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Everything posted by Cecil
The next moring Cecil leaves but first he checks to see how sunstar is doing. Cecil: I gotta go now sunstar... Sunstar:Yeah *cough* bye... Not much is said then Cecil leaves on a motor boat to FH and takes a train to Esther. There he meets Omar and Moonshine. Cecil: Hi... Im the backup... Omar: What?! I thought they where gonna send some one older... Moonshine: and stronger. Cecil: What... im as strong or stronger than the guy they where gonna send... Omar: Dosnet matter... we cant delay anymore we have to go now... See over there where all the dragons are? Cecil: Yeah... Omar: Well theres to many for us to fight so we need someone to make a distraction... Cecil: Ill do that. EDEN! I SUMMON YOU! i hope this works... Eden comes out of the pendent and awaits for the oders. Cecil: I want you to go out there and cause a distraction. Eden: Yes master. Eden Floots over to the dragons and gets ready to attack. Head Dragon: Hello eden. May i ask what youre are doing here instead of youre posts in the castle? Eden: Err... umm... I brought some prisoners from the castle that need to be punished... Head Dragon: Well bring them. Eden heads over to Cecil Omar and Moonshine. Cecil: What you made us prisenrs. Moonshine: Lets just go along with it... Maybe we can avoid a fight.
ouch... [I]Does an uppercut to the chin and knocks the wind out of stromwing with a kick.[/I]
well im half german half mexican, sorta cause my dads parents where german imagarts and my mom is mexican and didnt know how to speak english untill she meat my dad.
Hey does anyone wanna be a ref for my match vrs stormwing? Bleh... Who cares *gets ready for a fight and bows tworad oponet [I]does 3 quick punches then kicks stromwing in shin then tempale.[/I]
I think ultimate is the coolest but was very hard to get there (ff8)
Headmaster Cid over the inercom: Squall, could you come to my office... Squall, could you come to my office. Cecil: What? Squall inst here. Sunstar: Whats going on? Cecil: They Want Squall... im gonna go check it out... be right back. Cecil leaves to find headmaster Cid and see what is going on... Cecil: Hello headmaster. *bows head Headmaster Cid: Oh hello Squall *thinks[I]This kid is smaller than i thought[/I] Cecil: Sorry headmaster, im Cecil. Im a new recruit and just finshed my first mission. Headmaster: Than what are you doing here? Cecil: I came to infrom you that Squall is not here at the moment... Headmaster: Then where is he? Cecil: He is looking for an antidote to help my freind. Headmaster: Really... what i noble thing to do. Well i guess you could do it since Squall isnt here. Cecil: Do what sir? Headmaster: Well i want you to go help 2 seeds in the Ester area... they need backup, Cecil: I can do it, but ild prefer if someone else could go. Headmaster: Good, Than you can leave first thing in the moring. Cecil: Thank you headmaster... Cecil leaves and is grumbling the whole way back to then infirery. Sunstar: What did the headmaster want? Cecil: He wants me to go to Ester and help some seeds. Sunstar: What?! When do you leave? Cecil: First thing in the morning...
hi, are you here to enjoy the story or do you wanna take part?
Yikes... that really made you cry? how old where you then? I was like 8 or 9 when i beat it and i never have cried about a video game.
[QUOTE] Originally posted by Sephiroth: you guys should fight until I come back from vacation, and thats an order....[/QUOTE] K... Who wants to fight me? *Starts puching bag.
Cecil: I wonder why he took the train? Sunstar: What? Squall took the train? Cecil: Yeah...:( Cecil starts to think about many things, about his adoptive parents about his really parents and what Sunstar said at the castle... He sits down and looks to see sunstar fall asleep... Dr.: Im gonna go now... Cecil: Why? Dr.:Her condition is stable for now... but if Squall dosent get back she will die. Cecil: oh... As Dr. Kadowaki leaves shadow runs in... Cecil: Hi shadow... Shadow: Whats wrong with sunstar? Cecil: Shes been Posined... Shadow: What? Wheres Squall? Cecil: Hes looking for the anditoe in Triba. Shadow: He is? im gonna go help him... Shadow runs off again... Cecils sits on the floor and hopes Squall and shadow can get back with the anditoe. While he sits there he gets very came and suddenly starts to grow wings. Then he hears a sound and his wings retract... but no one was watching and he didnt even know about it... -------------------------------------------------------------- its turing sad... kinda a like a real Final Fantasy.:(
Well... my favorite is dark cloud, i think the best part about it is the wepon manegment system.
I was joking about the goat! lol. ------------------------------------------------------- Cecil: I got an idea! Squall: What? Cecil: Lets tie her up and take her back to graden! Shadow: Thats a good idea... grabs robe and runs around the quenn and ties her up. Everyone looks over to see Sunstar knocking the stockings off of goat boy.
[QUOTE] Originally posted by slasher: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:A N64 IS NO DISAPOINTMENT!!!!!LOSER!I HAVE ONE AND IT ROCKS! :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: [/QUOTE] He didnt say that the n64 was a disapointment. All safer said that it was geared toward younger kids and not older people like teens and adults.
Cecil: Do we have to fight again? Sunstar: Yeah. Cecil: Im too hungry and tired to fight anymore. Shadow: Queit complaing and get ready to fight. Shadow: Who is he? Sunstar::rolleyes: Hes a goat named marco.:rolleyes: Squall: Who cares who he is? Hes gonna be dead soon. Cecil: I dont wanna fight anymore. *sits down on floor. The mysterious voice comes out from hiding. Mysterious person: Nice to see you again Sunstar! When was the last time i saw you? You mustve been a cute little girl. Sunstar: Shut up! Cecil: Who is he? Sunstar: Hes an evil person that formed a giant rebillion and tried to over throw the kingdom of the Laporin. Shadow: That bad. Mysterious person: Oh shes being modest. There is so much more to it than that!
umm im confused... oh well all the guards are dead. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cecil: I killed more than you! Squall: More than who? Cecil: All of you! haha Sunstar: Shut up Cecil. We let you. Cecil: Okay :rolleyes: Squall: Lets go talk to the Quenn. They walk into a well decarted throne room and see a big giant chair facing away from them. Shadow: She Must be sitting in the Chair. They walk up to the Chair and spin it around and see the quenn. Quenn: What did i do? i didnt do anything! *hides behind the chair. Squall: We know that you are in charge of wepon smuggling Cecil: So thats what she was doing. Sunstar: You should of told us soner Squall. Squall: Be quit! Mysterious Voice: She didnt do it! It was me!
Welcome back Rahia, the story sure has changed a lot. lol. Oh sorry about your character i wasnt really sure how to uh... whats the right word... oh well. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cecil looks around and at all the guards and sees one with a lot of Medals on his chest. Cecil: HEY! you the tin can! Leader: What!? Me!? Cecil: Yeah you with the funny hat! hahahah Mean while Squall Sunstar and Shadow sneak by. Leader: GET HIM! All the guards Surrond Cecil and get ready for an attack. Cecil: Hahahah. you think these guards are Enough for me!? All the guards charge at him then suddenly he jumps up and all the men hit themselves where he was. Cecil: HAHAHAHAHAH At the peak of his jump he pulls out his LionHeart and starts to spin around at high speed. All the guards look up and see that they are going to get hit. Leader: RUN! All the Guards start to run. Cecil: HAHAHAH you think you can dogde this!? Oh well... Cecil starts to spin around faster and faster and the lion heart starts shooting out beams. He lands right in the middle of them and cuts them all in half. Squall looks up and sees Cecil cut down all the guards Squall: Wow! Hes gonna have to teach me that when we get back to balamb. Sunstar: Huh? What? Squall: Nothing. They run into the Quenns chambers and see her.
That all sums it up but if you can get the kiros card and mod him you get 3 items that let gfs learn auto-haste.
How do you do it? i got a cool pic and i want somepeoples opinons on how it is.
chocalte chip and vanilla. I hate choclate:cross:
i like sayamans outfit and when gohan wears piccolos outfit and gotenks and gogetas outfit.
Happy 72end post to you! Happy 72end post to you! Hey why am i the only one singing? *looks at post count YAY. I got 338 posts YAY. Lets have a praty! Oh... we are having a praty. YAY!