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Everything posted by Cecil

  1. Cecil: Dang i was gonna cature that mini eden... then i would turn him into a big Eden and then ild have 2 very powerful Gf... Shadow: Squall... are you sure that is Materia... you cant GF capture with Materia... Squall: huh? Shadow: I know more about this than you... and im telling you that you cant Gf capture. Sunstar: That dosent sound good... The Mini Eden suddnly comes out of the ring and goes for a second round of attacks. Cecil: Cool im gonna get my chance to get Eden anyways... and i probebly wont be able to finish the mission cause ill be out again so... im pretty sure you can handly the rest by yourself... Cecil gets ready to GF capture the Eden. He spreads his arms and closes his eyes... Cecil: GF CAPTURE! Mini Eden is captured and is permently Cecils GF along with Gilgamesh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry if i didnt post i just couldnt think of anything good... and i herad the Rahia is on Vaction...
  2. [QUOTE]10? I'm sure it is its 11th birthday this year.... fave game has gotta be super matroid....[/QUOTE] What do you mean 11... im pretty sure it come out in 91 and that was 10 years ago... right?
  3. What is it? i have no clue what your talking bout
  4. Cecil

    ... hey

    [QUOTE] Originally posted by Soft mush: Don't mind Matt D. Lucky, follow you're dream and ROCK ON! They dissed me too . . . But I can FEEL the love from most of them. And if they still diss you : A - They're pree teens. B - They're trying to be "cool". C - They secretly want you, BAD! D - They actually don't like you. But remember, whatever the conclusion, you are you, and the world NEEDS every single person on it. But NEVER fight back, because as a wise man once said "Love thy neighbour" And if your Americian, just buy a gun. (was this a succesful attempt at being wisdom-ish ?) [/QUOTE] lol! if you ask me you being wisdom-ish... but i voted that lucky is a dipstick... just dont make another stupid posts like this (i made one and it kinda started like this one Sorry bout that Matt.D) anyway just dont do it again and dont be stupid like in your posts... at least when im being stupid i can admit it but if you keep on acting like this than you wont get very many freinds... i hope i didnt offend you in any way but its the truth... or at least its my opinion.
  5. ive never been made fun of cause i wathch dragon ball but i guess its cause all my freinds like it to... wait i dont have many freinds oh well
  6. wow... i didnt know that the gba and n64 boxes where so diffent in japan
  7. Cecil

    my fav game

    My favorite games are zelda: link to the past and super mario rpg ive played chrono trigger on the ps but not snes but chrono trigger is really cool and so is chrono chross
  8. Yeah what he said... if you ask me espeon is the most powerful non-legendary phycic pokemon if it didnt take so long to get 5 eevess and the elememtal stones i would have all 5 evoulutions but it takes a long time to hatch eggs
  9. Same thing with celibi (my spelling bad no?)
  10. since when does charmander learn sacred fire? Is that a cheat? bleh i dont like cheaters
  11. In All the final fantasy games ive played ive seen cacturs cept for 4 cause im not far enough i think but it toke a [I]LONG[/I] time to find them in ff7
  12. i wear whats in my closet... which is jeans... kahkis (spelled wrong) T-shirts and some nice multicolor short and long sleved shirts that just button up at the top if their short sleeved if long they just button up all the way... but i hate trendy at my school trendy people (they qusally conider themselves popualar too) are stupid people and i dont like them... i like stuff thats comtroble and fits i hate baggy pants and if i like them and had some my mom would come in while i sleeped and throw them out and i dont like tight stuff...
  13. if you look at my sig than that says something about nightmares... and i have some of those dreams that kinda tell the future but i have know control over them i once dreamt that i moved and how my house was gonna be decorated... and i dream that i was once a little 2 year old playing around but my dreams are weird cause they always turn into nightmares
  14. Ive never played the first zelda but my uncle has he says it really hard and hes never beaten it... says cause the controlls are very bad... now his nes dosent work and i cant play it.... last time i went i was really egar to play it and megaman 6 but it didnt work
  15. Well since i only have 3 ps2 games i post them in the order i like them 1.Dark Cloud 2.Zone of The Enders 2.Fantavision
  16. Well i dont know if its 10 yet but i know it turns 10 this year... but anyway here you can post anything about the snes what was great about it what wasnt... what youre favorite game for it was and stuff like that. The thing i dont like about it it was the last nintendo system to have final fantasy games:mad: and my favorite games are zelda and super mario rpg (which has a dumb name but was a great game)
  17. [QUOTE] Originally posted by kuja: lol... most of top 10 spam... not all but most... make that top 20... but like there are 8 of top 20 who dont spam all that much... most of them are mods... and for a mod to have time to read EVERY post in there forum and still be top 20 w/o spamming is pretty good... but as it has been said before... i dont care what my post count is... it is either under 500 or over 500 that is the only number that matters... and if i take a month to get there... so be it ill take a month to get there... im sure one of the gods... could delete say... 5 threads... and firemac would lose 200 or more posts... and... GD is full of spam... the only reason there is a mod is for when there are porn or dumb **** like that... flaming and stuff... he cant really control the spam... it too hard... thou i think the other boards should control it more [/QUOTE] About everyone in the top 10 spam... I think I dont know about the top 20 tough... im in the top 20 and i only spamed like 15 times unless you count the i say i word you say i word as spam i got a lot more but at least its under the topic.
  18. This kinda looks like a cheap copy of something else on these boards...
  19. [QUOTE] Originally posted by Sephiroth: I would just like to state that if we catch anyone posting like hell just to get their post count up then they will get their post count decreased, this is not a joke....[/QUOTE] What if its not spam or something like that?
  20. Cecil

    Fight Club

    I got a question about the first 2 rules... Do you mean we cant talk about the Fight club out of the fight club or what?
  21. Im gonna refrase my last post. Any one who want me to delet this topic say "Aye"
  22. I dont know if i want to get contacts i think i look crap with out my glasses
  23. [QUOTE] Originally posted by Matt.D: Okay, i'm gonna stop worrying about post counts.....I've been a dumbass arguing with Cecil about post counts....Cecil, if u get more posts than me, Happy Birthday to u. U can find me having fun.[/QUOTE] Yeah... You right we were both being dumbasses... All i wanted was to get 250 posts and i thought maybe this was a good way to get some more. Maybe i should delete this topic to stop the arguing. Any one against it say "Aye"
  24. [QUOTE] Originally posted by Transtic Nerve Can someone please tell me what is the meaning of being the person with the highest post count? Do you think it'll give you some respect? Bah, people who care about post counts are weak.... it's not the quantity of posts you make by the quality.. and if they are all crap posts, then you won't gain any respect from me..... [/QUOTE] You probebly right but i want to get 250 posts today so i can get the next rank and compered to who has the hightest post all my post are are good quality.
  25. No 12 sounds good but i think maybe 11 or 10 sounds better *grr post post post
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