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Everything posted by Cecil

  1. Cecil

    This or that?

    Mono or stero?
  2. Well... i beat him useing the cards jupiter and salamnder or sepent but you dont have sepent so use salamnder. Then get the boomerang and throw it him a lot... thats how i beat him. If its the boss im thinking than it should work.
  3. [QUOTE] Orignally posted by firemac: I have Eiko's i forget if I have the rest, but tell me where each is found[/QUOTE] You can find the whales whisker in a chest when you do the chocobo quest, and the excalibur 2 is very hard to find... i think. If i rember right then you have to get to memria in 12 hours or somthing like that. the rest i dont know.
  4. [QUOTE]Originally posted by Zero-Sama: You can download and watch them!!Go to Team sva zelda and download them!They are awsome!Oh,and they turns into purple energy and dissapear.Oh,and remember in the first game where link could shoot energy out of his sword?He can do it in the cartoon too,exept in a different fasion! [/QUOTE] Couldnt he shot enegy in a link to the past and links awaking? I not sure about links awaking but in link to the past i rember you could do it with the master sword when you had full hearts. And in MM you could do it with the ferice dietys mask on.
  5. Ive only seen a few episodes of Gt when i was visiting my cousins (what they air on Mexican tv is compltly differnt than in the us) at first they said that we shouldnt watch it and it was crap but i convinvced them to wath it but they say that dbz is better than gt.
  6. Cecil


    If i rember right if they hadent then they wouldve lost.
  7. My favorite is Wolf Fang Fist that yamacha uses early in the series.
  8. Well... Ico is kinda like a puzzle game but i will explain the bascis. Theres a kid with horns (Ico) and the people of his village think that he is evil and they have to clease the village with a sacrifice. So they deicied to beary him alive in the Castle. They put him in a coffin and march into the castle. and they beary him. But he comes out and tries to find a way out. So he looks around the castle and he finds this girl that dosent speak the same launuage and thinks that people with deformities (horns in this case) are attractive or something. Anyway you have to take the girl by the hand. and find the way out of the castle. So like i said early that its a puzzle game with really good graphics. Oh... and the girl that you have to help out of the castle you cant understand a word she is saying. Theres more like he uses a 2 by 4 as a wepon but thats about it.
  9. [QUOTE]I agree with most of what's been said here. For those of us who weren't in diapers when the first Zelda was launched, we can all remember the original style. It was all about a young elfin boy who was exploring huge, scary forests and giant gloomy castles. This new Zelda game really captures the essence of what that's all about... Personally, I admit, I was quite shocked when I first saw this game. However, I am starting to understand it. I applaud Miyamoto for having the balls to actually go and change something, and take the series in a fresh new direction. Regardless of how this game looks, I know that it'll play wonderfully. Has Miyamoto ever let us down? No. Simple as that [/QUOTE] lol... i was in diapers when it came out and i still rember it. Just havent played. lol. actually i saw my cousin and uncle play it when i was still a kid. if i rember right it looks like a link to the past cept not so detailed. Dosent look anything like the second one thought right? dang i have a hard time rembering it. But i heard they where going to remake the first one on the gameboy but the idea was scraped cause the whole rooms couldnt fit on the screan. Maybe they will make it on gba and the rooms would fit. But i dont think they plan on doing that.
  10. Yeah i had ove 2000 hp too but i found them in a differnt place than you. They where on the counteinet to the left of the one you start on. (forgot what its called)
  11. [QUOTE] Orginally posted by Final_Flash: Ha ha, I got Lionheart on Disk 1. Before I went to Beling city. And I had the Punishment Gunblade before fighting Ifrit. [/QUOTE] Yeah... i can get the punishment before ifrit to but its hard i like to get it after i beat ifrit that way i can use his card. And to get the lionherat dont you have to be at level 30+ before you get to Galbadia Graden to get it? ... and you spelled deiling wrong. lol.
  12. very interisting... the begging kinda sounds like starwars...
  13. I like the black and orange ones... Are they going to be out on the first day?
  14. So are you looking forward to it... i think it will be one of the greates ps2 titels this year...
  15. [QUOTE] Originally posted by Defcon5 Well mabye thats all I need. But I can't edit posts only mods can. hint hint treble or James[/QUOTE] Umm... you can edit your own posts just click on the edit button on the bottom right corner of the post... or do you mean the polls?
  16. theres 2 ways to get energy crystatl first get 10 elvoret cards then mod them (you need20 cards if you want enough for the lionheart) or fight them... just dont steal from them cause if you do you usally dont get the energy crystal from them (i got the lion heart when the graden was able to move:D )
  17. Yeah dont rush... ive got a freind that rushed so fast that he didnt even no that the girl he liked hated him... i was telling him the whole time but he never belived me... and im the one that was never intrested in relationships...
  18. do you have to buy the gba game and a gcn dvd or whatever there calling them? That would be cool if you only needed a gba cartridge to play...
  19. No offense but that kinda coufused me... did it mean that you could play it on gcn with gba and without a cartidge and/or there is a Animal forest game for both gcn and gba... bleh i think im confusing my self.
  20. When you said younger than the n64 incarnations you where you talking about youger than the 10 year olds in mm and oot or the 17 year old in just about all the other ones? That sounds cool who they plummet like wile coyote... too bad he never caught the road runner... j/k lol...:D
  21. Well i prefer the realistic grabpichs of oot and mm mask but i think the stly is a lot like the older games and since a link to the past is my all time favorite zelda game i dont really mind...
  22. I think the realistic lool of oot and mm are a lot better thn the cartoon... but im open minded about everything and as long as its a good game i dont care...
  23. Im pretty sure space world is in japan... but in not totally sure...
  24. The pic isnt that great but it kinda looks like a upgraded Mario 64... not that i excpected anything differnt tough
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