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Everything posted by Cecil

  1. It's mission number 17, it's called the final battle. I don't know if it matters but It's Andy, Max, and Drakes versus Strum and he still beat's the crap out of me even if I do take out his planes he makes more.
  2. look at topic. Also I looked at ebay and I didn't find much, I'm thinking of buying it from playstation.com.
  3. I need some help with the last mission (I think it's the last one) in Advance Wars, I can't get enough money and his bombers keep killing all my troops.
  4. I think you guy's got it messed up, 1 is 1, 2 and 3 wheren't released in the us. 2 is 4, 3 is 5 and the only time 6 was released was durning anthologies (sp?). BTW kuja you confused me, what do you mean no class system I think 2, 3, and 6 (to use you no.) had the best class systems of all of them.
  5. Actually I was only talking about the main seris 4-9 that is if I can find the game, but I'll check out E-bay.
  6. Does anyone know where I can get the game on the net? I really want it and If I get it I will have all the games that arn't on the NES.
  7. Are you sure it's 9? You can't get a green one in 9, but you can get one in 7.
  8. Was it really that far? It was about a hundred years and X was in the Pod for a pretty long time. As for having a different personality I think they wiped his memory because of something that happened after MM8.
  9. I read this whole topic and I have nothing to say other than some of you are a little weird. That comes from the 12 year old's mouth so don't feel ofended. Im not really into this stuff because NONE of the girls I know have anything in common with me, they all say I'm butt ugly too. All the adults think I'm handsome and I'm in the weirdest perdicament. Barly any of my friends have any intrest as me either. I'm also shy around girls, well sorta I just don't feel like asking them out. I've never been out on a date either, I don't think I've ever met a perfect girl either.
  10. Some one deleted my post (looks at Kuja) Do I have to PM you? Anyways I think I only got 5 or 6 right.
  11. I'm not very good with pun's so I didn't get it but here's more. Before Wily put Protoman in the capsule he inserted a virus into his circut's (Zero Virus), which turns Peploids into Mavricks as soon as Zero came out of the capsule than he infect's some robot's, although I'm not sure if they where reploid's. If X came out first than there might be some reploid's but If Zero came first he would be the only 1. He infected the robot's and they where the first Mavricks, then the Mavrick Hunters where created with Sigma the head hunter. All of you that have played X4 knows what happens next, but for all that haven't Sigma and Zero have this cool fight and it end's up with both of them beating the crap out of each other, also the crystal on Zero's head breaks which I think released the Virus and turned Sigma into a Mavrick and Zero turned good because he wasn't completly destroyed.
  12. LOL! I already went there! I don't have enogh potions and I can't steal from him enogh even with Bandit on.
  13. Just joking dude, the other three are in that mountain thing of in the distance out in the ocean, It would be helpful if you had a golden fish but I never bothered with it. Go done this rock thing and fight the monsters that come out the side's of the wall, keep you distance and use the Zoro bomerang or swim though them while eletricuted. You can also find a seahorse here, get a picture of one of the Grudo pirates. Wear the stone mask and jump on there boats to take the picture. Give it to the fisherman and he should give you a seahorse, if you take this one to the other one than you should get a piece of heart.
  14. Lol, I'm starting to think that you're no good at video games. We don't want people who suck! j/k lol. Ok first collect all 7 Zoro egg's, than umm... Go to that one Zoro Girl that lost her voice and pull out your guitar. You also need to put the egg's in the tank after you collect them and make sure you have 4 bottles. BTW shouldn't this be in the Zelda Forum.
  15. I need some help with Tartian (sp?) the book boss in Alexandria, I beat him But I didn't get to steal everything from him when I beat him I turned off my PS2, so can somebody give me some tips (Zidane spent to much time healing and not enough stealing)?
  16. I think it's the portal from the light world to the dark world. You know which game (I hope)
  17. Well, if you can get the medal in Venom1 than go ahead, IT IS VERY HARD, if not impossible. I have never gottan the medal that way the enimes are too fast and the boses don't give you enough points. I will give you some tips. 1. When the battle starts skip all their talking (they don't have anything good to say anyways) and get controll of your Arwing, after that turn around and look at the radar to see what direction their coming from (can't remember but I think it's the bottem right). After that point the plane upward and start shooting and hopefully you will hit them. 2.Don't use bombs or lock on brust shots they do not affect. 3. When their on your tail do a loop, it's the only way to dodge them (or a u-turn). 4. When your wing men ask for help HELP THEM, it does you no good if they die in the battle. Star Wolf's laser's will turn them into sherads. 5. Try as hard as you can to start this battle with Hyper Lasers (twin blue). If you kill them fast enough they will each give you 51 points, when you fight Andross he can give you 6 points for each eye and 11 points for the head, this racks up to a total of 227 points, Happy Hunting! Have you beat them before? If you haven't you get the true ending.
  18. Time to add more to my thoery. If you condider Zero X's brother than Zero is Protoman. BTW Treble Are you talking about the cartoon? I don't think it really counts. I actually think that X is megaman and Zero is Protoman. Also I think megaman was once a human, he let Dr. Light experement on him to turn him into a robot/human thus creating the first Reploid. Dr. Wily being the stealing scumbag he is heard about the "X project" (putting megaman in the capsule and testing him) stole the idea, somehow got Protoman back on his side and put him into the capsule so he could still have someone to carry out his planes once he is dead, but since he stole the plans from Dr. Light he turned him into a reploid capable of chosing his own destiny. BTW if you want a megaman forum check out the suggestions.
  19. Cecil

    Mega Man!

    Why is there a megaman thread in GA? I knew there was a cartoon for it but it wasn't that good.
  20. If you want a megaman forum than check out the suggestions (i made a suggestion for it.)
  21. Yeah, things have changed, but I wonder what happened to Ginny Lyn (sp?) She said she was going on vaction for a week or sumthing but she hasn't been back here in a while...
  22. This a thought provoking question for all the megaman fans. Do you think that X and megaman are one and the same? Or not? If you have an answer to this please state your theory. My theory is that sometime after Megaman 9 or at the end of 9 (hasn't been made yet and I don't know if they plan on doing it) Megaman almost or does kill Dr. Wily. This is aganist the Laws of robotics. I think they where 1. A robot must never kill a human Being. 2. A robot must try to self preserve them self 3. A robot must obey all orders of their human master unless it violats the first or second Law of Robotics. According to this theory he almost breaks the first rule of robotics and Dr. Light must put him in the pod to test that he won't kill. Like I said before, if you plan on answering please state your theory.
  23. Dude, that's like one of the oldest games on that system. It was my second game, but to answer your question you have to get a medal on can't think of the name now but the last planet. To get it you have to have 200 points and have everyone alive. This might be pretty hard so my suggestions are on Macbeth (planet on left side when you use landmaster) kill all the wing men and hit all the switches so you go to area 11? After that just beat the level and fight star wolf. Your wing men will do nothing to make this battle easier, but what they do is make it harder. Just beat them and Andross and you should get it. Now the hard part is getting the little men in the battle mode. I'm not sure what to do but I heard you have get all the medals in expert and normal mode. It is extremly hard. I haven't even gotton all of them in normal mode. If you need any help fighting star wolf ask me.
  24. Just get a ps2 is my only suggestion.
  25. Whoever took those pics. did it as soon as he got it, but if I was him I would play it first. Did you notice that the one called 18.jpg had a gamecube in the background on the guy's shelf? BTW are they going to release the x-box in japon? If they are when will they do it?
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