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Everything posted by Cecil

  1. Hmm... It was in FF8 when you went into the you where landing on earth and that song was playing... what was it called? *goes and plays ff8 and sees what it is* Oh yeah! Eyes on me... the one made by Rinoa's mom... I think here name was Julia.
  2. Just practice alot, everyday, you need to ask safer, hes better than me, probebly cause I dont practice.
  3. Boy, Im slow to reply, but congrats man. Hey! I got an Idea! Why dont you invite me and DBZman to the wedding, we pretty close to you, I think. Well, I know DBZman lives somewhere on this Island, and I live about an hour away, and of course you know im joking right? Oh, I think Transtic would be a good god, and may I also suggest Treble?
  4. Cecil: I hope you know you owe me. I saved you twice but have not done what I asked. Ryu: Huh? You havnt asked anything. Ragear: Ye, he ha! Afelra: Listen to your dragon young one, it is ture, my master has asked something of you. Ryu: He has? I dont remember. What was it? Cecil: I needed to ask some questions. Ryu: Why?! There is nothing we have to tell you more than a sad tale. Cecil: Yes, you do. You have dragons. Ryu: Yeah so? Cecil: You do know that their are veryfew dragons in existince now, right? Ryu: Yeah, your point? Cecil: Out of those dragons there are still a very few who like humans and are willing to be taken as partners. The only dragons that like humans are the Thunder Dragon clan, but yet they still dont like to take humans as partners. Ryu: But Regear, and Shiva arnt like your dragon. Afelra: I have a name you know! Ryu: Yes i know. Cecil: Yes, there are a few rouge dragons that take on humans. Ryu: Why dont dragons like humans? Cecil: Same resone humans dont like dragons. People out number dragons 100 to 1 but are scared of them because of there great power. And the dragons are scared of the humans because they might be able to kill all of them, just like they have done to other animals. Ryu: Ok, but why are there dragons that like humans. Cecil: Actually they only like the right humans, they only take partners if they sense they are worthy, but only a few are worthy, and only a few have this sense. Ryu: Right, I get it now. So what questions do you want to ask. Cecil: What makes you and your freind worhty of a Dragon?
  5. Yeah you can join post a character and you can join.
  6. Afelra: Cecil, They are in trouble. Cecil: Again! I thought we would be able to follow them with out showing outselves. Take us down. Afelra: Yes master.*turns into a bolt and zooms down and zaps batwing. Cecil than hopes of Afelra, and cuts his tounge in half. Ryu: Are you following us. Cecil: Yes, I belvie you might be the key to the Dragoinol.
  7. Cecil: This is so boring. Lalalala. There is nothing to do here. Im just going to take a walk. Cecil walks around the graden, reads a book, eats some lunch and goes to the front gate to see if there is anything going on. Cecil: This boring.
  8. Cecil


    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Flik: This is making me sick. Please stop the posting. I REALLY dont wanna hear your ideas on this gross topic. Thanx[/QUOTE] If you dont want to get sick than I recommed you stop reading right now because Im going to post a reply. 1. Goku: Ahhh *falls down anime stlye* Well if you say so son. Chichi: WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY! YOU CANT DO THAT! 2.Bulma:Ohhh. How could my son have grown up to be like this. Vegita: (hmmm this is a hard 1) Its good to see that you have finnaly become a man, Trunks. 3. This is a hard one. I cant think of how they would respond.
  9. Hmm only 1 apperad well the web addres is[URL=http://]http://cube.ign.com/news/38157.html[/URL]
  10. Im posting an attachment of some high quality american box art Give your thoughts on it... that is if it works.
  11. Cecil: I know how to get down! Jump! BANZAI! ochies. Now I have to wait for someone to open the door. No! Im home alone for 2 weeks WAAAA! Suddenly there is a guy wearing black with a black hat and some black face paint coming toward the house. Cecil: AHHH! its a theif in the middle of the day! Maybe he can let me out! Theif brakes in and Cecil senks out. Cecil: Hmm... Where do I go now? Why do I talk to myself alot? Do i ask alot of questions?
  12. You mean the 1 that says under the headlines? If you do I checked it out earlier today.
  13. Cecil: hmmm... I dont think there is going to be any help from the internet... hmm have to find a way down. He looks around desk in front of monitaur and keyboard and finds and electric pencal shapener. Cecil: I guess I could climb down this wire. Cecil grabs on to the wire and jumps over the edge but the penical shapener falls down with him and he fall multible times his own height. Cecil: Ow... I guess I survived cause im small kinda like a bug. Now I have to figure out a way down the staris.
  14. Ok I posted there. ------------------------------------- Cecil was at the internate and he was posting at one of his favorte messages boards when he notices that the moniter is gettin bigger and it gets harder to type. Cecil: AHHHH Im shrinking! He shrinks to a size of 5 cent. 2mili. he lands on his keybord and tries to right help but it turns out like this "hgfdertyuiolp" All the people reading his message: What does that mean.
  15. AHHH! please dont think Im spamming they told me if I wanted to join I had to post here.
  16. Did a search for DBZ found this sight, looked at the pic's read some fanstories, then I didnt come for a little while, dicided I needed some more dbz pics so i could draw them, then I saw the gamecube part and then Ive been hoked, after otaku switched to ver.2 there was no gamecube section:( so than I came here looking for some info on the gamecube, looked around the boreds as a non-member for about 2 weeks than I saw some people arguing about sumthing in the gamecube section and deicded to put my opinion, and I just thought that this place was cool and I keep coming back.
  17. Cecil: D@mn! They saw us! Take evasive manivers Afelra! Afelra: Yes master. Afelra turns into a tunder bolt and goes starigt up into the clouds and he starts to turn the cloud into balck storm clouds. Cecil: Ok, lets stay in this cloud for a while and if they start to come turn into a bolt and jump from cloud to cloud Afelra: yes master. [I]Meanwhile Cecil and Afelra are being searched for.[/I] Shiva: I cant find anything! Silvia: Keep on looking! Cecil: I think there coming closer! Fly off to another cloud and make sure they dont see us! Afelra: Yes master. After a few minutes of searching they still cant find them. Silvia: Shiva I think your acute senses need to be worked on. Shivia: Im sure I saw something thow! Silvia: Lets just keep on going. They fly down and rejoin Ryu. Cecil: Few... lets stay up here for a while.
  18. Cecil: Hmm there is sumthing wrong with them. Afelra: Should we follow them? Cecil: Yes, lets go. Afelra: Yes master. Once again the duo is flying in the air but this time they are following the 2 dragon tamers and their dragons. Cecil: I wonder where they are going. Maybe they will help my search since they have dragons.
  19. Cecil


    I wear boxers or shorts and a t shirt to bed.
  20. Hmm... I think i didnt make myself clear, I feel sorry for you because you dont have 500 posts and you still have to wait a while.
  21. Cecil is flying on Afelra looking for sumthing that might aid his search. Cecil: Searching, Searchin, but never finding. Afelra: Master Cecil, I see a Draaque. Cecil: Huh? Isnt that a dragon that flys with out wings? Afelra: Yes master. Cecil: Let me see? *looks over side of Afelra.* I just see the dragon, is there any thing else there? Afelra: Yes, there is a small dragon and 2 people geting attacked. Cecil: What?! We have to help them! Afelra: Shall I accompany you? Cecil: What kind of Question is that!? That dragon cant even handle it! Afelra: A Draaque. Cecil: I dont care, we have to help them! Afelra: Yes master, *turns into a lighting bolt and hits shadow wing and the dragon appears right on top of Shadow wing Ryu: Hey its you! Cecil: Yeah I saw something going on from the air. Ragear: Ou ave! Ou ave! Cecil: Ou what? Afelra: I think he said we saved. Cecil: What is going on here. Ryu::D Your dragon is sitting on top of Sorcerer. Cecil: Oh. Afelra get up. Afelra yes master. He move from the spot and there is a body imprint in the ground and in the hole there is a scroched body. Shadow wing: Och. Cecil: Haha, what are you doing under Afelra! Shadow wing: I didnt choose to be stuck under your fat Dragon! Cecil: Hold it there you dont want to get shocked again do you! Shadow wing: grrrr:flaming: :mad: *teleports away. Ryu:thanks for saving us! Cecil: No prob, but you have to answer some of my questions.
  22. *500th post* Thanks alot Flash! *bows* Hey DBZman I feel sorry for you. Hmm... now i have to figure out how to use it.
  23. I HATE all people that are racisit or they dont like sumthing cause it isnt "normal" but that may just come from the background I comefrom, My Moms a pure Mexinac, my dad's parents and Grandeparnts are all German, Both of which have beens prosecuted at some time in history, Like during world war2, my grandapa was living in a small town where everyone was german and running a fram, than the Goverment came around looking for young guys at the right age to fight, and my grandapa only knew German, think about the problems, and right now, the americans dont like hispanic people cause they think they are taking their land because they want to immargate and get a better life, even the ones that have lived in the south west before anyone was there are being prosecutted. At my school there isnt a problem with racist, cause I go to an american over seas school whcih belongs to the us military. Like for an example their is a girl in a few of my classes who dad is an american and her mom is japenese, they met each other when her dad was stained in japan. But at my school there is a big problem with homo/bisexuals. Everyday i here people calling each other gay and stuff like that. They just go around calling everything and everything gay. It is just so stupid. BTW, i have no clue what N-word you are talking about.
  24. Its not dark all the time but when i play Castlevannia it is way to dark to see.
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