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Everything posted by DTamer#1

  1. I saw on some website that Bakura will soon become the owner of Pegusus' Millennium Eye does anyone know how this will happen.
  2. Has anyone played the game? I think its so hard you have to fight the Green Goblin like 1,000,000 times.
  3. DTamer#1

    Shangai Knights

    What was the preview about.
  4. DTamer#1


    It looks like it will be really good I for one can't wait to see it.
  5. I hear they are making a new movie with both Batman and Superman and it will come out in 2004.
  6. I just saw that movie and loved it.
  7. I love Will Smith's new cd you have got to hear the song called 1000 kisses on it it has his wife and she is not sounding bad. I also think Nelly is great too.
  8. I only yell at one game and thats Megaman Legends 2 I can't seem to get past the cave so I can get to the 2nd key that game makes my blood boil.:flaming:
  9. Blue Eyes of cource I have two I am trying to get another to form you know what.
  10. It's a hard decision but I would have to say the Dark card.
  11. I like Mercury the best Neptune would come in 2nd.
  12. Could someone draw me a pic of Guardromon using his Guardian Barrage attack please.
  13. Thanks GinnyLyn thats a real cute picture. :)
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]Does anyone know what blazing ice looks like? [/B][/QUOTE] Maybe it look like Terriermon's bunny blow except its blue.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AlmightySSJ4 [/i] [B]Is anyone going to do my request? I believe my request was made before some of the ones which have been drawn. [/B][/QUOTE] Same here.
  16. Could someone please draw me a picture of Lopmon attacking with Blazing Ice?
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