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Everything posted by Onix

  1. TJ: You see! This is why I hate this place! Nothing makes any ******* sense! I hate feeling like this! David: Feeling like what? TJ: I don't like not being able to understand things. And I [i]really[/i] don't get this place. It bugs me! Ken/Hirei: If you don't like this world, than leave. I don't want some confused, irritable child hindering me in battle. His voice was Ken's...yet different. It seemed deeper and colder. More powerful. TJ: CHILD! TJ looked at Ken with an incomprehensable level of fury. All of his rage and hate had suddenly burst forth, shattering his calm demeaner. TJ: I will [i]not[/i] be talked down to by some...some...some ex-royal, incorporeal jackass! I don't care [i]if[/i] your existence is the only hope for this planet and many others! I want you out of Ken and out of here! All of them stared at the raging TJ with different looks. David, Destiny, Christian, and Ki looked extremely confused at this uncharacteristic burst of emotion. Nika looked somewhat scared. Arika and Ken/Hirei looked on with cold, emotionless stares. TJ: And I do want to leave! That is perhaps my greatest goal right now! I don't ******* [i]care[/i] about saving the world, or slaying the master, or any of this **** anymore! But I refuse to be told to leave by [i]you[/i]! I won't leave, I will defeat the Master, and I will get your dead *** out of Ken's body, just to spite you! I've had enough of all of this! Dark energy began to crackle around TJ as his rage continued to burst forth. He turned his head towards the heavens. TJ: Attention all demons! I need something to take my frustrations out on! Who here has the balls to take me on! Huh! WELL! I dare anyone to attack me! [b]I DARE YA[/b]! TJ lowered his head and began to breath more heavily than normal. The red began to fade from his face, and the energy that had been surrounding his dissapated. After a few minutes of stunned silence, only punctuated by TJ's ragged breaths, David spoke. David: Dude, you okay now? TJ took a deep breath and let it out slowly. TJ: Yeah. I'm done know. I just needed to vent, and that *** over there provided the perfect target. Ken/Hirei spoke for the second time. K/H: You shouldn't have vented that. The rage was giving you alot of power. It would've helped your chances some. TJ: Bite me. K/H scowled at TJ again, yet still said nothing. Obviously, he was not used to being adressed to in such a manner, and was contempating the best way to handle the situation. David: Well, now that that's done, what's next?
  2. Name: Tao-Zhou Age: 24 Race: Demon (BTW, what does the 3 sentence (I'm assuming) paragraph need to have?) Business: Yushi no Yami (Hero of Shadow, in Japanese. Or is it Shadow of Hero? I'm not sure. Weapons: Zhou Family Ninja-to (enlongated some), 2 colt .45, and Shuriken. Devil Trigger: -Name: Reaper -Description: Looks like the classic Grim Reaper. -Techniques: --Soul Reaver: Slashes opponent repeatedly with scythe, doing more damage than a usual sword slash. --Soul Cannon: Fires a skull-shaped blast --Spinning Slash: Runs forward, slashes down with scythe propelling into the air, and spins repeatedly before slashed down onto enemy. Description: Tao is tall and lean. He wears baggy black clothes, and a black Duster. He has long, spikey bangs and crimson eyes. Bio: Tao was born to a royal family of a demon species known as the Shadow Stalker. His evil brother, Myo, dethroned him by challanging Tao to a duel and cheating. Tao wandered the world (he was about 17) for a while until he founded Yushi no Yami, which is the name of his sword as well. He hires himself out as an assassin and demon slayer, preferring to slay demons than kill people, but he'll do either for the right price.
  3. Kitty, don't yell at him! You might upset him! And if you do that, he might decide to not post more! And then I would have to kill. :demon:
  4. Hoping it's not too late to join, even though it probably is. Name: Tao-Zhou Age: 24 Height/Weight: 6'0"/170 Bio: Tao has been perfecting his dueling strategy for nearly as long as Duel Monsters has been in print. He is known to be an Assassin, as well as master duelist. Deck Info- Deck size: 66 Deck type: Beatdown/Effect (Called Psychedelic Crash) Favorite card: (And Rearest) Red Eyes Metal Dragon If I can still join, I would really like to. I've read the entire story so far, and it would be greatly appriciated to let me in.
  5. Onix

    Blue Seed!!

    There is one series (with 26 episodes) as well as 3 OVA specials called the second series, as they feature the same characters but take place after Blue Seed. Or so I've heard.
  6. "Damn those two blonde idiots!" yelled Zi. "I am going to kill that red clothed, spikey headed, murdering, moron!" "Calm down, Zi. We'll catch them. Besides, we know that they're headed for New July. We'll get them," said Saiga, desperately trying to calm the raging Zi. "No!" screamed Zi. "I will not calm down! I have finally found the man I have been hunting for all these years and he smacks me off my Thomas and races off, leaving me in the dust, probably for dead! I will find him again, and then he will die! This sword," she yelled, pulling out the blade. "The very sword used by my father, shall cut him down, and end this once and for all!" Zi had obviously been wanting to say this for a long time. "Finished?" asked Siaga, reloading her Shotgun. Zi took a deep breath and then let it out. "Yes." "Good. We have to find a way to get to New July. Then we can worry about dealing with Vash and Kaiyden." "Well, how do you propose we get to New July?" asked Zi, cocking an eyebrow. "I have two ideas. We walk, or we steal a car." Zi looked around them. There was nothing in sight for miles. "What cars?" Saiga looked around as well. After a pause, she spoke. "Guess we're walking."
  7. Was that another evil Koala at the end, or am I hallucinating?
  8. Zi jumped on her Thomas next to Saiga. "I've got to stop them from killing Vash," she said. "I thought you wanted him dead," said Saiga, looking confused. "I do. And I want to kill him myself. If anyone has a problem with that, then I'm killing them too," Zi growled. "You used to be so nice. You're so bitter now," grumbled Saiga as the two raced along, following the bike-tracks. "Yeah, well, you'd get nasty too if your father was murdered!" snapped Zi. "Sorry," murmured Saiga. OOC: And Lone Bebop, it's [i]Zi[/i], not Zai. Just thought I'd clear that up. Also, I hope my characters actions don't offend you, Ruby.
  9. You must make more! This is perhaps the funniest on-line animated comic strip I've seen since...um...uh...ever, I guess. It ranks high up there on my list of super-funny online comics with Tiny's World and Little Pengy. Keep up the good work! Don't make me blow up the world! *Transforms into the Unborn (from Bloody Roar)* I'll do it!
  10. Zi and Joey, along with a girl Zi shared a bunk with named Samantha (we can't have just 9 students, can we?), headed down to the dining room. They each found a schedule on their plate. "Let's see what classes we got!" said Joey. As soon as he picked up the piece of parchment, some food appeared. Suddenly, hundreds upon hundreds of owls started to fly through the window up high. A raven fluttered down in front of Zi. "What's with the raven?" asked Samantha. [i]It's my raven. Her name is Yami.[/i] She then scratched the raven's neck. "Huh, a raven? I didn't know they were good for carrying mail," said Joey, nibbling on a piece of bacon. The three had identical schedules. [i]Defense Against the Dark Arts-9:00 Potions-11:00 Lunch-1:00 Charms-3:00 Care of Magical Creatures-5:00 Dinner-7:00[/i] "Hey, we have Defense Against the Dark Arts first," said Samantha, eating some scrambled egg. [i]My Dad teaches that. It should be fun.[/i] ~~~~~~~~ At nine, Zi, Joey, and Samantha had shuffled into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Zi set her tablet and wand on the table, as well as her DADA book. Professor Zhou strode into the classroom, his robe billowing around his feet. "I am Professor Zhou. I am here to teach you Defense Against the Dark Arts. Here you will learn to protect yourself against most spells. Today, we will be learning two basic spells, if you don't know them already. You are to learn the Flippendo Charm and the Shield Charm. You are to pair up and practice both at the same time. I expect a few of you shall be seing Madame Pomfrey by the end of class, unless you try hard to learn the Shield Charm. Begin!" Zi paired up with Joey. He decided that he would try the Flippendo first. "Flippendo!" he yelled. A small blue bolt shot out from the tip of his wand. Zi mouthed a word and pointed her wand straight out. The bolt stopped short of hitting Zi. "You see! Zi has already mastered it. Of course, she has been practicing dilligently throughout the summer ever since recieving her notice of admisson. "You're probably just saying that to make it sound like she's smarter than us! I think your just favoring her!" yelled a boy with glasses and dirty blonde hair. "Boy, what is your name?" asked Professor Zhou, with a strange twinkle in his eye. "I'm Gregory Blake." "Mister Blake, you've recieved your first detention. You will see me after class to discuss your punishment. Gregory stared at Professor Zhou. Red slashed across his cheeks. "Now, return to your spellcasting!" For the rest of class, the students continued to knock eachother down and try to block the blue bolts. At 10:50, Professor Zhou told them to pack up. "Your homework for tonight is a 2ft essay on the usage of the Shield Charm. I expect it by the end of the week." The students were happy to rush out of class. Most staggered off to their next classes, the rest stumbled off to Madame Pomfrey. "Your dad's really strict, Zi," said Samantha, nursing a bruise on her left arm. "Yeah. I hope he teaches us some healing spells next time," said Joey, rubbing a bump that one of Zi's Flippendos had given him. Zi giggled silently.
  11. Professor Konoran moved swiftly through the halls as he headed towards his quarters in the staff corrador. He had been eagerly awaiting the end of the feast so that he could inspect the book he had recieved that very night. "Damn that bird!" he swore, softly. "Why did they send a [i]talking[/i] bird? Why not a simple owl or..." "Talking to yourself is a sign of an unhealthy mind, Professor Konoran." "Who's there!" yelled Kamarin. Professor Zhou emerged from the shadows near the shorter professor. "Ah...Professor Zhou," said Kamarin, sounding falsely cheery. He put on a smile that looked more like a grimace. "So good to see you. However, a perfectly sane person doesn't usually hide in the shadows waiting to accuse innocent people, do they?" "Have I ever said I was perfectly sane? And am I accusing you of anything? Or is that a cry for a release of guilt?" said Professor Zhou, cocking an eyebrow. "It means nothing!" Kamarin snapped. He quickly regained his composure. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go work on my lesson plan. [i]Some[/i] of us, have come here to work, not spy on our former teachers." "I believe it was I, that came here first, [i]sensei[/i]," Professor Zhou breathed out the last word with a vehement tone. "Good day." Professor Zhou bowed stiffly. "Good day." Kamarin bowed as well. Kamarin swiftly turned and opened the door to his room. He shut the door behind himself. "Even if I'm under that fools watchful eye, my plan shall still go along as planned. And now that I have the book, it shall be that much easier." Kamarin ran his fingers down the cover of the book.
  12. Zi, stuffed and happy, trudged up the stairs, following the prefect and other students. She was quite happy she had gotten into Gryffindor. It was wear Harry Potter, Ron Weasly, Professor Weasly, and so many others had started up. She was quite ready to get to be so that she could go to classes. She settled into an armchair, hoping to digest a bit before heading off. She saw another one of the first years, Joey Aclan, sitting in another chair. She got up and tapped him on the shoulder. He had appearantly been dozing off when she had tapped. "Uh...wha...uh..." Zi giggled silently at the spectacle. "Oh, yeah, very funny," said Joey, looking cross. He hunched down so that his bushy bangs hid his eyes. Zi frowned. She brought out her wand and tablet and tapped the wand to the tablet. Instantly, spindley writing appeared. Zi, again, tapped Joey on the shoulder. He looked up, and she put the tablet under his face and pointed to it. It said- [i]I'm sorry if I angered you. I appologize deeply.[/i] "Why aren't you talking? Laryngitis?" asked Joey. Appearantly, he had forgiven her at least a little. Zi shook her head, swept the tablet clean with her wand, and tapped the wand tip to the tablet again. More writing appeared. It said this- [i]I am mute. I have been to St. Mungo's on several occasions, but they have not been able to help me. They did, however, give me this tablet. It is quite helpful.[/i] "Ohhh..." Joey said, trying to look like he understood. "Well, I'm sure the teachers will be happy to help you out if you need it. And, of course, I will too." And so a friendship is born. ~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Please, no one do the Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson, yet please. Well, not for either 1st or 5th year, anyway. Though feel free to do Potions. I just have something special in mind for both of those lessons.:devil:
  13. TJ looked over at the bird. He could see Christian blushing as Destiny whispered something in his ear. TJ scowled. TJ: God, I hate that lovey-dovey crap. David: You're just mad because Christian's gettin' some and your not. TJ sighed TJ: Shut up, David. David: Hey! You can't talk to me like that! TJ: And why the hell not? David: Because I'm the nephew of the Master! TJ: I'm quivering.
  14. Onix

    Blue Seed 2

    One of the major requirements for this RPG is at least a minor knowledge of the anime Blue Seed. So, I'll give a basic run-down of the original story (I've only seen, I think 9 episodes.) A young girl, in this case Momiji, finds out she's the Kushinada, a girl who has the power to stop the evil Aragami, horrible parasitic creatures bent on the destruction of man. However, her power doesn't come cheap. She has to be sacrificed. The Aragami figure this out, so they put some of their 'Seeds' (hence the title) into a boy named Kusanagi. He has to protect her at all costs, and in the process is given super human abilities. When it is first revealed Momiji is the Kushinada, she is attacked by a possed Oak Tree. Kusanagi rushes in and slashes some of the tentacles Orochi, the tree, produced. But he then tells her that he has to kill her. Meanwhile, a secret government orginazation, the TAC, rushes off as soon as they find out about the Aragami attack. Eventually, the TAC get there. However, they have the problem of destroying hundreds of tentacles to even get [i]inside[/i] the school. Meanwhile, Momiji and Kusanagi have been captured. Kusanagi is tied by tentacles to a wall. Momiji (who, I should add, has had her skirt cut off :eek: ) finds herself encased in a wall of large crystals. The head of the Aragami, Orochi, tells Momiji that the crystals are made of a tile that will block the Kushinada's power from killing the other Aragami. Long story short, the TAC bust up Orochi, Momiji is brought to Tokyo, and, oh yeah, Orochi's Seed (a blue crystal-thing that is, in actuality their soul) is know imbedded in her chest (Kusanagi uses the excuse of checking the seed to see what Momiji's breast cup is). Momiji becomes a TAC member. She now has the ability to find Aragami, Kusanagi and the TAC regularly bust up Aragami butt, and everyone goes home happy. Except the Aragami. Now, I don't know how it ends. Which is why I'm making my own sequal. This is assuming the Momiji is not sacrificed, and that she and Kusanagi have a child. This is also assuming that the Aragami isn't defeated yet. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's what is needed. I need the new Kushinada and about five TAC members, which includes the leader, the weapons expert, the scientist, and the computer whiz. With one extra. I shall be playing the part of the new 'Kusanagi', so to speak. You can use this sign-up sheet, if you wish. Be creative. Name: Tao-Zhou Age: 18 Appearance: Tall and lean. Tao is about 6'1 and 184 pounds (all muscule baby). He dresses in all black. Black baggy pants, black baggy shirt, and a black Duster. He has messy brown hair, with long spikey bangs. His eyes are crimson. He wears no shoes. Powers (Which you normal humans don't get): He's lightning fast, can jump incredibly high, can lift amazing weights (like a full City Bus) and high endurace. Also, he grows blades from his forearms, claws on his feet allowing him to climb up buildings and such fairly easily. Bio: Tao, like Kusanagi, was chosen by the Aragami to become the Kushinada's protector, to keep her from being sacrificed. He has lived his life, training in all aspects of fighting and physical power, as well as watching over the Kushinada from a distance. Upon the awakening of the Kushinada's power, Tao shall rush to save her from Aragami attacks. And that time draws near. Personality: Tao is fairly cold. He is often sarcastic, and has a fairly cynical view of the world. He often babies the Kushinada, and doens't like working with the TAC. Also, the Kushinada [b][i][u]has[/b][/i][/u] to be a girl, and she is in High School, too. And some of the TAC are female.
  15. TJ stared at the medalion. TJ: I wonder what this does. He stared at the Dragon and Bird. TJ: As I said, this place just gets weirder and weirder. He sighed. TJ: I call dragon! TJ leaped upon the Dragon. David: Hey, can't leave me behind! David, too, jumped on the Dragon. Ki: Hey! Wait up! Ki scrambled onto the back of the Dragon. Destiny and Christian got onto the bird. Nika tried to get on it, but Christian had to help her. David: I guess all of us are going, then? They all nodded. TJ: Then let's ride! The Dragon let out a great roar of agreement. They bird did the same. Took off and headed off in the direction Arika and Ken went. TJ (thinking): All my power is about to be put to the test. I must be ready. If I can do this, than I can beat anyone, except maybe my friends. This is the ultimate battle. This is what I live for. And as the two beasts flew towards the horizon, TJ smiled, a small, secret smile.
  16. "Excuse me, sir, but would you know anything about a man named Vash the Stampede?" asked Zi. The man stared at the two and sighed. "I wish I did, ladies. I'm looking for him too. All I know is what the rumors say." "How about a man named Kaiyden the Kid?" "Uh...same as everyone else, I guess." "Hm. Well, thanks anyway," said Siaga, turning away. But Siaga swiftly turned around, holding her shotgun, pointing the barrel in his face. "You're Kaiyden, aren't you? And don't lie." "Uh, hey, don't shoot him!" yelled the bartender. Vash had just walked in to see a girl with long white hair pointing the barrel of a shotgun in the face of a blonde man sitting at the bar. "Hey, stop!" yelled Vash. The blonde man, Saiga, and Zi all looked towards him. "Vash..." breathed the blonde man. "It's Vash!" yelled a person at the bar. "Vash the Stampede!?" yelled another. "Oh no!" "We're going to die!" "The town'll be destroyed!" Most of the people in the bar rushed out. Zi glared at the man named Vash. "Murderer..." she snarled.
  17. I would like to know how to change my name. I don't want to use the name YashamonMaster any more, so could someone answer my question?
  18. Onix

    Blue Seed!!

    They show Momiji (the girl)'s underware at least once an episode. My theory is that it contrasts her role as saviour of the earth from the Aragami, and that she's still a young girl (she does have animals on her undies). That, and it's fan service for the sake of fan service. And it is a fairly odd show. But I really like it. What episode did you see?
  19. My name is the name I use in all things, when I don't use my real name. I originally used it as my pen-name on fanfiction.net. I got it from the fact that what I thought was a cool Digimon (it was a Digimon fanfic), Yashamon (Yasha means demon, any way), and that I am master of them. I'm thinking of changing my name, but I don't know how. Thank you, for once again paying attention to my ramblings. -Yasha.
  20. Onix

    Blue Seed!!

    Has any one else seen the show Blue Seed? I really enjoy the show, and I want to know if I can discuss stuff about it with anyone.
  21. Name: Zi Zhou Age: 17 Height/Weight: 5'7" 130lbs. Description: Zi, like her father, is leanly muscular, though she isn't as tall. She has long, violet hair and eyes like her father. She wears dark, fairly tight-fitting clothes, mostly purples, blacks, and blues. She wears her father's cloak. Attitude: Zi is cold to most. She used to be cheerful and outgoing, but since her fathers death, she has become spiteful and cruel. Weapon: Her father's Ninja-to, which she recovered from his body. Side: Technically good. Bio: Zi is Tao's adopted daughter. He has trained her to know nearly all he knows. She disapproved of her father's alliance with Knives, but never made her opinion known. Since she heard of her father's death, and the circumstances upon which he died, she has vowed two things. To kill Vash, and to kill Knives. She blames Vash for Tao's death, as well as Knives, for putting him into that situation. She doesn't want the $$60 billion, but she'll collect it as a side prize for knowing her father has been avenged.
  22. Very good character, IloveBebop, but you need to give Janice a power, like the other Gung-Ho Guns. And Tical, is Obiwaban a GHG? If so, he needs a nickname and a power. If not, where does he fall into the scheme of things?
  23. [COLOR=indigo]It has been many years since Vash defeated Knives. Since then, he has wondered the world with a new sense of what is right. He still teaches people what he feels is the right way, and he still has the $$60 billion reward on his head. This is the tale of the new Vash, in the new land, in a new time. It is 30 years later. And Knives has awoken from the coma the sheer shock had put him into. He is hunting Vash once more.[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~ Okay. I am playing as a new ally of Vash. I need Vash, Knives, the New Gung-Ho Guns, and any other characters you can think up. Here's a sign-up sheet. Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Weapons: Bio: Personality: If you choose to be a Gung-Ho gun, you also need a nickname, a power, and a number(which I will assign, actually). Oh, and here's my guy. Name: Tao-Zhou Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: Tall and lean, about 6'1" and 184lbs. He dresses in all black, and a billowing black duster. He has smokey blue eyes, and messy brown hair with long spikey bangs. Weapons: His Ninja-to, and a Colt .38 Bio: He isn't telling anyone. All that is known is that he's an assassin trained in almost all the martial arts. Personality: Tao is cold, calm, and a true gentleman, who seems to have a hidden agenda.
  24. Since no one else has made a Dark Wizard, or even a bad guy, I will. Name: Professor Kamarin Konoran Age: 57 Gender: Male Wand: 10in., Ash, Basilisk Skin Position: Potions, maybe Slytherin Head? Good/Evil: Evil Personality: Kamarin is nasty. He makes Snape seem like Dumbledor. He's even worse than Professor Umbridge (from Order of the Phoenix). He's always calm, like Professor Zhou, but he is never nice. He always looks for an excuse to publicly humiliate someone. Biography: Little at all is known about Kamarin. He, too, is an Oriental Wizard. In fact, he was a teacher at Professor Zhou's school, the Japanese school that I'll name when I can find my Japanese-English Dictionary. He has followed Professor Zhou to Hogwarts. He especially dislikes Zi, bullying her more than any other, and anyone who associates with her in class. Appearance: Kamarin is short, about 5'5". He, like all my characters, hates wearing a hat. He wears his hair in a top-knot. He is very pale, but doesn't look old. He has vivid green eyes. He wears his black robes at all times. There. A bad guy at last. And I have more. Lots more characters. Let me know if you need some.
  25. Name: Zi Zhou Age: 11 Year: 1st Gender: Female House Preference: Either Gryffindor of Ravenclaw. Good/Evil: Probably Good... Wand: Ash, 8in., Dragon Heartstring Pet: Instead of an Owl, she has a Raven named Yami Personality: Zi is very shy at most times, but is very friendly once she gets to know you. She is very respectful to her teachers and her friends, at least to some teachers faces (if she doesn't like them). She also sticks up for her friends at all times. Biography: Zi is, obiviosly, or maybe not, Professor Zhou's daughter. He has been teaching her magic since she could hold a wand, which was important for a major reason. Zi is mute. Professor Zhou has taught her to cast spells without saying the name of the spell. She has been to St. Mungo's at least 5 times to see if her muteness can be remedied, but it is incurable. But Professor Zhou never, [i]ever[/i] favors her in class, telling her that she has to get the grades on her own. Zi isn't, actually, Professor Zhou's biological daughter, but is adopted. Professor Zhou made sure to tell her that, and she doesn't really mind. She works incredibly hard to make up for he disability. She carries around a magic tablet the she can transfer her thoughts to through her wand. Also, Professor Zhou has trained her in some, if not most, martial arts. Appearance: Zi is slim, and stands about 5' 2-3". She has natural violet hair (or so we think) and has smokey blue eyes. She, too, prefers not to wear her hat. She wears her hair in a pony-tail, more often than not, and prides herself on how beautiful it is (which it is), though she tries to be modest. When not wearing her robes, she usually wears jeans and blue, black, or purple shirts. Oh, and I forgot to mention that Professor Zhou keeps his wand in a sword sheath. He states that Dumbledoor convinced him to leave his sword in his quarters, at least while teaching. Oh, and he's not afraid to say Voldemort, and, like Dumbledoor, often tries to convince others to say it.
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