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Everything posted by Cecil

  1. I got a indigo gameboy color, artic, GBA and i want jet gamecube. (It be cooler if the gamecube was relsead black like the N64). BTW N65 Lol.
  2. Thanks for all your suggestions but at the point I'm at in the game I don't have a choice, I can't even use either one of them right now. So I still have time to choose. Maybe I'll try something diffent this time and use Zidane, Vivi, Garnet, and Amarant.
  3. Really? I never used amarant that much, because you get him so late in the game, I still think that steiner and freya are the ones I wanna use, because they are capable of doing incridble damage, but I don't t know whcih one to use. Is amarant really that good?
  4. I plan on using Zidane (duh) Vivi, Garnet, and Freya or Stiener (sp?)
  5. I don't know who I should use for my second time in FF9, Should I use Steiner (sp?) or Freya?
  6. Well that is one of the thing's I remember, when I first bought it I was very surprasied to see a long thin sword. If any one wants to check you can get it as soon as you have the tiny branco, I forgot the name of the town but it's the one ninja town where Yuffie comes from.
  7. Err... Well see ya I guess...
  8. Well, it has been a while since I played the game, but that sword does look a lot like the masamune, right?
  9. It's been a while since I played ff7 but if my memory hasn't failed me Cloud can also use the masamune, and just to throw this in in ff8 Gilgamesh can use it to.
  10. Why don't we just stop this stupid poll and give AJ the (losers)cup?
  11. Why do I have a feeling that nobody is looking at this? I solved my problems so far but I got another one. I made a banner for my site, it sits on the very top in the middle, It makes my site look very nice, but when I try to go there at geocities, not open up my hard drive, there isn't anything there but a square with a red x though it, how do I fix it?
  12. I don't mind the kirby's I even made one of my own but I didn't put it in my sig so here it is. [COLOR=deeppink]^( " )^[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]-----------============>>>>>>>>)))))))))) Kirbysenko![/COLOR]
  13. Do you mean the card champion in treno? If you do than do you mean when you are forced to get to the final round, or when you just compete for the fun of it? I'm not sure about the later, but when you are forced to make it to the last round you play Cid, but since he dosn't want people to know he's an oblop they tell you your playing the captain of the Hilda Grade 3, I think.
  14. Whoops, I did upload it, but when I go to my homepage it says "I haven't started to build my website yet, but come back soon" I finished my website (to a big enough extent to put it up on the web), I uploaded all my webpages, but I can't view it on a normal browser. HELP! PLEASE!
  15. Um... How do you save it? What I need to do is upload it to the net. It also keep's saying send store or retrive to start transfer.
  16. I'm very fustared right now, I started making a website, I have enough marterial to put it on the web, I have my own space at geocities, I have an ftp program (CuteFTP to be exact), I transferred every think to the server's computer, or thats what it tells me, but I can't upload it to the internet, how do you do it?
  17. Majora's mask was an incridbly good game, even thought if you just played it with out the side quest it would be the shortest, even now I'm still tring to get all the hearts and the faries in the dungeons. BTW I like you new avatar James, what is it supposed to be? An alien? I kinda think it look's like the little alien guy in Chrono Cross.
  18. Nice pic, altought you look like you tore it stragit from a picture fram, and I'm 12 to and I hardly have any freinds, most of the kids I know are either to immature or they act way to mature, so that put's me in a spot where I only have 3 friends, and none of them even live near me.
  19. That was meant to be a joke, but I am a contestant, just check out page 36 on the otaku big brother.
  20. Cecil

    Tower of Fangs

    Hmm... What a coincedince, none of you knew that my real name was Ryan right? Zero, next time you do a fight try to make it visually pleasing, because I didn't read all of it, cause my eye's started to hurt.
  21. Hey! You forgot me! I got zero votes to!:flaming:
  22. Safer is still here, just with out the safer. But i'm not sure there is a cid in every FF game, if there was than there are a few where he dosn't have a very big roll.
  23. The Last Action Hero for snes. You can't even beat the first level!
  24. I like this poll, I'm not on it!
  25. Why, Don' you just give it to her in real life? I go an idea, why don't you do something romantic and stupid? First merise the poem or write it down than get a ladder and you know the rest.
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