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Everything posted by Cecil

  1. [QUOTE] Originally posted by tori: I named my bonsai tree Moe... it died a long time ago-_-... I have two more tho! Larry and Curly[/QUOTE] Lol!:D The 3 stooges! lol...
  2. [QUOTE] Originally posted by DarkerSephiroth: Hey sephiroth im glad u dont care becouse im gonna take 14 soon[/QUOTE] Yeah gotta be carful with that dont want you to get past me lol. but 14 is as far as you gonna get cause me and Matt.D wont let you lol... Well maybe you can have 13 to but then ild have to be at 12.
  3. [QUOTE] Originally posted by Krillin6913: hey sorry if i offended you man, but most people who like dbz dont like pokemon, u get me?[/QUOTE] It takes alot more than that to offend me i just dont like people to diss other things... but if you dont like it thats fine with me...
  4. [QUOTE] Origanllly posted by Sephiroth: who cares who the top 10 posters are anyway....[/QUOTE] Well someone does cause if they didnt than there you wouldnt be able to see who there are. Actually i made this thread cause i need a few more posts to get to Jr. Member and thats around 250 i think
  5. [QUOTE] Originally posted by Matt .D lol. I'm trying hard to always surpass u.lol[/QUOTE] lol. Dont you mean stay ahead of me? im only ten or so posts below you. *grr post post post* lol.
  6. click on members than top ten posters and if you arent in the top ten click on the differnt pages.
  7. whoops. i thought you said that 2 times my bad:)
  8. [QUOTE] Originally posted by Baby Kiwi: My name is Dianna. I'm named for princess Diana, but my mom wanted my name to be unique so she added an extra n. I dont think I want to change my name, even though I used to when I was little, because it kinda grew on me so now I like it! [/QUOTE] You said that 2 times
  9. If you didnt know you can see who the top ten posters are. And if you arnt one of the top ten you can still see which nunber you are. Im 13 in the top 20 posters what are you? *grr must work hard to pass Matt D. and become no.12
  10. i wear glasses, my dad wears them to and he tried contacts once and he didnt like em but other than that i got no clue what there like
  11. i wanna get that game... 3 Hours!? dang thats long and i thought the ogrebattle 64 tutrial was long... when does it come out again i forgot
  12. There was a zelda cartoon? ive seen a cartoon that has a lot of differnt nintendo characters maybe thats what youre talking about. I think it was called captain-n
  13. [QUOTE]Originally posted by Gohan Enraged: Okay, mines not really a discovery, its just some thing ive always wondered. Why do they call it zelda if practically the whole game is about link? I mean, in the first one zelda's kind of around a lot, but in Majora's Mask, she's only there once and it's just a memory. It's just kinda weird. [/QUOTE] I think there is 2 resons. 1. So people know what the heck it is. 2. More people will probebly buy it cause it say zelda instead of just Majoras Mask so that means more profit:D
  14. huh? Whats up with this guy... well i like pokemon and digimon dragonball and all anime... but if you want to know what my least favorite pokemon is its koffen
  15. My name is (insert in blank) _________. :D Yep thats my name but if you wanna know my real name than theres 2 conditions first you have to beg than i give you a clue and if you guess right i tell you my first name but not my last name. Id be crazy to give you my last name cause there are like only 6 of them in the whole world.
  16. [QUOTE] Originally posted by Transtic Nerve Girls are the most confusing thing to man.....[/QUOTE] lol. You can say that again:D
  17. I thnk that Zidanes strongest weopon is the Oricaleon or some thing like that and Garnets is called the Whales weasker the name arent right but i think those are the strongest... could be wrong though
  18. umm... thats not excatly fair.
  19. Squall and Eden start a battle to end all battles and it seems that Squall is still weaker than Eden. Squall Charges tworade Eden and starts Slashinh Eden Squall: Take this! Eden is alot more nimble than he looks and dodges all of Squall Attacks Eden: Why Squall you seem to have slowed down... Squall: What do you mean? Eden: I think that your sword looks heaveir than it used too... Squall: What it dosent feel any heaveir... Eden: Yet again you prove that you are Foolish... You put all of youre enegry into lifting your sword that you cant hit me any more! HAHAHAHAHAHA Squall: What are you talking about... Sunstar is watching the fight cause it seems that Squall wining. She is standing by Cecil and he seems to have woken up and is watching the fight Sunstar: How long have you been awake? Cecil: Not long... Dang my Vesion is blured cant see whats going on. Shadow: Oh... Youre awake, and Squall is fighting Eden Cecil: Eden!? I thought that i captured him Sunstar: No... He came out and Squall is fighting him but from here it looks like Squall is wearing out... Cecil: What?! Hes fighting Eden! He cant beat him alone! Sunstar: I got a plan... Shadow go help Squall Shadow: Ok *Runs off and helps Squall Sunstar: Heres the plan Cecil we try to Capture it at the Same time! Cecil: Huh? You can do that too? I thought i was the only one that could do that... well ecept for Squall but i think that ring had to do alot with it... Sunstar: Yeah... That is my peoples technolgy... To capture Spirtes or as you call them GFs... Cecil: Huh? But than why can i do it? Sunstar: Cause i think you are one... but you dont act like one... Cecil: It dosent matter! As long as we can beat Eden! Sunstar: Ok but i dont know if this will work. Sunstar and Cecil use Squall and Shadows fighting as a distraction. At the Same time they GF capture Eden and he seems to have split in two and Absorbed him into both their Sprit Stone and Pendent... Cecil/Squall/Shadow: What happened? Sunstar: Well we captured him at the same time so there is 2 mini Edens that we are weak enough to take on at the same time Cecil/Squall/Shadow: Oh... Cecil: I dont feel so good any more... im tired. Cecil sits on floor Sunstar: Try to get you energy back up! Or the Edens will come out. Cecil: Huh? The pendent and spirt stone begin to glow. Sunstar: NO! Get ready for a fight Guys! The Edens come out and start to Atack Cecil: You Sunstar and Shadow take care of one and Me and Gilgamesh take care of the other one! Squall: Why only you and Gilgamesh!? I Dont think thats fair! Cecil: Me and Gilgamesh are as strong as all 3 of you or stronger! We can take care off him! ------------------------------------ ok im done
  20. [QUOTE] Originaly posted by Crazy White Boy: Vulgar language is even more frequent than it was in the fall of '95, the period examined in our first family hour study. Then, there was an average of 0.62 obscenities per hour between 8 and 9 ET; this time, the figure jumped to 0.88. Fox was easily the most foulmouthed network, with more than two obscenities per hour on average. In '95, it took only 1.26 per hour (NBC's figure) to lead the pack. Forty-eight -- exactly one-third -- of the programs contained vulgar language. There were sixty references to sexual intercourse, an average of 0.65 per hour. References to sex outside of marriage outnumbered references to sex within it by a ratio of 3.6 to 1, but that represents an improvement over '95's ratio of 8 to 1. Fox was also the most sexually obsessed network, with 1.06 references per hour. Fox led in '95 as well, with 0.88. Forty-four -- almost 31 percent -- of the programs referred to sex. Only thirty-two percent of program hours were rated G. In other words, even by the permissive standards of the networks, which rate their own shows, less than a third of programming met the definition the G rating states, "suitable for all ages." Of the 86 family-hour shows rated PG, meaning they're supposedly appropriate for everyone except young children, 31 (36 percent) contained sexual references, and 42 (49 percent) included obscenities. [/QUOTE] My answers: Is that pm or am? If its am kids should be at school if its pm than if you care if kids watch it than make them go to bed or go somewhere else like maybe study for a test or something that wont rot there brain. Dont get that one wait i dont get a lot of those oh well :D And about the ratings maybe they just picked the wrong channel or they could just wathch chanels that are for kids only if they care that is Thats about it
  21. You mean the Cacturs? If you do than i beat them dont ask how though
  22. Cecil

    Singles Bar

    *sigh* i still havent got a date at the dating game... i think maybe they think im crazy or something. Maybe if i get drunk i can forget everything that happened... whos the bartender here? Oh well *goes behind counter and finds a beer and gets drunk* i tink maybe i make a crime... i only 12 hehe
  23. Cecil


    [QUOTE]Originally posted by golden_ssj_goku: the last one i played was mmx 4 bc my psx broke a while ago i hope to get ot fixed and play mmx 5 i have wanted to for a long time but i couldent find it[/QUOTE] I know how to fix... Insert it into the nearest trash can and go buy a ps2
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