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Everything posted by Onix

  1. Here you go. And you DIDN'T want your name on it, right? I'm pretty sure that's what you asked. And look! It has a dark green background!
  2. Hey, sis! Their both Sakura Wars (though you probably knew that...:sweat:) Anyway, I tried. And I'm noticing that my photo-editing software has the nasty habit of deforming writing in pictures. At least, when I make banners.
  3. This good? I'm bad with font colors, and it doesn't show up well on the edge, but I think it kind of turned out alright.
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Blaze calmly shoved past the man with the Naginata, moving back out into the dusty dirt street. "Hey!" barked Itsure. "What about sharing some of your gold, eh?" Blaze turned and glared at him with blazing gold eyes. "How about no, eh?" he mocked. Itsure pulled his naginata back out, readying for battle. "You don't want to do that," growled Blaze, drawing the Sword of Flame. "Watch me." Itsure swung out with the long weapon, but Blaze easily dodged the blow, moving in for a powerful hit. He swung the flat side of his sword into the Theives gut, swinging up his hand into Itsure's chin. "No leave," growled Blaze, resheathing his blade. "No," growled Itsure. The man's blue eyes darkened with the power of Shadow. "You wield Shadow," said Blaze, a little impressed with the young thieve's power. "I do not wield it, I master it," snarled Itsure, before unleashing his energy. The blast of darkness struck Blaze head on, but the Knight guarded himself, blocking the full force. While the energy dissappated, he charged up his own power. "Do not attack a Knight," Blaze growled. He held out his hands, both palms facing outwards, back of one resting on another. His palms glowed with fierce red light, and a blast of flames exploded at the Theif, who just barely dodged the fireball. Seeing his blast missed, Blaze quickly dispelled the attack, not wishing to harm anyone. Hearing the commotion, several patrons of the bar rushed out to see the scene. It was right out of a Wester, though with swords and naginatas instead of pistols. The hot air sturred up plumes of dust, causing Blaze's cape to whip around and their clothes to flap against their bodies. Blaze had drawn his blade once more. "Halt!" yelled a voice. The spectators and warriors turned to see who had issued the call. Standing at the gate was a crowd of men, clad in white robes and gilded armor, different than Blaze's. This was the armor of a Church Guard, the warriors that delt out the will of the High Priests. "There shall be no fighting in the realm of the Priests!" yelled the leader, an older man with graying black hair and finely trimmed goatee. "It is against the laws ordained by our lords, the High Priests of Elements!" The other five or so nodded solemnly. Blaze spit onto the ground. "The will of your false Priests means nothing to a Knight. I follow the path of honor, not avarice." "Take back your heretical claims, or face divine retribution!" cried a younger man with longish blonde hair. "I shall not!" barked Blaze. "I only follow those who earn respect! These greedy 'Lords' do not diserve my trust." "Then die," growled a third, a large man, scarred and muscular. He held a large axe in one hand. Blaze realized that all carried weapons, and most of them were drawn. "I refuse to fall to your honorless hands," Blaze said, readying himself for battle. The crowd looked on in horror at this too bold warrior. Surely, he would be killed by the elite Church Guard. "By order of the Church of Elements, all heretics and disbelievers are to be punished for their crimes. Furthermore, all who dare challange a Church Guard are to be punished by martial law!" yelled the leader. "In simpler terms, you are to be executed!" "Try," growled Blaze.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. Here's my attempt at a Goku SSJ3 avatar. Hope you like. -ULX
  6. I tried, really I did. I wanted to change his hair back in the avatar, but I think the color turned out well anyway. And the name didn't work well in the banner, or not as well as I'd like, but I'm using a new editing program.
  7. Onix

    mixed sig

    Here's a banner featuring Trigun, Noir, FLCL, and Love Hina, which is what I think you want. It didn't turn out too well, but, oh well. :sweat:
  8. As a personal fan of DMC myself, it is an honor and a privelidge to create this Avatar for you. I hope you like.
  9. Here's my attempt. If I may ask, what does the French mean? It's not all that important, I'm just curious. Anyway, I hope you like it! EDIT: Forgot the attachments. :sweat:
  10. Well, here's my attempt. I don't know what the other Avi you were talking about is, so I just cropped to the mouthes and resized it for Avatar requirements. Pretty much the same thing with the banner, too. -ULX
  11. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] One hundred years ago, six new High Priests entered the Church of Elements, and changed the world forever. They tore apart the land, living for their own purposes and goals instead of for the people. One of their first acts was to destroy the Order of Knights. They sent their new army against the honorable, loyal warriors, and the Knights were slain. All of them but one. The one was Blaze, the Last Knight. Struck by a spell supposed to kill him, Blaze was instead trapped in suspended animation. He has at last awoken, into a world he never wished to know. The Six Dark Priests have rended the world, destroying the lush and peaceful landscape and replacing it with a global desert, a land were life is not plenteful, and hate is. Villages scatter the land, living where there is water and some source of food. Blaze, disgusted with the new world, strikes up a campaign. Slowly he makes his way towards the capitol city, home of the Great Cathedral, home of the Dark Priests. It is his goal to kill them, returning the world to its former status. The Priests, thought, have found ways to tie themselves to the pure Elements, and maintain a great power. Immortality. They have not aged beyond their lives at the end of Blaze's time. But he does not care. He will destroy them. He will bring about peace. He will die for his cause. [/SIZE] Blaze stands atop a large sand dune, peering down at a small village. The world, once bustling and prosperous, has been reduced to small villages wrapped around rivers and forests. It made him sick. He adjusted his billowing red cape, and jumped off the dune's top. He sailed through the air, eventually hitting the soft sands. His feet moved swiftly, as he propelled himself down the rest of the sandy mountain. Still moving swiftly, he entered the front gate of the village. The gate was large, strong, and would survive any real attack. Very good workmanship. He slowed his pace as he moved down the streets. People stared at him from the sides, wondering who this bizarre, armored warrior was. They had never seen a Knight before. He strode to what he assumed was the pub. It was. The room was dark and crowded, smelling of alcohol and urine. The sounds of braying laughter, vile belches, and insidious mutterings filled the room. But he didn't mind. Blaze moved up towards the counter, seeing the barmaid is a pretty blonde woman. "Yes? Can I help you?" she asks. "Just, give me something strong," he says, not knowing what to expect in this run-down shack of a place. "All right," she says, filling a mug from a large keg. She hands the mug over, and its filled with a dark liquid. Blaze takes a deep drink, and it is strong. The liquid burns his mouth a little, but over-all its pretty good. He lets out a small breath, and says, "I've had worse." He smiles warmly to reassure the barmaid. [/COLOR] OOC: Enter your characters as you will. I won't really be around from Monday to Friday (?) or even Sunday (!), so keep things rolling.
  12. Seeing as I said I'd start this now, I will. However, Sign-Ups are still very much OPEN for anyone else who wants to join. Please, join. -ULX
  13. Very nice, very nice. You're in, definately, and thanks for signing up. However, this is mainly a post so I can get up the other four Demon Gods.
  14. How's this? It's just something I put together from some images I've got. Can't talk now. TV. -ULX
  15. Onix

    Universe of Dreams

    Xion came out of Beast Mode, and narrowed his eyes at Bruce. "You...remind me of someone. Do you know Long Shin?" he asked. Bruce looked at Xion, and shook his head no. "Hm. You are very similar." Xion shrugged. "Idle curiousity. I am Xion, the Unborn, the one destined to rule all mankind." "Right..." said Leonx, snorting. Xion whirled on Leonx. "Would you like to challange me, hairy-one?" he asked, snarling. "I'd crush you if we didn't need you," growled Leonx. "So you admit my power is greater than any other," Xion said, smirking. "I didn't say that!" barked Leonx. "I merely stated that your power will aid us in the greater scheme of things," he said, reganing composure. "Arrogant twit," he added under his breath. "I heard that," snarled Xion.
  16. Thanks for your complements, and you don't know how much equating me to Stephen King (my idol) makes me happy. I think I've been writing for more than four years, though maybe not as seriously as I do now. As for my inspiration...well, this was for a school assignment. We had to enter the Reflections contest and the theme was 'What Makes Me Happy.' This is pretty much what made my character happy, so... Although, I didn't win squat. Just got a 'Cudos on Entry' thing. Sigh. At least it isn't as bad as my friend's experience. She wrote a story about a murderer and what makes him happy, and, well, she kinda got referred to the school counselor. :sweat: She's generally okay, though. And, since you are a writer, have you posted anything? Maybe I can help you reach my level. *Beats ego with a stick* Sorry. My ego is so huge it's taken on a life of its own. Really annoying. Anywho, thanks for the major compliment. You have made my day. -ULX
  17. Your comment about vacation reminds me of something. I'm not going to be here from Monday to Friday, probably. I'm afraid I won't have internet access. Poop. But I'll do as much as I can before and after.
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]In the time before man, eight Demon Gods reigned over the beings of Earth. However, the Angels were able to seal their awesome power into Hell, so that they would never again appear. Or would they? The Dark Lord Satan has appeared on Earth, and has broken eight serial murderers out of the local prison. And he made them a proposition. If they kill 13 people within the next 6 days, they will be given infinite power in the form of the Demon Gods. If they don't, well, they won't get the power. Simple as that. However, the Angels got word of this, and they wish to stop it. However, Satan has made it out so they cannot interfere in this contest of men and demon. But that didn't stop them from endowing three special humans with Angelic power. The three detectives responsible for stopping the killers. Its Angelic Hope versus Demonic Strength in a contest that will rend the fabric of Earth for all time. [/COLOR] What do you get to do? You get to be either a Killer or a Detective. Simple as that. Killer- Name: Keep it simple and normal Age: 18-50 Gender: Male or Female Target Demon: See Below Favored Killing Style: Everyone's got an MO Personality: Standard Appearance: Standard Short-ish Bio: No life stories, but some information of how they got where they are today. Please tie the killers into the Demon you want for him/her. Also, there will be strict rules for each of the demon's summoning, certain qualifications that must be met to gain the power. Fail in even one, and you shall never reach the full potential. Also, you may only make one killing per post, and can only post after at least three others have. That way, you have to rely on others to better yourself. Oh, and killers will be notified if they can kill another or a detective. That is the ONLY time you can kill someone other than a victim. Detective- The same, but minus TD and FKS, replaces with Angelic Powers. Keep them moderate for now, as they will increase later. Also, if I deem a killer unworthy (like if they don't post enough) I will give detectives permission to kill them. But that is the ONLY time you can kill a killer, until the end. I will be playing as Satan. He steps in to provide information for his charges, and endow them with the powers they gain for each murder. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][U][B]THE DEMONS[/B][/U][/COLOR] #1-Senectus: The Old One, Keeper of All Infernal Knowledge. Powers gained can range from increased knowledge, telepathy, and other mental powers. #2-Messor: The Reaper, Stealer of Souls. Powers may include energy blades, soul command and summoning, and other Grim-Reaper type abilities. #3-Tresmalum: The Dark Trinity, the embodiment of See no Evil, Hear no Evil, Speak no Evil. Hears All, Sees All, Speaks All. Powers may include increased senses, sonic power, and eye beams #4-Voragu: Master of the Abyss, King of Shadows. Powers may be shadow manipulation, invisibility, and other similar strengths. #5-Tempus: Holder of Time, Master of Then and Now. Powers are predicdibly things like increased speed, time slowing, and time stopping. #6-Aurum: The Golden One, The Tainted Beauty. Uses seduction and light. #7-Lentus: The Iron One, Master of Steel. Increased strength, bulletproof skin, and metal manipulation may be given to you. #8-Nihil: The Zero, Annihilator of All That Is. Can cause matter to stop existing, control shadows, stop time, and master all that is contained within the Zero. This is my Character. Name: Satan Age: Millenia old Gender: Male, sort of Target Demon: Neither Favored Killing Style: Doesn't really kill people that much Personality: Surprisingly, very extroverted and friendly. He loves a good joke as much as a good massacre, and exudes charm when he's not bathed in the blood of innocent virgins. However, he is not one to be tested in patience, since he can kill you instantly. Appearance: His chosen appearance is a slim man of average height, with short-cropped blonde hair and gray eyes that burn with hidden hell-fire. He wears, usually, jeans and a black t-shirt with a flame emblem, wearing over that a silky black shirt with blue fire at the bottom. He also wears a strange ring, that he can never seem to stop fiddling with. However, this is his current human form. His real form is in the attachment. Short-ish Bio: Well, he's Satan. What more can I say? Recently, he killed a powerful Angel sent to stop his plan, and he stole her ring, which allowed him to prevent pure Angelic envolvement, but also hinders his own power...until he can unleash the power of the ring... EDIT: I made some pictures of the Demon Gods. Yes, they are just edited pictures of BR3 beast-modes. I'm on a kick, okay? There you go. Have fun,...and Send 'Em All To Hell.[/SIZE]
  19. OOC: Well, I have to join this, don't I? Name: Xairiel (Pronounced Zi-Ree-El) Age: Somewhere in the 1000s. Race: Angel, slightly Fallen Gender: Male Cause: Never passes up a fight Alliance: Neutral...leaning towards Good Persona: Xairiel is cocky, egotistical, self-assured, etc. He knows he's good at what he does, and flaunts it. He has a temper problem, but is usually calm and easy-going. His motto is kind of 'Sin is fun', and he doesn't really worry about the tommorow, he's a Today person. Appearance: Xairiel, well, looks like Xion. You know, tall, lean, long spiky silver hair, dark eyes, pale, wears a red coat. Although, he has large silver wings, with black tips. Weapon: Enegry Blades that emerge from the backs of his hands. Biography: Xairiel was an Archangel, warrior for the Heavens. However, he was cast out of the Order for overly Sinful behaviour. :sweat: Now, he wanders the earth in search of fun and profit, loving food, drink, fighting, and sex above all else. If any of those are offered, he takes up whatever the other side of the bargain may be...which has gotten him in some trouble in the past. He still follows most of Heaven's rules, ignoring a choice few. In the war, he has not taken a side, but fights more for Good than Evil. He fights for fun, but avoids killing Angels and other Heavenly beings. Other information: (opitional) OOC: I am the Sinful Angel. Fitting, if you ask me. :naughty:
  20. Onix

    Universe of Dreams

    "Stand back," growled Xion. "This could get messy." The silver-haired man darted forward, slamming his hand into the stomach of a demon. He followed up with a hand-heel to the chin, kicked the beast into the air, and elbowed it behind the head, knocking it to the ground. "C-A-I-N," Xion said, smiling. The demon rose from the ground, seemingly unhurt. "You've got to be kidding me," Xion snarled, staring at the beast in shock. The beast slammed its clawed hand into his cheek, knocking him to the side. It grinned in triumph, baring rows of sharpened fangs. "That..." Xion slammed his elbow into the demon's neck with brutal force. It fell to its knees, choking. "...hurt," Xion said, spitting on the demon before kicking it in the face. He looked down at his body. "Odd. My durability seems to have increased. Maybe that's the ability the furry one spoke of." The Zoanthrope looked at the demon, which was beginning to recover. "Not so fast..." Xion hissed. He raised his arm, and swung it down in a large arc. As he did so, he transformed, and the energy blade on his arm sliced through the rising demon's neck. The Unborn looked to the others, and the demons. They weren't yet 'winning', but they weren't losing. They just needed one thing on their side to turn the fight, and it had arrived. The Unborn.
  21. Thank's, yet again, somewhat adoring fans. *Furiously beats ego* Anyway, here's the next five. God, I wish I could post more at a time. Sigh. Ganesha-Writing's a little hard to see someplaces, but I think it came out well. Jenny-Again, I succumbed to bad font choice. It says 'Jenny', 'The Bat', and 'Dark...Seductive' Kohryu-No real complaints Long-His name didn't show up too well, but it seems alright. Shenlong-The 'Mysterious' kind of got cut off, but it still looks good in my eyes.
  22. Thanks for your flattering comments. I also (just) made some banner-type things. Some of them turned out hard to read, thought. Especially Bakuryu. I used a bad font. Anyway, here's Alice, Bakuryu, Busuzima, Cronos, and Gado. Alice-I think she comes off looking cute, like she's supposed to. Bakuryu-I like the way the colors turned out, but I used too dark a font color. :sweat: Busuzima-Seems too neon, but I like it overall. Cronos-I was trying for more of a gold, but...eh. Gado-I think the colors were too washed out, and the writing dominated. Oh well.
  23. I guess the chibiness is a little scary...:eek: Well, thanks for your honest opinion. And yes, Photoshop does have limited fonts. I tried my best to use good ones for each character. But that wasn't the full set! What's that? There's more, you say? YES! And here they are... There's also a bonus avatar, one professing my love (lust) for Eliza Dushku. But Ruby's still my #1 (so don't hurt me).
  24. Aww...shucks... Thanks for your inspiring comments, Ruby. I hope you like the Alice of April. Anyway, here are the next five. Hope you all like them as much, too. I didn't really like the way Long came out, though. He seems too...colored. Most of the detail was washed out by the coloring. Oh, well. I like how the rest did, though. My personal favorite is Stun...and Shenlong, too.
  25. "Go Emily!" cheered Taro. "You show those stupid Tornados what a Kamiya can really do! Step it up!" Then he noticed people staring at him, and he sat down, blushing a little. "You idiot," Lisa sighed. Taro smiled weakly, wanting the bleachers to collapse into a heap of twisted metal that would spare him the embarassment. Sadly, this didn't happen. Taro looked onto the field, and noticed that play had stopped. A girl was talking to the Tornado's coach. But not just any girl... "Kayla!" Taro hissed. "What?" asked Lisa. "She's on the Tornado's team! Figures she would be playing against us..." he snarled. "Yeah, well Melissa's on the Hurricane's team, and she's with Kayla," Lisa pointed out. Taro's eye twitched when he heard Melissa's name. He had inherited the rivalry of Kamiya (boy) and Ishida. "You...okay?" Lisa asked, looking at the boy, confused. "Uh..." Taro began to blush again. He had also inherited his grandfather's crush on the Takenouchi girl. He smiled and laughed, both weak. "Yeah...I'm okay." Lisa didn't seem to believe him, but she shrugged and looked back to the field. [I]Why can't I go one conversation with Lisa without ending up like a...a...babbling idiot!?[/I] Taro sighed, and looked back at the field, wondering how good Kayla was.
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