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*-- RagnaroK--*

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Everything posted by *-- RagnaroK--*

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] I mean, Piccolo runs from Buu, Yamucha and Kuririn refused to fight Buu again after King Kai preserved their bodies, Trunks didn't want to fight the androids, and Gokou quit his fight with Cell, because he knew he couldn't win. Isn't that basically what Vegeta did against Furiza? The only difference is that Vegeta didn't have a stronger warrior to take up the fight for him at the time. It's nice to see that you picked up on that and challenged what I said though. Nice try! :toothy: [/B][/QUOTE] The thread specifically is titled with the name "VEGETA", and not the "Z fighters", even though Goku surrendered against cell, where as vegeta RAN off, there is a very big difference between the two, and picollo ran away from buu (if your talking about the one im thinking about) because vegeta blew himself up (believe me, if he hadnt done that for trunks and bulma then that would be the icing on the cake for his cowardly acts, but it was for someone else so its ok), piccollo trunks and gotenjust didnt want to get caught up in the blast, what would you do if you were next to a bomb that was about to explode? RUN, (or try to defuse it). Any more arguments? Oh, and thanks for the compliment CWB!!
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B]No, FFX is not on the GCN (although I [i]really[/i] wish it was)... And FF Anthology and FF Chronicles were both for the PS1 in the US, so I'm assuming that the remakes will be on the PS1 over in the UK, also. But, you can play PS1 games on the PS2, so why does it matter? [/B][/QUOTE] Really, FF10 will be released on the GCN, just alittle later than the PS2 version, thats all. Also, ff tactics will be coming on GBA, as will ff11 will also be on the GCN.In other words, final fantasy is coming back to nintendo again. And the reason that id like to play anthologies on the ps2 more than the ps1 is that um...... the ps2 version will have better graphics, nothing much. :naughty:
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Goku213 [/i] [B] Do they break it even before they get the chance to use it on Buu? If not, then why are they throwing it around when they go to fight Buu? [/B][/QUOTE] Here in the UK we are a couple of eps away from that. The sword breaks after a huge block is thrown in the air by goku, and is attempted to be sliced in half by gohan, they however fail, and the sword breaks, even before they introduce it to buu. But there was a man trapped inside the sword, and as a reward of freeing him, he wants to make gohan the strongest warrior in the universe. That good enough for ya?
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Atomic Sock [/i] [B]I read in some Pojo, thingie my friend has, that they are making one right now and should be done by 2025. No weapons though. [/B][/QUOTE] For anyone to believe that, it would depend on what type of robot is being created, military type or just fun type. If fun type then yeah sure why not, the article could be true. But dont you think a military type one will be top secret, not allowing the public to know about it? Guessing by the fact that it has no weapons then it must be the fun type, sounds cool though! :cool:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] yeah, but somehow I don't think it would feel right playing mgs2 on the xbox's joypad, silent hill2 would work though, I think.... [/B][/QUOTE] So, in away you are trying to say that you would give up 2 player mgs2 for some petty joypad? I know where your coming from, and i had that theory once before i got the xbox, but now that im use to it, its not so bad, just give it a chance ok! Anyway, back to business. FF10 is on ps2 and gamecube, everyone knows that, but will FF6 be on the ps2 aswell, because since i read this thread, this is the first of the ff6 ive heard!
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LoneWolf/TML [/i] [B]You guys are continually saying you will go, but does it really happen? Have any of you actually gone? I want to know. Did you try to go in vain? Let me know.... :laugh: :devil: :flaming: :demon: :naughty: :therock: [/B][/QUOTE] OK calm down! i, ragnarok, have the ultimate excuse, (mumbles out),[SIZE=1]im only 15, ahhhhh.[/SIZE] But dont worry, im growin fast, maybe ill see one of you guys there? Only fate can decide that!!!
  7. Alright this stuff works, thanx. But how does Kid buu come, from fat buu or skinny buu? and whos the strongest out of the three. If i know this then ill finally know all thefacts about dbz!! HELP ME OUT!!
  8. Now i need to know this, all of the answers that i get are just pure bull. when does Fat Buu become good? Who is Kid Buu, and who is the other Buu (thats 3 buus in total ok)? how do these buus come to life? And i cant remember the rest so ill get back to you guys later on that one.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]First off, if you were about to be killed and there was nothing you could do about it, you would try to run off too, scared out of your mind. That doesn't make you a crybaby though. That is simply fear of the inevitable. If Vegeta was a crybaby, like Crazy White Boy said, he would cry at every little thing. Like when Gokou became ill in the android saga, he would have cried at that. Being threatened would make him cry, but we all know that is not how it is. And asking Krillen do blast him so he can be revived is strategy, not cheating. You know you would have done it too if you were in a similar situation.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] OK my dear, dear friend, this thread just keeps on comin' back at me. YES, I agree, i would run sh*t scared if i was about to die, BUT IT WAS HIS PRIDE MAN, HE STRONGLY DAMAGED IT!!! WHAT WOULD HIS FATHER SAY?!! A sayin must stay loyal to his pride, till death do them apart, but running away is cowardly, especially for a man like vegeta. And no, i would not ask someone to shoot an energy beam right through me, because it is cheating........ and it hurts. lol!
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Vampire: Ed [/i] [B] Sadly Mr. Grimm is now Captian Grimm and drives a ship looking dragster, complete with pirate gimmick and bird! :laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] GOD, now i know why the games are really crappy!!! Its dumb stuff like that which wastes a perfectly good game, must be a funny story to it though, hehe. I like the idea of calypso being a playable character, that must of slightly put it on the good side.
  11. The gamecube may be off to a slow start, but believe me, there is so much more to come!! Heres a taste for ya: There is not only Resident evil rebirth, but a resident evil 0 too. AND, a resident evil 4 soon to come!! There has been an announcement about another zelda game coming out at E3, an updated version of Ocarina of Time. GAMECUBE STYLE!!! A Kirby game, which will be quite amusing...lol. Pichu bros. which is a party game with pokemon, not mario, pokemon! The old hit gameboy, snes game Contra, known in japan as Probotector. And last but definetly not least........(drum roll)....THE MATRIX..... I cant wait to see what thats going to be like! Oh and i almost forgot, there wil be another super mario bros, yes number 3, to be released on the GBA!! It just gets better and better.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B] 'Part from all the bonus stuff we got from MGS2 and Silent Hill 2 :P)[/B][/QUOTE] Um.... exactly what bonus stuff, you mean the DVD. thats nothing, you should see the xbox version of both games, extras haven!!! YAHOO!!
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by spike speigel [/i] [B] i'll be however % sure i want [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, SPIKE if thats your real name, I agree with knumex, if you dont know what your talking about, then dont say anything at all. Nothing personal, just trying to keep a nice friendly otaku boards, pretty much. :laugh:
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]I thought minions special was a close range flamethrower, and from a distance, some sort of fire ball shooter, shooting about 6 homing fireballs.... [/B][/QUOTE] Are you talking about black or TM 2? Cos if its black then that is definetly his special, but have got no idea of the one in TM 2. Oh yeah, and lend me your previous twisted metals ok.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]I don't really know what my view is on this game, I think it will be one of those games that you get bored of once you complete it.... [/B][/QUOTE] Its a bit like Golden Sun if you ask me. You complete it and dont know what to do! Just stand around building your characters for extra bonuses, or just for the multi player mode,(Is there one in legacy of Goku?), but still, to me an RPG is an RPG. ps- golden sun rules!! GET IT NOW!!!!!!!!
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Vampire: Ed [/i] [B]From what I've seen it looked like it's a great game, but it's really stupid in a way. Goku can actually be killed by snakes, squirrels, crabs, and wolfs! That's pretty stupid especially since in Dragon Ball when he was a mere child he killed, cooked, and ate a wolf. How in the heck could a wolf kill the grown Goku? [/B][/QUOTE] Oh grow up, wouldnt you get bored if you just travelled across the worlds without a fight besides bosses? But still the game couldve been a bit more creative, but itll do for me!!
  17. For one CWB, you are wrong! In the freeza saga, Vegeta attempted to run away from him, shouting out in this words," No im not ready yet, I cant die now!", but Freeza teleported in front of him and forced him back. And there have been many ways in which all the Z fighters have cheated, one example of Vegeta though is asking Krillin to blast him and making Dende revive him so he can become stronger than before. (remember? a sayain becomes stronger when revived from death!!)
  18. OK cool!!! :cool: Do you think that there will be a multiplayer option, because i can already picture the 2 player madness in my head. It will be a total bummer if there isnt though. Let me know everyone ok!
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] he is 18, I mean heck, sabeena's brother, sheraz just got married some months ago, and he's 18.... [/B][/QUOTE] That was an arranged marriage, THIS ONE ISNT. :o
  20. OK then so basically SSJ4 is more of a convinient oozaru. It doesnt need light totransform, it is smaller, and it looks cooler, lol. Oh, and Sephiroth, there is a big difference between the dragonball world and ours! Akira Toryama doesnt exist there does he!!
  21. crybaby? no! i never saw Vegeta cry in the entire DBZ series. [/B][/QUOTE] Then where have you been? He definetly cries when hes dying in namek, I think he cries in the Buu saga, but this whole new crying in Brolly movie thing is new to me!
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] no, the previous twisted metals were not cut, I own the first 3, and black, I didn't bother with the 4th one because it was just plain rubbish, as was the 3rd one.... [/B][/QUOTE] Ok cool :cool: ,we finally got our endings didnt we!!!!! Well, it was worth it wouldnt you say? Are the previous TM games featuring the BLACK characters? I know sweet tooths in it but thats it? And what i meant CWB was that minion had the surname KANE, and so did the Yellowjacket, is there some kind of relationship?
  23. Dont you love it when you see spooky/funny stuff like that? But did Stan Lee make Spiderman, or Marvel its self, or just both? Also did you know that the David Hayter, the voice of Solid Snake in MGS2, wrote the screen play for XMEN!!! :D
  24. Are the previous twisted metals as bad as this one? And are they cut for any reason, I might consider getting them just to get a piece of the gorey action! :devil: :devil:
  25. In a sayins lifetime i heard they can only go oozaru once because their tales go when they turn back to normal. So answer this is it better to go SSJ4, or to go golden oozaru, or am i talking mumble jumble. lol !!! :D ps, Why doesnt super sayin 3 have any eyebrows?
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