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Everything posted by Onix

  1. Is this gonna start sometime? Or is this just gonna sit here?
  2. Onix

    Digimon RPG!

    TJ: Dude, what's up with that glow-thing? Zara: Wow... Tiny Dramon: No way!? TJ: What T? Tiny Dramon: It...it...it's the D Devine! TJ: The what now? Tiny Dramon: The D Devine is a powerful spirit of cleansing light. Whenever someone with a powerful light destiny is tainted by darkness, the D Devine is sent to cleanse them of Shadow so they can fufil their Destinies. TJ: Deep.
  3. TJ shook his head. TJ: Arrogant twit. I never wanted to be your foe. I'm fighting the same war you are. You're just to proud to see that! Get it through your wolfen skull that I'm...not...the...BAD GUY! Lauren: How can I be sure you're not lying. TJ: Because I don't lie...much. Only when absolutely necessary. Lauren: Riiiight. I suppose now is one of those times. TJ: No it isn't! I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT YOU!!!!!
  4. Name: TJ Grey Gender: Male Favorite Cards: Turtle Tiger, Neo the Magic Swordsman, Monster Reborn, and Red Eyes Black Dragon. Appearance: 5' 8", 120lbs. Brown, messy hair, smokey blue eyes. Black baseball cap, frog necklace, hawaiian tablet necklace, silver ring, watch, red vest, black t-shirt, blue jeans. Bio: A quiet kid for the most part. He never expected anything like this to happen. Though he is pretty much a coward, he trusts his deck and inner strength to lead him to victory. His favorite cards are Dark, Warrior and Dragon.
  5. TJ suddenly appears out of a portal. TJ: I'm back! Dustin: Not him again. TJ: What's [i]that[/i] supposed to mean!? Dustin: It means your a worthless loser. TJ: I'll teach you! Dustin: Could you wait. I'm in the middle of something.
  6. Character 1 Name: Tao-Zhou Race: Shadow Stalker Equipment: Ninjato(Ninja Sword) Bio: The mysterious Shadow Stalker prince Tao-Zhou once ruled a section of the Nether-World, but was dethroned by his treacherous right-hand-man Kamarin. He now wanders the Earth with his three companions in search of Kamarin. He wishes only for revenge, but is loyal to his allys. All those who cross his path must choose, FRIEND OR FOE? Location: the Shadows and backalleys of Earth, surface. Character 2 Name: Jake Briar Race: Vampire Equipment: Throwing Blades Bio: Jake was born to an abusive father who hated Jake and his mother for what they are. His mother wouldn't fight back, though, because she loved him to much. Jake eventually killed his father, and left on his own before confrunting his mother. He has covered up the inner pain by becoming a complete goofball. Inside, though he is a sad, pained Vampire and he is consumed with grief. Location: The shadows and backalleys of Earth, surface. Character 3 Name: Zi Race: Half Shadow Stalker Equipment: Ninjato Bio: Zi is the mute pupil of Tao. He has tought her everything he knows, except for a few secrets in case she turns on him. She was turned out by her parents. She is a teen, but she follows Tao indefinately. She is energetic but often lays in the background, showing her dual nature. Location: With Tao Character 4 Name: Malekith Race: Fire Daemon Equipment: Spell book Bio: Malekith is a stern and cool daemon, even if he is from the fire realm. He almost never laughs and dissaproves of Jakes sporadic outbursts. Location: With Tao
  7. Name: Tao-Zhou Age: 24 Nationality: Japanese Fighting Style: Ninjitsu Special Abilities: Demon Bomb; Tao creates a huge orb of black energy and hurls in at his opponent(s). Dome-Naku-Ka; Tao stabs his sword into the ground, causing a toxic wave of energy to rip up the ground. Reaper Transformation; Tao transforms into a Grim-Reaper-esque creature. Bio: Tao is an extreme loner. He hates almost all people and trusts even left. He has a pessimistic veiw of life and is contsantly hoping for something to wipe out the human race. Though he hates almost everyone, those who he trusts he will protect with his life if necessary. He is loyal, and a dedicated warrior. Nothing outways his love of the fight. He is an expert in Ninjitsu and his resume of assassinations is perfect. No one has ever escaped his ancient blade. He comes from a long line of powerful Ninjas, and now holds the family blade, prepared for any opponent who comes his way. Descrpition: A gaunt, pale person with foggy blue eyes and spikey brown hair. He dresses in black, often seen in traditional Ninja attire.
  8. Onix

    D&d 2

    Name: Tao-Zhou Race: Shadow Stalker Class: Ninja Appearance: A human-like figure with glowing crimson eyes, and dressed in a cloak made of shadow. Weapons: A Ninjato(Ninja Sword) Elemental Type: Fire and Darkness HP: 100 Lvl: 3
  9. Name: Tao-Zhou Age: Ancient(no number that big) Bio: A fomer prince of the Nether-World, though aged this might warrior retains his strength and charm. His is one of the most powerful Shadow Stalkers known to man. Description: A human-like being with glowing crimson eyes, and a cloak made of shadow. Judge Name: Judge Shadow Description: A jet-black slim robot with a black cloak of shadows. Weapons, Special Attack: A large sword. SPA. Demon Bomb. Attack:20,000 Defense:20,000 Speed:20,000 Special Attack:30,000 Accuracy:10,000
  10. Tao: Now, I ask weather you will allow me to join you. While alone Lord Vane is a very formidable opponent, I believe that, as a group, we shall easily have enough strength to defeat him. What do you say? Ryu: I'm not sure I should trust you. Tao: I will give you time to think. Make sure you choose the right path, for I have never failed to kill an opponent. Tao quickly turns around and leaps into the shadows from whence he came. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Um, Tao's kind of proper and wouldn't really say 'dumb butt'.
  11. All of a sudden, a humanoid figure dressed in a swirling black cloak walks up to them, appearing out of the forest. ???: Bickering amongst youselves, eh? Good warriors know that petty squabbles can wait for [I]after[/I] a war. Ryu: Who are [I]you[/I] to talk, shadow boy. ???: That's Shadow Stalker, winged one. I am the prince Tao-Zhou, master of darkness. Elsyan: Master of darkness, huh? Are you allyed with Lord Vane. Tao-Zhou: Stupid elf. I said darkness, not evil. I control shadows, can meld with them, emerge from them, craft them to my liking. I too, am against this 'Vane' character, for Shadow Stalkers are creatures that prefer being hidden, and his briggades are searching us out and revealing us to the public. Not even a mighty being such as myself is safe, alone, from his evil ways. I will join you, if you approve.
  12. TJ watches in horror as Yashamon slowly digivolves back into Chibomon. TJ: CHIBOMON! DIGIVOLVE! Chibomon: But TJ, I can't. I don't have the energy. TJ: Um...let's continue this later. BYE! PORTAL OPEN! TJ quickly grabs Chibomon and dashes through the portal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TJ: That was close. We got to get you more energy, bub. Chibomon: It's not my fault. TJ: I know. But you got to get tough to tangle with that punk. Let's get you training.
  13. TJ: Doom, shmoom. Yashamon, get ready. We'll teach him to insult us. Yashamon: Right. Yashamon slides into battle posture, as does the Armor Digivolved Igamon. Yashamon: DOUBLE STRIKE! Yashamon leaps into the air and quickly brings down both swords on Igamon. Igamon blocks them and swings around, kicking Yashamon in the back of the head.
  14. TJ looked over the barren, scorched wasteland. TJ: What happened here, Veemon? Veemon: How should I know? TJ: It was a rhetorical question. Veemon: Wha? TJ: That means I didn't expect an answer. Veemon: You humans are strange. ???: You both are fools. TJ whirls around to see who said that. He sees a large red wolf-ish creature with leather straps all over its four legs and it has really big fangs. ???: I am Fangmon and I will destroy you now. SNIPE STEEL! Thousands of tiny steel shards fly out of Fangmons mouth right at TJ and Veemon. Veemon: Not so fast! Veemon digivolve too... Yashamon: Yashamon! Yashamon rapidly blocks and slice the shards before they can reach TJ. Yashamon: Now you're gonna get it, drooly. DOUBLE STRIKE! Yashamon quickly slashes Fangmon with his wooden swords. Fangmon: Ouch... Fangmon bursts into data and Yashamon absorbs it. TJ: Anyone else want some!? ???: As a matter of fact, yes.
  15. TJ sighed, looking down at the four. TJ: Knocked unconcious [i]again[/i]! The fools. Looks to me like they need help. I best assisst. TJ leaped down onto the ground amidst the other zoanthropes.
  16. TJ slams his fist into Dustin, throwing him to the ground. TJ: You want some of this, fuzz-head. Well come get it. TJ leaps on top of an overhang. TJ: This is my territory and if I catch [i]any[/i] of you again I'll rip your heads off. I'll give you an hour to get out of hear. TJ jump on top of the building and runs off.
  17. Onix

    Digimon RPG!

    Hey, people, can we start this moving again? Please?
  18. TJ: I don't want to kill you, crash-test-dummie, but I will if you provoke me. I only attacked to show those two fools how STUPID it was to stand out in the open like that. I'm not an enemy, but I will be if you piss me off. Got it, Lion?
  19. TJ looked on at the two standing in the middle of the street, open and vulnerable to attack. He would have to break up this little love fest. He slid into a crouch and sprung up over the fence as he transformed. The two looked over just in time to see him lunge with claws out.
  20. So when are we going to start. If it has started allready, could somebody tell me?
  21. Onix

    digital school

    Sorry, I didn't know I had dashed after Vilemon. Just imagine that "Ogremon" has been changed to "Vilemon", okay?
  22. Onix

    Digimon RPG!

    Sure she can join. I have no problem with that, as long as noone else does.
  23. WAIT! I'll play! Sorry, but I got my computer pivlages revoked and them our computer caught a virus which is why I have'nt been on for a while! Sorry!
  24. All right, let's begin. Since you started the thread I think you should start the story. Ugamon. Whenever you're ready.
  25. I agree with Queen Asuka, someone should start it. So who will take inititive?
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