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Everything posted by Terran

  1. It's always an uneventful day for me. Living in the middle of nowhere doesn't help I suppose. I remain optimistic that the next year will always be better. Let's hope so.
  2. OOC: Have people forgotten what the Mission of the Dragon Warriors is? To find the Children of Light. Now are they going to get around to it any time soon? I have nothing more to say or do at this point.
  3. [I]Endran walked slowly along the cold, dim street. Wrapping his coat tighter around him, the first few drops of rain begin to fall.[/I] Endran (Muttering): Another lousy night. [I]He stepped under a canopy on the side of the street for shelter from the rain. The wind whipped his scarf around his head. There was another twenty minutes walk to home, would he wait for the weather to improve? The wind suddenly stopped for a second, then changed direction.[/I] Endran: Unusual... Perhaps this night could change to something more interesting after all.... [I]Taking this as a sign of impending change, Endran steps out into the street and continues home.[/I]
  4. Cool. I get to be one of these saviour children things. Type: Child of Light Name: Endran Katarn Age: 18 Description: 6' 4". Short, Black hair. Pale complexion. Usually wears black T-Shirts and black trousers. Dimension in: First Demension Artifical Bio: Entered an orphanage when he was eight, having no memory of his past or parenthood. Was adopted by a family which then moved to Ireland. Lives the life of a normal teenager (If it can be considered normal). Has had an aptitude for martial arts and combat all his life, and has been found extremely intelligent and gifted. Also has a firely temper. Strange things have happened in his presence from time to time. (Such as objects flying across a room on their own when he is angry.) Real Bio: Was trained by the greatest sorcerers and masters when he was very young, in preparation for what the prophecys had foretold. This knowledge was then wiped from his direct memory and stored in his subconcious memory before he was sent to the first dimension to wait until his time had come.
  5. [I]Terran hurries through the shadows in the direction of the scream he heard, hoping he wasn't too late. He bursts of of the bushes beside Davien and Anathema. Assuming another vampire attack, Davien spins and fires a bolt from his crossbow. Terran puts up his hand and the bolt slows and stops in the air before falling to the grass.[/I] Davien: H...How di... Terran: Never mind, I heard a scream, what happened? Anathema (Smiling): That must have been me you heard, I was jus... Terran: Doesn't matter, you're alright though? Anathema: Yes. Terran: Good. We must hurry. Come. Davien: Hurry? Why? Terran (Looking at the moon, which has turned a red colour): That. The past... It's all happening again. Anathema: What is? Terran: No time to explain now. I'll tell you all later, now we must meet with the others, and fast. Through the forest should be the quickest way to them. If we get separated, these will help. [I]Terran raises his hand and three orbs of blue light shoot forth from it. Each orb rises a few metres above the three and stays locked in place, one over each head.[/I] Terran: These will move with us. Lets go. Anathema: What are you Terran: Possibly the cause of all this. Now we must hurry. [I]Terran, Davien and Anathema head off into the forest.[/I]
  6. OOC: I've been to busy to post recently, and since my character hasn't been mentioned for ages, I'll just put him with the 'rest of the group'. [I]Terran stands up as Kain rushes in, knowing something is wrong.[/I] Kain: Everyone, move. Vampires. [I]No more needed to be said. The group leaps to their feet and follows Kain through the back door to the courtyard. Terran goes out front to notify Davien and Anathema.[/I] Terran: We must hurry, this is most likely the largest vampire host yet. Setsuna wants to en... [I]Davien grabs a dart from the air just before it would have peirced Ananthema through the skull. He throws it back in the direction it came. A shriek rings out through the night air. Davien leaps to his feet.[/I] Davien: They've already come. [I]Terran draws his sword as Davien draws his crossbow.[/I] Terran: Davien, bring Anathema to the others, I'll take care of these. [I]Davien and Anathema head inside while Terran slips into the shadows of the bushes to hunt the enemy.[/I]
  7. [I]Exar cruised through the Sol System in the Manta Ray, browsing for Bounties on the Ethernet on his shipboard computer. Strent cropped up on the Alliances site. Exar leaned towards the screen, interested. "Easy." He muttered quietly as he sent the request to capture this bounty the Alliance HQ. He flared the Manta Rays engines and glided off towards Jupiter.[/I]
  8. [I]Terran is devastated that he did not accomplish anything, and that yet another member of their group has turned Demon. Desipte his wounds he followed Daviens lead to make things hard for the two demons, throwing his dagger into Setsunas chest, where it stuck.[/I] Terran: I don't understand it. What are these two? And what was the purpose of everything to this point? [I]Before Davien could respond, he was assaulted from behind by a mob of angry villagers, who were on the hunt for Vampires and the like, having disposed of many within the town. And, to be honest, Terran and Davien don't look like the most non-vampire/demon characters. Terran rolls a distance away. and Davien kicks the first villagers away, not wanting to seriously hurt anyone innocent who was just defending their town.[/I]
  9. Name: Exar Age: 25 Bio: Born in the Outer Rim territories, Exar has been hunting people for money for as long as he can remember. He is skilled at mechanics and his custom-built ship is his pride and joy. He studied Armed Ninjitsu Hand-to-Hand combat but prefers to take out his targets from a distance with a sniper rifle. He hates conversations and has always worked alone. Fighting Style: Ninjitsu Strength: 24 Speed: 18 Agility: 18 Technique: 40 Weapon: Sniper Rifle Ship: Custom Built Fighter-Cruiser [I]Manta Ray[/I] Weapons: 2x Forward Firing Anti-Matter Beams, 1x Reverse Firing Anti-Matter Beam, 2x Forward Firing Anti-Matter Torpedo Tubes. (40) Armor: 20 Speed: 30 Manuverability: 10
  10. Go to a swamp/bog/marsh. I can't bring my guy in unless you do because he can't exist outside of one of those places.
  11. OOC: Sorry about not posting for a while guys, but I had exams in school. Now I'm on 3 months holidays. Let's have some fun (Insert evil cackle here) [I]Terran, realising Yuugis distress, leaps in a somersault towards him, bouncing on a vampires head on the way, his steel boot crushing the creatures skull. Terran lands beside Yuugi, his sword drawn. He begins slicing and cutting away at the Banshee. Yuugi see this and is filled with new courage, and dives forth with increased vigour. Terran stabs his sword into the Banshees vertabrae, severing its spinal column. Yuugi shoves Terrans sword down, causing the Banshee to split in half. This task complete, Terran leaps into the battle with Setsuna. Kains leg had been sliced by Setsuna, and although he was fighting well, it was clear he was tiring out. Terran slams the flat of his sword into the back of Setsunas leg, breaking them both. But with a sickening noise, the legs healed themselves immediately. Terran barely had time to register the shock of this before Setsuna had pushed Kain to the ground and rounded on him. Terran: What ARE you? Setsuna: Anything! Setsunas right arm extends to a lond spike and stabs at Terran. Terrans leaps aside and slices down with his sword, cutting off the spike, but it grows back in about one second. Setsunas left arm transforms into a sword blade with which he cuts off Kains leg from the knee down. Terran stabs Setsuna in the shoulder with his dagger, but Setsuna wreches his body backwards, pulling the dagger out of Terrans hand. Suddenly, Setsuna leaps forward, and, before Terran could react, Setsuna stabs him through the stomach. Terran is lying on the ground with Setsunas spike-arm spearing him.[/I] Setsuna: You fought well. Now your time has come. Terran: I am not restrained by Time. [I]Terran uses Shawdow Walk and in Setsunas eyes disappears. Terran launches himself off the ground and spins behind Setsuna, breaking off his spike-arm. Terran stabs Setsuna through the heart and channels an Eternal Scream down through the sword. Setsuna screams a horrific scream and bursts into flams, then explodes. Terran falls to the ground, his dark blood spilling onto the scorched grass. He is breathing his last.[/I]
  12. Does anyone here place this game? It's the greatest game I've ever played. For anyone who knows what I'm talking about, I have a 3,500 point Black Templar Space Marine army. It should be a much more popular game than it is.
  13. I'd easily beat you all. Except I happen to live in Ireland. Pity.
  14. And by the way, Ireland is not all fairy things. We have all those Ringforts people call 'Fairy-Forts'. We bulldozed down one of them to build our house. They're EVERYWHERE! There's another four down my road alone. I live in the country. Which, if you've ever been to Ireland, you know is Epic. This RPG is PERSONAL! Name: Turlough The Great Age: 5687 Race: Pooka (Now that's REAL Irish folklore! Ooooh the Power!!!) Magic Type: Controlling of conditions and of creatures in Swamps, Marshes, Bogs, those kind of places. Description: No actual shape, assumes the form of a goat or horse usually. Bio: Lies in wait in Bogs, Swamps, etc. to lure, trick or lead unwary travellers and creatures to their deaths. Will sometimes drive victims into thorn bushes and other spikey things just to tear their skin to shreds, then leaves them alive. Weakness: Great fear of implaing weapons(Swords, Axes etc.) As they are horribly efficient and effective for killed Pookas.
  15. Name: Camdrok Age: 25 Race: Dark Elf Specialty: Close Combat Weapon: Personally Hand-Crafted Mithrill Blade, Mithrill Dagger Magic: Yes Spells: -Storm of Destruction: Becomes enveloped in magical energy, greatly increasing his combat speed and skills, becoming the ultimate combat master.
  16. OCC: Harlequin, I've never even heard of Forgotten Realms. Sounds good though. Driders you say? Excellent... [I]Terran and the others travel along the dark path, on the search for Setsuna. It the shadows, for which Terran has an aptitude, he spots a hidden cave entrance. Terran: You all remain here, I shall return soon. He enters the cave and finds himself in a cavern. It has a ledge running all the way around. The ledge looks artifically built. Suddenly, he spins round, sensing danger, and deflects an arrow fired from above, but another arrow pierces his back. Ignoring the stinging pain, Terran hurls his dagger towards one of the vampire archers, slicing in to its body with such force that it drives it through the wall behind it. Terran leaps into the air onto the ledge form where the vampires had been firing. Another arrow grazes his shoulder from the remaining archer. Sinking into the shadows on the wall, he makes his way through the hole that the previous vampire was smashed. He retrieves his dagger from the pile of ashes and sits against the wall, meditating, sensing the other vampires approach. The Aura of Storm of Destruction fades away and is replaced by blue sparks eminating form his fingers and temples. The Vampire leaps through the hole, and is greeted by a tidal wave of magic energy that throws it off it's feet. An increbible unearthly scream vibrates the walls of the cave system as the vampire clutches his head, in which the eyes have been burnt out. The vampires head bursts into flame as the horrible screams continue. With one last horrifying scream, the vampire bursts into a thousand pieces. Terran stands up, a little shaky on his feet after using Eternal Scream. He climbs down from the ledge and slides into the shadows, not as conceled as usual, due to the lack of magical energy. He sees another carvern through a passage to his left, but decides to go back for Yuugi first befroe exploring it. Terran emerges from the cave and is greeted by the others, who had remained, true to their word. Terran: There is a passage through here, perhaps it could lead us to Setsuna, we must explore it. Come. Together they enter the cave and the passage within.[/I]
  17. [I]Terran lauches himself into the battle with a somersault, landing in a group of three vampires, decapitating one with his sword as he lands. He dispatches the other two with a stab through the heart with his dagger. Spinning around, he slices a vampire that was leaping towards him in two. He then leaps into the meleƩ surrounding Yuugi. His blade flashes through the air, heads and limbs of unfortunate vampires rolling onto the floor. He leaps through the air, bouncing off the heads of several vampires, and lands near one corner of the room, turning and cleaving a vampire through the chest as an afterthough. The Storm of Destruction is really taking effect now, time seeming to slow down for Terran as he destroys one vampire after another, his sword dark with evil blood. He grips one vampire by the neck and tears of his head, ripping his spine out with it. Slowly, an ominous rumbling is becoming apparant, and the ground is beginning to vibrate. Suddenly, the the wall to Terrans left shatters! A huge being leaps from the dust; shaped like a spider, with a human torso and head where the spiders head should be. Evil seems to eminate from this creature. Terran yells a rallying cry and leaps forth to do battle with this monstrosity. [/I]
  18. Terran's Mithrill bade glints in his hand and an Aura materialises around him; Storm of Destruction. He is ready.
  19. [I]As the three men walk away from the scene, there is a movement in the shadows beside the Tavern. Two points of red light appear from within and watch the men fade into the darkness of the night. A tall, dark figure steps forth from the shadows, placing a small package of recently purchased food under his cloak. Glancing briefly to the left and right, he silently follows the travellers.[/I]
  20. I live in a town called Limerick, although it has nothing to do with short, humourous poems. It's really boring.
  21. I have a Red, Blue and Black deck worth over $450. Have you seen the Avatar of Woe? Talk about a brilliant card.. Black, 6/5, Tap: Destroy target creature, it can't be regenerated. Guess who has two of them? ME! And I'd name more but they'd frighten you too much. (Plauge Wind, Denying Wind, Searing Wind, etc.)
  22. Name: Terran Age: Unknown, has been the victim of arcane expriments to extend life, even he does not know his age. Appearance: 7 feet tall, Dark, Cloaked and Caped, Glowing red eyes, rest of face hidden in cloak. Personality: Very mysterious, excells in close combat. Usually docile, he can fly into intense, highly destructive rages if provoked. Is a recluse, avoiding civilisation and human life unless needs prevail, food and the like. His metabolism and been warped as such, though, that he only ever needs to eat two or three times a month. Has an enhanced sense of perception, sensing some things a fraction of a second before they happen. Magic User: Yes Magic Spells: 1) Storm of Destruction: Becomes swathed in Magic energy, greatly increasing his close combat skill and power. 2) Shadow Walk: Has the ability camoflauge himself greatly in shadows, almost being absorbed into them, thus can easily sneak in and out of areas undetected. 3) Eternal Scream: Requires much time and concentration. Shatters the mind of the target, plunging them into a mental hole of pain and torture worse than death. Rarely used as it temporarily drains him of magic power and extreme exhaustion can set in. Weapon: Long Handcrafted Mithrill Blade, Short Mithrill Dagger. Extra Items: None
  23. My website (See my signature), is actually all about a story being written by me and a friend, the T Project. You can download the latest version of it there. Then tell me what you think. Please note it's barely even started.
  24. Sorry about the signature thing, I just didn't know. I still don't see why people should be concerned with things like this though. I mean, it can't really be changed, so why complain about it? [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1]s'ok, right now the rules aren't up, so your not to blame :) -Cloud [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  25. I never noticed and to be perfecty honest I don't really care, but it's interesting to know. For whatever reason that might be.
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