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Everything posted by Cecil
Dont spam. *Stormwing gets off the floor and puches Cecil Square in the chest then Cecil grabs storm wing and throws he/she? into the wall.
I dont no who i woild pick. There are so many people here. If she came here more often than i probebly pick Peppermint13 but i havent seen her in a while.
Whoops sorry. I was sick and my dad wouldnt let me on the computer. Anyways on with the fight. *Ignores bleeding nose and trips stormwing with a leg sweep. Then starts puching him in the face.* Ouh... red face. haha.
Huh? Im not repected? Oh well. Thems the breaks. I dont really respect that many people. But when i first got here (a mounth ago) the person that gave me a good first impresion was James so i respect hi the most..
I got it. It a very cool game. but it took me forever to find out how to get to the end of the game and i forgot how to play so i started a new game.
There is no juction system on 10 but i like it. I think they got rid of the experince to.
umm... when a dragoon and you use attack try to hit x or whatever button you need to attack 6 times and you get a prefect. its been a long time since ive played it.
[QUOTE] Originally posted by James: Umm...that's a pretty stupid statement right there. The design is very similar to A Link to the Past on SNES...but in 3D. It's no more "kiddie" than the SNES or GB incarnations. So basically you hope it's going to fail because it looks too "kiddie"? I can't believe it. Talk about a fairweather Zelda fan. I think you need to go back and play those other Zelda games again...and learn what Zelda is all about. Look past the graphics and look at the sheer fun that it provided. Maybe then you can come back and make a relevant comment:)[/QUOTE] I agree. When i fist saw the pic i thought it looked like a 3d Link to the Past. Then i thought that the ones on the 64 looked a lot better. Then i thought some more to which zelda game was my favorite, and it was a close battle between mm and link to the past. So then i pulled my snes and games out of my closet. And i started to play link to the past and decided that it was the best one ive ever played, but it was the first one ive ever played too, and i think it was the first imperson that made me change my mind and say that the new one is going to be very good :D
Err... outlaw my characters a he not a she or a she/he. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cecil wakes up in time to hear Kodos tell his gaurds to kill them. He stands up but is hurt very bad. Cecil: GILGAMESH I SUMMON YOU. Omar: NO! gfs could destroy the cell! Cecil: Huh? Whats the cell. It dosent matter anyway Gilgamesh is a master at sword play. He dosnt shot rays or wathever. Gilgamesh: I am at your service master. Cecil trys to stand upright but is still hurt badly. Cecil: Ouch... Gilgamesh i want you to destroy these 2 things. Gilgamesh: Yes master. *Draws the Excalibur. And starts to slash at Distance and speed but it seems Speed is too fast and Distance isnt close enough. Gilgamesh: I cant hit them. Moonshine: Try harder! Cecil:Try to throw your Sword! Gilgamesh: Yes master. *Throws the Ecalibur at Distance and it goes straigt though him Leaving a giiant hole. Distance: Im sorry master i cant fight them anymore. Dr. Kodos: What!? They killed my him?! Get him Speed! Get Them! Speed rushes tworad Gilgamesh and Gilgamesh Still cant seem to hit him.
Cecil: Nice box but i bet your a weakling with out it. Cecil charges towards dr. Kodos with his lionheart drawn and then hits something and falls straing down. Cecil: im dizzy... i bet you a weakling with out that sheild... *falls down. Moonshine: How do we get to him. Cecil: I dont know why dont we blow it up. Omar: We cant... Moonshine: I know why dont we zap him with emp? Dr. Kodos: What?! i cant hear you! Omar: That might work... Cecil: Yeah...*falls down again. Omar: That mustve really hurt. Moonshine pulls out a little remote controll and flips the swithch. Moonshine: GO! Cecil starts to run and trips on something and knocks down Dr. Kodos. Then he grabs the box and oppens it...
:mad: :mad: :mad: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: Dosnet work! oh well it takes to long to work so ill post it tommorw... if its not here check out the dragon ball thread.
No its on my hard drive. 1 more time.
umm i think so... when i click brows my documents come up but then i go to my pics pick it and open.
Well it depends... this is what i think. If you know you where doing something wrong when you did it then it is wrong, but if you do something and you think its right when you do it then it ends up wrong its wrong to, but at least it was for a good cause or sumthing.
Okay i messed up 3 times i need to know what i did wrong.
I did browz it was called a tif but now i change it to a bmp.
Crap didnt work im gonna try again
Its not great but you can make them that way. but i am a pretty good artist and this pic was the first one ive draw in like a year hope it works...
I wanna join to. Name: Jay Age:14 Race: Human Description: Average looking kid with brown hair and eyes. Description: In the Accademy considered a leader by his peers but is lost on a mission and ends up in a a giant star cruser to who nows where.
Ive never gottan a chainletter but not that many people even know my email address.
I dont see the reason to get a remake if you already have the original.
Yeah. Congrats. Im almost at 400 hundred so that means only 100 more. YAY
I got a brother that can sometimes be a pain (hes 3 years younger than me and about 2 inches shorter than me too) and he talks alot but other than hes okay.