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Everything posted by Cecil

  1. Youre right i wonder where she is and why are you using the same avitar as me *grr* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Squall Slashes Eden untill he is got gashs all over than he starts to fall and lands on the ground. Squall: You said i couldnt beat you HAHAHAH. Eden: Wait... you are more powerful than me i will join you. Squall: Huh really okay than Squall walks over to Eden Eden: HAHAHAHAHHAA How could you belive that you beat me?! You are a fool! HAHHAHAHAHHAH! Eden blasts Squall out of the Castle and is knocked out Sunstar: Wait Shadow we have to help him! Shadow: We cant we have to complete the mission! Sunstar: NO! W have to help him! Cecil:....snore...snore Eden: Now to get that boy who captured me! I will kill him! HAHAHAHAH
  2. What do you do best? You confused me there maybe you schould right some more.
  3. im i the only person posting... ok im gonna take another turn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They fly towards the Quens chambers and get off at the entrace Squall: Okay now where going to have a talk with the Queen Cecil:.......... Sunstar/Squall/Shadow look at Cecil and notice that he looks like hes not feeling to good Cecil: Too.....ti....ered.... Cecil falls down and his chests starts to glow. Shadow: Whats that? Squall: I think its his pendent... Sunstar: Ohh no... Squall/Shadow: What? Sunstar: Its Eden Shadow: E-who? Squall: Eden, he was the GF that he captured... He said he couldnt hold it for long... Cecil pendents floats out of his shirt and Eden pops out Eden: HAhaHaHAAh... I ToLD You YOu cOulDNT beAT ME HaHAhAha Squall: He sounds strange... Sunstar: He couldnt tame him and now he is confused and twice as powerful... Its still hard to tell what side hes on... ours or the quenns... Shadow: That dosent sound good... Squall: Since when did you become Mrs. Know it all Sunstar: Shut up Squall! HES COMING RIGHT AT US! They all get ready for a fight but Cecil is on the ground and without him they may not be able to win the fight ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now it your turn to post... if you dont maybe you should just let me finish this stroy
  4. [QUOTE] Originaly posted by Dragonballzman: I had the Mythril Dagger on me, which lets you do around 200 damage a hit, and yes, killing the Zaghnol does getyou aload of points, 92 to be exact[/QUOTE] Thats the wepon you had?! I had 2 stronger wepons than the that cant rember 2nd strongest but strongest wepon that i had was the Ogre and with the right buster equipped (beast buster, and bird buster) I think i did about 300-350 damge. And if you will with vivi i think you get a card and if freya i think you get some kinda shoes or something like that
  5. I guess i was wrong about it being in the uk but the original Australlians were british pirisoners if you dont count the natives that is
  6. I have only seen Tenchi Muyo and the begging of Tenchi univers but what i saw i didnt like but Tenchi Muyo was my favorite even though that the first few episodes didnt have action
  7. Sasami is my favorite i dont know why tough. And my least favorite is Ayeka she yell alot
  8. Im pretty sure i won with 290-300 and i think if you have the right wepon you can kill all the enimes cept that big guy with 1 hit
  9. No its not a dissipinotment and i dont care if the games are kiddie ive played all the games you named except Conkers bad fur day only reason is cause im too youge and the warning scares off my parents. The only thing wrong was the lack of good rpg games cause the only ones that i thoght were good were the 2 zelda games i played quest put i though it was crap
  10. Lol. Who voted for whats a guurl? That would be cool to see a super sayian girl *counts how many sayian girls there are... 2? Oh yeah pan and bra... I mean it would be cool to see pan go super sayian
  11. I dont think she does. If you win you get payed some gill than you go to the part where everyone falls asleep and Garnet and Rusty run away. and i think i had like 300 points or something
  12. Your right the Quality is very bad but the box art looks cool at first i couldnt tell what games they where but with a better look i could
  13. [QUOTE] Originally posted by Treble: August 25, Thats when i come back to School.[/QUOTE] Huh? Isnt that Saturday?
  14. I start School on aug. 27 NOOOOOOOOOOO
  15. [QUOTE] Originaly posted By James: What a lot of people don't know, is that Nintendo was experimenting with networking even before the days of the SNES. [/QUOTE] I think i heard that from a cousin of mine but i was like 5 and i didnt know what in the world he was talking about... they also had a satilite thing where you could download some intresting stuff. I think you could get like an F-zero 2 and stuff like that.
  16. [QUOTE] Originaly posted by James: Dreamcast costs the same as a GBA...and in some cases, the games are even cheaper. Even if you bought a DC and two games...you wouldn't be wasting your money. But I understand that not everyone can save up and buy all these consoles...that's totally understandable. I'm just saying that people shouldn't pass over Dreamcast so easily, if everyone knew how great it was, it'd be the most successful console of the current generation without a doubt. [/QUOTE] I guess your right about the money not being a waste i could just buy Marevel vrs. Capcom2 and PSO and it wouldnt be waste. But i plan on buying GCN two games for it and ffX and thats a good amount over 300 dollars and im not the greatest money maker in the world. and but the time i have enough money to buy the DC a game and whatever else i need it would probebly be hard to find and where i live the Seciction of DC games are small right now and buy than i would be suprised if i could get anything at all
  17. Today i was looking through some of my magazines and saw that the sness had a modem but it wasnt a great succes... just thought you might want to know
  18. Illed get a dream cast but there is 3 resons i dont 1. Dont got enough money to buy it (Saving up for GCN) 2. If i do my mom would get really P.O (she already is cause i said im gonna bye GCN she always says that i got enough games already you already got ps2 why do you want more blah blah blah 3. If i did buy it i would probebly only get a few games than it would be a waste of my money *sigh i wish i was old enough to get a job
  19. thats a lot of pets i had 1. 4 birds (2 died and we had to give the 2 away when we moved 2. A turtle that died a slow painful death:( cant rember their names though
  20. Cecil


    I hope there will be a sequal i was kinda thinking maybe you could have the same jehuty and be on mars and destroy whatever it is without selfdistracting, but thats probebly not going to happen
  21. HAPPT B DAY (i feel like im spamming)
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