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*-- RagnaroK--*

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Everything posted by *-- RagnaroK--*

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Emma [/i] [B]OK, here is a list of major "animated" Gundam stories. Universal Century UC0079 Mobile Suit Gundam (1979) 43 eps. UC0079 MSG - Movie I (1981) UC0079 MSG - Move II Soldiers of Sorrow (1981) UC0079 MSG - Movie III Encounter in Space (1982) UC0079 Mobile Suit Gundam: 08th MS Team (1995) 12 eps. UC0079 Mobile Suit Gundam: 08th MS Team - Miller's Report (1998) Movie UC0080 War in the pocket (1989) 6 eps. UC0083 Stardust Memory (1992) 13 eps. UC0083 Stardust Memory - Last Blitz of Zeon (1992) Movie UC0087 Zeta Gundam (1985) 50 eps. UC0088 Gundam Double Zeta (1986) 47 eps. UC0093 Char's Counterattack (1988) Movie UC0123 Gundam F91 (1991) Movie UC0153 Victory Gundam (1993) 51 eps. UC0223 G-Saviour (1999) Live action movie Alternative Universes FC60 Mobile Fighter G Gundam (1994) 49 eps. AC195 New Mobile Report Gundam W (1995) 49 eps. AW0015 New Mobile Era Gundam X (1996) 39 eps. AC196 Endless Waltz (1998) OVA/Movie CC2345 Turn A Gundam (1999) 50 eps. CC2345 Turn A Gundam - Moonrace (2002) Movie CC2345 Turn A Gundam - Moonlight Butterfly (2002) Movie Most of the movies are recap of the series, except Char's Counter Attack and F91. There are a few more short animated films not including on the list. A few novels and mangas are excluded, too. This is just a short summary of the 20+ year history of Gundam. [/B][/QUOTE] thanks a lot emma! it must have taken time to write down all those eps, movies...etc, as a token of my appreciation let me add you to my buddies list! :)
  2. i hve heard so many rumours about the so called PS3 and am now getting my hopes high. i have been collecting all of the official ps2 mags and in most of them there are rumours on Metal gear solid 3, qouting: "do you excpect sony to improve on such cool graphics, no its impossible, so they might as well put it on a more powerful console to be able to improve". This isnt fair if there making this up cus they are really killing me here! They plan a release date of about 10 years from now!!!!!!!!!!! God Help Me, ill be married withkids by then, if i cabt keep track of skool, then how will i keep track of work!! :(
  3. I have been a hard core spider man fan til i was 12, i still have spirit though. The movie isnt out yet here, and wont be for a while, to be honest, im not that interested in seeing it so could you please fill me in on the details of the storyline actors, special effecte :D i love the cartoon series though, can anyone tell me where todownload eps? :) another bummer of the movie is that most of the scenes have been cut or replaced, for example, where he catches a helichopter in a web spun in between the twin towers.This has obviously delayed the movie which sucks :mad:
  4. the one and only reason that i wanna go to japan is for its otku spirit. i love it, if it meant me not going then ill go and learn japanese just for the vacation, i currently own a japanese PS2 and am loving it, it has a much higher selection of games, one which i am enjoying is gundam g- saviour, and have all ready got virtua fighter 4, tell me if you know any cheats. :cool:
  5. If gotenks is using kamikazi, then does that mean that Goten dies!!!! And if so will it be cut on Toonami. cos im not surprised if it is, theyre just kids. (im in for a rushing now :( )
  6. think about it this way guys, if the dragonball series is all fighting and no talking then where on earth would the story fit in, i find it interesting , especially the flashbacks we never got to see, but stuff where they charge up for the whole ep saying: this is my full power, really ticks me off. i must agree with kouberei on his point!
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] I was talking about the guy who started the thread.... you didn't do anything I mentioned.... [/B][/QUOTE] Yo TN, that was my bro who started the thread, hes only13, ill slap some sense into him for ya, and if your curiuos neo bahamut is my older bro. i knoew that this has no relevance to the topic but i thought you might need to know. But if you plead, allow me to restart this thread with all posts relevant to th thread name :)
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]I watched the resident evil movie the other night.And i was kinda dissapointed.First of all it doesnt follow the story line of the 1st resident evil game and there was no stars team and no jill and no chris redfield this really pissed me off since i've been waiting for this movie to come out for so long!!!! I think it would of been a better movie if they followed the same story line's as the games so im guessing there isnt gonna be no clair and leon in part 2 that would of been so tight.But if u seen this movie what do u think about it do u agree with me??? It was a good movie but it could of been way better:flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] If youre telling me that this movie is good, then you must watch films for the action, this movie was nothing but it. the so called jill fly kicking a cerberus, get real! who made this film anyway, all of the games made into films have been a waste of time, street fighter, tomb raider, final fantasy (good story, NO MAGIC!!!). i think that people only watch them for the name and popularity. But still, something to tell your grand children about. :devil:
  9. i heard rumours of GTA3 miami coming out on PS2, so if GTA3 is coming on cube, then will Miami be coming out also, cos at the moment my games list for the cbe is very short, i only got it RE:Rebirth, but im sure Melee, wekeep me occupied until december :)
  10. Anyway if this was possible, do you think id be in school, he11 no,id be on the first plane to piloting school! this is an interesting topic with many ways to think about it
  11. [B]Hey guys, I was just wondering, I know their are some type of mechs out there (government project, prototypes, etc), but do you guys think that it possible for a real "gundam" (or gundam type machine), to be manufactued... I think it is... And I definitely think we will see some gundam or mech type machine that resembles a gundam in the next 10 - 20 years. What do you guys think? Reply with links, news, info... Anything about real mechs, etc.... [/B][/QUOTE] What, are you talking about, have you lost it? Do you know how much it would cost to make, how much pollution would be caused, and the amount of hippies standing around with banners there would be, but still kool idea though!
  12. I have been watching this show for so long, i got at least 3 box sets on DVD, and as soon as i think im almost through the whole collection, some one tells me did you get this set, did you get that set, im sick of hearing that all the time. Can anyone please tell me the whole set, or at least how many series there are in total? :cool:
  13. Name: shogod Race: saiya-jin Special attacks: 1) ka-may-ha-may-ha 2) transformation 3) Final flash Stats: (x2 with transformation) Strength: 350,000 Ki: 300,000 Speed: 400,000 Defence: 290,000
  14. within one month of its release date the price has already dropped a hundred, so its basically another version of the dreamcast (god bless its soul). Im thinking of getting one though, only if shenmue stops on the dreamcast, but still post me or PM me if it is worth buying, thats if anyone here has an Xbox!!! :p
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]I moved this here because the Shenmue series is now moving to Xbox (with Shenmue 2). Shenmue was released in Japan, Australia and Europe...but never made it to US shores. This is primarily because SEGA wasn't profitable with the series and they decided to produce Shenmue 2 for Xbox in the USA (and possibly in other territories too). So you can expect the Xbox version to have a whole host of improvements.[/color] :) [/B][/QUOTE] Will it still be coming out on the dreamcast, please say yes!!!!!
  16. When are the dragonball movies coming out in the UK, ive been anxiosly waiting. Anywhere other the than the internet, i dont like dishin' out my dads credit card number. another thing are tey cut/uncut, in english, and how many movies are they all together? [SIZE=3]I NEED TO KNOW NOW!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Yeah, well... Matt Groening DID announce that he'd be finishing the Simpsons... Lack of motivation or something. And didn't one episode about Brazil get banned in the US, or did I just hear that somwhere? [/B][/QUOTE] I have no idea of this brazil episode, it might have been the new one which just came out, but it is rare for the simpsons to be cut or banned because it has taken the mick out of much more things, your prime example George Bush.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B] [color=red][b]I have that episode in english uncut. very funny.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Can you please tell me what happens in this uncut episode of krillin getting stabbed, cus what i saw was gruesome enough. Can you please fill me on the details? (its not my fault im deprived from everything uncut!!! :( )
  19. If there is one thing that i am angry about it is the fact that the british broadcasting company, and SKY is taking simpsons off the air! you guys in the U.S may call yourself lucky if its not stopping there. i will never forget my first episode, going to see Marvin Monroe after badly messing up in Mr Burns party. Anyways, if it means the simpsons, then will futurama be cut off, and what the heck will replace to cool shows? im a true simpsons fan, and ill get my episodes no matter what, DVD, video, anything! For now, farewell simpsons :bawl:
  20. does anyone know what type of graphics the GCN zelda game will have, cell or the normal style, cos in my mags there was a vote for us to choose the cell got 26% and the normal 74%, i think the cell is ten times better but if anyone knows what the real confirmation of the graphics will be, please post me! :confused:
  21. I was in foridden planet yesterday and saw a poster for ehrgeiz 2 i saw it and i started to melt in desire :love: . i am now thinking that i need this game to live but it will be pretty crappy when i actually do get it, i hope thats not the case lie with all my other games. PM me if anyone hears any news about this hit :cool:
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