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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Kuroichi sighed and raised his hand, glaring at the two Vampires in front of him. Crimson energy lashed out from his palm, shoving the two aside into opposite corners of the room. They were distracted, which made his job easier, but now he needed their undivided attention. He reached up to straighten his collar and the sword on his hip, to make himself look dignified once again. He was still damp from the holy water, unfortunately, but could ignore it for now. [B]"Children, children,"[/B] he said in a low voice, calm and measured. [B]"There is no need to fight like disgruntled toddlers. I've already had to separate you once, so don't make me do it again. Unless, of course, you don't like your limbs."[/B] The rival angels both stood again, one glaring with fierce rage, the other looking only mildly annoyed. [B]"I will not let you stop me, Demon,"[/B] Rameil growled. Kuroichi could see the electricity crackling in his eyes. [B]"I'll kill the traitor, and then I'll deal with you."[/B] Kuroichi merely smirked and rested his hand on the hilt of his sword. [B]"That was a foolish thing to say, little angel,"[/B] he chuckled softly. Behind him, a cloud of tiny razors slowly floated into the air. [B]"Now you've made me angry!"[/B] The minute blades shot out like missles, tearing through Ramiel like a metal mist. Tiny cuts opened across his skin, but nothing serious. Just pain, and more blood for Kuroichi to craft. He drew his sword silently while electrical energy gathered around the wounded Angel. This would be a real fight, Kuroichi told himself. Not like the cannon fodder that he'd dealt with earlier. A real battle. [B]"Prepare to learn a lesson in the way of the world, Angel,"[/B] Kuroichi growled, readying his blade. A bolt of electrical energy shot at him and he jumped to the side, the sick smell of ozone filtering into his nostrils. He grinned, and a hunk of shattered wood shot at Ramiel, the angel ducking under it as it smashed against the stone walls. Another jet of lightning, and Kuroichi let himself get his this time, feeling his blood boil with pain and adrenaline. Yes, this was the battle he'd been waiting for. This was his war. Smoke curled from off his singed body, but he smiled instead of grimacing. [B]"Seraphim,"[/B] he said through parched lips. [B]"Prove your loyalty to me by tracking down the Ijuuj. I'll handle your protege."[/B] [B]"No,"[/B] Seraphim said, shaking his head. [B]"I cannot let you kill this boy. There is too much I need to learn from him. Too many secrets."[/B] [B]"And I will not let a traitor escape!"[/B] Ramiel snarled, turning on Seraphim. Kuroichi sighed again, and the blood razors clattered to the ground before oozing back into liquid form. He resheated his katana and turned to go, pausing briefly to say, [B]"Fine. You two duke it out, while I go handle the Ijuuj leader. Maybe he can give me a good fight,"[/B] before disappearing back out into the night.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]When I was four, I would tell anyone who would listen that I wanted to be a paleontologist. Then I'd generally go on about all the different kinds of dinosaurs, half of which I can't even remember. And before that, I think I wanted to be Batman. But not Superman. Superman was lame.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The night was cool and silent as Kuroichi stepped through the huge doors that led into the Church of the Ijuuj. He felt an unwelcome heat radiating from the very walls, his unholy presence being scorched by the holy energies. He smirked as he saw that the sermon was still in session, the Vampiric Preacher exalting the One True God of Vampires or some such. The parishoners slowly turned to face him, their pure white eyes glowing faintly in the darkness. Ijuuj, all right. And the feed was upon them. They began to rise, walking towards them. Men, women, children. All hissing and snarling, baring their fangs. Kuroichi stood tall, eyes flicking from person the person. There were plenty of them, sure. But not one of them looked the least bit powerful, save the leader himself. It would be quick and relatively painless, tearing this facade of a church apart. One attacked, a portly man with a dark complexion. Kuroichi stepped to the side, lacing his arm around the man's throat and wrenching it sharply. He fell to the ground with a heavy thud. Another one came up behind him, and Kuroichi put a thin blood dart through his chest, formed from the blood trickling down the first's chin. He swung around and drew his sword swiftly, cutting through two more that advanced upon him. Cannon fodder. Blood sprayed across the wooden pews, but slowly rose, curving into elegant blades. The knives glittered in faint candlelight before shooting into the crowd, shredding Kuroichi's opponents. He smirking and licked a bead of blood off his sword before walking forward through the carnage. The Priest was all that was left. Kuroichi made his way over slowly, coat billowing around his ankles while the white-clad man stepped back slowly. [B]"Get...get back, you demon!"[/B] he snarled. [B]"You may be strong but you are in God's House, and His power shall let me smite you down!"[/B] Kuroichi snorted. [B]"Please. There's no way you can stop me."[/B] The Priest backed up again befor grabbing a gilded cup from off the alter behind him. He swung it at Kuroichi, the water inside splashing across him. It began to sizzle lightly, and it really hurt like a bitch. [B]"Holy water! Let's see how long you last, demon!"[/B] A blood needle ripped through the man suddenly, and Kuroichi leapt forward while he was distracted, sword driving through his gut. The man's face paled considerably and Kuroichi sneered, wrenching the blade, gouts of blood spraying out. He cried out in agony, and Kuroichi leaned in to put his mouth right next to the Priest's ear. [B]"Long enough to see you die, old man."[/B] He pulled the sword out, and the man collapsed. Blood spurted from the wound again, but soon, he was still. Kuroichi sighed and ran a hand through his now-wet hair. He was still sizzling lightly, but it slowly faded thanks to the power of the Diamond. It had, after all, been crafted to counter the Ijuuj. Just another advantage of dealing with the Zugai. [B]"Shit. I probably should've asked him where the Ijuuj leader was holed up,"[/B] Kuroichi grumbled. He looked around, trying to find any clues. Hopefully, his spies had been able to dig up more information on the precise location of their leader. There were five in the area, after all. Well, four. "One down," Kuroichi muttered, and then turned to walk down the aisle, stepping amidst the bodies. His victory was close at hand - he just needed to work for it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]From his hotel bed, Kuroichi watched the last rays of the sun dim through tinted windows. He reached up to casually brush a lock of damp hair from his face, leaning back on the blush matress with hands placed carefully so not to disturb Yaiba. Her dark skin glistened with slowly cooling water from the shower they had shared, as did his. She smiled and leaned up, the red silk sheets sliding off her body as she brushed her lips against his neck. He simply grinned and wrapped his arm around her narrow waist, fingertips brushing across her hip. What could've been yet another passionate moment was interrupted, however, by a loud knocking. Kuroichi inclined his head towards the door. [B]"Who's there?" "Doppo, Kuroichi-dono. There is a visitor here for you,"[/B] he said, tentaively. No doubt he knew what Kuroichi and Yaiba had been doing. He was not secretive about his escapades, and she was far from quiet. [B]"A visitor?"[/B] Kuroichi drawled. [B]"Whom?"[/B] [B]"A messanger. From the Gyshram."[/B] Kuroichi sighed. That meant he had to get dressed. [B]"Alright. Give me a few minutes." "Yes, Kuroichi-dono."[/B] The silver-haired man rose and walked over to his temporary closet, grabbing a blood-red robe from within. He slipped it on and handed a similar one, dark blue instead, to Yaiba. She sighed wearily and winked to him. He responded with a soft chuckle. As soon as the robe was on, if loosely, she flopped back onto the bed. [B]"Shall we kill tonight, Master?"[/B] she asked. [B]"If things go according to plan, you won't have to,"[/B] he said, straightening his sash. At the sight of her pout, he added, [B]"But you'll probably get to, anyway."[/B] He turned back to the door quickly. [B]"Send him in, Doppo."[/B] The door opened slowly and a dark-skinned man in a heavy cloak stepped in, the eyes glittering from within his cloak a deep blue. The symbol of a pure-blood Gyshram. [B]"I have come from my master with a message for you, Kuroichi,"[/B] he said, looking uncomfortable at Kuroichi's dress and company. Yaiba shot him a saucy wink, and he flinched. [B]"The Gwyar are starting to move. We believe them to be heading to Asia to meet with you. However, I do not know how many they are sending, or who. But they are probably sending someone...important."[/B] [B]"So,"[/B] Kuroichi chuckled. [B]"The Gwyar wish for a meeting, do they? Well, then I shall have to attend to business here quickly. Tell your master that I humbly request he send a squadron to help handle afairs here. They are to take their orders from my Generals."[/B] The messanger bowed. [B]"It shall be done, my lord."[/B] He vanished quickly, clearly glad to be out of the den of sin and decadence. Kuroichi sighed as the door closed and threw off his robe, returning to his closet. [B]"Looks like I'll have to start my work immediately,"[/B] he sighed. [B]"The Ijuuj won't wait."[/B] [B]"Shall I come with you?"[/B] Yaiba asked, swaying her hips as she walked up behind him. [B]"That won't be necessary. But if I do not return by morning, come after me that night. I doubt you'll have to, of course."[/B] He smirked and reached into the pocket of his red jacket, slowly drawing out a silver chain. At the end was a diamond. [B]"With this little gift from the Zugai, I think I'll do just fine."[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Jix, meaning God in the secret tongue of the Ronsu *see other* [B]Age:[/B] He has been around long enough to see a hundred empires rise and fall. [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Reaper [B]Side:[/B] Reaper [B]Weapon:[/B] Jix's weapon of choice is not the typical scythe used by so many of his compatriots, but instead a [I]kusari-gama[/I], or chain-scythe, modeled after the Japanese weapon. It's a weighted, serrated scythe on the edge of a long barbed chain that only he can touch without being harmed. In addition, the chain seems to be able to stretch with his will, a symbol of its spiritual nature. The weapon has Ronsu runes carved into it's head, reading "Mirdiz Jur," which translates to "Typhoon Edge." In keeping with this ranged weapon, he has been known to carry a long-bow from time to time, using barbed-tip arrows. [B]Powers:[/B] Jix, being very combat-oriented, has a number of destructive techniques that he uses to tear apart evil spirits - or even just the reluctant ones. In particular is his ability to create large spirals of wind, often concealing hidden blades of pure energy that tear his opponents apart. He also uses this to create shields or just throw opponents back. Still, his power is mostly offensive, and he finds no greater joy than cutting random objects in twain from afar. His other capability is one he is only just beginning to get a handle on. He has lately started using not just wind, but lightning as well, smiting his enemies like a God with bolts of blue electricity. However, his electrical abilities are still far from refined, and he avoids using it around many people for fear of it bursting out of his control. He uses these powers and ranged weapons mainly because his own physical strength and endurance are lower than some. However, it must be pointed out that he is quite quick and agile. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y48/UnbornLordXion/Babes%20and%20Bishies/K.jpg]Jix[/URL], except he wears all white with red instead of black with red. Plus, he has the runes for Jix on his back. [B]Personality:[/B] There are three words that best describe Jix's personality: Arrogant, Wily, and Sadistic. He has named himself God, takes pleasure in shredding the innocent, and has learned at least 22 languages during his life-time. He is a clever warrior and strategist, and always thinks ahead at least 50 steps whenever he forms a plan. This has given him a big head, of course, and his cocky attitude has made him few friends. Not that he cares. The fewer people that he has to associate with, the less he needs to worry about killing. His weapons, a serrated blade and barbed arrows, help to illustrate his sadistic nature. He never aims to kill until he becomes bored, preferring to draw out the agony to a fever pitch when fighting a skilled opponent. And even when he faces someone he could obliterate easily, he holds back only so that they can get their hopes up before relieving them of their honor and their limbs. [B]Character Snippet:[/B] [I]In the lair of the Jix Okuza[/I] Jix narrowed his deep black eyes and stared at the wizened old man in front of him. Kurr, he called himself, meaning "sage" in the language he had been teaching the Reaper. Kurr had been alive for a long time, years longer than most humans ever saw. All because he had won Jix's favour with his words of power. The language that he spoke, and the runes that he wrote. He said that they would make Jix strong. And now, it appeared, there was nothing left to learn. [B]"Is that it, old man? No more secrets?"[/B] [B]"No,"[/B] Kurr said in his voice like dry reeds. [B]"There is no more."[/B] Jix smiled calmly, and started pacing in front of Kurr's throne while the Jix Okuza watched in awe. Finally, Jix turned back to his teacher. "When I came to you, near 10 years ago, I was to end your life," he said, his own voice slick and cool like wet obsidian. [B]"But you told me of your people, and of your books and secret tongue. You promised to teach me so that I would not kill you. Isn't that right, Kurr?"[/B] [B]"Th-that is,"[/B] the sage stammered. [B]"Well,"[/B] Jix sighed, a contemplative look flickering across his features. [B]"What shall I do with you now, hmm? You have taught me so well, Kurr. And you have been so kind to this visitor of your palace. Your [I]Guna Jixna[/I], as it were. Earth Heaven, right? That's what it means?"[/B] Kurr nodded slowly, and Jix chuckled. [B]"Well, I have bad news for you, old man,"[/B] he said, with a false sigh. [B]"You see...there is no Heaven. No Jixna awaiting you, or your devout followers. There is only the Other Side, and that is where I am going to take you."[/B] [B]"But...you said..." "I said I would keep you alive for teaching me. You taught me. Now, our bargain is through."[/B] In Jix's hand, the Mirdiz Jur materialized, it's edge gleaming wickedly. Candles flickered in the background, making the runes carved into the weapon's edge flash omniously. Jix chuckled as he twirled the weapon slowly by it's long chain. [B]"But it would so be a shame to end a soul such as yours so quickly. So, I think I'll let you live just a little longer,"[/B] Jix said, with a warm smile. It quickly vanished, replaced by a grin of manic glee that flashed in his eyes. [B]"Long enough to have some fun, at least."[/B] Mirdiz Jur lashed out like a hungry viper and cleaved Kurr's arm from his elbow. Blood sprayed out across his books, staining them with the crimson ichore. He let out a howl of agony that sent a shiver down Jix's spine. It had been so, so long since he'd heard someone cry like that. Maybe he'd have to slaughter the entire Order. In fact, that sounded like a [I]wonderful[/I] idea... It only took an hour or two, as it happened. Within that time, Jix killed just about every man, woman, or child that was even close to the order's headquarters. Kurr was the last to die, however. Jix took his time with his ex-teacher. It took nearly an hour alone on him, tiny blades of win shredding his parchment skin until his was a flayed, bleeding husk. Then, at last, Jix let him die. [B]Other:[/B] On one trip to the human world ages ago, Jix was sent to kill the leader of a secret society, the Jix Okuza, in the northern region of what would eventually become England. When he came across the leader, who possessed the Sight, the man begged him to spare his life. In exchange for this, the sage replied, he would teach Jix their ancient language of power and wisdom. Jix accepted the offer, and has sinced mastered the language the old man taught him, called Ronsu. He killed the man as soon as he was done teaching him, of course, but he maintains that he did uphold his part of the deal. Inform me of any ills I should correct.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='MomochiZabuza][SIZE=1']Well in seventh grade you should learn about alelles and punnet squares and such... A short person giving birth to a tall person is like a couple with brown eyes giving birth to a child with blue eyes. If one of their parents had blue eyes than their child could inherit that trait.[/size][/quote] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I have a short mother and a tall father. Most of the people on my mother's side of the family, too, are on the shorter side. I believe the tallest is 5' 8". I'm 5'11". Obviously, a short person can give birth to a tall person if there are tall people anywhere in the genetic lineage.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='MomochiZabuza][SIZE=1']Anyhow, the major flaw in Darwin's theory was creation itself. He said we all evolved but he has no explenation for how what we evolved from got here in the first place.[/size][/quote] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Well, looking at it from a scientific stand-point, the only way I can really explain it is that the atoms scattered about the air bonded together in the precise combination to create a single-celled organism. This organism managed to spread and propegate through cell-devision, eventually creating the creatures of today. It's about a 1 in a 1000000000^100000000 (or, 1 billion to the billionth power) chance of occuring, probably, but given all the worlds and galaxies and such, it makes sense that it would happen somewhere, ne?[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='MomochiZabuza][SIZE=1']And what I don't understand is if we all evolved from primates why didn't anything else evolve with us? I mean, crocodiles were alive at the same time as dinosaurs (or so they say) and they are exactly the same. And plus, genetic mutation happens in plants too. Why doesn't a plant sprout legs and walk around with us? And don't tell me that they will in 1000000 years, because I can place a bet on that. [/size][/quote] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Animals have been evolving around us, just not in big ways like that. There are more, and different, species than there used to be because mutations have occured that have proved beneficial. Meanwhile, old species continue to exist because they don't HAVE to change to survive. Crocodiles and sharks found their perfect ecological nieche millenia ago, and haven't needed to change since. And plants won't just randomly sprout legs, mainly because they have no central nervous system to power it. First, find a plant with a brain. Then, we might see one walking around.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='MomochiZabuza][SIZE=1']Plus, not a single genetic mutation today has been proven to benefit or improve a species. Look it up and try to find one, a fifth leg doesn't help because extra body parts are always stunted. Same with human mutations like siamese twins. Why would that one genetic mutation change the skin color, hair growth, and brain functions for the better all of a sudden?[/size][/quote] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Actually, there are plenty of animals changing in amazingly subtle ways all around us. It's simply that the ones people are interested in tend to be more sensational and debilitating. Then they die out, because they are random mutations, and don't spread. Failure is a part of any system, especially evolution.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='MomochiZabuza][SIZE=1']P.S. I really don't know too much about this stuff but if you know an answer than tell me please because I truly do want to know out of pure curiosity.[/size][/quote] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Hopefully, I've answered at least a few of your questions succesfully. And, more so, I hope that my information wasn't outdated, considering my feet aren't exactly tasty.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][U][B]Character Overview[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Erien Yar [B]Age:[/B] 21 (Padawan) [B]Species:[/B] Zabrak [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] Erien stands on the taller side for a Zabrak, at a relatively impressive 1.85 meters. His skin is a dark, brick-ish red, he has fierce golden eyes, and his head is completely bald. Like all Zabrak, he has a distinctive horn pattern, with a mid-length horn in the center of his head with four slightly smaller ones surrounding it. He has had his skin tattooed, like most of his species; his eyes are outlined in thick black, with streaks down from the center reaching to his chin. There is another, thicker streak coming down from the center of his lip towards his chin. His clothing of choice are black, baggy robes, the bagginess allowing enemy attacks to hit fabric and nothing more. He has no real distinctive pieces of clothing, preferring to blend in. [B]Personality:[/B] Like most users of the Djem So style of combat, Erien is a bold, powerful person both in combat and in life. He is reluctant to let anything stand in his path to greatness, a confidance that some would say borders on arrogance. He's much like a hurricane, a swirling mass of emotional strength that barrels through any in its way. With his powerful heart comes an almost complete lack of fear that leads him to attempt greater challanges than most think possible. In addition, he is completely and utterly loyal to any who gain his trust, and will do whatever is needed to protect them. He uses his emotion skillfully in combat, channeling anger, loyalty, pride, and confidence into the swinging of his sword whenever he sets out to do battle. [B]General Overview:[/B] Born on the harsh planet of Iridonia, Erien was raised in an environment that pushed him to be strong, independent, and fearless. He could face any storm, climb any mountain, fight any enemy that came his way. When his parents grew wealthy enough to fly him off the planet, he was already a sculpture of strength hewned by the rough winds around him. He was found by the Jedi almost too old to be taken in, a lucky break for him. Soon, he was on his way to becoming truly powerful. He quickly rose to the top of his class when it came to one on one combat, letting loose his emotions to become a whirlwind of flashing blades and unrestrained aggression. His teachers tried to soothe his spirit, making him restrain his feelings so that he could release them at a better time. [U][B]Jedi Overview[/B][/U] [B]Lightsaber(s) Appearance:[/B] An unusally thick hilt, with grooves inlaid into it to give him a strong place to grip it. A narrow piece of metal is spiraled densely around the grip from the blade-end all the way back to help protect his hand while in combat and, again, help him keep his grip on the weapon. [B]Lightsaber(s) Type:[/B] Erien has chosen a standard lightsaber, primarily because he sees no need for the extravegance of a dual-phase or double-bladed lightsaber. A single, focused blade is all he needs to do combat with, and he will never use anything else. [B]Lightsaber(s) Crystal/Colour:[/B] Erien forged his blade from a damind crystal that gives his lightsaber a longer and wider blade than most, giving more range and power to his strikes. The color of his blade is a pure silver color, which he chose due to his search for purity in his combat. He wants his blade to be fierce and untainted by fear or hesitation. [B]Lightsaber Combat Style:[/B] Because of his powerful, bold nature and preference towards strength and offense, Erien has chosen to study in the Djen So style, pushed onward towards it by his master. He has taken on the strength of his heart and turned it into the power of his body, pushing his enemies back and never giving them a chance to strike back when he can. [B]Favoured Force Power(s):[/B] Erien favours powers like Battlemind and Force Valor, which give him an edge in power by increasing his physical capabilities. Also, he is known to use the Force Push and variations thereof to help in dominating the opponent in power. However, he primarily sticks to his own physical abilties rather than Force abilties. [B]View of the Force:[/B] To Erien, the Force is primarily a mean to an end - it's a way to become strong. However, his goal is not purely to become powerful, for he knows that that way leads to the Dark Side. He only wants to become powerful enough to do what is right and defeat those that would challenge peace and the sanctity of life. The Force lets him do that, and that is all. [B]OOC:[/B] Let me know if anything needs changing.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Dameon tutted as Sammy let the two girls out of his headlock, flicking his hair back with a smooth motion. [B]"Now, Sammy, you should be nice to the ladies,"[/B] he drawled, grinning to show he wasn't too terribly serious. [B]"That way, they'll be nice to you."[/B] His friend snorted in return. [B]"And I suppose I should be nice to the boys, too?"[/B] Dameon just smirked and looked over at Quincy, leering a little. [B]"Oh, no. With them, you can be very rough."[/B] He rolled the 'r,' giving his words a suggestive purr. [B]"Isn't that right, dear Quincy?"[/B] Quincy merely glared. [B]"Keep your fantasies to yourself."[/B] [B]"But it's so much more fun when people play along,"[/B] he said, pouting. [B]"Don't you want to play, Quincy? Or are your books more fun than I am?"[/B] [B]"Much more so,"[/B] was Quincy's sharp reply. [B]"And they don't try and hit on me."[/B] [B]"Ooh, no need to be so frosty." "Come on, we better get in class before the teacher gets snarly,"[/B] Quincy sighed. D sighed and pouted again, but followed Sammy as he started walking towards the classroom, running a hand through his hair. He smiled at a group of younger girls hurrying in the opposite direction, enjoying the flushing and giggling. He wondered how many requests he'd get to the dance [I]this[/I] time around. He thought back and figured that the previous record was, what, 20? Yes, that sounded about right. Maybe he could best himself this time around. Apparently, they were a little bit too late, as the teacher turned on them and glared. He saw that Sammy had already ducked inside with Bianca and Leah. Dameon merely smiled pleasantly as the teacher started reading him the riot act. [B]"And where were you, Mr. Gray?"[/B] [B]"Oh, just flirting, cavorting, and carrying on,"[/B] he said, looking down to inspect his nails. Needed to look good, of course. [B]"Why, is that a problem?"[/B] The "High Inquisitor" flushed angrily. [B]"Take your seat, Dameon. You'll be staying there after class."[/B] [B]"Aw, but teach..."[/B] he started, putting on his best pout. [B]"That won't work on me, bub. Seat!"[/B] Dameon's expression flickered briefly, eyes growing slightly stormy before he pushed it aside. Anger made wrinkles, and wasn't terribly attractive. Instead, he sulked as he walked over to his desk, throwing himself into it angrily. Rebuke [I]him[/I], would she? Dameon Gray did [I]not[/I] like being turned aside.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The whine of engines slowly died as "Takeda Kana's" private jet touched down at an Italian Airport that Kuroichi didn't care to learn the name of. One of the perks of being wealthy was that you didn't need to know a lot of the things most people did. Other people knew them for you. And a perk of being a Vampire was that he could kill the ones that knew too much. The silver-haired man walked slowly off the velvet covered steps and onto the runway, surrounded by his three of his four Guardians, Yurei being absent to instead keep watch over his protege. Doukeshi was out of his foolish human clothes, dressed instead in a concealing black cloak that hid his clown-like blue clothes. His entourage were all dressed to blend in, and held concealed weapons in case they were interrupted. You could never be too careful in enemy territory, after all. The five moved steadily through the relatively un-crowded airport. It was another Vampire advantage - sticking to the night tended to help one avoid crowds. A car was waiting for them, pre-arranged by one of Kuroichi's many contacts. From there, he would travel to a hotel that would serve as his base of operations while he went through the process of starting up trouble. He fully intended to take out the Ijuuj in one fell swoop, but wanted a place to pull back too while he waited out the heat. Of course, the Ijuuj were scattered all around Western Europe. It would make it hard to be rid of them entirely. However, with their center of power cut out, it wouldn't take much. Especially if Kuroichi accomplished his other key objective - taking the Blood Ruby. Holding one of the Seven Gems would make him much more powerful, especially one that played to his strengths. The ability to create blood at will would finally free restraints that had been placed on his Blood Metal talent. At the moment, he needed blood to be spilled before he could manipulate it. [B]"The car is here, Kuroichi-dono,"[/B] growled Doppo in his low baritone. The Guardian of the North was a massive man, strong and tough. He was a top-notch bodyguard, being eternally loyal and immensely powerful without being particularly bright. He was bald, and not particularly attractive with a noticably square face. [B]"Thank you, Doppo-san,"[/B] Kuroichi replied smoothly. He waited for the man to open the door before sliding into the sleek black limo. His entourage did the same, and Doppo rapped his knuckles on the tinted glass that separated them from the driver. The car took off instantly. [B]"You have a private room booked for you at the hotel,"[/B] his third guardian said in her sultry voice. Yaiba, guardian of the South Gate, was a temptress of men and women, but her only true love were blades. She crossed her slim legs, baring her tanned thighs. [B]"We'll be in a room near yours. The entire floor we're on has similarly been booked for when we start moving in troops."[/B] [B]"Perfect,"[/B] was Kuroichi's purring reply. He rested his hand on Yaiba's leg and stroked it gently. Like most of the women in the Krilat Zmaj, Kuroichi had slept with her on at least one occasion. [B]"How long until we reach our destination?"[/B] [B]"Less than half an hour,"[/B] Yaiba cooed, leaning against him. [B]"Good. When we reach the hotel, contact Yaiba and tell him to fly out to meet us with a small squadron. I want to be prepared for the Ijuuj's retaliation once I attack their headquarters."[/B] "Yes, Kuroichi-dono," Doppo said, nodding. [B]"Blood, blood, blood for Doukeshi,"[/B] the clown-ish man laughed. [B]"Blood for all and pretty for Doukeshi."[/B] Kuroichi grinned. [B]"There will be more than enough blood, I assure you."[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]When Riku had mentioned turtles earlier, he had been joking. But an eternity of tunnels, a castle, and numerous monsters later in his quest for another mushroom, he found how not joking he'd really been. As for the fire-breathing part...well, he kicked himself mentally for even mentioning it. But, as it was, a spike-shelled turtle-monster with fire breath was glaring at him, and the unpleasent smell of burning hair filled his nose. Ugly brute had singed his hair. He'd have to pay for that. Lunging forward, the giant Riku slashed out with his Keyblade - only to have it bounce off of the turtles shell. He hammered at the bony plating, but it only made more a tired arm. The beast had sealed himself up tight, completely impenitrable to the more ancient style of combat. Fed up, Riku decided to jump up and down on it. Even if it didn't cause this monster to poof out of existence, it still made him feel better. Well, except the spikes. Those hurt. [B]"Ugly...stupid...nasty...idiotic...annoying..."[/B] Riku muttered, stamping down on the armor. Maybe he could break it. Or something. A loud wailing in the background was making it hard to think...hard to plan...But he was getting fed up already. Very fed up. Fed? Ah ha! [B]"Squishy, eat this thing!"[/B] he commanded. The small Heartless chirped and it's head shot out of his collar, mouth expanding hugely around the beast he was recently standing on. He had, wisely, gotten off first. The jaws of his pet/minion kept stretching...stretching...and stretching more, until... They snapped back, the turtle still free. Squishy snarled. [B]"Too big, huh?"[/B] [B]Nod nod.[/B] [B]"Don't worry, Squishy. We shall conquer him, then this entire Kingdom!"[/B] Riku rounded off the pronouncement with a bit of maniacal laughter, then looked around to make sure no one he knew was watching. Looking like the villain was often a bad idea. Meanwhile, however, the turtle had risen again behind him. [B]"Enough playing with children,"[/B] it grumbled in a deep baritone. [B]"I shall finish you quickly!"[/B] Then it started spitting fire again. Riku tried dodging, but couldn't find a single opening to strike back. He couldn't get in close. Why? Because the bloody thing had raised the bridge! There was lava! He couldn't walk on lava. Yet. Maybe one day. He made a note to add it to his to-do list. Meanwhile, he needed a chance to strike back! To make a dent in the hideous monstrosity! He needed...a projectile! And then he saw it. The perfect thing. A glowing flower! He lifted it up...and proceeded to pull back to throw it at the beast. Before he could, however, it poofed out of existence, and he found that his wardrobe went with it. It was replaced, much to his dismay, with a white body suit with a little flame emblem. Still...he felt...energized! Like he had some kind of power! Fire power. Without knowing exactly how, he raised his hand and fired a sphere of fire at the turtle. It rocketed past his own with almost comic accuracy, flying directly into his chest. Not to give it another advantage, Riku rained flames down upon the beast until, at last, it collapsed into the moat. Triumphant, he stepped forward...only to realize that the bridge was still up. Shat. Riku sighed. He hadn't wanted to rely on his powers too much, but this was proving too much of a headache. With a flash of dark energy, he teleported over to the other side, scanning around for a mushroom. [B]"Turtle...turtle...skeleton...turtle...mushroom [I]monster[/I]...princess...turtle...turtle...No mushroom! Damn!"[/B] [B]"Ex...excuse me, brave knight," called a dainty blonde woman in a crown and pink dress. "I believe I may have what you are looking for! If you would only release me..."[/B] [B]"You have one of those magic grow-y mushroom things?"[/B] Riku asked, suspicious. [B]"Indeed I do, brave knight!"[/B] the princess assured him. [B]"Please, release me, and I shall give it to you."[/B] [B]"No, no,"[/B] he chuckled. [B]"You don't understand your position. Give me the mushroom, [I]then[/I] I'll consider freeing you."[/B] [B]"W-what? But are you not a chivalrous knight, sent to rescue me?"[/B] she cried, aghast. [B]"No. I'm a game show contestant, and I need that mushroom. Fork it over, or I'll kill you and loot you."[/B] The princess gulped. "It's...it's in my pocket, and I cannot reach it. Please...please untie me so I can?" Riku grinned like a shark. "Which pocket?"[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Five minutes and the dignity of a princess later... [B]"Pleasure doing business with you,"[/B] Riku said smoothly, holding the mushroom up. He popped it in his mouth and sprouted up again. With one quick, precise motion, he sliced down, cutting her ropes. [B]"And now you're free."[/B] [B]"Oh, thank the heavens!"[/B] she cried. [B]"Free from this monster. Now...I must, um...go. Very quickly. In the opposite direction you do."[/B] And so, the two departed, leaving some very confused turtles in their wake.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Dameon Gray, D for short. [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] Right [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=21&pos=37]here[/URL]. The guy with his head on the lovely lady's lap, of course. And he usually does dress exactly like that. He stands at a lanky 5'11'', with just enough muscle to be sexy without having to maintain it by...doing things. [B]Personality:[/B] If asked to describe himself in a single phrase, D would smile, flip his hair, and state quite honestly, "I am a man-ho." And he'd be right. Dameon Gray is a relentless flirt, peddling out his beauty and his charms like currency to any lady (or lad) lucky enough to garner his attention. He toys with emotions, and hearts, and other bits as well. He is cocky, confidant, and exudes sexual attraction almost at will. Add to that the fact that he is utterly shameless, and you get yourself one quality man-ho. Additionally, he's clever, doggedly persistant, and yet terribly lazy. Which means, of course, that he always takes not the easiest route [I]possible[/I], but the easiet route that's [I]plausible[/I]. Meaning the one that takes minimal effort with the maximum end result. He never turns down a challenge, but always tries to take things at his own leisure regardless. [B]Short Bio:[/B] Dameon is, unsuprisingly, from a very well-off family of affluence and importance in the community. His charm and confidence are bred from years of knowing that, yes, he is rich, pretty, and utterly wonderful. His parents made sure to let him know this at an early age so that people wouldn't take advantage of him. He also learned that to succeed in life, you must be willing to do just about anything to get what you really want. That, and mistresses for tea is a bad idea. He learned that at his uncle's funeral. Once his parents were done climbing the societal ladders and making their early fortunes with cut-throat business tactics and just a teeny connection to the mafia, Dameon was flung into the peaceful little community of Timber Valley to see "the countryside." Dameon saw it, and decided that trees were boring. Not too much later, he also decided that fish were boring. Seeking something to do, he decided that girlfriends and, by exstension, boyfriends, were not boring, and made it his business to have one. When he grew bored, he got another one. Eventually, he supposed, he'd find someone he really liked and wouldn't bore him at all. Then he'd get a mistress, he supposed. But would never invite them to tea. [B]The Crush List:[/B] D doesn't as much have crushes as "targets." His "main" target at the moment is Quincy, but he is far from picky and will play it up for any who cross his path.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Zhou Tao, the Silent Viper [B]Age:[/B] 35 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Faction:[/B] Mercenary [B]Personality:[/B] Zhou Tao is not your usual warrior. Some are high-strung and paranoid; others deranged and sadistic; some are just angry and filled with blood-lust; and yet others are cold, distant, and ruthless. Tao is none of these things. Where some are tense, Tao is loose and fluid. Where some are insane, Tao is calm and acutely aware of everything. While some are brutal, he is placid and calm. And where some are cold and heartless, he does his work with a placid smile. Zhou Tao is an warrior who does what he does because he's not good at anything else. Killing people is his trade; it's not a joy, a hobby, or something he necessarily takes pride in. He just does it like anyone else does their job. And, from time to time, he does it with a smile and whistles while he works. Because, if you have to do something, he thinks, why not enjoy it? His calm, amiable, and downright normal behaviour may be the most frightening thing about him. [B]Appearance:[/B] Possibly the first adjective one would come up with when thinking of Tao is "long." From his face, to his hair, to his fingers, to his almost unnatural height, Tao is a long-featured man. He stands at a very impressive 6 foot 6, but weighs a meager 170 pounds, giving him a gaunt, stringly appearence. He usually excentuates this by wearing clothing that is much bigger than it needs be. However, it must be noted that almost every pound is derived from either bone or muscle, and he is not the weak twig he seems to be at first. Even getting past his tall body, he has rather long limbs. His arms reach down further than most men's, the tips of his fingers almost able to reach his knees. It aids him in this, though, that his legs are also quite long. In fact, the only part of his body that isn't graced with this stretched-out look is his torso, which is rather compact in comparison. His face, too, seems quite stretched out, with narrow, sharp features that give him an almost spear-like countenance. Perhaps the longest part of him, though, is his thick black hair, tied up in the infamous "queue" style of the Manchu. He has not cut the braid short in years, easily looping it around his waist to keep it from dragging on the ground. However, this is the only hair on his body that he allows to grow long; he is clean shaven, his eyebrows are always neatly trimmed, and beyond the braid, the top of his head is shaven almost to the point of baldness. Other than his height, hair, and the stretched out quality of his features, Tao is a fairly nondescript man. He is neither incredibly handsome, nor is he at all ugly. His eyes are narrow, slightly droopy, and a dark mahogany brown flecked with small gold specks. As said, his face is sharp, with strong, high cheekbones and a slightly pointed chin. His lips are narrow, and his teeth are straight and in fairly good condition. He keeps his finger- and toenails trimmed almost immaculately, and has a typically dark complexion for his place of origin. He has a black snake tattoo winding around his neck and down his right arm, with a black lotus blossom on the back of his left hand, vines wrapped around his left forearm. He wears simple black robes, slightly baggy for ease of movement but not so baggy as to cause excess noise. He also has a pair of small glasses with darkened lenses, and is usually seen in a straw-brimmed hat, both aiding to at least somewhat hide his identity. [B]Weapon:[/B] A seemingly simple jian, or Chinese straight sword, with a snake carved into the blade. In actuality, there is a small tube running the length of the weapon attached to a small store of snake-venom kept in the hilt. His weapon is one giant snake fang, and he never hesitates to use the toxin to his advantage. Occasionally, in an odd fashion, Tao uses his unusually long hair as an impliment in battle, much like a whip only attached to his head instead of his hand. [B]Fighting Style:[/B] Tao's signature fighting style is one he has dubbed the "Art of the Drunken Viper," because of it's mixing of the Snake-Style of Shaolin Quan and Drunken Boxing, along with a few other techniques he's picked up along his travels, including a rather intricate knowledge of pressure points. His movements are swift and exceedingly fluid, his strike flowing like water as he writhes around to a music no one else can hear. Quick precise attacks blend together with unpredictable and often wild shifts in movement and attack; a stream of sword-stabs to the chest can easily blend into a palm strike to the face, eventually ending up in a wild kicking combo. Whether armed or not, Tao uses his fighting style with reckless abandon and cold efficiency mixed up in one. [B]Short Bio:[/B] Little is known about Tao's past, and he certainly isn't telling much. It is believed that he was born in, or at least lived in, Wudanshan, where the Snake style is prominant. Tao probably had his family killed in a raid by bandits, or possibly soldiers. However, some legends circulate that he killed his own family so he could dedicate himself to a life of death and shadows. He was trained in the Snake style of Shaolin Quan, and a style of Chinese swordfighting. He became an assassin around age 16, give or take a few years. For almost 15 years, he's been a feared name throughout China, and some other countries as well. The Silent Viper is feared as a man who's never missed a mark, never lost a fight, and never let someone go alive. He's said to be the most ruthless, cold, efficient assassin ever to walk the face of the earth, and while he's not exactly the cold-blooded killer he's made out to be, it would be wise not to discount all rumours. Eventually, he fled Japan to China, just in time for his services to be needed. A pompous Daimyo, Lord Hoji, was causing trouble for the Western merchants. Zhou Tao was just the man for the job, and made quick work of breaking into the man's compoud with his two comrades in the little mission. The Daimyo did not fall by his sword, but he might have well had. Tao does not deny that the Lord may well be dead thanks to him; he almost takes it as a compliment, like saying, "Job well done." [B]Character Snippet:[/B] Smoky and dark. Such is the way of the lairs of criminals. The only places that take in scum and villains, murderers and theives. The violent, the greedy, the deranged, the brutal. All the filth from the streets of China, gathered into small shacks and burrows. Filthy. The liquor in his hand was heady and bitter. The smoke trailing from his pipe foul smelling and acrid. But it was the best he could buy in the rundown old town, filled with drunks, vagrants, and killers. Zhou Tao could always pay for the best. Assassins were well-payed no matter where you went. Tao knew that truth quite well. The door creaked open. Eyes flickered to it, and a small boy moved in. Dirty, disheveled, and nervous, his eyes grew wide as the thugs watched him. His bare feet slapped against the grungy floor, and he bowed his head low as he approached the Silent Viper. He spoke, voice shaking like the earth during a quake. [B]"M-Master w-w-will s-see you n-now, g-great one,"[/B] he stammered. [B]"Good,"[/B] was the assassins curt reply. He spoke with a cold voice, sharp like his blade but with a smoothness that did not fit his reputation. Neither did the lazy elegance with which he rose from the old chair, nor the slow gait that he walked. For the deadliest assassin alive, he gave of a startlingly calm disposition. None of the bloodlust or agitation that filled most. He was simply a man going about his work. It was blood-chilling. The sword clinked lightly as Tao walked, his sandals sqeaking with each step. The patrons marveled. How could this be the great Silent Viper, when every step he took made noise? At last, several rose, drawing up their arms. Tao stopped immediately, speaking in the same calm tone. [B]"Is there a problem?"[/B] [B]"We don't think you are really the great assassin,"[/B] one growled. He stepped forward, towering over Tao. The unwashed thug brandished a massive sword, and bore many scars. [B]"I assure you, I am,"[/B] Tao said, a placid smile on his lips. [B]"Prove it!"[/B] another man screamed, swinging a long polearm at the assassin. It cleaved through the floor, but Tao was untouched. He stepped to the side of the swing, dancing forward and drawing his jian silently, driving the sword into the thug's stomach. [B]"Proven."[/B] With inhuman skill, he turned slightly to bring his foot up into another attacker's face. The large sandle shattered his jaw, and the man staggered back. Tao pulled his blade loose, bringing it forward to pin the broken man to the wall. Blood splashed onto Tao's hands and face. He still had the same smile. Five minutes and the rest were dead. Cleaved, stabbed, broken, and bruised. They lay upon the floor, slumped over tables, bleeding from countless wounds. Tao stood in the middle of the carnage, untouched save for the blood of others. Smiling calmly, he took a puff on his pipe and snuffed it by pressing it to a carcass's back until it stopped sizzling. He turned to the young boy, who flinched at a single glance. [B]"Shall we go, my boy?"[/B] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] Let me know if anything needs changing, Mugen.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Riku was displeased. There were creatures in this...strange place called Mushroom Kingdom, vaguely-mushroom shaped ones with large teeth and little feet. They look like the kinds of things that would make good foot-soldiers or some such, but there was a problem. His Keyblade wasn't working. Squishy's teeth weren't working. The creatures just poofed out of existence when they were stabbed, or bitten, or even stepped on. [I]Stab! Poof. Chomp! Poof. Stabstabstab! Poof.[/I] Very discouraging. So, he decided to just run around and let Squishy eat them. Save him trouble, that would, even if stabbing things was fun. There were numerous floating platforms, but he was used to that. In fact, he was going through it easily. Normally, there would be legions of living things in his path to Heartless-ify, but now, just the occasional walking mushroom. And, to his dismay, one very angry metal ball on the end of an unfortunately long chain. Luckily for him, he was always on guard, so that when the great iron maw appeared seemingly out of nowhere, he was able to hop back just in time to avoid getting bitten. It roared and snapped at the cliff edge he was recently standing on, teeth just barely grating against it's wall. Riku stared at it with minimal amusement, and the bare minimum in shock. [B]"Oh, goody,"[/B] he sighed. [B] "What's next, a giant, fire-breathing tortoise? This place..."[/B] Considering that he didn't feel like wasting time, and that the bitey thing [I]had[/I] crossed him, Riku decided that his best course of action was complete and utter destruction. One Dark Fireball later, and the metal monster was nothing but a smoldering chunk of molten scrap metal. He danced around the hot steel, still on the look out for a mushroom. Where could it be...? [B]"Ah,"[/B] he said, smirking. [B]"There we go."[/B] He reached out slowly for the brightly colored fungus, his fingers just barely brushing its surface when...Squishy's open mouth closed around it. Pause. [B]"Squishy! Nonono! Bad Squishy, bad! Spit that out, and do it now!"[/B] Squishy simply cocked its head, smiled, and opened it's amazingly wide mouth, mushroom sitting on it's dark purple tongue. Riku sighed and grabbed the fungus, holding it tentatively as the thin coating of drool glittered in the sunlight. [B]"Do I...have to...eat this thing?"[/B] he asked no one in particular. He sighed. [B]"Yes, yes, that would be the case, wouldn't it?"[/B] With another world-on-his-shoulders sigh, Riku pinched his nose and popped the mushroom into his mouth, grimacing at the slimy texture. There was a loud poof, and suddenly, he found himself much, much taller. [B]"...Well. That's interesting."[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Riku was reclining lazily in a chair, counting as Squishy bounced up and down against the metal floor. Squishy seemed to be an apt name for the elastic little Heartless. He could stretch, bounce, and, Riku found out with some chagrin, reform if...severed. To his credit, though, Squishy really should have pulled his head back faster when the doors were closing. Luckily, the doors weren't even close to Keyblade strength, so there was no danger of him being destroyed. No, here he was, bouncing happily. [B]"...217, 218, 219, 220, 221..."[/B] Riku ticced off in a bored town, green eyes flicking up and down in time with the Heartless's bounces. All of a sudden, there came the sudden sound of air being displaced, and the room shook slightly. Riku lurched forward and stared out the window as a massive, bird-like monster suddenly appeared. If it hadn't been for his journies across the Worlds, he might've been frightened. The fact that the bird pressed its head against the window outside the captain's station did make him a bit nervous, nervous enough to get up and leave the room. Squishy following, of course. He darted into the room just in time to see Yuna engulfed in a flash of light. She and Mario were sitting near the controls, and he looked between the two, then to the window, then back at them. [B]"What...What was that thing? Where did it go?"[/B] he asked. Squishy bounced up onto his shoulder, and he reached up to pet the little, ink-colored puff-ball. It reassured him. [B]"It was an Aeon,"[/B] Yuna explained, smiling calmly. [B]"That's-a right!"[/B] Mario chirped. Riku felt a muscle tic in his forehead. [B]"But it...it attacked the ship, didn't it?"[/B] [B]"Nah, it just wanted to say hello to me,"[/B] was Yuna's airy reply, her hand waving slightly with...disinterest? [B]"I summoned it, so it wanted to be close to me."[/B] [B]"You...you summoned that beast?"[/B] Riku asked, a mixture of shock and exitement brimming beneath his seemingly cool exterior. [B]"How? Can you teach me?"[/B] [B]"'Fraid not,"[/B] Yuna sighed. [B]"Being a Summoner is heard work, and it takes y ears of practice to achieve the kind of power necessary to be one."[/B] Riku frowned. [B]"But, I can summon the Heartless. Isn't that kind of the same thing?"[/B] [B]"I doubt it. Aeons are manifestations of the Fayth, whereas those Heartless things...well, I don't know [I]what[/I] they are."[/B] [B]"Tch...fine,"[/B] the silver-haired teen grumbled. He managed to resist the urge to pout. He would never do such a childish thing, unlike Sora. [B]"There-a, there,"[/B] Mario said warmly. [B]"You-a have Squishy, don't-a you?"[/B] Riku patted Squishy again. [B]"Of course. My mighty Squishy, who shall stand behind me while I bring worlds to their knees, conquering all and turning them to my Heartless..."[/B] he paused, and looked from the paling Italian to the shocked Summoner. [B]"...Sorry. I was temporarily possessed by a maniacal evil and I kind of have flashbacks every now and then. Nothing to worry about,"[/B] he added, smiling cheerfully. Then he sat down quickly and looked away out a window, petting Squishy absently.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The pierce of fangs. A soft cry. Hot rush of blood. Limp weight. Slaked thirst. Under silver moonlight, cool air whipping around his body, Kuroichi went through the familiar ritual once again. He ran his tongue across his pale, thin lips as the pretty blonde tourist slowly fell from his arms, her lithe frame landing on the white sand with a muffled thud. She had been sweet, and he could still taste the mai-thais she had downed before he led her out to the beach. He chuckled to himself, staring out at the obsidian waves as the rolled slowly across the sands. He was having a great time in the Philipines, he decided. His visit to the Zugai had been nothing short of a success, and he owed himself a vacation. His Guardians certainly seemed to be handling themselves well, and the Four Kings were taking care of afairs at home. What was a simple break, now and then? Besides...this would probably be his last break until the end of the War, and who knows how long that would be. The Gwyar were stubborn and old, the Ijuuj despised the Zugai, and the Myrkur Aniol were bound by tradition and the ages, just like the Gwyar. The Labareda, too, were too pompous to bend to his will. Meanwhile, the Mirichai were too busy with their own war against the Labareda to even meet with him; the Nyroma, just elusive - he couldn't find their leader. And then there were the Knubrap, a disorganized lot who were content to pick at the scraps of mankind and would only join him once the others had crumbled. War would come, this he knew. But the more allies he could gather, the better. The Nyroma were his next target for union, and he'd already picked his first target for attack - the Ijuuj. They would never join his alliance as long as he was with the Zugai, and they were not worth the Zugai's own strength. So, clearly, they had to be eliminated. They were all weak, and their only strength was the power they drew from their resistance to holy artifacts. He was snapped out of his ruminations by a rustling in the bushes behind him. Kuroichi turned slowly, crimson eyes flashing dangerously. He had left Shinku no Umi in his room, but that left him far from unarmed. [B]"Who's there?"[/B] he growled softly. A high, mad laugh met his question, and a pale, thin face framed by long silver hair popped out of the bushes, crimson eyes glittering and teeth bared in a wide, manic grin. The person slowly stepped out of the shadows, tall and lanky and clad in a blue-and-green Hawaiian shirt. Kuroichi raised one eyebrow sleekly, staring at his Guardian. [B]"Doukeshi?"[/B] Kuroichi murmured. [B]"What are you doing? And...what are you wearing?"[/B] Doukeshi tittered again and gave a sweeping bow, hair brushing the sands. [B]"Doukeshi merely wished to fit in with the humans, Master,"[/B] he replied in his high, reedy voice. [B]"Doukeshi does was Kuroichi-sama tells him. Doukeshi watches, and Doukeshi guards."[/B] [B]"Well, if you're going to guard me stealthily...try to avoid making noises, alright?"[/B] Kuroichi sighed, a thin smile betraying his weary tone. [B]"Doukeshi shall try, Master. Doukeshi wishes to please his Master, yes he does."[/B] Kuroichi chuckled as Doukeshi bowed again. The psychotic Guardian certianly wasn't the most threatening Vampire he had ever met, but he certainly was one of the most sadistic. All of his Guardians were, really. Kuroichi prided himself on having perhaps the most deadly band of bodyguards of any being on Earth. He ran a hand through his hair and looked up at the moon again before speaking. [B]"Head back to the hotel, Doukeshi. I shall be returning very shortly."[/B] [B]"Doukeshi shall do as Master asks,"[/B] the foppish man replied, and then vanished without a sound. Kuroichi kept staring at the moon. For some reason he couldn't explain, some primal and ancient force perhaps, he was feeling hungry all over again. It was purely psychological, he assumed, but the full moon always did it to him. So, licking his lips again, he started walking languidly down the beach to find his next meal.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]And lo, the world is on the verge of war. However, the storm has yet to break, so no lashing out just yet. Don't worry, though. Conflict shall arise shortly, and war shall descend with a chaotic crash. And I assure that when it does, it will be a war to rock the world forever...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Bolt']End of the month? Mr. ULX, by my count it's only the 24th, what's up?[/quote] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]By "end of the month," I meant the end of the month-long period each thread would be open for. The two first fights were opened on October 23rd, and they close November 24th. The same will happen for all the other fights. I hope that clears up your concerns.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Well, the month is up, so it's time for voting. Sadly, the Jake Dunn and Right Hand fight was decided simply by Kanata having to drop out, but the Deus X-Riddick fight is open and right [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=50060]here[/URL]. Pumpkin, Bolt, Wraith, it is up to you to decide who has won the fight. Vote in [B]this thread[/B], with at least a paragraph explaining your decision. The winner gets to have a "kill post," describing how they finish off their opponent. The next two fights will be up later today. Best of luck to all contestants.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]In case anyone's wondering, I am counting Squishy the Heartless Lemming as being dead, considering he is without a heart and, thus, in biological terms not strictly alive. And I'll try to keep him from eating anybody, but I'm not making any promises. Also, Sage? Can I keep him, or is will he disappear at the end of the challenge, or something? Because if it does vanish, I already have the scene planned...[B]"Not my Squishy~!!"[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=Green][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Riku glared coldly at the numerous puff-balls that swarmed around his ankles. He started by simply kicking them aside from the various pits of doom, and peeled a few brave enough to try and slobber on his hair off, but quickly grew tired of them. One particularly bold Lemming managed to jump onto his head and started gnawing on his bangs. Swearing loudly, he pitched it into a lava pit. "Riku!" Yuna cried, aghast. "We're supposed to be [I]saving[/I] them!" Riku stared at her flatly before turning to a Lemming that was starting to crawl up his leg. He grinned cruelly and raised one hand. "Then I shall give them their salvation...through darkness!" The Dark Keyblade manifested in his hand and he quickly drove it through the Lemming, causing its brightly shimmering heart to appear briefly. The creature was quickly consumed by a gaseous blackness that swirled around briefly. Riku reached down and grabbed the new Heartless. His cold eyes met its glittering yellow ones. It was still small, and round, and squishy, but it was now jet black with two antennae and small talons on its forepaws. "See? With this, we can save all the Lemmings!" he cried triumphantly, shortly before the Heartless-Lemming extended its neck several feet and opened a mouth twice as big as it was, eating another Lemming whole. Riku paused and stared at it. It grinned, baring large white fangs, each as long as his pinky. He looked to all his teammates in stony silence before stuffing the heartless in his shirt collar, patting it gently on the head and proceeding to use the Dark Keyblade as a golf-club to bat the Lemmings away from the fire pit. No one heard it, but he muttered softly under his breath the following: "I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][CENTER][/CENTER][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Good sign-ups so far, everyone, and I'm glad to see so much interest, but I there's something I apparently didn't make terribly clear: the Writing Snippit is not just a piece from any old RPG. It's supposed to be by you, in the character you're writing the sign-up for. Hopefully, the situation will quickly be remedied, as I don't want to wait too terribly long to start this baby up. Otherwise, just about everything looks good so far. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Riku glared silently at the...overly friendly man who had dared call him a little boy, then further crossed the line by trying to strike his hair. The demented drag queen had slunk away to sulk over by one of the gun-wielding women, a brunette who bared a slight resemblance to Kairi. But before his mind could wander further down that pathway, someone else entered the CPU. A very familiar someone, as it happened. Riku grinned and rose, calling out immediately. [B]"Oy, Sora!"[/B] The young man looked around wildly before finally homing in on his childhood friend/arch-nemesis. His blue eyes widened briefly in an expression of pure shock, before his face split into a wide, goofy smile. Riku groaned mentally. After all that had happened, he was still the same Sora. [B]"Riku, that you?"[/B] Sora yelled, rushing over. [B]"The one and only,"[/B] he replied, leaning back against what felt like a wall. [B]"So, you actually did make it into Game On, eh?"[/B] he asked, with a slightly condescending grin. [B]"Of course I did,"[/B] Sora replied, now beginning to sulk. So predictable. [B]"I always told you I would, didn't I? And now I have. And I'll beat you!"[/B] [B]"You wish,"[/B] Riku laughed, running a hand through his hair. [B]"You could never beat me."[/B] [B]"Beat you in Hollow Bastion, didn't I?"[/B] was the next question, accompanied by a smirk. Riku scowled and looked away. [B]"A fluke."[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Blood. The essence of life. Without it, the living beings cannot survive. And with it, the dead can be born again. At least, that's what the lore of mankind claims. They even have a name for those that require the blood or flesh of the living to sustain their undeath; they come in many tongues and many flavours, but the best known of all are the Vampires. The oft-romantic, and more often horrible lore of the Vampire have permeated human culture for centuries, finally sensationalized with the tale of Count Dracula, recanted by one Bram Stoker. It has since exploded onto the popular culture scene, from the cheesey horror "classics" to overtly sexual romance novels, capturing what has been cited as the "true meaning" of Vampire lore. Psychologists probe the metaphors locked within legend, and folklorists investigate so-called real events of Vampirism. But, usually, Vampires are written off as mythical and fictional, simply the imaginings of the dark, dreamy, or deranged. Wrong. Since the dawn of man, the blood-sucking undead have walked beside humanity, lurking in the shadows and doing their own secret dealings. They feed when they need to, but mostly keep to themselves, hiding from the persecution and fear of mankind. Milliennia of altercations with the living have proven just how dangerous they can be. Besides, the Vampires have had their own conflicts to deal with. In the beginning, there was one group of Vampires. The ancient Gwyar Clan, led by the original Vampire, a powerful and wise being who sired many before his life was ended by his offspring. For centuries, the Vampires were congregated in the dark mountains of Eastern Europe, having fled the Holy Lands and the crucible of civilization for the colder, darker, and more secluded areas were they could live their own lives. But it didn't last long. Conflict broke out between the Gwyar aristocracy and their warrior underlings, the Gyshram. So the Gyshram, accomplished fighters and assassins, fled to the south and returned to their origin in the Middle East. They later splintered, forming the self-righteous Myrkur Aniol, who took the names of the Angels and Devils of Western religion. Meanwhile, the Gwyar had lost their mighty sorcerers to the Nyroma, and their devout scholars to the Ijuuj. The Ijuuj went West, to the new hubs of humanity, and the Nyroma fled to the West. Before long, Vampires fled with humanity to the New World. Those that left for Oceana and Australia eventually became the Zugai, brave and mighty warriors, while those that headed to the Southern Americas were to become the Labareda. Some of the Labareda splintered to the North, becoming a militarian Clan calling themselves the Mirichai. Scattered across the globe, in the places the other clans had yet to claim, lived another Clan, though they were barely worthy of the title. The Knubrap were the dregs of Vampire society, living scattered and free, like vagrants and thieves. They were those that were banished from their Clans, eventually becoming dirty in blood and spreading across the uncolonized lands. For centuries more, this was the way of the Vampires. Until, almost 500 years before the modern day, a soon-to-be legendary Vampire arose in the relatively isolated Far East. His true name was given up in his own self-hatred, and he instead called himself Kuroichi, Dark Blood. For many years, he saw himself as evil and tainted, until he finally realized the power and the wisdom that came with eternity and his kin. He was the offspring of a powerful Myrkur Aniol, but did not heed to the whims of his father-Clan. He was his own. As he traveled across the globe, watching the ways of humanity, he became disgusted with how they fought against eachother constantly. Empires crumbled, nations waged war, blood was shed in gallons and gallons. As he stayed in Europe during the World Wars, his bitterness grew until he returned to his homeland of Japan. There, he began his own Clan. The Krilat Zmaj. The Krilat Zmaj grew slowly, spreading from Japan to the surrounding world, until all of South-Eastern Asia was his, from Mongolia, to India, to Indonesia. He was king of a continent, living on his island palace as a solitary God. And he began to brew a plan. He had united the Vampires of Asia into one, unified front, had he not? If so, he could unify all of Vampiredom, to prevent the eternal wars that wracked human-kind. If he could, there would at last be peace for his race, and he would lead them as a benevolent king. But there would be resistance, he knew, so he set to work. He built alliances with all he could, and gathered the strongest warriors he could find. Even when Japan lashed out against all of the creatures of the night with the ominous Project, he gathered the warriors designed to slay him, and made them his own. A war was brewing. A war that would forever reshape all of Vampire kind, and perhaps all of humanity. If he succeeded, he would forever go down in history as the greatest man of all time. And he was never one to accept failure. Kuroichi. The Silver-Haired Demon.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I know a few of you out there are, possibly, grinning to yourselves, or, conversely, annoyed with me. The rest of you are probably asking yourself, why? What's the big deal. Well, a few months back, as some might recall, War of the Blood was something of an epic, at least by my standards, a big RP that spawned two "sequals" and had more plot twists in it than a mystery novel, not to mention a few big battles here and there. Well, WotB is starting up anew. The past history of Hold Tight, Drink Deep, Skulls and Crosses, and Of Blades and Hunters are all gone. Clean slate for all the characters within. And, as you shall soon see, some of the rules have changed a little. In the original WotB, there were seven gems of ultimate power, held by the high-and-mighty Ijuuj clan. However, this time, the gems are spread amongst the oldest seven clans, with only the Mirichai, Knubrap, and Krilat Zmaj without one. As ever, Kuroichi is out to gather them and a lot of other powerful relics, including the mysterious Night Blades, and any warriors he can coerce, convince, or seduce onto his side. There are, currently, three factions in the War; With Kuroichi, Against Kuroichi (With Gwyar), and Neutral. The groupings are as follows With: Krilat Zmaj, Gyshram, and the Zugai Against: Gwyar, Myrkur Aniol, Ijuuj, and Labareda Neutral: Knubrap, Mirichai, and Nyroma Now, for a break-down of the Clans: [B]Krilat Zmaj[/B] - The clan started by Kuroichi himself. Perhaps the newest clan in existence, only about 100 years old. Kuroichi started it after his disgust with the first World War, and when he originally hatched his plan for a unified Vampire Nation. The Krilat Zmaj have no major characteristics, comprised of Vampires from various clans melded together. However, the "pure" Krilat Zmaj, those descended from Kuroichi himself, all have his silver hair and blood-red eyes, marking them as his true followers. Kuroichi - ULX Kashi - Deucalion [B]Gwyar[/B] - The oldest and most respected Clan. It is small in number, but holds some of the most powerful Vampires known to man, including Vlad Tepes Dracula, Lady Elizabeth Bathory, and numerous others known through-out modern and ancient lore. The eldest all have vaguely animalistic traits, due to giving into their ancient, demonic natures. The older a Vampire gets, the more powerful and unholy they become. The main castle of the Gwyar Lords is in Russia, and they hold the powerful Dark Moonstone. Sumiyaka - Imi Lord Orlok - Mugen Helios - Justice [B]Gyshram[/B] - Originally bred to be warriors and assassins, the Gyshram have carried on this legacy, most opperating as killers and criminals for hire in the human and vampire underworld. They are well known for their stealth, speed, and ruthless efficiency in the field of battle. They make their home in Southern Africa, and are scattered around Africa and the Middle East, primarily. The Gyshram Lord has the Skull Sapphire. Keitha - demonchild781 Leila - Reiku [B]Nyroma[/B] - Once the mystics and sorcerors of the Gwyar, the Nyroma have become their own clan, relying on magic and sorcery to do battle instead of swords and might. They use many of the more mystical tricks Vampires are recorded as using, including shape-shifting and hypnosis, alongside more powerful black magic. They are centralized in Romania and Eastern Europe, and their Queen has the Night Amethyst. Lucian - Nyroma Vylon - Kairi [B]Ijuuj[/B] - Also known as the 'Crosses,' the Ijuuj are almost like a Religious Cult instead of a Clan, borderline masochistic and semi-suicidal with a love for the holy artifacts that seem to cause most Vampires pain. Instead, they have grown immune to the effects of crosses and holy water, using them as weapons against their Vampire brethren. They live in Western Europe, with the main Church in Italy, and have the Blood Ruby. [B]Zugai[/B] - Arch-rivals of the devout and refined Ijuuj, the Zugai are an anarchistic warrior race of Vampires who make their home in the New World, scattered across the islands of Oceana with their King making his home in the Australian Outback. The Zugai admire the harshness of nature, and are known for being abnormally strong and durable, even for Vampires. The King himself has the Death Diamond on his side. King Jarrah - Revelation [B]Myrkur Aniol[/B] - Perhaps the most mysterious of all the Clans is the Myrkur Aniol, or the Dark Angels. Upon entering the Clan, they take the name of an angel or demon, going so far as to adopt the personality and traits of said being. They have various powers, mostly focused on the natural forces, from fire to thunder. The leaders of the Myrkur Aniol are the Council, a group of Vampires taking the name of the Seven Archangels and the Seven Demons of Sin. They live in the Crucible of Civilization, the Middle East, and have the Pearl Fang in their possession. Seraphim - Wraith Ramiel - Starwind [B]Labareda[/B] - In South America live the hot-blooded Labareda, a clan known for being rich, influential, and ruthless. They often employ Gyshram assassins and Zugai bodyguards as workers for their cause, using their monetary worth to its greatest advantage. They are centralized in Brazil, and have the Corpse Emerald in their possession. [B]Mirichai[/B] - A militaristic group that prides itself on having the most advanced weaponry of all the Clans, the Mirichai are currently in the midst of a great conflict with the Labareda for ownership of Mexico and the northern part of Central America, as well as Cuba, Haiti, and several other islands. The Mirichai are focused on the southern United States, and have no gem, being too new and vicious. [B]Knubrap[/B] - The final clan, and both the oldest and one of the newest. The Knubrap have been around since before the Gwyar, but have not been named or organized until quite recently under the helm of a mysterious leader. This leader makes their home in New York City, and seems to have dark plans brewing for all of Vampire-kind. Yvonne Scott - natchan [B]Name:[/B] It should fit your region of origin. Remember that the Myrkur Aniol must have the name of an Angel. [B]Nickname:[/B] If you have one. [B]Age:[/B] From 20-2000. [B]Gender:[/B] Male or Female. [B]Species:[/B] While most will be Vampires, this is in case there's a human or two. [B]Clan:[/B] Not necessary for human players. [B]Appearance:[/B] Either a picture or a fairly detailed description. [B]Weapons:[/B] Keep it basic unless you are a Mirichai or Labareda. [B]Powers:[/B] Telekinesis, magic, Chi techniques, shadow control...keep it under control, let's say five powers/techniques each, and don't have too much power. Remember, Knubrap don't have much in the way of power, Zugai are reletively weak when it comes to energy and magic, and the Nyroma are incredible sorcerors. [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Bio:[/B] Because many of the characters might well have long histories, it might be best to have your history laid out for you and others to read. Doesn't have to be too terribly long, but there should be some info there. [B]Writing Sample:[/B] A few (say, 5) paragraphs of in-character writing, just to see how good you are. [B]Other:[/B] Anything else? [B]Name:[/B] Takeda Kana, originally; Goes solely by Kuroichi now [B]Nickname:[/B] The Silver-Haired Demon [B]Age:[/B] 482 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Species:[/B] Vampire [B]Clan:[/B] Krilat Zmaj [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/view/25193980/]Here[/URL] is an excellent pic of dear Kuro-sama. [B]Weapons:[/B] His primary weapon is a katana with crimson bindings, a black-thorn pommel, and a golden tsuba with dragons ingraved on it. The blade itself is finely honed and no different than any other katana, save being slightly longer than most. The laquered saya is black with ecclectic red streaks here and there. He calls the weapon Shinku no Umi; Crimson Sea. [B]Powers:[/B] Kuroichi has the unique power to manipulate blood, be it his or another?s. He can change it into a very strong material, with which he crafts weapons, armor, and other structures. His favorite use for it is the Blood Mist, a cloud of incredibly small blood daggers that slowly cut anyone inside the mist to ribbons. His other main power is an innate one, awoken by the change into a Vampire; powerful telekinesis, which he calls simply the Power. It manifests itself as bolts of crimson energy that he uses primarily for the offensive, batting enemies aside and hurling objects at them. However, he can also use it to create a shield around him. However, the Power is very draining, far more so than Blood Manipulation, so he tends to avoid using it unless he's in a pinch. Additionally, he learned a few tricks during his training with the Nyroma, namely low-level hypnosis and a few weak illusions. [B]Personality:[/B] Kuroichi is suave, cool, and in control no matter what the situation. He is incredibly wise, as well, a quick thinker and a devious planner. He can be very manipulative at times, leading people into thinking exactly what he wants. When not conversing with pretty women or his equals, he can be very smug and cocky. He treats those he sees as inferior as inferiors, making his opinions of them known quite well. It takes a lot to earn his respect. When in a fight, however, Kuroichi is condescending to his foes, trading witty banter and leading his opponent into stupid mistakes. He is sadistic, cold, calculating, and merciless, and never leaves an enemy standing. Despite all this, however, Kuroichi is neither blood-thirsty, nor is he "evil." He has a warped morality, true, but it is merely that of one who knows only the battle-field. He can be an infinitely loyal friend, a passionate and caring lover, and will never back down in the face of adversity to do what he believes to be right. He truly does seek peace, wishing to annihilate the potential for war before something worse begins. [B]Bio:[/B] Kuroichi, born Takeda Kana, entered the world during a time of war, in the Sengoku Period of Japan, shortly before Portuguese sailors reached Japan. He was trained in swordsmanship and the martial arts by his father, a high-ranking Samurai in Takeda Shingen's army. However, his father was killed in one of the Battles of Kawanakajima, the Battle of 1564. Kana was only 26 at the time; it was the first time he was embittered by the pains of war. Kana left his home in the Kai province, seeking fortune elsewhere. He went to Kawanakajima to pay respects to his father, but while he was there, he was attacked by a filthy, deranged solider. Kana nearly defeated the man, but he lashed out with unnatural strength, and bit Kana's neck, seemingly killing him. Days later, Kana awoke late at night, and found himself a Vampire. Kana was at first disgusted by his fate, casting off his name in favor of Kuroichi, meaning Black Blood. The name carried, but the disgust rapidly faded. He began to embrace his nature, learning to control his powers. His latent Power, a red energy force that could manipulate matter with no visible cause, was awoken during a fierce battle, the Siege of Osaka. He became a fierce force during the wars, joining battles as he came across them and fighting for no particular side, simply seeking out the strongest warriors he could find. It was at this time that the legend of the Silver Haired Demon was born. During his many years, Kuroichi had seen numerous clans, nations, and empires fall to ruin. At the beginning of the Meiji Era, he scorned the modernization and the destruction of the Samurai Class, because it would mean less battles to fight in, less warriors to face, and none of the bloodshed that seemed to temporarily calm his troubled mind. He aided a few battles against the new Empire, but finally left his homeland when the nation settled down once more in a search for foreign warriors. It was during a stay in Croatia that Kuroichi truly became aware of his powers as a Vampire. He spent at least a decade in the charge of a wise Nyroma sorceror, learning the ways of the mystical forces and honing his innate psychic abilities, as well as the mysterious Blood Manipulation. However, it was when his Master taught him about the history of the Clans that Kuroichi became irked at yet another group of Empires that routinely tore themselves apart. As he left his Master's care, he began to develope a new calling. Before the turn of the Century, he went to the new world, and saw the horrible American Civil War at its peak. He went into battle once again, cutting a blood swathe from the North to the South, until the war slowly settled again. Still, there was unrest, and he found himself attacted by unruly Southerners, eventually fleeing back to Europe. There, he stayed for several years until the first World War broke out. It was then that he steeled his resolve, and returned to Japan. The Krilat Zmaj was born. He gathered all the Vampires in the country, and looked for powerful soldiers and warriors to gather into the fold. Once Japan was fully under his control, and he had mighty and reliable aids to run the nation, he went abroad, slowly conquering the rest of Asia for the Krilat Zmaj. It took him almost 40 years, but by the end of the second World War, all of Asia was his. And with the Krilat Zmaj at his command, he began his new crusade. The destruction of the Clans. [B]Writing Sample:[/B] (A Snippet from WotB 2: Skulls and Crosses) Kuroichi stepped into the bright foyer of Il Signore's opulant palace, discarding his cloak as he stepped into the safe room. Though sunlight poured in through high windows, stained with religious images, the light was carefully filtered, making it safe for their kind. [I][B]"Ehi!"[/B][/I] cried the receptionist behind the large mahogany desk. [I][B]"Che fare tu pensare sei fare?"[/B][/I] [B]"I was merely discarding my cloak, madame,"[/B] said Kuroichi, flashing the young woman a smile deigned to make her ankles melt. He strode by her, knowing she wouldn't do anything to stop him. And he was equally ready to dispatch her, had she tried anything stupid. Though masked by an illusion he had learned from his Nyroma teacher, his katana was still ready at his side. As he passed through the hallways, a guard, clad in a security uniform, barred his way. [B][I]"Sosta!"[/I][/B] the guard barked. [B]"No,"[/B] Kuroichi replied, grinning. Dark ochre splashed across the wall as Kuroichi cleaved the man's shoulders from his waist. With almost dainty elegance, the silver-haired Vampire stepped over the bloody corpse, moving up with plush-carpeted staircase. [I]Il Signore needs better security, me thinks,[/I] thought the grinning Vampire. [B]Other:[/B] N/A I hope that War of the Blood shall be as successful, if not more so, as before. I truly enjoyed it last time around, and hope that many shall join in the conflict. And I invite you all to Hold Tight, and Drink Deep.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]It is my misfortune to announce that [B]Kanata[/B] has had to withdraw from the competition due to personal circumstances. Thus, Retribution moves to the next round of the fight. Hopefully, this won't put too much of a damper on further fights. As for your question, [B]sand dragon 19[/B], there is no time limit to post except the time limit for the entire fight. If Pumpkin doesn't reply by the end of the month-long period, you win by default. Until then, however, the game is still on.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]A dark portal opened rather abruptly off to the side, and a silver-haired young man stepped out, a twisted black sword in one hand and a glittering [COLOR=SeaGreen]green gem[/COLOR] in the other. He looked around slowly with a subtly annoyed expression on his face and nothing else. He wasn't a terribly big fan of large groups. He preferred things being slightly more...contained. But, if he had to, he'd work with all of these people. Until he rid himself of them, of course. A winged little creature with a puff-ball on its head, which he recognized as a 'Moogle,' began to approach him. "Hello, kupo. I'm Mog the Moogle, and I'll be your kuporiffic host!" Riku eyes steeled briefly, and he deemed the host instantly annoying. "Yo." "You must be Riku, kupo," he chirped happily. "Yeah. That's me. What [I]is[/I] this place, anyway?" "This is the CPU, kupo. It's to allow you to mingle with your kuporiffic teammates before the game begins, kupo." "Right," Riku said, sighing inwardly. "Mingle." He scanned the crowd slowly. Some stuck out in particular, like the gunman, two gunwomen, and the gun...hog. There was a bubbly, spastic asian girl, a Japanese samurai, and a strange man with pointy ears and a quaint hat. Not to mention a large yellow sphere with an overlarge mouth, a blue fox, a strange red metal-plated person, and a man...no, woman...no, man? Oh, yes, and the short Italian who kept repeating that, "It's-a me, Mario!" Several of them, especially the ones with weapons, seemed like they'd prove worthy adversaries, or at least practice dummies. He could probably take any of the sword-wielders in a one-on-one spar, but they might show him some interesting foreign moves. And some of the more...technologically advanced warriors might prove especially interesting. Riku grinned coldly. Yes, he'd certainly be able to test himself here. But now, to sit and wait.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Wolfgang Mann was stretched languindly across a battered leather couch when the knock came. He lifted the arm off his eyes, looked over at the door, and willed the people behind it to just leave. They didn't, and they knocked again. He sighed, as if standing up were the biggest trial in the world, and walked over to the door, reaching up to wrench it open and narrow his eyes at the person who had disturbed him. [B]"I was sleeping,"[/B] Wolfgang growled in his native tongue. [B]"What do you want?"[/B] The woman on his doorstep looked bewildered. Probably a foreigner, he decided. He looked her over quickly, deciding that she was pretty, but nothing special. She pursed her lips before replying to him. [B]"Er...Do you speak...English?"[/B] she asked in that annoyingly slow tone everyone took on while trying to communicate with someone in a different language. [B]"Ja, ja, I speak English,"[/B] he said, waving his hand airily. He knew enough of 23 languages to get him by in most normal situations, and she thought he might not know English? [B]"What do you want? It better have been important to disturb my nap."[/B] [B]"I need to talk with you. It's important."[/B] A businesswoman, probably, he decided. Or maybe a scientist. Or, unfortunately, an accoutant. She had that clean, professional tone about her. [B]"Alright, come inside...unless you're an accoutant. Are you an accoutant? If you're an accoutant, you can just go, because I'm not talking to one. Ever."[/B] The accoutant-doctor-businesswoman took a step back, looking, again, bewildered. She shook her head as if to clear it, then stepped back up to the door. [B]"No. I'm a doctor. Now, can I please come inside."[/B] [B]"Ah, alright. Doctors, I can handle,"[/B] he said, with a bit of a jaunty grin as he stepped aside. She sighed. [B] "Doctor Esther Hadely,"[/B] she said, and stook her hand out. Wolfgang stared at it. [B]"...Shake it?"[/B] [B]"I don't shake hands."[/B] Esther sighed again. This was going to be a very long afternoon.[/SIZE][/COLOR]