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Everything posted by Onix

  1. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Meanest thing I've ever done? Hmm. Probably that time I mugged a guy, then shot him for shits n' giggles. Yeah, that was pretty bad. Really funny, though, ne? No, really, the meanest thing I've ever done? Not bitching out this thread in the first place and making Gavin waste his words. I should've said something in the first place, instead of letting the idiocy spread. I'll admit that I can be a dick some times, but at least I don't take pride in my complete jackassery. Now, let's just hope the mods close this little exercise in cruelty before I have to kill some puppies.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]In Buddhism, it is said that there are four Heavenly Kings who rule over the Gods. They each guard an element, a season, and a compass point. They are the Shitenno: Jikokuten, the Blue Water King of the East; Zouchoten, the Red Fire King of the South; Koumokuten, the White Metal King of the West; and Tamonten, the Black Earth King of the North. The four are led by Tamonten, Lord of the Center, God of Thunder and War. The Shitenno fight and destroy those that would harm the Earth and Mankind. They are ruthless in their destruction of the demons and monsters that attack humanity, and will protect their realm at all cost. In addition, they are also tied to the Ssu-Ling, or the Four Celestial Beasts. Jikokuten is tied to the Dragon, Seiryuu; Zouchoten is likened to the Phoenix, Suzaku; Koumokuten is similar to the tiger, Byakko; and Tamonten is the twin of the tortoise, Genbu. Still, they are just Gods, just fairy tales. The Shitenno, those holy destroyers of the vile and wicked, are not real. But the Heavenly Kings are.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]It was a time of darkness and peril for the Empire of the Setting Sun. Fierce, almost otherworldly warriors ravaged the lands and attacked the nations. They call themselves the Legendary Beast Clan, and they are assassins. Thousands have died, and far more suffered in the destruction. There seemed no hope for the people of the Empire, for the armies of the Emperor could do nothing against the terror. However, the Emperor had a plan, a secret weapon against the monsters that he was loathe to use. Five other legendary warriors, legendary [I]assassins[/I], that had been banished to the four corners of the globe because when they were together, they were virtually indestructable. The Heavenly Kings. To the East was the mighty Dragon, master of Water; his lover, the wise Phoenix and queen of Flames, dwelled in the South; the fierce warrior and king of Metal, the Tiger, traveled to the West; and the level-headed Tortoise, silent lord of Earth, ventured to the North. But there was a fifth Heavenly King. The most fearsome warrior of all. He did not vanish with the others when the Emporer banished them. No, he was to terrifying for the lords to dwell anywhere within the Empire. Instead, he was invited by the great Lord to dwell within the Central Palace of the Setting Sun. This Fifth King was lavished with attention and the finest things money could buy. He was offered servants, gold, the finest rooms and the most glorious possessions. Yet the assassin desired none of this. Instead, he requested to dwell in the dungeons, chained to a wall. And that is where he has remained for the 5 years after the departure of the Heavenly Kings. The great Fifth King himself. [I]War God Taishaku[/I]. And so, the Emperor finally made the decision to bring them together to fight the dark scourge. The Dragon, the Phoenix, the Tiger, the Turtle, and the legendary War God would stand side-by-side once again and clash with the violent Beasts. The Emperor offered them riches, wealth, and titles as the masters of great lands. Yet, these offers were all declined. All they wanted was the fight.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The story of the Heavenly Kings begins with the arrival of an Impirial Messenger. The four shall journey across the land until they reach the Imperial City, where the four shall meet with eachother, Taishaku, and the Emperor. And, because just five characters is no way to have an RP work, there are the roles of the messengers, and the assassins can have a decipal or two if they so choose. The Legendary Beast Clan is secretive, powerful, and devastating. They are led by the Council of Four, a dark group reminiscent of the Heavenly Kings. Some of the weaker warriors in the Clan may attack the Kings as they travel, but that is for you to decide. The Clan is made up of super-human warriors, each taking on the persona of an animal. The world that this takes place in is similar to our world about 500 years ago. Technology is beginning to rise, with metals and explosives in high use. However, no electronics or anything. Travel is done on foot, on horseback, or via carraige. Think Feudal Era meets Mideval Europe- it's a mixture of those two. The North is a cold, barren wasteland. The East, an island-filled sea. The West is filled with hot, hellish mines and grimy, bustling metropolises. Lastly, the South is a lush and verdant jungle. The Emperor's city is clean, beautiful, and features the greatest technology and weapons. Two Kings have been taken, and two are open. Taishaku is not being played - by me or any other. Well, at the moment, at least. The two open Kings are not first-come, first-serve; the best two sign-ups win. If someone wants to sign up as a Legendary Beast, they must [B]PM me about it.[/B] Okay. On to the sign-up. [B]Name:[/B] This is a primarily Eastern story, so Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. names, please. [B]Age:[/B] The assassins are in their 20s/30s. Disciples should be younger. Messengers...eh, whatever you like, really. [B]Gender:[/B] Simple [B]Role:[/B] Messenger, Discpile of ____, or Dragon/Phoenix/Tiger/Tortoise [B]Appearance:[/B] Pictures or solid description - both is even better. [B]Weapon:[/B] No guns, energy swords, etc. Just swords, spears, axes, throwing stars, minor explosives...that kind of thing. [B]Power:[/B] What does your person do? Water magic, fire breathing, super-human physical prowess...This does not apply to Messengers - their power is all political. [B]Personality:[/B] How do they act, etc. [B]Character Snippit:[/B] A few paragraphs about your person. [B]Disciple?:[/B] For the Kings - want one? I'll post my Sign-Up later, as the Dragon, Ginryuu. And I'll take a disciple, if anyone wants to be one. Dragon - ULX/Disciple - Arcangel Phoenix - Imi/Disciple - Retribution Tiger - Turtle - /Disciple - Hatake Messenger (D) - Messenger (P) - Messenger (Tg) - Messenger (Tt) - missrelena Have fun, ladies and gents.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]"Hey Az, ya think I could STILL get a piece?"[/B] [B]"She's not worth your efforts, human."[/B] The three turned to the doorway to see none other than Belial, lighting up yet another cigarette. He was dirty, scratched, and his jacket was torn, but other than that, he looked fine - if a little annoyed. [B]"She's just a pathetic, dried up old waste of Lucifer's fire."[/B] [B]"Bite your tongue you - "[/B] Woe began, rising from the bed. Her eyes blazed with indignant fire. [B]"Silence!"[/B] Belial shouted, cutting her off. At the same time, the fallen angel was pushed back by a fierce gale, shallow cuts forming on her skin. She flipped over the edge of the bed, landing on the ground in a heap. [B]"You stupid bitch,"[/B] Belial spat, walking towards her. [B]"You left Azrael unnatended! Do you have any idea what could've happened? You're just lucky I've been following Metatron."[/B] [B]"I was the one who stopped him from getting in!"[/B] Woe snarled. [B]"And if you had been a second later, it would've been me tearing him apart. And I wouldn't have left him [I]alive[/I]! Why the blue fuck didn't you kill him when you had the chance?"[/B] [B]"There were two of them! And...and..."[/B] Belial's eyes flashed and another buffett of wind struck Woe in the face. [B]"Then you should've given your life in the name of your job! Besides, if you hadn't wasted your time toying with the human, you could've easily dealt with at least one of them."[/B] [B]"Well why didn't you come in and help me, then?"[/B] Woe cried, face screwed up in pain and fury. Belial smirked nastily before replying. [B]"I wanted to see Metatron tear you apart first..."[/B] [B]"You heartless wretch!"[/B] Woe screamed, finally getting to her feet. She stepped towards Belial, arms raised as if she were attempting to go for her throat. In a flash, Belial had her pinned against the wall, one hand on her throat, one keeping her arms raised above her head. He had his face mere centimeters from hers, eyes narrowed in a fierce glare. [B]"Watch your tongue, you worthless sack of filth, or I will flay the skin from your bones in an instant,"[/B] he said, voice soft and full of venom. [B]"You have never been even close to me or Dead. You have been nothing but an annoying insect, probably sent by Lucifer to die at the hands of the angels."[/B] [B]"You lie!"[/B] [B]"I am demon of lust and sloth, not lies and perjury, so don't even kid yourself."[/B] [B]"Get off of me!"[/B] Woe snarled trying desperately to push Belial off. The demon merely stepped aside, letting her stumbled forward. She turned to him, face hot and furious, while he gazed back with bitter detatchment. Belial flicked his eyes down and noticed for the first time that he hadn't even lit his cigarette - he'd just been puffing on a unlit tube of nicotene. As he reached up to light it, Woe turned and flew out the balcony. [B]"You really are a bastard, Belial,"[/B] Azrael said with a wistful sigh. [B]"It's fucking awesome!"[/B] Drew added. [B]"Tch...you needn't flatter me, either of you."[/B] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] No offense to you, Lostcause - just making Belial even more of a twisted bastard than before. Because being bad is so much fun.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][I][B]Jidanbou's soul...so powerful...[/B][/I] Blood dripped from the Hollow-One's arm. The Gate-Keeper had struck him just before he had been finished. But...the power of his soul was more than enough to heal the minor wound. The Hollow Shinigami could feel himself grow stronger still. Still, pain throbbed in his chest and arm. He needed more. Someone stronger than Jidanbou. Someone like... [I][B]A fukutaicho...[/B][/I] The Hollow-One looked down from the roof were he was hiding. A group of lower-level Shinigami, at least ten, were marching, presumably, towards their headquarters. And in their midst was the Juichiban-Fukutaicho...Sado Yasutora. His spirit pressure leaked out...the Hollow-Faced Shinigami could almost taste it on the air. So much power just waiting for him to take it... In a flash he was arcing through the air. He landed in front of the 11th Squad warriors and slowly turned to face them. Terror spread across their features as the horrible truth struck them: they were about to fight a monster. Some drew their Zanpakutoh, but some were too afraid. Chad just staired at the Hollow-One from beneath his thick, dark hair. [B]"You're...him."[/B] The Hollow-One chuckled darkly. [B]"Glad to see you recognize me, Sado-fukutaicho. Or should I say...Chad?"[/B] Chad paused in drawing his Zanpakutoh and stared at the Hollow-One in shock. [B]"How did you - "[/B] [B]"Isn't that what your friends call you, Sado-fukutaicho?"[/B] the Hollow-One leered, drawing his black Zanpakutoh. [B]"No matter...I'm sure they'll know what to put on your memorial. Just like Kenpachi's...just like Jidanbou's..."[/B] [B]"Bakemono ka!"[/B] A muscular Shinigami lunged forward, swinging his weapon at Hollow's head. He simply stepped back and brought up his own blade, stabbing it through the Shinigami's chest. Blood sprayed the warrior's behind him and dripped onto the Hollow-One's hand. [B]"Such foolishness will not..."[/B] The Hollow one brought up his foot and kicked the Shinigami off his sword. [B]"...Be tolerated!"[/B] The corpse fell back, sprawled onto the cobble-stones. [B]"Either release your Shikai, or just run away. I have no time for weakness."[/B] The squad members hesitated, but Chad's voice rang out loud and clear. [B]"Kyojin no Ude, nuguru!"[/B] The weapon glowed as it warped, moving back to wrap around Chad's arm. As the glow faded, it took the shape of an armored gauntlet, red and white, with prongs jutting behind his wrist. The Arm of the Giant. "I will be your opponent, Hollow-One," Chad growled, causing the crowd to part in front of him. The Hollow-Faced Shinigami threw his head back and laughed. Slowly, he tilted his head down to stare at Chad. When he spoke, his tone was harsh and mocking. [B]"What's the matter, Chad? Don't remember my name?"[/B] [B]"Why would I know your name, you monster?"[/B] [B]"Utsuro Kokoro, musaboru!"[/B] the Hollow-One snarled. His sword warped into the serrated, black-bladed weapon that had slaughtered so many. The chains wrattled ominously as Hollow raised it, pointing the tip at Chad's heart. [B]"Why, Chad? Well, maybe I'll tell you before I kill you!"[/B] The Hollow-Faced Shinigami lunged forward, bringing his weapon back. Chad brought his arm up defensively, and when the stab came, he blocked it with Kyojin no Ude. A loud clang rang out, and the two warriors glared harshly at eachother. Chad quickly pushed his arm forward, sending the Hollow-One back. The rain was still heavy, and the lightning still crackled around them. And both knew, then and there, that this fight would end in death.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]"Taicho-sama! Taicho-sama!"[/B] The various taicho turned to face the shouter. It was a low-ranking warrior from 11th-Squad. He was obviously out of breath, but paused only long enough to take another deep breath. [B]"The Hollow-One, he's here! He's fighting Sado-fukutaicho!"[/B] [B]"N-nanda!"[/B] Utamuro cried. [B]"He's fighting Yasutora, now?"[/B] [B]"H-hai, Yakuta-taicho."[/B] [B]"Take us to him immediately,"[/B] Ginryuu said sternly. [B]"We have no time to lose."[/B] [B]"Hai...the monster must be stopped,"[/B] Kane replied. Akuma grinned coldly. [B]"So, we finally get to meet..."[/B] [B]"Anou...follow me!"[/B] the 11th-Squad member said, turning to run off. The taicho followed quickly. The battle had begun in earnest...[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Honor dictates that Chad must finish his battle, and as Shinigami, you should respect that. And I will end it soon, I promise. Just...get to the battle field, and prepare to join in a big ol' battle royale. Oh, and for those who care, Chad's Zanpakutoh is Kyojin no Ude, meaning Arm of the Giant. His call-out is nuguru, meaning "punch." And anyone who's seen much of the series knows what it looks like and what it does. Oh, and he does have a Bankai, the Kyojin no Yoroi or "Armor of the Giant." You shall see what it does very soon.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Tao slowly tilted his head up, scanning his new surroundings. One moment, he had be sitting in a room, meeting the...Divine Kinship, was it? But now, he was in a very different place, though he was still sitting in a reclined position against the wall. The great chamber he sat in was carved of black stone, and in the center was a deep, dark lake. Stalactites dripped cold water down from the high, domed ceiling, and their couterparts jutted up from the ground, and the depths of the lake. Tao peeked out from behind his dark glasses, surveying the vast cave. His eye twitched as a large droplet of icy water fell on the top of his head. Slowly, he shuffled to the side, making sure he wasn't under another stalactite. Content in his location, he pulled out a long stemmed pipe from his jacket, placed it in his mouth, and lit it. The light, acrid smell of tobacco smoke began to fill the cavern, smoke curling around the stalactites and stalagmites. The assassin was just getting relaxed again when a loud rumbling shook the cave. He looked around, expecting to see a door or a slab of stone, or maybe even something emerging from a tunnel. But nothing met his gaze, until a large pillar of water erupted from the glassy lake, drenching him in the icy liquid. He was instantly on his feet, glaring at the thing that emerged from the waters. Towering and fierce, it would've made most men shake. The beast appeared to be a massive snake, with a long, thin body that rippled with muscle. It was coated in sharp black scales, with streaks of blood red and shining silver. Its eyes flashed fire, great and yellow, shimmering in the gloom like molten gold. Glittering like steel, long fangs jutted from its long mouth. As it opened its maw, more teeth were revealed, as well as its forked tongue, plum-like in color. Two small horns sat atop its eyes, and the sides of its face were slightly swollen, marking it as a viper. [B][I]Who are you to enter the cavern of the Silent Viper?[/I][/B] The voice echoed inside Tao's head, but nowhere else. The great serpent opposite him sat silent, running its tongue over one long fang, weaving slightly. [B]"I am Zhou Tao, the assassin,"[/B] Tao called, unflinching in the harsh stare of the massive reptile. [I][B]You come to take my power? Make it your own?[/B][/I] [B]"I do. I wish to wield your might, and I will prove myself worthy of the Silent Viper,"[/B] the assassin replied. He swiftly drew his straight-sword from behind his back, moving into a ready stance. [B]"And I will prove myself by any means necessary."[/B] The great viper seemed to grin, slowly moving its head closer to Tao. As it drew closer, Tao saw that its two fangs were easily his height. [I][B]Then I will not dishonor your bravery by holding back.[/B][/I] In a flash, Tao felt something strike his chest, sending him flying back into the wall of the cave. Pain exploded in his chest, filling his body with a dull, throbbing ache. He gasped hard, trying to refill his lungs, before dropping to the ground on his knees, recieving another electric bolt of agony. He slid forward towards the lake, and realized how slick the ground was. He barely had time to think when the Viper struck again, lashing out with what Tao registered was its tail. He pushed himself up and forward, managing to turn in the air to see the great scaly weapon crash into the stone, sending shards flying. He landed on his feet and put his hand out to steady himself as he slid back, still holding his jian aloft behind his back. The rough stone scraped his palm, but he ignored the pain, immediately lunging forward when the sliding stopped. He quickly came into range of the beast's tail, lashing out with his sword. However, the Viper was far faster, and slipped Tao's target away, striking him in the back to send him crashing to the ground. His chin hit the stone floor and stars burst into front of his eyes. He felt a dull pain in his lip and the coppery taste of blood filled his mouth. [I][B]For such big talk, you sure aren't very good, little assassin,[/B][/I] the voice laughed in his head. [I][B]I'll tell you what...you strike me three times, and I'll give you my power. Though I doubt that'll ever happen![/B][/I] The Viper's dry, barking laugh filled his mind as the monster itself leered down at him, its tail twitching. Tao had to move. He had to win. He had to prove himself. He had to shut the fucking beast up! His jian flashed as he lunged forward, like a beam of moonlight, clasped in his hand. The snake carved onto the blade seemed to move forward as he drew near his target, and he was sure it grinned as the dark blood covered the weapon. The hot ichor sprayed across Tao's hand and face, and slowly dripped into the water. Silent Viper's barking laugh changed into a fierce hiss as Tao arced back to ground, slipping as his sandal-clad feet his stone. He turned, smirking at the great snake. [B]"Two strikes left, Viper."[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]"Don't bullshit me, Gabriel. Now draw your weapon."[/B] Belial chuckled darkly as he surveyed the three Holy agents before him. Gabriel was the sword wielding master of water, and a skilled healer, among a few other talents. Metatron was said to be "second only to God," and Belial had heard stories claiming he wielded all four elements. And then there was the little girl, who was pulling out...bells? However, Gabriel put his hand in front of her, stepping between her and Belial. [B]"Stay back, Raphaelle..."[/B] the angel murmured, voice cold and resolute. She looked up at him, confused. [B]"Why, Gabriel?"[/B] [B]"Because I have seen this demon fight, and you are...not a good match,"[/B] Gabriel said, casting an appraising glance at Belial. [B]"Besides, you are inexperienced. It would not do well to thrust you into battle against - "[/B] [B]"Such a powerful demon?"[/B] Belial said, grinning at the two. [B]"Well, I promise I won't kill your little lolita pet...at least, not until I'm done with her."[/B] To further his point, Belial slipped out his tongue and licked his lips, baring his sharp teeth. [B]"You filthy snake!"[/B] Metatron roared. In a flash, the mighty angel charged, drawing his angelic blade, cutting through the air. His speed was incredible - a mortal couldn't have seen him move. Belial, on the other hand, was counting on the charge. He had leapt over the enraged warrior, and used the moving air created by his movement to summon up an invisible blade, cutting through Metatron's shoulder. The demon of lust laughed as he touched ground. [B]"Angels...so predictable."[/B] Metatron turned and shot Belial a fierce glare that would've caused most to wilt. [B]"You make me sick,"[/B] he growled, turning to face the demon. He quickly raised a hand and instantly cauterized the cut. [B]"It's time to finish you!"[/B] [B]"Finish?"[/B] Belial asked, pouting slightly. [B]"But we've only just begun."[/B] [B]"Gabriel!"[/B] Metatron barked. [B]"Take Raphaelle and find Azrael! I'll deal with this lascivious curr."[/B] [B]"Tch...no need for name-calling, Metatron,"[/B] Belial said, waggling his finger in a very condescending manner. [B]"Go, now!"[/B] Metatron snarled, eyes blazing. [B]"But Metatron..."[/B] Gabriel began. [B]"Go now..."[/B] Metatron growled, cutting his ally off. A bolt of fire shot past Belial, lightly scorching the side of his jacket. His face flickered, the cocky smirk twisting into a cruel glare. The flames struck a garbage can behind the demon, causing it to erupt into a piller of hot shrapnel. [B]"...So I don't have to hold back!"[/B] Gabriel hesitated, but nodded, tugging on Raphaelle's arm. [B]"Let us go...quickly."[/B] Belial and Metatron locked eyes as the two angels flew off. The heat between the two was high, and the fires around them had nothing to do with it. Slowly, two wings sprouted from Belial's back. At the same time, his hair grew longer. The clothes slowly melted from his body, leaving his pale skin gleaming in the fire light. His human guise vanished - the Demon Lord Belial stood in the bare street. [B]"Well, without the child here, I don't have to hold back either..."[/B] Belial said, sneering at his opponent. [B]"You would've killed her anyway,"[/B] Metatron shot back, twisting his katana in his hand, sliding to the ready. [B]"I already told you, Metatron, I wanted to keep her around. Have some fun, you know."[/B] [B]"You would rape an innocent angel?"[/B] Belial turned his head, eyes sparkling with mad glee. His lips slowly twisted into a cold leering grin. [B]"Oh, come on...it's always more fun when they scream..."[/B] [B]"Vile wretch!"[/B] Another bolt of flames shot at Belial. With a quick step he dodged, taking to the air. The brief wind that followed Metatron's weapon swirled around his enemy, and Belial crafted it into another blade. Papers twisted around his feet, and the flames coiled in his hand, making the weapon visible. The blazing sword flickered, illuminating his face with fierce red light. [B]"As much as I'd love to play, I really don't have time, Metatron." "Then I'll make it quick."[/B] Belial laughed softly. [B]"I always knew you were a quick finish..."[/B] The wind howled around him as Belial streaked towards Metatron. Fire and wind met holy steel, flames flashing in the faces of Demon and Angel. The clash had begun.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Utamuro stepped into his quarters, sighing softly. It had started off as such a good day, but now it was raining and three Shinigami were out for his life. Well, maybe not literally on that last bit. But running into Sakura, Nozomi, or Tatsuki would probably result in a sound beating. Well, at least there was something good. He could blame it on Setsuko. A little. With another depressed sigh, he flopped down on his bedroll, staring up at the ceiling. His talk with Yachiru and Nozomi had opened up an old wound...the loss of Kenpachi had been terrible for all of Soul Society. The Hollow had killed an entire battalion of 11th Squad warriors before Kenpachi arrived. The fight had lasted for hours, or so the reports said...but in the end, the great Captain just hadn't been enough. [B]"It rained then, too..."[/B] Utamuro muttered. Rain always seemed to be a bad omen in Soul Society. Kenpachi's death, the beating that soon awaited Utamuro, depression, sadness... [B]"What else could go wrong?"[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The rain... [I]I hate the rain... It makes the hurt so much more... Need to kill... Need to feed...[/I] The Hollow-Faced Shinigami rose from his hiding place and look out towards the Court again. He could feel the power radiating from inside, like a bonfire surrounded by the candles of Rukongai. Little flames of power...they were nothing to him. It was the Shinigami he had to fight. They were the only ones worthy. The only ones that deserved to die. Utsuro Kokoro whispered softly next to him. "Kill them," it said. "Make them pay. Feed the pain." Pain spiked through his chest, and through his bandaged arm. It compelled him more...strike now. Strike now. In a flash, he disappeared, jumping from roof to roof. The city sparkled in the gloom of the rain clouds...soon the walls would drop. Was Jidanbou there? Time to find out. And as he stepped in front of the Court of Pure Souls, the walls did drop, and the giant appeared. He looked down at the Hollow-One, glaring slightly, reaching back to grab his axes. [B]"You are the Hollow-Faced one!"[/B] he bellowed. [B]"I, Guardian of the Court of Pure Souls, will stop you in your tracks!"[/B] The axe swung out at surprising speed. The man merely turned to look at it when it went through him. Jidanbou held the weapon high, smiling...then realized the Shinigami was gone. [B]"You're faster than I though..."[/B] Jidanbou turned in time to see the Shinigami resting on his axe. And to see him raising his black Zanpaku-toh. The rest happened in a flash, as lightning split the sky. Blood splashed across the walls of the Court of Pure Souls. When lightning rose again, the Hollow-One was gone. And Jidanbou was dead.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Utamuro had fallen into an uneasy sleep when the loud knocking began. He opened an eye slowly and looked to the door. [B]"Nanda?"[/B] he called. [B]"Yakuta-taicho, horrible news!"[/B] the person called. [B]"What is it?" "Jidanbou is dead!" "What!?"[/B] Utamuro was on his feet in an instant, pulling on his Shinigami robes. He swiftly grabbed Juujikamaru and slipped it into his obi. As he turned, he pulled open the door to his quarters, addressing the messanger with a steely stare. [B]"I imagine the Commander General wants to meet with us?" "Hai, Yakuta-taicho. Hiwatari-fukutaicho is already on her way." "Good. Alert the rest of the Squad and instruct them to meet in the training hall. Hiwatari-sama and I shall join you as soon as the meeting is over." "Yosh, Yakuta-taicho,"[/B] the messanger replied with a short bow. He quickly ran off to the main quarters for the 10th Squad. Utamuro turned and began running in the direction of the meeting hall. If Jidanbou was dead, that could only mean one thing. [B]"He's here..."[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Taicho and Fukutaicho, prepare to meet with the rest. Non-taicho, just hang out with the rest of your squad. The Hollow-One is about to strike...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Zhou Tao, also known as the "Silent Viper" [B]Age:[/B] 31 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=18&pos=12]Tao[/URL] Tao is a relatively tall, lanky man, at least considering his place of origin. He has thin, hooded gray eyes and shoulder-length brown hair, which he has streaked with red dye. He is leanly muscled - not skinny, but not overly buff. He usually wears clothing that is loose and baggy, easy to manuever in and not very noticable. He tends to have a pair of darkened glasses perched on his nose, and is known for wearing a wide-brimmed straw hat and most times. He usually wears black, but can occasionally be seen in other colors. He usually has a bottle at his hip filled with some kind of liquor, and his weapon on the other side. He has a black snake tattoo winding around his neck and down his right arm, with a black lotus blossom on the back of his left hand, vines wrapped around his left forearm. [B]Personality:[/B] Zhou Tao is not your usual assassin. Some are high-strung and paranoid; others deranged and sadistic; some are just angry and filled with blood-lust; and yet others are cold, distant, and ruthless. Zhou Tao is none of these things. Where some are tense, Tao is loose and fluid. Where some are insane, Tao is calm and acutely aware of everything. While some are brutal, he is placid and calm. And where some are cold and heartless, he does his work with a calm smile. Zhou Tao is an assassin who does what he does because he's not good at anything else. Killing people is his trade; it's not a joy, a hobby, or something he necessarily takes pride in. He just does it like anyone else does their job. And, from time to time, he does it with a smile and whistles while he works. Because, if you have to do something, he thinks, why not enjoy it? His calm, amiable, and downright [I]normal[/I] behaviour may be the most frightening thing about him. [U][I][B]Weapon of Faith[/B][/I][/U] [B]Appearance/Weapon Specifics: [/B] [I]Pre-Transition[/I] - Tao is a master with the jian (Chinese straight sword). His paricular blade, his only cherished possession, is a piece of art. A long black ash handle, laced with steel and iron, with a snake's head at the end of the pommel. In addition, it has carvings of a wicked snake, and a handguard in the shape of a serpent. The blade is slightly waved at the edge for extra bite. [I]Post-Transition[/I] - After Tao's power awakens, his jian turns into something far more threatening. Instead of a simple waved edge, the sword sprouts several long spikes that can catch and enemy's weapon, and hurt far worse. In addition, the snake-head serves as a cap, as the grip as become hollow and filled with a venom that can leak through the spines. [B]Technique:[/B] [I]Way of the Silent Viper[/I] Inspired by a mixture of Snake-style Shaolin Quan, traditional Chinese sword-fighting, and Drunken Monkey Kung-Fu, Tao's fighting style is dangerous and unpredictable. Offensively, its focus is in quick, controlled stabs, much like a snake. However, it's not just a linear fighting style, as the Way of the Silent Viper focuses entirely on movement. To stay still while using it, Tao feels, is suicide. So, he has mixed in the wild, uncontrolled movement of Drunken Monkey Kung-Fu so that he's always moving. This makes him hard to track, and the sheer randomness makes it hard to tell what's coming. However, his style also relies entirely on momentum - take the momentum away from Tao, and he is lost. [B]Weapon Power:[/B] Tao's weapon gives him power in the form of speed. As an assassin, and a warrior who relies on movement, the incredible boost in speed that his weapon gives him is extremely advantageous. At top speed, he can move almost too fast to be seen. However, dramatically increasing his speed like this puts great strain on his body, and using it too long could result in extreme danger to his health and life. [U][I][B]History[/B][/I][/U] [B]Bio:[/B] Little is known about Tao's past, and he certainly isn't telling much. It is believed that he was born in, or at least lived in, Wudanshan, where the Snake style is prominant. Tao probably had his family killed in a raid by bandits, or possibly soldiers. However, some legends circulate that he killed his own family so he could dedicate himself to a life of death and shadows. He was trained in the Snake style of Shaolin Quan, and a style of Chinese swordfighting. He became an assassin around age 16, give or take a few years. For almost 15 years, he's been a feared name throughout China, and some other countries as well. The Silent Viper is feared as a man who's never missed a mark, never lost a fight, and never let someone go alive. He's said to be the most ruthless, cold, efficient assassin ever to walk the face of the earth, and while he's not exactly the cold-blooded killer he's made out to be, it would be wise not to discount all rumours... [B]Character Snippet:[/B] Smoky and dark. Such is the way of the lairs of criminals. The only places that take in scum and villains, murderers and theives. The violent, the greedy, the deranged, the brutal. All the filth from the streets of China, gathered into small shacks and burrows. Filthy. The liquor in his hand was heady and bitter. The smoke trailing from his pipe foul smelling and acrid. But it was the best he could buy in the rundown old town, filled with drunks, vagrants, and killers. Zhou Tao could always pay for the best. Assassins were well-payed no matter where you went. Tao knew the truth quite well. The door creaked open. Eyes flickered to it, and a small boy moved in. Dirty, disheveled, and nervous, his eyes grew wide as the thugs watched him. His bare feet slapped against the grungy floor, and he bowed his head low as he approached the Silent Viper. He spoke, voice shaking like the earth during a quake. [B]"M-Master w-w-will s-see you n-now, g-great one,"[/B] he stammered. [B]"Good,"[/B] was the assassins curt reply. He spoke with a cold voice, sharp like his blade but with a smoothness that did not fit his reputation. Neither did the lazy elegance with which he rose from the old chair, nor the slow gait that he walked. For the deadliest assassin alive, he gave of a startlingly calm disposition. None of the bloodlust or agitation that filled most. He was simply a man going about his work. It was blood-chilling. The sword clinked lightly as Tao walked, his sandals sqeaking with each step. The patrons marveled. How could this be the great Silent Viper, when every step he took made noise? At last, several rose, drawing up their arms. Tao stopped immediately, speaking in the same calm tone. [B]"Is there a problem?"[/B] [B]"We don't think you are really the great assassin,"[/B] one growled. He stepped forward, towering over Tao. The unwashed thug brandished a massive sword, and bore many scars. [B]"I assure you, I am,"[/B] Tao said, a placid smile on his lips. [B]"Prove it!"[/B] another man screamed, swinging a long polearm at the assassin. It cleaved through the floor, but Tao was untouched. He stepped to the side of the swing, dancing forward and drawing his jian silently, driving the sword into the thug's stomach. [B]"Proven."[/B] With inhuman skill, he turned slightly to bring his foot up into another attacker's face. The large sandle shattered his jaw, and the man staggered back. Tao pulled his blade loose, bringing it forward to pin the broken man to the wall. Blood splashed onto Tao's hands and face. He still had the same smile. Five minutes and the rest were dead. Cleaved, stabbed, broken, and bruised. They lay upon the floor, slumped over tables, bleeding from countless wounds. Tao stood in the middle of the carnage, untouched save for the blood of others. Smiling calmly, he took a puff on his pipe and snuffed it by pressing it to a carcass's back until it stopped sizzling. He turned to the young boy, who flinched at a single glance. [B]"Shall we go, my boy?"[/B] ***** Let me know if anything needs changing.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Utamuro chuckled softly as he relaxed back in the water. He always enjoyed getting a rise out of Nozomi - she was too uptight not to mess with. Sakura was very much the same. Really, the main difference between the two was that only one of them could really stand the Captain. Still, that made it all the more fun to tease her. [B]"So, Nozomi-cha~an..."[/B] Utamuro called. He could feel Nozomi's grimace. [B]"What brings you here on this fine day?"[/B] There was a brief pause. [B]"I came here to relax..."[/B] Nozomi growled. [B]"You, however, are not helping."[/B] [B]"Aw, that's not nice, Nozomi-cha~an..."[/B] [B]"Stop...calling me...that."[/B] [B]"You should not fight your love, Nozomi-cha~an!"[/B] Utamuro called with mock sincerity. [B]"Just because we're from different squads doesn't mean we can't be together!"[/B] [B]"Urusai!"[/B] the Vice-Captain called. Utamuro sighed and leaned back again. It was then that the door to the women's bath slid open again, and a new person entered. Utamuro raised an eyebrow and listened carefully. [B]"Ah, Hikari-fukutaicho,"[/B] the girl said. [B]"Ohayou gozaimasu."[/B] [B]"Ohayou, Arisawa-san,"[/B] Nozomi said, sounding a bit more relaxed. [B][I]Arisawa? Hmm...must be Arisawa Tatsuki. She's new, but fairly powerful. And very cute...[/I][/B] Utamuro grinned wickedly and began to count the planks of wood that formed that barrier between the men's and women's bath. At the 23rd plank, he slid it open, revealing a thin plane of glass. He had put it in himself - as a peeking window. It would appear to be nothing more than a standard plank on the other side. Utamuro grinned and checked around. [B]"Ah, Yakuta-taicho...er, what are you doing? Is that a window!?"[/B] Utamuro felt his blood run cold as the three women in the adjourning spring turned to face the wall, each radiating bloodlust. The Captain turned slowly to face an already bruised and bloodied Sato Setsuko. [B]"Kono baka na..."[/B] Utamuro growled.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Utamuro was still damp as he ran out of the hot spring, still fighting with the sleeve of his kimono. He knew that very soon, Sakura, Nozomi, and Tatsuki would all be running out after him, and that he would probably end up battered and beaten if he wasn't fast enough. [B]"Kuso, kuso, kuso, kuso..."[/B] he chanted. With a quick leap, he jumped over the stone wall that served as a barrier between 10th and 11th squad. Surely, no one would ever look for him there. He panted softly as he rested against the wall, and was almost certain that he heard three people run by. As he slowly calmed his rapidly beating heart, he looked around. It appeared that he was in the main courtyard of the 11th Squad. A tall, black marble monolith stood in the center. Standing in front was a small young woman with candy-pink hair, dressed in the robes of a Shinigami. It was Kusajishi Yachiru, Captain of the 11th Division. [B]"Ohayou, Kusajishi-taicho!"[/B] Utamuro called. Yachiru slowly turned to him, a tear dripping from one large eye. She smiled weakly and waved before turning back to the monolith. It was then that Utamuro noticed the flowers at it's base, and the broken Zanpakutoh. The sword that had belonged to the former Captain of the 11th Squad, Zaraki Kenpachi. It was his memorial. When the Hollow-Faced Shinigami first appeared, Kenpachi had been one of the first to fight him. The Captain was defeated, but spared. The next time they clashed, nearly two months later, Kenpachi had not been so lucky. It was almost a yeat since the death of the great warrior. Yachiru had been his Vice-Captain, and seemed like a surrogate sister to the man. Utamuro sighed softly, and walked towards the memorial. [B]"So, this is Kenpachi's memorial?"[/B] he asked softly. [B]"H-hai...I come here every day."[/B] Her voice was somber, not like the cheerful, energetic woman she usually was. [B]"He was important to you, wasn't he?"[/B] [B]"He...was. He took me in. He saved my life."[/B] Utamuro looked to the side, and saw that the tears were beginning to flow again. She reached up to wipe her eyes, taking a deep breath. [B]"I want to kill him, Yakuta-san,"[/B] she said coldly. [B]"Kill...?"[/B] [B]"I want to kill that bastard for taking Ken-chan from me..."[/B] Utamuro sighed again. [B]"He was a great warrior."[/B] [B]"He was a great man, too."[/B] Utamuro looked to her. [B]"I'll make sure we stop him. On my honor."[/B] Yachiru turned and looked at his face, as if checking for lies. [B]"Arigatou, Yakuta-taicho,"[/B] she said softly. She turned away and walked towards the 11th Squad's quarters, slowly stepping inside. She paused, and called back, [B]"He was a great man, too."[/B] Then she walked inside, and shut the door. [B]"I know..." [/B]Utamuro whispered, then turned to face his punishment.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Belial let out a long sigh as he swung his wing-tipped shoe-clad feet up onto the desk. An unlit cigarette dangled between his lips as he fished around for a lighter in the pockets of his suit-jacket. He quickly gave up and simply snapped his fingers, a tongue of flame now curling up from his thumb. As soon as he lit the tip of the tube, he took a long drag before letting smoke curl out from his lips. [B]"Nothing like a smoke..."[/B] he said, chuckling darkly. He placed the cigarette back in his mouth and lifted one leg up, examining his shoe. It was speckled with blood; so was the other. And, in fact, so where his hands and his (until recently) clean white shirt. [B]"Well, shit,"[/B] he muttered. He languidly dangled his other hand from the side of the chair, blood-smeared knife dangling limply in his fingers. His other hand plucked the burning object from his lips again, leaving him free to blow satanic and obscene smoke-figures at his leisure. True, his demonic powers made it easier, but he still enjoyed it. With a slow, bored movement he turned his head, surveying the room in which he sat. Blood was spattered, dotted, and smeared over most of the surfaces, most of all the bedsheets which had been ripped off the bed. A trail of gore led over to the desk at which Belial now sat, and then moved around to the door, blood specks on everything in the way. The pale, flayed corpse sat in the door way, the fierce red streaks the only remnants of color on her body. Belial grinned slightly. The carnage gave him...what did humans call it?...the "warm and fuzzies." Made him glad that he had seduced a married woman, made her guilty of the sin of lust, and then slowly cut her to ribbons until she died of blood-loss. A fitting end to an unfit existance, he thought. One of the best things about humans, really - always more to play with. He leaned back in his chair, finishing off the cigarette. He was briefly tempted to leave the lit butt and burn the woman's house to the ground, but then decided that he'd already done enough to the poor, cuckolded son of a bitch - even if Belial knew full well that the man regularly visited prositutes. So, he simply pressed the lit end to his skin until the sizzling stopped, the foul smell of burning flesh a reminder of his real home. The demon swung around off the chair, stepping around the mutilated corpse, and walked down the stairs, relighting another cigarette as he went. Belial enjoyed smoking - gave him something to do and, despite most of the media, he still thought it looked damn cool. Besides, not like it was hurting him any, just the poor bastards who got the chemicals second-hand. He was about to step out the front door when a loud voice boomed in his head. [I][B]Do you forget your mission, Belial, King of the Incubi?[/B][/I] Belial smiled slightly, taking a quick drag before speaking. [B]"'Course not, oh Black Prince of Hell. I was just handin' you another worthless wretch to work the flames. Don't worry, I'll be gettin' after Azzy real soon."[/B] [I][B]You will refer to him as Azrael, Angel of Death.[/B][/I] Belial rolled his eyes. [B]"Just trying to have a little fun, thou Enemy of Mankind."[/B] [I][B]And lay off on the titles, already.[/B][/I] [B]"Sure, sure. Well, can't stay and chat, Master. I've got angels to track down, and sinners to tear apart."[/B] [I][B]Bring him back soon, Belial.[/B][/I] [B]"Oh, I will. Mister Azrael is coming back whether he wants to or not, because I'm tired of rotting in Hell."[/B] [I][B]As am I.[/B][/I] The voice faded, and Belial walked slowly out into the moonlight street, wondering how long it would take for the whore-using prick to come home and find his slut of a wife dead on the ground. And got the warm and fuzzies all over.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Fans of the show [I]Naruto[/I] probably know what the above means, or at least have a guess. Shiken means "examination," like a test. Basically, the Chuunin Exam, where the Genin (Low-level Ninja) have a chance to become Chuunin (Mid-level Ninja), but often at the cost of their own lives. The Exam has three parts, and each one is grueling on mind, body, and spirit. Those that possess strength and leadership are promoted to Chuunin; those that don't, can try again in half a year. For those unfamiliar with the world of [I]Naruto[/I], I'll do a little run-down on major events. There are five major countries, the Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and Lightning countries. There are several Hidden Villages, one in each of these countries, and several others scattered around. The Villages produce ninja, which act as the key military forces for each country. They go from Genin, then Chuunin, and Jounin. The leader of the five major villages are called the Kage (shadow), and are the Hokage, Mizukage, Tsuchikage, Kazekage, and Raikaze. The villages are Konohagakure no Sato ("Village Hidden in the Leaves") in the Fire Country; Kirigakure no Sato ("Village Hidden in the Mist") in the Water Country; Iwagakure no Sato ("Village Hidden in the Stones") in the Earth Country; Sunagakure no Sato ("Village Hidden in the Sand") in the Wind Country; Kumogakure no Sato ("Village Hidden in the Clouds") in the Lightning Country; and the minor villages of Waterfall (Takigakure), Rain (Amegakure), Grass (Kusagakure), and Sound (Otogakure). Ninja use various techniques in battle, ranging from the physical Taijutsu, to the illusions of Genjutsu, to the Ninja Arts of Ninjutsu. Others include Kinjutsu, Forbidden Arts, and the Bloodline techniques which are only present in certain Clans. The techniques are activated by combining Chakra (a la Chi or Spirit Energy) and the twelve hand seals. The Chuunin Exam is the real focus of the story, of course. The Chuunin Exam is held twice a year in Konohagakure Village, and can be taken as long as you are a Genin and have a team of three. It has three-parts, the third being a tournament held in front of various dignitaries and Daimyo (Fuedal Lords). However, the winner will no become the only Chuunin; all of the participants could become a Chuunin or, far more likely, none could. It all depends on how well they fight; winning more means more opportunities to show their skills, of course. The first two parts of the exam focus solely as a way to narrow down the amount of participants for the third. The first part is usually a paper test, proctored by Konoha's Torture and Investigation Expert. The second is held is a suvival test, held in the Forest of Death which always whittles the teams down to at most 50% the previous numbers. Usually by the third exam, there are no more than 5 or 6 teams left, but occasionally, there are more. [B]{Begin Plot}[/B] It is time for the biannual Chuunin Exam to be held again. This time, however, there's great controversy due to Kuroigakure no Sato ("Village Hidden in the Dark"), a recently created village that is entering. The leader, calling himself the Kuroikage (Dark Shadow), is notorious for allowing Nukenin ("Missing Nin" who leave their village without permission) into the village, recruiting them to his teams, and killing the following Hunter Nin. Nonetheless, his Genin are entering the exam this time, and they are said to be extremely strong. However, the Kuroikage's ambitions do not cease at showing the prowess of his Genin. He is, in fact, planning to kidnap promising students in the exam to recruit them to Kuroigakure - or at least interrogate them, learn their secrets and techniques, and kill them. Many of his Genin are there solely for this purpose, while others remain in the dark about their villages schemes. What will become of the Chuunin Exam this year? Only time will tell. The only thing that is known is that it will be brutal, grueling, and cut-throat as the ambitious Kuroi-nin struggle to bring power to their village and reshape the face of the world as they know it. [B]{End Plot}[/B] Now, to pull this off, I've decided to try something a little new. You see, it wouldn't be very fun if it was just me playing against all the participants, and nor would I want to just sit back as a judge. So, instead, I've decided that it might be interesting to have a few, devoted fans step in as judges to aid me. And not only would we be watching and seeing who to knock out of the game; we be participating. Essentially, the judges would be combination Chuunin - Entrants, who would act as opponents for the "actual" entrants. We'd be rival teams in the second trial, and fighters in the third. Then, based on your performence against these Testers, you'd either move on...or die. Or, perhaps, just be removed from the test. As a last note, I'm having a bit of difficulty figuring out what to do for the first trial. It'd be fairly hard to pull off a paper test...so, if anyone has any suggestions, that would be lovely. Comment/Criticize, please.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][I]Rain. Heavy, oppresive. Dark and gloomy. Cold. Flash of light. Sick white face. Hollow. Flash. Black robes. Great sword. Shinigami. Flash. Blood. Death. Cry of pain. Flash. Hollow gone. Almost. Mask broken, blood everywhere, still alive. Clinging. Surviving. Great sword rises again. Flash, shine like the moon. Strike down like lightning. Still alive. What would happen, if the mask was his? Put it on. Pain, blinding, surrounding. Flashes, not lighting. More pain, more screaming. Death, everywhere. Hollow.[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The Hollow-Faced Shinigami awoke with a start. He was still in the same position he had fallen asleep in, against the wall, Utsuro Kokoro clasped in his hand. The one that wasn't bandaged, anyway. Behind the skull mask, he gasped for breath. With a quick shake, he tried to clear his head. "It does not do to dwell on the past," he croaked. The mask, and the pain, had warped his voice. Now it was gravelly, deep, and strained. He looked up, red eyes glittering. "No, I must focus on the future." The Court of Pure Souls stood like a shining candle in the distance, surrounded by the gloom of Rukongai. "It is almost time." If he could've, he would've grinned. "Time to meet old friends. And make them pay." A whisper of cloth caught his ear. Shinigami, no doubt, out to find him. He readied his sword, but then decided it wasn't worth it. When the young warrior dropped down, he had gone.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Utamuro let out a long yawn as he walked out of his chambers, clad in a pale blue kimono. His long black hair fell touseled around his shoulders, not straight and shining like it usually is. No, today, he was planning on relaxing in the 10th Squad's section of the Court. No need to dress up without the pomp and ceremony that was usually required of a Captain. He looked out the window lazily, and saw a young Shinigami with vibrant pink hair tumble to the ground, holding several bokken. He leaned out of the window, calling out. "[I]Daijobou[/I], Sato-kun?" The Shinigami looked up, smiling sheepishly. "[I]Hai[/I], Yakuta-taicho!" He quickly gathered up the bokken, running off to the 10th Squad's training hall. Obviously, some of the Squad members were spending their morning training. And Utamuro knew, in his heart and in his bones, that Sakura was one of them. So, naturally, he had to stop her, and take her to relax. Juujikamaru swaying at his side, Utamuro walked quickly down the hall towards the training room, where about 20 Shinigami of various ranks and appearences were sparring and otherwise trianing. And, just as Utamuro suspected, Sakura was among them, currently doing battle with a scarlet-haired girl, 5th Seat, Sanada Chieko, Utamuro remembered. She was pretty and, thus, often subjected to Utamuro's flirting, and she always rebuked him. So, it gave Utamuro great pride to see Sakura send her crashing to the floor, her bokken spinning over to Utamuro's feet. The Captain placed one sandaled foot on the wooden sword, smiling over at them. "Daijobou, Chieko-chan?" he asked, grinning wickedly. The Shinigami looked up at him, her emerald eyes narrowed harshly. "Hai, Yakuta-taicho. Could I have that bokken back?" Utamuro leaned down, twirling the sword in his fingers. He smiled jauntily as he looked at her, flicking back a lock of hair. "Maybe...if you'll let me take you out for a date." "No." "Okay, then...how about we have ourselves a spar. If I can defeat you, with my eyes closed, then I you will go on a date with me. However, if I lose, I will never ask that of you again." Chieko smiled haughtily. "You're on, Yakuta-taicho."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]20 minutes later, Utamuro stepped out of the training hall, Sakura at his side. He smiled over to Chieko, who was fuming. "See you at sunset, Chieko-chan!" he said, blowing a kiss before shutting the door. Sakura smacked his arm gently. "You're so mean sometimes, Yakuta-taicho. You knew she couldn't beat you..." "Yeah, I know...but it was really fun. And besides, I'm getting a date out of it." He turned quickly, hooking his arm under hers, pulling her along. "Now, come on. You're going to relax today. I know, let's go to the hotsprings!" Sakura sighed. It would be a long day.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]It's a nice, peaceful day in Soul Society. For now. So, let your characters do what they do. All hell will break loose soon enough, as the Hollow-Faced Shinigami makes his appearence. For the record, Soul Society resembles fuedal Japan, so no TV, no radios, no heaters, no technology to speak of. In general, have fun, let your characters relax, because it won't last long. [I]Ja ne.[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Yamagata Bishamon [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] Looks like [URL=http://www.naimoka.com/image.php3?image=arts2/naora/usaga/persos%20secondaires/overbend.jpg]this[/URL], but in regular clothes. And yes, he has all the scars and even the eyepatch (see bio/snippit). He usually wears jeans and a t-shirt when not in school, where he wears the school uniform. [B]Weapon:[/B] Bishamon has yet to unleash his shikai, but his normal Zanpakutoh is fearsome on its own. From the saya to the strings that hold it to his waist, almost everything about the sword, save for the blade and tsuba, are a fierce red, almost the color of blood. The tsuba is enscribed with a coiling dragon, and the same dragon wraps around the pommel. The blade of the sword itself is larger than a usual katana as a symbol of Bishamon's incredible spirit energy. [B]Alliance:[/B] The Boy [B]Title:[/B] N/A [B]Personality:[/B] Bishamon, as some of you might have noticed, is named for the God of War. When Bishamon was young, he was told this by his mother, and that he should become strong and help people. She told him that the name would make him strong, so he could fight off that which would hurt those he loves. Bishamon took this to heart, and so, he became a protector. Bishamon is strong, no doubts about that. He trains in the martial arts almost zealously, having taken his school's team to several important matches. However, it's his personality that makes him strong. Bishamon is determined, forceful, and never backs down. He clings tenaciously to any goal he makes, accomplishing nearly all of them. In addition, he is honorable and fiercely loyal, and will never let his friends or family get hurt. To fail in protecting the people close to him, he would crumble. And so, he fights, trains, teaches, and protects everyone he can. He seeks strength, not to be strong, just strong enough. Avarice does not guide him, ego doesn't drive him. Love drives him, and he will fight to protect it. [B]Biography/Character Snippet:[/B] [I]Bishamon. I was named for the God of War, Bishamon. So I would be strong, powerful, and protect the ones I love. I am the God of War, so I will fight to the bitter end. I will not back down, and I will not shy away. I will do anything to be strong, and to protect. That's why I bare my scars. Because they show the times I was a guardian, and a fighter. When I was 10, a dog tried to bite my sister, but I pushed her out of the way and got bit myself. When I was 12, we went on a trip, and my little brother tripped off the edge of a steep hill. I caught him, but nearly jarred my shoulder loose. When I was 14, my sister got picked on in school. One time, they tried to beat her up, but I stepped in. I broke my nose, but they got worse. Later that year, they tried it again, but because I beat them last time, they brought knives. I got two scars, but the "leader" got fifteen stitches. Last month, my best friend picked a fight with a gang-member. I stepped in, and he punched me in the face. No, in the[/I] eye. [I]The doctor says it should heal up by next week, but I still have to wear an eyepatch. I am a protector, and I will do anything to help the ones I love. I will do anything to become strong. I will do anything to fight for them.[/I] And then, Bishamon picked up the pendant.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]My music tastes really rum the gamut. It's really wierd, and people tend to look at me funny if I list all the things I'm into, especially because I don't even look like I like some of it. I go around looking like your average grunge/rocker, but that is not purely the case. In fact, here's a sampling of tunes from my playlist, in order - Show Me Love - TATU (Kind of pop-ish, angsty, romantic, techno influences) Bring 'Em Back Alive - Audioslave (Alt. Rock, semi-Country influences) J-E-N-O-V-A - The Black Mages (Techno, Video Game background music) Sea of Time - The Beatles (Classic Rock) The Real Folk Blues - Yoko Kanno and the Seatbelts (J-Pop with Jazz/Blues influences) Hangnail - Nickelback (Southern Rock) Poison Heart - The Ramones (Old-school Punk Rock) Road Man - Smash Mouth (Pop-rock with Reggae and Salsa influences) You Can Be As Loud As The Hell You Want (When You're Making Love) - Avenue Q - Comedy The Mirrior (Angel of Music) - Phantom of the Opera (Opera, obviously) Path of Destiny - Soul Calibur II (Orchestral) Teenage Lobotomy - The Ramones (More old-school Punk) The Man Who Sold the World - Nirvana, Cover of David Bowie (Grunge) Furasshubakku - Asian Kung-Fu Generation (J-Rock) Simmer Down - Mighty Mighty Bosstones (Ska) It's the Law - Social Distortion (Modern Punk Rock) The Wind Cries Mary - Jimi Hendrix (Psychedelic Rock) For You - Smile Empty Soul ("Angst Rock") Pretty Fly (For a White Guy) - the Offspring (Punk/Rock) Fever! - Orange Range (J-Rock/Rap) So, as you can see, my tastes vary quite a bit, from grunge to old-school punk to J-Rock to Reggae to Ska to Orchestral pieces. I'll listen to most anything, really, exempting Country, most Death Metal, and most Pop music.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. Onix


    [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]It sounds like what you're talking about is Determinism, a philosophical school that believes, essentially, that based on how the world began, everything was already pre-determined and that, if you were able to figure out the correct forumlae or something, you could predict the future. It's usually supported by Newtonian phycisists because of its tie-ins to those kinds of Physics. ...I think I digressed a bit. Determinism states that everyone has a set destiny, and nothing you can do will change that. It states that you are on a set path, and will end up at a set destination, end of story. However, that is denied by at least two thing: 1. Morality. Determinism is usually stopped by groups that think it defies their constants of morality and free will. By saying everything that happens was going to happen anyway, that removes any need for a moral compass, since, "I was going to do it anyway." 2. Quantum Mechanics. On the quantum level, there really is no sense to be had. Electrons fired from the same spot with the same force don't always end up at the same end point. Wierd, but true. The sheer randomness of quantum physics seems to defy any sense of fate or Determinism. Kind of funny that I just started researching the topic the other day, ne? However, I'm not 100% on this, so don't take my word for it. Try doing a little reading of your own.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Great sign-ups so far, [I]mina[/I]. I'm going to start this the 15th, so Sakura can post without too much happening. So, if you've got any changes you want to make or anything, now's the time to do it. Now, to address a few things. Sakura - Even though you're not here as I post this, I'm leaving this notice for you: please include information on your Bankai. Revelation - Please finish your sign-up by the 15th. Raiyuu - He does have one, but I won't force you to spoil it for yourself. You can just say, "He has one, but doesn't want to use it." Or something. Because all Captains have them. I think it's a rule, actually, that you can't become a Captain without one. Kitsune - Just a quick question; have you seen the 1st Captain's Zanpakutoh from the series? Because yours is rather similar to his. ^.^ - Very, very nice sign-up. Also, very cool that you had the Snippit be her death. And you Zanpakutoh Name/Call-Out is very much Orihime-esque. Deucalion - Quick note: the "Call-Out" is usually a command to the Zanpakutoh itself. Ex. Howl, Zabimaru; Raise your head, Wabisuke; Scatter, Sensakura (I believe), etc. Otherwise, nothing else to comment on. Goes up on...Friday. 15th. Whatever. Sign-ups are still open.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]So many Fallen Angels, so little time...so hard to pick one. But at last, I settled. [B]Name:[/B] Belial [B]Age:[/B] Immortal [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Species:[/B] Fallen Angel [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.naimoka.com/image.php3?image=arts2/nomura/bc/02.jpg]Belial - Human Form[/URL] He's the red-haired guy, of course. Occasionally, though, Belial shifts out of his human guise into the true form of a demon. He sprouts two large, black-feathered wings that grow tattered with his time away from heaven. His hair grows long, down past his waist nearly to his knees. His eyes begin to burn with hellfire, and heat radiates from his very skin. His clothes seem to melt away, leaving him covered only in a black loin-cloth. [B]Side:[/B] Hell [B]Powers:[/B] Any who have read Dante Alighieri's surprisingly accurate account of Hell, the [I]Inferno[/I], knows that the suffering of the Lustful is to be forever whipped around in a great maelstrom. It is fitting, then, that Belial can manipulate the winds of Hell. It seems that air is constantly at his command, letting him create terrible gales, powerful shields, or invisible blades. However, he can only manipulate the existing wind, not create it. The more powerful a gust, the more powerful he becomes. In addition, he has mild power over horomones, specifically, pheromones. This allows him to spark lust in the hearts of those he chooses, or destroy it all the same. [B]Personality:[/B] In Milton's [I]Paradise Regained[/I], Belial was dubbed "the fleshiest Incubus." While Belial is not, as the title would indicate, in any way overweight, he is very much an Incubus, living for the pleasures of the flesh. It is for this reason that he acts the way he does - sensual, seductive, and very suave. He does his best to wrap people around his finger - men or women, he cares not. His confidance in this respect is understandably high, as he does have his powers over lust. However, some might consider him cocky, and that's just fine. He can always work it into an inneundo. But his sensuality isn't all there is to Belial's character - he also dabbles as a demon of Sloth. Belial is perhaps the laziest demon alive, except when his passion is involved. It was he who advised that the Fallen Angels should just stay in Hell, for he felt a second attack would be too much work. Thus, he tries to worm his way out of as much as he can, preferring to relax or, even better, get a warm body or two. [B]Biography:[/B] When Belial was an angel in heaven, he was supposed to be an angel of Love. However, feeble emotions did not suit him - instead, he turned to the darker side of his power, in the form of lust. His lascivious heart caused him to corrupt many a fellow angel into his incubi and succubi. And when Lucifer decided to strike out against God, Belial saw it as his chance to break free of inhibition and finally give his heart to lust. However, the Fallen were defeated, and Belial joined the Rebels in Hell. He was one of the last to rise out of the lakes of fire and join his fellows. When he rose, they were deciding what to do. Some said wage war on Heaven; Belial, on the other hand, thought that they should just make the best of their current situation. His slothful spirit didn't lend itself to a second charge, and he felt that they should just focus on making Hell their new home, and not worry about fighting against God. In the end, when the Fallen Angels became the enemy of Mankind, Belial was at last able to fulfull his dark passion and give into lust. Leading his fellow demons of that sin of the flesh, his Incubi and Succubi have ravaged mankind for ages, turning them away from God's pure love towards fornication and debased debauchery. However, as long as Heaven still stands, manking will fight against his hold. For this, Belial is willing to do anything to crush the purity and light that holds him back. His dark lust shall swallow the hearts of the weak. Love will fall to his claws.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Hope that's good, oh great Goddess.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]While I don't have any really good names to give you, I have one word of advice. When thinking about a specific name, put one question first and foremost in your mind. Ruminate on this question. Think long and hard about what the answer is. What is the question? Here you go: [B]"Will my child, at any point in the future, axe-murder me for naming him/her this?"[/B] The answer "yes" can apply to several kinds of names: Misspelled names, "exotic" names, very foreign names, names-pets-deserve, hyphenated names, and anything that could provide a pun with your last name. Steer clear of those kinds of things. Okay, I'll try to be a little more helpful. See, certain letter-combinations, statistically, relate to a persons relationship, monety, political, and business success. So, I'll try and give you some good ones: ALN, FL, FRN, FY, GB, GLN, GLR, GRS, HD, HL, HT, JNN, MG, NL, OV, and Z So...try Faye, Grace, Jennifer, Holly, Megan, Zoe, or Felicia. And remember - she's your baby, so pick a name you can cherish. Oh, and before anyone asks, I have a book on names.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][I]Blood everywhere. Death. Destruction. Chaos. The Shinigami ran. He had to run. It would kill him. That white-faced monster would tear him apart. He had to run. No chance. Can't risk it. Have to run. Move, move, move! Thick smoke from the fires; acrid; burning; hard to breath. Keep running. Outrun it. Have to. Can't fight. Death. Blood under-foot. Slick, cold, red. Trip. Down he goes. Face to face with a corpse. Scrambles back. Move away. GET UP! Run. Run. Run! RUN! Going to die; going to kill you. Run! No time, move! Voice, raspy and cold. Like death. Bones. [B]Utusuro Kokoro, Musaboru![/B] Chains, rattling like bones. Tight, cold, hard, metal. Pull back. Fall. Drag. Blood again, on face and skin and clothes. Smoke all around. Can't see, can't breath. Only fear. Only pain. Red eyes like blood. Skull-face. White. Death. Dead.[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The massacre was horrible. It always is. The monster had slaughtered an entire squadron. Everyone there was dead. Blood, everywhere. Chain links and soul sleeps shattered. None of them had stood a chance against the monster. But [I]Sanban-Taicho[/I] had been too blind to see that. As always. The investigator shot him a sideways glance. The worst was a young Shinigami...no more than 20th seat. Probably bottom of the barrel. Just a kid, really. The investigator checked his Zanpakutoh - yup. An Asauchi, one of the blades for those too weak to have a named one. Never stood a chance in Hell. Or Soul Society. Just a new kid, with a no-name sword. Going up against the most fearsome monster in all the after-life. The investigator rose, turning to [I]Sanban-Taicho[/I]. "It's definately our man. Complete soul destruction, drained Spirit Power, and the wounds are in line with his weapon. Plus...he used the Shikai at least once. There are chain marks on this one," he pointed to the kid. "So, we found him, at least," the Captain said, with a flippant grin. "No...it looks more like your team was ambushed." "Hmmm...I think the best we can do is increase security around the Court of Pure Souls." The investigator gave him a cold look. "And what about those in Rukongai? They would still be vulnerable." "That is none of your concern," the Captain said coldly. "You may leave now." "But..." "That is an order." The investigator paused, looking at the captain. "Hai, [I]Sanban-taicho-sama[/I]."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]A monster is hunting Souls. Not just any monster. A Shinigami. And he's not just any Shinigami. He has the face of a Hollow. Shinigami are souls with great power who hunt down and destroy evil spirits. The evil spirits are called Hollows, and they are soul devouring monsters. Hollow's are known for their great, white masks, and the holes in their chests. They eat the souls of Pluses, normal ghosts, to feed their emptiness and hatred. They are souls who died violent deaths, fell into despair, or were just forgotten. A Shinigami is supposed to destroy them. Not become them. He was a legend, they say, before becoming a monster. A great warrior, who could cleave 10 Hollow's in twain with a single sword stroke. But, in his boundless quest for power, he sold his soul to become that which he hated. He became part Hollow. He put the mask on. Now, he wreaks havoc in Soul Society and the human world. The Zanpakutoh, or Soul Cutter Sword, which was deigned to slay Hollows, is now used to destroy the souls of the innocent. His sword, the Hollow Heart, lets him drain the power he needs from others in his demented quest for might. As Shinigami have powerful souls, they are rapidly becoming targets for this monster. So, naturally, Soul Society is sending out teams to destroy him. So far, they have had little luck. It seems that he is, in fact, at least on par with a [I]fukutaicho[/I]. So, new, powerful souls are being culled and trained to fight against him. This includes three souls in particular. New arrivals to Rukongai...but some have legends already built. Inoue Orihime. Sado Yasutora. Arisawa Tatsuki. Each has great spirit power. Each has come in contact with Shinigami. Each is willing to fight to save mankind. They shall join the Captains and Vice-Captains in battle. Already, they are rising the ranks to power; Inoue Orihime, 4th Squad, 3rd Seat; Sado Yasutora, 11th Squad Vice Captain; and Arisawa Tatsuki, 6th Squad, 4th Seat. But are these new souls enough? Is there enough power among the Shinigami ranks? Or will it all end in darkness...at the hands of a Hollow Heart. They say he was a high-ranking Shinigami. They say he's as powerful as a Captain. They say that he could bring Soul Society to its knees. The Shinigami are going to test that.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]This in an RPG based on the manga/anime Bleach, but Kube Tito. If you haven't seen/read much of Bleach, you probably won't get most of this. And if you still want to enter, I suggest visiting some good sites on the subject. I suggest Bleach Portal and Bleach 7. Soul Society is where the dead go when they die. Usually, they become what are called Ryoka in the Rukongai area. However, powerful souls often become Shinigami (Death Gods), warriors who fight Hollows and transfer good souls to Soul Society. The Shinigami are ruled by the 13 Captains ([I]taicho[/I]), and their 13 Vice-Captains ([I]fukutaicho[/I]). The Shinigami are grouped into 13 Divisions, going from the low 20th seat, up to Captain. Some of the taicho and fukutaicho from the show are still around. Some are not. If you want to be a pre-existing character, you can contact me. However, I'd like a balance of original and non-original. Just...makes things more interesting, ne? Well, here's the sign-up... Name: Japanese origin, please. Gender: Male, female...pretty simple. Rank: 1st-13th Squad Captain, Vice-Captain, or down all the way to 20th Seat. I think it'd be interesting to have some lower ranked ones, personally... Appearance: Picture or a good description. Zanpakutoh - Appearance: What does your sword look like? I mean, besides a standard katana. Saya color, interesting tsuba design...make it interesting, and make it yours. Name: What's your Zanpakutoh's name? Shikai Call-Out: To release your Shikai, you need to call it out. Howl, Bloom, Scatter, Raise Your Head...what? Shikai Appearance: After your Zanpakutoh first transforms, what does it look like? It can pretty much look like anything that's...weapon-y. From a tri-section-staff to a cloud of tiny blades. Shikai Power: Why is your Shikai special? Flames? Extension? Hypnosis? Poison? Whatever makes it special, lets hear it. Bankai: Some powerful Shinigami have a Bankai, or a Second Release. Generally, only Captains have this, and some extremely powerful Vice-Captains. Keep it all within reason. Personality: How do you act? What's your motivation? Etc. Character Snippit: A scene from the life of _________. [B]Name:[/B] Yakuta Utamuro (Family Name, Given Name) [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Rank:[/B] 10th Squad, Captain [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.naimoka.com/image.php3?image=arts2/nomura/tb/Arts/10.jpg]Utamuro[/URL] Just put him in a Shinigami's robes. [B]Zanpakutoh -[/B] [B]Appearance:[/B] Utamuro has a standard katana with a red laquered saya, and red cloth covering the hilt. However, the tsuba is slightly stange, in that it is, instead of a round guard, four prongs. [B]Name:[/B] Juujikamaru (Cross) [B]Shikai Call-Out:[/B] Haritsuke (Crucify) [B]Shikai Appearance:[/B] The first, most noticable thing, is the fact that Juujikamaru's blade extends roughly 1 foot in length, with a gradually increasing widening towards the end. The sword becomes double bladed, as well. Not only does the blade grow, but so does the hilt and, more noticably, the pommel, spreading into four long spokes. [B]Shikai Power:[/B] Juujikamaru can fire a concentrated blast of spirit energy. It's very draining, but quite powerful against Hollows. [B]Bankai:[/B] Kuroi Juujikamaru (Black Cross) Kuroi Juujikamaru is quite different from Juujikamaru. First of all, the tsuba breaks off and grows considerably, becoming a large, cross-shaped shield. The blade changes back into a standard katana which Utamuro holds in his other hand. However, the blade and shield are both strange because they are jet black. The unique power of the Kuroi Juujikamaru is that it drains energy from the souls that his opponent has killed, making it an extremely deadly weapon against Hollows. [B]Personality:[/B] As Captain of the 10th Squad, Utamuro has a reason for being cocky. Powerful, handsome, and famous (or infamous, if you prefer) for his skill with women, he strutts around the Court of Pure Souls, basking in the radiant glory of his accomplishments. He is driven by pure ego, and occasionally lust. But he is not only a pompous womanizer; Utamuro is clever and brilliant when it comes to tactics. The 10th Squad, under his leadership, has become the planners and strategizers for the Shinigami. [B]Character Snippit:[/B] [I]5 Hollows. One Shinigami. Thick forest. Dark.[/I] [I]Easy.[/I] After ticking off the battle conditions in his mind quickly, Utamuro jumped to the side, avoiding a sudden lunge. A lean Hollow, lizard-like face, big claws. Two of the others were the same. A fourth was large with bull-like horns, and the last was like a massive snake. Three quick; one strong; one wierd. [I]Easy.[/I] Utamuro wrenched his body in the air, dodging a second lung. As he hit the ground, he sprung off with one hand, moving to the side, narrowly avoiding a third. The big Hollow came charging in, but he easily ducked to the side, and lept over another lunge. All with his eyes closed. What may seem like precognition to an outside observer was simply the result of centuries of training. Utamuro had honed his mind to be able to strategize out of almost any situation. He could read the plans of his adversaries so skillfully, he didn't even need to watch them attack. He could hear the big one moving again, attacking his back. With a twisting side-step, he moved around it. And by drawing his Zanpakutoh in the same motion, he cut a long gash from its front to its flank. One down. Two more lunges were let with a flash of energy - chalk two more up to Kidoh. It was then that he heard the ground rumbling. And it was good that he did, because he jumped back a split second before the snake Hollow burst up from the ground. With practiced ease, he tilting Juujikamaru forward. "[I][B]Juujikamaru, Haritsuke![/B][/I]" The snake turned to face him, and was met with a bolt of spirit energy, fired from Juujikamaru. It joined its three comrades in Soul Society. Utamuro dropped to the ground, letting Juujikamaru rest across his shoulder. Slowly, he exhaled, and finally opened his eyes. "[B]That was easy...[/B]" The fifth Hollow came at him from the side, bursting out of the foliage. Juujikamaru's blade was already pointed that way, and it was annihilated with a bolt of energy. "[B]...Too easy.[/B]" [CENTER]And, just so you know what he's like, the Hollow-Faced Shinigami himself.[/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] The Hollow-Faced Shinigami (Previous name unknown) [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Rank:[/B] N/A [B]Appearance:[/B] Basically, he looks like a Shinigami with a freakish, skull-like white mask covering his face. His mask has long teeth and narrow, gleaming red eyes, and looks mostly like a normal skull. In addition, he is quite tall, and lean, with pale skin and almost unnaturally long features. He keeps his left arm wrapped in bandages at all times. In addition, he has two circular scars, one on the center of his chest and the other exactly opposite it on his back. [B]Zanpakutoh -[/B] [B]Appearance:[/B] His katana is in a jet-black saya, with skull-engravings on the tsuba. [B]Name:[/B] Utsuro Kokoro (Hollow Heart) [B]Shikai Call-Out:[/B] Musaboru (Devour) [B]Shikai Appearance:[/B] A serrated, black-bladed katana with chains dangling from the hilt, which are usually wrapped around his arm. The serrations are longer than they normally would be, and more widely spaced, making for an extremely painful edge. [B]Shikai Power:[/B] Utsuro Kokoro's chains shoot off and wrap around his opponent, keeping them bound. They can easily change length to suit his needs. [B]Bankai:[/B] Konjiki Utsuro Kokoro (Golden Hollow Heart) Large metal spokes emerge from Utsuro Kokoro's hilt, replacing the chains and binding around his arm, digging in to the bone. The spikes on the blade grow, as well, becoming similar to those on Renji's sword. In addition to the painful new weapon, the Shinigami gains the ability to channel almost all of his energy into a powerful blast that annihilates his opponent and gives him their spirit energy. However, it's usually a last-ditch effort on his part, as it is extremely risky to use. [B]Personality:[/B] No one has lived long enough to describe how he acts, exactly. All that is know is that he is cold, ruthless, and extremely powerful. 1st Squad Captain - Koroga "Gin" Ginryu - Crusader 1st Squad Vice-Captain - Miyami Kane - Revelation 3rd Squad Captain - Shikyo Akuma - Deucalion 4th Squad, 3rd Seat - Inoue Orihime - ^.^ 6th Squad Captain - Abarai Renji - Raiyuu 6th Squad Vice-Captain - Nozomi Hikari - Imi 6th Squad, 4th Seat - Arisawa Tatsuki - N/A 7th Squad Captain - Yozen Hihei - Kamuro 10th Squad Captain - Yakuta Utamuro - Unborn Lord Xion 10th Squad Vice-Captain - Hiwatari Sakura - Sakura 10th Squad, 10th Seat - Sato Setsuko - Cambrian_Explosion 11th Squad Vice-Captain - Sado Yasutora - N/A 11th Squad, 7th Seat - Kurosawa Akito - Leofski Have fun, go wild(ish), and prepare for a good fight. Ja.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Well, I have been asked to cast my vote, so I shall. And let me tell you - it's a hard decision to make. [B]Kitty[/B] - Mmm...silver...Er, sorry. Okay, I love the logo, first of all. You really made that thing look good, and, as was said earlier, it really calls back to the classic rock bands. The background is solid, and the lyrics (Guns 'n Roses, nice touch) are put on very well. However, like Retri said, the typogrophy seems out-of-place; something shiny and new in a banner that looks, for the most part, grungy and old. Still, you get bonus points for all the silver. [B]Sean[/B] - While there's no silver, it has something else I like; strong contrast. And this is about as strong as it comes. Your banner switches, quite well, I might add, from the jet black to nearly retina-burning color. Like Goddess mentioned, it looks like the music is burning through the darkness. And the logo looks just...awesome. In addition, the sheet music looks good, if a little too grainy. You both rock, and it's a very, very hard decision to make. But, in the end, I must cast my vote to...[B]Sean[/B]. For one simple reason - it was slightly more cohesive. Kitty's had that little...jolt from the typography, while Sean's pretty much held together as one solid piece. So, I wish I could vote for both of you, but Sean wins out in the end.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Hmm...since posting this, I've head a few bouts of Creativity. During which, I've gotten some ideas to change and, hopefully, improve Weaving Dreams. But, I'll let you be the judges on that one.[/SIZE][/COLOR] Night City [B]Night City[/B] is not a good place to raise a family. It is, in fact, a regular hell-hole. And I mean that rather literally. You see, [B]Night City[/B] is known for three things - first, is the large building in the dead center of town, called [B]Oblivion Tower[/B]. Next, you have four infamous clubs, called the [B]Four Corners[/B]. I'll get to those two things in a bit. But the real reason Night City is a "hell-hole" is because of the four streets that border it. To the East is [B]Acheron Avenue[/B]; the South is lined by [B]Phlegethon Street[/B]; North is [B]Cocytus Ave.[/B]; and West is [B]Styx Road[/B]. For those not familiar with mythology, those four streets share their names with the four rivers of Hell. [B]Acheron[/B], the river of sorrw; [B]Phlegethon[/B], the river of rage; [B]Cocytus[/B], the river of lamentation; and [B]Styx[/B], the river of hate. And running elsewhere in Hell is [B]Lethe[/B], the river of oblivion. I bet you can bet what street [B]Oblivion Tower[/B] is on, ne? Now, a funny thing happens to people in [B]Night City[/B]. They don't sleep much. Partly, it's because [B]Night City[/B] is one of the best places to go clubbing in all the world, or so it is proclaimed. But partly, it's because if you come into [B]Night City[/B], for some reason, you will have nightmares. Doesn't matter who you are, what you do, what you eat. You will have nightmares. Happiest man on the planet, with no issues, best job, completely healthy, would have at least a nightmare a week. That's how things work, and you don't question it. But, most people keep themselves awake, whether it be by coffee (five [B]Starbucks[/B] in the city), alcohol (21 bars and counting), drugs, or pleasurable company. No matter how, you're going to be awake most of the night in [B]Night City[/B]. And besides, after a while, you get used to waking up in a cold sweat. Now, another key part of [B]Night City[/B] is the [B]Four Corners[/B]. They are four major clubs, each sitting on one of the four outlying streets, and are owned and operated by four men, called the [B]Four Kings[/B]. The [B]Four Kings[/B] technically own [B]Night City[/B], and are all "lackies" of the man who sits at the top of [B]Oblivion Tower[/B] in the primo club in town, [B]Pandemonium[/B]. That man is [B]Lucius Black[/B]. Rich, powerful, and mysterious, he runs the entire city from atop his shining tower. Now, the [B]Four Corners[/B] are a varied assortment. First, along [B]Acheron Avenue[/B], you have [B]Hell's Gate[/B]. [B]Hell's Gate[/B] is part bar, part casino, paying home to anyone with a taste for gambling. They've got every game imaginable, from slots, to Keno, to black jack, to craps. All of them. It's run by a man named [B]Michael McCreedy[/B], and there never was a greedier man than Mike. He struts around in a jet-black tuxedo, 24 karat gold watch dangling from his pocket, smoking with a gilded pipe. The [B]Gold King[/B] has money coming out his ears, and he flaunts it. Next, is [B]Sticky Fingers[/B], which rests to the East along [B]Styx Road[/B]. And if you want pleasurable company, [B]Sticky Fingers[/B] is the place to be, as it is a strip club of the highest calibur. The most beautiful women, and the most beautiful men, all strut their stuff for the entertainment of anyone with enough money. And, to top it off, it's a first-rate club with top quality liquor, and, if you know the right people, you can get yourself some top-quality drugs. The owner, [B]Basil Lawson[/B], is said to be the man to talk to if you want to get your hands on something potent, but no cop in town would investigate. The [B]Mad Hatter[/B], as he is called, is one of the [B]Four Kings [/B]and, therefore, untouchable. In the south rests [B]Boiling Blood[/B], right along the edge of [B]Phlegethon Street[/B]. As the name suggests, it is a hard-edged club that plays the most heart-thumping music you will ever hear. Laced with strong liquor, one can truly feel the rhythm as it seemingly pulls you apart. It also pays home to some of the most feared bouncers in all of [B]Night City[/B], but they are nothing compared to the King himself. [B]Marco de Lambera[/B] is a truly impressive man, and is known for handling especially rough clients himself. His rough, hands-on approach has earned him the name, "[B]Bouncer Lord[/B]". And if you cross him, you might find out just how true a name that it. Finally, there is the [B]Frozen Heart[/B] to the north, along [B]Cocytus Avenue[/B]. [B]Hell's Gate[/B] is rich, [B]Sticky Fingers[/B] oozes sex, and [B]Boiling Blood[/B] is on fire, but nowhere is darker than [B]Frozen Heart[/B], which plays host to gothic subculture that runs rampant in [B]Night City[/B]. The music is suitably dark, and you will rarely, if ever, find someone in both [B]Frozen Heart[/B] and [B]Boiling Blood[/B]. But, then again, that's the way that [B]Robert Belzer[/B] likes things - nothing like the others. Coined the [B]Wild Titan[/B] by his peers, [B]Belzer[/B] will never be said to do the same as his coleagues. And maybe that's why he is [B]Lucius Black's [/B] right hand man. Who knows? [B]Lucius Black[/B] himself is certainly not talking to the masses, and he is rarely seen outside of [B]Pandemonium[/B]. Of course, seeing as it has the best food, best drink, best staff, is simply the best, it makes sense that he stays there often. And so do so many travelers in [B]Night City[/B], as the [B]Oblivion Tower[/B] is, itself, a hotel. [B]Lucius Black[/B] himself is a mystery, as are his son and daughter, [B]Donovan[/B] and [B]Serenity[/B]. They usually speak through either the [B]Four Kings[/B], or the hotel manager, [B]Mr. Mulciber[/B]. This fame has garnered him the title, [B]Architect of Shadows[/B]. That, and the fact that he designed both [B]Oblivion Tower[/B] and the [B]Four Corners[/B]. So, as you can see, people in [B]Night City[/B] rarely have any trouble finding something to do during their many sleepless nights. But, as I've told you, I've been having more trouble finding something to do during the hard nights. My dreams are getting worse, the nightmares are getting worse. [B]Dumah[/B] seems to be plotting something in [B]Night City[/B], but I have no idea what. All I know is what [B]Metatron[/B] has told me - that [B]Seven[/B] strangers are going to come to town, and help me do battle. That is, if they don't fall under [B]Dumah's[/B] power before that. But, I'll try and find them. Help them. I'll have to, or else they'll either crumble under the dreams - or meet their fate at the hands of [B]Dumah[/B] himself. Because who knows what the [B]Angel of Dreams[/B] is plotting? All I know, it that its not good, and it's going to shake [B]Night City[/B] to the very core. It's up to the strangers, and it's up to me. God help us. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]That, ladies and gentleman, is what several days with little to do but think can do to you. As you can see, the story is growing. There are at least seven roles to be played out, the seven out-of-towners. And then there are the Four Kings, and Lucius, and the dreaded Dumah. Strange things are happening in town, and there is little chance that Well, comment, critique, and criticize. I need it. Oh, and as my final word, holy crap that's a lot of bold![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Thanks, you two. Well, I messed around with PS some more today during class, and have created two more little...banner-y...things. Just some more experimenting...seeing what I can and can't do, et al. And I was listening to the Ramones at the time, so... [B]The Ramones - [/B] [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y48/UnbornLordXion/ramones2.gif[/IMG] [B]Death of Honor - [/B] [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y48/UnbornLordXion/deathofhonor.gif[/IMG] With the first one, it's just kind of obvious. I wanted to make something using the Ramones, and tried to do the "No Background" thing. And as the "dump bucket" feature was being spotty - at best - I had to get in to paint to turn the lower half black. Which wasn't exactly fun. And, before you ask, I don't think that 5.5 has extraction...and I didn't feel like looking for it, anyway. And, looking at it again, the text turned out very poorly. Damn. With Death of Honor, there was a wierd chain of events in its creation. At first, it was going to be another Ramones-themed thing, as I was listening to the song "Pet Sematary". Then I went looking for pictures of Tombstones, couldn't find any, and decided to make my own. You know...be creative. However, once I made it, it didn't look like a tombstone, so the effect wouldn't have been very good. Instead, it shifting into this abstract-political commentary piece. Comments are nice. Flames shall be met with carpet bombing.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Heh...I'm probably not going to get in, let alone win, but here I go. Who knows...I may even do good. My masterpiece: [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y48/UnbornLordXion/Dreambanner.gif[/IMG] I was proud of it...*shrugs*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [CENTER][IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y48/UnbornLordXion/Dreambanner.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] Dreams. A gateway into the heart. A window to your inner mind. A screen for memories to be replayed. Nothing is off-limits in the world of dreams. From sexual satisfaction to the supremely surreal. Dreams are portents, portals, pathways, and pleasures. They are untamed visions, repressed memories, and dark fantacies. Dreams follow the tempestuous will of the subconscious, and are servant to none but their own mysterious desires. Except...some think they do have masters. [B]Morpheus[/B], the greeks called him, alongside his brother [B]Phantasos[/B]. Native Americans spoke of [B]Manit[/B], who created visions and hallucinations as well. Mesopotamia had [B]Zakar[/B], and the Aboriginies of Australia have the mysterious beings of the [B]Dreamtime[/B]. Even the children of today have the legendary [B]Sandman[/B], a melancholy, maligned, or malignant spirit, depending on the tale. And in the lore of angelology, they speak of the Angels of Dreams. [B]Ragshiel[/B] is one name for him, but there is a darker holder for this title. The Angel of Silence, Patron Angel of Egypt, and fallen angel, [B]Dumah[/B]. Among his duties, he is said to hold power over dreams themselves. And, so far, his demonic countenance has not surfaced in his deeds. In fact, it's implausable that such a creature exists - just like all the other whispers of magic and mythology. [B]Dumah[/B], like all the rest, is just a figment. Morphine is far more potent than its namesake, and Mesopotamia has long since faded from mankind. The angels of lore are disregarded, along with the gods and monsters. They are just stories. Ephemeral as the sands, as tangible as their craft, and as powerful as their evanescent domain. At least, that's what I'd have told you a few weeks ago... ***** I never used to believe in such things. [B]Angels[/B] were a childhood fantasy, the [B]Sandman[/B] was nothing but a fairy tale, and [B]Morpheus[/B] was an ancient creation of want and imagination. Dreams were just things - I didn't even believe in analyzing them. [B]Freude[/B] was a loon, and mystics were a crock. All those books went un-perused, all those psychologists unvisited. Dreams were dreams and nothing more. Until [B]the Nightmare[/B] started. Not just any nightmare, of course. [B]The Nightmare[/B]. It hit me like a ton of bricks the first time I saw it, and hasn't stopped. For nights and nights, [B]the Nightmare[/B] comes, and I wake up screaming. Cold sweats? That's nothing. Try weeping when you wake up, try screaming so loud the cops have been called. Try vomiting, thrashing, feeling like you're about to die. Every. Single. Night. And before you ask, no, I'm not going to tell you about [B]the Nightmare[/B]. Because even if I wanted to, I couldn't even begin to describe it. All I can even remember without the world going fuzzy is this - fire, death, screaming, pain so fierce its like dying night after night. The whoosh of hot, stale air. Skulls. Rats. Hatred so strong it burns hotter than the fires all around. And it's not [B]Hell[/B]. I thought it was once I started remembering some of it. But it's not [B]Hell[/B]. Even I know that this isn't as bad as [B]Hell[/B]. No, this is something different. I think...I think it's a warning. A prophecy, even. Someone's trying to tell me something. Why do I think that, you ask? Because sometimes, I can fall back alseep. Whether it's alcohol, sleeping pills, or just being so exhausted from screaming and wretching and thrashing about, sometimes I can sleep again. And when I do, there's another dream. There's fire, and wind, but it's good. Pure, clean air...cleaner than any I've ever smealt. And the fire is warm and comforting, not hellish and cruel. I've studied angels since the dreams started, and I even know who's delivering the message now. [B]Metatron[/B], is his name. [B]Metatron[/B] is the messanger for God, you see. A being composed entirely of living flames. One of the high ranking angels, as it happens. And he wants me to do him a service. See, I, apparently, have the "Divine Spark." A bit more that perfect humanity that ol' papa [B]Adam[/B] had. The dreams are a block - and a prophecy. To keep me from doing what I need to do. The [B]Sandman[/B] is real, ladies and gents. And his name isn't [B]Sandy[/B], or [B]Morpheus[/B], or even [B]Ragshiel[/B]. No, he goes by a different name, a name that's come to haunt me to my core and shake my bones. He's the Patron Angel of Dreams, and Silence, as a matter of fact. [B]Dumah[/B], he goes by. And he's a [B]Prince of Hell[/B]. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]And that, ladie's and gents, is Weaving Dreams, my latest foree into the world of RPing. It's a story of Angels, Dreams, Hell, Truth, Justice, and secret pain. Darkness is the order of the day, as is violence, pain, and surrealism. See, Dumah doesn't fight on the standard playing field. Oh no. He lives in, controls, manipulates, and creates Dreams. That is where he stakes his claim, that he where he fights the fight, and that is where he is bound. See, Dumah can't come out when everyone else does. He is concealed within the land of Dreams, so that's where he starts his assault. Psychologically, foremost. Fear is his key tool. Hatred, pain, anger, depression - all spawned by fear. And so he uses what he victims are afraid of to tear them apart from the inside. His only weakness is his range of control. This RP will be very strange. It will be twisted, and moody. There will be mature themes, most of them graphic and disturbing. But, on the same token, there will be moments of hope, light, and joy. Just not as many, as Dumah is a wiley, powerful foe. He won't rest until his influence spreads... And his victims won't rest ever again.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I was bored during fifth period today (Internet/HTML), and noted that the computers have Photoshop 5.5 on them. Being deprived, I have no Photoshop, so I decided to just play around a bit, and I ended up making two banners. Criticisms and critiques are welcome. Flames shall be met with the Mercy Shotgun. [B]Weaving Dreams - [/B] [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y48/UnbornLordXion/Dreambanner.gif[/IMG] [B]Distortion - [/B] [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y48/UnbornLordXion/distortion.jpg[/IMG] Both were made by just...messing around, really. "Weaving Dreams" is named because, at the same time, I was attempting to make a website with DreamWeaver. In fact, I used it as the banner for the page. Or would've, had it been cooperating. I just made a bunch of random marks and used the "Glass" filter, followed by the "Fresco". I think it turned out pretty well, really. The other is named what it is because...it's heavily distorted. I think I used about five filters on it...it was originally just a bunch of air-brush marks of varying color. Some of the filters; "Diffused Glow," "Neon," and "Poster Edge." I think. I wish I could've found a better font, though. Again, all feedback is welcome. Not that I can really practice... Man, I need Photoshop.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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