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Everything posted by Onix

  1. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Heishiro Mitsurugi Age: 29 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y48/UnbornLordXion/scii_mitsurugi2.jpg]Here[/URL] Nationality: Japan Weapon of Choice: His katana, Shishi-oh Fighting Style: Tenpu-Kosai-Ryu Kai; a mixture of straight-forward Kendo and Kenjutsu, mixed with some Iaido and Battoujutsu. Personality: Heishiro Mitsurugi is a strong man, and he acknowledges this fact. Some might call him cocky, he says he's just aware of his own strength. He knows that not even the King of Hell could defeat his blade, and makes sure people remember his name when they meet him. He never, ever backs down from a challenge, and is always on the look-out for someone who appears strong. His confidence is boundless and so, some might say, is his ego. However, Mitsurugi knows his limits. He is well aware that swordsmanship and strength are his only real talents, and thus is always on the road for the next opponent, and the next battle. Battle makes him feel alive, but when he's forced to do the work of the average person from time to time, he feels almost dead inside. He consistantly strives for that adrenaline, and will never stop chasing that glorious rush of blood in his temples until the day he is struck down. Goal: Mitsurugi doesn't as much want to find Soul Edge, as he's seeking a strong opponent. The simple fact is, he wants to find Nightmare, specifically, who wields Soul Edge. And he wouldn't pass up an opportunity at wielding the Ultimate Weapon. Writing Sample: Give us a taste of your style. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Cambrian_Explosion[/B] - That is the intent, yes. Judging should be based primarily on the quality of the writing, rather than the combat or characters. And sorry I haven't posted your character up in the bracket yet. My apologies for the delay. Another note - Why is no one posting? Is it because you haven't noticed the threads are up, or simply lack of interest? Should I send out PMs to the members about to enter combat? Should I give up entirely on the project? Or am I just being too impatient? I'd rather like to know what's going on... For the record, two more fights are up and (not) running, and one is still not being posted in. -ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"And in the fourth match of the Dead End Cup, we see the sadistic Sanosuke Sochiriou and the ex-noble Ruby Huntley going toe-to-toe! "Sanosuke Sochiriou is a sword-wielding Easterner with split personalities; one is polite and friendly, the other manic and deadly! He fights with two swords, bound by a bladed chain, using them in close combat or even long range. He's come here to have a fun kill for once, instead of just assassinating nobles and killing slum-rats to survive. He can create and manipulate ice, but has had an Ace Ban for this particular match. "And Ruby Huntely is an interesting case. She's an ex-noble, who fled her home of wealth simply because of paranoid dillusions about her mother wanting to get rid of her. Understandably, the old woman sent her servants out to retrieve young Ruby, but the violent girl sent them back in stitches and body bags. Eventually, the Elder Huntley came to get her daughter herself, but was killed for all her trouble, leaving Ruby arrested. Now, she is a swordswoman with the power to block off her mind from any invasion, and she has only one weapon to do battle with. "The duo are fighting atop a 20-foot-wide circular stone platform suspended 50 feet in the air. The platform has a 10-foot-wide gap around it, with a sheer wall the only other thing in the arena that has the two doors the fighters enter through. Only one will be allowed to leave. At least, alive. "So, fighters ready? Go!" [B]OOC:[/B] Pumpkin, no offense was meant by shifting your backstory around a little. It's just, as some may have noticed, the Media are putting a notable spin on the life-stories of the fighters, making them seem like horrible, brutal animals. Just a note.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"Welcome, Gents and Girls, to the third match of the wonderful Dead End Cup! We have a heated battle ready for you, between the ominously named Black Fire Eliwood, and the beast from the East, Shiro Oni! "Blaine 'Black Fire' Eliwood is a self-righteous thief, and killer, with a fiery temper and an even hotter trick; he can summon up fire and use it as he likes. His mind is as sharp as the tip of his family-heirloom Rapier, though he professes to being overcome by brutal rages from time to time. He certainly seems like an interesting and powerful warrior, but let's see how well Black Fire does without his flames! "Meanwhile, the mysterious Shiro Oni is a rogue ninja from the Eastern Lands, and has come here to regain the honor he lost by abandoning his people. He uses many fighting styles and two wonderfully nasty weapons, one a serrated knife, the other a sword with a barbed chain attached to the hilt. His little Ace is being able to teleport short distances. And for this match, he'll have to fight with a sedative in his blood keeping him slowed down. "Our two contestants will pit themselves against one another admist a great forest of massive trees specially grown for this tournament. In the center of this wonderful slice of nature is a small, Oriental pagoda that both of the warriors are trying to reach. Because in the center of the little building is a gem worth 50, 000 dollars! Whoever wins gets to keep it and do what they like with it, and it cannot be taken away from them, even if they die in the next round. "Ready, warriors? Then, go!"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]sand dragon 19[/B] - The judges will be people in the RP, yes. When it gets closer to the end-date for the two fights, I'll post up the assigned judges in here, so be on the watch. [B]Parabola[/B] - Unfortunately, there weren't enough fighters, it seems. And, after much consideration, I decided that early BYEs (automatic moving up) were easier than later ones. Nothing against you, or any of the others who were "gipped" out of a match. Just the ways things go. However, if you can convince anyone else to join, you might have a fight, after all. The game is still open, and I talked to at least one person who wanted to sign up (though they unfortunately have yet to do so). As you can see, two more people have joined the frey, making for two more fights. Additionally, I've decided to change the time between starting fights to two-weeks instead of a month. However, the two open fights are still open until Nov. 23rd, as the Deus-Riddick fight still has 2 posts each, and the Right Hand-Jake Dunn fight hasn't even begun, it seems. Two more fights shall be going up tonight, so be ready. Also, the Judges for the two open matches are as follows - [B]Right Hand and Jake Dunn - [/B] Justice Deucalion Sakura [B]Deux X and Riddick - [/B] Bolt Wraith Pumpkin Please post your votes in this thread at the end of the month, or when there's six posts each in the thread. If there are still no posts in the RH-JD fight on the 23rd, it will be declared a tie and both fighters will advance to a three-way match with the winner of another bracket. Hope that answers your questions.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Riku [B]Picture:[/B] If I must...[URL=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y48/UnbornLordXion/Babes%20and%20Bishies/Riku.jpg]Here[/URL]. Don't mind the clothes, though. I was having some...issues at the time. At the moment, I'm back to [URL=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y48/UnbornLordXion/Babes%20and%20Bishies/Riku20CG.jpg]this outfit[/URL]. [B]Game:[/B] My starring role was in [B]Kingdom Hearts[/B]. [B]Genre:[/B] RPG, of course. [B]Personality:[/B] I have big dreams. Really big dreams. And I am willing to do anything I need to so I can accomplish them. I will protect my friends, but if they try and stand in my way, they are my friends no longer. Success is too important to be held back by misguided loyalty. I'm not afraid of anything, even being alone if I have to be. Because I'm going to travel the world, all the worlds, even, and become strong. Yeah. Definately. [B]Talents:[/B] I am the [I]true[/I] Keyblade master. Don't listen to what Sora tries to tell you. Also, I'm a hard worker (unlike Sora) and I'm quite smart. [B]Motive:[/B] I want to see the world, get out of my boring little home and actually [I]do[/I] something with my life. Plus, I want to become stronger. I bet a contest like this is just what I need. [B]OOC:[/B] Curse you, Kitty. I was going to be Riku, changed my mind...and now you changed it back. Grr.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Wolfgang Mann, Codename "Schwarz-Geist" [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Country:[/B] Germany [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y48/UnbornLordXion/bnc-kou1.jpg]Wolfgang[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Wolfgang is not what one generally imagines from a spy; he's understandably cocky, unimaginably vocal, and unusually cheerful. He lives his life perfectly in the moment, doing whatever he wants whenever he wants, and damn all consequences. It is this life philosophy of his that has led to his most prominent personality trait - he strives in chaos, and lives purely for conflict. This makes him an excellent soldier, as he'll fight to the bitter end for any side he's on, but it also means that he's terribly prone to changing sides when it suits him. [B]Programme:[/B] As his alias, "Schwarz-Geist" or "Black Ghost," might have you believe, Wolfgang's specialty is Covert Ops missions. Basically, his Programme makes him a perfect information gatherer, with an impressive knoweldge of stealth capabilities, languages, and even make-up and hair-styling. His spying capabilties are top notch, but that is not his only combat-ready capability. Along with gathering information, Wolfgang is very good at using it. Give him a situation, and 9 times out of 10, he'll figure a way out of it. [B]Feelings Towards Project SOUL:[/B] Wolfgang understands the merits of the Project, and admires the men who took the initiative to make it. However, he is the kind of person who seeks entropy and chaos, so he seeks to prove the holes in the system and shake things up a little. War is his bread and butter, and he intends to bring one around as soon as possible. [B]Character Snippet:[/B] Schwarz-Geist grinned as he sat atop a low, flat roof. Below him, a full-scale riot was in progress; and it had started with one little drunken man. Ply him with some alcohol, listen to his life story, play up old wounds. Simple stuff. Then, when you know his Achillies heel, call attention to it with one of the more unsavoury patrons. That got the first fists flying. Soon, the more brutal drunks get in on things, too. And when you've got a knot of five or six big, burly gents pounding eachother senseless, someone else is bound to get hurt. Or something might get broken. That gets things accelerated. Then the manager gets angry. Police are called in. Ah, the simple strategy of riot building. Drunken fools were cut down in a quick hail of gunfire, while police suffered casualties at the hands of broken bottles and at least one Molotov Cocktail. And all Schwarz-Geist had to do was talk to two men, and then get his *** out of there right quick. So, so simple. He laughed to himself and ran a hand through long, deep brown hair. In no more than an hour, the riot would be quelled, but for now, he had a show. This kind of thing was what he lived for. The chaos, the bloodshed, the raw humanity of it all. Sent shivvers into his soul and a smile to his lips. And soon, if he played his cards right, he could get the whole world involved in another kind of riot. War was coming. Time to party. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Good jokes all around. Here's (hopefully) a few more -- [QUOTE="Screw in a Lightbult Joke"]How many Freudian Psychologists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? [spoiler]Two - One to screw in the lightbulb, the other to hold the penis - I mean, ladder.[/spoiler][/QUOTE] Better told in person, I'm afraid. [QUOTE="Blonde Joke #1"]One day, a brunette, a redhead, and a blonde walked into an antique shop to go shopping together. The brunette saw a tall, ornate mirror. As she looked into it, she said to herself, 'I think I'm the smartest woman in the world.' SCHLOOP, the mirror sucked her in. A little later, the redhead walked by and saw the same mirror. As she looked into it, she said to herself, 'I think I'm the most beautiful woman in the whole world.' SCHLOOP, the mirror sucked her in, too. A while later, the blonde walked by and saw the mirror, as well. As she looked into it, she said to herself, 'I think...' SCHLOOP.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE="Blonde Joke #2"]After a long day at work, a man stepped into his elevator and started going down. A pretty blonde woman stepped in with him, smiled brightly and said, "T.G.I.F." The man smiled as well, shook his head, and replied, "S.H.I.T." The blonde looked confused. "T.G.I.F." Again, the man replied, "S.H.I.T." So, the blonde said it again, much slower. "T...G...I...F?" The man replied in the same tone. "S...H...I...T" Finally fed up, the woman said, "You idiot, I'm saying 'Thank God It's Friday'." The man, still smiling pleasently, replied, "Sorry Honey, It's Thursday."[/QUOTE] It's been ages since I've heard that joke, so I hope I told it right... [QUOTE="The Panda Joke"]One day, a Panda walked into a restaurant and when the waiter came, he ordered a sandwich. When he finished the sandwich and the waiter came with the bill, the Panda took out a pistol and shot him dead. As it got up to leave, a second waiter chased after him, crying, "What did you do that for!?" "I'm a Panda, look it up," the bear said, and then exited the restaurant. The waiter grabbed a dictionary, turned to the "P"s. Under the entry for Pandas, it read the following: "Panda Bear. An asian mammal related to the racoon. Eats shoots and leaves."[/QUOTE] [QUOTE="Man walks into a bar..."]So, a man walks into a bar on the third story of a building. He orders a shot of expensive whiskey, downs it, and turns to jump out a window. Another patron watches in awe as the same man comes into the bar, orders another shot of whiskey, and jumps out the window again. When the man comes in a third time, the barfly turns to him and says, "How 'come you can fall three stories and not die?" The jumper grins and explains his secret. "See, when you drink alcohol, the gasses in it make your body lighter than usual so you float gently to the ground. It's simple." The barfly grins as well, grabbed a bottle of whiskey and downed it. He then proceeded to jump out the window. The man chuckled, and the bartender came over and sighed. "Superman, you sure are a jerk when you're drunk."[/QUOTE] Okay, I'll stop now.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]For the last (nearly) nine months, I have been in love with my wonderful, gorgeous, perfect Jamie, whom I met here. It's been a wonderful time together, and I couldn't wish for a better woman to be mine. I can't wait 'til this Christmas when we get to spend two weeks together. We've been "married" nearly as long as we've been together, and all in all, it's a great relationship. I'd gush more, but I doubt you all want to here it, so I'll just keep my soppiness to myself.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [quote name='kuroinuyoukai']:catgirl: Hey! My name is Japanese. Kuro is pronounced "cuelow"(Japanese pronounce r's like l's),Inu(like Inu in Inuyasha)Youkai is pronounced"yohkae". I know kuroinu is "black dog" and i am not really sure what youkai is yet! Hope nothing bad. :animenose[/quote] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Youkai means, essentially, demon. So you're a black dog demon. And the R in Japanese is more a hybrid of L and R - they don't really have either, it's just usually romanized (converted to the "abc" alphabet) as an R, as it sounds more like one than an L. Yay for being a Japanese student~! Koo-roh ee-noo yoh-kai As for my name, well, it's rather easy, except the last bit, which is "Shee-on" and not "Zee-on" or "Zai-on," as some may think. I'd hope everyone knows how to pronounce Unborn and Lord[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Okay, a basic run-down of the bracket - The matches were decided by seeding; basically, I looked at all the powers the warriors had, and figured out which might be stronger, or weaker, or whatever. Powers like controlling fire, ice, and magic obviously ranked higher than physical capabilities, but this is not to say the matches are clean cut. As you can see, despite my initial guess, Deus is not thrashing Riddick senseless - close match, despite the initial gap in power. The winner from each match moves forward to the next match, so it's simple, ne? As for the ones without an opponent (at the moment), they will be moved ahead if they don't get one, moving to the Quarter Finals without question. Eventually, things will get narrowed down to the finals, and a Champion will be decided. I'm not sure if that answered your precise question but, hopefully, it helped.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Deus gritted his teeth and slid to his feet, glaring around in the darkness for any sign of his enemy. The heat shadow flickered back and forth; his opponent was getting wise. Still, not wise enough. [B]"You're a coward and a fool, Riddick. And next time, you won't break my illusion."[/B] He closed his eye for a moment and stood there, still as stone. He heard the feet behind him but took no notice, not even when an arm slipped around his neck. Riddick's breath was hot on his ear, and his muscular arm pressed tight on Deus' neck. Breath came harder, but he stood cold and unmoving. [B]"A fool, am I? Maybe I should snap your neck right now..."[/B] In a flash of movement, Deus reached up and grabbed Riddick's arm, leaning forward and pulling hard. The bald man flipped up through the air and landed hard on his back, coughing sharply. Deus reached down and pulled his eyes open, smirking slightly. [B]"Let's see you get out of this little mind-fuck,"[/B] Deus growled, and the world was suddenly alight. Hot, pure white fire shot up from the ground and surrounded the long-haired man, causing long wings of flame to extend from his back and his clothes to blaze, billowing like the robes of a king. His entire body turned into pure, unyielding heat, and the same fire crawled around Riddick, slowly turning the entire arena into a molten pit. Deus stood and raised his hand, a tongue of fire turning into a long, broadsword. He let the tip point at Riddick's throat, and bellowed out in a God-like voice. "You're time is through, Riddick," he cried, and his voice was a sound as cold and deep as the ringing of a church bell, hot and pure and full of righteous fury. "For your crimes against me, you face eternal damnation." He pulled the blade back, ropes of flame tying his opponent down. [B]"In the name of Deus, I end your life. Amen."[/B] The sword swung down, Riddick screamed, and the fires vanished. Deus removed himself from his own illusion, letting Riddick see the flames by himself. [B]"How strong are you, sinner? Let's see."[/B] Deus watched as Riddick thrashed violently on the ground, until he snapped up, letting out a howl of pain and rage. He whirled on the source of his torment, and readied his fists. "I've been to Hell already," he spat, and lunged, slamming Deus to the ground. "It's your turn to visit, you son of a bitch!" Deus shoved him off - the lingering illusion kept him slightly weakened - and slid back, preparing for the next assault. Riddick was angry, and an angry man is a strong man. Unless, of course, his opponent is strong enough to use his blindness. Still, Deus was hurting. His ribs were sore, his back was sore, and the power exerted by that last illusion made a dull ache spread in his temples. [B]"Come on, Riddick. Let's cut the hit and run, and finish this."[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Deus snarled and threw the cloak aside. He's stronger than I suspected, especially of the mind. But...he won't beat me again. That, he can be sure of. [B]"You can see in the dark, can't you, Riddick?" Deus called out. The darkness was quiet and unyielding, but he knew he had the other man's attention. "Well, I must warn you...so can I."[/B] A simple mental command, and the world was splashed with color. The ground and walls glowed a faint, deep blue. The cold glow surrounded him, and he scanned slowly for the lightest hint of red or orange. Heat...no matter what this warrior was capable of, he couldn't turn himself to ice. Night-vision let Riddick see Deus in the gloom, but Deus had an edge; the aura of slowly disappating heat, dull red fading to deep violet, that could be seen around any object. He was hiding, but it wouldn't work. In a flash, Deus raised his leg and sent his other boot flying off into the darkness, letting out a loud clash of noise. Riddick's heat-shadow flickered and moved to the other side of his hiding place. On silent stocking feet, the cyborg moved his feet in a skating motion, sliding towards his opponent. He let his hand swing out to grab the pole Riddick was hiding behind and swung around with his foot raised high. There was a satisfying sound of bodies colliding, and Riddick fell forward onto the ground. Deus kneeled down on the man's back. [B]"What now, Riddick?"[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Deus smirked slightly as his opponent tripped the bells. He listened closely, mentally judging the distance apart, and quickly understanding his location. Once he thought he knew his opponent's location, judging for movement and pace, of course, he flitted around. His opponent could see in the dark? Let him catch the sight - it would let Deus know what direction he'd be coming from. [B][I]He's barehanded, like me. Convicted felon - probably been in plenty of prison scraps; he'll fight dirty, and be good at it. He can see in the dark, that's his advantage, but I can make it mine to a certain extent. Sight limits perception, after all - and a straight line isn't always the best course.[/I][/B] The cyborg edged away slowly, taking steps to make as little noise as possible. His heat-rader remained off - it would do him no good navigating, and he didn't want to fall into the trap he was trying to create for his opponent. No, he had to simply remain on guard and rely on his other senses. The smell of sweat and adrenaline, the feel of movement and body heat, and the sounds of boots clicking on the metal floor; those would be his sight. He ran his hand across the smooth ground in front of him like a blind man with his cane. He wasn't going to stumble into any pitfall, nor run into anything too noisy. And he was thankful he did, as his hand slid across the edge of what felt like a sizable indentation into the metal. Tripping into that would've made quite the racket, and him an easy target. [B][I]...There's an idea...[/I][/B] Slowly, carefully, Deus leaned down and untied one boot, slipping his foot out and stepping back down lightly. He proceeded to pull off his long coat with much more care, and brought it down to wrap it around the shoe. He lifted up the small bundle and quickly tossed it into the pit, sliding out of the way on his bare, quieter foot. [B][I]Come on, Riddick...find my little surprise.[/I][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"And here, ladie's and gentlemen, is the next round of the Dead End Cup between the cyborg Deus X and condemned felon Richard D. Riddick. "Deus X is a known murderer, destroyer of government property, and death-row inmate. He's outfitted with a cybernetic implant called the 'Eye of Deus,' giving him his Ace in the form of heightened sight and the ability to create violent illusions. He uses a sword, and calls himself something of a master swordsman. He's here to get out of jail, and maybe make a name for himself in the process...? He's been handicapped by not being allowed to use his sword. "Meanwhile, we have Richard D. Riddick, or just Riddick, a convict who was signed up by his Corrections Officers due to his violent nature. They probably hope he'll end up dead on the ground. He can see in the dark, a rare feet, and uses two large broadswords in battle. He's said to be violent, rough, and utterly deadly - just the kind of man we like in the D. E. C. Just like Deus, Riddick has been banned in the use of weapons for this fight. "The two are fighting in a pitch-black, spherical arena filled with pitfalls, traps, and some doo-dads designed to give enemies a taste for where they are. The ground is solid metal, perfect for sound-conducting, and so are the walls. There are numerous infra-red cameras set up around the area, giving the audience full view of the action. "Well, fighters ready? Go!" OOC: Achilles, you can have the first post.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"Welcome to the Dead End Cup! For our first match, we bring you the mysterious Sorcerer Alexander Crowne, alias Right Hand, and an expert marksman by the name of Jake Dunn. They'll be fighting under the usual circumstances - one handicap each, and a unique arena to give the optimum, and most entertaining, fighting conditions. Let's take a rundown on the fighters and their conditions, shall we? "First off is Alexander Crowne, who prefers to go by Right Hand because of his 'incredible power.' He is a socrerer with numerous deadly magicks that he uses in combat, and no other weapons to his name. His Ace is a mental skill that lets him cripple some people. However, to even things out a little, he is not allowed to use his Ace in this particular match. "The other combatant is self-admitted criminal Jake Dunn, who claims to have entered the tournament simply to kill. He's a skilled marksman, and his Ace is being such a good shot that people rarely even know it's coming until they're dead. He's entered the arena with his laser-sight pistol and a sabre. To balance things a little, we have placed twenty-pound weights on his wrists and ankles to restrain his movement a little. "As for the arena itself, it's pretty basic. Your standard-sized D.E.C. stadium of approximately 500 square feet, oval-shaped in design with raised seats about 40-feet above the base of the arena. The arena itself is filled with numerous large obeliscs, some designed to be climbed upon, others just to hide or take cover behind. Each obeslic is made of reinforced steel covered with rubber to prevent electric shock. "Well, there are the conditions - Fighters ready? Fight!" OOC: First post goes to Kanata.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Well, I said I was starting the Cup this weekend, and despite the fact that someone asked me to wait for them...well...I'm going to start it. However, there ARE still four open spots, since I'm not posting all the fights at once. Two at a time, 5 posts each, or 1 month. Whichever is sooner. Revelation, Pumpkin, it would be wonderful if you both finished up your sign-ups as soon as possible. Okay, last note - [URL=http://www.bracketmaker.com/tmenu.cfm?tid=125897&tclass=]Here[/URL] is the bracket for the tournament. And yes, those are BYE rounds. Why not have six matches instead of just four? So that I don't have to deal with three-way finales or anything. BYEs are just easier, if you ask me. Questions and comments in the Underground thread. The first two fights will be up and running in a short while.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]While the brainwashing their parent's gave them is probably why they think the way they do, it is not solely the parents we should blame. They are humans, they have minds of their own, and they decided to give in to the oppressive, lie-filled doctrine fed to them, rather than look for alternative sources of information. The parents are guilty of being intolerant, controlling, and manipulative; the children are guilty of being naive and just plain stupid. I'm surprised they haven't yet been boycotted, and the bastard, money-hungry corporation that let them get recorded, too. If I ever see one of their CDs, I will personally take it up with the management of the offending retailer then and there. It's a disgrace to music and humanity that these two brainless Neo-Nazis are allowed to sing and, cold as it may be, exist. All of mankind could do well without them and their kind. EDIT: You know what the great part about this whole thing is? Listen to one of their songs. Just trust me. Hear that? It's the sound of really, really bad music, subject matter aside. I laugh every time they say "Victo-ray-ay."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. Onix


    [quote name='Derald][FONT=Lucida Console][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]I did, and it was you who did not pay attention to how my phrase was worded. Please notice that I stated the "unlike the movie" at the end which clearly described the comparison between the game's "heck" on mars and the genetic mutations of the movie. I dislike it when a person responds without reading carefully.[/COLOR][/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]...Open mouth, insert foot. My apologies for the mistake. However, would you really want a movie based directly on the game? If it was completely the same, there would be no point in making a movie, since the game would already be there. I tend to like a little innovation in my cinema, be it game, book, or remake. But, maybe I'm just more accepting to the wills of the film-makers.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. Onix


    [quote name='Derald][FONT=Lucida Console][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]I mean, the whole reason I went to see it was the fact that I wanted to see the first-person-shooter view incorporated into a decent movie, however, the acting was bad, there were only 5 minutes of FPS view, and it didn't even try to follow the game's story line. The problem was not a genetic mutation, but it was literally "heck" on mars, unlike the movie.[/COLOR][/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Dude, did you even watch the same movie I did? To give you a refresher course on what actually happened: [spoiler]The scientists on the Olduvai station were doing genetic research on the homonids found there. They discovered the strange "Chromosome 24," which apparently granted superhuman abilities to the carriers. They managed to create some, injecting it into a human test subject. However, the test subject was apparently too violent and twisted, and became a monster due to his mental state. From there, it went on a rampage, infecting other people with the malignant strain of C-24, hence the mutated scientists. But, the pure strain doesn't have a negative effect on people who don't have the genetic predisposition for violence, as shown with Reaper. He simply became superhuman, not a monster like the Sargeant.[/spoiler] That IS about genetic mutation, not demons and the ilk. Pay attention next time, please. Well, I went in expecting gunfire, explosions, monsters, and a few scares here and there, and that's what was delivered, along with some top-notch special effects, good soundtrack, and pretty decent acting, all things considered. I wouldn't consider myself the harshest movie critic, but based on my "Sci-Fi Action Thriller" criterea, this one was pretty good.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Here, we have the Underground Thread for the Dead End Cup. There are still up to five spots open (for 16 in all), so if anyone out there is still itching for some brutal combat, feel free to jump in. As it is, there are just 11, so I'm going to have to mess around a little with how the tournament is set up. Either there are going to be some BYEs (passing on to the next round without fighting) or, some three-way fights. The latter would end up being harder to set up in a bracket, but I could adjust. Speaking of brackets, thanks to the wonderful website BracketMaker.com, I'm creating a tournament bracket for the Dead End cup, in case anyone's interested. It'll be open to public viewing as soon as the Tournament begins, which will probably be this weekend. I'll be posting two, maybe three fights a round, each ending after five posts each. For the matches, three impartial judges will be selected, and the voted winner will be given the rights to an "End Post" - the Death of the opponent, essentially, because these are fights to the bitter end. Post your questions, comments, etc.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Deus X. That's all. [B]Age:[/B] 27.28645 years [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] *Picture to be found...maybe* [B]Fighting Style:[/B] My fighting style is based primarily on downloaded data focusing on Japanese sword techniques, such as kunjutsu and iaido. It is based primarily on using quick sword cuts to overwhelm the opponent in melee range, not letting anyone get a strike in. Additionally, there is the Eye of Deus' hallucinogenic effects, which I tend to use when I need to. [B]Weapon:[/B] An oriental sword, specifically Japanese in origin. Red laquered saya, brass hand guard, wooden handle bound in red silk, and finely honed steel blade. [B]Ace:[/B] The Eye of Deus - A prototype optical implant that grants the subject highly enhanced vision, both in distance and light spectrum visibility. Additionally, the EoD grants heat vision capabilities, and has a special neural transmitter capable of enducing hallucinations in anyone making eye contact. [B]Why Are You Here:[/B] Approximately 7 years ago, I was the test subject in an experiment featuring cybernetic implants, specifically of the optical kind. This is where I recieved the Eye of Deus. I was supposed to be given money for the potential sacrifice, but instead, I was forced to stay inside the facilities. I tried to break my way out, but was arrested and jailed for killing several people and damaging government facilities. [B]Personality:[/B] I have no time for most emotions; logic is always the way to go, in any situation. Some might call me cold, or heartless. I prefer practical. Nothing can phase me, and I never get riled up by enemy taunts, so I never make stupid mistakes. Everything I do is logical, caluclated, and intelligent. Additionally, I never let sympathy get in the way of anything. This is a battle to the death, so my enemies will always die at my hand. That is the way the game is played.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The world is a dark and miserable place. Corruption runs rampant, the government is filled with snakes and demons, and the populace is split down the middle into the wealthy and the poor. Those with money stand high upon their gilded pedistals, looking down scornfully at the working-level trash. The poor are stuck in slums, doing whatever they can to earn food, clothing, and their lives. Most are content to stand by and let the system keep them down. Others work on in the foolish hope that they can escape poverty if they try hard enough. But then, there are those who give up on honor, give up on the law, and take what they need. Sometimes, the poor are pushed too hard, and they turn to crime for what they need. Theft, murder, assassination, terrorist attacks - anything they can do to shake the system and line their pockets with more than money enough for a scrap of bread. In the grimy cities of the worthless lower class, this is ignored. But when it's someone wealthy that is attacked, the rich make sure they pay. For most caught engaging in crimes against the wealthy, they will rot forever in the hellish prisons. But, there is a chance, for the poor and the condemned to escape from their bleak fates. Once a year, the last chance most will ever have roles around. The Dead End Cup. Sixteen "lucky" members of damned are selected, and live in comfort and wealth for three years prior to the tournament. They are given whatever they need to prepare for battle; equipment, weapons, clothes, food, riches - whatever they desire is their's for the taking for those three years. And at the end of that time, they are brought together to tear one another apart in one-on-one, brutal, no holds barred combat. There are few rules for each match, each handed down by the judges to make the matches more interesting for the viewers. They range from not being able to use weapons, to being blindfolded, even being poisoned prior to battle. These rules are put into effect because, in the end, the warriors are just the cream of a long-since spoiled crop in the eyes of the wealthy. They want to see the warriors go down, and go down hard. The winner of this greuling battle gets whatever he or she wants,and is welcome to join the wealthy and priveliged. But, the funny thing is - the winners from every tournament have always ended up dead. No one has ever survived being a tournament member. But the hope is still there, so they keep coming. And maybe, one day, someone will finally stand victorious.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Dear Aspiring Contestant, Welcome to the Dead End Cup, the fight for those with nothing else to lose! Since you have decided to sign up for this prestigious event, there are a few things the Council of Judges feels you should know ahead of time. First of all, you are welcome to bring in any weapon you like into the battle, as long as you can carry it. The viewers prefer more close combat style action, such as swords and axes, but feel free to take in guns if you so desire. Secondly, each fighter is permitted to have an Ace. The Ace is a special ability that they and they alone are capable of utilizing. Each fighter can only use one ability of this type. If you are without any special skills, the Judges are sure that your sponsers will be happy to give one to you. If you have more than one such ability, and you utilize it, you will instantly be disqualified and sent to a Federal Penitentiary. There are no limits on age for fighters - if you think you are capable, then feel free to sign up. We want all kinds of people, from all walks of life. Just be warned that there will be no allowances made for weakness, so don't count on special treatment no matter who you are. Lastly, please fill out the following application. If you are incapable of writing and/or reading, then a State Liscenced Official will be supplied to aid you. [B]Name:[/B] Please give your full name, along with any nicknames you might have garnered. [B]Age:[/B] Be honest, now. [B]Gender:[/B] Men, women, neuter...all are welcome. [B]Appearance:[/B] Please attach a photo (or written description) of yourself. [B]Fighting Style:[/B] How do you fight? We'd like to know before hand, so we can set you up with the best opponents in the best arenas. [B]Weapon:[/B] What kind of weapon will you be bringing into the Tournament? [B]Ace:[/B] What is your "Ace". Or, conversely, what Ace would you like your Sponsers to supply you with? [B]Why Are You Here:[/B] What's your purpose? Criminal? Feeding your family? Give us a reason to feel for you, and draw in the viewers. [B]Personality:[/B] (You can probably figure this one out) Thank you for signing up for the Dead End Cup. We will contact you in a few days to inform you if you have been accepted or denied. If you are denied please, try again next year, unless you are slated for execution. Then, well, we can't help you. Sorry! -The Council of Judges[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]My sign-up will be posted soon. To make things fair, five (hopefully) impartial members will be chosen to judge each fight. I'll start each match, outline the Arena style, and give a condition for each fighter - poison, blinded, unarmed, no-ace, etc. The Underground thread will go up soon. And remember to, as always, have fun.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Hmm...I don't think I'm even going to give this the benefit of the doubt, since the pictures are, as revealed by a source-code check, both hotlinked...and from different sites. They're also in different styles, as noted by sakura. Additionally, I find it interesting that while you seem to be speaking English fine, the text on the second pic is in Spanish ("y" is Spanish for "and"). Just give it up, YohsAnna. The evidence is stacked high against you.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I think Lady Asphyxia really pegged the problem - I know nothing about any of these characters, beyond a short physical description and their names, and thus, don't care about them or their journey. If you try to introduce the characters better, or at least a main, central character, the story will be much more engrossing and interesting That's not to say that you should do some huge, exposition-type paragraph giving us the main character's life story. Just...focus on him/her/them for a while, tell us what they they look like, how they act, what they feel. Make us understand them, give us time to like and care about them. Hopefully, you'll be able to create something great one of these days. Writing is a rare craft, after all, and should be cherished.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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