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Everything posted by Cecil

  1. All my info is on speculation and what types of games my brother likes and my freinds. My brother really love rpgs, I just dont think he has enough smarts to deal with some of the tougher battles.
  2. Here's one of my best pics, I did it about a year ago:D I did it durning school and that's why it is on lined paper.
  3. Hey, I found my Gohan pic, hope you like it even though it is on lined paper. Oh, that blank spot on top of the date, was my name, I deleted it though:D
  4. [QUOTE]Orginally posted by White Digivise: [B]I couldn't draw that if I wanted to. I love the eyes and I think sketches are great. Not everything needs color ppl. :D [/B] [/QUOTE] If you keep trying you will get good, I'm 12 and scrol up the page and look at my pic. I also have a lot more DBZ pics that I cant find, but I have a very good one of Gohan, but I must admit that my talant is more natural.
  5. When I think about it to me it seems that most people that like rpgs are older and around in their teens, and people younger than that 12-11 and below seem to like sports and action games more. Here are my 2 resons. 1. These older kids have been playing for longer and rpg are alot more of an old school games than the rest. 2. Younger kids just don't have enough smarts to do it right. Ex. My brother=9 +ff4/2= a very confused boy. What do you think? Do you have anyother resons?
  6. Cecil

    White Materia

    It's not possible to use it, even Aeris said it didnt do anything.
  7. Cecil

    Tower of Fangs

    [QUOTE] Orginally posted by ~: Suger :~ : Hey everone, this is my last day.:( [/QUOTE] Did you post this in the wrong thread? Hmm... SS4 if you don't know already no one, and I mean NO ONE, can take me on and beat me. Now, time to fix the wall, this is the next spell you are going to learn, it is a healing spell which I dont like to use unless I have to, becuase ther're is a good chance that you will get hit before you finish it in a fight. *Stands like he is prying* FATHER LIGHT, HEAR MY PLEA, I WISH FOR YOU TO HEAL THEE! *Points at the wall, there is a bright shining light and the wall get fix.* Ok just point at anything, if it works there is a really birght light.
  8. Very nice. Just take every one elses advise you should be great, BTW can you take a look at 1 of my pics?
  9. [QUOTE]Orginally posted by Single H: [B]I'll be waiting here, so when you come here, you'll find me....[/B] [/QUOTE] [I]Yes...[/I] You are going to have to wait for a few years, and I'm not sure if I want to find you.
  10. Hey, thanks heres another 1 of my pics. ( I dont think I colored it very good, but anyways)
  11. Its not how many fight you are in, it how many times you end the fight with the limit break. (Kill the last enemy with it) That what I think any way.
  12. [QUOTE] Orginally posted by Single H: [B]If you don't know, fine. Do not underestimate grown ups and love. It's bound to happen to you. I'll be here when it happens![/B] [/QUOTE] I didnt say I didnt know what love was, all I said is that how can you be amused at a 12 year old's meaning of love. [I]Love is when you really like someone.[/I] I have heard that so many time it is anoyying. Im sure you probebly feel the same way when you hear that. (That isnt my diffintion, I still have to come up with 1)
  13. Why do you want a 12 year old's definotion of love? I dont get it. Do you want a good laugh or what? Maybe we should just tell you jokes.
  14. It's a pic of sayaman. What do you think?
  15. I also thought that the ending was a let down, but I seriously doubt that resuriction is possible. It has been years since that game has been out. All those hints just made it a better story. When did you right this? It sounds like it was before ff8 came out because you seem to think that the story was contuned or sumthing. I belive that ff8 was a very good game, so was ff9. It like Safer said, you just cant do it with out a cheat divise (Which I think are for wimps that havnt beaten the game).
  16. I will compete in the contest, may I recomende some peeps you might want to pm and ask them to be judges. You should ask Safer and Transtic. Here's one of my pics, it not very good though.
  17. Was morpa the one in the water temble? I forgot, but I know he was pretty easy. The second hardest 1 was when you fight ganandorf (It was really annoying the first time cause i kept falling down).
  18. Cecil

    Fav magic

    I like meltdown in ff8. That is really useful against jumbo cactuar, and a lot of other 1's.
  19. I'll be a judge (If you dont mind) and I hope my pic shows up in the attachment. P.S. Uno is 1 in spanish.
  20. Cecil

    Tower of Fangs

    Both of you get 15 exp. for that.
  21. Not really, but if you are really nice to her, there is this 1 part where you go on a date with one of the girls (I think you can also go out with Barret:eek: )
  22. Cecil

    Tower of Fangs

    Ok, now we will be learning a new spell, its a wind projectile attack, kinda like the hand of pyro. Here it goes, FEATHERS OF THE HURRICANE!*A ball of what seems like light froms in his hand and shoots out * Someone: What was that thing that flew out of your hand? It didtnt look like wind. It was wind, just you dont see it that way, it was conentrated and colord wind. Ok your turn, I will tell you how much exp. you get when you do it, but most of you will get 15.
  23. ^(^_^)^-----=======>>>>>>>>>))))))))))))))))) Kirbysenko! hugry kirby (He will eat you!) __ l '-'l Rock kirby __ lml Kirby warning a mario hat. /----- /------ /------- /-------- Slashing kirby. Cant think of anything else.
  24. There are three to pick, but Im going to pick the one with the best quality, Sia's thanks for tying everyone.
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