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Everything posted by Onix

  1. I guess it will start soon. I had hoped to get enough people (4 good, 4 evil, 9 neutral) but I guess it will still work. The current standings are... 2 good(3 including me) 2 evil(3 including me) and 4 neutral(5 including me) Got it? If someone else wants to join, just post your stats and enter. We need 1 more good, 2 more evil, and 7 more neutral. Remember, neutral can change at any time, good and evil cannot. I'll start this soon.
  2. Onix

    Digimon RPG!

    Dude, the orb was half as big as the forest. You couldn't dodge it. And Megidramon is too powerful. I wasn't gonna say anything before, though, but I never really allowed you to join the forum. You just popped in. I, for one, am insulted by your motives of entering an RPG. Just go to the recruitment forum and sign-up for an RPG. You did the same in another RPG.
  3. Excuse me, DarkOrderKnight, but there is no 'Death' element. Perhaps you would be 'Chaos' or 'Shadow'. Also, a few of your powers are too powerful. And a note to others, I said [i]1[/i] element each. Please acknowledge this and change posts accordingly.
  4. ID: Now ya' gonna' get hurt! POSITRON CANNON! A huge beam of energy nailed Megidramon in the chest, sending it flying back. David: Why'd you do that!? ID: YOU attacked ME dingus! David: You didn't have to shoot him like that!
  5. Onix

    Digimon RPG!

    WD: How about...NO! If I can't hit you with my blade, I'll just hit you with something you [i]can't[/i] dodge! NOVA DESTROYER! War Dramon quickly forms a HUGE ball of golden energy. WD: Try and dodge THIS! David:...:eek: :blowingup:
  6. [I]Long ago, before humans walked the Earth, other creatures stood the ground of Earth. Beasts of Shadow, and of Light. Good and Evil constantly clashed. As did Shadow and Light. Many died during those wars. Now, after many millenia, on has arisen from the ashes of before. Makall. As he bagan his takeover, fear and distrust grew to violence. People killed others for minor problems. It is now utter chaos. But a few have avoided the madness that has been inspired.[/I] Basically, this is a mega battle. The Good Guys are on a quest to destroy Makall. The Bad Guys want to take over or destroy the world. The Neutral Guys are the most powerful, as they get to choose, later on, their side. The Good Guys stay good, and the Bad Guys stay bad. This is what I need from you. 4 Good :angel: 4 Evil :demon: 9 Neutral :therock: I have created one of each, which I will play. Name: Makall Age: Eternity Element: Shadow and Chaos Side: Evil(the Big Guy) Weapons: A broadsword Powers: Many Dark and Chaos attacks. Name: Doshi Age: ??? Element: Light and Chaos Side: Good Weapons: A broadsword Powers: Many Light and Chaos attacks. Name: Tao-Zhou Age: ??? Element: Shadow, Light, and Chaos Side: Neutral Weapons: A Ninjato Powers: Demon Bomb, Dome Naku Ka(a wave of toxic energy), Kiote(A Light shield), and Shiisa (a blast of chaos) You may only have one Element(Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Shadow, Light, and Chaos-neutral only) and include a description and bio (I'll put 'em in later.)
  7. Name: Tao-Zhou Age: ??? Hometown: ??? Occupation: Professional assassin/mercenary. Weapon/Skill: Wields an ancient Ninjato(Ninja Sword). Fully trained in Ninjitsu and most other martial arts. Doesn't use guns. Doesn't need to. Personality: A mysterious and secretive warrior, Tao almost never eases up to people. He is leathal and his temper is short. He's a cynical, sarcastic person who most people can't get along with. Don't cross this mysterious Ninja.
  8. Onix

    Digimon RPG!

    WD: Was that supposed to hurt, you stupid twerp! LET ME SHOW YOU POWER! NOVA SWORD! War Dramon's sword glows gold and he slashes at Megidramon, sending the red dragon flying into a tree. WD comes out with a vicious barrage of kicks and slashes.
  9. Onix

    Digimon RPG!

    TJ: That is ENOUGH! Now I'm ROYALLY PISSED OFF! TINY DRAMON! WARP DIGIVOLVE! TD: Si! Tiny Dramon, Warp Digivolve to... War Dramon: WAR DRAMON! It's time to kick some serious Digi-butt!
  10. I'm with ya' Calumon_Luver. This should start soon! START OR DEATH! START OR DEATH! START OR...aw...**** it. *Sits down and grabs a burger*.
  11. Tao looked down the old, decaying street. A moldy bride creaked and moaned over black water. He smiled. It was the perfect deterrant for humans, to keep them away from his home. He quickly sprung over the bridge and landed in a crouch on the other side. His associates followed suit. They slowly walked to the old, burnt down mansion that served as their home. Tao swung open the door and was shocked. The ground was littered with pieces of cloth and wood, the curtains were shreded, furnature shattered. Someone had been in their home. Someone very powerful, by the looks of things. It couldn't be any ordinary human. IT was a tracker. A demon hunter. Someone wanted Tao and his comrades dead. As they charged up to their rooms, and second shock met them. Appearently this person was schooled. There were no crosses, no silver, no garlic or any thing like that. Instead, there was a simbol painted on each door in white. It was an M, but not an M. It was disjointed with and X behind it. It was the simbol of the most hated being in all the Nether-World. No being from the Nether-World could cross it. It was the simbol of Makall. Tao: Clever one. Malekith: Very.
  12. Lauren is correct in her assumption. If you want to be in this, choose something I gave you. K?
  13. Name: TJ Grey Gender: Male Age: 15 Car: None...yet. *Returns to picking the lock of a Mazda Miata :angry3:*
  14. Onix

    I'm startin a war!

    Perhaps I will join this 'war' of yours. Name: Tao-Zhou Age: 24 Race: Shadow Stalker Abilities: Flight, super-speed, super-strength, shadow blasts, and shape-shifting. Items: The Zhou family Ninjato. Group: None...yet :smirk: :demon: Enemies: Any who oppose me and my team(if I join one):demon: Goal: Hostile takeover of the world.:devil: :devil:
  15. Name: Serge Game: Crono Cross Moves: Dash&Slash, Luminaire, and Flying Arrow Special: Chrono Cross Info: The silent protagonist from Crono Cross that is transported into a parallel dimension. Bio: Serge lived a quiet life on the outskirts of a town in Gamesage in which he trained in sword fighting, elemental powers, and was happy with his girlfriend. But once Dark Nemesis arrived, he was once again snatched away from Leena, driving him to intense rage:flaming:. His only wish now is to destroy DN and return to his peaceful life with Leena.
  16. Name: Tao-Zhou Age: 15 #OC: 45 Millenium Item: Millenium Blade
  17. TJ sat atop the roof, deep in thought. TJ: God! Why must they be so stupid! I try to help her and she tries to bite my freaking head off! Why can't they trust me!? Just because I wanted them out of my territory, I mean it IS mine, they think I'm trying to destroy them! ???: How can they be sure you AREN'T? TJ: Who's 'at? ???: I am Zion, the Unborn. TJ: Zion? I've heard of you. What do you want? Zion: Me? I only wish to talk, TJ. TJ: How do you know my name? Zion: I know all. TJ :therock: : Riiiiiiight. Zion: It is true. They do not trust you, though, because they fear you. You...you are of such might they...they cannot fathom being allied with someone so powerful. They believe you must be evil, to have such immense strength. TJ :smirk: : Well, I am very strong, I admit. Zion: Ahhh, but you are so much more than 'strong'. You...you are a natural force. A force that is not to be reckoned with. TJ: Well I...HEY! How do I know you're not just trying to trick me!? Zion: Would I lie? Do I look like the type? TJ had to think. Zion surely looked like a sophistocated person, an aristoract. Certainly not one who would lead someone falsely. TJ: No...I guess you don't look the type to lie. Zion: You see? We have much in common, TJ. We are both truthful people with great power. Goin me, and we can wipe out the dark menaces who wreak havoc on this city. TJ: Who? Zion: Lauren, Dustin, Crash, and Blitz...:angry3:
  18. TJ: Yea! We've learned to do that too, right V? Veemon: Mosht correct. TJ: Biomerge, Veemon! Veemon: Yeah! BIOMERGE ACTIVATE Veemon: Veemon Biomerge too... Combined voice of TJ and Veemon: Imperial Dramon Fighter Mode. IDFM: Now watcha' gonna' do? Eh, Dustin?
  19. The Universe is composed of thousands of realms, dimensions, planets, galaxies and the like. One of these places is Caris. It is a small planet with few humans and many monsters. For the most part, the monsters get along with the humans. Until Makall came along. Makall is perhaps the most powerful being in the entirety of Cardis. But then, the twelve appeared. They each symbolized an aspect of human nature. Some thought they were human, others thought they were monsters, and some thought they were both. Whatever they were, they were the saviours of Caris. This is their tale. Okay, I need eleven people for this, since I'm in it too. Here's the form. Name: Age: Description: Aspect: Here are the aspects. This is what is most important. Aspect(sex): Ability(to be used once)-Person Power(male): Destroy one monster-YashamonMaster Integrity(f): Power monster up +1000/+1000- Honesty(m): Destroy all traps- Belief(f): Revive one monster- Charm(m): Gain control of one enemy monster-General Guy Compassion(f): Deflect one enemy attack- Strength(m): Power monster up +1000/+0- Wisdom(f): See enemy hand- Remorse(m): Revive enemy monster- Soul(f): Gain control of one enemy monster-ChibiTrunks Truth(m): Reveal all traps, magic, and monsters- Darkness(f): Dark barrier forms around your monsters-PannyChan ;) The pairings are as follows(yes, there is romance) Power/Integrity Strength/Soul Truth/Wisdom Honesty/Darkness Remorse/Belief Charm/Compassion So if you don't want to get paired with one person, don't choose their opposite.
  20. Name: Tao-Zhou Age: 24 Dragoon: Dark (Fire) BG: Tao is a mysterious assassin who wields an ancient Ninjato that has been passed down through the family. He wishes revenge on the horrendous beast who killed his family.
  21. Tao creapt around the wall, gazing at the small band of humans. His eyes narrowed as he looked on at their joyous faces. He looked up and locked eyes with Zi. She was in the opposite alley, poised for the assault. It would be quick. These people were stupid and young, with no fighting ability whatsoever. But still, it was a fight. Tao looked over to Malekith, who was at his side. He needed Malekith to do this perfectly. The stern Daemon was the only one of their group who was adept at spellcasting. And then, Jake walked out of the alley. His job was to distract the people so they would never see it coming. He was the most comfortable with humans, therefore he was the best for the job. Jake started to chatter about something with the humans. The chorus of laguther rang out in the nearly empty road. Tao grabbed the hilt of his blade and prepared to strike. Malekith started muttering under his breath and purple smoke started to float towards the sky. Clouds formed and soon the blanketed the night, casting the world into pure black. Tao swiftly dashed foreward, blade drawn, and cut down the first person. Blood spattered the cobblestones and a girl shrieked. Another person yelled, and Tao assumed Zi had killed another. He heard Jake leap and tackle one to the ground. A flash of purple showed that Malekith had struck one down. As the clouds parted, four bodies lay broken on the ground. Jake wiped a trickle of blood from his lips. Tao: Pitiful.
  22. TJ :therock: : HEY! I'm good for lots of things. Me and Veemon are an unbeatable team now. Not even Memoramon's memory-thingy can beat us! Chris: Really? TJ: Really. We've been training for hours... Chris: But you've only been gone a few minutes. TJ: That's only what it appears. Lauren: What's that supposed to mean?
  23. If it's not too late... Name: Tao-Zhou Age: 24 Appearance: A tall, pale man with spikey brown hair and crimson eyes. Bio: A powerful Ninja assassin, Tao was orphaned before he knew his parents. He is one of the best assassins their is, and thus, he is very expensive to hire...if you can find him. Weapons: The Zhou familiy Ninjato Abilities: Multitudes of shadow abilities, such as the ability to dissapear in darkness and reappear miles away in an instant. Super-Human strength and agility. Keen eyesite(like a hawks) and hearing(like a dogs).
  24. Onix


    Name: Tao-Zhou Gender: Male Age: 24 Weapons: Ninjato(Ninja Sword) Description: A tall(6' 2"), pale man with spikey brown hair and crimson eyes. He dressess in traditional Ninja robes, often covered by a black cloak, seemingly made of shadow. Past: Tao is a mysterious assassin. He wields the Zhou family blade, yet he deosn't know who his family is. His parents were killed when he was young, and he can barely remember them. He raised himself, learning the arts of fighting, especially Ninjitsu, the ninja arts. He has never failed to kill a target, and due to his spotless record, he is a very expensive hit-man...if you can even find him.
  25. I wanna be Kirby! Occupation: Warrior...guy...thung Bio: Kirby is the small, pink blob of the Kirby series (who'd of thought that?). He has also been in both Super Smash Bros. games. Attacks* Special** Partner: Link *I don't know his attack names **Wha..?
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