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Everything posted by Cecil

  1. Well. My favorite ones where 6 golden coins, Links awekining and the Game and watch games. (There not that old but they have old games on them)
  2. Well... i think it was cause the thread he started called ruff writers of something like that... but after saying that i wouldnt let him back ether.
  3. What kind do you want to see? I think it would be cool if they made one that involed aliens invading earth (I heard that was what the movie was about but i havent seen it)
  4. Well you could put a link in you sig and i would probebly visit it.
  5. [QUOTE] Origianlly posted by gundamcat17: the guy yo know brown hair slipknot pin on jacket that one i think im on the right.the blond is my fiance[/QUOTE] Whoops... I looked at booth of you and thought you where both girls possing for the camera. I just assumed that for the long hair. sorry.
  6. Well thanks for the info... I always thought that bisexual was a mix between both sexes (you know bi means 2) so thanks again for the info.
  7. England beat Germany 5-1! YAY! I think they said that the odds England winning 4-1 was 1/100. And it also showed German fans leaving a the stadium. lol.
  8. Hey James you dont look bad its the pic that looks bad. Its too small. And since when are you an admin? I thought you where a god.
  9. Umm... well im not really infromed about this kinda of stuff so i hope no one is affened but what hetersexual? Umm... I also thought gays chose to be that way but that was what i was told... i dont hate them or anything...
  10. For all the England fans its 5-1! YAY GO ENGLAND!
  11. [QUOTE]Originally posted by Deranged Gerbil: I doubt that, cuz it would be a repeat of 1966 where england fefeated germany for the 66 world cup![/QUOTE] Well... im not really sure. I said maybe and it was complicated.*Scrolls down to see what he said. Yep thats what i said. England winning 3-1 GO ENGLAND
  12. England Scored their seconed point right before half time. I think they got lucky. My dad said that maybe England and Germany might play each other at the finals, but he said it was very complicated.
  13. Turns the tube on to see the game. Its stilled tied 1-1
  14. *Looks at James's pic then looks at BabyGirls's :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: James is tiny campered to BabyGirl lol.
  15. Mine is ssj2 gohan during the cell games.
  16. Cecil

    new and old

    I joined about a week before the boards changed. But if i understood message boards and wasnt confused on site when i first came here than i would have been around for about half a year.
  17. Cecil

    Fight Club

    Well i think safers gone now so im gonna say that if you wanna join you can just put "Member of Safers Fight Club" in your sig kinda like mine.... and if you look like on page 6 you might see alll the rules.
  18. Cecil

    Fight Club

    [QUOTE] Originally posted by stormwing: arrggghh!!!! dude!!!!i'm a girl!!!:flaming: [/QUOTE] Hey I didnt know okay.
  19. Ill join but you have to explain the differnc between the big divison and the little divison.
  20. [QUOTE] Originally posted by Dragonballzman: Whats a "spouse"[/QUOTE] No offense but i think that might be cosidered spam and if you are just stupid or misinfromed a spouse is a husband or wife.
  21. [QUOTE] Originally Posted by Tien: im just wondering...Transtic are you male or female?[/QUOTE] I hope you dont mind if i answer this Transtic cause you seem to be in bed right now. Transtic is bisexual. Just read umm... his/her sig. Anyway I wouldnt be ably to answer this question casue i probely havent meet her yet. Im 12. Actually to tell the truth im not really intrestead in any girls yet cause if all girls at my age act like the ones i know now, Then i probebly gonna go crazy. Oh well thems the breaks.
  22. Cecil: Gilgamesh. Get him! Gilgamesh: Yes master. *While speed is tied up He slices him in half. Maurii: Will you be needing my help anylonger? Cecil: Probebly not but stay here just in case. Maaurii: Yes... Omar: That takes care of that. Moonshine: Now where is Dr. Kodos? Dr. Kodos in a scared voice: Help Me!:eek: Omar: There he is. Moonshine: What are you doing here hiding from the rest of the world? Dr. Kodos: Umm... I like to make paper airplanes? Cecil slashes right by Dr. Kodos's ear. Dr.Kodos: Hey! Why did you do that!? Cecil: Answer our questions. Dr. Ok! Ok! What im really doing here is... wepon manufactering and dealing. Omar: How are you doing it? Dr. kodos: Well your here after the cell arent you. Cecil: Where asking the question not you! Dr. Kodos: Fine. I use the cell to mutate living wepons that are capabule of thinking for them selfs. Cecil: Hmm... Kinda sounds like a GF... cept its not a living wepon. Or maybe it is...
  23. [QUOTE] Originally postsed by Kuja: [B][COLOR=crimson]nomrally tword the end of each game in FF they do that... 3, 7, and 8 did that, and they did that in part of 9 as well... was funnnnnnnnn thou the whole game would be pretty cool... and i have seen a game that did that... and if you didnt time it just right... it didnt work [/COLOR][/B] [/QUOTE] Huh? They did that in 7? When does that happen? When you in the northern cave or sumthing?
  24. [QUOTE]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon: Who would I take? uhh.... I think I'd take... Ummm.... Give me a minute to think.... Oh, Cecil, what was Lizard_Man_7777's Message board name? I kinda forgot it....*sweat drops* Okay, back on topic... Who would I take... Probably Anime Girl, cuz she's nice to talk to... GinnyLyn, cuz she's good for a few laughs... thimoc, cuz then, I could kick his sorry a**. I hate that guy... And there's a couple other people. But I don't feel like listing them right now, cuz I'm too da*n lazy... [/QUOTE] Umm... *thinks* Cant rember. But i would take you 2. Hey when was the last time you saw Peppermint?
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