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Everything posted by Onix

  1. As Tsurara continued the story, TJ spoke one sentence. TJ: This place really pisses me off. The group moved to the clearing. TJ sat down in a position simmilar to the lotus position, only with his arms crossed in front of his chest. He scowled darkly, forming a strange contrast with the sunny, cheery field in which they sat. TJ gazed out from under his bangs at Tsurara as the demon spoke.
  2. Tao desperately tried to move. Tao: Damn that insolent whelp! I will finish him! Demerti: I've noticed your mouth can move. Tao: Silence sorceror! I've had enough of your sarcastic drivel. After I slay that...that bastard, I'll come after you! Tao was losing his trademarked calm. Demerti: Any time, Ninja. Tao: I could have defeated you before I got my shadow powers. Tao snarled as he curled his hand into a fist. Tao: That bastard will pay!
  3. A few comments here. First, does Professor Zhou work? Second, it's spelled [i]Fawkes[/i]. I'm guessing you haven't read the books, Scorpio? Third, all wands are different. None are better or worse, Perfect Cell. Fourth, A black panther, Emme888? And last, I must agree with terra. You should increase your bio's some.
  4. Name: Professor Zhou (No one really knows his first name.) Age: 24 Gender: Male Wand: Redwood, 11 inches, Dragon Heartstring Position: Defense Against the Dark Arts Good/Evil: Unknown ;) Personality: Professor is rarely warm around any one, but he is kind to people he respects. He is a gentleman, which is odd, considering his past (see below). He doesn't trust many people, and he is fairly strict. He doesn't approve of any misconduct during his classes. He also makes it fairly well know that he dislikes the Malfoy family, often calling Lucius Malfoy a 'Viper' and a 'Baka', though no one really knows what that means, except his Japanese students. Biography: He has been traveling the world, studing the dark arts and how to face them. It has been rumored, as well, that he has been hiring himself out as an assassin to pay for his travels. These rumors, however, remain unconfirmed. He graduated from an Oriental wizardry school, and he was top of his class. He has, at times, been hinted to have been involved with the Dark Arts and Dark Wizards, but these rumors, too, remain unconfirmed. Appearance: He is very tall and lean. He rarely wears his hat, saying that this 'European Tradition' looks foolish. His hair is messy and brown, and he has spikey bangs. His eyes are a smokey blue. His face is slightly angular, yet still handsome, as he has a reputation as a ladykiller, though he is very respectful of all people.
  5. Tao rose from the shadows next to Irvine. Tao: Forgetting some one? Tao pulled out his sword. Tao: I think your out of your league. I figure that I could have killed you, oh, about 50 times so far, tonight. Irvine pointed the tip of his blade at Tao. Irvine: If your so great, then why don't you fight like a man, and stop shadow-shifting. Tao: You ask to duel me? My boy, I was the most feared assassin on all of Gunsmoke even before I met Knives, and was given my power. Let us duel. Tao stopped for a moment, hearing the gunfire going on in the background. Tao: On second thought, let's go to a quieter place. Irvine found himself being pulled through shadow for what seemed like hours before he returned to the ground. He looked around, seeing the town only in the distance. Tao: Now, we can duel.
  6. TJ: This place just gets better and better, doesn't it? First I get beat up, then locked up, and know I have to fight my friends little sister who has turned into a gigantic monster. TJ jumped aside as Nika swung the sword in a mighty downward arc, splitting the ground. David: TJ! Use the shadows under the tree! Form some ropes, or something! TJ: Right! TJ called upon the shadows to do his bidding, but they denied him, saying they were alligned with Nika, not him. TJ: David! We got a problem! These shadows can think! Meanwhile, all of the others were darting around, trying to not get crushed. Nika: Leave us alone! The 'girl' swung the blade again, forming another gash across the ground. TJ: Bloody brilliant. This is all bloody ******* brilliant!
  7. TJ: I have to agree with David here. Tsurara stared at TJ. TJ points at David. TJ: He's David. I'm TJ. Now, I want to know what the hell is going on right now! And if I don't get some answers, your coffin maker better start working, because my sword if ready to slay some demons. TJ pulled out his Ninja-to. Suddenly, demons started to advance upon him. David: Great, piss 'em off! Wonderful speach, Dark-boy! TJ looked around at the demons. TJ: So, you want to fight huh? Then let's go!
  8. Name: Terrance "Titan" Wallans Age: 35 Sign: The Juggernaut Short Bio: Terrance was always big. He was born larger than most babies, and he grew faster than most. In high-school, he was a line-backer on the foot-ball team, and stood a few inches higher than anyone else. He was able to bench over 400lbs. Despite his imposing presence, he was often teased. And despite his great power, he never wanted to hurt anyone. But one day, he did. A gang of kids had been taunting him about his freakish appearence, and he suddenly snapped, grabbing a tire-iron and imbedding it in one of the kids skulls. He snapped the necks of two more, and crushed the last into a brick wall. He then ran home and hid. Since then, he has killed, on average, 2 people a week. He now works as a Junkyard worker, crushing cars, just like Breaker. He often crushes the cars with his bare hands, trying to work out his murderous urges. But he doesn't realize it's him killing. It's Breaker.
  9. [i][COLOR=Indigo]A small man strode into a room filled with massive computers. His pale face was illuminated by the glow of the monitors, and stood in stark contrast to his jet black top-knot and black robe. He spoke in a smooth, cold voice. "Is it ready, yet?" One of the computer workers spoke up. "Not quite, sir. We've got the heart rate monitors up, and the scoring program. We just need to finish the anti-interfearence walls and it will be done." "Perfect," said the man. "Soon all the strongest fighters in the world will be on this island, trashing and devastating each-other. By the time the top fighters reach the finals, they will be too weakedned to defeat us." "In theory, it will work," said a deep, bass voice. "However, I shall not believe it until I see it. Prove to me this will work, Kamarin, and you shall be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. Fail, and you will suffer eternal pain," the voice growled. "Of course, master Makall. I shall prove it to you soon..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenkazu Jaedo stretched wide once he woke up. He walked to the front of the boat and stared at the island. An huge mountain stood in the middle, with ice frosting the top. A desert surrounded the mountain, and a forest stood at the edge of the desert. Near the eastern edge was a great city, shimmering in the morning sun. Aly Parker, Peter Heath, Anna McKenna, Andre Martinez, and Heather Ganara all slowly shuffled up to the front. The six were traveleing to a grand-scale tournament. They had each recieved notices a few months ago. They all knew that at least one of them could probably make it to the finals and win the multi-million dollar prize, as well as title of the Greatest Fighter on Earth. Each one had a small device strapped to their belt. This device had come with the notice of the Tournament. It recorded their wins and the points they had won. The points they accumulated would be multiplied by 1,000 if they won, forming the amount of money they would win. It also registered their heart-beat. The explanatory message had read that if the Heartbeat dropped to a level reading unconcious, or dead, the still concious fighter would win. Tenkazu could only think one thing. 'This is gonna rock!"[/COLOR][/i] Okay, here's where you come in. You need to give me some fighters to devistate any and all competition. Name: Age: Gender: Species/Race: Height: Weight: Appearance: Weapons(Up to 3): Powers: Bio: Personality: Side (Against Makall, With Makall, Freelance): Here are the above-mentioned fighters. Name: Tenkazu Jaedo Age: 25 Gender: Male Species/Race: Human Height: 6'1" Weight: 184lbs. Appearance: Tall and fairly muscular. He has messy brown hair and smokey blue eyes. He wears ripped jeans, a black t-shirt, a grey vest, and a black hat. Also, he has three potential transformations- Golden Dragon-Basically, a humanoid dragon in golden techno-armor. Tao-Zhou-Tenkazu, except leaner, and dressed in baggy black clothes and a black Duster. Also, he gets rid of the hat. Yami Ryu-A combination of Tao and GD. GD, except with black armor, and a Duster. Weapons(Up to 3): Katana no Ryu and the Yushi no Yami Powers: These will be explained later. Bio: I'm too lazy to type it. Personality: Tenkazu is pretty easy going, unless you piss him off. Then he gets really nasty. Side: Against Makall. Name: Aly PArker Age: 23 Gender: Female Species/Race: Human Height: 5'10" Weight: 156lbs. Appearance: Aly is muscular for a girl, but still easy on the eyes ;).She has long red hair and vivid green eyes. She wears jeans, a pale blue spaghetti-strap shirt with a jacket of the same color, and wire-frame glassess. Weapons(Up to 3): The Ax of Light Powers: She uses many light and sun based attacks including, the Solar Blade, Ballistic Light Cannon, the Light Cannon, and the Super Nove Blaster. Bio: Again, too lazy to write. Personality: She very talkative and outgoing. She's often optimistic and can't stand evil. Side: Against My mom's kicking me offline, so I'll post the rest later.
  10. Tao snarled as he rose. Darkness swirled around his leg. The slug that had been in his leg fell to the ground. When the darkness dissapated, the wound was gone. Tao: That was a lucky ******* shot! He will pay. OOC: Tao can only heal minor wounds.
  11. Onix


    A booming voice came out of the intercom. "Tao-Zhou and Doseki Gotugono, enter the ring." Tao walked into the ring in swift strides. He opened his eyes to see his massive opponent. Tao was tall, but Doseki had at least 5 inches on him, not to mention a few hundred pounds. "I am Doseki Gotugono! And I will smash you!" "Go, Mr. Monk!" yelled Yuraka. "Shut up, dunce!" snarled Tao. The smaller fighter darted around Doseki. He twisted on one foot and elbowed Doseki in the back. The larger man stumbled forward. Tao hopped up and twisted around to deliver a powerful kick to Doseki's back, causing him to crash to the ground. Upon landing, Tao jumped up high into the air, at least 5 feet "Woah! Check out the vertical leap!" said Kenji. "Dragon..." yelled Tao. He grabbed the edges of his Duster, hovering in the air for a moment. "...DROP!" He clutched the Duster around him and dropped swiftly down. Doseki rolled away just in time. Tao's foot crashed into the hardwood where Doseki had been seconds before. The wood cracked beneath the foot. Wood chips flew through the air. Tao stayed crouched for a moment, before launching himself at Doseki. The massive fighter shrieked and turned. Wrong move. Tao kicked off from Doseki's back, flew over his head, and landed in another crouch. Tao elbowed back, causing Doseki to double over in pain. Tao then pistoned back his other arm upwards, causing it to smash into his face. Blood spurted from Doseki's nose. Tao finished the by spinning around while rising, and planting his heel into Doseki's chest, casuing him to topple over. "And Tao wins! Oh, and we're going to need to get those planks replaced before we can start the next match." The fans grumbled angrily. "Nice match, Mr. Monk!" said Yuraka. "Shut up with the Mr. Monk stuff, dunce!" Tao returned to the lotus position, this time having the adrenaline(sp?) to keep him awake.
  12. OOC: It's time to make my appearance. Tao started to walk out of the room in which Knives had left him. Knives: Tao, where are you going. Tao: Night is falling. I figure I can at least take out that girl the man who fought Demerti was with. Knives: Good idea. Rage will cloud his mind, making him an easier target for Obiwaban. Tao nodded, and Shadow-Shifted to where Kate was. Tao: Girl. Kate turned to face Tao. She gripped her gun. Kate: Who are you? Tao: I am Tao-Zhou, the Shadow, member of the Armageddon Gang. You are going to fight my master aren't you? Fighting Master Knives is a very poor idea, you know. I'd advise that you leave this town quickly, before Obiwaban returns to his slaughter. Kate: Obiwan can't slaughter anyone know. Irvine has him beat! Tao: That's what you think. I know how to make him lose. Kate pulled out her gun. Tao: That won't work. I am the Shadow, and the Night works for me now. Kate fired, directly at Tao's head. Tao turned jet black and dissapeared. Kate looked around before feeling finely honed steel touch her throat. Tao: As I said, the night works for me. Now turn around. We're going to give Irvine a show.
  13. Onix


    Tao sat on one of the benches in the locker-room in the lotus position, seeming to be meditating. In reality, he was trying not to fall back asleep. He opened his eyes just wide enough so that he could see, but still looked like his eyes were closed. He looked at the two nearby. The one who had just walked in was little more than a kid. He would prove no challange. And 'Two-Swords' over there seemed little more than a dunce, so he would be simple to defeat as well. This would be one of the simplest tournaments yet. Tao snickered quietly.
  14. Onix


    Why not. Name: Tao-Zhou Age: 24 Height/Weight: 6'2"/184lbs. Description: He is a tall, lean man. He is fairly tanned, considering his outfit. He has long, spikey brown hair, with long bangs. His eyes are a smokey blue. Both in and out of the ring, he wears baggy black clothing, a weighted black Duster (think Spike from Buffy), and no shoes (easier movement). Martial Art: He trains in both Ninjitsu (or Ninjutsu, if you prefer) as well as Tae Kwon Do and Karate (he tries to be balanced in punching, kicking, and weapons combat.) Bio: Tao is an expert assassin. He is often willing to do anything to win, but he has an extreme code of honor. His past is shrouded in mystery.
  15. If you want someone to join an RPG, you should AT LEAST say what it's about. You should also post your requirements. Just asking if someone wants to join is no way to recruit someone. You need information.
  16. TJ glared at the black thing. "What're we gonna do?" asked a frantic Ki. TJ whipped out his sword and slashed at the thing. A chunk of the black mass fell to the ground, but it was absorbed back in. "I think it's time to use the Dark Zone." "Not again..." Ki moaned. TJ turned jet black and sank down into the floor. The shadows swirled around the orb for a moment, before TJ returned to the regular world. "Damn! I can't get in!" he snarled. "This is just great. Blood f***ing brilliant."
  17. OOC: Sorry I haven't posted. I haven't been visitng OB lately. Sorry. I'm coming in now. ------- IC: TJ watched as the sun set. Darkness spread through the streets. He could feel the shadows re-vitalizing him. "Ah, yeah. It feels good," said TJ, feeling the full effects of the shadow. "Could you focus, T? We need to get in there," said David, seeming impatient. "Right, right," said TJ, focusing. The darkness in the streets seemed to creep up his body. He turned completely black. "Okay. Now, do us," said Ki, pointing to David and herself. The darkness covered David and Ki, too. "Man, this part always creeps me out," said Ki, looking down at herself. "Yeah, well, it's the only way in. Now lets go." TJ nodded to David and closed his eyes again. His body sank downinto the shadows and he dissapeared. David did the same. Ki groaned, but followed their example. They moved through what TJ had come to call 'Shadow Space,' where they could move in the shadows. "Are we through the door yet?" said an uncomfortable sounding Ki. While in Shadow Space, TJ had to commune with the shadows to get to where he needed to be. After a moment, TJ answered with a simple "yes". "So, how far do we need to go?" asked Ki, with an undertone of 'how long before we can get out of here?' "We need to get to the broadcast room. That's where they would have the tapes. If it isn't there, then we'll have to check else where. Ki, once we reach the broadcast room, you and me will look for the tapes. TJ, you should go to the security office and shut down the cameras." TJ nodded. "Okay. So, how far to the broadcast room?" said Ki, still anxious. "Just a little bit further," said TJ, shutting off any further conversation with his tone. ----- OOc: Well, hope that works.
  18. Name: TJ Age: 21 Gender: Male Description: Tall and leanly muscled. He always wears dark-colored t-shirts (black, blue, dark red) and blue jeans. He wears the same black baseball cap and the same frog pendant (made from Tiger Eye) every day. Bio: TJ used to travel alone, until now. His parents are both dead, and he is alone in the world, except for the others. He has trained in most martial arts, focusing on the Ninja art of Ninjitsu. No one really knows any thing else about his past, and he damn well isn't telling. Personality: TJ, when he isn't feeling brooding and sulky, is a very calm, easy-going person. He seems to almost have two personalities, one calm and optimistic, the other a loner and a pessimist. Either way, he is fiercly protective of his allies and is a brilliant strategist. He is usually the darker side, which is also very cynical and sarcastic. Element: Darkness.
  19. I felt that Deedlit's flowed the best. Juuthena's and Zidargh's seemed a bit, well, choppy. I believe that they were all good, but Deedlit's was just a little better. 'But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong'-Dennis Miller, for those who don't know.
  20. Okay, the Mage Prince has informed me that he cannot work on the manga. So, anyone else? Please?
  21. Okay, here's a more in-depth bio for Tenkazu Manga Characters Name: Tenkazu Jaedo/Jaedo Tenkazu Age: 17 Height: 6?0? Weight: 190lbs Appearance: Tall and lean. He is darkly tanned, and always wears a similar outfit. He always wears simple pants, as well as T-Shirts or tank tops. He always wears the same black hat and the same necklace, with the kanji for ?Strength? on it. He has messy brown hair with long bangs and shadowy blue eyes. Personality: Tenkazu is aptly nicknamed ?Ten?, or ?Sky?, for his airy nature. He is a very calm person who tries not to worry too much. However, he can quickly turn serious at a moments notice. He is a brilliant strategist, if a little bold when he gets angry. Due to his age, he is prone to fits of rage that often lead to a fight. Weapon (s), if any: The Yushi no Yami, or Hero of Shadow. It is the blade of his ancestors and is usually in the form of a strange tool, unless he summons it?s hidden power. Power (s), if any: He, himself, has little power beyond incredible intelligence and above average strength and speed. However, he has the ability to change into his ancestor Tao Zhou, the wielder of the Yushi no Yami and many great powers. Bio: Tenkazu has recently been sent by his family to become a Kimuna, people who do odd jobs for payment. He is on this mission with little beyond some clothes, the ?tool? that becomes the Yushi no Yami, his pet Torisu, and his own abilities. He has been sent to become a better, stronger person so that he may be a good member of society. And here's Tao Zhou Name: Tao Zhou/Zhou Tao Age: Unknown Height: 6?0? Weight: 190lbs Appearance: Tall and lean, with a dark tan. His is basically Tenkazu except more intense. His eyes become crimson and he dons a cloak of shadow. Also, he loses the hat. Personality: Tao is Tenkazu?s serious, dark side. He is a sarcastic, cynical, opinionated, brutally honest, straight minded, cold-hearted loner, although Tenkazu sometimes exhibits the first four characteristics. He would rather work alone than with Tenkazu?s traveling companions, when he immerges, but he has no choice. He, like Tenkazu, is a brilliant strategist and is also prone to violent outbursts, emotional, physical, and verbal, often all three at the same time. Weapon (s), if any: The Yushi no Yami, the mighty sword he wielded centuries ago. Power (s), if any: Tao is gifted with super-human strength, speed, and powers of shadow and fire. Bio: Tao is an ancient warrior. He is trained in all martial arts, but focuses most in Ninjitsu. When he was alive, he was a feared warrior and a lethal assassin. He is now the alter ego of Tenkazu that is summoned up when trouble beyond Tenkazu?s capabilities emerges. He was slain by Ummei Hakai while sealing the Demon away. He carries out revenge against the Demon through Tenkazu. So, if you could do some sample drawings of him, that would be really cool. Thanks! Yasha-:demon:
  22. With the story line, I'm willing to make a few changes, to suit the artist. Anyway, any one interested? Would you like more info? More character data? More background? Anything? I have a lot of time on my hands, so anything's pretty much open.
  23. Okay, here's the basic info on the idea. Main Characters: Tenkazu Jaedo (Jaedo Tenkazu)-a regular teenager who is suddenly gifted with incredible powers. He works odd jobs and usually ends up fighting powerful evil beings. Tao Zhou (Zhou Tao)-Tenkazu?s alter ego that is summoned up when monsters and trouble appear that Tenkazu can't quite handele. Shira Mosuke (Mosuke Shira)-a girl that Tenkazu meets on his first job that starts following him. Eventually, a relationship develops. Jiro Toge (Toge Jiro)-The future friend of Tenkazu, though they start out as fierce rivals. He loves to fight and is an orphan who survives by theft and fighting tournament winnings. His fighting skills are almost unmatched. Zuna-The mysterious girl that eventually thinks of Tenkazu as an older brother, with the feeling shared by the older boy. She, too, is blessed with extraordinary fighting abilities. Torisu-Tenkazu?s traveling companion. A creature that resembles a Squirrel but with Tiger-like markings and mysterious abilities. Ummei Hakai-The powerful, ancient evil being that is a constant source of aggravation for our young hero. Armage, the Shimpu no Hakai-The leader of a group of evil entities known as the Assassins. It is assumed that he is a follower of Ummei Hakai. Muyozu Jaedo (Jaedo Muyozu)-Tenkazu?s evil elder brother, who also wields a powerful weapon with mysterious abilities. The weapon he wields the Akkan no Yami, or Villain of shadow, the weapon wielded by Myo Zhou, Tao?s evil elder brother. Plot: A 17-year-old boy named Tenkazu has become a Kimuna, people who travel around doing odd jobs for money and experience in life. However, Tenkazu is also the wielder of a strange, hoe-like tool that is forged from the Yushi no Yami, the Hero of Shadow, a powerful sword wielded by Tenkazu?s ancestor Tao Zhou. He was sent by his family, all of whom made this journey, to become a better, stronger person. He is eventually drawn into a terrible fight against the evil Armage, the Shimpu no Hakai, and, eventually, his master, Ummei Hakai. Story Lines: 1. This is opening journey of Tenkazu. It is his meeting of future friends and allies, as well as the introduction to his abilities and his quest. This is the shortest story line. 2. This story line digs deeper into the world as Tenkazu finds new reasons to fight. He performs fewer regular jobs, now fighting more monsters and villains. This is the longest story line. 3. This is Tenkazu?s battle with the Assassins. While he faces these warriors of Armageddon, he finds out more about the mysteries of Tao Zhou, his family, and Ummei Hakai. 4. This is the final story line. This is where Tenkazu finally learns the truth behind Yushi no Yami, and Ummei Hakai. He fights the final battle with Ummei Hakai, as well as another, less powerful yet far more frightening adversary, his brother, Muyozu.
  24. Since I didn't know where else to put it, I'm putting this thread here, since it is for off-topic things. I have an idea for a manga, yet I am not gifted with a tallent for drawing of the quality of people like Akira Toriyama and Yoshihiro Togashi. I wish to become famous and perhaps meet them (now tell me some of you don't dream that!) At any rate, please let me know if you wish to know more about my manga idea. It would also be nice if you could, perhaps, include some art samples. I am open to just about anything, and I hope that some of you would like to help this poor teenager (literally poor) with a dream. Dozo Tetsudao! (Or would it be Tetsudao dozo? I might take Japanese next year, but for now all I have is a Japanese-English dictionary.) Or, translated, please help! (or would that translate to help, please?) Anyway, YashamonMaster-:demon:
  25. Tao broke off a piece of beef jerky and handed it to Zi. She hungrily ate it. Tao cocked an eyebrow at her display of ravenous hunger. She grinned sheepishly and signed that she wanted more. Tao shook his head in an amused way and handed her some crackers. He stood up and walked away from the group. Max: Where're you going, Tao. Tao: To practice. We're going to need to be in top shape if we're going to stop this thing. Max nodded solemnly. Tao went about the motions of Ninjitsu. The ancient art of the Ninja was one of the most powerful, making it's user strong, limber, quiet, and lethal. The Ninja, for many years, had been feared amongst the people of Feudal Japan. Tao's grandfather had passed on the tradition, and Tao was now thankful for it. The powerful Ninja arts would most likely come in handy. A frontal assault on Chaos would most likely result in failure. An assassination, however, would be easier to pull off. Once they found his lair, that his. Then, out of the corner of his eye, Tao saw a shadow move in the woods. Tao: Guys, I think something's out there. The rest looked up from the fire and their meal to look out in the woods. Tao crouched low an rushed into the dark forest, his highly tuned eyes darting around. He never saw the Shadow. The massive being of darkness had returned. With one ropy tendril, it caught Tao's leg, causing him to stumble to the ground. He quickly flipped onto his feet and drew his blade. With his other hand he fired off a bolt of lightning, hitting the large monster. The Shadow squealed with anger and rushed at the readied Tao. He jumped over a large tendril and then severed it off. He heard the footsteps of the others. Tao: You're in trouble now, Shadow.
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