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Everything posted by Cecil
Hmm... since Nerdsy didn't get what he wanted by James coming in and I havn't posted here yet I will be bring this topic back because well, it's a good topic. I like games that are games and games with storyline. Like in FFX, although the gameplay is minimal It more than makes up for it with it's beuaty and storyline. To make a point I'm going to try to refer this to books, and movies. These two deal only with story. They are very enjoyable with a big differance. The movie is short and it's got beauty that is definite and clear to everyone and it usually leaves you thinking because it too short to explain everything, but with books the autour has no restrainst other than time, he can creat a story with no holes in it, and this is a differnt kind of beauty. You imagine it however you want and is more abstract, also a good book can last a lot longer than a movie. What I think a game is is a mix between the both, which you consider the game and story, the book beaing more like the story and the movie more like the game. This wasn't a perfect explanation but it worked. Also I think a perfect mix between story and gameplay was Golden Sun and I'm sure many people will agree. It had a great storyline that gave me goosebumps, and was very enyoable. It also had good gameplay parts such as puzzles, it was a very long adventure and fun with great story. This reminds me of Link to the Past (read last part), which had a perfect blend. Ugg... I hope I didn't confuse you to much.
None of them where bad, just unpopular (not a lot of people like it bought it or never heard of it for some reason.), and just not developed for that much. [QUOTE]Originally posted by michael Vitale: All though the game cube has sort of good graphics but it is only good for little kids or if you like playing child games its allright. In outher words it is a waist of money. [/QUOTE] Sorta? It has the best graphic out of all the systems I've seen. What's Childish about a round stout Italion plumer, or a guy weilding a sword and tights, and he's gotta have some guts for wearing those. It's funny though, the only people that most likely have it are people with highpaying jobs, one's that have saving up for it for a year, and spoiled brats, and out of those only one of them are children. And if you don't like it just leave, since everyone here loves it (I hope).
Cecil, is the main character of FF 2/4, I had just bought Final Fantasy Chronicles and was enyoying it very much. Don't know why but I have always like old school better and decided on this rather than something newer.
Here's one, Which came first the Chicken or the Egg? Simple, the egg couldn't be laid if there was no chicken, but if there's no egg there can't be a chicken.
Your names too long so I will just call you Lily (points to sig). He lives in Austraillia, I guess the school year is differnt there since right now I guess it's pretty warm there and the seasons are flipped around. [QUOTE] I don't mind school, although sometimes it gets on my nerves, since my school isn't too great and i excel in some subjects where i get easy work and in subjects that i'm not good at i get really hard work[/QUOTE] Umm I think the only reason the subjects you excel at you get easy work and the subjects you don't you get hard work, it's because exactly what you said. Wouldn't it be easier if you just did better and wouldn't it be harder if you wheren't as good?
Cool, thanks for the advice. You probably right, when I first played it I didn't know about those fire pillar thing, you right to though, I may talk big but when I write I usually have lots of detail. Which is usually a good thing. Errr... we getting of topic here. Ok no more talking about writing walkthoughts and that such.
[QUOTE]Originally posted Kuja: [COLOR=crimson]or a short version like cecil prefers;) [/COLOR] [/QUOTE] lol, yeah I believe in K.I.S.S (keep it simple stupid). Yeah I got stuck on that part for a while... but that's what I needed for a while, a good RPG with good puzzle elements, another part I found hard was where you had to do the rearanging of the statues to open the door in Venus light house. I've always wanted to write a walkthough for a game, I just never found anywhere to put it... I think maybe this might be my big break! ( goes to play some video games to write a walkthough). A few comments on your walkthough, It's really good, but it has some flaws, I for one wouldn't like it very much because it seems more like a hold-my-hand walkthough. Also I'm assuming most people just need a quick answer (like in this case) and some people might be put off by the massive amounts of text that are in this one. It also doesn't really need parts like [QUOTE]now just follow the path here and when you get to town go west in front of the first building, now go north untill you come to the bridge. [/QUOTE] Of course this is your walkthough and you can do what you want with it, and these are just my opinions.
21 hours... it's easy subtract 5 from 9 and subtract 3 from 24 and you got the answer. Well, I stayed up for a day and a half, it was when I spent the night at a cousins house, it wasn't to see who would stay up longer but to see who would win 100 straight rounds of Starfox 64... I think I won but I was too tired to tell.
Nickname : Non-besides this one*points to name*... Actually my friends call me obsessed with video games but I don't think that is a nickname Age:13 Allowance (or income from job): bout 8 bucks a week if I do my chores. Favorite Smilie (from the boards): :therock: and :whoops: Favorite... Umm... Power Ranger ^_^: Didn't there used to be a gold one? Well if there was him. Time of Birth: 11 pm? Do you think the teletubbies are demonseeds? (a simple yes or no will suffice): Umm I don't watch teletubbies. Favorite Cartoon Cartoon: Dexter's Lab. Favorite Japanese Anime: DBZ Favorite Font: none What kind of pet do you have, if any? none Favorite "Grown-Up" American Cacrtoon? (I.E. Simpsons, Family Guy, etc.): Simpsons I guess. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood, and what did Peter Piper do with his pickled peppers after he picked them, in your opinion? A wood chuk would chuk as much wood as a wood chuk could chuk if a wood chuk could chuk wood. Errr he pickled them?
Ugg.. to much to read, here's the quick answer, just use Ply on the statue. BTW lol, I like your member rank... Kuji-Wuji, how'd you get that lol. Another thing I've seen you type this a few times and I always thought it was a typo but what does AGB mean? I thought you meant GBA, or is it part of the new site? If I remember we had a section called Absoulute Game Boy.... Hmm I think I hit the nail on the head.
I had this reocurring dream once, but I had it about once every year. It's weird cause it's just a bunch of differnt scenes. One is with a huge hot air ballon flying off a cliff that kinda look like the design of my bed blankets, another is this Log cabin and there's a hallow stump and some kind of animal that sticks it's head out and the last is somewhere with a person with outstreted arms and emitting this strange light and I wake up and it feels like my pillow has spikes sticking out of it and feels like I've been poked at all night. It's weird, I used to have it but sometime once in a while I wake up with that weird pillow sensation.
I couldn't make that desecion, if I ever had a child like that I would let my wife make the descion. I know thing are changing but I'm saying who's going to take care of the kid? My wife most likely, and most likely I will be off at work earning money to support a handicapped child. Either that or I will decide to work really hard in making forturne or something like that so I can be home with my child. Of course if I had to make a choice If they where mentally challenged and I mean really bad like they might never learn to talk, and wheren't capable mentally of getting anything better than a third grade education and I knew before it was born I would support abortion or an institution, also if they are going to be blind and deaf I would much rather let them be aborted because of the fact that they have nothing to live for and can't lead a good life at all. If it wasn't something like he would have to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life... there's always the wheel chair olympics lol j/k. Actually if it was something like that I would love him/her like any father would to a normal child.
I don't see the point in school, anybody can become rich and never have to work with a 5th grade education, it's just most people don't. Also homework sucks. Hmm maybe I can right something about having less homework means less stress and less stress means better grades!
Well just as I thought Squall... lol, I've always considired myself a loner, although I look nothing like him other than the fact we have the same hair color # 1 Squall Leonheart # 2 Seifer Almasy # 3 Quistis Trepe # 4 Irvine Kinneas # 5 Rinoa Heartilly # 6 Selphie Tilmitt # 7 Zell Dincht I never like Zell that much either lol This wasn't what I expected # 1 Nanaki (Red XIII) # 2 Aeris Gainsborough # 3 Tifa Lockheart # 4 Cloud Strife # 5 Vincent Valentine # 6 Cait Sith # 7 Barret Wallace # 8 Yuffie Kisagari # 9 Cid Highwind Your Results The list below is modified by your input. Note: The named selector author alone determined the questions and scoring of these results. Modify Your Results To modify your previous choices use the browser back button. Your Opinion Express your opinion of this selector and related topics on our discussion board. Visits to SelectSmart/FREE results pages since 10/25/00 FastCounter by bCentral Hmm I forgot who this was l l \/ # 1 Lucretia # 2 Sephiroth # 3 Reno # 4 Zack # 5 Jenova # 6 Palmer # 7 Tseng # 8 Chocobo
Woah. *points at Kuja's name* It says Kuji! Pikmin is a great game, but I can't believe that you can beat it that fast, the first time though I got all pices in 29 days. I saw the happy ending it was good, and I saw the begining of what I think is the sad ending. Won't say anything so I won't spoil. The very last level was fun though. It took me two days to complete. BTW you guys remember those pics of purple Pikmin? I wonder if they exist, during the happy ending it kinda made it look like they do.
Nah... I find myself playing more PSX games than Playstation2. Also for the reason Kuj... Felix said, I'm also looking forward to Hoshigami and Arc the Lad collection, and Megaman X 6, and the only game I'm really looking forward to right now for the PS2 is FF10.
Do you want to build a website or somethig? I'm confused about this thread but when I built my site I just used word pad and a lot of code, it didn't turn out as great as I though because I had a hard time with the more complicated part.
I'm not a jerk, well I hope I'm not, it's kinda hard to tell when I know some of the people on this board better than I do people in real life. (not that you guys aren't real of course). I've never seemed to have had this problem with girls... Wait I did once... ugg I don't like think about that... Why don't we talk about something else like... People that aren't Jerks! Wait we can't do that since the topic is about jerks. Actually I don't have that problem anymore, the easy soloution is to avoid the opposite sex! It works for me, all I do is hang with my friends and avoid girls unless I have to.
Have you read the His Dark Materils Trilogy by Phillip Pullman? Err... well they're a Fantasy books, and it involves killing the self proclaimed God, yes THE God up in heavan. But that doesn't happen until the third book, the other two involve a little golden compas that can tell the truth to any questions and a knife that can cut between differnt worlds. It's really good. Oh yeah and the end of the third book has some romacne in it but thats near the very end. Well here are the titles of each book in order The Golden Compas The Subtle Knife The Amber Spyglass
Hey, NA you seem to be very found of zelda games, after all your top favorites are Link(both of them), Zelda, and Gannondorf. You guys are making me jealous, I don't have it yet :bawl:! Well, have any of you tried using the ice climbers, they seem to be very intresting from what I've read and seen. What do you guys think about them. I also heard that their ability to jump horizantily is the worst in the game, is this true too? I wish I wouldn't have to ask, but it just hasn't been released here.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by tetsuo: [B]last time i made a sketch of vegita and my friend standing back to back.[/B] [/QUOTE] Hmm... that's an interisting idea, I hope you don't mind if I do something like that... An anime style me standing next to Goku Gohan and Gotenks lol... I won't do it know but it seem like something I would like to do later on. BTW very good art, you really should try coloring it, it makes it look great. I myself am a fan of black and white but here's a drawing I did in color and I think it looks great.
You don't know what it is? A ? Flying object is pretty close. lol, It's a UFO. I'm not sure what you do with it but there are a couple of them all over the planet and when you find them all and beat them, you can go back to the place where Balamb garden was and fight an alien, bring along someone with item and give him 5 eleixers so you get his card.
You could just train alot and you should be able to beat him, but hears something funny, cast a Black magic skill on one of your teammates and move next to Algus, and it'll hit both of them, but if your having a hard time just train some more.
WHAT!? I just started to like the new look of Zelda too... lol. Nice info, I'm really looking forward those twenty to thirty games.... wait a second *starts doing math in head* $1000 to $1500! whoa that's expensice, where am I going to get that kind of cash! I hope not all of those games are one I'm looking forward to...