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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Sorry for the delay; I've been dealing with some heavy writer's block, and hopefully I'll manage to make this something worth waiting for. [CENTER][SIZE=2]Chapter Five: Rising Threat[/SIZE][/CENTER] [I]The Lounge, East Distric February 6th, 00:05[/I] It was 11 hours since the red-masked man had been spotted, and the entirety of the OB was on high-alert. Newbies were ordered to stay in their lodgings, and it was highly advised for those who weren't currently on the hunt to do the same. The death and subsequent mutilation of Sandy had sent shockwaves through the community centralized on the Arena; no one had yet been told about his alliegance to the killers except for those on the look out for more. In the posh East District of the Lounge, JJ sighed and dropped a smoked-out cigarette on the asphalt, crushing it under his boot. Under the pale moonlight, the shadows were long and ominous, and the rifle he held in his hands only held the minimum of comfort for him as he scanned the area with his flashlight periodically, searching for any sign of life that might prove a threat. There was nothing for miles, as far as he could see. [B]"JJ, you there?"[/B] his earpiece crackled to life, and the voice of Ezekiel filled his ear. [B]"Yeah, I'm here, 'Zeke. Any luck so far?"[/B] [B]"Nothing. I figure these guys are in hiding, ever since Annie and Sakura spotted them. It would certainly be smart of them, anyway."[/B] [B]"We can only hope,"[/B] JJ responded with a sigh. [B]"Yeah, I suppo - "[/B] There was a loud crack of static and the feed was gone. JJ reached up and tapped on the earpiece repeatedly. [B]"Zeke? You there Zeke?"[/B] No response. The feed was gone. [B]"Hell."[/B] In the cold, sick silence, heart thudding in his ears, JJ heard light footsteps clicking in the background. He swallowed hard and shouldered his rifle, flicking off the safety. No one was going to get the drop on him, no sir. There was a pause. The sound of the gun readied had not gone unheard, and he could just barely make out the sound of a clip being locked in a handgun. In a fluid motion he spun on his heel and glared down the sight. There was a movement in the shadows to the right, he twisted, pulse growing louder and louder, thudding like war drums in his head. At last he saw it, the flicker of cloak, the flash of cold steel. A figure tore off from the darkness and arced through the piss-yellow street lights, flying high above the ground and pounding boot on brick as they climbed the wall itself. [B][COLOR=DarkRed]"Catch me if you can!"[/COLOR][/B] JJ kept his weapon raised, waiting for the right shot. The masked man had twin pistols raised, aimed, cocked, ready to fire. The flicker of crimson on the mask was clear, and JJ squeezed down his finger. Two shots rang out, and blood spilled across the pavement. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [I]OB Anthology February 6th, 00:09[/I] The fur bristled on Solo Tremaine's neck, and his ears twitched as he heard the soft whisper of cloth rustling in the OB Anthology which was, according to the main desk, closed on Official Business. He was the only one supposed to be in the Anthology, so whoever was fiddling around in the massive library was either a stupid n00b...or the person Solo was looking for. He stalked off quickly, eyes twitching and seeking every possible sound that would lead him towards his quarry. He leaned down one long aisle of bookshelves and suddenly, there he was, wreathed in black and...holding a book? Odd, but there was time for questions later. Now was the time to catch a killer. He tensed, and the powerful lupine muscles in his legs propelled him forward, claws raised to bring down the intruder in one fierce swipe. Evidently, though, the masked man was cleverer than Solo gave him credit, and far quicker. In a flash, they were spiraling back from the place they had so recently stood, and Solo came down nearly a foot short of his target. He raised his head to look directly into the eyeholes of his enemy's cold gray mask. [B]"Who are you?"[/B] he growled. [B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"That is unimportant,"[/COLOR][/B] the person scoffed. [B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"You'll soon be dead, at any rate."[/COLOR][/B] Solo snarled and flexed his claws, rising again to his full height. [B]"You're going to kill me?"[/B] [B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"All disbelievers shall fall in the coming purge,"[/COLOR][/B] sneered the masked figure. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]"You shall fare no better, Solo Tremaine."[/B][/COLOR] [B]"What?"[/B] Solo snapped, eyes widening suddenly. [B]"What purge? What are you talking about?"[/B] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]"You'll find out soon. You and all the symapthisers for the n00b scum."[/B][/COLOR] [B]"We don't symapthise with n00bs, we just don't think that your methods are right!"[/B] [B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"They deserve a swift death, and if it takes brutality to keep the n00bs away, so be it,"[/COLOR][/B] sneered the masked figure. [B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"We will clean the OB of n00bs, and those that would defend them. Then, we will reign in a pure kingdom, free from filth and idiocy!"[/COLOR][/B] [B]"You're insane."[/B] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]"That's what people always think of genius!"[/B][/COLOR] Solo hadn't even noticed as the lunatic drew a hidden knife, and he just barely dodged in time, the blade tracing a thin cut across his cheek. He swore and turned on the masked man, but they were already running, book held tightly in one hand. Whatever was in the tome, the killer needed it for some plan, and he was damned if he was going to let them get away. They bolted down aisle after aisle, but Solo could never seem to close the gap no matter how much he sped up. As the masked man entered a large reading room, they drew another elegantly curved knife and paused just long enough to take aim, severing the cord of a light fixture above. It plummeted to the ground in front of Solo, exploding in sparks, glass, and splinters as it crashed onto a table. In the commotion, the figure darted off to who knows where, escaping Solo's eyes. He searched the Anthology high and low, but to no avail. They were gone. And missing from its shelf in the History archive was a small, battered tome: [I]Mysteries of the Anime Archive[/I]. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [I]Art Studio, Retribution Wing February 6th, 00:11[/I] In the tense stillness that surrounded him, Retribution found a moment to reflect on the irony of having to stay so on guard in a wing that shared his name. With no communication to outside world, and no idea how far away Syk3 might be in the veritably labyrinthine Art Studio Museum, he felt terribly vulnerable in a place where he had created nearly everything from wall to wall. [B]"Terribly ironic,"[/B] he muttered to himself. [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Beautiful, though."[/COLOR][/B] Retribution whirled suddenly, and his eyes came to rest upon a cloaked figure sitting in the window, blue and silver mask glittering in the moonlight. Their face was turned away, facing one of Retribution's larger murals. [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"You always did have a strong gift for the arts, Retribution."[/COLOR][/B] [B]"You're...the killer?"[/B] [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"If you wish to think of me thus,"[/COLOR][/B] the killer murmured, and Retribution began to notice the feminine tone of the voice, distorted as it may be. But didn't Annie and Sakura call the killer a male? [B]"What...what do you want?"[/B] 'She' turned languidly, the shadowy eyeholes focused on Retribution's face as 'she' spoke again. [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Simply to appreciate this glory one more time...before things get unduly messy."[/COLOR][/B] [B]"You're going to kill again?"[/B] Retribution asked, staying calm, staying still, and hoping that Syk3 would come to check on him soon. He was never any good in a fight; art was his battle-field. [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"In a sense. And if you decide to give up on the salvation of n00bs, you can save yourself, I hope you realize."[/COLOR][/B] The experienced artist shot her a funny look. [B]"You want me to join you?"[/B] [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Like I said, you always had great talent. And killing those who are wise and skilled seems such a waste, does it not?"[/COLOR][/B] she added, and Retribution could hear the smile in her tone. [B]"So...are there more of you?"[/B] The woman let out a low chuckle. [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"You think it only Sandy and I orchestrating this endeavour? Bloodlust is not in my nature, and, ambitious as he may have been, it wasn't his, either. This is the brain child of other, more ambitious men. I aid, I do not lead."[/COLOR][/B] [B]"And you came to ask for my assistance?"[/B] [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"That I did. And, of course, to enjoy the lovely artwork."[/COLOR][/B] There was a long pause, the wind gently ruffling the cloak of the blue-masked woman, as they looked at one another. At last, Retribution gave a little grin. [B]"I'm afraid that mass-murder just isn't my style. You understand."[/B] The masked woman sighed, and she dropped off the windowsill, landing gracefully on the marble floor. [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"If that's how you're going to be..."[/COLOR][/B] Retribution hardly saw it, and barely felt it when the masked woman darted forward and drove what he barely had time to notice was a metal staff into his gut. The force knocked the wind out of him, and the subsequent electric shock caused him to collapse to the floor, out cold. The woman sighed softly and reached up into the hood that concealed her hair, and tapped the earpiece gently. [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Retribution is neutralized. Shall I make a clean job of him?"[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=Black]"No. As long as he's out, leave him. The mission is too important to have Syk3 or someone else catching you in the act. Proceed as planned."[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Yes, sir."[/COLOR][/B] She flitted off into the darkness, leaving no trace of her entrance but the unconscious Retribution. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] Adventure Inn, Building 2, Room 5B February 6th, 00:13 Long, pale fingers drummed slowly on sleek mahogany, their brothers on the other hand pressed gently against temple and earpiece. Silence filled the line, feed cut by the other participant as she left to complete her goal. The communicator he wore would be the only one still working in the OB, if his device worked right. A mirthless grin flitted across the sharp features hidden behind a silver mask, slashed with black. All he could do was wait, for now. Wait for his associates to do their jobs. [B][COLOR=Black]"Soon,"[/COLOR][/B] he murmured to no one in particular. [COLOR=Black][B]"Soon, the world will be mine."[/B][/COLOR] As he waited, he watched the moon arc across the dark sky, peering down like the silver eye of a god, leering down to watch the teeming masses as they went about their pointless lives. Oh, how quickly those miserable existences could end. If things went according to plan, he would soon prove exactly how sudden, and how brutal, death could be. They would never see it coming. Project Mercy. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] Am I evil? Why yes, yes I am. And I will offer one more bit of tantelizing data before I go; next time, at least one more Masked Man will be revealed, and I promise you, traitors will emerge, and pretty soon, and the party's really going to start for our Megalomaniacs soon.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]In the sweltering heat of the mid-July afternoon, the soft crunch of gravel filled the air as a battered old car with "Police" painted on the side sputtered to a stop, the backfire ringing out like a gunshot. With a rusty scream, the two doors swung open, and the two police officers stepped out, one spitting a wad of tobacco onto the rocky sand. The dark-skinned driver adjusted his sunglasses and his gun in its holster, and the two leisurely walked into the barren city of Bethlehem, New Mexico. There were no cars in the street, no people on the porches. Most of the buildings seemed dead and empty in this tiny little town. But they knew exactly where they were headed, anyway. There was a single business that required their attention, a den of drugs, prostitution, and conspicuous disappearances. The tallest structure in the city, with a flickering neon sign that read "the Leather Angel." Without any opposition, the cops made their way down the dusty street, eventually coming to a stop in front of the club. They could feel the heavy bass radiating through the ground, and the loud cheers and jeers of the patrons inside. With a quick signal, the two officers kicked open the doors in tandem, raising their guns in the air. [B]"This is a raid!"[/B] yelled the driver. [B]"Everybody stay where they are, unless you want a bullet in your ***."[/B] The music came to a stop, the band and every other person in the club looking over slowly. There was a cool disinterest in their faces, and a complete lack of fear of surprise. A bead of sweat ran down the other cop's forehead, and he worried his lip with his teeth before barking out roughly, [B]"Everybody up against the wall!"[/B] The patrons rose slowly, but they didn't start moving towards the walls. They were advancing, in a smooth, predatory fashion that made the hairs start raising on the back of his neck. His partner looked just as perturbed, his eyes locked on those of one of the band member's, which seemed to glow an unearthly red. And before they even realized what had happened, the two cops were a foot forward from the doorway, the entrance slamming shut suddenly behind them. [B]"Sonuva..."[/B] the passenger snarled under his breath. He whirled to see who had shut the door, and in that instant, the crowd broke, a red eyed man lunging forward and wrapping his arms around the cop's chest before sinking his teeth into his neck. The cop let out a high scream and the sound of his gun firing rang out, but no one was shot. The driver turned and raised his gun, planting a bullet in the assailants stomach. This didn't seem to stop is at it turned to leer at him, eyes radiating with hellfire, and a pair of coal-black wings sprouting from its back. His eyes opened wide, face distorted by terror, and he staggered back, gun falling to the ground heavily. [I][B]"El diablo...es el diablo!"[/B][/I] he screamed, repeating the world over and over again as the mob moved forward, eyes glittering with unearthly light in red, blue, gold, and green. They sprouted wings and fangs, claws and horns, demonic entities prepared to tear him apart as he crawled further back when his legs gave way, voice rising an octave to scream, [I][B]"Ayudame! Ayudame!"[/B][/I] Back on the stage, the band started playing again, and the strippers kept strutting. [SIZE=2][CENTER]Rise and Fall[/CENTER][/SIZE] There is a town in the Southern USA called Bethlehem, New Mexico, and it is a town of the damned. Not a single human spends more than a day in Bethlehem, always ending up chased out or killed. Because Bethlehem plays host to a certain clientel that wants to stay as far away from being known about as possible. It's a place of runaways, turncoats, and criminals-in-hiding. From what? Heaven and Hell. The Fallen Angels, seeking escape from the rules and rigors of Heaven's army. The Risen Demons, unsatisfied with torture and eternal flame. The Leather Angel is the hub for these Fallen and Risen, a place to unwind, to hide, to find companionship or just drink it all away. The Prince of lust and sloth, Belial, is the owner and operator of the establishment, and his [I]primo[/I] entertainer is the Leather Angel herself, Raphael, the Beauty of God. The duo are revered as the King and Queen of Bethlehem, saviors of a group that desperately needs salvation. If only they truly knew what they were in for. The Warriors of Heaven and the Princes of Hell are not as blind as the people of Bethlehem seem to think. Lucifer, lord of the pit, has long thought the den of sin a wonderful thing - but as more of his demons leave the ranks to serve under Belial's control, his legendary ire awakes again, and the Prince of Lies, will not stand for such a thing to happen. His armies are ready to strike out this rebellious blight upon the earth, if they do not return to his kingdom. Meanwhile, the Angel of War, Michael, is just as enraged by his traitorous brethren. With the stain of sinful angels upon the world, he cannot just stand by and let them carry on. To rid this scourge from the earth, he is determined to slay each and every member of the Fallen if they do not repent. Those who disobay the word of the Lord shall meet their end, just like the filth of Sodom and Gomorrha. Oblivion is about to strike Bethlehem, and the Risen and Fallen will have to fight tooth and nail for their very survival against the agents of their ultimate destruction. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] That is the story of Rise and Fall, in a nutshell. Required for it are, of course, the Risen and Fallen, as well as the agents of Hell and Heaven. Sign-Up Sheet [B]Name:[/B] They're Angels and Demons, so keep that in mind when picking names. This is a Judaic/Christian style mythos, so I don't want to see Japanese character names. Samael, not Sakura, got it? [B]Gender:[/B] Yes, angels and demons are generally genderless. But are they predominantly masculine, or femenine? [B]Side:[/B] Are they the Risen/Fallen? Angels from Heaven? Demons from Hell? [B]Appearance:[/B] Pictures or a decent written description. [B]Fighting Style:[/B] How do they handle themselves in a scrap? What kind of techniques do they usually pull out? What's their weapon of choice? [B]Personality:[/B] How do they act? It's pretty basic stuff. [B]Writing Sample:[/B] Because it's awfully hard to write a bio for an immortal, ancient being, just give me a couple paragraphs from your characters point of view. That's about it for now. I'll be posting my sign-up for Belial later, and the character of Raphael is reserved. Three guesses for who, and the first two don't count.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Screenname-[/B] Unborn Lord Xion, just Xion or ULX for short [B]Appearance-[/B] [URL=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y48/UnbornLordXion/bnc-kou1.jpg]Xion[/URL] is usually found clad in black slacks, a blood-red shirt, and a black trenchcoat, with numerous chains, rings, and bangles, all made from silver. [B]Personality-[/B] Admittedly not the most pleasant person to be around, Xion has a tendency to be brutally snarky, tearing friends and foes alike with blistering rhetoric while plotting which body part he's going to blow off with his gun. He has no qualms about killing anyone, and would sooner leave a comrade for dead then risk his own neck to save them. The war has left him icy cold on the inside, and he has no time for friends. He's fridgid, he's brutal, and he's ruthlessly efficient on the battle field. That's all he needs in this life - the smell of gunpowder and the pulse of adrenaline. [B]Weapons-[/B] A sleek black handgun, pilfered from a dead soldier not long after the destruction. It's a quick and efficient weapon to use, and at .45 caliber, it has enough to stopping power to put down just about anything that steps in Xion's way. He keeps it in a shoulder holster, also stolen, and usually has it somewhat hidden by his trenchcoat. [B]Writing Piece-[/B] Dreams can be a ***** sometimes. Here Desiree was, hoping she could have a nice, whisky-induced, dreamless sleep and she gets plagued by dreams. Annoying dreams. Not the horrible memory kind that she started drinking whisky to hide from?not the hot, steamy kind that she tried to fight off during her relationship?no, the surreal, Dali-on-crack kind that you had to read books just to make heads-or-tales of. She was hanging by a string, above a deep, deep pit. Above was a platform covered in a red cloth. Mr. Darc was leaning down, and from the pit she could hear Christopher?s voice screaming up at her. [B]?Get down here, you stupid whore! We got things to talk about!?[/B] And from high above, Mr. Darc looked down with his deep brown eyes. And a chill ran through Desiree as she saw what was in his hand. A shimmering pair of scissors, big and shiny and sharp. His index finger was hooked through the loop?he didn?t look like he was planning on cutting anything soon, but would if he had to. [B]?Are you ready, Desiree??[/B] She stared up, feeling the bottom dropping from her stomach. [B]?Sink or swim, Miss Paine?sink or swim???[/B] No! She tried to scream, but her mouth wouldn?t open. His hand stretched out?it glimmered, cold steel like the blades he so recently held?sharp and jagged and ready to send her to her doom. [B]?Are you ready???[/B] She struggled and trashed but the string was too tight?too tight to move?getting too tight to breath. [B]?The shark pit awaits?can you learn to swim???[/B] It was too much?it was all too much? [B]?You have to swim before you can fight?the wolf has sharp teeth, but it?s nothing like a shark??[/B] What? [B]?Fate has strung you on this path?the sisters sent you to me?will you carry out their will, or will you fight and swim???[/B] What!? [B]?The shark can bite, but the wolf has claws?the shark is stronger but the wolf is just a dog gone wrong?reach out for a puppy and pop goes your hand?the shark?s a shark no matter what.?[/B] [B]?What are you talking about!??[/B] Her voice was free, free from the shackles, free from control. Free?like she was. Free like?a bird? [B]?To swim?to fight?to run?to fly?pick your path and dare not die??[/B] [B]?I don?t understand!?[/B] she cried. [B]?Watch his teeth?he just got braces, after all??[/B] Snicker-snack went the vorpal blade and Desiree went tumbling down?down in the deep dark pit where sharks that look like sharks waited to see if she could swim or fly. ***** The blaring alarm clock snapped her back into consciousness. She glared at the luminescent face, informing her that it was 1:30 in the morning. She swatted it off the table, and it broke against the wall. She cursed loudly in the dark room. She staggered around briefly, stripping off her sweat soaked clothes and pulling on a fresh outfit. Something had been terrorizing her in her dreams?why else would she have woken up in a cold sweat? But if only she could remember?maybe Darc?d pull a Freud on her. She wouldn?t be surprised if he was a dream reader. She wouldn?t be surprised by much of anything, for that matter. [I]The angry music kept screaming. Angry grip around your ne~eck?you feel black and blue! Angry grip around your neck?as I choke you![/I] The violent woman kept screaming on as Desiree quickly fixed a pot of coffee. Something to cure the mild hangover that was slowly rising in her temples. She, like many members of the Night Life, was well accustomed to the pulsing headaches. So she had a system. Black coffee, stir in some Tylenol, and drink until the headache stops. And if that doesn?t work, drink yourself back into oblivion and try again later. Always seems to work?eventually. Half an hour before she?d meet with Mr. Darc. Half an hour until she?d face her demons. Half an hour before the ?fun? begins. [B]Notes-[/B] N/A[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Just to clear it up, yes, Sandy was the shotgun wielder from the first chapter, and was a part of the Distorted Voices and Mask club until he killed that newbie in a fit of Hubris. And Revelation, well, of course I'm not going to reveal the Boss straight away. But I can tell you that, at this time, I have four more masked killers down, and possibly more joining their ranks. Right, moving on, then - [SIZE=2][CENTER]Chapter Four: Message Delivered[/CENTER][/SIZE] [I]The Underground February 5th, 13:52[/I] Deep beneath the Arena, the Underground wound out, a series of dark tunnels connected to the slowly growing main hub, where Adventurers could go to plot and plan. Lights periodically filtered down from grates in the ceiling, but the almost endless maze was cast primarily in shadows, filled with only the muffled sound of footsteps overhead and wind whistling through the open slots. The sharp clicking of boots on stone disturbed the relative silence, and shining beams of light cut through the stygian blackness of a particularly dark stretch of tunnel. Finally stepping under a pool of light, Annie paused and flicked dark bands out her eyes before pointing her flashlight onto the advancing back of Sakura. [B]"You sure we're going the right way?"[/B] she called. [B]"We've been walking for about an hour now."[/B] Sakura turned her head and shrugged. [B]"Bio said to follow this tunnel. There were only a couple turns, anyway."[/B] Annie sighed softly and began walking forward again. [B]"It just seems like it's been so long since we started walking, I was beginning to wonder if we'd ever get there. I don't see why we couldn't have started in closer to the spot, at least."[/B] [B]"I guess this was just closest. And I don't know about you, but I don't really want to jump down to the bottom of that ravine, you know?"[/B] [B]"Yeah, yeah."[/B] The two carried on in silence, the only noise breaking the response that soft clicking. At last, the wind grew louder and louder, and a light began to filter in at the end of the tunnel. Annie could hear another noise just below the wind, but couldn't place it. The two charged forward, but Sakura suddenly paused at the mouth of the tunnel. Annie rushed up behind her. [B]"What's the proble - "[/B] Then she looked, and her eyes shot open in shock. [B]"Oh, dear God."[/B] Pressed against the wall was Sandy's body, stripped of it's black cloak and any kind of shirt. His chin rested against his chest, and the blank, blue eyes were half hidden by his blonde hair. The ugly wound in his chest stood out starkly against his fair skin, but it was hardly what drew the eye. Instead, it was the fact that the corpse had been lifted several feet up the sheer stone wall, supported solely by two blades that had been forced through his wrists savagely, leaving him crucified. And cut into his stomach was a single word: Traitor. [B]"Who...Who would do this?"[/B] Sakura gasped. [B][COLOR=DarkRed]"Aw, the little investigators caught up with me,"[/COLOR][/B] chuckled a strange voice from afar. The duo whirled, but nothing was in the area except for sheared stone and a lone support structure. Behind her, Annie could hear Sakura ready her twin pistols that she'd modeled after Yuna's. Annie raised her own weapon, a more compact handgun that was better for espionage - her forte. They stood back to back, scanning the area for any signs of movement. [B][COLOR=DarkRed]"Ooh, sent Bandits after me, did they? Little Cherry Blossom and the big bad Goddess? I'm so scared."[/COLOR][/B] [B]"Well, I guess that explains why you have to hide like a coward,"[/B] Annie called. [B][COLOR=DarkRed]"Just so you know, there's a difference between hidin'..."[/COLOR][/B] In a flash, a black-shrouded figure dropped down from the stone wall above the tunnel, a long, jet-black sword held aloft in one gloved hand. The two women jumped apart just in time to avoid the near-lethal strike, and the blade bit into the soft earth slightly before the assailant stood up straight. He turned to face the chief Bandit, and all that was within his hood was a red streaked featureless mask. [B][COLOR=DarkRed]"...And waitin' for the right moment. 'Course, you seem better than I gave yeh credit for."[/COLOR][/B] [B]"A lot of people make that mistake,"[/B] Annie growled, aiming her jet black pistol at his face. [B]"Now, mind telling us who you are?"[/B] [B][COLOR=DarkRed]"Normally, this is the part where I say somethin' like your worst nightmare, 'r somethin', right? Well, let's just skip that an' get right to the killin', shall we?"[/COLOR][/B] The sword cut forward but instead of striking the woman, struck the barrel of the gun, sending a bullet flying off to the side and knocking the weapon out of her hand. His hand swung out right after, wrapping around her arm before he swung around to toss her against Sakura, who had been just about to riddle his back with holes. [B][COLOR=DarkRed]"Well, if we're gonna have a shoot out, maybe I should grab my guns, eh?"[/COLOR][/B] the masked figure chuckled. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"But, wait, I think I left them at home. Oh, hell, I guess we'll just have to do thing another time, ladies."[/B][/COLOR] He turned swiftly and darted off again, ducking into the tunnel and taking off quickly. The two women disentangled themselves easily and Annie grabbed her pistol as she passed it, taking careful aim at the retreating figure. A quick shot rang out, but he never paused, save a brief stagger that let her know she at least hit him somewhere in all that cloak. The light trail of blood that started up merely reaffirmed this. Unfortunately, after one sharp turn, he disappeared. The grate overhead was pinned down by a sharp metal rod that they couldn't dislodge. A dull, pulsing headache had taken up residence in Annie's temples, and she muttered curses under her breath as she tried to think of what to do next. [B]"We need to tell them about this guy!"[/B] Sakura yelled, making up Annie's mind for her. The other girl was right; tracking down Masked Man Number Two was priority one. [B]"Okay, okay. Let's get back to the hub as soon as possible."[/B] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] Gah, I just about had to get the jaws of life to pry even this drivel out of my mind, so apologies if it's complete and utter bollocks (to borrow a phrase from Ezekiel). More interesting things will happen next time, I promise, and hopefully I'll be over this spot of Writer's Block by then.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Silver][SIZE=1] Ginmaru kept his eyes narrow and trained on Shogo's bandaged face. This had been a relatively extreme change, and not one that was entirely unwelcome. He was tired of pussy-footing around - he had too much to do and too short a life to waste time handling drunkards. It was time for a real challenge, and maybe Shogo-sensei would finally dish something out worth taking on. The Chuunin Exam would certainly help him advance, and if he couldn't cut it, well, he wasn't worth his ambition, then. In the tense pause that had formed, the silver-haired shinobi let his gaze wander to his two teammates. Daisuke seemed more capable than he'd initially gauged, certainly more than just another Hyuuga dog. But Imi hadn't the stomach to attack him? He'd been itching for the work out, but she'd just let him down. He had expected so much from a rival, but it was nothing more than a disappointment to his high expectations. Shogo-sensei was moving again, so Ginmaru shifted his stare once more. The Jounin was stretching again, readying himself for the fight with his students, perhaps? He was blind, yes, but Ginmaru would not underestimate him. The blind man was still a Jounin, and a lethal master of genjutsu; certainly not someone to take lightly. If he had to, Ginmaru told himself, he would release the Kingatana if he had to. There was no time to waste, and no trick was too powerful to use now. His opponents, now and in the future, would want to destroy him. He had to allot them the same courtesy. [B]"I'm ready, sensei,"[/B] the swordsman said softly, almost too quiet to be heard. [B]"What was that, Ginmaru?"[/B] Shogo replied loudly. [B]"I said I'm ready,"[/B] he repeated, voice resonating in the field. [B]"Ready to fight, and ready to kill. I will [I]not[/I] hesitate."[/B] His gaze flicked to Imi again for the briefest of seconds. [B]"I don't know if I can believe you, boy,"[/B] Shogo said, tone half condescending and half disbelieving. [B]"Are you sure you could kill another man? Even your father? Can you kill your heart to truly be a shinobi?"[/B] [B]"If given the chance, I would take his head from his shoulders,"[/B] Ginmaru growled savagely. [B]"You say my opponents will destroy me without hesitation? I'll do the same."[/B] [B]"Such bravado from a child,"[/B] the blind man chuckled. [B]"Don't act so tough, idiot,"[/B] Imi snarled. [B]"And don't act like you know what it's like to have to kill someone."[/B] In a flash, Ginmaru had his sword drawn, the tip glittering in the sun as it pointed at his sensei's heart. The younger ninja felt cold satisfaction as Shogo tensed slightly, his honed reflexes telling him to react. [B]"On this blade, I swear, I will cut down anyone who stands in the way of my ambition."[/B] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Ginmaru sighed and tugged uncomfortably at his thin black tie, desperately wishing he could just tear it off and burn it. In addition, he felt almost naked without his sword strapped to his back or his mask. He kept fiddling while Shogo-sensei dispatched the first drunkard of the night, filled with a nervous energy that he couldn't explain but [I]certainly[/I] didn't have anything to do with the lovely young women in kimonos. No sir. And the occasional drunken one playing with his hair? Didn't bother him in the [I]slightest[/I]. Nope. He was fine with them cooing over the "cute little ninja," and was quite competently ignoring Daisuke and Imi's sniggers. Because he was a shinobi, and shinobi didn't give in to such simple distractions. So, the tension that was throbbing in his temples was completely unexplainable. Maybe he was just bored. He had to admit, though, that seeing the women give the same attention to Daisuke did bring a smug smile to his face. He sighed again and meandered over to the bar, effortlessly snatching an open jug of sake off the counter. The person who had rightfully payed for it was already slumped against the table, so he wouldn't miss it. Ginmaru, who was old enough to kill and old enough to bear the Kingatana, was surely old enough to handle a sip of sake, so he took one. That burning sensation? Nothing. Really. The instant hazy vision? Would pass, he was sure. That stagger? A careful ruse to through potential brawlers off their guard. Yes, everything was going according to plan. [B]"Oi, girly, care to party with a real man?"[/B] came a loud, raucous voice. Ginmaru turned quickly, his eyes narrowing as he looked upon a group of leering drunks, crowded around a dainty red head. One reached out to grab her shoulder, but she shrugged him off. Sensing trouble, Ginmaru slinked closer. [B]"Get away, you oafs!"[/B] the girl snarled. [B]"Come on, cutie, don't be rough!"[/B] chortled another man. [B]"Let Okamura-sama take good care of you."[/B] [B]"I said, go away!"[/B] [B]"Don't make me get warm with you, you little - "[/B] [B]"The girl doesn't want your company, letch!"[/B] There was a loud crack as Ginmaru's fist came into contact with the burliest and most drunken of the pack, and the businessman staggered back, slumping against his buddies. The silver-haired ninja flexed his hand again and shot a cold glare at the crowd. Even without his sword, he could still give them one hell of a fight if they tried him. [B]"Now, I'd suggest you all go and cool down, alright?"[/B] Without another (loud) word, the men slinked off, muttering darkly but making no threatening gestures. Ginmaru, proud of his victory, minor as it may be, turned to the young woman he had protected...and was promptly slugged in the gut. [B]"Jackass, I could've handled it!"[/B] Imi growled. [B]"Love you, too, Imi-chan,"[/B] Ginmaru spat back. [B]"See if I do you another favour."[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Writing The Bikini Bandits Strike Back! [M-L, likely sexual innuendos]
Onix replied to Annie's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]You have made me such a badass and for that, you recieve big props, G. Gotta love the fight with Rifles, and the firewall joke, too. In fact, this entire chapter was just plain awesome. Except for the - argh - cliffhanger. 'Course, I suppose I'm somewhat guilty of those, too, so I won't complain too loudly. I can't wait to see what crazy shizz you pull out next, Annie, so bring out the next chapter soon~ please. Pretty please? *flutters lashes*[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][SIZE=2]Chapter Three: Killer[/SIZE][/CENTER] [I]The Lounge, West District February 5th, 05:12[/I] It was an unusually hot morning as the sun crested over the horizon, HTML code shimmering over head as the light reflected off the gleaming buildings of the Lounge. However, the West District was still steeped in shadow, the sunlight blocked by the great towers of the rest of the Lounge. The West District was a run down slum, and it was where most of the spammers made their home. The stink of drug up old threads and rotting spam filled the air, an acrid mixture that made Raiyuu's eyes water as he lead his teammates through the area. The gas masks each wore were hardly helping things. [B]"Watch out,"[/B] Raiyuu called back, voice muffled by the mask. [B]"We don't know what we're gonna find out here. Probably a lot of n00bs, though, so keep on your guard."[/B] [B]"You don't have to tell me twice,"[/B] Pumpkin grumbled from behind him, shining her rifle-mounted flashlight across a sign proclaiming the building a l33t Quarintine zone. It seemed like every other building had one, in fact. [B]"Good,"[/B] Raiyuu said curtly. [B]"Alright, Gavin, Pumpkin, you're with me. John, Drix, head back East. Contact me if you see anything."[/B] [B]"Aye, cap'n,"[/B] was Drix's quick response before he and John headed back in the direction they had come. Raiyuu just sighed and shook his head before gesturing for Pumpkin and Gavin to follow him down the dark, cracked street. Not a single sign of life was visible anywhere, and it was making him a bit nervous as he ran his light across the crumbling buildings and overflowing bins of decomposing code. He expected to have seen at least one pixelated Sephiroth or color-warped Sasuke by now, but there was nothing. Until the sudden flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye. He spun quickly on his heel, sliding his light across the buildings, and managed to catch the edge of a black cloak flickering into the darkness. He took off quickly, yelling, [B]"Follow me!"[/B] behind him as he raced after the mysterious figure. It had a good lead on him, but he was slowly catching up, and he never missed that tell-tale flick of cape as it darted around corners. [B]"Stop immediately!"[/B] Raiyuu yelled, but the target payed no heed. Sensing no other alternative, he shouldered his rifle and reached into his jacket, pulling out the ultimate weapon. The Mod Fan. With an expertly timed flick of the wrist, the fan spun around the curve of a building in a deadly arc, finally striking its target with a loud [B]"thwack!"[/B] Tentatively, he made his way towards the fallen body, still wreathed in a black cloak as it lay sprawled out on the dirty ground. Gavin and Pumpkin came running up behind him, and he gestured for them to be quiet as he crept forward to the prone figure. In one quick movement, he jerked free the person's head from the cloak, and pulled back. [B]"Interesting. Most, interesting."[/B] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [I]Adventure Square, Medieval Fantasy District February 5th, 12:06[/I] Xion sighed and drummed his fingers on the hilt of his sword as he sat atop one of the Square's many RP Rooms. Nothing had happened worth noting in the area since the ungodly hour of 4 in the morning when he and Ezekiel had been woken out of their comfortable slumber by the terribly loud ringing of their doorbell. And opening the door to find Ozy Jones, Athena, and Arcadia in nothing but a pink towel had not improved his mood. His reverie was interrupted, however, by the sudden flash of red that filled his vision. [B]"Coke, love?"[/B] [B]"Thanks, babe,"[/B] he said, taking the can from out of Ezekiel's hand. [B]"Seen anything?"[/B] she asked as sat down next to him, dangling her legs off the side of the building and leaning over to rest her head on his shoulder. [B]"Nothing,"[/B] he grumbled, sounding somewhat disappointed. [B]"Not one sign of anything wierd going on."[/B] [B]"What, you want him to kill somebody?"[/B] the red head chided. [B]"No,"[/B] he shot back defensively. [B]"I just think that if we're spending our anniversary on a manhunt, we might as well have something to do other than waiting for this sonuvabitch to make a move."[/B] [B]"I guess,"[/B] she sighed. Xion patted her thigh gently, resting his head on hers. [B]"We'll just have to do something special when we're done here, I guess."[/B] Ezekiel shot him a devious look, and he grinned wickedly in turn. Before anything else could be said, however, a loud scream rang out across the Square. The headset Xion was wearing buzzed to life and Ozy's voice filled his ear. [B]"Did you hear that?"[/B] [B]"Yeah, Ozy. Me an 'Zeke are close, we'll take care of it."[/B] Annie's voice was the next one on the link, sounding only slightly worried. [B]"Don't do anything stupid. I'm coming to back you up with Arcadia, okay?"[/B] The silver-haired man was already dropping off the of the building, however, and merely muttered a, [B]"Better make it quick,"[/B] before switching off the link and charging down the street in the direction of the noise, Ezekiel hot on his trail with her hand firmly wrapped around her crowbar. The duo barreled their way past building after building, shoving through crowds of armor-clad adventurers who were growing more nervous-looking by the second. At last, they reached a circle in the crowd, where a powder-burnt corpse lay, two savage holes in its chest. [B]"We have a corpse, Ozy,"[/B] Ezekiel murmured into her headset, a tremor barely noticable in her voice. Xion knew for a fact she'd be sick later, but she was standing surprisingly firm in the face of all that blood. [B]"Repeat, dead n00b in the Square."[/B] [B]"Where'd he go!"[/B] Xion snarled. A few "warriors" pointed in the same direction, and he was off in a flash, ignoring Ezekiel's calls. The buildings were slowly growing more sparse around him, and the ground cut off suddenly in front of him. Nearly 30 feet below, the Underground was visible. He looked over to the side and saw, standing atop an unfinished bridge that was to connect the Square with the Inn, a cloaked figure. [B]"Oi, you! Stop right there!"[/B] The cloaked figure spun suddenly and took a step back, raising the glittering shotgun in its hands. Within the hood, all Xion could see was a featureless mask, cut in half with swathes of gold and silver. He paused as the gun cocked, sword slipped loose from its sheath partly. [COLOR=Sienna][B]"Don't come any closer!"[/B][/COLOR] Ignoring his cry, Xion stepped forward slowly, trenchcoat billowing around his ankles in the wind that had picked up over the crevice. He heard the staccato beat of footsteps behind him and turned just enough to see Ezekiel from the corner of his eye. [B]"Xion, stop!"[/B] The figures grip on the shotgun faltered slightly and it bobbed in the air. [B][COLOR=Sienna]"Y...You?"[/COLOR][/B] A cold smirk crossed Xion's sharp features, and his cold gray eyes narrowed. [B]"That afraid of me, killer?"[/B] [B][COLOR=Sienna]"Why...Why would you call me that?"[/COLOR][/B] the masked man yelled, already sounding hysterical. [B]"Because it's what you are!"[/B] Xion growled. [B]"You killed n00bs, and that's just fine, even if you were a sadistic bastard about it. But then you got big-headed, didn't you? Decided that n00bs weren't the only ones who deserved to be killed? And you needed to be recognized. So you slaughtered a newbie. And now, you're going to keep killing until everybody recognizes you, right?"[/B] [B][COLOR=Sienna]"That...that's not right!"[/COLOR][/B] [B]"Then why don't you take off that mask, huh? Unless you're too afraid to show your face!"[/B] [B][COLOR=Sienna]"I'm not afraid, and I'm not a killer!"[/COLOR][/B] the masked man screamed, and ripped loose his mask, throwing off his mask in the process. Xion smirked again, and drew his sword slowly, hand not even shaking as he raised the blade to point the tip at the killer. [B]"I knew it was you..."[/B] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [I]The Lounge, West District February 5th, 05:30[/I] "He's...so [I]pixelated[/I]," Pumpkin said, somewhat disgustedly. [B]"And he's blue. Is Sephiroth supposed to be blue?"[/B] Gavin asked amicably. Raiyuu shushed them both and shook the poorly colored game character awake. [B]"Hey, get up."[/B] [B][COLOR=Blue]"\/\/h0...\/\/h0z th4t?"[/COLOR][/B] Pumpkin grimaced at the sound of the n00bs voice, and Gavin sighed. [B]"It's just another n00b, then."[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]"H3y, d0n t4lk t0 m3 l13k th4t!"[/B][/COLOR] the n00b growled. [COLOR=Blue][B]"1m th3 GR34T_4NG3L_K1LL4H, 4nd 1 \/\/1ll d35tr0y j00!"[/B][/COLOR] [B]"Should...should we try questioning him?"[/B] Pumpkin asked, obviously hoping the answer was no. [B]"Probably,"[/B] was Raiyuu's quiet answer. [B]"Okay, 4NG3L_K1LL4H, do you know about a...n00b killer?"[/B] The n00b paled visibly, skin changing from an ugly cyan to an even uglier sky blue. It started crawling back, but when Gavin flicked the safetly off his rifle, it paused. [COLOR=Blue][B]"1...1 d0n n0 much...but 1v3 h3rd 4 name..."[/B][/COLOR] Raiyuu raised an eyebrow and pointed his fan at the n00b's forehead. [B]"Give it to me."[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]"1t...1tz...51lv3r. p3ppul c4ll h1m 51lv3r."[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [I]Adventure Square, Medieval Fantasy District - Outskirts February 5th, 12:42[/I] Fair blone hair whipped in the wind as Sandy raised his shotgun again, blue eyes burning as he stared down the barrel. The pretty young man's cheeks were flushed in a mixture of rage and terror, and he took another step back ever as he put his finger on the trigger, one jerk away from putting a hole in Xion's chest. Still, Xion's face was calm and cold, thin lips twisted in that condescending smirk. [B]"I'm not a killer, damnit!"[/B] Sandy yelled. [B]"I'm a hero! I'm saving the OB from the scum that's gonna tear it apart!"[/B] [B]"That's what you say, but you went too far the day you killed that newbie!"[/B] [B]"I never went too far!"[/B] A tongue of flame lashed out from the barrel and the explosive roar of bursting gunpowder rang out amidst the wind, mingling with Ezekiel's scream. Xion had rolled to the side just in time, the ground behind him blackened from the buckshot. He charged forward as soon as he could get back to his feet, weaving erratically and raising his sword to pierce Sandy's chest as the blonde man cocked the gun again. [B]"No! You said...you said...you said...!"[/B] Sandy's cries tapered into an unintelligable, animalistic cry of rage as his finger tensed again. The roar of gunshot rang out once more, missing Xion broadly as terror wrapped its icy tendrils around Sandy's mind. The world seemed to slow as the silver-haired man took that final step before driving his sword forward, the wet sound of metal driving through flesh echoed by a blood-curdling scream that tapered off into a sick, gurgling moan. Xion leaned his face in close to Sandy's, bangs hanging down in front of his eyes. A savage grin had cut across his usually handsome face, making him look purely bloodthirsty. Sandy's blue eyes were stretched impossibly wide, and his mouth was still open to scream, but was now filled only with blood and red bubbles of saliva as his lungs filled with steel and gore. [B]"You got cocky, Sandy. You were foolish. Now, you pay the price."[/B] [B]"You...said..."[/B] Sandy managed to choke out, red liquid spilling over his chin and down across his black cloak. [B]"I'd...be...hero..."[/B] [B]"I said no such thing, you deluded fool,"[/B] Xion snarled. Without a second though, he wrenched his sword to the side and jerked it out, planting his foot on Sandy's stomach. He went tumbling back, arms pinwheeling and gun flying loose from untensed fingers as he finally went flying off the edge of the bridge, plummeting towards the ground below. Xion looked at his sword and grimaced, flicking his wrist to try and clean the blood from it. More footsteps rang out, and he turned to see three female figures joining Ezekiel. He could just barely distinguish them as Annie, Arcadia, and Ozy. [B]"You're too late, ladies!"[/B] he called, returning his sword to its sheath. [B]"I got him!"[/B] High overhead, sitting atop one of the supports for the bridge, two cloaked figures looked down, one looking out of a red and silver mask, the other cobalt blue. The red one sighed and stretched out his arms. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Looks like Goldilocks was our man, afterall. What do I owe ya'?"[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Fifty bucks, hon."[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR=DarkRed]"Tch, just bleed me dry, why don'tcha,"[/COLOR][/B] he grumbled, standing up slowly and starting to climb down the support. [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Where are you going?"[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Gonna leave the Mods a...little message. I doubt the boss'll mind."[/B][/COLOR] The blue woman sighed. [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"You had better hope not. He's quite mad enough already."[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=DarkRed]"Trust me, he won't. He's gonna love this."[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] Wow, that was long. But, hopefully, worth it. Besides, I didn't want to leave you on too bad a cliffhanger. Though, I suppose, this still counts as one. Evil, evil me. Well, hope you enjoyed. And, as you probably guessed, this is far from ending, me lovelies. Next part up...soonish.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]"Your move, Mr. Epidemic."[/B] [B]"Please, call me Errol,"[/B] the Blood King chuckled darkly. With a graceful movement, he flung off his trenchcoat, sending it sprawling across the couches behind him. He rolled his shoulder slowly, seeing how much damage the girl had done. It didn't feel like too much, and his improved healing was already making things better. He held up his sword and pointed it at her, smirking devilishly. [B]"Or, you could call me King, and end this little scuffle, my tasty little friend."[/B] [B]"I'd rather call you dead!"[/B] Errol scowled as the woman rushed at him again, her crowbar whiffing not an inch from the side of his head as he jerked to the side. He slashed out with his blade as he moved past her, tracing a thin cut on her side. The brief thrill of bloodshed, however, was halted as she swung around to kick him in the chest, her crowbar soon following and clipping his chin. He staggered back, but quickly regained his footing and pushed his shades back up the bridge of his nose. [B]"You're quick, girl,"[/B] Errol said, smiling softly. [B]"Impressive. Let's take this to the next level, shall we?"[/B] His grin turned manic, and he raised his blade to cut a shallow gash across his upper arm. He dipped his fingers into the wound lightly, ignoring the slight pain, and held his dripping fingers aloft before flicking them hard, casting gore into his enemy's face. [B]"Here's blood in your eye!"[/B] The woman growled but didn't falter, rushing forward and swinging wildly with her weapon. Errol let out a low grunt of pain when it collided with his arm, and snarled when the hooked end tore a hole in his shirt. The acidic blood that surely must be blinding her seemed to barely effect her. She just kept coming, more brutally than before. [B]"I'm gonna destroy you!"[/B] she cheered manically. [B]"You can try, you crazy bitch!"[/B] Errol snarled.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Dr. House! W00t w00t! I have recently become acquainted with the awesomeness that is House, and that is deeply flattering...if you're me, anyway. This really does get more intriguing with every chapter, and I can't wait to see what happens next...especially if it involves a certain doctor~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Silver][SIZE=1] [B]"Oh, there's nothing that interesting to hear, I'm sure,"[/B] Ginmaru said calmly, waving his hand dismissively. [B]"Humor me."[/B] The genin sighed and ran a hand through his touseled hair. [B]"Well, I'm Zensei Ginmaru. Since I'm a Zensei, I'm good with swords. Very good. I'm better alone than in a team, so my teammates [I]better[/I] be able to handle themselves."[/B] He shot Imi a glare before continuing. [B]"I don't like noisy people, or people who are unecessarily violent. I enjoy reading and sleeping during my free time."[/B] [B]"And what about an ambition?"[/B] Shogo said softly, quirking a visible eyebrow. Ginmaru paused again, unsure of how to answer. He didn't want to reveal his murderous goal, they might not look kindly on that. [B]"To become the best swordsman I can,"[/B] he finally stated, and was met with a dark chuckle. [B]"No, no,"[/B] Shogo laughed, shaking his head. [B]"Tell us your real ambition, Gin-kun. Don't give me that sugar coated shlock."[/B] Ginmaru swallowed hard before steeling himself, eyes growing dark and tumultuous. [B]"My ambition...is to become the greatest swordsman ever, and kill my father."[/B] His voice was icy and sharp, resonating in the air like a challenge for any to dispute it. [B]"And I will stop at nothing to make this a reality."[/B] [I]Well, isn't he interesting?[/I] Shogo asked himself. Next to the silver-haired boy, Daisuke fidgeted nervously, as this was the first time he'd heard someone make such a serious death-threat. Imi, on the other hand, just looked at her rival in mild surprise. [B]"Now, sensei, mind telling us about yourself?"[/B] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][SIZE=2][CENTER]Chapter Two: Split[/CENTER][/SIZE] [I]Moderator Headquarters February 4th, 14:37[/I] Slowly, a hand rose in the middle of the crowd. James pointed at the hand, and JJ stood swiftly. [B]"With all due respect, isn't this a...good thing?"[/B] he asked, sounding slightly unsure. A murmur of assent rose quickly. N00bs were bad, after all, and anyone who killed them was doing the city a favour, right? It was Alan who quieted the crowd. [B]"No one wants to see dead n00bs more than I do,"[/B] he growled, instantly quieting the masses. [B]"However, this killer is sadistic, pure and simple. It's probably only a matter of time before he starts taking out the good newbies, or even elder members. We don't know how long this will stay as stable as it is now, and I don't want to take the risk of someone I love getting hurt!"[/B] The voice of the crowd started to rise again, but a loud beep cut off any rebuttals. Raiyuu reached forward to press a button on the computer in front of him. His face paled as he read the news bulletin. [B]"A member...a [I]good[/I] member,"[/B] he qualified quickly. [B]"Has been found dead in the Lounge, stripped and carved to ribbons. If any of you needed proof, let this be it. This is the work of a madman."[/B] James sighed solemnly. [B]"You'll be split into teams, more members in area with higher noob-traffic and, thus, higher risk. The Mods alone shall patrol low-risk areas, with member support available as necessary. You are our back-up. If you are not up to it, leave at once."[/B] No one moved, not a single person. James smiled the thinnest of smiles. [B]"Very good. You'll be contacted with your assignments via private message soon. Best of luck to you all."[/B] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [I]Outside Mod HQ February 4th, 14:50[/I] The members who had been inside the Moderator's Headquarters were all buzzing with questions, theories, and ideas. Who was the killer? Could they stop him? How would they stop him? More than 50 murders had been recognized as belonging to this mysterious slayer, and yet no one had any idea who he was. It was like trying to chase a ghost. As they stepped out of the gleaming tower, Xion and Ezekiel walked in stony silence. At last, the young woman forced her boyfriend from his musings. [B]"Why so quiet, love?"[/B] she asked softly. [B]"Just thinking, about who it might have been. And what I'll do to them once I find them,"[/B] he added, darkly. [B]"They think they can run around, killing anyone they like? No, I won't stand for it."[/B] It seemed like he might've had more to say on the issue, but a loud, panicky voice suddenly interrupted. "What's going on?" was the nervous call of Sandy, a fearful-looking little blonde standing amidst the crowd. "Why was everybody visiting the moderators? Are they selecting new ones? Or...or are they trying to catch that killer? That's it, isn't it?" he asked no one in particular. [B]"I know! I could help! Hey, let me help out!"[/B] Xion glared coldly in the direction of Sandy, muttering softly under his breath, [B]"Little attention seeker."[/B] [B]"Hey, hey, he can get a little twitchy sometimes, but no need to be so harsh,"[/B] Ezekiel said soothingly. [B]"I suppose,"[/B] the taller man replied, flashing a warm smile. [B]"I guess I'm just on edge. You understand."[/B] [B]"Of course, babe, of course."[/B] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [I]Unknown Location February 4th, 23:56[/I] Several cloaked figures were gathered in the gloom. The tallest, with a glittering sword in hand, spoke in a deeply distorted voice. [COLOR=Black][B]"Do we know who killed the newbie?"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]"Not yet, sir, but we have suspicions,"[/B][/COLOR] answered another, voice equally distorted. [COLOR=Black][B]"Make sure that they are not allowed to repeat the offense. The Mods are on our tail, as are several members,"[/B][/COLOR] the leader grpwled savagely. [B][COLOR=DarkRed]"He will not be a bother again. You have [I]my[/I] word,"[/COLOR][/B] sneered a third, slinging a blood-stained broadsword across his shoulders. [COLOR=Black][B]"Stick to the scum until the heat is off. Then, we begin in full."[/B][/COLOR] A chorus of distorted voices rang out in unison, a singular voice of agreeance and subservience, and the shadows drifted apart, cloaks unveiling a brutally shredded body in their wake.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Silver][SIZE=1]Though he had no idea what Junko had said, Ginmaru's protest was heard not a split second after. [B]"Oi, Yamanaka-sensei, why am I on a team with such a noisy, violent girl?"[/B] he said, casting a dark glare her way. [B]"Tch, shut up, you cocky bastard!"[/B] Imi snarled, restrained only barely by Junko's hand. Ino sighed, a headache beginning to stir between her temples. Thankfully, the constant fighting of the two would soon be Shogo's problem, not hers. It was one of the few graces she had to count. [B]"Ginmaru, the cells are designed for balance in their members,"[/B] she said, slowly. [B]"You are an excellent close-combat fighter, Daisuke is a skilled scout, and Imi good at more of a range. In addition, the three of you are suited to learning together."[/B] [B]"Ah, I see,"[/B] Ginmaru said softly, nodding. [B]"You've placed her in a team with me so that she can learn from my skill."[/B] [B]"You sonuvabitch! I'll show [I]you[/I]!"[/B] [B]"Bring it on, you idiot!" "Jackass!" "Bitch!"[/B] Ino sighed and shook her head. Shogo was going to kill her for this, she just knew it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Gruesome and enthralling, love, just like any good murder mystery. I can't wait to see the resolution to this grisly cliff-hanger, and I doubly can't wait to see who you've deemed sick enough to do something like this. Every new chapter just brings this thing darker and darker, and I doubt even the most contrived resolution will ever make things happy again for the poor citizens of the OB. And that's just the way it should be. Excellent stuff.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Writing One Man's Taboo is Another's Home [M-L]
Onix replied to Drix D'Zanth's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]All I can say is, powerful, man. I've (thankfully) never been the target of that kind of hate, at least, not for a while, so I can't really understand it on a personal level. Still, you made me feel it, and you make us understand both sides of the story. Excellent work. Also, loving the Social D, man.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=2][CENTER]MERCY KILLING An OB Fanfic Chapter One: Emergency Action[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][I]The Lounge February 3rd, 21:24[/I] [COLOR=Sienna][B]"I've trapped it, sir. Shall I take action?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]"Eliminate it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]"Aye, sir."[/B][/COLOR] The placid blackness of the night was shattered, the powder-burn of a shotgun licking out like a dragon's tongue, and its roar breaking the silence like the fractured tibia of the n00b who went crashing down, leg casting gore across the city streets as it skidded into a stack of garbage bins. Wreathed in living shadow, its assailant stepped forward, the only thing visible the glittering silver of the shotguns barrel. [B]"W3...w34k, d00d..."[/B] the n00b sputtered, its last words as its mouth was forced open by the gun. [COLOR=Sienna][B]"Mercy delivered,"[/B][/COLOR] the shadow growled, and the crack of lethal thunder ripped loose once more, the wet sound of blood and flesh hitting pavement the gruesome encore. Leaving nothing behind but the bloodied corpse, the killer darted off into the night, the whispers of their cloak the final sounds in the stillness of the night. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [I]James' Office February 4th, 07:10[/I] It was a good morning in the City of OtakuBoards, and James was up and about already, the pleasant aroma of his coffee wafting slowly from his desk as he flipped through several documents. A small smile crept onto his face as he looked over the spam report, showing a sharp decline. In addition, the Newbie-n00b ratio had shifted dramatically, showing an increasing number of newbies. Yes, it was a very good day, he told himself as he took another sip of his coffee. His mood dropped, however, when the doors to his office burst open and he nearly dropped the coffee mug, sending coffee splashing across his lap. The filter managed to catch his curse, but the damage was done regardless. This had been his favorite purple suit, too. [B]"James!"[/B] Alan barked, stepping into the office in full n00b Hunter regalia. [B]"We need to have a talk, immediately."[/B] James shot him a sour look and tipped up his top hat so Alan could fully appreciate this. [B]"What seems to be the trouble?"[/B] [B]"You've seen the n00b reports, I trust?"[/B] Alan asked, an eyebrow arching. [B]"Of course,"[/B] James replied, lifting the very report. [B]"Activity is on the decline."[/B] [B]"Yeah, because all the n00bs are getting killed."[/B] James looked down at the battered old rifle in Alan's hand, then back at the man's face. [B]"Is that so?"[/B] Alan's eyes narrowed. [B]"This isn't my work, or the work of any Mod. Hell, ask them about it. Not one person I've talked to has encountered more than a handful of n00bs in months!"[/B] [B]"Maybe there are just less coming in,"[/B] James said calmly, even though inwardly he was weeping for his ruined pants and seared flesh. [B]"Then how do you explain all the corpses? I wouldn't be complaining, of course, but...well, look at these."[/B] Alan growled. He grabbed several manila folders from inside his jacket and tossed them onto the desk. [B]"Those are the ten most recent deaths without connection to the Mods or myself. Most are from the Lounge, one or two from Tokyo 3. Go on, look at them."[/B] James did, taking out the most recent report. He had to restrain himself when he looked at the, unfortunately, full color photos of the scene. The n00b had been splattered across a building, missing most of its leg and with a gaping hole in its stomach. The next was absolutely shredded, cut into ribbons; the third seemed to have been literally cut in two. Each n00b had been killed in a different way, all of them horrific. [B]"Who is doing this, Alan?"[/B] James whispered, gravely. [B]"I don't know, but I think we should find out. And if I find them, I'm taking them down my way,"[/B] he added, darkly. [B]"They're infringing on [I]my[/I] territory, and I don't think I want someone like this in my community."[/B] [B]"You've been permitted n00b Hunting capabilities, but not the right to execute other members, not without reason. However,"[/B] he said, pausing to think. [B]"It seems we do need to take drastic measures to handle this. I'll contact the other Moderators and Administrators. We'll have a decision."[/B] [B]"You better make it quick. We don't know what this psycho will do next."[/B] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [I]Adventure Square February 4th, 13:25[/I] The sound of metal-on-metal rang out loudly as the two combatants crossed swords. Sparks shot forth from their blades as they struggled against one another, one grinning coldly, the other glaring darkly from behind crimson lenses. At last, they broke apart, flying back dramatically in opposite directions as happens so often. The wind whipped around them furiously, causing their clothes and hair to billow for, again, dramatic effect. [B]"This fight is nearly over, my friend!"[/B] [B]"Yeah. Because I'm going to thrash you. Soundly."[/B] Raising their weapons once more, the two adversaries charged. And with a terrific ringing of metal, and a brilliant flash of light, the two stood still once more, back to back. At last, one fell, his sword clattering limply to the ground. The other turned, running a gloved hand through silver hair and smirking coldly. [B]"Game over, mate."[/B] The world dimmed, and the two combatants exited the battle simulator, the grinning form of Aizen looking worse for wear while the triumphant Unborn Lord Xion strode out proudly, his red trench coat billowing out behind him. The duo headed down the corridor to the main Square, squabbling loudly all the while. [B]"I would've won - " "Uh huh." " - if I hadn't been holding back - " "Sure, dude." " - and used my Ultimate Power against you." "Yeah. I'm sure."[/B] Xion's bored, and mildly condescending, look turned to one of mild elation as he spotted Ezekiel standing in the square in front of him. Leaving Aizen and his bitching behind, he raced forward. [B]"Oi, love!"[/B] Ezekiel turned and smiled tentatively, something Xion didn't notice until after he'd unlocked his arms from around her neck. [B]"Something wrong?" "We've been, um, summoned."[/B] He quirked an eyebrow. [B]"Summoned? By whom?" he asked, skeptical. "The Mods." "...Oh. We should probably go, then."[/B] Ezekiel nodded, and the two quickly bolted off in the direction of the Moderator's Headquarters. Meanwhile, in the background, a single glistening tear slid down Aizen's cheek. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [I]Moderator Headquarters February 4th, 14:37[/I] The Mods sat, stern and resolute (except for Stuart, who wore his jester's cap), staring at the rag-tag band in front of them. Alan and Annie headed the group, which was formed of members who had been brought on their recommendation for the mission ahead. Members like Hevn, JJ, Sakura, and the legendary Dragon Warrior made up their ranks. [B]"You have all been called forth for a simple purpose,"[/B] James said, as they finally assembled. [B]"Because of recommendation from Alan and Annie, you are to join them in the mission to apprehend an unknown member who has been violently and indiscriminately murdering n00bs."[/B] [B]"Dun dun dunnn!"[/B] There was a brief pause before every eye turned to DW. He laughed weakly. [B]"Sorry. Couldn't resist."[/B] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] And so concludes the opening chapter of Mercy Killing. Also, lo, I jump on the wagon of bands. Moving on, regardless, though. Who is behind the brutal murders? Will the Mods and their rag-tag band (I'm using that phrase too much) of heroes be able to stop them? Should I keep up the feeble attempts at comedy or leave it to straight action? Should I even write the next chapter? Feedback is appreciated, and encouraged.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Writing The Bikini Bandits Strike Back! [M-L, likely sexual innuendos]
Onix replied to Annie's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Hmmm...the plot thickens with a quick dash of cavalry, and a heaping helping of "didn't see THAT comin'". Tasty, indeed, Annie. I can't wait to see who these mysterious new n00b-hunters are, and if they are even mighty enough to bring down the hordes of Retribution. Also, Sandy's cameo? Genius.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Man, this thing is kind of addictive... [B]1. Pick a Band or Artist:[/B] Barenaked Ladies [B]2.Are you male or female:[/B] Brian Wilson [B]3.Describe yourself:[/B] It's Only Me (The Wizard of Magicland) [B]4. How do some people feel about you:[/B] What A Good Boy [B]5.Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend:[/B] It's All Been Done [B]6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend:[/B] Be My Yoko Ono [B]7.Describe where you want to be:[/B] The Old Apartment [B]8.Describe how you love:[/B] Falling For The First Time [B]9.What would you ask if you had just one wish:[/B] If I Had $1000000 [B]10.Share a few words of wisdom:[/B] Get In Line [B]11.Now say goodbye:[/B] Thanks That Was Fun[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Ralkan [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Caste:[/B] Chimera - [I]Ursus arctos horribilis[/I] [B]Appearance:[/B] Ralkan was designed to be a virtual living tank, and his creators succeded. His animalistic side leaves him a hulking chunk of pure muscle, standing at a massive 7' 5" and weighing over 500lbs. His back, arms, and legs are covered in thick, bristle-like reddish-brown hair, but that on his head is longer and black. His hands are tipped with massive, jet black claws, and his teeth have grown in teeth deserving of his carniverous ancestry. The most notable feature that he shares with his ursine brethren, however, is the small hump of pure muscle between his shoulders that makes him unbelievably strong. He has had to do his best to find clothes that fit, managing to have gotten a pair of baggy, ripped, olive-green cargo pants, and boots large enough to house his feet. His upper body is covered by a leather jacket that he managed to force a Plebe into making for him. [B]Personality:[/B] Ralkan is a terribly unstable person, prone to violent mood shifts, usually leading to actual violence. At his best, he is quiet, brooding, and uncommunicative - at his worst, he is a violent, raging force of destruction, tearing anything around him to pieces without regard to any consequence. His temper is terribly thin, and the smallest irritation can provoke brutal retribution. He displays an unusual hatred for humanity, and is even more on edge around crowds of them, if that's possible. [B]Weapons/Skills:[/B] Ralkan's skills are focused, primarily, on physical power. For example, his strength is nearly five times that of a normal human, allowing him to easily drive one of his clawed fists through a person's torso. Or that his stronger leg muscles let him clock in at 30 miles per hour easily. His skin is tougher, he has greater stamina, but he also has an immense appetite and a tendency to slip into berserk rages from time to time. [B]Writing Example:[/B] Will Edit[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The doors of the Palace swung open, four strangers stepping inside. Errol let his gaze drift over them from behind the lenses of his crimson sunglasses. A young woman with a crowbar strapped to her back looked around, a manic glint in her eyes. All of them had the air of danger about them, from a tall and almost painfully beautiful man, to one who looked about as normal as they came. Each one radiated bloodlust, and it made the Blood King's skin prickle in anticipation. [B]"Carnivore, Bull,"[/B] he said softly, not tearing his eyes away from the woman. [B]"Those four who just came in. Bring them up here."[/B] The duo grumbled, but they obeyed none the less, stalking out of the Epidemic's private box to head down to the crowd. Bull was the one to approach the quarter, slipping off his goggles to get a good look at them. [B]"Bola wants to see ya in our private box,"[/B] he said gruffly, stretching out his wide shoulders in a subtle gesture of power. The four looked unphased. [B]"C'mon."[/B] There was a pause, but they followed easily enough, Carnivore and Mad Bull leading the way. The crowd seemed to gasp and murmer, since visiting the Epidemic's private box was something of an honor. Or a death sentence. Errol's fingers drummed on the hilt of his blade as he waited for the guests to arrive. He wanted to know who they were, why they came here and, most importantly, if they were any good in a fight. Death seemed to have the same thought process, his hand resting firmly on the butt of his gun. And though she looked utterly relaxed, Sleeper had stealithly covered her long, painted nails in an excruciating stonotoxin. At last, the door swung open, and a grin split across Errol's thin lips. [B]"Welcome, my guests."[/B] [B]"Well, thank you for the invite,"[/B] the tall man said calmly. A placid smile was in place on his features, but Errol could read faint malice in his eyes. Carnivore and Mad Bull made their way back to the seats where the rest of the Epidemic was congregated. The King stood in front, towering over his allies and his potential enemies. [B]"So, might I ask who you are?"[/B] [B]"You could, probably. Are you?"[/B] the man replied, playfully. [B]"Yes. And you'd be wise to answer."[/B] [B]"Professionals,"[/B] he said, pleasently. [B]"The name is V. My comrades are P,"[/B] the woman, [B]"H,"[/B] a dark haired boy, [B]"and T,"[/B] a normal looking man, but Errol could see the knives at his side. [B]"And what kind of professionals are you?"[/B] Errol said, the humor beginning to leech out of his voice. He knew what the answer was. [B]"Killers,"[/B] P chirped, brightly. [B]"You the Epidemic?"[/B] [B]"Indeed,"[/B] the Blood King said, chuckling darkly. [B]"You look like you have good blood, girl. Mind if I...spill it?"[/B] In a flash, his sword was drawn, and a cut glistened wetly on P's cheek. Errol pulled his blade back slowly and let his tongue drag across the crimson fluid that dripped down it's edge with sensual slowness. It was hot and sweet - heavenly. [B]"Time to end the pleasentries, I think,"[/B] H murmured, drawing out two elegantly curved blades. [B]"I couldn't agree more, kid,"[/B] Carnivore growled, crackling his knuckles loudly. There was a brief pause, and all hell broke loose. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [B]OOC:[/B] Feel free to spread out the carnage - we don't need to be constrained to the box and, in fact, I'd prefer to get some bystanders in the mix. Virus, Experiment, join in at any time.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Eh, why not do it again... [B]1. Pick a Band or Artist:[/B] The Rolling Stones [B]2.Are you male or female:[/B] Mannish Boy [B]3.Describe yourself:[/B] Fancy Man Blues [B]4. How do some people feel about you:[/B] Sympathy For The Devil [B]5.Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend:[/B] Wish I'd Never Met You [B]6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend:[/B] I Just Wanna Make Love To You [B]7.Describe where you want to be:[/B] Harlem Shuffle [B]8.Describe how you love:[/B] Thru and Thru [B]9.What would you ask if you had just one wish:[/B] Wild Horses [B]10.Share a few words of wisdom:[/B] You Can't Always Get What You Want [B]11.Now say goodbye:[/B] Miss You[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]1. Pick a Band or Artist:[/B] Meat Loaf [B]2.Are you male or female:[/B] Lost Boys and Golden Girls [B]3.Describe yourself:[/B] Bat Out Of Hell [B]4. How do some people feel about you:[/B] Wasted Youth [B]5.Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend:[/B] For Crying Out Loud [B]6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend:[/B] Heaven Can Wait/Paradise By The Dashboard Light/Good Girls Go To Heaven (Bad Girls Go Everywhere) [B]7.Describe where you want to be:[/B] Back Into Hell [B]8.Describe how you love:[/B] I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That) [B]9.What would you ask if you had just one wish:[/B] Rock & Roll Dreams Come Through [B]10.Share a few words of wisdom:[/B] Life Is A Lemon And I Want My Money Back [B]11.Now say goodbye:[/B] Out Of The Frying Pan (And Into The Fire)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Zensei Ginmaru [B]Age:[/B] 12 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] Ginmaru dresses in a relatively functional style, preserving the ninja ideals of stealth and darkness without losing precious style in the process. He wears a mask to conceal the lower half of his face, leaving only his pale blue eyes exposed, which are often covered by his lengthy silver bands. He keeps to the usual ninja style with a mesh undershirt and simple black, loose pants that aren't so baggy as they catch on any foliage or whatnot. Over this he has a black trenchcoat, and keeps his hands covered with black fingerless gloves. His body is covered in scars, from missions and brutal training sessions with his father, that mar his pale complexion. In addition, there is a strange jet black tattoo across his right arm, baring the Kanji 'Kin', Forbidden, in the center, surrounded by organic looking lines and spirals. [B]Rank:[/B] Rookie Genin [B]Personality:[/B] When one first looks at Ginmaru, they expect him to be a subdued, dangerous person, dark and quiet with hidden strength and intelligence. However, this is not Ginmaru. He is an extrovert, and a cocky one at that, claiming power simply because he is the smartest, strongest, and coolest in his own eyes, things that he is always willing to prove in battle, especially against his "arch-rival," Katsuo. The thing is, though, he is not one to over-compensate with his boasting - he can back it up. Still, he has a tendency to be, if only slightly, over-confidant in his abilities, which leads him to get into tougher scrapes than he might initially estimate. He never backs down, though, and is consistently determined to prove himself the best swordsman, the best ninja, and the best Zensei. [B]Equipment:[/B] Being a member of the Zensei family, Ginmaru has been trained near since birth in the art of the sword. His weapon of choice is the katana he keeps strapped to his back, hardly a stealthy weapon but one that proves deadly efficient in the proper (re. his) hands. As back up, he keeps a few kunai and senbon hidden within the inner pockets of his coat. [B]Main Weapon/Technique:[/B] Ginmaru has two techniques, both tied directly to his sword, that give him an edge in combat. The first is a simple chakra manipulation trick that allows him to extend and sharpen the blade of his katana by pumping chakra into it, giving him a deceptive range and better cutting ability. But this is hardly his strongest technique; he has something much more dangerous up his sleeve, almost literally. The tattoo he bears on his arm is a focus for a secret kinjutsu handed down among the Zensei swordsmen, Kingatana (Forbidden Sword). He has attained the first half of this technique, the Shussan (Birth). When activated, it gives him an explosive burst of chakra focused on his sword arm that causes metal to materialize around it, forming a twisted armor coating. In addition, he can fling waves of chakra, increase the size of his blade two-fold, and his strength increases. However, the Kingatana puts an amazing strain on the body, and he can use it for no more than five minutes before his arm starts to self-destruct under the pressure. [B]Biography/Writing Sample:[/B] Ginmaru dropped to the wooden floor hard, a bolt of pain arcing up from his knee like the electrical current it was. His breath came in ragged gasps, tearing at his throat like a pack of wolves, and his sweat felt like acid in his eyes. He tilted his head up, peering out from behind the curtain of his hair at his father, standing tall and impassive like a statue. The stormy gray eyes that met his burned with near-hatred. [B]"Get up,"[/B] Zensei Shinzaburo growled, his voice as hard and sharp as the katana he held. Blood glistened on its edge, the blood that leaked from Ginmaru's shoulder. [B]"F-Father,"[/B] Ginmaru began to stammer. His eyes burned again, this time from the salty tears. He was too old to cry, his father had impressed that quite firmly. After all, he was already eight. Far too old to cry. [B]"I...I can't go on."[/B] [B]"You will go on until I say you can stop, Ginmaru. Get up."[/B] The boy gritted his teeth and brushed back his hair with his free hand. The one wrapped tightly around his sword - even now, he would not let it go - was already throbbing, and he knew that he would have blisters the coming morning. But he stood on sturdy legs and raised his blade again. Father would not let him stop until they both bled. [B]"Come."[/B] Ginmaru leapt forward, his sword a glittering arc in the high noon sun. Shinzaburo dodged to the side almost effortlessly, but Ginmaru felt cold satisfaction at the few gray hairs that wafted to the ground. It cost him, though, the price being a sharp kick to the ribs. He staggered back, his breathes even harsher now. But he couldn't stop. Not until father bled. He would fight the pain, and the dull blackness if it threatened his mind from the corner of his eyes. To many times that blackness had claimed him, too many times he had awoken to feel the sting of father's words and his bokutoh. [B]"You still leave yourself open, Ginmaru. Do not swing so wildly. Be sharp, and be fluid. Like water, not wind."[/B] [B]"Yes, father."[/B] Another cut, this one more restrained. Ginmaru kept his arms tucked close to his chest, and the tip of his katana glanced upon father's blade. It was progress. The elder pushed his weapon forward, but Ginmaru sidestepped, and swung the hard, dull edge of his sword down on his father's wrists. Without waiting for the reaction, Ginmaru pushed his sword up in another arc, and it came down on Shinzaburo's shoulder. Blood sprayed forth, his hot crimson victory. Father pulled back roughly, his face barely portraying the pain he surely must be feeling. He sighed and lowered his blade. [B]"You have wounded me. Better than I expected of you."[/B] [B]"Thank you, father,"[/B] Ginmaru said softly, knowing that was the closest he would ever get to a compliment. [B]"I believe it is time, Ginmaru. You can handle the Shussan."[/B] Ginmaru swallowed hard, and looked up at his father in a mixture of pride and fear. [B]"The Shussan? Already?"[/B] [B]"You have to grow up some time, Ginmaru. You are old enough to cut me deep, old enough not to cry. You are old enough to truly be born."[/B] There was a pause, and Ginmaru steeled his resolve. [B]"Thank you, father."[/B] He would use this power. It would make him strong, aid him in his goals. And he would kill his father. [B]Extra Notes[/B]: Bring up the subject of Ginmaru's father around him, and you will have to collect your own legs.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Ziggy Stardust][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Although SftD is one of the best songs ever preformed, I don't seem to recall their being a bonofied guitar solo... although the guitar riffs are really well done. There's about 5 seconds of Plant ssheeeeredding his guitar, but I don't think that's really considered a solo with all the other music going in the background. Still, good suggestion for a song in general :animesmil While I'm in the area: Ritchie Blackmoore's solo in Deep Purple's Highway Star is absolutly sick, Neil Young's solo in Cortez the Killer is mind-blowing, and Steve Vai's in For the Love of God is intense. [/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Hmm, true. Damnable, yet glorious bongos, why dost thou defame me! I'll have to get back to you on the solo thing, then.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Writing The Bikini Bandits Strike Back! [M-L, likely sexual innuendos]
Onix replied to Annie's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Mmm...Bikini-Bandit-Ezekiel. I mean...>> Nice work, as always, Annie m'dear. Can't wait to see what you whip up next.[/SIZE][/COLOR]