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Everything posted by Onix

  1. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Just popping in to make sure the amazing solo in [B]Sympathy for the Devil[/B] gets mentioned at least once.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Just because it was entertaining, I'm doing this again. And this time, with commentary/justification. 011 - [B]Nothing Could Come Between Us[/B] - Theory of a Deadman Theory of a Deadman is like Nickelback, subtract the fame, some of the studio polish, and add in some outstanding lyrics and a singer who sounds like Chad Kroeger only, you know, better. They're rougher than Nickelback, yes, but they have more...passion, it seems. This isn't necessarily one of my favorite tracks, but it's more than decent and features the gravelly vocals, shredding southern-twang guitars, and heavy bass beat that makes Theory of a Deadman awesome. 012 - [B]Too Good Too Bad[/B] - The Seatbelts This song just radiates all that is jazz from the upbeat brass section to a sax solo that'll leave you breathless. I'm not saying its the best, I'm just saying its [I]jazz[/I] . 013 - [B]23[/B] - Jimmy Eat World Slow, sad, but with a surprising kick and all the vocal power I've come to expect from Jimmy Eat World, it's a decent little track but not really anything outstanding. 014 - [B]Lazy Gun[/B] - Jet Not many bands would add coughing as an acoustic choice to a song. Jet, as you might imagine, is not most bands. The mourful screech of guitar (which is not as unpleasant as that may sound) mingled with a heavy bass line and the rough, soulful lyrics Jet always seems to deliver makes for a good, good song. I'm not sure if I understand Lazy Gun ("Lazy Gun messed up my television fun"?), but I don't think I care that much. 015 - [B]Shiver[/B] - Maroon 5 Maroon 5 is, in my opinion, one of the sexiest bands around, and Shiver does not disappoint one bit in that respect. It's just as funky and groovable as all their other tracks, and you just gotta love the subtly erotic guitar solo and the less subtly erotic vocalizations. 016 - [B]Dirty Little Thing[/B] - Velvet Revolver The vocals sound a bit washed out, but that might just be my mp3 copy. Other than that, I can't fault anything in particular on this particular song - it has a nice, shredding guitar, and a title I just can't help but love. Velvet Revolver certainly doesn't disappoint. 017 - [B]Kesenai Tsumi (Remix)[/B] - Nana Kitade I absolutely love the guitar on this song. A good, twangy accoustic guitar is one of my many, many musical weaknesses (up there with piano solos and female vocalists), and I might add that Nana Kitade is a very good singer. 018 - [B]Take It Away[/B] - The Used Screaming lyrics, thrashing guitar, radio clip intro, and the sound of a gun cocking - all of these are good things in a song, if you ask me, and this song has them all. The Used never cease to blow me away, and I can't hear the musical drop-off/restart when Burt belts out "so pretty burning!" without headbanging. I just can't. 019 - [B]When The Night Feels My Song[/B] - Bedouin Soundclash I enjoy the occasional bit of reggae as much as anyone else, so Bedouin Soundclash's little infusing of the genre really makes me tingly. The vocals are smooth and strong, and I have already proclaimed my weakness for acoustics, so let's just move on, shall we? 020 - [B]How Can I Live[/B] - Ill Nino Perhaps the best thing about Freddy vs. Jason was that this was on its soundtrack. It's a nice little song, perhaps a little too...hmm...I want to say metal but I fear the Jake attack. Regardless, it's not exactly my cup of tea, but it's good, and I like the guitars and lyrics, even if I'm not big on the cohesive sound. And thus concludes my second round of the 10 songs game. Here's guessing I'll be back.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]It was a quiet night in Bolest City. Most were, except when someone tried to cross the Epidemic. For now, the civilians were in home and praying that nothing would go wrong, while the Epidemic were holed up in the Palace, a club in the center of down that was called the Quarantine Zone when the Epidemic weren't listening. Loud music blared from within its walls, colored lights flashing in schizophrenic patterns across the dance floor. People writhed and drank and fucked in the wings. It was a typical night all around. The Blood King grinned as he surveyed the ground level from the balcony the Epidemic usually kept themselves to. Behind him, Sleeper was draped out over a plush couch, her purple-streaked hair fluttered across her face as she dozed. Mad Bull was huddled over a package of explosives in the back, trying a new powder mixture. He had explained once that loud music helped him think. Errol just thought he liked the company, unlike so many bomb freaks. [B]"Oi, Bull,"[/B] Errol called, not taking his eyes off the door. [B]"Where're Death and Carnivore?"[/B] [B]"Carny probably got hungry,"[/B] Mad Bull grunted. [B]"Dunno about Death. Maybe he just waited 'til the sun went down. I swear, that guys a fuckin' vampire or somethin'."[/B] Errol had to award Bull one point when he saw Carnivore walk through the double doors to the club a few minutes later, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. The hulking blonde shoved past the party-goers in his way to the balcony entrance, and it didn't take him to stalk up the stairs and into the compartment with his allies. [B]"Sorry I'm late,"[/B] he drawled. [B]"Hungry?"[/B] Errol asked, raising a sleek eyebrow. Carnivore sneered. [B]"I met the cutest little thing on my way home, and, well, you know how I get."[/B] [B]"Shit, Carny...when most men say somethin' like that, they're thinkin' with their cocks, not their stomachs,"[/B] Mad Bull snorted. [B]"I'll never get you."[/B] [B]"And I'll never understand your explosives, Bull-Shit,"[/B] Carnivore growled in turn. [B]"Now, now, kids,"[/B] Errol chuckled. [B]"Don't want to wake the lady, do we?"[/B] Carnivore looked over at Sleeper and snorted. [B]"When isn't she asleep?"[/B] [B]"When you wake me up,"[/B] Sleeper said, stifling a yawn. [B]"Everybody here yet?"[/B] [B]"Old D's still absent, it appears,"[/B] Errol said, keeping careful watch on the entrance. As if on cue, the final member of the quintet stepped in, clad in his usual black attire. He slid through the crowd in a far less brutal member than the previous entrant, though he was just as swift. He made his way silently up the stairs, and surveyed the four in front of his with quiet contemplation. Errol clapped his hands and swung around, coat billowing around his ankles. [B]"Well, now that we're all here, I've got a spot of news."[/B] Carnivore's grunt of interest was the only reply, so the Blood King plowed on ahead. [B]"According to my sources, the mayor has done a naughty thing. A very naughty thing, actually. You see, it appears that he's hired some assassins to take us out."[/B] Mad Bull stopped fiddling, Sleeper opened her eyes for the first time since she flopped onto the couch, and Carnivore uttered a low, [B]"No shit?"[/B] [B]"They'll probably be moving against us fairly soon, so I expect you all to be on your guard. Also, I've heard tales that there's other gang activity going on, so be watchful. I don't want any of you bastards getting killed."[/B] [B]"Pfft, like some half-wit gangsters and a coupla of dumbass assassins are gonna stop us,"[/B] Carnivore laughed. [B]"Anyone comes 'round here lookin' fer trouble, I'll blow 'em straight to Kingdom Come,"[/B] Bull said, grinning slightly. "I'm glad to hear it," the King said. But what he didn't vocalize, however, is that he himself had no intention of surviving this conflict. He was going to go out in style. ***** [B]OOC:[/B] Epidemic, it's all on you to deal with what's going on in your heads with this new data. Enemies of the Epidemic, feel free to make a strike at any time. Let's get this party started, shall we?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Hmm, a sexy and mysterious entrance for a clearly sexy and mysterious character. I cannot wait to see more of this slightly frightening but strangely attractive character. The other bits were good, too. I guess.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Hmm, I don't feel like going into detail, so I'll make it short: Kenya, my friend Patrick, a burning branch, and a herd of water buffalo. You do the math.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Ezekiel[/B] - Call me biased if you want, but she is one of the most talented writers/artists that I have ever had the fortune to meet. She never ceases to impress me with her ideas, whether they be for graphics or RPs. I have been lucky enough to know her for more than a year now, and there is no one I'd want more for a friend. She's brilliant, clever, and just...nifty. [B]OB Couples[/B] - I don't think much more can be added to what's already been said on the subject. That's all I have for now. More will (probably) be added at a later date.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I've gotta say, this Crimes of Hate is much better than last time, and last time it was great. I can't wait to see what happens next, and I especially can't wait for my introduction (subtle hint liek whoa). Keep up the excellent work, babe. ...And, that's really all I had to say. *shame*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Deus Ex Machina[/B] means, literally, [B]God in the Machine[/B] in latin. In popular (and current) usage, however, it means, simply, a plot device. A plot device, for those that don't know, is something that is randomly inserted into a story for the specific purpose of resolving a conflict that is otherwise unresolvable. I picked it because, well, it sounds cool, for one. Also, I am God. So, there you go.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Alright, I'm game. 1 - Sing For The Moment - Aerosmith 2 - Sliver - Nirvana 3 - Locolotion - Orange Range 4 - Das Tier In Mir - E Nomine 5 - Why Do You Love Me - Garbage 6 - 23 - Jimmy Eat World 7 - Only a Northern Song - The Beatles 8 - Any Colour You Like - Pink Floyd 9 - Raw Breath of Danger - Shiro Sagisu 10 - Hana - Orange Range That's...actually a pretty good cross-section of my music taste. Interesting.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]There are quite a few songs I'd call beautiful, ranging from the J-Pop beats of Orange Range's "Hana," to the more classical "Le Chante Pour Passer Le Temps," a gorgeous piano piece by Giovanni Mirabassi. Yoko Kanno's amazing voice truly shines on the amazing blusey tune of "Gotta Knock a Little Harder," and you can't help but feel something with Rufus Wainwright's "Hallelujah." There's also Meat Loaf's amazing "For Crying Out Loud," Theory of a Deadman's "the Last Song," Gary Jules's cover of "Mad World," and just about anything by Hiromitsu Agatsuma, most of all "Solitude" and "Blown Away." I can't choose just one, as you can see, but I just thought I'd share.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Orange Range was one of the first J-Rock/Pop/What Have You bands I ever really listened to on a regular basis, thanks to, as with most people it seems, the Naruto ED. It was very cool to hear them at the beginning of Bleach, too, because I'd already become a fan before then. Viva Rock and Asterisk remain two of my favorite songs, but they have since been passed by some of the band's less-heard songs on this side of the big blue. One of the interesting things about Orange Range, though, is the variety in their sound. I mean, play Hana or Michishirube next to Kiri Kiri Mai. You can tell it's the same band, yes, but only barely. They switch so effortlessly from lyrical and, quite simply, beautiful to hard edged and rough. Not to demean their more rappish efforts, of course, as Kiri Kiri Mai is a personal favorite.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Since you seem to like more of the alt. rock/underground scene, some good ones for you might be Snow Patrol, the Killers, Franz Ferdinand, Harvey Danger, Kaiser Chiefs, Kasabian, The Subways...I could go on. Boy Sets Fire and Fightstar are a little more emo, but still pretty good. For something more hard edged, you could try 12 Stones, 30 Seconds to Mars, or Breaking Benjamin, and possibly the Unseen. However, if you have an adversity to screaming, stay far away from the Unseen, and 12 Stones just to be safe. For an old-fashioned touch, there's always rock-revival bands like Jet, the Vines, and the Black Keys. Also, I've got to give my attention to Social Distortion and Theory of a Deadman. Social D is more punk rock, while Theory of a Deadman is Souther Rock, in the vein of Nickelback (the singer sounds quite a bit like Chad Kroeger, actually). For a bit of silliness, try the Darkness. Or, if you like Elton John at all, the Scissor Sisters. Both are pretty light hearted, the Darkness being...well...very wierd, the Scissor Sisters just a little flamboyant. And I know it probably doesn't count, but the Rolling Stones new CD. Modern, and the best kind of rock there is. Just saying.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]A few notes: [B]Blayze[/B] - Two things, actually. First of all, after reviewing the names for the Experiment and Professionals, I'm thinking having it be H-173 might get a little confusing with the H in the professionals. This is my fault, but I kindly request you switch the H to another letter. Might get a little confusing. Also, the Experiment are supposed to look inhuman, if only slightly. A few cosmetic enhancements should fix things right up. [B]Lan[/B] - The character of P is reserved, but H is still open. Hopefully, the nominal change won't alter things too terribly much for you...? Also, in general, there are quite a few "speed" specialities, I'm noting. I'm editing mine to add a little variation to things, and it would be nice if a few other good samaritans could, as well. Having 5 lightning fast warriors and maybe 3 with other powers would get a little redundant, wouldn't it? Given the number of sign ups already posted, I'm thinking I'll start this up sometime next week. Keep your eyes peeled.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][quote name='Leofski']My question: What's your favorite word?[/quote] Indeed, by far. Anyone who knows me can verify this. Though, I also like expunge, spleen, verisimilitude, and muskrat. [QUOTE=Shadow Blade]Where I live at (America) the movie theaters usually show 'real live' movies. So I am wondering, in Japan do you guys have movie theaters that shows animation?[/QUOTE] Japanese movie theaters show both live-action and anime movies in tandem. It's the same as America - we show animated movies, too, remember. [quote name='SunfallE']Now for a new question. Do you ever wonder why people stay in a relationship when the other person is physically abusive? I see people do it and I just don?t understand why they stick around. Every time I?ve had a boyfriend like that I?ve always ended the relationship.[/quote] There are numerous psychological reason for the unsettling trend of people becoming trapped in abusive relationships, this biggest being fear; once your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife starts beating you or whatnot, you might not want to run for fear of what they'll do in escalation. Alternatively, some people have such a high degree of self-loathing or low self-worth that they believe they deserve the abuse. Then, you have the types who know that they "really do love eachother," it's just an "occasional incident." Then there are the masochists, like Lix mentioned. It all varies. Don't have another question, I'm afraid. Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents. Well, 6, technically.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. Onix


    [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]A "hostel" is a kind of public housing...thing similar to a hotel, but often much cheaper and, by extension, low quality. Travelers staying in a hostel may have to share a room with several other people they don't even know, and beds might not even be provided. They are often found in countries like Eastern Europe and the Middle East, or so is my understanding. [B]EDIT:[/B] Ah, RiflesAtRecess beat me to the punch. With much better info. Rats. Also, my understanding is that Tarantino isn't actually directing this, he's the executive producer. The director/writer is [B]Eli Roth[/B]. Just thought I'd clear that up.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Errol Bola, alias the Blood King or E. Bola [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 37 [B]Gang:[/B] The Epidemic [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] Errol's main weapon is a short, straight-edged Japanese sword, kept in a jet black saya with blood red cord wrapped around it and the hilt. The blade itself has small serrations to make it more dangerous for the opponent. In addition, he carries a supply of throwing blades, and a switchblade hidden in his boot for emergencies. [B]Specialty:[/B] The real thing that makes the Blood King deadly is that when he gets hurt in battle, he becomes a little bit more deadly. Why? Because his blood containts a low-grade acid that can cause damage to most people but, thankfully, not himself due to a heightened healing rate that can usually keep up with the corrosion. In addition, his physical capabilities are heightened, namely his strength, which is raised to the point he can drive a knife through bone like it was butter, and his reaction time that occasionally makes things seem like they are moving in slow motion. However, the muscular stress of his physical prowess, coupled with the acidity of his blood, is slowly eating away at his body, killing him. [B]Appearance:[/B] The Blood King truly seems regal as he strides into a room, standing tall and proud at his impressive full height of 6' 5", his narrow golden eyes hidden behind exspensive sunglasses and his wavy black hair slicked back in utter perfection. His features are sharp and narrow, and the cold air that surrounds him leaves one thinking of him like the knives he cherishes. His skin is a dark honey-color, and is covered in tribal designs. He is generally seen wearing a blood red silk shirt, over which he has a billowing black trenchcoat with, unsurprisingly, dark red lining. Black slacks and heavy boots finish off his ensemble, with a situdded belt, fingerless gloves, and a heavy silver skull necklace adding an extra touch of danger. [B]Personality:[/B] Errol is the lord of Bolest, and so he is, rightfully, quite cocky. He exudes charisma from his very skin, and his ego is almost greater than his power. A self-confidant smirk is almost always affixed upon his features, and he knows that the world around is his for the taking. When talking, he always keeps himself the center of attention, speaking in a loud, clear voice that rumbles like thunder. But when bloodlust fills his veins, his personality shifts. No longer is he a charismatic King, but a sadistic killer who cuts his opponents to shreds but in just the right way to keep them breathing a little bit longer. He knows the right spots to hit, the perfect cut to make to let loose the howls of agony from his opponents throat. Death is his art and blood is his paint, and he will spread his craft across the streets until they are awash in gore. [B]Bio:[/B] Errol Bola's parents knew they were in for trouble when, at the age of five, the young boy went out in the yard with his father's rifle and shot the first thing he came across - a stray dog - just to see what would happen. Later in life, he'd cite the moment the bullet hit the animal as the moment he fell in love with blood. For the next 32 years, he has escalated in blood lust until becoming the demon he is today. He was a poor student from day one, not because of lack of intelligence, but because he was the worst kind of trouble maker. He bullied anyone smaller or weaker than him, usually in the most toxic and violent manner possible. In fifth grade, he and a small gang of other boys targeted a new student and, while the others held him down, Errol stole his clothes and gave him a black eye, a bloody nose, and wrote "*****" on his chest in big red letters. In his spare time, he vandalized local buildings, practiced shooting squirrels when his parents were away, and got in fights with anyone who would stand against him. By the time he reached high school, he was notorious in the city, especially among children. If there was a person in his classes, they were either one of his sycophantic allies, or a target. By now, his acts of violence had accelerated to group beatings, and he now used knives and fire as weapons. His most cherished possession since Junior year has been his switchblade. It was no surprise that Errol went on to become the Blood King of Bolest city. He traveled the nation for awhile, amassing his followers as quickly as possible, and swiftly rising to the level of Blood King. His new found passion for weapons and murder was brought to further levels by every knife or sword he obtained, and every opponent he left bloody in the streets. Eventually, he returned to Bolest to rule it, with the top members of the Epidemic. But now, as he coughs up blood after fights, he knows that his time is running out. The self destructive nature of his power is catching up with him, so he'll need to go out fighting. And, and he hears tell of three rival gangs and a group of assassins hired to kill him, he knows just the way to go down. [B]Writing Sample:[/B] [B]"Oh Jesus...oh, ******* Christ! My eyes! My ******* eyes! What...what the **** did you do to me!?"[/B] The whimpering man that cowered before the Blood King was huddled over in a corner, clawing at his eyes in a futile attempt to rid them of that painful sting that was rendering him blind. Errol grinned viciously and dragged a finger along the cut on his palm with which he had put the fool in his current condition. The knife he had sliced himself with was already imbedded in his opponent's shoulder, but that probably didn't even register. The acid was already mingling with two people's blood as the fool scratched his face up in frantic agony. Errol let his boot-clad foot come down hard on the gun his would-be assassin had been wielding. There was a satisfying crunch as the faux-wood-plated hilt cracked and the metal dug into the pavement. This killer had been pathetic, Errol hadn't even had to [I]try[/I] to bat the weapon away, but it was still best not to take risks. With the pistol rendered useless, he stepped forward, sliding his sword from out of it's sheathe. [B]"Do you know who I am?"[/B] Errol asked in his languid tone. [B]"Well, of course you do. You couldn't live in this city and not know who I am, right? Still, I want you to tell me, who am I?"[/B] [B]"A killer! A ******* rat!"[/B] The man spat out his insults with pure venom, but all he recieved in return was the loss of his foot. He screamed in utter agony as the blood sprayed forth from severed arteries, drenching the cleanly cut bone in crimson. "I said, who am I, wretch?" Errol said, raising his weapon again. This time, he'd take the arm. [B]"E-Errol Bola,"[/B] the man whimpered. Again, he shrieked as he lost his arm, cut off at the shoulder. [B]"******* ****! The King! You're the mother-******* king, alright!"[/B] The Blood King sneered. A quick learner, this one. But not quick enough. The sword went smoothly into his stomach, and blood bubbled out of his mouth as he moaned, no longer strong enough to cry out. [B]"Wrong again, little assassin,"[/B] Errol chuckled. He drove the weapon in further, until it burst from the man's back, severing his spine neatly. [B]"I'm God. Tell me, tell me that I am God."[/B] But he could only gurgle and weep now, his tears turning red as they mingled with the blood. Errol sighed and twisted the sword sharply before drawing it out again. The man fell back, a spasm wracking his body one last time before Errol put him out of his misery with a quick, decapitating stroke. His head rolled slowly away, coming to rest with blinding eyes facing the heavens, his mouth twisted in a final, agonized scream. Errol took out a cloth and quickly cleaned the blood from his blade. It was swiftly returned to its resting place, and he turned to return to the plush red seat he had been sitting in not ten minutes before. The people facing him were silent, but he merely smiled at the waitress standing beside his chair. [B]"I gave you my order,"[/B] he said, pleasent tone not even trying to mask the blood lust that still coursed through his veins. [B]"Now, fetch."[/B] She was gone in an instant, and Errol chuckled to himself. At least assassins were good for something. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]In most cities across the world, the government runs the place. The mayor, the governor, the police, and the numerous other federal officials that are tangled up in the beurocracy. They make the laws, and they enforce them. The people listen to them, and everything is reasonably peaceful. That's the way it's supposed to be, everyone knows that. But that's not [I]always[/I] the way it is. Especially in Bolest City, home of the Epidemic. The government doesn't run Bolest City. They've long ago been pushed out, reduced to just a hollow symbol of the life that might exist outside of the city limits. No, there is a different kind of leader in Bolest. The leaders are the members of a gang called the Epidemic. It is not a big gang - only five people big, in fact. But it is made up of five of the deadliest people in the world. They have the city in a strangle hold, regulating all the happenings and killing any who break their law. But they are not all seeing, of course. Other gangs have popped up around the city - three, in fact. One is a group of ex-Epidemic, back before the leaders took off on their own for greater glory. Another is just a gaggle of high school punks who want to make it big. And the third...well, the third is a special case. The government, in the course of trying to eradicate the Epidemic, created four Biologically Engineered "Super Soldiers," that have now broken free of their control. The world is falling apart for the shadow leaders of Bolest City. They're desperate, for the end of the Epidemic and the Super Soldiers, and all the gangs and sin that have permeated the city. So they've decided to do something [I]very[/I] naughty indeed. Because when things get hairy, sometimes, there's only one course of action left. Death. The government has called in four Professionals to take care of their...problem. Four expert killers, known for being able to handle any job they come across. Each one has been assigned to eradicate the Epidemic, the Failed Experiment, and any other gang members or criminals in the city. It's their job, and the Professionals will do anything to accomplish it. But what nobody knows is that trouble is brewing for the Epidemic themselves. The legendary leader, the King of Kings, is slowly deteriorating under the weight of his own power. But, of course, all-powerful warriors don't just slowly die away. The King of Bolest City is not going to go out quietly. He's going down with a big, big bang, and the four Professionals are going to provide just the opportunity to tear the city apart, and leave an indelible mark on the world. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] In Bolest City, there are currently five "Gangs" open to play. These are the Epidemic, the Professionals, the Experiment, the Virus, and the Illz. The Epidemic, Professionals, Experiment, and Virus are all hardened criminals, most of them embued with some super-natural capability. The Illz are just a couple high school kids who want to be gangsters. [B]The Epidemic[/B] is composed of the Blood King, Old Death, the Carnivore, Sleeper, and the Mad Bull. Each one has their own area of expertise, the Blood King being an expert with bladed weapons, the aged Old Death a more old fashioned gunman, Carnivore the cannibal killer, mistress of poisons Sleeper, and the Mad Bull, a master of demolitions. [B]The Professionals[/B] are four killers of unparalleled skill, their leader being the ambiguosly named V, a leather-clad master of seduction who screws, then slays. Also in his team are the equally mysterious T, H , and P. The four of them work individually, despite being on a team, and all have their own methods and styles for murder. [B]The Experiment[/B] is made up of four genetically modified supersoldiers. They have been designated Operatives B-406, H-173, D-085, and W-902. B is the most vicious, a blood-thirsty fiend, while W is peaceful and seeks knowledge. D and H are both driven by revenge, D seeking his eventual death while H wants to survive his bloody vengeance. The four work in harmony, using their unique, animalistic prowess to take down the cops and assassins they face. [B]The Virus[/B] are six ex-Epidemic warriors, who are seeking to crush the "Kings of Bolest" and take the city into their own hands. They are all exceptional fighters but, admittedly, they just weren't on par with the Epidemic at the time they cut the ties. But now, the Virus are stronger, and they are ready to get their revenge, with Carnivore's sister the most vengeance driven of them all. [B]The Illz[/B] are the weakest of the lot, just being six bored, power hungry teenager, including all the standard stereotypes - the slut, the stupid jock, the goth who smokes, the stressed-out genius, the troubled outsider, and the slick leader who will lead them all to greatness. None of them are particularly skilled or exceptional, they just want power. And they'll do anything to get it, even sell the rest of them out. The Blood King and P, the Professional, have been taken already, but all other spots are open. I'm hoping to get at least one in each gang before starting (even the Illz, though they're not entirely necessary, to be honest). Well, without further ado, here's the sign up sheet: [B]Name:[/B] Standard. You're in an ambiguously placed American city, so make sure to have things fit. All names above are just codenames or nicknames, of course. [B]Gender:[/B] Except for the ones mentioned above to have genders, which aren't many, feel free to go wild. [B]Age:[/B] Illz are in High School, everyone else is older than that. [B]Gang:[/B] Which Gang are you in? [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] What do they use in combat? [B]Specialty:[/B] Except for the Illz, just about everyone has a little something that makes them special compared to the rest of humanity, be it increased reflexes, minor telekinetic powers, or whatever. Nothing extreme, no manipulation of elemental forces or anything, just little additions to the normal human condition. [B]Appearance:[/B] The Experiment look inhuman, everyone else is pretty normal, though. Picture or good written description. [B]Personality:[/B] How do they act, etc. [B]Bio:[/B] Just three paragraphs or so on your characters history. Nothing fancy. [B]Writing Sample:[/B] A short post from the mindset of your character. My sign-up will be up soon. And just to let you know, despite the advanced genetics technology, this is pretty much modern day, weapons and clothing wise. Nothing fancy. [B]EDIT:[/B] Forgot a marginally important bit on the sign-up - the "Gang" category. Please edit to list specifically which gang you're in.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Just goes by The Man in Red, or Red for short [B]Age:[/B] Unknown, believed to be in his 30s. [B]Gender:[/B] Just a man [B]Sexuality:[/B] Any warm bodies are welcome in his bed [B]Occupation:[/B] Some say he used to work for the Mob, but the Man in Red has cut all ties and lost all purpose in his life, except the simple purpose of kill or be killed. He's out for blood, so you might as well call him an assassin - hardly an occupation, though, since he never wants money for it. He would probably refer to just be called a Survivor, not that that's really a profession in and of itself. [B]Organization:[/B] Red's a free agent, and he refuses to take any side but his own. [B]Physical Description:[/B] [URL=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y48/UnbornLordXion/PatrickRapold.jpg]The Man in Red[/URL], unusually without his distinctive blood-red jacket. [B]Personality:[/B] The Man in Red has just one simple goal - survival. And he's a cold-hearted son of a ***** who'll do anything to achieve that goal. He gives no one his love, and keeps his emotions to himself in case they can be played against him. He comes off as cold at first, but if he warms up to you, as much as a man like him can, he's generally a nice guy to be around. If you don't cross him, that is. Red is always on guard, and always suspicious of anyone's motives. He's calculating, cautious, and ruthless if he needs to be. If he's in a scrap, he won't hesitate to whip out his guns and start 'em blazing, taking out anyone in his way until there's no one left to stop him from doing his business. He has an itchy trigger finger and a hair temper, so its best to keep on his good side. When he's comfortable, though, Red is amicable enough. He likes a good joke and a good drink, and his smile is as ever-present as his switchblade. When he's in a mood for it, he'll welcome anyone into his bed that shows an interest, but he never lets a relationship last longer than a night or two - too dangerous for his liking. When you form attachments, they can be used against you, after all. [B]Character History:[/B] [Up Soon] [B]Weaponry:[/B] His prefered weapon is a third-generation Smith & Wesson, the 1076, a 10mm calibur semi-auto loaded with hollow-points for maximum damage. Generally referred to as "overkill," Red prefers to call it "insurance." He also has the more compact Kahr K9 as back-up in case he runs out of ammo or his Smith & Wesson is incapacitated somehow. And, as an added weapon, his switchblade - ten inches in length folded out, half that when concealed. It has a simple steel handle with black leather grip, and a skull-shaped button to open it. [B]Duty:[/B] The Man in Red just wants to survive, that's all. So, while there's still corruption and still violence, he'll keep taking the causes out until he can finally rest in peace. He's gunning for the Mob Bosses, the Old Town Girls, and anyone else who's starting **** in his town. No one is safe until he is, and he'll make sure he's safe some day, even if it means taking his peace to the grave. [B]In One Sentence:[/B] A hard-edged, no strings survivor.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Code Name / Call Sign:[/B] Captain Death/The Shadow/Shade/Night Stalker (He can't decide - real name Dirk Perkins) [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Location:[/B] The Shadows/Tokyo, Japan, in a secret den of ninja/The pits of Hell (Gatorville, Florida, formerly Detroit) [B]Age:[/B] He is eternal! (22) [B]Personal Appearance (Images are acceptable):[/B] A slim spectre of the night, clad in darkest shadow with eyes like burning flames and skin like purest moonlight! His face is forever unknown, but is manly and handsome, and makes women wet themselves from erotic glee, for he is a god of men and, modestly, sex as well. (A small, skinny young man wearing a jet-black ninja costume from the local costume shop, complete with red contact lenses. Extremely pale, and mildly handsome, but nothing to write home about.) [B]Personality/Behavior:[/B] The Shadow/King of Night/Black Flame/Hell Spectre has no need for emotion or caring. His heart is as cold as his steely gaze, and he is second to none in composure and calmness. The only feeling he ever shows is his burning fury, with which he righteously strikes down his opponents without a second thought. He is a merciless merchant of death, and will let nothing stand in his way! [B]Personal History:[/B] Dirk was born just a normal man in a small suburb of Detroit, living an ordinary life as the son of a milkman and a banker. He was always a small child, and a strange on at that, preferring the night to the day and always coming home with brusies caused by running into trees in the dark. He was picked on in school for being pale and scrawny, and one day, while his greatest tormentor was trying to hang him off the flag pole by his spiderman underoos, he finally discovered his True Abilities, and...ran away exceedingly quickly, much to the chagrin of the bullying pack. That night, Dirk traveled deep into the foreboding woods that stood adjacent to his peaceful suburb, and started honing his unnatural skills. Soon, he was able to run faster than any normal person, jump effortlessly over trashcans and low fences, and his deadly Chi-Wai-Go-Dan Dragon Shu-Wei Style Karate left him able to fight off the most vicious second graders with ease (he was in the fifth grade by this point). In addition, his unusually keen senses, trained by years of trying not to run into trees in the dark, made him skilled in combat even when he had his lunch bag or underwear pulled over his face. By the time he reached highschool, he was an unstoppable force, unable to be defeated by any non-highschooler, and a couple highschoolers, too. He kept training, eventually buying his glorious costume and decided to become a Hero of Justice, cutting down those that would question righteousness without mercy. He even managed to catch a few purse-snatchers, and foiled a robbery. Once. The police helped a little, but he really was cornered. Anyway, he decided that his strengths were still unrefined, so he needed some guidance in the form of experienced heroes. He traveled around the country in his Chariot of Darkness (Gremlin, Beige. No radio or A/C), visiting heroes in hopes of finding a group to join. Eventually, he reached Gatorville, and signed up with the Hero Patrol. Now, he is a true Hero of Justice, and will defeat those that rival goodness and light! Huzzah! [B]Special Skills or Abilities (If any):[/B] He can run faster than most, jump quite high, and has hightened reflexes, senses, and a quickened healing rate. Nothing particularly exceptional, just able to keep from dying every once in a while. Additionally, he is skilled in and the master of Chi-Wai-Go-Dan Dragon Shu-Wei Style Karate, a martial art that focuses on dodging using his preternatural (sort of) agility and using the opponents strength against them (since he has little of his own). It's mainly pieced together from cheesy kung-fun movies, and involves a lot more spinning, flipping, and "wa-chaah"-ing than most real martial arts. He owns a (cheap) ninja sword of his own, but rarely uses it, since he hates killing (and the sight of blood).[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1]Z grinned as he slipped on his black gloves, a low eletrical hum resonating off of them. When he tapped his boots on the ground, they released the same charge. He cycled through the vision settings on his sunglasses quickly, and found them all working well - the unique UV signature that the strange technology outside the warehouse gave out was certainly interesting. He straightened his shirt one last time, making sure the shoulder holster was concealed, and smiled jauntily to Kaida. "Back in a flash, boss," he said cheerfully. Normally, he would've just taken the window out, but he didn't MS13 to know he was coming, so he restrained himself and took stairs down. According to the mission, they knew quite a bit about the Legionnaires, so he was glad he stuck to the Enigmatic Loner routine. Hopefully, the Legionnaires had less info about him than anyone else and, ergo, so did the gangs. Carefully, he crept around from the door of the building they were staying at and kept his eyes on the warehouse. There no one out in front, but on the infra-red channel, he could tell there were plenty of people inside, easily on the upside of 100. Not surprising, of course, just a momentary assessment. 90 of those were kindegarteners, though, but from the looks of things, 30 gang members was low-balling things. He slipped through back-ally after back-ally, trying to look for a viable opening in the warehouse's defenses. It seemed to be surrounded with tech, and there were windows on all sides. Well, almost all sides, Z noted to himself with a grin. Around the back, an unloading area, most likely, there was only one little window, a large metal door taking up most of the space. Additionally, there was a smaller door to the side. Sliding a lock pick out of his front pocket, he slid over to the small door and slipped the small metal rod into the lock, fiddling around slowly until he heard a welcome click. The door opened slowly, and he checked out the hallway for anything inside. Nothing. He made his way along the corridor, infra-red on to scan for anyone entering the area. A soft glow of heat began to show up, building as he drew closer to a doorway. He turned to look in, and was stunned. Twenty men were in the shipping area, each holding some kind of technology that was giving off small abouts of thermal radiation. They had circled a group of children, it appeared to be about fifty of them. They probably split the group to make things more managable. They pretty much split the group in two, so there were most likely twenty more men guarding the other half. And the thought that all the gang members would be guarding the kids was unlikely, so there were probably others scattered around. A solid estimate put the total number at 50, at the least. He pulled back quickly and crouched down, switching on the com-link back to Kaida. [B]"The kids are split into two groups, I think,"[/B] he said in an almost inaudible whisper. [B] "Twenty MS13 are on one side, I figure the same's on the other. That puts us at 50, maybe. Probably more. Kids seem fine, if scared, and there's guns all around. The back way in is open and there's little surveilance back here, so it should be safe to move in. Got all that?"[/B] [B]"Got it, Z,"[/B] Kaida said. [B]"Now, get out of there so we can regroup."[/B] "Roger, boss," Z said, standing up slowly. It was then that he heard an ominous clink of metal and turned to the side. An MS13 was standing there, gun raised. [B]"****! Kaida, reinforcements, no - "[/B] There was a flash of light and Z pulled to the side, avoid a burst of energy. He lunged forward quickly and slapped his hand against the man's chest. Electricity charged through his chest, and the man's eyes dulled, his body going limp. Z dropped him to the ground and pulled out of the doorway, hiding next to the frame. He might be able to take on twenty gang members usually, but with kindergarteners in the next room and loads of unknown tech, the odds weren't exactly in his favour. Time to stack the deck with a few aces. A sniper, a shape-shifter, a cyborg, and an alien - sounded like a good mix for this kind of mission. Of course, he'd never been much for "teamwork," but everybody has to change some time. This seemed like a right proper time to change, too. He went to turn the com-link back on, but found the radio dead. That energy must have fried the radio signal - or the batteries. He wasn't entirely sure yet. [B][I]Well,[/I][/B] he sighed to himself. [B][I]Here's hoping they come quick.[/I][/B] *** [B]OOC:[/B] Let me know if I screwed anything up.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Hardest final boss? Not so much. But hardest boss? I gotta give that one to Sephiroth in KH. I've beaten the entire game save for the four bonus boss fights and the Hades Cup, but he thrashed me in under 30 seconds. It's monstrous. I think I maybe got one combo hit on him, but then he just wailed on me with a dozen energy attacks and sword swipes. It's...insane. As for the toughest one I've ever beaten, well, I gotta hand that crown to another KH boss and, again, not the main one. It's either Second Riku or Second Ansem that takes the crown, as each took me over 10 tries to finally topple. Probably Ansem was the harder, admittedly. You know, the final boss was kind of refreshing in that game...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]At the turn of the century, one man set out to live the impossible dream. This man is... [B][SIZE=2][CENTER]Beeman Scott, Dragon Hunter! Chapter One: The British Frost, or, Forward[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] The doors to the office of Dr. Wilber Havishire of the Oxford Institute of Science swung open suddenly, and a headache walked in through them. That headache was a skinny young man wearing a bowler, a tweed suit, and a blistering grin. That headache was named Beeman Scott, and Wilber was already wishing for some seltzer. Or, preferably, a nice brandy. But this was not to be. [B]"Dr. Havishire!"[/B] Beeman chirped pleasantly. [B]"I have made a breakthrough!"[/B] Wilber raised one furry white caterpillar of an eyebrow and peered down his bifocals at the younger man. [B]"A breakthrough? What kind?"[/B] [B]"I have discovered a dragon,"[/B] he announced proudly, putting his hands to his hips and thrusting his narrow chest out. [B]"Have you, now?" "Yes, sir. And I have dubbed it the British Frost." "Frost?"[/B] Wilber nearly laughed. He might've, if he was the kind of man who laughed. But he wasn't. Instead, he wheezed. [B]"What kind of name for a dragon is that, Frost?"[/B] [B]"It's really quite extraordinary,"[/B] Beeman chirped again, his eyes bulging slightly like they always did when he said that word. [B]"If you'll come into my laboratory, I'd love to show it to you. It's really quite gorgeous."[/B] Not only did he raise an eyebrow, but Wilber's bushy moustache twitched. One might've thought he was beginning to smile. But he wasn't. It was how you could tell he was startled. [B]"'It,' Mr. Scott?" "Yes, sir. The dragon."[/B] There was a pause, and Wilbur reached up to pat his bald head, perhaps to see if he'd sprouted hair again. Seemed about as likely as Beeman catching a dragon. [B]"You...brought a dragon here? In your laboratory?" "Yes, sir." "Here. Now." "Yes, sir." "And you want me to...see it?" "Yes, sir."[/B] Sometimes, Wilber reflected, being polite was a less than valuable attribute. [B]"Well, Scott. If you insist."[/B] Wilber rose from his expensive, plushy chair with all the grace of a walrus and brushed of his wrinkled suit-coat that strained a bit ominously around his middle. Daft fool had probably brought in an over-large lizard, rather than a dragon. But, he might as well see. He gestured for Beeman to lead the way, which the younger man did with excruciating enthusiasm. [B]"Good afternoon, Dr. Havishire,"[/B] droned Patricia Beaumont, Beeman's secretary. She had never been terribly fond of the elderly gent. Her dewy blue eyes brightened momentarily as she looked up at Beeman, and she tucked a stray lock of blonde hair behind her ear. [B]"And, g-good afternoon, Mr. Scott."[/B] Beeman merely turned and smiled cheerfully, chirping a non-committal, [B]"Hello, Patricia."[/B] Wilber sighed and rubbed his temples. Daft, daft fool. [B]"Hello, Ms. Beaumont,"[/B] he droned back as he waddled into the laboratory. His eyes widened momentarily as he looked upon a rather new addition to the room, in the form of a 20-foot long reptile. It turned its flat-nosed face at him, lips twisted into a look of utter boredom while glittered soot-black eyes glared down at him. It really was a pretty creature, he admitted to himself, with a deep forest-green color, save the more blue-green frills that framed its skull. Still, one was not to forget the five, glittering talons on each hand, nor the two blades that swished at the end of its tail. It flicked out a purplish-black tongue across its scaly mouth, which was surprisingly small. [B]"That...that's a dragon,"[/B] Wilber stammered. [B]"Yes, sir, that's what I said. The British Frost. Had a team bring it in from the North last night. Stunning girl, isn't she?"[/B] Wilber shot him a dry look. [B]"Is it a she?"[/B] [B]"No idea,"[/B] he admitted in his bright tone that made the sun seem sulky. [B]"But it's a beauty none-the-less, mmm? I'm thinking of calling her 'Charlene.'"[/B] He wasn't just dim, Wilbur had decided. Beeman Scott was utterly out of his mind. [B]"Still, it seems a bit daft calling it the British Frost, isn't it? Dragons breathe fire." "No, not this one,"[/B] Beeman chuckled. [B]"Watch. Scarlet!"[/B] Wilber briefly wondered if this was some kind of code word or if the boy had just gone mental here and now. But instead, a lovely young redhead strode around the side of the cage, clad in wonderfully-clingy khaki. [B]"Yeh, boss?"[/B] she muttered, lips pursed in a half-scowl. [B]"Mind showing Dr. Havishire why it's called the Frost?"[/B] he asked, with a mischievous smile that Wilber just hated to see. The girl shared the look and walked over to a battered old cupboard. Inside, Wilber managed to see, was a long pole that she promptly pulled out. She walked back over to the dragon and prodded it in the side with the length of wood, prompting it to rear its head back, let out a loud screech of anger, and spray a cloud of mist from its mouth that turned the metal bars into icicles. Meanwhile, it swatted its tail around with more fervor, causing a terrible cacophony to fill the room. Wilber let out a sad little moan and clutched his hands to his ears. [B]"Alright, alright, I understand,"[/B] he snapped. [B]"Now tell the girl to stop poking the brute!"[/B] Beeman didn't get a chance to tell her, as it happens, because just after he opened his mouth, the dragon cleaved the pole into five neat pieces with a single swipe of its claws. Scarlet stepped back swiftly, obviously not keen to get into the same state as the pole, or the cage. [B]"Well,"[/B] Wilber muttered sharply, re-straightening his tie. [B]"I can see that you have a lot of work ahead of you studying this beast, so I'll leave you be. Please give your findings to - " "Mr. Delaney on the third floor, yes,"[/B] Beeman finished for him, nodding. [B]"Already done, of course. Young Mr. Brown was a great help in recording while Scarlet and I found out the details."[/B] Wilber blinked. [B]"Done? In one day?" "Yes, sir,"[/B] Beeman chirped yet again. [B]"In fact, I have a proposition for you."[/B] Wilber sighed inwardly. [B]"What is that, Scott?" "Well, for the longest time, I've been hoping to get some...some field research, as it were. And I believe that, with my team here, we can get some real data. So, if you'd let me, I'd like to go out in the world, and find dragons. Of course, I'd pay for the inessentials and such, and send back regular reports of my findings." "Field data?"[/B] Wilber repeated. [B]"With...real dragons? Are you bloody mad? Those things have been killing off people for centuries! You'd lose your head in a month!"[/B] [B]"No one's doin' nuffink to the boss's head while I'm around, Havvy,"[/B] Scarlet drawled in her suddenly nerve-grating accent. [B]"You're going to fight off dragons?"[/B] Wilber snorted. [B]"There will be no need to do such a thing,"[/B] Beeman chuckled. [B]"I'm certain that they are just...terribly misunderstood. If you'd just let me go out and study..."[/B] Wilber wanted to tell Beeman that dragons were about as misunderstood as a full grown lion, but the fool probably liked them, too. He was about to give Beeman a scathing talking-down, but another voice rang out. [B]"Ah, Wilber, here's where you're hiding!"[/B] The old doctor turned and another man entered the room. If Wilber resembled a walrus (which he did), then his colleague, Phinneas Worthington, looked like a vulture (also true). He was tall and lanky like a scarecrow, but without any of the charm and all the scare. His sallow cheeks and hooked nose matched his beady gray eyes and long, gnarled fingers. Like Wilber, he was bald, but still had a smattering of black hair around the dome of his skull. [B]"Good afternoon, Worthington,"[/B] Wilber sighed. [B]"What seems to be the business?" "Oh, nothing as important as this,"[/B] he swept his arms wide, rather like wings. [B]"This beautiful creature. A dragon, right, Beeman?"[/B] he said, cracking a grin which looked terribly uncomfortable for his gaunt face. [B]"Yes, sir. British Frost. Just brought it in last night, and the papers are already with Mr. Delaney. Thinking of calling her 'Charlene.' Or perhaps 'Beatrice.'" "Good show, good show,"[/B] Phinneas chuckled. [B]"What was this I overheard about a trip, then?" "Oh! I was talking to Dr. Havishire about a bit of an expedition to study dragons in the field. It seems like it would be a great opportunity for the institute to get some good data, don't you think, sir?" "Wonderful opportunity, my lad!"[/B] Phinneas agreed. [B]"Let me just talk it over with Wilber a bit, alright?" "Of course, sir."[/B] Wilber scowled at Phinneas as he walked over, but the tall man just laughed and wagged his finger. [B]"Wilber, Wilber, Wilber, who are we to deny such an opportunity?"[/B] he said, his grin looking a bit less falsely cheerful and a bit more hungry. [B]"This trip would be great for letting Beeman get out in the field."[/B] He leaned down swiftly and whispered in Wilber's ear. [B]"And out of our hair, mmm?"[/B] Wilber suddenly smiled slightly. [B]"Oh, yes, it would. And who are we to bar that? Why, no one!"[/B] Wilber spun on one well shined heel to face Beeman again. [B]"Well, Scott! You get your wish. You, your scribe, and your lady friend are to set out straight away! Send back reports as soon as you have something to write about, and we'll make sure to give you a good bit of traveler's fare every so often."[/B] Beeman smiled like Christmas had come six months early. Scarlet merely scowled at the term "lady friend." [B]"You won't regret this, sir! On my honor, I promise to be the perfect field man! You'll have 50...no...100 dragons by the time I'm through!"[/B] Phinneas chuckled indulgently. [B]"Yes, Beeman, I'm certain we will."[/B] The two elders exited quickly, both clearly pleased that they'd be rid of one Beeman Scott, perhaps permanently, if regretably so. Beeman Scott was also pleased that he'd get to finally see the creatures he'd love so much. Scarlet Murphy was still irate at being linked to Beeman in a possibly romantic sense, and Thelonius Brown was off cowering under his desk at the prospect of more of those terrible things. And love-struck young secretary Patricia Beaumont just sighed wistfully and scribbled another 'Mrs. Patricia Scott' on her ledger. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [B]OOC:[/B] And thus begins the epic journey of Beeman Scott, a tale which shall traverse the globe and wrangle the most frightening and fascinating beasts ever known to humanity. I'm writing it for the Body and Soul 100 challenge, a challenge that requires you to write or draw 100 pieces about an original character you created. For it, I chose Mr. Beeman Scott and his two Squires, who are detailed briefly below: [x]Name - Beeman Virilius Scott the 2nd [x]Age - 27 [x]Hair - Mousy brown, and cut short all around. Usually covers it with a bowler or, more frequently, a pith helmet. [x]Eye color - A surprisingly bright green. [x]Height - 5' 6" [x]Weight - I'm terrible with weights, so just know that he's a scrawny little guy. [x]Species - Human (But a Dragon at Heart!!) [x]A bit about their personality. - The first word one might use to describe Beeman is, well, to be blunt, eccentric, bordering on lunatic. He's a "deeply passionate" researcher in the field of Draconology, and seeks to study 100 breeds of Dragon across the globe, proving that they are majestic and misunderstood creatures (that can char-broil a heard of wildebeest and decimate a village in a day, mind). While not the bravest or heardiest man, he makes up for his shortcomings with pure spirit and drive, the drive required to be a mighty researcher. He will prove to his parents, to his friends, and to his superiors in the Oxford University, that he is a man who's name will go down in history! His superiors, to be honest, only let him go on his little voyage because no one is terribly fond of him, he's slightly frightening to novices, and death by Yugoslavian Greatfang is more convinient than having him race around the office stopping people from getting real work done. Then, of course, there are his "squires," sent along by Oxford to help him. [x]Name - Scarlet Murphy [x]Age - 22 [x]Hair - Unsurprisingly, red; wears it long and tied in a loose ponytail. [x]Eye color - Like Beeman, a bright shade of green. [x]Height - 5' 2" [x]Weight - Don't ask her. Seriously. [x]Species - Human [x]A bit about their personality. - To use the word "firecracker" to describe Scarlet is a bit of an understatement. "Dynamite," even, doesn't do her justice. If she had been around 50 years or so in the future, she might've been dubbed a living "atomic bomb," but for the moment we'll just refer to her as the walking equivalent of a dragon with a headcold. She is perhaps the most unlady-like lady in all of Oxford and regularly gets into Pub brawls. She has never been knocked out in all her years, and she started fighting at 6. Anyone who crosses her path can expect a fierce right cross or a blistering string of profanity that would make a one-eyed seaman blush like a schoolgirl. With her looks, she could probably be a heartbreaker, but she settles for being a bone-breaker. It's little wonder, then, that Oxford has assigned her to be one of Beeman's assistants on his little journey. If nothing else, she might be able to provide some protection from local thugs. Of course, she could probably scare off a dragon or two, as well. [x]Name - Thelonius Brown [x]Age - 19 [x]Hair - Black and scruffy. [x]Eye color - A pale blue. [x]Height - 5' 9" [x]Weight - He's nearly as skinny as Beeman. [x]Species - Human [x]A bit about their personality. - The youngest and most inexperienced memeber of Beeman's "party," Thelonius is probably also the most sane of the trio. He is the one charged with recording the findings of the group and sending them back to Oxford for documentation. Fitting type, he's a fastidious and fairly cowardly young man, who would rather spend the journey hiding in the courage than staring an African Spinefang in the eye. It must be said though that, unlike Beeman, he's quite good with the ladies, often unwittingly so (whereas Beeman is completely hapless and usually uninterested in anything without scales). Comments and criticisms fully welcome, and I hope you enjoy reading what I have to write.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I'm sure I've told you time and time again how much you rock my socks off, love, but I choose to reiterate the point. I think I've already mentioned how much I FREAKING LOVE the Kuro and Sumi pics, and the Punk'd one is even better. Completely and utterly amazing. Other than that, I don't think I have anything really constructive to say...*shuffles off* Oh, and Lilt, that is [B]Dead Leaves[/B] you're thinking of.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]"Yes...for centuries I've desired to see the world for what it is once again...but I've also come for the Blood Ruby if you are not going to be using it anytime soon in good faith."[/B] [B]"Oh, believe me, he's not going to be using it,"[/B] was the cool reply. Kuroichi stepped from within the shadows, silver hair shining in the moonlight. [B]"Of course, neither are you. That gem is mine."[/B] [B]"So, the Demon has finally arrived,"[/B] Josef sneered. [B]"Indeed. And might I say, Josef, that your security is woefully weak. I barely even broke a sweat getting in here."[/B] Kuroichi flashed a half-moon smile quickly. [B]"Even a blind man could get in, as you have clearly seen."[/B] Vylon's jaw tightened almost imperceptibly. [B]"So, will I be able to walk out of here peacefully, or will I have to cleave your hand to pry the Ruby from it?"[/B] [B]"I will never hand the Ruby over!"[/B] Josef snarled. The gem began to glitter ominously on his hand. [B]"Then I suppose I won't be bored tonight,"[/B] Kuroichi said, chuckling darkly as he drew his sword. [B]"My quarrel is only with the Priest, blind one. Do not cross me, and I shall have no reason to spill your blood."[/B] Without giving either a chance to reply, Kuroichi moved forward swiftly, the edge of his blade pointed directly at Josef's neck. There was the loud clang of metal-on-metal, and flakes of red iron floated down from the shield of blood that the Priest had summoned around him. The Japanese man managed to push himself back in time to avoid the jagged spikes which errupted forth from the blood, nearly impaling him. A few light cuts glistened on his face, but there was no serious damage. [B]"You're faster than I expected from an old man,"[/B] Kuroichi purred. [B]"Looks like it's my lucky night."[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I'll follow Retri's lead and raise my glass to that. I have a history of being struck down by "Just Friends" Syndrome, and at least three instances immediately spring to mind. In all my years, I've been the perfect gentleman (or at least pretty damn close) when around women who had fallen under my interest, and each time I was brushed off completely, it seems, as [B]just a friend.[/B] Of course, according to a source that was somewhat unreliable and probably just ego-healing in nature, one of those girls eventually turned out to be a lesbian. But that's not the point. The point is, despite consistently being given a big ol' back-hand by the proverbial hand of fate, I stuck to my ways and eventually hit the jackpot, as it were. I've got Jamie, and I could not be happier. And besides, I tried the whole bad-boy thing (read: Insufferable Jackass) and that didn't really work either...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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