After his meeting with the Sith master, Lei-Droo headed down to the main hangar, where we see him and four Sith Warriors fighting. Up above in the Control Room, we see a man hidden in a black cloak, watching him as the fight begins. The door in the back of the room slides open and a white haired man in Sith Uniform walks in, going over to the man.
"He's amazing isnt he Admiral Leinz?"
"Yes...a true example of the Sith power..." As Leinz says that, one of the warriors lunges inward with his lightsaber, swinging it sideways at Lei-Droo. As it goes across, he leaps up into the air, going into a backflip as the saber goes directly underneath him, missing him by several inches. As he lands back on the ground, he quickly slams the warrior in the face with his elbow, swinging around with his lightsaber, hitting him in the side as a light goes off on his uniform.
"So i hear his Lordship is planning a one man assault on Coruscant with him..." The man looks up at the Admiral, slightly on the shocked side.
"You must be joking Admiral...I mean, how can one man hold up against the entire Jedi Council?"
"You forget Epashi...he managed to defeat over half the Clone Army on Coruscant hundreads of years ago, without a scratch...and you know what the Clone Armies did to the Jedi..."
"Didnt they say there werent any survivors on that assualt..? Why would the clones turn on a sith?"
"He wassnt a Sith...he was a Jedi."
"A....Jedi..? So he's a Jedi turned Sith..."
Meanwhile, back below, the other three have already charged on Lei-Droo, all of them trying to counteract him, but failure as he spins around, slamming the one in front of him in the chest with the edge of the lightsaber, quickly counteracting with the second one with the back of it, the one remaining warrior running off as Lei-Droo stands up proud, his training lightsaber going down.
"The attack commences later this afternoon." Leinz turns around, going out the door as Epashi looks down at Lei-Droo, slowly turning around as he follows the Admiral out.