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Everything posted by Onix
Everything seems good so far. Thank you for changing your post, Maximillion404. And Keiji, your current Aires is good, I'd just prefer that it relates to the astrological sign of the Ram. I still need 3 more people to sign up. -ULX
I'm completly changing the focus of this thread, since I'll probably get in trouble for posting a new thread. Anyway, here's my manga idea. And yes, I realize it sounds like Shaman King, but it's not, so bear with me. Tengoku (Heaven) Tenkazu arrives at a new school, having transferred for personal reasons. However, the reasons are shortly revealed when Tenkazu has to fight of a gang of demons that attack the city. Tenkazu is a Summoner, a decendant of a long line of warriors that fight and seal demons, to prevent them from returning to this world. If a demon is killed, but it isn't sealed by the Summoner, it returns to Jigoku (Hell) to be reincarnated. So Tenkazu reveals his secret life of Summoner and his mission to seal the portal to Hell, conviniently located in this new city, forever. However, there is a darker force behind the seemingly random demon attacks, and the only hope to stop Hell-on-Earth may be in the secret of the Black Bead (demons are sealed within prayer beads). To seal this portal, Tenkazu must seal the remaining 206 types of demons that haven't been sealed, including the most powerful ever to walk the burning plains of Hell! What do you think? Please, give me feedback.
[I]In the Ancient times, there were four classes of beings that lived amidst the heavens and the earth. The Highest were the Gods, seven in number, each ruling over an elemental force. At the opposite end of the spectrum, were the Low Ones. The Low Ones were subserveint beings that worked so that the other races did not have to. Above the Low Ones, were Man and the Beasts. These are the beings we know to be real. Finally, in a some-what combination of God and Man, were the Winged Ones. There were several kinds of Winged Ones, and they were power above man. They served the Gods as warriors, champions, and the powerful forces beneath their Highest stature. This is how it was for many eons. Until the revolution. The Low Ones revolted against their 'masters'. Though weaker than the Winged Ones and the Gods, their numbers and how close they were to the inner-workings of the cosmos made them a powerful force to be reckoned with. Alongside those advantages, they also had alliances in the forms of Winged Ones and Man. With these powerful allies, they threatened to remove the Gods from their thrones. However, the Low Ones were defeated, but the Winged Ones were nearly rendered extinct in the conflict. So the living ones mixed their blood with those of man, to keep the powers flowing. Meanwhile, the Low Ones continued to stew in rage against the Gods and Winged Ones, planning their next strike for supremacy. This is that battle.[/I] Here's what you, the players, need to do. You will all be playing as Winged Ones, or, part Winged Ones rather. You could possibly be a pure blood, but you must PM me some sign of worthiness for the power of a pure-blood. The types of Winged Ones are... Angels, Dark Angels, Demon, Broken Wings, Steel Wings, Phoenix Wings, Dragon Wings, and Faery Wings. The best way to pick your wings is to go to my myOtaku account, find the Quiz result saying 'You are Dark Angelic', and take that quiz. However, you don't have to pick that wing-type, it's just easier to play considering it's based on you. Also, Demons are allways sided with the Low Ones, while Angels and Faeries are never sided with them. The others run the gambit. The Form- Name: Wing Race: Gender: Weapon: Signature Move: Each person has a signature move that corresponds to their wing-type. A Demon may have an attack like 'Hell-Fire', while an Angel could use 'Halo Rings'. Appearance: Pictures acceptable, but not the Quiz answer pictures. Bio: Personality: Ruling God: The God that governs you. There are seven, which I shall explain now. Insiadre, the Fire King-Rules over the powers of flame, heat, smoke, and all that burns and causes heat. Likely Wings to worship him are Phoenix, Dragon, and Demon Akiata, the Water Queen-Rules over water, mist, rain, and all liquids. Likely Wings to worship her are Faery and Angel Traarak, the Earth King-Rules over earth, stone, and all that resides in the earth. Likely Wings to worship him are Faery, Steel, and Broken Oksiana, the Lady of Wind-Rules over the sky, air, and winds. Likely Wings to worship her are Faery, Angel, and Phoenix Iluminata, the Queen of Light-Rules over the stars, the sun, and life, and all else that falls in the domain of light. Likely Wins to worship her are Angel, Faery, Steel, Phoenix, Broken, and Dark Angel Obsiatum, the Dark King-Rules over shadow, death, and night. Likely Wings to worship him are Dark Angel, Demon, Steel, Broken, and Dragon Caraoto, the Mystery One-Rules over all else that none claims, the ruler of Chaos. All Wings can follow them. Here's mine. Name: Dario Amarata Dante Wing Race: Dark Angel Gender: Male Weapon: A slender obsidian Long-Sword Signature Move: Carnal Maelstrom-Dario summons up a massive whirlwind that, mysteriously, causes lashes like from a bull whip on those it hits (inspired by the Second Circle of Dante's Hell, where the Lustful are eternally whiped around in a great whirlwind while being lashed by demons). Appearance: Dario is 5'10" and fairly slim. His face is a bit pale, but seems paler due to his jet-black hair, extremely dark eyes, and preferance for black clothing. He always wears his (shock and alarm) black leather Duster, often over a black shirt and black pants. He dresses casually, yet always seems to look extremely good, and gives of an air of sexuality. Bio: Dario has lived a simple, upper-middle class life, knowing pleasure but not riches. He's always been well off, and currently owns a large flat in (don't know, somewhere away from lots of people but still nice to live in). He technically lives alone, with no roommate, but is rarely with out company. Upon realizing his past, lineage, and duty to the Gods, he has decided to stop the Low Ones, as long as it doesn't destract him from his more enjoyed past-times. Personality: Dario is cocky, sarcastic, and cold. He knows very well how sexy he is and uses that to full advantage, seducing any he can, and living just for pleasure. He is usually smirking, and has perfected the 'eyebrow-raise' in all it's forms. Also, he's bisexual (even though I'm not). Ruling God: Obsiatum
[COLOR=brick]The trio raced through the forest, following the storm clouds. They drew near a city, and noted that winds had turned the humans indoors and lightning fell from the sky. Thunder and Lightning walked. As he drew closed, Mekaryu recognized the form of Matthias, looking just as he had a milennia ago. But then he saw Anima, and shock crossed his face. She had not slept. She was dressed in modern garbs, and bags stuffed with strange packages lay at her feet. She was looking towards the sky, drawing strength from the heavens, from the winds and storm clouds. She was a Titan, yes, but her power was masked by the shameful form of a simple human. This is what caused the true fury of the forge to rise. "ANIMA!" bellowed Mekaryu, tugging hard on the reigns of his steed. It shrieked and reared on two legs, kicking it's talloned feet wildly. Slash and Aranel drew up behind him. He could sense their worry. "Anima! You wear the garbs of man! How?" questioned Aranel. Anima turned her face down from the sky, and looked at the Titans that had rode up. One the face of the Lady of Thunder was shame and fear. "I...I failed to sleep, so I joined the world of man," she said, softly as the thunder and winds would allow. "You have cloaked yourself in the guise of humanity!? How could you bring such shame to the name of the Titans!?" Mekaryu was outraged. He dismounted and drew his massive blade. "I...I am sorry..." Anima said. "Mekaryu, let her say her peace!" barked Matthias. The Lord of Lightning advanced upon the Master of the Forge. "She shall get no pity from me, Matthias!" snarled Mekaryu. "I am not telling you to give her pity, fool!" roared Matthias. "Simply wait before acting as excecutioner!" Mekaryu growled, but returned his sword to the straps on his back. Aranel and Slash dismounted swiftly, and Mekaryu dismissed the Riders. "Fine!" groweld Mekaryu. "She shall say her peace, and then we shall judge her fate!"[/COLOR] OOC: Mekaryu has no respect for humanity, which is why he didn't engage in many battles along-side the other Titans. Also, I seem to be giving people nick-names. Mekaryu-Master of the Forge Anima-Lady of Thunder Matthias-Lord of Lightning. I have to make one for everyone now. Sigh.
Aeons ago, in the Digital World, there were twelve great warriors, each presiding over an element. There was Blazemon of Fire, Aquamon of Water, Terramon of Earth, Breezemon of Wind, Darkmon of Darkness, Brightmon of Light, Naturemon of Nature, Metalmon of Steel, Electromon of Thunder, Freezemon of Ice, Lifemon of Life, and Deathmon of Death. The twelve warriors helped to govern the world, and there was peace. Until the coming of Makallmon. Makallmon was a great Demon God Digimon, a Digimon of unprecedented power, that rended the world with the army of Demons he summoned. However, the Twelve were able to cast him down, seemingly deleting him. But Makallmon's fall did not return peace. The world was sundered, and some of the warriors thought that times should change. The group split into two, with 6 on each side, each clashing with one-another. Blazemon clashed with Aquamon, Terramon fought Breezemon, Darkmon battled Brightmon, Naturemon fought Metalmon, Electromon clashed against Freezemon, and Lifemon was locked in battle against Deathmon. The Twelve eventually destroyed eachother, but the Digimon were better off without their conflicting rules. Soon, peace returned. Until now. Two Wizard Digimon, Kamarimon and Konoramon, have decided that they would resurrect Makallmon, and bring about a new era of destruction and death. However, the spirits of the Twelve great Elementals called out to the Human World, seeking heroes to stop Makallmon's fury. This is their story. Okay, here's what you need to do. This kind of runs like Season 4, with the humans becoming the Digimon instead of partner Digimon. Each person has 4 forms, the European Zodiac, the Chinese Zodiac, the Elemental, and the Fusion. Also, you need to make a good DD and a bad DD (though they all start out 'good') The clashings, though, don't need to be the same with the Elements. I just used those because they made sense. Here's the form. Human- Name: Simple Age: Between 13 and 18, please Gender: Description: Bio: Personality: European Zodiac: Chinese Zodiac: Element: Digimon- Name: The Elementals have to have the same names I gave, Attribute: Virus, Data, or Vaccine Type: Attack A: Attack B: Attack C: Description: Here are mine. Name: TJ Graves Age: 15 Gender: Male Description: 5'9" and 130lbs, with a lean build. He has extremely messy brown hair with long, spiky bangs, as well as smoky blue eyes. Wears a black hat *always*, with a black t-shirt, jeans, and a leather jacket. He also has a pair of red sunglasses (red lenses) and a black-belt from karate tied around his head (not his, though). Bio: Too lazy to write now. Personality: TJ is generally friendly, but he goes by the phillosophy of 'it's easier to piss off everyone than no-one'. He does this so he can be perceived as racist, sexist, agist, or any other -ist. He's sarcastic and cynical at times, and a bit egotistical, but he cares deeply for his friends. European Zodiac: Libra Chinese Zodiac: Snake Element: Darkness Name: Libramon Attribute: Data Type: Knight Digimon Attack A: Total Balance-Libramon fires a yin-yang shaped energy blast Attack B: Spiral Chains-Libramon lashes out with his chains, wrapping them around foes. Attack C: Justice Attack-All the pain one has inflicted on others in inflicted upon them Description: A man clad in traditional european armor, minus the helmet, with chains wrapped around his body. His head is human, with crystal blue eyes and jet-black hair that reaches down past his shoulders. Over each eye is one of the halves of yin and yang Name: Hebimon Attribute: Vaccine Type: Holy Beast Digimon Attack A: Venom Jet-Hebimon shoots a blast of acidic venom Attack B: Constrictor Crush-Hebimon winds around his opponent and crushes them Attack C: Toxic Blade-Hebimon slashes outward with his tail-blade, sending a green energy blade that poisons any it touches Description: A large jet black viper with strange white markings all over its body. Has a large sword attached to its tail. Name: Darkmon Attribute: Vaccine Type: Demon Man Digimon Attack A: Holy Darkness-Darkmon fires a cross-shaped blast of darkness Attack B: Shadow Blade-Darkmon attacks with a black energy blade that he flings from his katana Attack C: Onnotangu Cannon-Darkmon channels all the darkness around him and fires it out ten-fold at the opponent Description: A Samurai in jet-black armor with white markings, with a jet-black Katana, and a demonic mask with glowing red eyes. Name: Dark Yushimon Attribute: Vaccine Type: Demon Man Digimon Attack A: Dark Scales-The scales at Dark Yushimon's side shoot off at the opponent, wraping around them Attack B: Night Venom-A snake made of darkness attacks the foe Attack C: Sword of Oblivion-Dark Yushimon rips a hole in the dimensional walls with his sword, creating a huge vortex Description: A samurai clad in black armor with white markings that has the head of a jet-black serpent and a long snakes tail. Has two scales hanging at his sides. Name: Ryan Decker Age: 15 Gender: Male Description: Ryan looks like TJ, but has dirty blonde hair and emerald green eyes. He wears a blood red t-shirt and jeans. Bio: Too lazy to write. Personality: Ryan is cruel, cold, and egotistical. He's rude to the others, and seeks power from TJ. He wishes to destroy any foe that presents itself, no matter what the circumstances. European Zodiac: Scorpio Chinese Zodiac: Dragon Element: Death Name: Scorpiomon Attribute: Virus Type: Insect Digimon Attack A: Dark Stinger-Scorpiomon fires bolts of energy from his tail Attack B: Mega Claws-Scorpiomon's razor-sharp claws glow green and can then cut through any substance Attack C: Poison Beam-Scorpiomon shoots a green beam of energy from his tail that poisons any it touches Description: A jet-black, humanoid scorpion with giant claws and a wickedly curved stinger. Has glowing red eyes. Name: Zodiac Dramon Attribute: Virus Type: Demon Dragon Digimon Attack A: Dragon Fire Blast-Z Dramon fires an orb of dark fire Attack B: Dragon Horn Strike-Z Dramon rushes at the opponent head-first, his horns blazing Attack C: Dragon Fire Inferno-Z Dramon conjures up a huge blast of fire that engulfs the foe Description: Think Majiramon but black, with no moustache, and bull-like horns. Also, has a large pair of wings. Name: Deathmon Attribute: Virus Type: Demon Man Digimon Attack A: Skull Blade-A blade of green fire erupts from his skull hand that he can use as a sword Attack B: Deadly Gaze-Deathmon fires beams of energy from his eyes Attack C: Fatal Strike-A huge beam of energy fires from Deathmon's skull hand Description: A tall, muscular man clad in jet-black armor with one hand encased in a Dragon's skull and the other in a gauntlet shaped like a Dragon's talons. Has a billowing red cape that is ragged and torn. Has no helmet and blue skin, with crimson eyes that have no irises and long silver hair past the waist. Name: Death Dramon Attribute: Virus Type: Dragon Man Digimon Attack A: Death Sting-Fires black energy darts rapid fire from his tail Attack B: Skull Dragon Rush-Shoots a Dragon's skull, tailed by fire, out of his hand Attack C: Blade of Death-Conjures up a green sword wreathed in black flames Description: Deathmon with a Scorpion's tail and a Dragon's head Those were mine. Now, here's the list of available Zodiacs and Elements. [strike]Aires-Keiji Taurus-Keiji Gemini-Maximillion404[/strike] Cancer- [strike]Leo-Maximillion404[/strike] Virgo- [strike]Libra-Unborn Lord Xion Scorpio-Unborn Lord Xion[/strike] Saggittarius- Capricorn- Aquarius- Pisces- Rat- [strike]Ox-Keiji Tiger-Maximillion404 Hare-Keiji Dragon-Unborn Lord Xion Snake-Unborn Lord Xion[/strike] Horse- Sheep- Monkey- Rooster- [strike]Dog-Maximillion404[/strike] Boar- [strike]Blazemon-Maximillion404 Aquamon-Keiji[/strike] Terramon- Breezemon- [strike]Darkmon-Unborn Lord Xion[/strike] Brightmon- [strike]Naturemon-Keiji[/strike] Metalmon- Electromon- Freezemon- [strike]Lifemon-Maximillion404 Deathmon-Unborn Lord Xion[/strike] Libra-Snake-Darkness Scorpio-Dragon-Death Leo-Tiger-Life Gemini-Dog-Fire Aires-Hare-Water Taurus-Ox-Nature Enjoy!
[COLOR=brick]"Yes, it has been awile, hasn't it, Slash? A millennium, I believe," Mekaryu said sarcastically. "Come. Let us land and meet the siblings of Thunder and Lightning. Besides, we don't wish to cause a panic with a Dragon, Phoenix, and flying Man, do we?" "Uh, right," said Slash, decending. "And you," he said, referring to Aranel. "You can change to human form at any time. Speaking to a bird is rather unsettling." Upon landing, Aranel changed into human form. "And speaking to a Dragon is that much better?" Aranel said. "Yes, actually," Mekaryu grunted. "So, what's the plan?" asked Slash. "I told you, we find the Storm Siblings," growled Mekaryu. "Where?" asked Slash. "Anima is nearby, but I'm not sure where Matthias is," said Aranel. "Well, then let's get Anima and find ol' Lightning," said Slash, as if it was obvious, which it actually was. "That is the plan," said Mekaryu. "Then let's go!" Slash said anxiously. "Let's," growled Mekaryu. "Flame Dragon, I dispell you!" The massive Dragon let out a shriek and vanished in a plume of fire and smoke. "I summon thee, Riders!" Mekaryu roared. Three equine (horse-like) Dragons appeared. The Riders were weak in battle, so they were easy to summon. They also made excellent mounts. One pawed at the ground, churning up earth with it's talons. Another snorted and shot a small puff of fire. "Get on. We ride," said Mekaryu, flatly.[/COLOR]
In the long since dormant volcano, something stirred. The ground cracked as steaming fissures broke the surface. Jets of flame errupted and magma rose, scorching the earth. And in the center stood a statue, unmoving for a thousand years, until now, when the magma burnt and melted the steel away, revealing the Master of the Forge Mekaryu. The metal pooled on the ground, forming a platform for the Titan to stand upon. Life again sparked in the vibrant amber eyes as the massive man stirred. He clenched and unclenched his fingers, the draconic metal hand on his left groaning with rust that flaked away. Mekaryu turned his head to the heavens and let out a great roar. [COLOR=brick]"The Titans LIVE!" [/COLOR] He swung his steel left hand into the red-rocked wall beside him, and it crumbled, revealing his massive bastard sword. He gripped the blade, and swung it into his other hand. [COLOR=brick]"With this sword, the Soul of Dragon, I shall strike down those who cast me into this pit, and return them to their pit, forever more!"[/COLOR] he roared, his voice low and powerful. [COLOR=brick]"Come, my steed, Dragon of Flames! I summon thee!"[/COLOR] A harrowing shriek rang out in the smoking crater, and a massive beast rose from the lava. With a mighty spray of flames, the massive, winged serpent rose, it's eyes flashing the same amber as Mekaryu's. It wound it's body near the platform of steel and snorted, letting Mekaryu know he could ride. The Master of Dragons and the Forge jumped atop the scarlet beast, gripping it's wing joints. [COLOR=brick]"Ride, my Draconic steed. Take me from this molten crypt to the earth I should walk upon!"[/COLOR] The Dragon roared and flapped it's massive wings, rising high into the air. It soared up and up, until the two crashed through the avalanche strewn rocks that had fallen and fused atop the volcano, into the sky, as the sun set. [COLOR=brick]"Now, to my fellows!"[/COLOR]
Name: Mekaryu Gender: Male Element: Dragons and Steel Power: Dragons-Can summon a Dragon based on his current power. Steel-He can manipulate metals as if they were in the forge. Weapons: Soul of Dragon; a two-handed bastard sword (very large) Description: Mekaryu is 6'5' and built like a tank, weighing 300lbs. He has short silver hair, streaked with a brilliant crimson and has bright amber eyes. His skin is dark and leathery from the constant heat in his home. His canines are also slightly longer than most peoples. He usually wears a regular black shirt and simple black pants. He has heavy leather boots and a thick horse-leather jacket (incredibly heavy! I have one!) He lost his hand in battle, but created a fully functional had of metal that matches his draconic gauntlet. Elemental Description: When in battle, Mekaryu wears a chain-mail shirt over his regular shirt and has plate-mail pants. He also has a metal glove, designed to look like a Dragon's claws much like his new hand. He also has metal boots designed similarly. Birth Place: In a shadowy volcano in the Greek mountains that cannot be found except when the sun is just setting. Bio: Mekaryu is the blacksmith of the group, who forged their mystical weapons and armor with his control over metals. However, he was standoffish and solitary, causing friction between him and others. He preferred only to work in his eternal forge, building and creating, while the others fought against the forces of darkness. Until the Apocalypse came. Mekaryu was the first to move in after Aranel, leading a great charge atop his Dragons. However, his reluctance for team-work led to his first loss, and the loss of his hand. After that, he always went in battle with others, learning the value of team-work through this horrible loss. He is quiet and gruff, never wishing to speak and cruel when he has to. He is slightly arrogant, very sarcastic, and at least a little bit cynical. However, he will do anything to help his fellows, even if he doens't like them.
"Aren't you forgetting about me?" said a low, cold voice. The four whirled to see Tao standing in the shadows. "When'd you get here?" asked Gotenix. "Does it matter?" Tao asked. "I am here, so when I arrived is irrelivent." "Huh?" asked Gotenix. "It means it doesn't matter," growled the Dark X-Legend. "All that matters is the now, which is why I feel that I should train as well. So, will all of you be fighting me at once, or shall I slaughter you one on one?" The quartet glared at Tao. "I'll shut ya' down!" yelled Kantron. "Fine. First I'll scale the overgrown lizard, and then maybe the rest will gain some common sense." "LIZARD!" roared Kantron. "I'll crush you, you freaky Ninja-dude!" "Bring it," growled Tao.
Name: Tenkazu, goes by Ten Age: 17 Gender: Male Hieght: 5'11" Wieght: 180lbs. Description: Tenkazu has smoky blue eyes and messy brown hair. He has a very dark tan due to his home's climate. He wears baggy white pants, a baggy white shirt with a golden sun emblem, and a wide-brimmed black hat. Also wears a leather-like jacket (the Spiran equivalent). Biography: Tenkazu comes from a small village in the south of Spira known as the Village of the Sun People. It is almost always sunny, and clouds are rarely seen in the sky. Until now. The sky has grown dark, and Tenkazu, the villages greatest warrior, must find the cause of the darkness. He is a master of Iaijutsu, the quick draw style of fighting, and a master of other sword fighting styles as well. He has been dubbed 'Ten' for his airy nature (ten means sky). Weapon: The Taiyo no Katana, or Sword of the Sun Over Drive: Amaterasu no Iaijutsu (Iaijutsu of the Sun Goddess). Tenkazu rushes at his opponent, sword in it's sheath. When he's close enough to strike them, he draws and his blade releases a wave of solar energy that causes incredible damage to Fiends. This good? I hope so.
Tao had come out of DT mode and was once again meditating. Through the metal door, he heard a low ringing. Unnecessarily, May opened the door to tell him, "Phone rang." "And?" he said, slightly irritated. "New client. Down at the docks. Says something ate his shipment," said May, as if this was perfectly normal. Which it was. "Where, who, how much, and what did it eat?" "Dock 11, don't care, 10 gs, and it ate a shipment of beef steaks." "All right, let's move," Said Tao, getting up and striding through the door. "Oh, we best be careful," said May, walking along side him towards the front door. "Why?" Tao asked as he grabbed his two .45 colts. "He sounded panicky, so he might've called DMC." "Good," said Tao, loading the guns. -At the Docks- Tao stepped out of the car, followed by May and Aurora. The trio walked cautiously towards Dock 11. They heard no unusual sounds. "Oh, you're here! I'm so glad!" cried a man who ran out near them. "I...I...I'm Captain Patters, and I'm in a bit of a spot. You see, something ate my shipment of..." "Beef Steaks, we know," said Tao, searching for the beast. "No!" yelled the man. Tao looked at him, confused. "What? That's what you told my assisstant over the phone, right?" he asked, speaking more to May than Patters. "No! I told the young lady that it ate a shipment of atomic waste to be disposed of!" "WHAT!?" barked Tao. He whirled and whipped out his sword, pointing the tip to May's throat. "He...he told you it ate nuclear waste and you told me BEEF STEAKS!?" "Uh, yeah?" said May. Just then, something huge crashed through the dock. "Oh no! It's back!" cried the man. "Ahh-!" He began to yell, but was swiftly decapitated by the monster's bladed tail. It towered over the Yushi no Yami gang. It's body was massive, covered in glittering sapphire scales. It's eyes blazed yellow, and glowing green goo dripped from it's fanged maw. A crest of brilliantly colored spines ran down it's back. "A Blarakize," said Tao, steeling himself for the awesome battle. "Perfect." OOC: It's been a while, so I figured I'd start the next mission. DMC guys, you can decide if you want to join in or not. Oh, and here's the info on my second demon in the RPG. The Blarakize is a massive snake-like Demon that usually is just massive and hungry, with a bladed tail. However, this one ate nuclear waste, so know it can shoot the deadly goo. Fun, huh?
Name: Tao-Zhou Age: 23 Gender: Male Race: Rammincs Abillites: Ancient Energy-Like Super Sayajin, with a black energy aura surrounding him. Also, each level of transformation gives him a different symbol on his body. Level 1: Slashes over his eyes Level 2: Xs on the backs of his hands Level 3: Dragon tattoo winding around his arms Level 4: A big Dragon tattoo on his back Also, he is incredibly swift, agile, and powerful, a perfect assassin. Signature Move: Demon Bomb-Kind of like the Spirit Bomb, but not really. He absorbs 20% of the energy from everyone in a 100 meter radius around him, and focuses all of his energy into a large black sphere. Due to the intense power it usually has, and the fact that his opponent lost 20% of their power, it is usually fatal. Other moves: Ancient Energy Blade, Dark Fire Slash, Dark Fire Inferno, Demon Blast, Doku-Eneru-Ha, Shiisa, Kiote, and Chaos Strike Gadgets: An enlongated Ninja-to, a little shorter than a katana. Description: Tall and lean (6'0"), with spiky brown hair and long bangs. Has crimson irises. Wears baggy black pants and a baggy black shirt, with a Duster. Carries his sword at all times. Bio: Tao is a legendary warrior, one of the greatest. He will accept any challange, no matter who issues it. However, he is extremely honorable and a true gentleman. However, sex-related crimes are the only ones he is opposed to. He usually kills opponents, especially those he deems 'unworthy', who he 'puts out of their misery.' He is very like Vegeta in attitude. He could have, long ago, become a ruler, but decided not to be, as he abhors politics. Instead, he decided to join the X Legends in their fight against the Z Senshi and fought, of all people, Vegeta. X Legend or Z Fighter: X Legend I think that'll do. There weren't enough X Legends, I decided.
Two figures can be seen infront of a large screen. The screen plays images of the Z Senshi's battle with Frieza and his henchmen, followed by their battle with Coola and his henchman. Voice 1: Poor, poor, Frieza. Crushed by two Sayajin (sp?), one little half-blood, a Namekian, and a human. Voice 2: And Coola being destroyed by the half-blood, one of the Sayajin, and the Namekian isn't as bad? Please, Polar, don't make me laugh. Voice 1: Quiet Arcta! Oh, well. I never liked either of them. Arcta: Yes. They were rather arrogant, and stupid, and power-hungry, and stupid... Polar: You said stupid already. Arcta: I know. Polar: But they were family. We must track down these Super-Sayajin and destroy them. Arcta: Yes, I guess. But don't you think it's unfair? Polar: Who cares? The two cackle madly as the screen goes black. Here's what I need from you. I need Arcta, Polar, Queen Cold, their henchmen (5), and some of the Z-Senshi, at least Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and Piccolo, and probably Krillin. I also wouldn't say no to any of the others. This is the form for Queen Cold, Arcta and Polar. Two things about them, too. Arcta and QC are female, and Polar is larger (physically) than the other three in all of his forms. Name: Arcta or Polar Appearance: For all of the stages, plus a 6th one which I made up. It's individual for all of the Cold Clan members. Attacks: With descriptions Power Level: For each stage Henchmen Name: Species: You can make it up Power Level: Attacks: Works For: Appearance: Personality: Z Senshi: Name: Current Power Level: Current Attacks: Keep in mind that this is like the movies. No continuity. But, it takes place before the Buu Saga, and after the Androids. Keep that in mind when talking about power and attacks and characters. I won't actually be participating, but I will be judging your performance. Oh, and only I get to decide when someone dies. You'll die quicker if your posts are sucky, and non-Henchmen have to send me an exerpt from a spar. -ULX
*There has been a note posted in the Sign-Up. Read It before you post* Sirens blared and crimson light swept across the desolate area. A commotion brewed, and the noise was deafening as hundreds of heavy feet stamped across the area, kicking up thick clouds of dust. Around a corner came running a lean boy, appearing to be in his late teens, clad in a ripped tank top and ragged gray pants. The shirt was emblazoned with a large blue ?E?, which was imposed over a biohazard sign. His thick, dark hair was hanging limply over his face, his long bangs dangling in front of his pristine blue eyes. His bare feet slapped on the dusty ground. Behind him came a small army of men, each clad in identical blue military-style outfits, wielding high-caliber automatic rifles. ?Halt!? cried the man in front of the army. His chest bore a golden E, to signify his rank. The teenager stopped, and whirled upon the soldiers. His eyes were filled with fear, and his panting breath was ragged. Sweat trickled down his face. The officer made a short hand signal, pointed at the teen. Two men dropped their weapons and moved forward. When the kid moved to run, the officer cried out again. ?Stop! We won?t hurt you if you come with us peacefully!? As the two men grew closer, the teen became more and more nervous. ?Stupid Evo,? grumbled one man, grabbing the teen?s arm with one bare hand. As soon as he did so, he let out a hideous shriek. When he pulled his hand away, the flesh of his palm was shown, appearing burned and raw. The teen let out a roar and swung put with one arm, his forearm slamming into the soldier?s chest. The soldier was sent flying, clearing the ground and crashing into the unit. The other man, wearing gloves, went to grab the kid again. When he noticed, the teen snarled, and a large spike ejected from his wrist. His jabbed forward, the spike piercing the soldier?s stomach. The soldier paled and gurgled, his face twisting into agony. ?Prepare to fire!? roared the officer. The fallen soldiers scrambled to their feet, and the men in front readied their weapons. The teen wrenched the spike free from the soldier?s stomach. Blood spurted from the wound, and the tip of the spike was coated in the crimson liquid. As he heard the guns cocking, he whirled and headed towards a large stone wall that was at least 20 feet tall, topped by barbed wire. ?You have nowhere to run! Surrender now!? bellowed the officer. The teen turned his head and, seeing the wall of firearms, resumed his charge at the wall. ?Fine! Men, FIRE!? roared the officer, pointing at the teen. The teen crouched briefly, then flew over the wall, his legs springing him forward, clearing the wall by at least 10 feet vertically and coming down 15 yards from the wall?s base. As soon as he hit the ground, he was running full force away from the building, not noticing the speed at which the sky whirled past.
I, the mighty Unborn Lord Xion, implore you to design your own Fusion Warrior. You can combine any two warriors in three ways: Potara Fusion, Fusion Dance, or Buu Absorption. True, there are two other ways of fusion (Cell and Namekian), but those don't have much of an effect. I will accept four other judges, so PM me soon. First-come, first serve. The contest will end on March 1st, at which point the judges will post their top three, and popular vote wins. Here's what the contestants need to do. Name: (Buu for Buu Fusion) Warriors Fused: Fusion Type: Techniques: Description: (Pictures are acceptable) Power Level: Let me know if this is not okay to do (though I'm pretty sure it is).
In a darkened room, a large row of television consoles snaps on. Several people appear, one in each screen. All of them appear important, such as buisnessmen and generals. Am match is struck and is put to the tip of a cigarette. The light illuminates a thin-lipped mouth with wrinkles as the edges. A long-fingered hand reaches up and grips the cigarette. "Gentlemen, I have called you all here today to inform you of the progress on Project Evolutionary," said the darkened figure. "Yes, do inform us," said a heavy-set man in a three-piece Italian suit with a shaggy beard and mustache. "Wilkinson is right!" barked a bald man in a general's uniform. "You have with-held information for far too long, Dr. Shick." "General Burton, I have not been holding back information. I merely had nothing of import to tell you. But now, I can inform you of our latest Evolutionary. His name is Charles Evans, and he is the perfect Evo," said Shick, smoothly. "The perfect Evo!" gasped several of the men on the screens. "Though his abilities haven't been fully tested," said Shick, typing on a computer keyboard. He took a long drag of his cigarette. "My cheif scientists have given me these projected readings." He tapped sharply on a key. "Oh, my!" gasped some of the others. "70 Tons!" gasped Burton. "Gentlemen, if this works, you will all be very very powerful," said Shick, smiling. 'And I'll be very, very rich.' Here's what I need from you all. I need some Evos, good and bad, for the story. The rest of the plot will be revealed soon. Name (Codename for bad): Age: Gender: Height: Weight: Animal DNA Donors (Max 3): Special Abilities (from Animals): Personality: Faction (Evans or the Organization): Make these people believable, okay? No fire breathing, no energy blasts, no flying (unless you have a flying animal's DNA). They can have abilities such as hieghtened senses, super-strength, super-speed, and claws/fangs/etc. Oh, I will be playing as Charles Evans. -ULX
Thanks again for joining. Mainly, this is a post to get this up high in the list of Recruitment forums, but it also has a puprose. I'd just like to ask DBD if he's a bad guy, as I am assuming he is. Which mean he needs a Username. If he's not, there is a problem, as Ruby is the Battle Arena mod. Just want to get this cleared up. But great characters so far! Once again, I beg you to pull your friends (kicking and screaming, if you must) into the RPG, as I really want to start it. I still need 3 Dark Minions, Jeice, and ZimGirl.
Thank you all for joining! As you can see, you are currently all in. However, this isn't quite first come-first serve. If I happen to get someone better than you, they get in instead. However, I do intend to start this as soon as I get all positions filled, so don't be too afraid. Oh, and Arika? Please finish it soon. And include your target realm, for that will decide your personal quest (to gain control of that realm), and you will also be rivals with the current owner. Oh, and don't forget to tell your friends to enter this awesome RPG (self-depricating laugh). -ULX
[i][COLOR=blue]It is the future, and technology is far more advanced than before. The pinnacle of technology, is the famed DiabloBoards. Spawned from the fequally-famous OtakuBoards, it changed names after the new owener, known as Diablo, took it over. It is now fully virtual, much like 'The World' in .hack//sign. Moderating under Diablo are his five 'Minions'. Each minon moderates an area. they are Tartaros, who moderates the Adventure and Battle Arenas, Spasco the Great who moderates TV, Willow, who moderates Video Games, ZimGirl who moderates Anime, and Pinky who moderates Art. However, the peace of DiabloBoards is about to come to an end. A warrior known as Jeice claims that he is the rightful owner of DiabloBoards. He and his army of elite hackers have entered the Boards with the hope of destroying it until Diablo and the Mods surrender their power. But Diablo won't go down without a fight.[/color][/i] For this RPG, I need the five Minion/Mods and 6 of the bad guys. Jeice needs to be filled, and he has 5 Dark Manions. There ae only a few restirctions. One, I am Diablo. Two, Tartaros and Spasco are male, while the others are female. And three, Jeice is male. Oh, and try not to make things too outragous. True, this does take place in a realm with limitless possibilities, but keep it within reason, okay? Here's the sign-up sheet. Name: Screenname: Age: Description: Weapons: Bio: Personality: Target Realm (for Bad guys): Here ae the spots that need to be filled Diablo-Unborn Lord Xion Tartaros-Ruby Spasco the Great Willow-Erinzyger ZimGirl- Pinky-Roxanne Leifen Jeice- DM1-Arika aka Ecstacy (X) DM2-Double_B_Daigo aka ? DM3- DM4- DM5-
I'm making a quiz, and I'd like some pictures for results, if if you'd be so kind. Here's what I need (I know, I'm being a little specific) 1. A tall-ish guy, lean build, with brown hair and long-ish bangs. Wearing a black hat, jeans, and a dark t-shirt. Must have words 'You are Diablo' on picture somewhere. Should look slightly smug, as well as like a leader. 2. A taller, lanky looking guy with short brown hair. Wearing khakis (or something similar) and green t-shirt. Have words 'You are Tartarus' in blue on the picture. Should look smug, even arrogant. 3. A shorter guy, medium build, with short brown hair. Dressed in camo-jacket, white shirt, and pants. Must have 'You are Spasco the Great' in green on the picture. Should look somewhat spazzy. 4. An average girl with long (waist-lentgth) red hair and glasses. Wearing clothes in light-blue. Should look quite happy. Must have 'You are Willow' written on the picture in Red. 5. Another average looking girl, with short brown hair that frames her face. She should be wearing fairly neutral colors. must have 'You are ZimGirl' somewhere on the picture in green. Should look kind and cheerful. 6. A skinny girl, shorter than the others, with blonde hair in a ponytail. Should be wearing light, pastle colors (like pink ,yellow, etc.). Must have 'You are Pnky' written in pink on the picture. should look shy and kind. 7. A tall, broad guy, but slightly round, with black hair that stands up. Should be wearing dark clothes, and home purple. Must have 'You are The Evil One' written in black somewhere on the picture. SHould look arrogant and evil. Once I get these pictures, they're going into a quiz on Quizilla, called 'Which member of the Diablo Union are you?' Oh, and your pictures will be credited to you.
"What took you lot so long?" asked a voice that came from the Titan Tower. It was cold, arrogant, and sarcastic. It was Shadow. He walked around the corner and stared cockily at the group. Then his eyes fell on Shiv, and he spoke again. "Who's that bloke?" "If you had been at the building like you were supposed to, then you would know who he is," said Gen, coldly. "Oh stop acting all high an' mighty, you git, and tell me," Shadow snarled. "His name is Shiv, and he's a Metahuman from Dakota," said Lina. "He came here to cut Static into itty-bitty pieces Happy?" "Quite, love," said Shadow, smiling cockily. Lina rolled her eyes and groaned. "Oh come on! you know ya' can't resist me charms, love," said Shadow, still grinning. "Can we just get our order from Lex and Slade," growled Gen. "Or do you have to keep flirting with her?" "Oh, sorry mate," sneered Shadow. "Didn't know I was hornin' in on your territory, I'll keep me comments to myself." "Shut up you Billy Idol wannabe!" snarled Gen. "You take that back you bloody git!" roared Shadow. "This'll take a while, won't it?" asked Shiv. The rest nodded solemnly. OOC: Sorry it took me so long to post. I forgot to check. My bad. Oh, and I hope you don't mind his accent, or how I portrayed your characters.
Code Name: Shadow Real Name: TJ Age: 17 Gender: Male Powers/Skills: Shadow can transform any piece of wood or metal into his signautre Ninja-to, the Yushi no Yami. He also has super-human strength and speed, as well as powers of darkness and fire. Power/Skill Origin: His powers are drawn from the sword, which he summons through ancient magic that run through his families veins. Alliance: Terror Description: Shadow is tall and lean, with long, spiky brown bangs and hair. He wears all black, usually black jeans and a black t-shirt, over which he wears a Duster. Biography: Little is known about TJ's history at all.
Name: Shinobimon Level: Mega Attack/s: Darkness Blade and Swift Cutter Attack Description/s: Darkness Blade-Shinobimon sends a blade of pure darkness at his foe Swift Cutter-Shinobimon slashes his foe at the speed of light Personality: Shinobimon is cold and stand-offish, but a true gentleman to women and loyal to his allies. Hope this is okay
"You two are banned, aren't you!?" snarled ULX. "Uh..." started one of the banned members. "Um...bye!" yelled the other, rushing off. "No way!" yelled Xion. He jumped through the air and landed in front of them, his sword drawn. "You two wanted to spar so bad, so let's go! WW2, come on!" OOC: Who's WW2, Extreme Otaku?