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Everything posted by Cecil

  1. How old are you? Just wondering. You're cute stardust.
  2. You're in the shadows and it's kinda hard to see you. Did you shorten your sig? I think It looks shorter.
  3. Woah, that is nothing like what I imagined you at all. I imagined you like a friend of mine just a little older. Oh well, I don't think that pic does you justice.
  4. You heard of it? Nintendo annouced that they would be handing out free CDs with previews of games and stuff like that near lauch. Well, I just got it and firist thing when I opened it up is that it was a mini-cd! I was shocked at how small they where, I'm pretty sure it was the same size as the real minidvd's but I haven't masured it so I don't know. The content on the cd wasn't really that great and when I put the cd back in it's case and examined it more I was pretty sure it was the actual size of the gamecube! The only thing it was missing is that it wasn't 3D. So yeah...
  5. lol, Me a turtle. It's been a real long time since I last saw a bugs cartoon. Lotus you not ugly, you're cute!
  6. That's what I thought, but how do you get an earing while you are sleeping for 7 years?
  7. Here goes NA finding some old post again lol. I haven't actually seen the controller yet which sucks and isn't my fault but one thing I noticed from some pics is that the A button is actually more of a teal color than a green. Also the D-pad kinda looks like the GBA one, wether it is the same size I will have to see...
  8. Well, it won't be here on the 18th but I plan on getting: Console Can't decide which color. Star Wars Rouge leader Here's where I can't decide. Should I get Luigis Mansion or Super Monkery Ball? I want to have a solid multiplayer game off the get go, but I also really want to see nintendo's lauch title which is always great. 1 controller: Spice or Indigo/black. Depends on which system I get. Memory Card That's it but hopefull I will get a lot of money for my b-day (Nov. 27. I'm turing 13 Yay!) Last year I got 50$ from my dear old granny.
  9. "Quick! Whats the number to 911!?" That's a good idea for the guy and you need to find some help for your friend, if you think she needs it of course. But the way I'm reading it it sounds like she does.
  10. Cool site Adam. The poems load EXTREMLY fast, although the only thing about it is I don't like the orange background.
  11. Geese, my picture comes to haunt me in a thread about pics that I haven't even posted in! What's up with that... oh well I will post it again. A lot of people here don't look like I imagine them, altough I imagine Krillien as a short bald man... There's a lot of hot/cute people on these boards...
  12. Actually shouldn't the problem be this X>Y? It would work the same and you would get the same answer. I'm in pre-algabra and I find it to be Soooooo easy. Well, at least my Math teacher let's us work on algabra for extra credit.
  13. What? Link doesn't have an earing in Majoras Mask, or doesn he?
  14. I get gifts but I never ask for them, my parents always ask me what I want. We celebrate it by eating a big dinner, usually something exotic or something. We don't have turkey because we just had some for thanksgiving. Last year I had tacos for christmas eve dinner and breaded shrimp for Christmas.
  15. You right mornigndew, he didn't make it up in his head. He made it up using his head and a pencil and a sheat of paper (or a computer).
  16. He probably made this up in his head. It might be right or it might not. It looks right to me though. Although I think there is something wrong with 4. Everything before this was before I read moriningdews post.
  17. With my n64 I was reaching about 40, I have about 20 for the super ness, and a buch that I either lost or don't play for all gameboy systems. Over all I probably have aroud a 100 games *goes and counts* Ok here are exactly how many games I have, not counting superness and gameboy color and normal gameboy games. N64 33 GBA 5 PS1 20 PS2 5 Well I know for sure that I have 15 GB/C and pretty close to twenty snes. The grand total is 78, not counting snes and the a good amount of gb games.
  18. I've played Lunar 2, but not the firist one, I heard it was coming out on the GBA too.
  19. Out of those I like Capcom, Square, and Nintendo. I like nintendo the best though.
  20. It would be cool if the GCN could be backwards compatible with the n64. It's getting old and is starting not to work that work that well. I think there is no point in having cartidges any more, the dvds hold more and the loading time is just about as fast now.
  21. Um -_-: ok this thread is a little weird but ok. 1.no 2. probably 3. I posted a thread about my pic but here it is again.
  22. :( :bawl: It's not fair :bawl: It's not coming out here till christmas:bawl: Good review by the way. I wish they had the cube clubs here in england.
  23. Are you talking about *points to bottom of Rico's sig*? Well, I can't give you much advice since the biggest betrayel in my life is *thinks* umm, I can't thing of it. Oh well, my time will come.Err... just do what everyone else says, I'm sure its good advice.
  24. Your dad shouldn't have said that... oookkkkkkk..... I the kinda guy that doesn't beleive it till he sees it so you will have a very hard time convincing me that magic is real over the internet. Although it would be cool to have some kind of power.
  25. I like to read Tom Clany, harry potter, and a lot of other books. I like to read. (Thats what this topic is about isn't it?)
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