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Everything posted by Cecil
Its a cool pic [I]looks at pic agian and trys to figure out what it is[/I]
i played some of wild arms and i never played bof3 but if i could i would and i heared capcom plans on relesing bof on gba and im gonna get it if they do
Huh? I dont rember you sighning up... oh well the more the merrier ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cecil: We got to see what the quenn is up to but mr smarty pants over there donest know what to do when we get there Shadow: Its good to see some things dont change Cecil: :confused: Squall: :mad: Shadow: Squall knows what im talking about... Sunstar: HAHAH! this is funny! Cecil: Huh you know whats going on im confused... Sunstar: You would be! Cecil: Oh well... lets go visit the Quenn
Cecil: Where are we going? Squall: To pay a visit to the quenn Sunstar: Whats the plan? Squall: Ill tell you when we get there Sunstar/Cecil: :rolleyes:
Cecil looks at the passed out Squall Cecil: And i thought capturing eden was tiring. Sunstar: Yes it is very tiring useing gf capture but Laporins dont get to tired doing it but humans pass out doing it. Cecil: Huh? Im human but i havent passed out when i capture my gfs. Sunstar: Well...umm... youre just speical. Cecil: What do you mean by special Sunstar: Nothing... Cecil decides to ignore Sunstar and think of a way to help Squall Cecil: Bahamut are you still there? Bahamut: Yes i am. May i be of service? Cecil: Could you take him back to Graden? Bahumut: Yes... Cecil: Sunstar what are we suposed to do when we reach the quenn? Sunstar: Im not sure right now but lets think about that when we get there? Cecil: ok:rolleyes: Squall wakes up in the infarmery of balamb garden wondering what happened
Cecil: O... its odin... dang hes week Squall: Huh? Yeah thats cause you got Eden. Cecil: Umm... Squall if i summon Eden he will get lose then i will have to capture him again and that is very tiring... im having a hard enough time trying to tame him. Sunstar::rolleyes: Squall: huh? ok Cecil: You know nothing about my pendent Gilgamesh... oh wait i dont need you... Cecil uses hes magic Zentetsuken. Cecil: Here some of your own medicene. Zantetsuken Cecil cuts odin in half and he falls like paper Squall: These idiots they used there strongest guards first and put the weeker ones later. They know nothing about defending the Castle Sunstar: I wouldnt be to sure Squall i dot think there that stupid Cecil: Dont look now but i see something i cant handle. Squall/Sunstar: Whats that? Cecil: Doomtrain... -------------------------------------------------- Hey safer cloud dont you think its been a while since Raiha posted maybe she abondend us.
[QUOTE] Originally posted by Treble: Yeah when you play Castlevania ya might need a Worm Light cause when I played it it was pretty dark.It does get hard sometime the game is pretty long to complete.But other than that Castlevania is a good game.Maybe you can wait a couple more days till you see Mario Kart Super Circuit it'll be a great racing game.But if you wanna get a game right away I think Tony Hawk Pro Skater is good.[/QUOTE] I had to use a wormlight to and a lamp to see. Mario Krat isnt very hard to strat (Thats the way with all the Krat racer) but im sure it gets harder latter
Cecil: AHHHH... GILGAMESH we need your help! Gilgamesh: Yes master Cecil: You heard me we need your help! Sunstar: Levithon help us out too! Levithon pops up Squall: Come on Bahamut use mega flare again! Bahumut flys up high and lauches his mega flare but it seems that it has no effect Eden: HAHAHAHAH none of your useless attacks can stop me! Levithon: Take this Tidal Wave Eden! Sunstar: Great job Levithon but dont attack again or you will drown all the inecent people! Levithon: Yes mistress. Levithon soars back into the spirt stone Cecil: Come on Gilgamesh its up to us! Gilgamesh: Yes master Gilgamesh/Cecil: Double MASAMUNE Gilgamesh draws the Masamune and Cecil gets his Lionheart ready. At the same time they go rushing towards Eden they jump high and come slashing down cutting Eden in half Sunstar/Squall::eek: :eek: :eek: Sunstar: maybe your right you are the strongest on [I]this[/I] World but not mine Squall: Impossible! Eden: HAHAHAHAH! i told you couldent defeat me! Eden puts himself togeter again and is barely hurt Cecil/Squall/Sunstar: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Cecil: This isnt the end Eden! I still have 1 trick up my sleves! Cecil spreads his arms and and closes his eyes much like he dose when he summons gigamesh and his pendent flots out of his shirt. an arua starts to collect around Cecil Cecil: GF CAPTURE! Cecil pendent starts to glow and eden starts to shrink and he is absord into the pendent. Squall/Sunstar: you... beat... him! Cecil: *pant* Yeah its the same way i captured Gilgamesh years ago... but its not gonna a last that long Squall: But Gilgamesh has been with you for years? Cecil: A few resons 1. Gilgamesh and me have alot in comman so it was easy for me to capture him 2. Eden is a lot more powerful than him. Squall okay than lets hurry and complete the mission! Sunstar is in utter shock at the events that just happend. Sunstar: how is that possible! I thought only my people had that power! Sunstar runs to catch up with Squall and Cecil Sunstar: Cecil can i see your pendent? Cecil: Yeah but hurry! Sunstar examins the pendent very quitly Cecil: So? Sunstar: Ahh... its nothing
luigi walks up to the door and starts puching it but it wont open. Then he knoks... BWHAHAH a ghosts goes striaight though a door. AHHHHHH scremed Luigi he sitchs on his flashlights vacumm and sucks the ghosts into the bag. Mamamia it works, but i cant get in though the door *sigh* i need to find another way in he walks around the dark courtyard... ---------------- too bad other people arnt posting
[QUOTE] Originally posted by peppermint: Umm.... that fat ugly queen isn't Garnet (dagger's)'s mother.. What happened was that she is a summoner like Eiko, and her REAL mother, and her were running away from something.. I forgot what, but they were on a boat, and there was a huge storm... when the storm was over.. her mother was dead, and Garnet floated to the shore (in the boat). The ugly king and queen found her, and since their own daughter died... Garnet replaced her, and became the princess.... I think that's how it goes.... Umm.. oh well.. this will just have to do then![/QUOTE] this might be a spioler... that thing was the airship invincible and how do you know the king is ugly? you never see him cause hes dead
Cecil summons Gilgamesh All the people: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Man: First theres a flying girl than some guy on a giant dragon and now this! Gilgamash: Yes, master. Cecil: Throw me towords that dragon! Gilgamesh: Yes master. *Draws masamune and Cecil climbs abord. Gilgamesh throws sword at Bahamut. Cecil jumps of sword with perfect timing and lands behind squall.* Squall: Hey what are you doing here! Get your own ride! Cecil: So much for the quiet treatment now where gonna have to fight our way though the Castle! Cecil throws fake card away and Squall does the same Squall: Im gonna get Sunstar its all her fault. Cecil: yeah after that flying good for nothing... grumble grumble. Squall: Huh? Cecil: Ahh... nothing
if you ask me than i say it sucks, but if you were to replace entei with houndoom, mewtwo with espeon, and zapdos with jolteon. I say this cause its to easy to win with legendary pokemon. and you have to many thunder attacks if you give starmie ice beam then it would be a good team. but the acttacks you have now are well chosen cept for starmies
I dont have a favorite part its all very close but if you made me chose is say when piccolo fought andriod 17.
whats your favorite? mine is the super gamboy
[QUOTE] Originally posted RicoTranzrig: I think so...it just looked diffrent and I was wondering if the insides were diffrent too, or was it just another plan to make more profits...[/QUOTE] It was just a remake of snes i was going to get one but i decided it was cheper to keep the old one which is still in perfect condition (too bad i cant say the same thing about the controllers) and buy a n64
happy birtday Will2x and AlmightSSJ4 (i feel like im spaming but that not so, this is an easy way to get your post count up)
My current favorite right now is the ps2 but when it comes out gamecube will be my favorite i think. but my alll time favorite is snes
:) thanks for posting i thought nobody would for a little while Up ahead Luigi saw one of the Castles towers around the tower the storm clouds were getting draker and draker. he turned on his flashlight so he could see and countined up the dark path to the castle. there he found an strange looking guard. "Hello?" said the guard. "Mamammia! you scared me!" he yelped. The Guard said "Who are you?" "Its a me! Luigi" "Ah yes we are excpecting you. You may pass" luigi goes though the gates and thinks that they wernt excepting me and that and kinda looks the dark image in the forest...
Cecil: Where to next Squall? Squall: The Castle. Cecil: Wont we find Guardes thier? Sunstar: Dont worry ive got it all taken care of. Sunstar hands out fake ids to everyone Cecil: WHAT!? My name is Bob what kinda lame name is that? Sunstar: SHH! everyone is going to hear you. Squall::rolleyes: Cecil: What name do you got Squall? Squll Lookes at card "My name is...Jerry? You come up with lousy names Sunstar" Cecil and Squall hit Sunstar upside the head Sunstar: Hey what you hit me For! Squall/Cecil: You gave us crap names! Cecil: Yeah and shes got the good name right Squall? Squall: Yeah. i bet a million gil that shes got a good name. Squall tries to get Sunstars fake id card but she pulls it out of the way Squall: Whats your name?! Sunstar: Thats for me to know and for you to find out. :p
I think its diffently worth the money. Two of the best rpgs of all time... upgraded... and 20 bucks a piece. Which if i rember corectly is cheaper than it originally was. and you could kinda play 2 players in ff9. each player takes controll of a chracter. my brother made me play with him cause he couldnt beat one of the boss and we still couldnt beat him. i didnt thick its a good system its a lot easier playing by your self
Cecil: You better stop smirking cause im gonna get there before you! Sunstar: Yeah right Cecil: Your right, im right and im not getting a ride on and airship *sigh* was gonna be my first time to. Cecil spereds arms above head and shusts eyes Cecil: GILGAMESH! I SUMMON YOU! Suddendly a huge odd human like creature with a few too many swords and arms pops up right behind Cecil Gilgamesh: You called Master? Cecil: Yeah and i need to get to Alexandria asap! Gilgamesh: And how do you wish me to go about this master? Sunstar/Squall: HAHAHAH! he dosent even know what to do! HAHAHAH! Cecil: Yeah just watch this. Gilgamesh draw the masamune. Gilgamesh draws a huge sword. Cecil hopes up on it and waves to Squall and Sunstone Cecil: Okay... Throw the masamune to alexandria. Bye guys! Gilgamesh hurls the sword out of sight and Sunstar and Squall are left behind. Sunstone/Squall: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Sunstone: Hey hes gonna beat me! Bye Squall! Squall: :eek: :eek: Squall Boards airship and is last to arive in Alexandria
Cecil cools down some and starts acting "normal" for a little whlie Cecil: I dont think im a man yet a just turn 13, so how do teens act on your planet? So how are we gonna get to Alexandria? Train, Boat, Car, Ariship? Squall: The fastest way. by airship. Cecil: Really? Thats my first time on a airship! Sunstar: You ask a lot a questions and on my planet teens act... (thats for you to decide.)
i think its a good idea to have a fresh start but thats me cause i already reached my old post count (i think)
Cecil: Thats a nice little sprit stone... but i got this... Cecil pulls out thing attached to his necklace out of his shirt Sunstar: Thats just a pendent... Cecil: JUST A PENDENT! This "pendent" gives me the Legendry powers of the Gilgamesh. Hes the strongest GF there is espically in the hands of a great swordsmen. And i always knew the quenn was i little crazy in the head. Squall: I think we heat him a little to hard in the head... Sunstar: I think so too... Cecil: WHAT! youre just jealus cause i got the strongest GF in the world. Squall: Youre crazy Cecil: *grumble*