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Everything posted by Onix

  1. Shin walked calmly through the dark and dirty streets. It appeared that no one was around for miles. Shin liked it that way. "Hey, buddy, how's about helpin' me out, eh?" asked a gruff voice from an alley. Shin turned and scowled at the unkempt bum. For a bum, he was rather large and fairly muscular looking. "You're talking to me?" asked Shin, grimacing at the stench. "Well, yeah. Ain't cha gonna help me?" "No." "Well, dat's too bad. See, I'm gonna have ta rob ya now, see?" "No, I don't think so," said Shin, grinning evilly. "In fact, I think you best leave. Now." "How's about no." "Your funeral," said Shin, drawing his switchblade. "Blood Tiger!" The huge, feral feline appeared behind him. However, the bum was obviously not a Shaman. "Wha? Are you drunk or sometin?" "OVERSOUL!" roared Shin. Blood Tiger was sucked into his switchblade, and any Shaman would have seen the claws that surrounded Shin's hands. "It's time to die," growled Shin. "Blood Tiger Claws!" "Wha-!"said the bum, cut off quickly. As Shin's hand ripped through his chest. Blood splattered the pavement and walls, and the bum fell to the ground with a heavy, wet thud. Shin smiled as he looked over the corpse of the bum, and released Blood Tiger's spirit. "Stupid bum. Deserved to die. Of course, almost everyone does, don't they?" asked Shin, grinning wickedly. Blood Tiger roared in agreement, and Shin cackled madly as he moved on through the night.
  2. Name: Igormon Side: Demon Lords Digivolutions: Fatemon-Igormon-Demi Devimon-Devimon-Myotismon-Malo Myotismon Attacks: Bubble Blow Personality: Igormon is very surly and sarcastic, a very dark person who hates almost everyone else because they are repulsed by his appearance. He can't wait to become more powerful because then, he shall not only be deadly, but attractive (as some apparently think he is) Appearance: He's a little fur ball, basically Kapurimon but without a helmet and black fur and red eyes. Has wings for ears with which he can fly. Biography: In his Malo Myotismon (or Belial Vamdemon) he was a powerful Lord of Evil, the lethal right-hand man of Lucemon. His legendary skill at obliterating his foes ran across the Digital World, and he was revered as the Master of Death, commander of legions of Undead slaves that he turned with his dark abilities. After re-awakening, he strains to gather enough power to return to his mighty Mega Level state, but is currently trapped in his weak, ugly body.
  3. A shadow rippled through the stormy night. Most would regard it as the clouds shifting, the wind changing, or just a trick of the eye. Then they'd be dead. This was the way the assassin lived. Lurking in shadows, waiting for the best chance to attack, and ending the life of whoever was foolish enough to regard his minimal presence as the changing winds. He moved from the alleyway swiftly and silently, darting around the guards, just out of the light cast from inside the tent. He fluidly moved around, scanning the exterior. He noticed no breaches, no gaps, no back entrance. Killing them would be all too easy. He drew his gun silently, took aim, and the guard fell. He jumped over the guard and into the tent, his duster falling around him like a remnent of the shadows. He rose, aiming his gun in the face of the leader. He pulled the trigger. *Click* "This was far too easy. Your guard is out and you'd all be dead. You'd better all smarten up because I won't be playing babysitter for a bunch of wanna-be revolutionaries, got it?" said the assassin. "You must be the legendary Tao Zhou," said Vincent, cooly, unfazed by the assault. He knew the assassin would make an entrance. He just didn't know how big. He was slightly impressed.
  4. And then the door swung wide open. "Stop!" barked a cold, cool voice. John lifted his face from Raven's neck to see the mysterious man from the bar. With a nice, shiny sword. "Un'and the Slayer," the man said cooly, in his sharp Brittish accent. "And if I don't?" growled John, wrapping his hand around Raven's neck. "Then you won't be leavin' the loo, blood-sucker!" the man snarled, rushing forward. With inhuman speed, almost Slayer speed, he was upon the Vampire, and jabbed the tip of his black through John's wrist. The Vampire howled in agony, releasing his grip on Raven. The Slayer coughed, but quickly regained her composure. "Now get out, 'fore I change me mind about lettin' you go, eh?" said the man, pulling the sword out of John's wrist. And lopping it off in the process. John snarled in rage and pain, but ran around the Slayer and the mystery hero out into the hall. The trio in the bathroom heard screams and shouts as the bleeding Vampire rushed out. Right on cue, the Neo-Scoobies rushed into the bathroom. "What happened!?" "Was that John!?" "Who's that!?" "Are you alright!?" OOC: Felt it was time to make my appearance. Hope nobody minds.
  5. Name: Xion (Hah!) Megalomana Gender: Male Age: 15 Description: See attachment (I don't know what the deal is with the mark on my nose is) Life Story: Xion is a bored, brilliant, psychotic, egotistical, megalomaniacal (sp?), antisocial, anti-conformist who doesn't actually conform to some social group (unlike so many other self-proclaimed 'rebels') *gasp*. He is his own person in every way, scorning mindless sheep in all their guises, from preps to goths to punks to jocks to nerds to etc. He is known for his bizarre outbursts, brutal honesty, sarcasm, wit, and irritating acknowledgement that he is a smartass in every possible way. He's also confusing politically, hating Republicans for their sheer evilness, Democrats for their subservient whining, Third Parties for being losers who couldn't join a major party, and has enough evidence to shut down anyone willing to challange his political beliefs, which are that Bush should be shot, his children should be liqudated, and that the only working political systems are dictatorships and anarchy. Did I mention he loathes Bush? He also has strong religious beliefs, in the way that he has none but his own Eastern-style theological religion called Buddism (prenounce Bud-ism), named after his dog who he states has the perfect existance. He condemns extremeists of any religion and thinks that anyone claiming their religion is the 'one-way' should be boiled in a pot of pure cow fat and then fed to over-eating American psychos while uber-liberals are forced to watch (and then tell the over-eating slobs what they just ate. See if they don't go on the 'no-cal' diet). As stated, he has nothing for contempt for extremeists of any kind, thinking they need to tone things down. Liberal, conservative, feminist, religious, political, whatever, he hates 'em all. Anyway, his extremist (if rational) beliefs have made him an army of enemies, but also strong allies. He has found a rather accepting friend in Manic, even though his irrational rantings sometimes drive Manic to attempt an immediate Larynx-ectomy (I've found many times I'd wish to do this myself, though to others.) That sound good?
  6. [QUOTE=MillieFan]I'm anti-hentai and anti-yaoi too! As a matter of fact, I used to have an anti-hentai site (but it's offline until my boyfriend can find a new colocation host for his servers) and I'm currently building an anti-yaoi site. Oh, by the way, yaoi is guy/guy, most times drawn by fans who even pair off *obviously* straight characters. Basically, the only requirement for fanart yaoi seems to be that the guys involved look good individually so, in the minds of yaoi artists, they must look "better" being sexually involved with another good looking guy or with themselves. It's really sickening IMHO. :flaming: :sick:[/QUOTE] I'm sorry, I must cut in. Okay, you can be against Yaoi, but don't be putting in Vomit Smilies or building a web site about it, God! I mean, I myself try to avoid it, but I don't bash it or anything. Unfortunately, my friend forced me to use a brain sponge. Sorry to hurt you people, but I must share my pain. Boromir being raped by a squid!!! :sick: *That deserved the 'sick' smily.
  7. I think this thread is done. I have read every post, and it's all pretty much the same thing. Nudity in Anime/Manga isn't offensive unless it's overdone or in Hentai. There. That is the thread. It's pretty friggin' irritating to read the same thing over and over again already. Thank you for your time.
  8. Here's my dude. Name: TJ Graves Age: 14 Gender: Male Appearance: 5'8', 13lbs., brown hair with long bangs, smoky blue eyes. Wears a black t-shirt, jeans, a leather jacket, and a black baseball cap. Crest: Wit Digimon: Kunaimon, Shurikenmon, Shinobimon, Mega Shinobimon, Zhoumon, and Shademon. Bio: TJ has liked the TV show since it first came out. He still watches it, and was surprised to find a black and blue Digivice sitting on his table one morning. He pressed a button on it and, lo and behold, he was sucked through the computer into the Digital World. Personality: TJ is usually calm and peaceful, prefering to be alone, but he can be demanding, controling, and quite egotistical. He's very intelligent, and knows it, and almost always wins arguments. Though usually laid-back, he can become violent and furious in an instant. Digimon- Name: Kunaimon Attribute: Data Type: Slime Digimon Attacks: Bubble Blow Appearance: Like Shurimon's head with little arms and legs, and clad in black. Name: Shurikenmon Attribute: Data Type: Warrior Digimon Attacks: Shuriken Ballistics and Invisible Throw Appearance: A Kunaimon with a body, standing about 3'. Name: Shinobimon Attribute: Virus Type: Warrior Digimon Attacks: Shadow Blade and Doppleganger Appearance: A tall, lean man dressed in the traditional outfit of the Ninja. Name: Magna Shinobimon Attribute: Virus Type: Warrior Digimon Attacks: Doppleganger Shuriken and Invisible Slash Appearance: Shinobimon with a metal plate covering his right arm that ejects shuriken, and a cape. Name: Zhoumon Attribute: Virus Type: Demon Man Digimon Attacks: Demon Bomb and Doppleganger Shadow Blade Appearance: Shinobimon without a mask, revealing an somewhat angular, yet handsome, human face. Instead of a cape, he wears a duster. And no metal arm plate. Name: Shademon Attribute: Virus Type: Demon Man Digimon Attacks: Shadow Destroyer and Dark Blade Appearance: Zhoumon clad in black, platemail armor, a la Nightmare from SCII. Three things, as well. One, Heezay, you must create profiles for all you Digimon like the rest have done. Two, your Digimon can have two attacks. And three, you can make you Elemental's form.
  9. Aeons ago, twelve Digimon Gods ruled over the world. They were Blazemon of Fire, Aquamon of Water, Terramon of Earth, Breezemon of Wind, Shademon of Shadow, Brightmon of Light, Solarmon of Sun, Lunamon of Moon, Boltmon of Thunder, Freezemon of Ice, Chaomon of Chaos, and Skullmon of Death. They ruled the world in peace, governing over the Digimon that fell into their elemental category. Until the coming of Makallmon. He rallied up rebels and created a grand army that challanged the Elemental Gods, Digimon above Mega and even the 4 Digimon Sovereigns, in power. Luckily, the Elemental Gods were able to push back the Dark Army and seal Makallmon in the Deleted World, a Digital Hell. Sadly, the Elemental Gods used up all their power and reverted back to eggs in Primary Village. They have now been reborn, and are seeking their partners. For Makallmon is back. Here's the form! Digidestined- Name: Standard Age: 12-16 Gender: Male or Female Appearance: Crest: Digimon: All stages Bio: Personality: Digimon- Name: Attribute: Virus, Data, or Vaccine Type: Attacks: Appearance: You will be awarded your new levels (Champion, Ultimate, Mega, Elemental) when I decide to give them to you. No one starts out comanding a Digimon above I-T, since we all just found out about Digimon. This handles like Season 1, with kids stuck in the Digital World trying to get out. The Elements- Fire-Heezay Water- Earth- Wind-O'lick Light- Dark-ULX Sun- Moon- Thunder- Ice-JoyKaiba Chaos-ShadowSword Death-Maximillion404 The Elemental levels have the same names I listed above. I'll post my guy later, but he controls Dark. We will start when we have seven, since that was the number of the original Digidestined. So, one more till start, and six spots.
  10. Shaman Name: Shin Age : Unknown Description: *See attachment-and, yes, I know it's Shenlong from Bloody Roar* Personallity: Shin is vicious and cruel, killing for fun. He is extremely egotistical, and loves to hear himself talk, and others scream. He is the epitome of Sadism, evil through-and-through. Bio: Shin's past is unknown, but it is believed that he is a former gang member, a Yakuza gone evil, or something similar. He claims to have killed an entire city in one week, and gives no one reason to doubt him. The only information surrounding him is that which he has revealed. Fighting style: Oversouls Blood Tiger into his Switchblade, giving him claws. Ghost Name: Blood Tiger (Chi no Tora, Tigre de la Sangre, Tiger de Sang, Tiger des Bluts, Tigre di Anima, Tigre do Sangue, Tigar od Krv, Lokaj v livreji of Krev, Ddywalgi chan Chrau, Tiger of Cruor, etc.) Bio: B-Ts are vicious animal spirits that appear as a blue-furred tiger striped with crimson. They are the souls of ruthless killers whose souls were so tainted that they took on the form of vicious beasts. They exist in many cultures. Personallity: B-T is vicious and brutal, never stopping until the opponent is dead. Both; Main Weapons: Switchblade Side Weapons: None Techniques: Blood Tiger Claws, Blood Tiger Blade, and Blood Tiger Destroyer
  11. OOC: The required Spike-esque character has arrived. Name: Tao Zhou Age: 21 Gender: Male Species: Human (?) Guts: 3 Strength: 4 Martial Arts: 3 Health: 3 Magic: 1 Research skill: 3 Ranged Attack: 0 Racial abilities: Master of Ninjitsu (Art of the Ninja...does this count as a Racial Ability?) Technology: 0 Appearance: 6'0 and 184lbs., he is built lean. He wears a black shirt, black pants, and a black Duster (a la Spike). He has very dark brown hair with spkiy bangs that hang in his eyes. His eyes are smoky blue, but sometimes seem to turn red (hm...?) Bio: Tao was raised in a fairly traditional Japanese family, and has been learning the martial arts all his life. His art of choice is Ninjitsu, and he almost always has his Ninja-to, the Yami no Yushi, on him. His father was a demon hunter that was killed, and Tao seeks the killer. He has become extremely knowledgeable, though he's not a skillful researcher. Also, he's rubbish with computers. And, though he was raised in a Japanese home, it was in England, and so he is fluent (and quite proficient) in the English language. Personality: Tao is snide, witty, sarcastic, cold, cruel, brilliant, cynical, stand-offish, pessimistic, and dark. He would rather decapitate someone than agree with them on certain occasions, but he can hold his temper well and does love an argument. IC: The door creaked over and a tall, slim man in a billowing black Duster walked in, moving with long strides. His cold, smoky blue eyes scanned the room, narrowing in thought. A scowl tugged at the corner of his mouth. As he walked, something metal thudded under his coat. The 'neo-Scoobies' tensed a little, as the man gave off a cold, daunting air. And the clinking metal object did not alleviate their nerves. "Who's tall, dark, and...nyaah!" said Kara, shuddering for effect. "Don't know," said Fenris. "Seems...Vamp-y." "Total agreement," said Raven, sipping her drink. "Kinda cute, though." The man walked over to the counter and ordered a drink. The bar-tender nodded and handed him a green can, with a large 'R' on it. Green Death, the strongest of aluminum-can beers. "How can someone drink that?" asked Fenris. "Don't know," said Raven, grimacing a little as the man popped the top and drank a few sips. "But, since he's drinking, he's probably not a Vampire." "Demon, then?" asked Z. "Maybe," said Kara. "You'd have to be to drink...that!" grimaced Fenris. After killing the can, as the Neo-Scoobies watched in awe, the man left as quickly and smoothly as he had come, leaving the empty alluminum container on the table. Rannos went over and, carefully, picked up the can. He sniffed it a little, and promptly coughed. "That bad, huh?" asked Kara. "Ew. He lost cute points," said Raven, frowning. OOC: Use me as you wish, fellows. This was just for simple introductory purposes and to let you know I'm here. X_H has informed me I'll be doing guest appearances.
  12. Can I still enter this? Name: Tao Zhou Age: 21 Gender: Male Species: Human (?) Guts: 3 Strength: 4 Martial Arts: 3 Health: 3 Magic: 1 Research skill: 3 Ranged Attack: 0 Racial abilities: Master of Ninjitsu (Art of the Ninja...does this count as a Racial Ability?) Technology: 0 Appearance: 6'0 and 184lbs., he is built lean. He wears a black shirt, black pants, and a black Duster (a la Spike). He has very dark brown hair with spkiy bangs that hang in his eyes. His eyes are smoky blue, but sometimes seem to turn red (hm...?) Bio: Tao was raised in a fairly traditional Japanese family, and has been learning the martial arts all his life. His art of choice is Ninjitsu, and he almost always has his Ninja-to, the Yami no Yushi, on him. His father was a demon hunter that was killed, and Tao seeks the killer. He has become extremely knowledgeable, though he's not a skillful researcher. Also, he's rubbish with computers. And, though he was raised in a Japanese home, it was in England, and so he is fluent (and quite proficient) in the English language. Personality: Tao is snide, witty, sarcastic, cold, cruel, brilliant, cynical, stand-offish, pessimistic, and dark. He would rather decapitate someone than agree with them on certain occasions, but he can hold his temper well and does love an argument. I hope this sounds alright and that I can join.
  13. I created a quiz on Quizilla.com, and wish to create pictures for the results. However, I suck at drawing things on the computer and have no scanner, nor do I think anyone I know does. Anyway, I need pictures of people that represent these answers. [COLOR=Red]Blazing Fire! You are head-strong, hot blooded, and have a short temper. You are fiercely determined and strong willed, never giving in to others demands unless they fit your own. You are probably physically strong, but not so strong academically.[/COLOR] [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Flowing Water! You are wild, with a mercurial nature. Your emotions change rapidly and strongly. Your anger is furious rage, your joy is the greatest light of happiness, and your sadness is a dark and forbidding abyss of sorrow. Like water, you are usually calm and kind, but rapidly change and can become a violent tempest if angered. Water people are fluid and brilliant thinkers, thinking out of the box simply because you fill it to overflow.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]Sturdy Earth! You are sturdy and stalwart, a strong guardian who is always there for your friends. You are calm and reliable, slow to act simply because you always think first. Maybe, once upon a time, you could have crumbled under the pressure others put upon you, but no longer. You take pressure in stride and shrug off stress.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Whirling Wind! Like water, you are fluid and flowing. However, you are lighter and more playful, fun and easygoing. Most of the time you are sweet and gentle, but when angered you are a vicious typhoon of fury that brings your righteous wrath down upon your foes. But that rarely happens. Usually you are the cute one.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Silver]Glowing Light! You are bright and cheerful, loving and sweet, the one who shines out happiness and optimism to all around you. Some (including me) find it sappy and irritating, but you don't care. You're too happy and in love with life to ever feel down.[/COLOR] Soothing Shadow! No, this doesn't mean you are cold, heartless, evil, etc. In fact, quite the opposite. Darkness is calm and soothing, a constant that is always there if you need it. It wraps in its embrace like a mother, and is there if you need something to scream at, a shoulder to cry on, or something to confide in. This is the true spirit of shadow. You are always there, but people sometimes don't recognize it, and may think you aren't what you are. You are probably misunderstood, but despite how people treat you, you still love them. You can't not. That's just how you are. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Mighty Sun! You are powerful and brave, courageous and a leader. You are head-strong and think with your heart before your head. You are the leader always, though sometimes people disagree with you. You are fiercly protective of your friends and your rage is as hot as the surface of the sun itself.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Distant Moon! You are cold and distant, aloof and calm. You are like shadow in that you prefer to be in the background, like ice in that you like to be alone and are cold, and are like death and are dark and often depressing. However, this may be because you just never learned to be around people, or maybe you are just someone who needs alone time all the time.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]Brilliant Thunder! You are quick-thinking, though surprisingly slow acting. You are a genius, always knowing things before others. And, irritatingly to others, you often keep knowledge to yourself. You are quiet and calm, serious and wise. You have a mind of lighting, you just don't always share it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=SlateGray]Cool Ice! You are cold and calm, always seeming to handle what's happening. You are wise, often beyond your years, and can handle great amounts of pressure on the outside. But inside, you're strength is cracking, and you can't stay so cold and alone forever.[/COLOR] [COLOR=White]Mysterious Chaos! You are wild and untaimed, strange and sometimes a little insane. However, when you set your mind to something, you really set your mind to something.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Gothic Death! You are sad and alone, cold and dark, the epitome of sadness. You wish life would end, but do not end it because you love your family too much to do that. You are caught in a paradox. You hate life, and most people, but love others too much to cause them pain.[/COLOR] Thank you, anonnymous, good-willed person who is going to reply!
  14. My story is Shonen, but not sports. There are lots of fights, mainly involving demons, just to warn you. I've got a potential artist sending me some stuff soon, but if he doesn't work out and you feel you can draw this, I'll contact you. Inu-yashas-gir, Sweet Pie, show me what you two got.l
  15. Here's another person by me. Name: Paige Myers Wing Race: Phoenix Gender: Female Weapon: Flame Swallow (Staff with blades at either ends) Signature Move: Flaming Sprial-Paige spins her swallow rapidly and fire shoots from both blades, spiraling around, shooting at the enemy. Appearance: She has dirty blonde hair that she usually wears in a ponytail, and strange hazel eyes with streaks of reddish-brown. Wears a blue tank top and jeans, over which she wears an orange sweatshirt. Bio: I'll post it later. Personality: Paige is very independent and self-assured, normaly, but she is still fragile and the world of the Low Ones and Winged Ones is a very hard transition for her to make. Ruling God: Iluminata
  16. Name: Tao-Zhou Age: 30 Description: 6'0, 184lbs. (all muscle), lean build. Has longs bangs that hang down in front of his smoky blue eyes. Wears baggy black pants, a baggy black shirt, and a duster, Bio: Tao is half-Chinese and half-Japanese (father Chinese, hance the name, mother Japanese, hence the life-style). His father was killed in the war, and he was raised by his mother to take down Alexander. He has trained in almost every martial art available, but is a master of Ninjitsu, the Ninja arts. He is know a lethal assassin, working loosly for the Dire Wolves. Little is known of his past besides this. Faction: Dire wolves Role: Assassin Weapons: He prefers his Ninja-to (Ninja Sword), but is also proficient with various other weapons, including guns, swords, bombs, and anything else he has. The most commonly used weapons he has are his Ninja-to, a Colt .45, and Shurikin Other equipment: Has a dart gun with darts containing the almost always lethal toxin of the Stonefish. Also, he has a supply of caltrops (spiky things that are left on the ground to injure feet), blinding powder, antidotes, other poisons, and a grappling hook, though he rarely carries all of these things at the same time. Sound good?
  17. Dario raced back for the girl. He grabbed her arm and felt her intense shivering. She looked up at him, eyes hollow and frightened. Dario noticed her eyes were a beautiful shade of hazel, laced with a reddish brown that was quite extraordinary. He pulled her up. "Come on love," he said, pulling her to his side. He draped her arm around his waist and reached across her shoulders to grip her close. "We have to go." "What..." she stammered, in shock. "I'll explain soon love, just come with me," he said, fully concerned for her safety and health, physical and mental. He quickly reached Wryth and Scarlet. "She needs help," he said. Scarlet gave her shaking form and frightened gaze a cursory glance before announcing, "she's in shock. I think I can help her." "Good," said Dario, beginning to walk forward. "We need to get to your flat soon, she's in a right bad state." Wryth walked to the woman's other side and grabbed her other arm, draping it over his narrow shoulders to support her more. "Thanks, mate," said Dario, weakly smiling. The ordeal had been straining on his as well, quickly draining his mental reserves. He needed to rest and recover as well. "Hey, girl, can you tell me your name?" "Paige...Paige Myers..." she managed to say. 'Paige, eh? Pretty name, for a pretty lady,' Dario thought, not saying as he normally would, as the situation was harldy appropriate. Quickly, they reached Scarlet's home. Luckily, few people had returned to the streets, so the sight of three people with wings, the more frightening two holding a seemingly unconcious woman, went largely unnonticed. Dario and Wryth set Paige down in a plush arm-chair, and Scarlet went into the small kitchen. Dario looked around the room and let out a low whistle, surprised by the sheer number of books. "Impressive collection, Scarlet." "Yes, quite," said Wryth, examining a large, dusty volume labled 'The True History of the World.' "Is this where you learned about us Winged Ones and the Low Ones?" Scarlet came out of the kitchen holding two steaming mugs of liquid. "I hope everyone likes coffee. I can't stand tea, myself. And yes, that did tell me some of what I know. I have a few other volumes as well, if you'd like a look." Dario took a mug, looked at it, and shrugged. "Caffine's caffine, I guess. Never been partial to coffee, though." He shrugged again and took a gulp, shuddering a little at the bitter taste. Scarlet handed the other mug to Paige, who looked at it and took a sip, then a large gulp. Color began to return to her face, and her shuddering stopped some. Suddenly, a light appeared in the room, everyone turned to look and saw a woman with silver hair that gave of a radiance. It was Iluminata. "Good day to you, Winged Ones Ones," she said in her calm, light voice. "What's so good about it," growled Wryth. "I am sorry your conflict with the Low Ones, but I have come here for a reason. To awaken the powers of the girl," she said, pointing to Paige. "Paige!?" yelled Dario. "She is a Phoenix, and her powers must be awoken." Before their eyes, large, crimson feathered wings sprouted from Paige's shoulders. She looked to them, confused. "What the..?" she said. "All shall be explained, my child of Light," said Iluminata, soothingly. And so, the story was told again to the newest Winged One, Paige Myers, the Phoenix.
  18. Tenkazu backed up against the wall of the arena, surrounded by wolf-like fiends. He grimaced and held up his already bloodstained katana. A bead of sweat formed on his cheek and dripped off his chin. He moved. Through years of training in the quick-draw art of [I]Iaijutsu[/I], he had become a master of speed when wielding a blade. And though he wasn't drawing, he still managed to take down two fiends with one blow, injuring two others. One of the fiends lunged for him, and he danced aside, tracing the [I]Taiyo no Katana[/I] along its ribs. The beast whimpered and crashed to the ground. Another beast lunged at him from behind. It crashed its massive bulk against his back, knocking him to the ground. Tenkazu grunted in pain from the fall. The remaining three fiends advanced on him as he struggled to his feet. As he rose, he resheathed his blade. Two of the fiends cocked their heads in confusion, but the other continued forward. Tenkazu rested his right hand on the hilt, the sword hanging on his left. He slid into his favored pose for the situation. The beast took this as a threat and lunged, jumping into the air, making to pounce on the seemingly defenseless warrior. It never made it to him. With a fierce cry, Tenkazu drew his blade with blinding speed, decapitating the beast. He dodged the falling corpse, spun, twisted the sword in his hand to face behind him, and stabbed the katana up into the throat of another fiend. Upon seeing its two comrades despatched so quickly, the other fiend turned and ran, seeking a weaker target. "No way!" yelled Tenkazu, running at the beast. He jumped high into the air and, with expert precision, drove his sword down into the fiend's spin, paralyzing its back legs. But he drove the blade further, and it traveled down through the monsters gut, ending up jutted out of the beasts stomach, dripping a considerable amount of gore. Upon landing, Tenkazu wrenched his sword out of the wolf-fiend's body and flicked some of the blood and flesh away with the traditional [I]shiburi[/I] motion.
  19. Here's my new manga idea, tentatively dubbed 'Summoner'. And yes, I realize it sounds like Shaman King, but it's not, so bear with me. Tengoku (Heaven) Tenkazu arrives at a new school, having transferred for personal reasons. However, the reasons are shortly revealed when Tenkazu has to fight of a gang of demons that attack the city. Tenkazu is a Summoner, a decendant of a long line of warriors that fight and seal demons, to prevent them from returning to this world. If a demon is killed, but it isn't sealed by the Summoner, it returns to Jigoku (Hell) to be reincarnated. So Tenkazu reveals his secret life of Summoner and his mission to seal the portal to Hell, conviniently located in this new city, forever. However, there is a darker force behind the seemingly random demon attacks, and the only hope to stop Hell-on-Earth may be in the secret of the Black Bead (demons are sealed within prayer beads). To seal this portal, Tenkazu must seal the remaining 206 types of demons that haven't been sealed, including the most powerful ever to walk the burning plains of Hell! What do you think? Please, give me feedback.
  20. Dario stopped short of the Low Ones range. The plant-like humanoid let out another ferocious shriek. People screamed and ran, scurrying around eachother like frightened deer. The Low One reached out with one vine-wreathed hand and gripped a young woman with dirty-blonde hair up in a ponytail. She screamed loudly, but the Low One stretched its vines around her body, wrapping her tight. "Stop!" bellowed Wryth, before darting in at the plant-monster. He stabbed a twisted spear into its vegetation-coated hide, and thick green liquid spurted out. Some of the vines retracted, and it dropped the woman. Dario, noting her helplessness, dove in. He stabbed his sword through a belt-loop in his jeans and scooped her up, filled with unnatural strength. He flew up out of the dive and headed towards a roof to deposit her. "Who?" she managed to choke out. Dario smirked seductively. "Call me an angel, though note that I'm a Dark Angel," he said, grinning widely. She blushed a little, and turned her head aside. "Thank you...for helping me..." "No problem," he said, floating off the ground again. "It's all in the job description, I think." He flew off towards the Low One, but called out, "Wait there, I'll be back!" Meanwhile, Wryth was fending off the ferocious Low One. It stabbed out with it's bark-blade, but he easily dodged and stabbed again. The beast blocked with its wooden arm, and bark chipped off. "HYAAH!" roared Dario, diving in for an attack. He drew his sword and cut a long cut across the monsters back. The Low One let out a fierce roar of pain and swung at Dario with its vine-arm. He held up an arm to block, and a shield of darkness appeared. Dario was shocked by the sudden appearence of the shield, but took the opportunity to cut another swathe through the viney hide of the beast. Wryth had been doing his job as well, and the Low One was clearly overwhealmed. With Wryth at one end stabbing with his twisted spear, and Dario at the other with his sword and dark-shield, the Low One didn't stand a chance. Alone. A huge, hairy beast leapt from a rooftop and landed on its massive back legs. It was somewhat lupine (wolf-like) in appearance, but stood like a hunched man. Thick cords of saliva dripped from its snarling maw. Its eyes were a bright, feral yellow. One hairy arm hung at its side, with lone talons like steak knives. The other was bent, holding someone to its wide chest. The girl. The Wolf had her held tight, as a hostage. The message was clear. Lay off the Plant, or the girl wound end up as dog-food. "Dario, forget the woman! We have a beast to slay!" growled Wryth. The woman let out a muffled cry, the Wolf's hand clenched tight over her mouth. Tears escaped her eyes and she let out a muffled sob.
  21. Dario groaned and opened his eyes, muttering about crazy dreams and dark angels. Then he saw the eerily skinny man who stood over him. No, man wasn't the right word. This was some...some thing that Dario couldn't name. The creature was too skinny, and all its bones were visible. The tips if it's ribs jutted out of pale gray skin. Huge, terribly broken wings emerged from the narrow shoulders and glowed black. Its eyes were a fierce red. "Wha...what are you?" gasped Dario. The being smiled in a twisted way. "Yes," it croaked, "I usually get that kind of reaction. We Broken Wing always do. Even more-so than Dark Angels." Dario blanched at the term. Could his strange dream have been real? He reached back, and felt huge feathered wings. "Sweet God..." he breathed. "Now, before you pass out again, I feel I must inform you of the situation. You are a decendant of the Winged Ones, my race. We are the servants of the Seven Gods that govern the universe. And our governing God," he pointed to himself and Dario. "Obsiatum, has called upon our services. I do not yet know why, though. But we must stop a war that..." The Winged One's eyes widened, and he twisted around. Feathers fluttered to the ground. The twisted creature rushed to the windowsill and let out a harsh cry. "No! Not...not them again!" he groaned. "What? What happened?" asked Dario. "Come, look out this window. Tell me what you see." Dario went to the window. He just saw a bunch of people. "I see people, English people to be exact, since this is England," said Dario. "What else?" said the Winged One. "Um...cars? Buildings? Trees?" "No!" yelled the twisted being. "The Low One!" he hissed. "The wha?" "Low Ones are the servants of all beings. They revolted millennia ago, but they were defeated. And it seems one has gotten loose." "Well, what do they look like?" asked Dario. "They can look like anything," said the Winged One. "The Low Ones have many forms, but they can be found. You must reach out with your power and find it." Dario stared out the window. He strained his mind, trying to focus his power, and then he felt it. A cold feeling that made his skin crawl and his feathers itch. He traced the feeling to a man in a tweed suit holding a scuffed briefcase. Then the man looked over. And what Dario saw in his eyes was nothing but the purest hatred, a cold fire that burned with vengeance and sheer fury, a fire that ached to use Dario's skin as fuel. "Uh, I think I spotted him," said Dario, gulping. "And he spotted us," the Winged One moaned. "Well, it's a good a time as any to tell you, so my name is Wryth." "Uh, Dario's my name," said Dario, fearing the Low Ones fury. "Come on, we must stop it." "Wha!?" yelled Dario. "What do you mean! I've rarely fought before in my life! How am I supposed to fight a Low One!" "You don't even know what a Low One is," Wryth said. "And you can fight. Call upon the power of your ancestors. Oh, and get some clothes on." Dario stared down at his naked form and, for what was probably the first time in his life, blushed. "Uh...right..." he said, grabbing a pair of jeans. Then he focused, like Wryth told him, and called upon his ancestors for help. He felt stupid, until he felt something heavy in his hand. He looked down to see a slender, ebony sword. "Now, let's go!" said Wryth, jumping out the window. He flapped his tattered wings before calling upon his powers of flight. Dario looked down at the several story drop. "Um, I've never, uh, flown before." "Concentrate on the power of flight, and just jump!" Dario gulped, and took a step onto the windowsill. Then he jumped, pushing off the sill and soared into the air. He heard gasps of shock and began to fall a little before the power of his blood-line filled him. Then he heard the most frightening sound ever. It was a shriek of animalistic fury, mixed with the purest, quintessence (vocab word, means purest) of hate, and the sorrow and pain only brought on by years of slavery to those undeserving of your work. The Low One had changed. Instead of being just a man in a tweed suit, the beast had sprouted vines that wrapped around his body. Its eyes glowed furious green and it sprouted thorns from its gums, pushing out the teeth. Its hair grew long and leafy, and it dropped the briefcase, its arm being surrounded by bark that formed a blade. "Aw, bloody 'ell!" yelled Dario. "Time for your first fight, Dark Angel!" OOC: As far as Low Ones go, you can make them look like just about anything. They can start out as dogs, trees, people, cars, whatever, or they can first appear in their true form. Whatever. Go wild.
  22. OOC: The Current Winged Ones Unborn Lord Xion-Dark Angel-Dario Amarata Dante-Obsiatum Unborn Lord Xion-Phoenix-Paige Myers-Iluminata Ruby-Faery-Kenmei-Caraoto K.K.C.-Phoenix-William Trenor-Oksiana Ohkami-Dragon-Chime "Chi" Itaki-Insiadre Lrb-Angel-Lucifer-Iluminata FirePhoenix727-Phoenix-Tarikeh-Caraoto Xra-Broken-Wryth-Obsiatum Swordmaster13-Phoenix-Scarlet-Insiadre vicky-Steel-Aranel LeDanth-Iluminata Cyriel-Steel-Veil Arioso Treble-Obsiatum Also, the Low Ones can look like just about anything, real or imaginary, so go wild. Insiadre shoved open the doors to the meeting room for the Seven Gods. His scarlet robe flapped behind him, shimmering like waves of heat over flame. His hair was brilliantly colored, mostly bright crimson but with constantly changing waves of yellow and orange. His eyes burned as bright embers. Atop his fiery hair was a crown of flames that flicked, tongues of fire licking at the sky. His clothes were regal and bright red, with orange and yellow touches here and there. "What is the meaning of calling us here, Caraoto!" Insiadre growled, his voice crackling like fire. Caraoto sat upon his/her throne. He/she was clad in thick robes that obscured any gender or features. A heavy hood blocked all but Caraoto's gleaming eyes that changed color rapidly. In front of the throne, like all of the thrones, was a bowl. Caraoto's bowl was filled with a strange substance that shifted between the six other elements. Insiadre took his seat, the bowl in front of his throne blazing with eternal fires. He sat between Akiata and Obsiatum. "Yes, I must agree with Insiadre," said Akiata, her voice fluid and smooth. She was dressed in flowing blue robes that shimmered various shades of blue, even some greens and purples. She stretched languidly on the throne infront of a bowl of churning water. Her crown was metal, but spouts of water jetted from the top. Her eyes were crystal blue, pristine, and her hair was extremely long, waist length at least, and a dark blue. "We must ask you to explain," Traarak said in his heavy, low voice. He was stocky and muscular, his skin a ruddy shade. His hair was short and deep brown, with veins of colors like ore in rock. He was clad in thick, dark armor. His eyes were deep and brown. His bowl was filled with rocks. "All shall be explained, my fellows," said Caraoto in flat, genderless voice. "Shall it now?" asked Oksiana, in his soft, wispy voice. She was dressed in shimmering grey, colored like sunlit clouds, and her long hair was blue streaked with silver. Her eyes were smoky blue and seemed to dance. Her bowl was filled with a small hurricane. "I demand answers now," said Obsiatum in his low, cold voice. His jet black hair and fathomless black eyes both gleamed in the light radiated by Insiadre and Iluminata, whom he sat next to. His did not wear robes, but a black silk shirt and fine black pants that both shined and absorbed light in a strange, paradoxical manner. His bowl was filled with what appeared to be ink, but absorbed all light that hit it. "Give him time, Obsiatum," said Iluminata in a light, soothing voice. Her hair was shorter than Akiata's or Oksiana's, and was white like powdered snow. Her eyes had no irises, pure white other than the pupil, and she wore briliant silver robes that seemed to shine. Her bowl was filled with a glowing liquid. "Fine," said Caraoto. "I shall give you your answers. The Low Ones are rebelling once again." "What!?" bellowed Insiadre, his bowl sending out a jet of fire. Akiata's waters roiled and frothed in her bowl, and Traarak's earth quaked before him. Oksiana's winds shot up in a great hurricane. However, the Light and Shadow stayed calm, as did their masters. "How can this be?" said Obsiatum. "They have been biding their time, and have decided to strike now, when the human world is in greatest peril. It is the perfect time for their strike," said Caraoto, eerily calm. "Then we must stop them!" raged Traarak. "It is not that simple, my earthen brother," said Caraoto. "They have grown strong once again, and they have found allies once more. Not only that, but they have a powerful leader." "Who!?" said Oksiana, her voice like a tornado. "A great power that can match even us in combat, a mighty Dark God. He leads the Low Ones to battle, along side the Demon Wings and dark humans who have been seduced by his evil." "Then we must strike back! Call the Winged Ones!" said Akiata, voice boiling like a hot spring. "It is not that simple," said Caraoto, sighing. "The true, pure-blood Winged Ones are almost extinct. We must call upon the mixed bloods, the ones who have the powers of the Winged Ones." "Are they strong enough?" asked Iluminata. "We must hope so," said Obsiatum. Caraoto nodded gravely. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dario groaned in his sleep as his alarm clock went off. "Bugger all," he grumbled as he slapped the snooze button. He drifted back to the world of Morpheus (Greek God of Dreams, not Matrix Guy) for a brief time before his phone went off. "Bloody 'ell!" he said, slamming his hand down on the snooze button agian. He rose from sleep, puzzled, as he realized it wasn't the alarm clock. Feeling stupid, he grabbed the reciever. "Hello?" he asked, voice thick with sleep. "Dario Amarata Dante," said a low, cold voice that Dario didn't know. "Yes?" "I am Obsiatum, King of Darkness, and I have need for your assistance." "Goodby, ya' loon," said Dario, hanging up. "Crazy bugger calling me up at..." He stared at the clock. It read 9:00 am. "...All hours of the mornin' to say their some King o' Darkness." The phone rang again. Dario picked up. "Listen, mate, I'm not gonna deal with your crazy 'King of Darkness' nonsense until it's a respectable time of day, right?" "Obviously, you do not understand who you are speaking to," said Obsiatum. "Obviously, you're a loon," grumbled Dario. "Maybe a personal meeting is in order," said Obsiatum. The line went dead. "Crazy bugger," grumbled Dario, before Obsiatum appeared in his room. The Kind of Darkness towered over Dario's 5'10" height at a massive 7' + height. Dario stared up at the imposing figure. "I musta had too many drinks las' night," he said, cocking an eyebrow. "I am no drunken dillusion, Dario Dante. I am Obsiatum, and I am here to reveal your lineage as Winged One." "Right..." said Dario, disbelieving. "You seek proof? Then I shall give you proof," Obsiatum said, annoyed. Dario felt a strange itching sensation on his back. When he reached back to scratch it, he felt something protruding from his shoulders. He yanked off a feather, and it hurt like hell. He looked at the feather, and it looked like a large Raven's. "You Dario, are a Dark Angel," said Obsiatum. Dario passed out.
  23. Since I'm tired of waiting for a Demon Winged One, and have eight (soon to be nine) Winged Ones already, I shall start it. -ULX
  24. Uh, the reason they kept restarting YYH and RK over again is because they were dubbing the new episodes. So, would you rather have re-runs or no-runs? I think my point has been made. -ULX
  25. Very nice, all around. I think I'll start this once I get a Demon Winged One, so we have a bad guy (everyone's good so far!). Just wondering, how many of you took the quiz anyway? As I said, excellent entries. One comment, though. Many of you didn't seem to understand that you are mixed blood, as in lived as humans and just found out about your powers? I guess I should've made that more clear, and I'm not asking you to change it, I'm just saying for future reference. -ULX
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