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*-- RagnaroK--*

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Everything posted by *-- RagnaroK--*

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zidane [/i] [B]From sources, I've read FF 11's going to come out on Gamecube. But I dont know if this's true. Anyway, quick question to everyone. What format are you going to buy FF 11 for? [/B][/QUOTE] yeah this is true, as is ff10 coming out too on the cube. And what would make FF11 so different than ant other pc online games for it to have a subscription fee, although the chances are likely that it will because the ps2 version would make a lot of money from it, so square would think "why not do it on the pc, wed just be losing out."
  2. OK, then what is the difference between kid buu and skinny buu, i think that kid buu is the little reincarnation of the original buu which appears at the end of the dbz series, his name was uubuu. Just not sure though. Anyway, here in the uk, the episodes just finished, stopping on the assasination of buus new dog, pretty stupid if you ask me, that episode was 10 minutes long, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT! :flaming:
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] Brolli has the power of an ultimate super saiya-jin, ussj for short, power increases greatly but speed decreases drastically, his power is equivelent to that of an ssj2, maybe slightly higher.... there is no way that brolli could have defeated cell alone, let alone all the bad guys put together or whatever.... son gokou in ssj3 would have beaten brolli to shreds.... [/B][/QUOTE] And if trunks ssj2 couldnt beat cell, then how would brolli, they had about the same power level, if not, brolli slightly higher. And yeah, ssj3 would kick to the crap out of brolli! (its a shame that goku hadnt learnt this tecnique back then)
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]What Nintendo magazine? Nintendo Power? If they're in Nintendo Power, then I'll believe you, but if it's in another magazine I'm still going to consider it a rumor... I've got the May issue (volume 156), though, and it doesn't have them in it... And I woudn't think that the June issue would already be out. [/B][/QUOTE] it is the official nintendo mag, ill prove it to you but im still trying to solve the mystery behind my scanner. *hits scanner hard*
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Atomic Sock [/i] [B]NO, Bid For Power is a mod for Quake 3 you download it, and load it on to quake 3, thus allowing to play it. Legends is an imported game for the PSX. [/B][/QUOTE] im aware of that but i was guessing that they couldve been the same thing since i had never have heard of legends before.
  6. Wouldnt you think that android 17 would be destroying things as Buu is? There is no way that he couldve become good because he was revived. Maybe the character designers cheated abit and made a civilian lookm like him to avoid starting someone new from scratch. Youd be surprised how many Bulumas ive seen in dragonball z.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Well, I really like what Deus_Ex_Machina had to say. [I]Some[/I] enemy intelligence would really go a long way. If enemies worked together as a pack, and showed "emotion," the game would probably be a little more enjoyable. I just wonder if it would feel the same. [/B][/QUOTE] I dont think that dmc is the type of game for enemy character emotions, i see it as just go in, kick butt, get revenge, and there voila. character emotions really suit war games like halo and medal of honor, where as brains beat you weapons.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]...And we know that. But lol, a game that's too detailed to be rendered by PS2 hardware...hmm the screens of that game were stunning, but toning it down just might ruin what mostly everyone was hoping for, eye candy. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, but that deranged guy didnt! Dont worry though, graphics in a game wont put me off of buying it, look at space invaders, i still love it. :)
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deranged Gerbil [/i] [B]the only improvements they will be making to future TR's is the same as previous one's, they'll just make Lara's breasts bigger, one day they will become so big they will fill the entire screen, making it impossible to see the bad guys [/B][/QUOTE] Thats true, and another inprovement is that her breasts are ROUNDED, and not CONED :D But truly will it ever live up to MGS2, I dont think so! Why? well simple, angel of darkness must have some crappy story line of avenging her farther (it continued from TR4, i know that), where as mgs2 has its more political/patriotic side, walking right over angel of darkness. Ill still get it though. Looks really, really cool :cool:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deranged Gerbil [/i] [B]did you seriously think those early screenshots were going to be what the game would be like on the ps2? don't be so naive, no current console can handle that kind of graphics, don't be surprised if the PC version looks much better than console carnations [/B][/QUOTE] NO! Im not saying that, i am trying to say that the ps2 is not strong enough to handle the getaways graphics, so they had to re-do it all to fit the ps2's power, which is why it will have graphics like GTA3. :mrt:
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]square has finally announced that ff11 will indeed be released on the pc, as well as the ps2! though no release date has been given yet, they have hinted at the fact it could be released a few months after ps2 release.... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah thats good news alright, i think internet games would work much better on PCs than on the ps2, although i will still get on ps2 to add it to my collection FF collection!!!
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B] I think that would be a good system for DMC2 to use, 'cause as Deus said a level up system may not suit DMC2, because it's not turn based. [i]But[/i], Castlevania on the GBA isn't turn based, and you get EXP from killing enemies, platform style, not turn based. So this may work if DMC2 turns out to be a Castlevania type game, which would be cool.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] What would be cool for Devil Never Cry would be a turn based level up system (like in the bouncer) where you could from time to time switch between Dante and Trish.
  13. This game is very cool, but it couldve been much more better, as said before, it couldve been a bit longer, and does seem to be very repetitive, but the main problem of the game has to be the missions format, the game shouldve been non stop. A level up form like the bouncers would be cool, if DMC2 is to be improved in that area. Anyway, lets just hope that a certain shinji mikami does a better job this time, and will undo does mistakes.
  14. For those of you that dont know, Angel of Darkness is TR in a sort of MGS format, you have the ability to choke, flatten yourself against walls, peak, etc... I dont know what to say about this game at the moment, but the fact that this game can compete with MGS makes it stand a chance. I dont think it is rubbish at all, but at the same dont think its excellent, but the only thing i can say is that it may end up like the game HEADHUNTER, this tried to copy MGS in many ways, but couldnt come through to test it, but the fact that in Angel of Darkness you play as a sort of sex icon: Lara Croft, which may bring it up in the charts, attracting boys, and girls, since you dont play as many girls in action/adventure games. To be honest i dont really like TR games, but i think that AofD should be classed as something totally different, maybe non TR fans will judge the name and not the game. Any opinions?
  15. Yeah i agree with sephiroth. In simpler terms, the reason that GTA3 had such crappy graphics was that the game had too much scenery, being set on a massive scale, and since the getaway is a similar type of game, the graphics were made to compete with GTA3, making them much more better, but since the ps2 cant handle so much graphics on such a massive scale, the quality of the graphics are going to be reduced. Which is why the game has been delayed.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]When you say the Q, do you mean the GameCube? The Panasonic "Q" is a GCN/DVD player that was only released in Japan. (There's a topic about it in the Nintendo Forum). In that other thread, you said it was a remake of Ocarina of Time, not Oracle of Seasons... Which is more reasonable, since Oracle of Seasons is for the GBC... Right now, though, it's just a rumor. I think that's it's very possible that they're remaking Ocarina of Time for the GCN, since it did so well on the N64, though. I'd buy it, especially if they added some new stuff, and improved graphics would also be nice. E3 isn't too far away, though, so we'll probably hear about it then, if it's true. I really hope it is, since I've wanted to replay Ocarina of Time for awhile now. (I haven't, though, because I'm already playing about three games all at once, two of which I haven't beaten before). And I don't think they'd remake Ocarina of Time with cel shaded graphics because it would probably be kind of hard. The game wasn't meant to have cel shaded graphics, and it could be difficult to make it look right with them. I'd be very interested in seeing those screen shots that you mentioned, though. Is there a site with them on it?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ok ive made a lot of mistakes in that post :blush:. Sorry. What i mean to say is that its coming to the GCN and not the Q (dunno why i said that?). And i meant to say ocarina of time, the two sound the same. And dont put your hopes down about it, it is defanate. One more thing, does screen shots are in my nintendo mag, i dont know how to use my scanner yet but once i do ill get right to them for you.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B] Um... you do realize that FFIV, FFV, and FFVI are old Super NES games, right? That means 2D sprites, so there'd be no difference in graphics between the PS1 and PS2, except for the few CG scenes that they added. And they're probably just using the same CG scenes from the FF Anthology and FF Chronicles that came out in the US... So it still probably wouldn't matter...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I had a completely different thing in mind, i was thinking about a release of anthology as a brand new version with new graphics. Still, te idea wouldve been cool, im put off anthology (but will still play it) because of the poor graphics, maybe that wouldve encouraged me a little to play it more often. Oh and youve got to believe me, final fantasy is coming back to nintendo, even 10 and 11. I wish i had some proof which i could post across to you. Damn.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] I don't remember neo bahamut telling me about that.... must have been years ago or something.... [/B][/QUOTE] Remember that gap where we never saw each other for about 2-3 years? Well it was in between then when ff7 had just recently been released.
  19. My perfect file was deleted because my brother wanted to get revenge on me since i broke his monopoly gameboard. Dont worry though, i redeemed my self and did everything again! :cool:
  20. I posted this in a thread before but it got closed. There will be another zelda game for the Q which is said to be released next time this year,its supposed to be a remake of oracle of seasons. Ive seen shots of it and it wont be cel animation.
  21. Hear this, it is so strange. One day I was in the garden shooting stuff with my pellet gun, and then just for the sake of it i shot the roof to see if my ball would come down (i know, i know, it would have popped) so i missed the ball, but all of a sudden a pigeon drops down, shot in the neck about to die, with blood pouring out of it. you wouldnt know how worked up i was about my dad finding out, he told me never to take it outside, not even the garden (something to do with the neighbours), then the bird finally jumps off and flies away as if nothing happened, and flew off! So i told my dad about it in a way that it wouldnt refer to me, he found out and said to me: you should of finished it off to stop it from suffering! I felt like sucha fool. :butthead:
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B] ...............Like Hell............ It's difficult for the Z Fighters to beat Brolli because he's [i]stronger[/i]. But Brolli never goes past USSJ... We see his chibi self, adult self, SSJ adult self, USSJ adult self, and Bio-Android. And about Brolli being Kakarot's toughtest opponent? I think Ii Shenron would be his toughest opponent... Seeing as how he is the last and most powerful foe we ever see in the [i]real[/i] series... Darn the newbies and their assults on my mind.......o.o;;;;;;;;;;; [/B][/QUOTE] Hey, we newbies have fellings to you know!! Anyway, I know what chibi brolly is, and adult brolly, and ssj brolly, and his bio android, but what is USSJ- is it ultimate? and if so, what is so ultimate about it? Did this make him "legendary"?
  23. i own final bout, and like everyone else, i think it is pretty crappy. Although there are some good ideas in it like where you do two ki blasts at the same time, and you have to repeatidly bash triangle to over power your opponent, its fun like that. The variety of characters are ok.... although most of them are just normal versions of vegeta, goku (not sure if thats goten though, but since its GT it mustbe chibi goku) gohan, and then they are unlocked again as ssj, pretty boring, and theystill have the same moves, ssj4 can be unlocked with a cheat, which ill post as soon as i remember it. Ultimate battle 22 is supposed to have cool variety of characters from what ive heard, rubbish controls, and witha cheat, you can make the game ultimate battle 27, and get even more characters. Finally, i saw a game called dbz: bid for power, on the net. could this be legends? i wouldnt know because this is the first of the game ive heard of, it looks like the rpg type.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ [/i] [B][B]You can get a Panasonic GC over here in the UK through import shops, mail order and over the net, although they are very pricey, as Nintendo/Panasonic did not intend for it to be released here.[/B] [/B][/QUOTE] Ok, ok, i appreciate the fact that youre trying to tell me where to get it but i know where, in fact i know so many places that i lost count. Thanx anyway. The reason that i have posted this thread is because i want to gather enough information as i can on this console, i have my reasons why it cant be released, im just not sure about them, so im asking you. :)
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj3 [/i] [B]the no eyebrow thing is to make him look less mercyful [/B][/QUOTE] I guess that answered my question, how do you know that?
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