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Everything posted by Cecil

  1. I always knew that it was a rip-off, but it is amusing and it a good way to crush the hopes of my xbox lovin freinds. WHAHAHHAHAHAH:devil:
  2. Thats good, I just need to figure out how to make the experince work, and to come up with names of spells.
  3. Well, my fravorite teacher is Mr. Mead, My science teacher. He is hilarous (It also helps that sciece is my favorite subject). We had to cover are books, and decorate them and we had a contest, first place got a 6pack of soda:D. And one of the books said "GIMME MORE" and "MUST HAVE" when he read that he asked if the kid was on drugs!:laugh: :laugh:
  4. I dont mean to be rude but who are you? I dont remember you from the old boreds, and Ime pretty sure that there are still some cool people here.
  5. Dang, No one is joining, should I just start it? More people should join.
  6. I would serve my country, but that dosnt mean I will fight or kill, If I was some how forced to fight, I would recruit in the airforce and be a machanic or an enigneer of which are both some of my strong points, but fightig isnt.
  7. Well, I guess I say your welcome. And what transtic said, I feel very sorry to anyone who lost loved ones and freinds. and I hope there is no more loss of life.
  8. Cecil:Och.... Someone bumbed into me Raye: Hi. Cecil: Hi Warwick: I didnt know there was so many small people. MysticBabe: I wonder why we are all small?
  9. I feel very sorry for you ag, and I feel sorry for anyone eles who has lost freinds and love ones. but we are still not out of the woods yet. If we retalite against whoever it is, altought we dont know who it is yet. Everything points to the middle east. The us will most likly fly from its bases over seas, the 1s in england germany, Italy and turky. And for those of you that dont know my dad works at one of these bases, so do all my freinds famly. They are so worryied over here that Im not going to school today (I just woke up) and my dad who am officer, Is trying to sort everything out while we are at home with nothing to do. There will most likly still be some american troops killed when we retaliate. So we are not safe yet, and Im very worried about my famly and freinds.
  10. *Sigh* I really hope there isnt ww3, Im 12 and it might last till im 18, (if there is a war then) If I get drafted, than Im running stragt over to the airforce enlistment office and enlisting there. There is alot better chance of not dying in the airforce than the army or the marines. Maybe that will be useful to some of you 1 day, unless you become a fighter pilot, those are some pretty dangerous jobs.
  11. It has almost been a whole day since Sunstar, Squall, and Shadow. Cecil: Sigh... Im so bored. Intercom: Cecil, Will you please report to my office- Cecil: WOOHOO! Now I got sumthing to do! Cecil runs to the headmasters office. Cid: Hello Cecil, we have a mission for you. You may know that in Esther they are having a huge banquet to celebrate Its greatness. Cecil: Yes I know they are doing that but I think it is pointless to celebrate ones own greatness. Cid: Yes, I think the same, but the Prisedent seems to think it lifts the peoples moral. Now on to the mission. The presidents son has been kidnapped right before the banquett. His son is not heard of so many of the people will not notice a differce if you take his place- Cecil:WHAT!? Oh sorry sir, but I dont think I have enough class to do that. Cid: You dont need class, the only specification where he had to be young and strong and I think you fit the bill very well. Cecil: Why thank you sir. Cid: Yes now let me explain the rest of the mission. The president has been asked of a ransom to get his son back. They have aggred to switch money and his son at the banquett. The kidnappers do not know that you will play his son, but they do have some idea that there will be a fake boy. The main reason they need you is to try to do the switch, but with out having to pay, and at the same time we will arest them. Cecil: I think I can handle it. Cid: Good, you have 10 minutes to get ready to leave. Cecil: 10 minutes! Cid: Yes now go. Cecil gets ready to leave for the banquett which starts the next morning.
  12. Thanks for the info Defcon, That will give me something to read for the next hour. Err... Matt.D I think he just copyied and pasted it from another site.
  13. ..............................................................(silence) Umm... This is the 3rd topic about the wtc and the hijakings. You are right thou, those nuts are rueninng the world and makeing it a worse place.
  14. [QUOTE]Origanlly posted by Voodookanaka: [B]All passengers on planes would have been killed, thats all ready lkike 500 pll!!!!!! what they on with?????[/B] [/QUOTE] Actaully the planes where only loaded with about 80 people, I think that would be half or more than the total capacity possible. I think out of the 4 planes there would probebly be 200-250 dead, even so that is a larg no. of people. Hey, It nice to say that Your ok Adam.
  15. [QUOTE] Originally posted by Master O Beans [B]It was almost 90 miles out of Pttsburg...not in the actual city.[/B] [/QUOTE] I didnt hear that, but I think they hit some indutryal place, not a big blow to the us. but they blow up something like a factory. Im not real sure what it hit though.
  16. [QUOTE]Origianlly posted by AJ2K1 4 Life: [B]Man, the seriousness of the whole thing didn't come to me until about 6.30 (an hour ago)...I found out at the end of school, and I guess I was excited, I dunno about what,..I guess it's coz it's sumthin that doesn't happen everyday...but the actual shock came about an hour ago. [/B] [/QUOTE] The ecnomy is going to take a big blow, but it will recover. But ww3 is very unlikely. These are just terrorist, most likley from the middle east. The usa will just flatten them in a few mounths if they went to war.
  17. [QUOTE] Origanlly posted by Shyguy: [B]I am confused about what happened and where. Can someone fill me in? I know the twin towers are gone (if anyone here is from NY, In hope they are okay) and the pentagon is a mess as well. But has anything else happened?[/B] [/QUOTE] You should check some of the earyeir post but i will explain. 4 planes where highjacked and flown in to the twin towers, one flew into the pentagon and the other one flew into the Pittsburg. That is everything and a nutshele, oh and Adam and Masterfork are in NYC.
  18. It is all very sad:( but on the news right now Tony Blair (Prime Minister of England) just said something that I think will be remebered for a while, He said, "Its not just the US. fighting aginst terrorism, but the whole Decormatic World fighting against terrorism" Hmm.... Maybe it wont be rembered for long... Its to long and not very catchy, But most of you probebly didnt hear that.
  19. If all you think you are freacked you cant imagine the state Im in. MY SCHOOL WAS CANCLED! I dont mine just today but for tommow! The phone is ringing nonstop my dad is off at a meeting. AND IM IN THE UK! My Moms in mexico right now, she is so close to the border she can throw a rock and it will land in the states, they blocked the border and wont let anyone though. IM IN TOTAL HISTERIA! I just found out about it when my dad called and said he would be late and said he didnt have time to explain, just flip on to the news. My hair has been standing on end for 2 hours. Ok I need to calm down. Right, if you dont know 4 planes where hijacked in 4 differnt airports, presumebly by an Arab politocal party, I think they where called DLRP but im not sure. 2 where flow into the twin towers, they have been leveled to the ground. The pentagon has also been hit, and a plane hit in Pittsburgh, I dont know much about it thow. And there are still a few planes that are in the air that havent been located! That means there still could be more chrashes. Yeah, and I hope Adam wasnt in the area, or masterfork (even thought he sounds insane from Adams point of veiw)
  20. Cecil: I think you forgot about me. Everyone: Huh? Cecil: You still havent aswered my question! Afelra: Calm down, Master. Ryu: Maybe we will amswer it later, Lets keep on moving. Cecil: Grrrr
  21. Thanks for joining but the first one is basiclly the teacher because he is the only one who can actually use magic well, but later on in the game I will have sorcerers (you) teach when you are at a high enough level. My other character is one I made for fun and if we dont get enugh people I will put him in. PS: You might want to put your character stats closer together cause it gets long.
  22. "YOCHI!" That is what they sound like in ssb, and link he is definatly one of the coolest.
  23. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LOL! Youre joking right? I could never think about anyone acting like that. Hmm... You didnt act like you where joking... gosh thats weird. I hope everybody on here is more sane than that.
  24. Cecil: Hmm... Where do I go? I know the School! Maybe there are other shrunk people there. If not I can always ask the Science teacher. Walk cautisly to the School and finds that the door to the gym is open he walks around the corner and bumps into some one his size. Cecil: AHHHHH
  25. Well this is a game and story thing. You are a young sorcerer who has the potintial to be great, so you go to the tower of fangs where the greates sorcerers/mages recide (Of course we also accept sorerecsies (sp?) ) and train. Just post you charcter and their preferbly type of magic (elements and stuff) I will post 2 differnt charecter 1 which runs it and the apprentice me. Name: Orphen Prefable Magic:Fire Rank: Master of Tower of Fangs Lv. Max Exp.Max (you will be giving a rank of trainee to start, and the longer you praticipate the higher rank you will get, you wil level up to a master rank) That is all I can think of for now if you want more post it. Name: Cecil Prefable magic: Thunder Rank: Tranee Lv. 0 Exp.0 Ok now the ranks. Trainee Jr. Sorcerer/Sorcereris Apprintice Teacher Sr. Sorcerer/Sorereris Master The first 2 ranks you will stay in The Tower of Fangs and as soon as you are a apprintice you will have a teacher/master select you and you will go out as a duo as mercineres (You have to pay for everything some way) This will work kinda like an rpg based on levels and exp. Every time you level up a certain amount of levels you will be awarded a new rank. The Expirince works like this for each level starting up (I will only put the first 5 levels hoping you will see the pattern) 1.50 2.105 3.160 4.215 5.270. (If you stink at math or I screwed up it adds 55 each time you level up.) If you want Include you stats in you sig. I also think we need at lest 4 people to start and I hope you understand it.
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