko Busuzima the Basilik (A large snake monster)-Johnny_Mako Jenny the Harpy (A feathered Bat)- and... Xion the Dragon (Ryoho's beast...Xion's body...)-ULX Naturally, my guy has taken the Dragon. It is his father, after all. You need to pick one of these. -ULX
Here you go! I had to crop the banner image down or else you couldn't tell what the image was. And the 'K' kind of got cut off in the avatar. But it looks kind of okay, right?
[I][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]There are two beings that govern life in the Universe. There is Gaia, which destroys that which does not deserve life or who destroy life. And there is the Unborn, which is the embodiment of those that Gaia has destroyed. It was long believed that they were the only two beings. However, this is not the truth. Each being had two sides to its being, and those two sides made up two other beings. There was the Master One, which held the good traits. Gaia's justice, strength, and love of life; the Unborns pride, honor, and pure power. On the other side was the Dark One, the embodiment of the two beings evil. Gaia's destructive power and its merciless nature; the Unborns fury, vengeful nature, and its hatred of life. These two beings, though, were safely sealed inside Gaia and the Unborn. However, it is said that when Gaia and the Unborn are both struck down, they will release the Master One and Dark One from their slumber. And the Master One shall be born to the reformed Unborn, while the Dark One shall be born to a scourge of all Zoanthrope kind. -Book of Zoanthropes, History of Gaia and the Unborn[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I] It's the year 2030, and Zoanthropes are now a widely known and studied phenomena. An entire industry has sprung up from the study, aid, and even manufacture of Zoanthropes. The industry is Z-Technologies, and has become a menace to society. They have a strict policy and enforcement is powerful, with all Zoanthropes needing to be registered and known about. It is hell. But, several outlaw Zoanthropes have banded together from across the world, attempting to stop the flow of terror from Z-Tech. They are lead by Zeos, son of the Unborn, Xion. Zeos is the Master One, a being with the sheer power of the Unborn, but greater and far mor lethal. He is followed by several others, and has fallen for one female member of the group, being more emotional and kind than his father. It is up to them to stop Z-Tech. But Z-Tech has a secret weapon. After careful study of the Z-Gene, as it is called, the top scientists have created the 'Perfect Zoanthrope', named Jason. He is the Dark One, an abomination to all. And the worst part...is that it, too, is part Unborn. Zeos takes this as a personal insult, and has taken it upon himself to slay Jason and any others that stand in his way. Death to all...except those who fight for Zoanthrope-kind. Sign-Up Sheet- Name: Age: Gender: Nationality: Anywhere, really. Beast Form: Only Jason and I are made-up creatures Fighting Style: Can be something like street-fighting, or something Appearance: Personality: Short Bio: I need someone to be Jason, and the love interest of Zeos...whose info is here... Name: Zeos Xion Age: 21 Gender: Male Nationality: Swedish (Father)/Japanese (Mother) Beast Form: The Master One (Xion named it, feeling it was perfected) Fighting Style: Street Fighting, learned from his father Appearance: Zeos is almost a clone of his dad, but looks more Asian, with black hair and a darker complexion. Wears a black coat, much like his dads, and the reast of the wardrobe is similar. Personality: Zeos is cold and sarcastic, mainly driven by self-interest, only caring about fellow Zoanthropes because he, himself, is on the line. However, he is more caring than his father, being less sadistic and cruel. Short Bio: Zeos is the son of Xion, as stated above, growing up with his parents in Sweden, during the better times before Z-Tech. When he was 13, Z-Tech appeared, and the terror started. Xion refused to submit to their demands, and was killed, right in front of Zeos. He escaped with his mother, leaving for Japan. There he decided to fight back against Z-Tech, recruiting a few other rebels. They did minor terrorist acts, vandalizing institutions and beating up Z-Tech employees, but nothing major. Until they decided to raid the major Z-Tech opperations building in Kyoto. There, his fellows were caught and killed, and he barely escaped. By then, he was 18. In the three years since, he has recruited his new squad, and has decided to take out the Z-Tech main office...the one in Kyoto... Well, there you go. Have fun.
So, now that it's aired, what does everyone think? At least they got new episodes of Totally Spies. I mean, not great, but kills time. Then there was Code Lyoko, which wasn't actually that bad, in my opinion. I mean, could've been better, but what can you expect. It was made by French people. It was good as far as French things go (and that's not counting the fries and the toast, which are Belgian. And French Poodles are German.) The only real thing I didn't like was the cheesy 'everything gets resolved' time-travel endings. Oh, and their foreheads put Vegeta's to shame. I mean, the characters weren't hateable. And I can't help but comment on the underwear scene in the first one. THEY HAD A GIRL WALKING AROUND IN HER UNDERWEAR. A teenaged girl. In a block designed to be sold towards the under-12 market, I believe. It's a bit disturbing. A suitible time-killer, I'd say. TMNT, I didn't watch. The only thing I will ever watch that has been tainted by the FoxBox is Shaman King, and only because I love the manga. Teen Titans...seen 'em all already. Once again, a simple time-killer. What do you think?
Anything you want on the banner/avatar other than those pics? Here's my try, anyway. Letters got blurred, though.
Here's my attempt at a gothic banner. Hope you find it useful. -ULX, the Mad Request Artist
Request I request your help with a Banner... (pic included)
Onix replied to Obsidian_Rose's topic in Creative Works
Here's my try. Hope you like. -
Here you go Alastor. You did mean this guy, right? Cause Google just sent me a bunch of his pictures, so I figured this was what you meant. -ULX, mad request artist
How about this banner? I couldn't find a color that worked. One part wouldn't show up. So I went with traditional black. Seemed to work. I'm still trying to figure out how to work banners. Hell, the only way I get backgrounds is from cutting down images and putting others over them. I'm not very photo-software literate. :sweat: Hope you like. Glad I could be of service to you. -ULX
My try... MY OPINION- Avatar-Couldn't really do much to it, except resize it. The quote made it so you couldn't see that they were flowers. Banner-I like how it turned out.
Well, callmegoddess04, one slight problem, or something not clarified. You see, the three Angelic people are supposed to be cops/detectives. Now either your character is and it's not clear, or you just didn't notice that bit. Which is okay. Just, make the changes. Also, the non-killers are supposed to have Angelic powers. That way, they can combat the killers. Oh, and since you can't wait for it to start, can you please ask others to join? Eh, sis? -ULX EDIT: This message now targeted at callmegoddess04
Here are my things. Personally, I wanted to make the Avatar image be the banner image, but it was easier just to resize it to avatar requirements, so, there you go.
"Dragamon! Show her what you can do!" yelled Taro. "Besides, her Digimon probably won't be able to block it, just like SHE can't!" Dragamon jumped up and, with a cry of "Black Pepper!", shot a dark blue ball of fire at the fox Digimon. Renamon dodged, and ran up to the smaller rookie, knocking him into the air with a kick. "At least my Digimon doesn't go out with one kick!" Melissa yelled. Dragamon landed in a crouch, and swiftly recovered, moving in and raking his claws across the fox's stomach. The dragon tilted his head up, and fired a Black Pepper blast straight at Renamon's chin. "At least mine makes a better forward!" Renamon phased before she could hit the ground, appearing behind Dragamon. "Diamond Storm!" Renamon said, firing the hail of energy shards. Dragamon quickly blocked, but was knocked back by the assault. "Hah! Bet your Digimon can't do that!" said Melissa, smirking. "No!" yelled Taro. "But he can do this!" Dragamon took to the air, lifting off with powerful wing strokes. "Black Pepper Storm!" roared the flying Dragon. Dragamon reared back his head, and shot a massive blast of flames. He followed up with at least a dozen other blasts, much smaller, but still powerful. The blasts left a large cloud of smoke surrounding the area. Taro and Melissa coughed from the smoke, and it began to clear...
Here you go! Can't really see the picture in the Avi, though. :sweat: Sorry. If you need them changed, ask.