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Everything posted by Cecil

  1. If I didn't like mexican food than over half of my family would thik I was crazy. After all I am half mexican.
  2. ... I eat tacos and chinese food... yumm...
  3. I didn't know I was so... cute? So far there has been at least three people from this board that have thought I was a girl. I guess final fantasy 2/4 wasn't that popular of a game. I even had a Cecil avatar and before that I had a Tidus avatar, but there are still people that think I'm a girl. Why?
  4. I just found out that today that the GCN won't released here until near Christmas so I was wondering if any of you know if there was a good site where I could find one. Or is it even worth it and should just wait for it to be released?
  5. I really hope this game turns out the way it's supposed to. There is only a few RPGs on any of the GBs. The only good ones I've played are the zelda ones. Come to think of it they are the only GB games that I've played that are RPGs,
  6. Well, in the end you can do what you want, but I think that a good friendship is better than a wasted relationship.
  7. [QUOTE]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh: [B]cecil, you probably get lots of women.[/B] [/QUOTE] ROTFLMAO! You're kidding! I've never even been out on a date before! The girls hate me and they think I'm ugly! Why I don't know:confused: :( :bawl:
  8. I've been to every room that I can. I think I need the lv2 switch shot to solve most of these puzzles. Do you need to go the past? I'll try it.
  9. Lol, I live in England. I'm pretty sure that you live in the states. And when I move back, I'm moving to the southwestern part of it. BTW BabyGirl, I have been know to have better math skill than the most advaced 8th graders, but I'm only a year below them so it isn't that big of a deal. I honestly think that I don't look like Harry Potter either, but if you all insist.
  10. Well, I don't actually see the point in dating right now (for me), Realtionships can turn at the drop of a hat for any reason. I'm not getting into anything If I know it ends by the end of the day. I'm not joking either. That's happened to a friend of mine. And there's no point if they see nothing in you.
  11. I don't think they would give me a free ticket to a movie just cause I look like Harry Potter. Anyways I don't think they would take the ticket I'ld send you at your movie theater so... yeah. I understood the second part though
  12. Sorry Dew, You need to reprase your last post or something. I don't understand what you meant. My answer to your question right now would be I don't know.
  13. Ugg... I need some help getting thourgh this guys stupid belly(ooa). The only chests I have found are the ones with the compass and the map. Please don't post to much unessicary info, I don't want the game ruined.
  14. *Hands a autograpgh to Duo* Ok, there enogh for everyone! You don't have to run me over! lol. HP
  15. Dew, of course I look better in this pic, I'm also 4 years older than I was in it. (I'm talking about a really old pic that I put up a litttle while ago). YAY! People think I'm cute and adorable, the only other people that tell me that are my mom and my grandparents :rolleyes:. HP lol.
  16. Skin anthrax isn't that bad right, cause if it was it wouldn't be that funny. Well, I don't know about the UK, but American law says that you are innocent untill proving guilty. Theu can't penalize him if he hasn't been to court. LM, try to concinece your brother to go into the Air Force (perafble)or the Navy. Try to get him to stay away from the Marines and the Army. Those two are the safer military organazations (AF and Navy), but if you can try to make him stay out of the military althogther. PM me if you want more details.
  17. Harry Potter, huh? Well, I am 12, thats pretty young, right? I thought I was getting to get a buch of replies that said I was either cute or ugly. Well, saying I look like Harry Potter is better than getting a you ugly. Which I've heard at school before.
  18. Or not, anyways I'm going to post a pic of me! How odd... Anyways... I don't know. How do you think I look? BTW RN are my Intials.
  19. I see it two ways both the high and low class are good and both are bad, but I hate to divide people into classes. If you are the high end of the spectrum (cool) the good thing is that you don't have to worry about being picked on. The bad thing is (I'm talking about while you are still in school) they will usually turn out to be spoilied and immature. The other end (losers) are the ones that are picked on, but in the end they are better. Me? I'm more of a loner, and spend large chucks of times, with no one, and when I need to, I come in and talk to both groups. The good thing about my school, is that there isn't really classes, that probably comes from it being the military schooling system, but at the end of the year I move back to the states and go back to good old American highschool. I think that the cool people are stupid and the "loser" are a lot smarter than them.
  20. I couldn't really tell you since I've never been in a realtionship, but juding from that I think I would prefer a steady realtonship. Honestly I think most girls don't like me. Well, at least I know that they don't hate me. Also the girls that I like are the same one my best friend likes, and we have a lot in common. He is my best friend and my biggest Rival at the same time. I find it disturbing knowing that all the girls like him and not me though.
  21. Yeah, the first one really does suck, but the second one was my second free hand drawing I've ever done. (When I say free hand I mean there wasn't a picture in front of my face when I drew it.) Hey Shadow Gohan, I'm only 12! lol. BTW why was this moved? I was only stating the improvement that I've made, it just so happens that both the Drawing are from Dragon ball.
  22. I beat it in 47 hours, I think you are forced to be able to get all of Garnet/Daggers execpt for Odin and Ark (guy you get from Pumice) I thought that game was easy, the ending was pretty cool though.
  23. I was digging though my draws and found this old folder that I put my art in when I was around 10, I found like the first drawing I ever did, it was of Gohan, and I copied it so it wasn't free hand. Next to it was one I did today (I'm 12 now) free hand of Goku ssj4. I have improved alot since my first drawing, no?
  24. My opinious are going to contradict each other but here goes. Censoring isn't the problem, it's the parents that are. You know what I was spoiled like hell when I turned 5, but you know what, the first 5 years of my life my parents only gave me what was neccesary, and if they felt nice they would give me something but they would never give me what I asked for. How many of you have walked into a store and saw a kid around the age of 2 or 3 yelling and screaming something alongs the lines of this, "MMMOOMMMMYYYY, I WANT IT I WANT IT IWANTITIWANTIT!" and their parents give what they want because they can't stand it anymore. I feel sickened knowing that their parents spoiled them at such a young age. There's what I think about spoiled brats but this topic is about censoring, now lets move on. You know what? I can honestly say that I have never seen any porno that wasn't either on the walls of an art gallery, or a drawing in my Mom's portfloio. Also my mom always told me this at a younger age, "Why should you be ashamed of a naked body? It's natural, and everybody has one." When you are 8 this knowledge may seem a little weird but it's true. I don't think their is a problem with porno on the tv, I haven't actually seen much, (I'm only 12 though). But when there is naked or half naked or whatever people on the tv, it's probably just their to get some teenager horny, this isn't nessecary, and they could clip out the whole fram with it in it, but they censor it because it isn't nessicary. Also American culture says that naked bodys are bad and naughty and should be covered up. Whtich is partly ture, I mean I don't think it would actually feel right if I was five years old and I saw a whole buch of naked people on the tv screen but nakedness isn't bad. Now censoring swearing. This is basically like the last bit, and I can't think of much to type. I think that swears don't have a point other to insult people, last time I checked insults are bad, I don't like swearing and it isn't nessicary, and it's not like they are going to lose money if they take out some swearing. Hmm... I think the main reason their is censor ship is to protect kids, but PROTECT THEM FROM WHAT!? Themselves!? I mean parents have to teach their kids intergity, so they know what is right and isn't and they won't sit their watching something they shouldn't be watching, which ruins the fun for the people that are good parents are old enough to understand that what's being censored dosn't affect you at all. Woah, I typed a lot.
  25. Ahh... I was borne, in San Fransico, I moved to Alabama in 89, than I moved to Panama 91, than I moved to San Antino in 94, then I moved to a small town in New Mexico in 96, than I moved to Bright and Sunny England (yeah right) in 99. My ansestors in my Dad's side originally came from Germany, who Imirated to Russia who than Imiratted to the US, aroud the late 1800s or early 1900s. On my mom's side they are Mexicans mostly of Europian descent, (I mean Spain), and there are a few indains that must have married into the family. Very diffent in Contrast from your Family history James lol.
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