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Everything posted by Cecil

  1. Havent got Mario Kart yet:( Im not willing to pay the 40 bucks for it. The game I like the most is fortress, then its Castilvannia. Those are the only games i got, but if i had about a 100 dollars to spar i would definalty get Mario Kart and Super Mario Advaced (sp?)
  2. Well... i think they dont have a select cause you could just have an other button do the same thing. If you see what select does in your games that use it you will notice it is something that isnt important. Also the N64 has about ten buttons (14 if you count each dirrection(sp) on the dpad,) But compared to the NES N64 has twice the amount of buttons so the select button is no longer needed. They took off the infa red port (in my opinion) because 1. It might have cost a little to much and 2. Only one or two games need it. I pretty sure thats right but if any one eles has any better resons than you are welcome to state them:babble:
  3. Ive never been in a real fight but its been pretty close, Im like Transtic, I make the people think there stupid. Kinda like sumthing that happend today. There was this kid at school today that was talking about how fat this girl was, then a freind of mine said that he was mean, then i said that he was mean half the time and stupid the other. He ovislouy (sp) know it was true so he started lying and saying he was smater than me (big mistake cause im one of the smarted kids in the class and im a real good martial artist, well sorta), so he leaves to throw some stuff away my friend and I start messing with his lunch bag (We where at lunch) and i took some food out of his bag. Funny thing was that he knows i like to mess aroind and take stuff. So the joke was on him. :laugh: Dang that was long. While i was in to taking martial arts lessons (I was into it before i moved but could never find a good enough place here in England) I was an incredibly good fighter mentally and physically. I was first place in a tournement. I also had a sparing match vs. a blue belt 14 year old (I was 10 and a few ranks lower than blue) It was incredibe how long i lasted againt him. He won in the end, but the normal match lasted about 7 minutes, and we tied and had a deathmatch that lasted about 2 minutes when he got me in the chest cause i was so tired. Yikes thats really long. Oh well.
  4. Cecil goes to balcony where Shadow is:( Shadow: Why the long face? Cecil: Girls... I dont get them. Shadow: Why? Cecil: I was talking to this hot girl and then she just left me and went over to a guy about 2 years older than me:( Shadow: Hmm... Im not to sure about girls either... maybe you should talk to Squall.*Looks over 2 the dance floor. Cecil: Where is Squall. Shadow: Oh... hes over there. Cecil looks to where Shadow is pointing, and sees Sunstar and Squall dancing. Cecil::) Ohhh... so thats what you mean.
  5. I couldnt choose just 1, I have 2 choose 2 or 3 for each system i own. Super NES: Legend of Zelda, Link to the Past/Super Mario RPG, Legend of the seven stars. Gameboy: Super Mario Land 2, 6 golden coins/Pokemon/Links Aweakining(sp) Gamboy Color: Pokemon gold-silver/Game and Watch Gallery 3 Gamboy Advaced: Castilvannia (sp)/Fortress N64: Super Smash Bros./Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time/Majoras Mask. [QUOTE]Originally posted by Krillin6913 [B]flemmings[/B] [/QUOTE] You mean the Lemmings, right?
  6. [QUOTE] Origianlly posted by James: [B]I think that if a system only has one good game...then it's not really a dissappointment. [/B] [/QUOTE] I think that if you asked me what quality games where on the N64 I would fill up the screen. (Of course Im exagerating (sp) but thats how good the N64 was)
  7. Those are cool. I wish i knew how to post pics.:( My favorite shoot is from Luigis Mansion. When he shines the light at the shower curtain and you see the profile of the ghost. I thought that was funny because Nintendo makes games for younger aduinces (sp) and i was wondering what they where going to do. I heard that the ghost dissapers when Luigi moves the curtain.
  8. [QUOTE]Originally posted Ice Dragon v2: [B]ok, first off julius caesar is dead second point, someone got to him before us (NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) well, at least hes dead[/B] [/QUOTE] :laugh: lol:laugh: I was joking.
  9. [QUOTE]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2: i wonder who is the ingenius bastard that made money???[/QUOTE] I know who its was! It was Ceaser! Kill Ceaser! Anyways i think with out money than there wouldnt be able to be enough for everyone and the people who make the stuff will ask what is in it for them, and then thered be a big circle.
  10. Hey welcome back [QUOTE] Originally posted by White Digivise [B]Bucket? I thought his name was Desert Shodow. Oh well. Welcome Back. *Smiles* [/B] :) [/QUOTE] Umm... When he says bucket i think hes talking bout a drawing he did (If its the right person)
  11. That isnt my kind of poem but its good,
  12. Cecil gets ready for the ball. Cecil: Bleh... this suits looks horribly on me Squall walks in dorm. Squall: Hey you look good in that suit. Cecil: Yeah, yeah. I hope there are girls my age. Squall: Oh yeah this is your first time to one of theses balls, but there are girls all ages. Cecil: Cool, Hey is shadow coming? Squall: Yeah, but i dont know if any of the girls wanna dance with him though, You know him being a giant Hedgehog.:laugh: Cecil: Okay see yeah there. Cecil heads too the giant ball room. Cecil: Wow! This place is huge! Sunstar pops up behind him. Sunstar: So how do i look? Cecil: You look great! Sunstar: Thanks. Im going to go see if Squall is ready. Cecil: Okay, Sunstar teleports away. Cecil: Hmm, lets see, a hot looking girl thats my age... Theres one:love: :cool: :D
  13. My favorite colors are [COLOR=blue]blue and[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Red.[/COLOR] Hmm i just thought of sumthing... Nope wont work.
  14. Well. I guess i can tell when a guy looks good, but just cause you can judge someones looks dosent mean your bi. Hmm... now what was i going to say. Oh yeah, I think some people might not think that cause i think guys are just shy about saying when people look good or not. (Well thats the way i am) Anyways if you are bi i dont care. ( I hope that didnt sound offensive)
  15. Wow. Congrats man. Hey be sure to show us a picture of him/her when he/she is born. Babys are so cute:D
  16. I thought the easyist boss was the King Dondago, I think thats his name, and i thought the hardess one was phantom Gannandorf.
  17. [QUOTE] Origianlly posted by James: [B]Yep, we're moving into spring. And then summer...*drool* lol...oops. :) [/B] [/QUOTE] I know that in the way south that sumer is winter where i am, but is december one of the warmer mounths and you have summer vaction durring the end of the year?:confused:
  18. [I]A young man called Cecil comes is lost and he comes acros a building[/I] Cecil: I wonder if anyone is in there. Kamakazi: this looks like a good student dosent it master? Cecil: Huh? Student? Where am i? Whos master? Kamakazi:Yes, Student at the masters school. You are here and master is master. Cecil: You are very confussing. But do you have a phone or something? Kamakazi: Phone? Why do you want a phone. [I]Cecil thinks that the person standing in front of him is a crazy fool but decides to stay cause he is hungry.[/I]
  19. *Gives Dragonballzman a cupcake with 11 candles but the candels all melted and its covered in wax. :D Happy birhtday. *hands him the cupcake.
  20. Huh? Peoplecall them ugly? I have never heard that. I live in the uk but im not britsh either... but if you ask me i think that the british look an awful lot like most americans do.
  21. [QUOTE] Originally posted by White Digivise: England sounds like a great place to visit. *Big Smiles* :D [/QUOTE] I hated it when ifirst moved to England, but i got used to it, But i move back at the end of the school year:D I dont think there are any funcolands here either. But when i lived in the states i never saw one. Maybe they dont have them in new mexico.
  22. Ive found a few quaters and nickes and pennys:D
  23. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I could never imagin goku saying that.
  24. Cecil: What? You mean he wants us to make a report or something? Sunstar: Yep. We have to go now. Cecil: It might take me Omar, Moonshine a while to get there. Sunstar: There not needed now. Cecil: Ohh.... But it still toke me a while to get here. Sunstar: Dont worry. Cecil: Huh? Sunstar grabs Cecil's hand and she transports the both of them back to Graden. Squall::eek: :eek: Watch where you pop up! Sunstar::laugh: Sorry if we scared you:laugh: Cecil: What the... How did i do that? Sunstar: You didnt do that i did. Squall: Umm... okay... Sunstar: We have to go see Headmaster Cid Mean While Omar and Moonshine are wondering what to do and are very confused about teleporting people.
  25. Cecil


    [QUOTE] Originally posted by James: About the remake topic...wouldn't it be cool if Square released FFVII, VIII and IX on [B]one[/B] DVD? :) [/QUOTE] Yeah that would be really cool but could it fit on 1. I mean it would be like 11 ps1 disks long. i think Someone else also said it would be cool to see them with ps2 graphics but if you look at final fantasy chronicals all they did was redo the speech and add more cinema scenes, but the graphis improvement was so slite it was almost impossible to see.
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