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Everything posted by Cecil
Ok. I'm very confused, Kaiyu is acting under my instructions on a torument, but he added a lot more than I ever thought, first of all please let me make all the moves unless it is a sig move, no one get's any exp for learning a sig move, and I say again, all of you are not powerful enough to deatomize anyone else, BTW you get your new rank at level 5. As soon as the toruny is over, me and the the master of the other school (I don't have enough time to go read exactly what it is called) will fight. BTW we are the tower of fangs, that is what we are called. So I want you all to pay attention to our fight, you will get an idea how real sorecers fight as you are not allowed to use phyical attacks, but all of you beging tranees can, but as soon you are jr. Sorcerers you can only use magic, and we will have advanced traning sessions. I got a go to school now so I won't be able to watch the torny while it happens but today is Fri. so I have the weekend in front of me.
Hmm... I'm not very good at spanish yet, and If you didn't know porteguse is very much like spanish so that is why I thought that.
I've always wondered what some of the Final Fantasy games meant, like Cecil and Squall. I have always thought that Squall had something to do with the wind. Oh yeah, Reene I'm not sure if that is really his name though. Was the guy that collected taxes in England, AKA the sheiff.
[QUOTE]Orginally posted by Crazy White Boy: [B]Sì sono italiano della parte[/B] [/QUOTE] That say's you are part italion. So I'm gussing that it is itlaion, and the first one kinda sounds like portugesse.
[QUOTE]Orginally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl*: [B]How did you get the puncuation marks upside down?It's all about the ALT codes, baby...}(and how did you learn spanish?){Schhhooooolll.....}[/B] [/QUOTE] Hmm... Spanish was my first languge. Never learned to read or write it though, but now I'm taking spanish classes at school, but they are incredibly boring because I already know it, but at least I'm learning to read and write. I'll tell you that I can speak it very well, and I like to read, but reading that and translating that is hard on the brain.
*Clears throut* Hello, my name is Crazy white boy. I want to know if any of you on the otaku can speak spanish. Do you know what I'm saying? If you do please tell me. If you dont know what I'm saying, Tough luck! Happy people suck. Get it? It's funny! :angel: That is a basic translation, from me. The 12 year old boy wonder, and I think that answers your question, now anser mine. How did you get the puncuation marks upside down? and how did you learn spanish?
Pokemon isnt bad, but they just over did it, If it only was pokemon red blue, gold and silver and crystal, and the pokemon stadiums than it would be good. BUT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! The other stuff is just milking the seris to the max just so some guy can have some extra cash or to make some more of it.
I don't think Vegita went to ussj either, but if I remember right, while he was traning he could, he just knew that it wasnt the strongest level and if he did become one, he still would have got beat.
So, do I just click on the link to get it? Hmm... I don't think my dad would be happy if I did that though since this is really his computer.
err... She was here to start with. If anybody want to they can teach her.
I've seen some of you talking about it sometimes, what does it mean?
I just thought of another reson, it might not be right but here goes. It might be that rpg had greater appeal to more people in video games early life, pobebly around 93 was when they started to make less rpgs, which result with more people around the age of 11 or 12 or below not liking them as much because it was before there time. I can't prove this but this is just a thoery, if any of you older peeps can add anything to this please do.
Actually the levels go like this 50+55 105+60 165+65 and so on. Um... Im not sure how much you have actually, and whoever tought him get the same amount of exp. that he gets. Ok, I checked and you get 60 exp. for all the attacks, and whoever thought him gets 45 exp.
I find that stealing from elastiods at that level is hard and I prefear to get 20 elnoyle cards mod them into enegry crystals and than using ammo refine and get 20 pulse ammo, this way you can still get the lionheart on disk 1. BTW Zidane is from Lindblum not alexandria, no? Please direct eyes to Zidanes location to know what I'm talking about.
The last one didnt work ok gohan pic BTW that's a good pic sayianprincess but is that you name their under there? It's B- sumting oh well it's a little hard to see.
Another Dbz pic by me, Its like the last one though. Grr...:flaming: Im editing this and the pic didnt appear! It even took about 7 minutes just so I could see if it worked. Could someone tell me why?
Hello, err... you guys can have ssj chic, I think I'll wait for someone else. BTW im not very good with surveys. Sports: basket ball and hockey. Anime: I would watch all of it if I had the chance. Bands: Um... no one any of you probebly heard of. Movies: Famly man, X men cant think of anything else. Fav. Comody: I only get four chanelles so I don't know of any (I used to but that was when I had more chanelles)
Yikes! You shouldn't beat up on each other unless I say you can and none of you are even powerful enough t hurt me, or any one at this stage in their traning. Oh, ss4444 you better take sia's advice, because you don't know when I think it is time for a pop quiz. OK, In going to say this one more time, as soon as you post here, someone has to teach you all the moves there was before your first post, and that teacher also recevis exp for that. Oh, by the way I will be taking to my most advacned and first 2 students about futor story lines in this story so dont worry if it seems dule at first ok?
Here's anohter Gohan 1, it is almost the same cept this one isnt colored,
Well, all those drawings you saw are when I was 12, I think it is more natural talent though and they are all eyecopied, if you look hard enough on the otaku's dbz pics than you might find the gohan 1.
I always get pissed off at my bro. when he dosn't read everything then he goes and asks me how to do. My respopnse is always go talk to everyone and read all the sign's. And I always loved to read books when you have to force my brother to read anything that isnt in a game and that' his excuse "I don want to read a book because Im already reading what is in the game" yeah right. Maybe he will pay attention to ffX because I think they said that they talk the whole time, and it funny my brother watches so many of the dbz tapes that he's memerised the comericals.