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Everything posted by Cecil
Cecil: Tell me! I like long storys. Sunstar: Ok, Squall you have to listen to. Ok? Squall: Ok. Sunstar: Ok, on my planet, right now there is a war. A great war between the Laporins, and dark beastes, that appear from anywhere and everywhere. They appear every thousand years, and according to the ledgend their is a mighty hero born into the royal family. At first they thought it was me, but when I became of the right age I wasnt able to transform. Cecil: Umm... what is the right age? Sunstar: Its 13, the age you are now. When my parents, the King and Quenn of Laporin, found out that I wasnt the Hero distined to save the planet, they thought it was their Eldest and only son. Which was kidnapped at the age of 2. Cecil: Who kidnapped him? Sunstar: You should pay better attintion to the story because the boy is you, my younger brother, and the person that Kidnapped you was the Goat-man at the Castle in Alexandria, Remember him? Cecil: Yeah. Sunstar: Ok, when you where kidnapped my parents went crazy because they lost there only son, but at the time they didnt know you where the mighty hero. They hired the best Detictives on Laporin, but they never found you, they thought you where dead, but they never thought you would end up here, after that they just went on with their lives, but when they found out that I wasnt the Hero, they thought it was you, that was when they thought you might still be alive and on Earth. So when i turned 14 they sent me here to search for you, Ive been here for about 4 years looking for you, and when you are strong enough We will go back to Laporin and save them. Squall: Is that all of your stroy? You said that I was envloved. Sunstar: Sorry Squall, I forgot you. According to the Ledgend their was two great Laporins that would fight the monster, one was the Mighty hero, the other was his freind and master, who thought him everything he knew. But it seems im the only one that knows How to use these powers the right way is me, so Im going to take your place and train the booth of you, to fight so we can go back and fight. Cecil: Cool, im going to meet my parents. Sunstar: Yes but we will stay on Earth and help the people here as seeds untill we are strong enough. Squall: How long will it take. Sunstar: Maybe years. Cecil: Oh.
Since Squall and Sunstar are in the Dorm which also belongs To Cecil, he cant get in because they locked it. Cecil: :flaming: Grrrr.... Where am I going to sleep! Cecil looks thourgh the key hole to see what Sunstar and Squall but can only see a bump in 1 of the beds. Cecil: I can only see Squalls bed! Sunstar is probebly in mine. Maybe i should go visit Shadow. Nahh, He's probebly sleeping, I know! Ill just go to the Training Center. Cecil: Hmm... Maybe I can Transform again. Is there a tall rock here? Theres one. Cecil climbs up the rock and gets ready to jump off. Cecil: AHHHHHHH*Starts flapping arms*AHHHH When he reaches an inch off the ground there is a blinding light and he transforms again. He then is flying on the Ground again. Cecil: WHOOOHOOO! THIS IS SO FUN! :D He flys around the Training Center untill a T-rez pops up where Cecil Is flying and he flys straight into its mouth. Cecil: AHHHH*Grabs sword and does a 360 in the dinosaurs throut. The T-rex's head flys off and leaves Cecil covered in guck. Cecil: Yuck, I need to wash myself off. Now i know what a fly feels like. He fly over to a pond to wash himslef off. He looks down at his reflection and notices the crest. He looks at its desing and sees a shild with 3 differnt crowns on it 1 big one, 1 smaller one, and 1 crow smaller than the rest, but more decarted, Cecil: Hmm... I wonder what these crowns mean, I think the big 1 means a king, the smaller 1 must be the mean a queen, so whats that small one mean? A prince? If it does, does it make me a prince? Man this is confusing. Oh well time to wash my self off. Cecil gets ready to wash himself off when he hears a bunch of glass breaking. He looks up thought the broken roof of the training center and sees a whole fleet of dragons coming into the training center. Cecil: Oh crap, Here comes the calvery, but its a perfect chance to test my power with out Squall, Shadow, and Sunstar. He takes out his sword and gets ready for an attack. Then all the Dragons start to shoot fire balls. Cecil: Oh boy, this is going to be harder than I thought. Cecil gets ready to avoid the attack when he notices there is no where to go, Then he gets his sword and swings when the balls get closer. Cecil: Yes, just have reflect it back. He hits the fire balls and hits some of the Dragons, then he flys at an incredibly fast speed. At the fast speed he goes right thought 3 of the dragons, like a spear, but there ate still more. Cecil: Ok, time to try something else. Cecil lands on the back of the Dragon and the rest of the dragons start shoothing at him, he than flys off the Dragon. Out of the group of the Dragons comes a giant Dragon he opens his mouth and forms a giant fire ball, but Cecil dosnt notice soon enough, The dragon shoots at Cecil, he turns around and sees a searing white ball comeing at him. Cecil: Its to big! I cant Dodge it, its to big to reflect* Cecil grabs his sword and puts it infront of him like a shild* I hope this works! *The white ball, which is more than twice the size of Cecil impacts the sword so hard that he is pushed back about 50 feet. Cecil: AHHHH! Too hot! But i cant move. AHHHHH! The ball explodes in a flash of briht light, but Cecil comes out in a new transformation. This time he has dark blue armor, with a new crest, It has a double bladed sword with a hilt decorated with so many jewels that you cant even see what is underneath it, on one side of the sword are Laporin warriors, in transformation, like Cecil, Sunstar, and Squall. On the other side are dark monsters. His hair is also a blue but very light and pale. His eyes are both blue like his hair. Cecil: Wow! I feel so much stronger! Now I can kill all of you!*Cecil grabs his sword that looks like the 1 on the crest and starts to spin around so fast that you cant even see him. His sword elongates and slashes all the dragons and half. Than he stops attacking and he flys over to the dorm. Cecil: Sustar! Squall! Open up! If you dont ill break the door down! Squall::flaming: Leave us alone! Cecil: Open! Or I will break the door down! Sunstar: Do what he says Squall. Squall: Ok... grumble.*Squall opens the door and notices that Cecil has transfromed* Umm... how did you do that. Cecil: I just fought off hundreds of dragons with out the help of my GFs. Sunstar walks over to see. Sunstar: I knew it! Cecil: Knew what? Sunstar: Its a long story. -------------------------------------------- I think this may be a bite to long, so am going to seperate it into 2 posts.
The closest people to me would probebly be Safer and Dragonballzman, That would be cool to meet Safer in real life. I think Safers an hour away from where i live though.
Hmm... Im 12... So if it is by age than Im pretty imature... but why do i seem to act more mature than everyone in my Grade and some above... Belive it or not I am the most mature kid in the 7th grade. I have a very open mind I know what to say around people I dont stay angry at people for long even though some people repededly make me angry, the only thing that may make you think Im immature is that I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut, like everyone else in the class, well cept for my best friend who is shy, and i dont act like a 6 year old like half the kids I know, and who ever said that girls are more mature than boys have'nt meet any of the girls in my class. Thats alot longer than i thought it be, and I think I may have put to many commas.
And the Biggest Pervert Award goes to Drum roll Please! Master Roshi! Roshi: Why thank you i would like to than-And Second Place goes to! bumbumbum Oolong! Oolong: :flaming: Grrr.... No body likes the pig. lol.
Hmm... very odd and crazy... according to him i have a size 4 1/2:rolleyes:
Cecil the young dragon tamer is flying on his dragon, A dragon named Afelra of the tunder dragon clan to be exact. Cecil: Hem... you see anything intersting down there? Aflelra: Yes i see a small town down there, shall i take you down? Cecil: Yes... it has been a while since ive eaten, take me to a place with no people, dont want to hurt anyone. Aflelra: Yes master.*He turns into a bolt of lighting and streaks down onto the small town strikes the ground and streak goes back up leaving Cecil on the ground. Ryu::eek: :eek: How did you do that? Ragear: Oww? Oww? Cecil: Is that a dragon? Ryu: Umm.. no he is my stuffed animal... got to go bye*Grabs Reaear and rushes off* Cecil: I could have sworn that was a dragon oh well *Sniff* I smell something good!:tasty:
[QUOTE]Orginally posted by Dragonballzman: [B]I'll take this one plz[/B] [/QUOTE] You dont even have 400 post, I only need 13 more, and by the time he make it or he notices i want one i will have 500. As a reminder I want the 7th one on the top row.
Can I have the 7th one on the top row? Yes i know i dont have 500 yet but im going to get it latter today.
So you want me to post right? ---------------------------------------------------- Cecil: Squall you stay here for a sec i got a plan, and when i say strike at his neck. ok? Squall:Ok Cecil than flys over to Gilgamesh and gives him intructions. Gilgamesh: Yes master. Cecil:Ok, here goeas nothing. Cecil than rapidlys flys past Tiahmut and he turns his head slowly because he is restricted by the armor. When Tiahmut finally turns his head around he shoots a blast but Cecil Dodges it. Cecil: Phew that was close. He than flys to the side of his head and starts shoting magical blasts out of his hand right at his eye. Tiahmut Zero:Grrr:flaming: He than turns his head rapidly riping off the armor around his neck and shots a ball at Cecil. Cecil: NOW! Squall then does a long gash on his neck and Gilgamesh throws his sword at the gash and it flys into it leaving the hilt of the sword sticking out. Cecil: AHHHHHHHHH. While everyone was watching Squall and Gilgamesh attack, they forgot about the fireball that was shoot at Cecil. He starts to fall but he cant fly anymore because his wings are torn. Shadow: Ill get him! Shadow runs at superspeed and gets right under Cecil Sunstar: Be careful! Hes heavy! Shadow: Huh!? He looks up and gets ready to catch Cecil than he falls right on to shadow crushing him under his weight and leaving Shadow crushed and a dent in the ground. Sunstar: I told You! Laporin amor is very heavy! Shadow::sleep: Cecil: Ohh, that hurt.*looks down and sees that Shadow is knocked out. Whoops*His armor and wings dissolve into his close and body.* That fells better. Sunstar: You better watch out cause Tiahmut Zero is still there! Tiahmut cant attack but he goes on a rampage and starts crushing everything.
Hey thanks, when i asked him where he heard it he said he had "connections" but it seems i know people (in a way) that know a lot more than this kid, There are so many kids at school that say it sucks there was even someone who told me not to get Zelda, I thought he was crazy since i think zelda is one of the highlights of the Gamecube.
[QUOTE]Origianlly posted by Transtic Nerve: No offence taken... There are more people here like me, just to name one: Gerbil up there.... but there are more... statistics show that at LEAST 1 in 30 people are Bisexual/Homosexual... there are well over 600 members here, you do the math :p [/QUOTE] Hmm.... That means 20 people here are bisexual/homosexual... and 10 in my high/middle school... I wonder who they are.
Can i still join? Oh well, Im joining anyway. Name: Cecil Element: Fire. Dragons Name:Afelra. Wepon:Sword Age:14 Hair: Dark brown. Eye color: Brown. Clothes: Red shirt covered by light rusted aromor, with red pants. Personality: Quit boy with a kind heart, yet can be a bitter around new people and people he dosnt like.
I think it is diffinatly a link to the past. Althouhg the sixth time i played it it only took about 7 minutes for the first 3 dungeons. There are also some other dungeons beside the 10 that you get those items from (cant think of a name but the pendents and the crystals) Their are 2 in the castle, 1 at the begging of the game and another before you go the dark world and the tower where you fight agnum (sp) for the second time. So that adds up to a total of 13 challinging dungeons.
This is a stupid rumour i heard is at school... but everyone belives it. A kid said that the gamecube wasnt reallesed at the same time as the ps2 because, The laser made the disk to hot and the data got eraseded, so now he has everyone at school (cept me of course) thinking that Gamecube sucks and that the x-box is a lot better. What i want is proof that it didnt happen and if it did that it wont affect the gamecube in anyway, unless it made it better cause the longer develpment time.
Ive posted my age about 7 times and im going to do it again cept in spanish yo sou doce
Maurii: I have been sent by the mistress to help. Geeil: Yes lets get them. Cecil: Eden get closer to them! Eden: Yes master. Maurii: Silver Noose!*One of the dragons gets tied up* Geeil: Raging Flame! The dragon gets scroced but is still flying. Then Cecil jumps on the dragon and sticks the Excalibur in the back of the dragons neck. Cecil: Thats a first. A sword in a dragon. *Jumps back on Eden* I dont have wepon anymore. Shadow: LOOK OUT CECIL! Cecil: Huh? Eden gets hit by fire from one of the dragons. Eden gets hit and goes back into the pendent. Cecil: AHHHHH Maurii: I will get him! Sunstar sends a telepatci message to Maurii telling her not to cacth Cecil Maurii: Why mistress? Sunstar: Just obey me. Cecil gets closer and closer to the ground but no one is close enough to help him. When he gets a few inches of the ground their is a blinding flash of light. When everyone gains there eyesight they see that he has grown wings and is wearing heavy amror, and the brest plate has a crest on it, he also gets a new sword that is glimmering with magical power. Meanwhile Sunstar is watching everything. Sunstar: Yes... That crest proves every thing... he is either a son of one of the royal nights of Laporin... Or he is the missing prince that i was sent to find... My brother.
I voted for the cacturs, but when i encounter them i always kill them in one or two hits and they give you pretty good exp/ap/items, but it depends what game your talking about.
Cecil: Good thing that i always carry my pendent around. Shadow: Hows that going to help you? You dont have your wepon. Cecil: I know... but i can always barrow one of Gilgameshs swords. And hopefully Squall will get my Lionheart when he gets his weopon. Shadow: I think we are the only ones capable of fighting right now so we better start. Cecil: GILGAMESH I SUMMON YOU! Gilgamesh: Yes master. Cecil: First give me a sword *Gilgamesh tosses him the Excalibur* Next stay on the ground and dont let any dragons through, k? Gilgamesh: Yes master. *Draws Masamune* Cecil: Ok, Next Eden. EDEN I SUMMON YOU! Eden: Yes master. Cecil: I need you to get me up where Tiamat is... Shadow do you need a ride? Shadow: No Ill get there my own way. Cecil: Okay good enough, This sword is heavy.*jumps up on Eden* Cecil: Lets go! Eden floats up leaving shadow on the ground, but then Shadow starts running at superspeed right towards the wall and climbs up and flys out of the hole in the celing. Then Cecil sees him fly right past him. Cecil: Yeah go get him! Shadow gets ready and he lands right in the back of a dragon. Shadow thens gets his spear and jabs it right into the dragon, and the tip glows purple and goes right into it injuring it. Cecil: Shadow jump off! Shadow: Why?! Cecil: Hes going to fall on garden! And Eden going to vaporize it! Shadow: Okay! Shadow jumps off and Eden shoots a ray and it vaporizes the dragon and keeps going and hits onther ones wing. Cecil: Get that one two Eden! Eden: I cant, Cecil: Okay, Gilgamesh get ready! Ghilgamesh: yes master. Right then the calvery arrives which is made up off many seeds Squall and a giant bird. Geeil:KWWEEHHG! The Mistress sent me to help you! Im am Geeil. Shadow: Okay! Start fighting. All the seeds rush to help Gilgamesh on the ground and help the injured. Then Squall jumps on Geeil. And flys up to where Cecil is.
Whats yours? Mine is the cacturs. I think that Adamantoise (turtle thing) and Rahuah are spelled wrong.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by swingersung: [B]The attached picture is of Crono from Crono Trigger which was made in conjunction with Akira Toriyama (Dragon ball Creator, that's why Crono looks like a Saiyan.)[/B] :) [/QUOTE] I always thought that Chrono looked like gohan as a super sayian cept wiht red hair. BTW I want my futer avatar to be a Chrono one so could you tell me where you found that? PM me if you want.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by James: Well, let me say that I drive. And as someone who is old enough to drive, driving does not prepare you for a racing game at all. Driving normally and racing are two very different things.[/QUOTE] That is true, I let my dad play Gt2 when i first got it and he stank at it. My dad has been driving a car for over 20 years and we go cart racing at least twice a mounth but he cant play the game. Me on the other hand race go karts twice a mounth but have never driving a real car (duh, im 12) but i was really good at it. There are a few differnces between my dad and me. First he dosent get a good feel for it cause the phyical properties of real racing are not excistent in the game, me though have been playing games since i was 5. The other main differnce is my dad was driving his street car around the street since the 70's and wasnt exactly the best cart racer because of it, but for me is the only driving i ever done and picked it up real fast. So what im trying to say is that sometimes driving a street car and playing a racing game have nothing in comon, racing a real car is closer. I dont cosider racing [I]real[/I] untill you are in sumthing that can reach at least fifty miles per hour in a straight. But even that is not close to a game cause you cant feel the limits of your car. (This is meant for No-name more than James)